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Battle Ground Public Schools #119 School Supply List 2016 - 2017
River HomeLink High School Grades 9-12 9th Grade 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
each pkg. each boxes pkg. set box each each each each each
Ruler College ruled lined paper 3 ring binder 2" Sharpened #2 Dixon pencils Pencil cap erasers Highlighters: pink, yellow, blue and green Pens: blue or black Colored Pencils Composition Notebook (for all Science classes) Compass and Protractor (Geometry only) Scientific calculator (Algebra 1 or higher & Chemistry) Composition Notebook (for all Science classes)
10th Grade 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
each pkg. each boxes pkg. set box each each each each each
11th Grade
Ruler College ruled lined paper 3 ring binder 2" Sharpened #2 Dixon pencils Pencil cap erasers Highlighters: pink, yellow, blue and green Pens: blue or black Colored Pencils Composition Notebook (for all Science classes) Compass and Protractor (Geometry only) Scientific calculator (Algebra 1 or higher & Chemistry) Composition Notebook (for all Science classes)
12th Grade
1 1 1 1 1
each pkg. each boxes pkg.
Ruler College ruled lined paper 3 ring binder 2" Sharpened #2 Dixon pencils Pencil cap erasers
1 1 1 1 1
each pkg. each boxes pkg.
Ruler College ruled lined paper 3 ring binder 2" Sharpened #2 Dixon pencils Pencil cap erasers
1 1 1 1 1 1
set box each each each each
Highlighters: pink, yellow, blue and green Pens: blue or black Composition Notebook (for all Science classes) Compass and Protractor (Geometry only) Scientific calculator (Algebra 1 or higher & Chemistry) Composition Notebook (for all Science classes)
1 1 1 1 1 1
set box each each each each
Highlighters: pink, yellow, blue and green Pens: blue or black Composition Notebook (for all Science classes) Compass and Protractor (Geometry only) Scientific calculator (Algebra 1 or higher & Chemistry) Composition Notebook (for all Science classes)
River Online 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
each pkg. set box box each each
1 each
3 Ring binder - 2 " College ruled notebook paper Ear buds or earphones Pens Sharpened #2 Dixon pencils Pink Pearl erasers Scientific Calculator (for math classes only) Graphing Calculator (for Algebra II or higher)
Please Note: Water bottles are recommended for all students. Other items maybe requested by teachers to meet specific needs.
District Office Approved: 6/9/16
Parents - Are Your Kids Ready for School? Required Immunizations for School Year 2016-2017 Parent/Guardian Resource Instructions: To see which vaccines are required for school, find your child’s grade and look only at that row going across to find the vaccines and number of doses required.
Hepatitis B
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
3 doses
DTaP/Td/Tdap* (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
5 doses
MMR Polio*
4 doses
2 doses
2 doses OR Healthcare provider verified child had disease
2 doses
2 doses OR Healthcare provider verified child had disease
5 doses DTaP
6th – 12th Grade
3 doses
4 doses
1 dose Tdap
(Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
*Vaccine doses required may be fewer than listed. Students must meet minimum intervals and ages to be in compliance with the requirements. Talk to your healthcare provider or school staff if you have questions about school immunization requirements. Find information on other recommended vaccines not required for school: If you have a disability and need this document in another format, please call 1‐800‐525‐0127 (TDD/TTY call 711).