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that most people associate with sports betting and provides and investment ... in Canada, my main focus was on hockey at the time as that was the sport that I.
SPORTS INVESTING SECRETS “HOW TO TURN $1,000 INTO $1,024,000 IN LESS THAN 5 YEARS BETTING ON SPORTS … AND THAT IS BEING CONSERVATIVE” www.1stopsportsinvestors.com DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion systems based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This ebook is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern sports betting or other business practices in your country and state.

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Before we get started ….

"Want To Learn How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake In Sports Betting?" "This Free 2 Minute Video Reveals The Single Error That Costs Bettors Thousands Of Dollars A Year And How You Can Avoid Falling Into The Same Trap."


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FORWARD I would first like to start off by thanking you for taking the time to read my ebook. Although it was given away for free, please do not make the mistake of thinking that the information inside is not valuable. Once you have finished reading this ebook you will have the knowledge and game plan to start accumulating wealth through sports investing. Then it will be all up to you. If you choose to take action then you will reap the rewards. If you choose to do nothing then don’t expect miracles. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform you of the wonderful possibilities that sports investing can offer as an alternative to conventional ways we have learned about investing. (ie mutual funds, bonds, stocks, real estate etc...). Apart from showing you the great money potential, it will also discuss the amount of time that you can get back to do the things that you really want to do. This may be even more important to some of you, but I feel that a combo of great wealth and freedom of time to be the ultimate combination. I have used the word investing instead of Betting or wagering for a reason. When done properly with a specific plan it eliminates the gamble and risk that most people associate with sports betting and provides and investment vehicle for incredible returns month after month and year after year. You will soon learn to stop gambling and betting and start growing you wealth one game at a time. My goal for you by the end of this ebook is to open up your eyes and too see the realities of this industry and to see the enormous wealth potential and possibilities. I’ve tried to cover as much information here to help you get started as quickly and risk free as possible. So grab yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. It’s time to get EXCITED!!!!

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INTRODUCTION Who am I? Let me introduce myself. My name is Shawn and I have been betting on sports for over 18 years now and only recently in the last 2 years been investing. Now I know some of you are saying to yourself what’s the difference? But there is a huge difference and once you finish reading this ebook you will see why. My first taste of sports betting started back when I was 16 when the government introduced a sports picking lottery which allowed anyone to pick between 3 – 6 teams and you would win based on a pay scale. Some of you are probably familiar with this, but those who are not it’s like playing a 3 – 6 game parlay, but with far worse odds then traditional or online bookmakers. Since I live in Canada, my main focus was on hockey at the time as that was the sport that I mainly followed. Ironically now, even being from Canada I really don’t watch much hockey, but prefer NFL and NCAA football. Go figure! Anyways I enjoyed picking the games and laying out my $2 with a chance to win $10 - $50 depending on the amount of games I chose, but rarely made any money and was an overall loser. I never really took it that seriously and really treated it as a form of entertainment for several years. Then one day I was reading the USA today and stumbled upon a small Display ad in the sports section that read “Guaranteed Thursday Night Football Winner – Side & Total. Call now and get it Absolutely Free”. I was like, what is this? Is this possible? A Guaranteed winner? How could they possibly make that claim if it wasn’t true? ( I know some of you are laughing at me and I don’t blame you, but at the time I was very naïve). I’m sure I’m not the only one : ) Anyways I called them up to take them up on their FREE offer and reached some hotshot sales guy that asked me some questions to feel me out. What turned out to be Free was me sending him $100 to open an account with them and then I ended up depositing $100 into a sports book online that they recommended to get started. He told me to call him back on Saturday as they had their “NCAA College Game of the Year”. I called back on Saturday and they gave me the play. I bet $25 of my $100 (Not recommended to use 25% of your bankroll on one game, but more on that later) and it won. I just remember how happy I was after the game. I was thinking to All Rights Reserved 2009 – www.1stopsportsinvestors.com

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myself, I have finally found away to make money and once I billed up my bankroll I can quit my job and do this full time. (Again I can hear you laughing at me). Needless to say I was hooked. I continued to play their picks and guess what? They didn’t win them all like I had anticipated. I ended up losing my entire $100. Then the wise guy called me and said that this never really happens and to make another deposit in my sportsbook account and they would provide me picks from their elite private club and I would only pay them after they won. Again I was like … Well they can’t make money off me if they don’t win right? Oh Boy was I wrong. To make a long story short I tried several other tipping services through out the following years and lost a bunch of money. I remember I had followed one service and had gotten reeled in on their preseason Super Lock and that this was a 30 unit play. At the time I was betting $50 units so I was to bet $1500 on the game. They offered a pay only after it wins option of $150 so I chose that and laid $1000 on this game. At the time this was the biggest wager I had ever made on any 1 sporting event and needless to say I was very uncomfortable right after I had made it. I remember talking to the guy on the phone who was talking as if it couldn’t lose and he actually said “ Put a Million on the game, I don’t care. It can’t lose” Well needless to say #$%^&*. Some of you may have experienced this before and some may have not, but I don’t recommend it. This was an expensive lesson, but I guess one that I had to go through to get to where I am today. From that day forward I was never fooled again about “10 Star Super Locks” or “Game of the Decade” blah blah blah … Bottom line is that any team can win and there are no guarantees. I learned this the hard way so hopefully you won’t have to. So why do 98% of all sports bettors fail to make any money? Usually it’s a combination of several things and all of which I was guilty of doing in the past:

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1) Lack of discipline – Have you ever bet on a game because it was on TV? What about Betting on your favorite team? 2) Bankroll Management – This is a lock I’m going to bet my full bankroll .. It can’t lose 3) Betting with Your Heart – Wagering on a hunch when the numbers are clearly going the other way. 4) Not taking the time to do their homework. There is a lot of information that can be found before making a play. Most people just don’t take the time to properly analyze 5) Not selective Enough – Always want action just for the sake of betting I’ll admit it, I was guilty of all of them. I’m sure you can see yourself in a few of the examples as well, but the best part is that this can be changed once you are done with this ebook. So Let’s Get started…..

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CHAPTER 1 – The Why , What & Want? Before you can create wealth and freedom from any investment venture you need to know the Why? Napoleon Hill the author of Think and Grow Rich coined the concept of Definite Major Purpose (DMP). Basically it’s the idea that you need to define what you lifetime goal is. As silly as it sounds, when you have specific goals or aspirations it is much easier to get there as you can see the finish line. When I first read the book Think & Grow Rich, I honestly can say I could not answer this question. As simple as it sounds, it is really quite difficult because the majority of people haven’t given it much thought. I hear people all of the time saying “I wish I had more money” or “I wish I had more time” but when you ask them Why they want more money or what they would do with more time, they draw a blank. Here’s an exercise that you can do that may help in defining your DMP. Once that is defined then you have an target to shoot for and can start building a plan to achieve it. Take 5 minutes and answer the questions below. I know you are thinking this is just a waste of time, but it’s really not. When you have your goals down on paper in writing, they become much more real and attainable. 1) If you had 10 Million dollars in the bank and money was not an issue what would you do with your time? 2) If you didn’t have to go to your job what would you do with yourself? Hobbies , Passions? 3) Once I create wealth, what good can I do for others? Who would I help? 4) What have I always wanted to do, but haven’t due to money or time constraints? Not as easy as it sounds, right? I remember when I did this exercise for the first time it wasn’t obvious either. We get so caught up in our day to day lives of going to work etc … we don’t think of the things that we would or should be doing instead. So keep these answers close to you and review them regularly. It will help keep you focused on what you are trying to accomplish.

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Chapter 2 – Stop Working for Money – It’s time to have Money Start working for you Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying for everyone to go out and quit their jobs today, because we all need money to live, but it’s time to start looking at alternative ways then just going to work. In the great book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki he talks about how he had two dads. One rich one that didn’t have much schooling and one poor one that was very well educated. If you have already ready it , then you will probably agree with me that it really opens up your eyes on the concept of money. If you haven’t then I highly suggest grabbing a copy as it’s well worth it. Basically the idea from the book is that the majority of people trade time for money in a form of a job. Unfortunately most of us are living pay check to pay check and don’t really have the time or money to building passive income. We all know that the economy is really hurting right now and your job may not be as secure as you think. Even if there are no layoffs there is a possibility of outsourcing to other countries to reduce costs. The only real person that you can count on is yourself, so it’s time that you looked at creating additional income streams in case your job is not there in the future. Don’t worry I was in the same boat, but found that sports investing offered an alternative. I will get to that later on in the rest of this ebook. Even if you keep your job working the long hours, commuting and traffic really drains on you. Below is an example of a typical day for me when I was working a 9 – 5 job:

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4:45am Wake up – Get Ready and leave for the Gym (I didn’t love getting up this early , but to avoid traffic and get in some exercise it was a must) 6:00 – 7:00am – Work out 7:00am – 4:00pm – Work in my cubicle. ( I use to joke with my friends that my 2 favorite times of the day were lunch and leaving) Maybe some of you can relate. 4:00pm – 5:30pm – Commute home stuck in traffic 5:30-pm – 7:00pm – Prepare supper, clean up the dishes etc… 7:00pm – 10:00pm – Free time (Sort of) Sometimes had to log back in for additional work if needed. 10:00pm – Go to Bed. Get some rest to do it all over again the next day : ( Although some of your schedules may differ a little bit, this is probably a typical day for the majority of you. Out of a 24hr day, I basically get 3hrs of Free time. Now that’s just ridiculous. For those of you who have kids you only get to spend a few hours a day with them. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t seem right to me. Although making huge amounts of money and creating wealth are important and can be achieved through investing on sports, it’s also about the TIME that it gives you back to do the things you actually enjoy doing.

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Chapter 3 – How do you Define Financial Independence? When asked this question, the majority of people define financial freedom as a specific amount of money in the bank. Some people think it’s 1Million, others 2 Million. I think you get the point. How do YOU define it? The way I define financial independence is when you have enough passive income coming in month after month to cover your regular living expenses and if you were to stop working today you could still leave the same lifestyle. Someone who has several million dollars in the bank doesn’t mean he’s financial secure. It just means that he probably has more expensive stuff and needs to keep working harder to pay for it. How many lottery winners are dead broke after a few years. Were they financially Free? I don’t think so. In my opinion it’s better to learn to make money then to be given it. That way if you ever go broke you can always start over again since you have the vehicle to creating wealth. Once you can achieve a regular passive income that covers your outgoing monthly expenses you have achieved financial independence and no longer have to rely on a job to survive. That being said, I have one more exercise for you to do (Last one I promise). Please take out a piece of paper and list out your regular monthly expenses. Your list should look something like this: Expense



Mortgage Property Tax Groceries Electric Bill Phone Gas Car Payment Insurance Internet Cell Phone Television Misc

$1,000 $250 $300 $195 $230 $120 $300 $60 $50 $40 $100 $355

$33 $8 $10 $7 $8 $4 $10 $2 $2 $1 $3 $12




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As you can see from the above example, the monthly expenses are $3000 which translates into $100 a day. That’s it! $100 per day will make you financially independent. I don’t know about you, but that seems like an obtainable goal, don’t you? Obviously you expenses may differ, but the point of this exercise is to show you that you are a lot closer than you think to achieving this goal. By doing these two quick exercises you now have your DMP (Chapter 1) which is the WHY you want this and now you have an exact dollar amount that you need to achieve it. Let me tell you that it’s a lot easier to reach a goal if you can zero in on that specific target.

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Chapter 4 – “SHOW ME THE TIME” ….Ok and the Money In the blockbuster hit Jerry McGuire, the phrase “ SHOW ME THE MONEY” was born. Now I agree that money is important, but having the time to do the things that you want is equally important. Like I have mentioned before Wealth + Time = True Freedom. There was a great book on the market called The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss. It talks all about replacing yourself and the strategies used by the New Rich. In the book he talks about how he had a regular job, but wanted to find another way. Sound familiar? Basically he started a health supplement business and started earning $40,000 per month. When I first read this I was like WOW, that sounds awesome … 40K per month. Imagine all of the freedom I could have with that kind of money. WRONG. He goes on to say that instead of just working his 8 hours per day at his regular job, he was then putting in close to 17 hours per day 6 – 7 week. Does that sound like Freedom to you? Without giving it all away he shows how he eliminated a lot of the daily tasks, outsourced the majority of the business and started living the lifestyle that he always dreamed of. Remember your DMP? He also talks about taking action and a lot of the things that we are putting off are more feasible then we actually think. It’s definitely opens up your eyes to what is really important in life. I bring up this point to confirm what I have been saying all along, which is that money is not the ultimate goal here, but the freedom lifestyle is.

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Chapter 5 – Is your egg too small for the Nest? We hear all of the time that we need to put money away for a rainy day or build up our “NEST EGG” for retirement. Two great books on the subject and are worth a read if you haven’t already read them are The Richest Man In Babylon by George Clason & The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton. In both of the books they talk about paying yourself first. What that means in a nutshell is that no matter what, you should be saving 10% of all your income and investing for retirement. A lot of people don’t do this as they have too many expenses, but it is something that you MUST do. You would be amazed how much 10% can add up to over time and you won’t notice much of a change in your everyday lifestyle. The only issue with this is that where to invest it? In The Wealthy Barber, David Chilton talks about getting 10% returns on your money and that compounding it (More on that in Chapter 7) causing your money to double every 6-7 years. In theory that sounds great, but with the market how it is now I actually have been losing money on my retirement fund. I should just keep it in a shoebox under my bed : ). Besides, doesn’t 300% to 500% plus sound better?

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Chapter 6 – “Thinking outside the Cubicle” Ok so to recap you have created your DMP (Chapter 1) , Understand the importance of a passive income and not just working for a living(Chapter 2), Specific dollar amount for obtaining financial independence (Chapter 3) and understand the importance of saving some money (Chapter 5). You are probably saying to yourself, that’s great, but what can I do to make this happen? Well, to be honest with you there are several ways to make additional sources of income. Let’s look at some of these now. 1. Invest in the stock market – Well not much to really say about this. You know how the market is right now : ( 2. Real Estate – I agree that real estate is and has always been a great way to invest. The reason that the majority of people don’t do it is because of the amount of time researching properties, doing the physical labor to fix of the properties and the initial usually large investment. 3. Starting a Traditional Business – Have you seen the price of franchises? I hope you are willing to put in a lot of time and money. Not very appealing since the total Freedom lifestyle is trying to be created here. Time + Wealth = Freedom 4. Online Business – Everyone thinks that starting an online business is so easy as there are millions of people online, but the realities are that most people fail as they don’t know how to promote their site. You can have the best looking webpage , but if nobody knows about it you aren’t going to make much money. 5. Sports Investing – You start with a small initial investment, only 5 minutes per day and incredible returns. Provides both the TIME Freedom & the Wealth Freedom. It’s the perfect fit.


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Before I stumbled onto sports investing I actually had started my own business which I thought was going to be passive. Wow was I ever wrong. I tried the bulk vending business and for those who don’t know what that is, it’s the candy or gumball machines that you see in stores by the exits. I was selling bulk M&M’s and Skittles and had 50 candy machines scattered all over the city. With an initial business cost of $25,000 I felt like I was well on my way to creating the passive income that I needed. The way it was sold to me was the candy machines do the selling for you and you just need to go fill them up every couple of weeks and collect the money. It Sounded simple enough. Do you think this is how it happened? NOPE. I was constantly getting calls from store owners that the machines were eating the quarters and getting jammed, that it was not dispensing enough candy, the candy was melting from the sun and so on…. Bottom line this didn’t really turn out to be passive at all. Constantly running around for these machines and getting calls all of the time was not what I had signed up for. Needless to say after 3 years of this, my wife and I had had enough and sold the business. Although we sold the business for a loss you should have see the smile on our faces that day. What a relief. Ok … enough about me now on to the GOOD STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 7 – The Power of compound Interest I briefly touched on this concept back in chapter 5, but in this chapter you will see the true power. If you were asked the following question, which one would you choose?

“Which would you prefer, to have 1 Million dollars today or to have 1 penny today doubled every day for 30 days?” Some of you may have heard this already, but for those who haven’t the answer is the penny and here’s why: 1 penny becomes 2 pennies, then 4 pennies etc … all the way for 30 days and you end up with a grand total of …

$10,737,418.24 Don’t believe me? Try it out for yourself on this Compound Interest Calculator. In the Current Principal enter the starting amount in this case it’s 0.01. In Years to Grow put in 30, in this case it’s 30 days for a month & under Interest Rate put 100% as it will be doubling each day. Voila!!! So let me rephrase the question:

“Which would you prefer, to have 1 Million dollars today or to have over 10 Million in 30 days?” All of a sudden that answer is a lot easier : ) This is the premise of what sports investing is all about. You are not going to become rich overnight, but once you keep reinvesting your profits back in you can turn a small amount into a huge amount in a short period of time. Let me show you an example of how it works. Let’s say you start with a bankroll of $1000 (Don’t let this scare you off as you can start for a lot less. What’s important is not the amount that you are investing, but more about understanding the true power All Rights Reserved 2009 – www.1stopsportsinvestors.com

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of compound interest). So we start with $1000 bankroll and assume that we only get 100% returns per season. (100% is very conservative here, but I just want to show you an example). I’m using each season as 1 complete sports season. For example 2009 MLB Season or 2008/2009 NBA Season etc …

Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10

$2,000 $4,000 $8,000 $16,000 $32,000 $64,000 $128,000 $256,000 $512,000 $1,024,000

Wow!!! If you double your initial bankroll just 10 times you can create some serious money and the best part is that it’s not like winning the lottery once. Now you have a substantial bankroll to continue to earn money month after month, year after year. ** One thing I will point out is that once you reach those levels that it may take you a little more than 5 minutes per day as you will have to place multiple investments at different sports books as you will probably have reached the max wager in the one sports book. I’m sure you don’t mind putting in the extra 10 minutes for this kind of

money… Do you? Now you can see how I got the title of my ebook “How to turn $1,000 into $1,024,000 in less than 5 years … And that’s being conservative” Now I know what you are thinking. How can I possibly get 100% returns per sports season? Well let’s move on to the next chapter.

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Chapter 8 – Sports Picking Systems that actually work On my website www.1stopsportsinvestors.com I have 4 featured products that I review in full and that I personally use on a daily basis to build my bankroll and create wealth. Let me tell that I you have tried a lot of different services and so far I have only found these 4 that continue to make me at least 100% returns per season. Remember that’s the goal. 10 seasons X 100% returns = $1,024,000. I am continuing to test and try other systems as well, but they do not go on my site unless they have proven to make at least 100% returns per season. Here’s a brief description of the services, but for a full review, please go to my website http://www.1stopsportsinvestors.com/sports-system-reviews.php and see for yourself. Visit each of the services and see the testimonials from a lot of happy customers. Also they offer Money Back Guarantees, but trust me you won’t be needing them.

1. Sports Book Investing – This is a monthly membership picking service that covers all sports from MLB, NHL, NBA & NCAA. It works using a 5 game progression system and in the short four and a half month time frame that I have been using it has produced 77 Units and $7700 in Profits. You can check out all of the plays and results by clicking here 2. Bookie Buster – This is also and ebook and includes 25 profitable systems for you to start using immediately. They are very simple to use and can be used on all sports from NFL,NBA,NCAA,NHL , MLB etc …. These sytems are so profitable that obtaining 100% returns is being very conservative. This gives you a great opportunity to create multiple income streams for the systems of your choice.

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3. Plus Line Sports – This a picking service and not an ebook. There is a members area that you can log into daily and grab the picks. They cover MLB,NBA,NHL,NFL and Soccer is on it’s way. I can’t wait. This is a subscription service which is a little more expensive then the ebooks, but well worth it. What’s great about these guys is that they have nothing to hide. They post their running spreadsheet of all of their picks so you can see how they do in all of their sports. How does 375% returns per season sound? 4. Sports Betting Professor – There are 2 parts to this program. The first uses a progressive system that you can expect to win 90% of your bets and the other is a flat betting system. Expect several plays per day and can be used on all of the major sports. There is an option to purchase an ebook and figure out the plays yourself, but he also offers a monthly email service where he sends you the plays and you make them. Can't get much easier than that. Rich is so confident in his program that he is offering a 30 day trial for only $5

Again these are the 4 services that I personally use with great success. Check them out and see what others are saying. There are hundreds of people that are using these services to make serious money, month after month and year after year.

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Chapter 9 Bankroll Management and Compound Interest in Over Drive Ok so in chapter 7 I showed you the power of compound interest and if that didn’t get you excited then I don’t know what will. In chapter 8 I talked to you about 4 must have programs to get you the great returns. Hopefully you have visited the sites and checked what the others have had to say. Don’t forget the Money Back Guarantees, virtually eliminating all risk. Now I want to talk to you about bankroll management. Although it sounds boring it is essential to having success with sports investing. First off you need to set your bankroll amount, whether it’s $20 or $20,000 it doesn’t matter. You can work with what you have. Just do me a favor and use money that you aren’t going to need or touch until it has at least generated enough monthly income to cover you regular expenses. (Remember chapter 3). Ok so here are the rules to follow: 1. If you are using flat bets meaning the same amount each time then you should invest a maximum of 5% of your bankroll. For example if you have a bankroll of $1000 then you should be investing $50 on each game. 2. If you are using a progressive system then I recommend using a maximum of 2% of your bankroll. For example if you have a bankroll of $100 then you should be investing $2 per series. (**Please note that for SBI’s 5 game progression I use 1% only)

Simple enough? Notice why this is investing now? At 5% of your bankroll you only need to be up 20 games for the season to show 100% returns. We are building our bankrolls slowly and steadily, 1 game at a time. Now let me show you some actual results from the 2008/2009 NBA season with Plus Line Sports. Visit the site and download the spreadsheet of their results. ** Please note that they are showing a starting balance of $500 ending season balance of $4000 investing $100 per game which translates into +35 Units for

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the season. Remember that to invest $100 your starting balance should be $2000 so the increase would be 175%. PLUSLINE NBA 2008/2009 - +35 Units or 175% 175% returns per season is already great. Remember the power at 100% imagine at 175%. But now I’m going to take it one step further and really crank up of the power of compound interest. 3. Once your bankroll has increased by 25% then recalculate the 5% and start investing that amount. For number 1 we used a starting bankroll of $1000 and 5% investments of $50. So once your bankroll reaches $1250 you should start investing $62.50 per game as that is 5% Keep doing that throughout the season. What this does is turns you’re the already good 175% return into 375% with playing the same amount of games and taking the same amount of time. Now run that through the Calculator. All I can say is :

HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME!!! I hope you are starting to get excited? Now onto the next chapter.

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Chapter 10 – Putting it all together and Taking action So that’s pretty much it, now it’s up to you to take action. In this ebook we have discussed why you want the freedom and the exact dollar amount of passive income needed to obtain that goal. We have also discussed a very safe and profitable way to achieve these goals with low risk and minimal time through sports investing. By now you should hopefully see the potential to reach your financial and time freedom goals. Now it’s time for you to get started. 1. If you already have an account with an offshore sports book then you are already halfway there. If not then please choose from one of the Recommended Sports Books. They are all safe and secure so there is no need to worry. ** Note that Pinnacle Sports is not open to US residents. 2. Review the featured systems and visit each of the sites. Check out the Testimonials and the Money Back Guarantees.  Sports Book Investing  Bookie Buster  Plus Line Sports  Sports Betting Professor 3. Choose at least one of the systems and sign up 4. Start Making Money immediately and working toward your financial goals. *** My Suggestion is to keep each system seperate and to create multiple income streams. It’s like diversifying you portfolio of sports investments. So for example, let’s say you have a total of $300 bankroll and you want to use Sports Betting Champs as well as 2 of the 25 systems from Bookie Buster for a total of 3 systems. What you should do is set up 3 steams of income starting at $100 each. This way you are not only creating one income stream, but 3. Imagine you set up 5 or 10 separate income streams? Think of the profit potential.

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Chapter 11 – Recapping the Benefits 1. This does not require any special skills so anyone can do it. Just need an internet connection 2. This can be done from anywhere in the world 3. Not time consuming. Takes only about 5 minutes per day 4. Unlimited income potential if you continue to reinvest the profits 5. Very low investment required. You can get started for as little as $20 making $1 investments 6. Uses the power of compound interest to build wealth 7. Recession proof. Whether the economy is up or down there will always be sports being played, so there will always be investment opportunities.

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Chapter 12 – TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. Only invest amounts that you can realistically afford to lose. Remember you can get started for as little as $20. What’s important is the power of compound interest. Time and patience is what will grow this income. ** In my example from chapter 7, I show how by doubling your bankroll just 10 times can turn $1,000 into $1,024,000. Now some of you will have $1000’s to start with and some won’t. It doesn’t really matter. Just think if you only have $100 to start with that’s over $100,000 and if you only start with $20 that’s over $20,000. Either way this is a lot of money : ) 2. Do not withdraw your money until your financial freedom goal is obtained that you calculated in chapter 3. It’s compound interest that makes this happen and by withdrawing the funds you are losing out on it’s true potential. 3. Only invest 5% of bankroll for flat bets (same amounts each time) and only 2% for progressive systems. Don’t get greedy. Allow the system to do the work. Slow and steady. 4. Remember to increase your investments when your bankroll has increased by 25%. This gets the compound interest working for you in over drive as discussed in chapter 9 5. Create multiple streams of income. If you have a total bankroll of $500 and you have 5 systems that you want to use then each income stream should be $100 and you should keep them separate. 6. Remember to revisit your DMP and your Financial Freedom and Time goals regularly. Keep driving to that objective and it will be achieved.

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Chapter 13 – Still not convinced? 1. Go back and reread chapter 9 on the power of compound interest. 2. Visit the sites from my featured systems and check out the Testimonials. Don’t forget the Money Back Guarantees so there is really no risk. 3. Start it out on paper (no $$$ at risk) or start with $100. Remember it’s compound interest that makes this fly not so much what you start with. Some of the sports books actually have minimum $1 wagers so you could start with $20. Once you see the power of the results you can increase your bankroll. 4. If after all of this you still don’t think this is right for you, no problem. I will continue to send out the results of these systems in my regular updated newsletter. 5. Also feel free to pass this information on to someone else that you think will benefit.

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Chapter 14 – Closing Thoughts I really have nothing else to say. I have spilled the beans on an alternative way to create a passive income that requires only about 5 minutes per day. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anyway easier to amass a small fortune, but if you know of any please let me know. The concept of compound interest is so powerful and really what this ebook is all about. If you already are using a system that is showing 100% profits per season then please let me know about as I am always looking to add new and effective featured systems to my website. Remember that they can’t just show profit in the short term, but need to be profitable in the long term. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my ebook. I really hope that you were able to benefit from the information provided and can see the unlimited potential. Now it’s time for you to take action and start seeing the power for yourself. Wishing you all the best with all of your investments. Good Luck! Shawn Konig www.1stopsportsinvestors.com [email protected] PS. If you feel that someone you know can benefit from the information in this ebook then do them a favor and pass it on.

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Chapter 15 – Additional Resources Throughout this ebook I have referenced different books that have made a big impact on my thinking towards money and creating wealth. I recommend them to anyone who is serious about making positive changes in their lives. You can get a copy of each through the links below: 1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! By Robert Kiyosaki 2. The 4-Hour work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss 3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason 4. The Wealthy Barber, Updated 3rd Edition: Everyone's Commonsense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent by David Chilton 5. Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller--Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Napoleon Hill Although the above books are great reads, the number 1 thing that changed my mindset and put me on the path to finding another way then working at my job was the following comedy: Office Space - Special Edition with Flair I know this sounds hilarious, but if you work in an office and haven’t watched this movie it’s a must. It basically is a comedy about a guy that works in a cubicle entering code all day long and just stops going back to work. I remember watching it the first time and never wanting to go back to my cubicle ever again : )


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