Constructing roundabout at intersection with Route 229. Daily lane closures.
Estimated completion August 2015. Road Construction Ahead. JanuaryVApril
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015 NORTHWEST REGION 1
Interstate 64 – Augusta, Nelson, Albemarle
U.S. 29/U.S. 250 – Charlottesville: Constructing
counties: Installing communications conduit in median
additional ramp lane plus merge lane at interchange of
for active traffic management system on Afton Mountain.
westbound U.S. 250 between U.S. 29 and Route 654
Periodic left-shoulder closures, both directions, between
(Barracks Road). Daily lane closures, traffic shifts begin in
mile markers 94 and 107. Estimated completion July 2015.
March. Estimated completion 2016.
Interstate 64 – Rockbridge County: Rehabilitating
U.S. 250 – Augusta County: – Replacing bridge over
bridges over Maury River near Lexington. Eastbound
White Oak Draft. Hankey Mountain Highway restricted to
bridge closed for construction until summer 2015. Traffic
single lane. Temporary signal controlling traffic. Estimated
both directions will use westbound bridge and median
completion early 2016.
crossovers. Work-zone speed limit 55 mph. Estimated completion summer 2016.
Interstate 64 – Augusta County: Replacing exit 91
U.S. 250 Bypass – Charlottesville: Constructing new interchange at McIntire Road. Daily lane closures, traffic shifts. Estimated completion summer 2015.
bridge over interstate at Fishersville, improving interchange (Route 285/Tinkling Spring Road). Intermittent
U.S. 340 – Warren County: Replacing bridge and
nighttime lane closures on:
approaches over Gooney Creek. Shifting travel lanes,
• I-64 – one mile in either direction from overpass
periodic lane closures between Luray and Front Royal.
• Route 285/Tinkling Spring Road – one mile in either
Estimated completion fall 2015.
direction from bridge • Route 636/640 – half mile in either direction from
Tinkling Spring Road
U.S. 340/U.S. 522 – Front Royal, Warren County: Replacing bridge over South Fork Shenandoah River. New
Estimated completion August 2015.
six-lane structure on North Shenandoah Avenue will accommodate bicycles and pedestrians. Also improving
Interstate 81 – Frederick County: Reconstructing
intersection at Route 55 to reduce congestion. Periodic
exit 310 ramps at southern end of Route 37 in Winchester
lane closures. Estimated completion December 2017.
area. Overnight lane closures possible. Estimated completion spring 2018.
U.S. 340 – Elkton, Rockingham County: Widening road, improving drainage, adding sidewalk. Possible
U.S. 15/U.S. 29 Business – Culpeper County:
flagger-controlled lane closures. Estimated completion
Constructing roundabout at intersection with Route 229.
September 2015.
New two-lane roundabout traffic pattern in place. Intermittent lane closures as project work concludes. Estimated completion early 2015.
Route 3 – Culpeper County: Widening Germanna Highway to four lanes between Stevensburg and Lignum. Relocating utilities. Intermittent lane, shoulder closures begin in March. Estimated completion May 2017.
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015 NORTHWEST REGION 13
Route 6 – Fluvanna County: Replacing West River
Route 602 – Rockbridge County: Replacing bridge,
Road bridge over Hardware River. Lane and shoulder
approaches over Walker Creek. Periodic lane closures.
closures. Estimated completion August 2015.
Estimated completion fall 2015.
Route 6 – Fluvanna County: Replacing East River
Route 608 – Augusta County: Constructing turn
Road bridge over Rivanna River. Lane and shoulder
lanes at intersections with routes 648 and 635. Periodic
closures. Estimated completion November 2015.
lane closures. Estimated completion late 2015.
Route 231 – Madison County: Replacing bridge on North Blue Ridge Turnpike over Mulatto Run. Temporary signals controlling single-lane traffic. Estimated completion December 2015.
Interstate 66 – Prince William County: Widening
Interstate 95 – Prince William County: Safety
road to three regular lanes and one high-occupancy
improvements, including widening shoulders and
vehicle (HOV) lane to improve traffic flow for about three
connecting acceleration/deceleration lanes, both
miles each direction between U.S. 15 at Haymarket to U.S.
directions, between exit 152 (Dumfries Road) and exit 158
29 at Gainesville. Off-peak lane closures. When complete,
(Prince William Parkway). Most work occurring behind
drivers will have the three regular lanes plus the HOV lane
barriers to reduce traffic impacts. Occasional night lane
for 25 miles in each direction between U.S. 15 and
closures coordinated with I-95 Express Lanes project.
Interstate 495. Estimated completion August 2016.
Estimated completion August 2015.
Interstate 66 – Prince William, Fairfax,
Interstate 395 – Alexandria: Constructing reversible
Arlington counties: Installing active traffic-
high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and transit ramp at
management system between Gainesville and the
Seminary Road. Includes northbound auxiliary lane on
Potomac River. Periodic overnight lane closures, both
I-395 connecting entrance ramp at Duke Street to exit
directions, 9 p.m.-5 a.m. Estimated completion early 2015.
ramp at Seminary Road. All ramps will remain open. Narrow shoulders. Nightly lane closures, I-395
Interstate 95/Interstate 395 – Fairfax, Prince
northbound, 9:30 p.m.-5 a.m. Estimated completion
William, Stafford counties: Constructing 29 miles of
spring 2016.
express lanes, both directions, between just north of exit 2 on I-395 (Edsall Road) and exit 143 on I-95 (Garrisonville Road). Nightly high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane closures, Monday-Thursday, 8 p.m.-5 a.m., and most Fridays and Saturdays, 11 p.m.–9 a.m., with HOV lanes opening northbound. Lane closures in regular travel lanes during off-peak hours. Estimated completion early 2015.
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015
Interstate 495 – Fairfax County: Reconstructing
Route 7 – Leesburg: Constructing westbound
northbound left shoulder for 1.5 miles for vehicles
truck-climbing lane between West Market Street and
to use during peak periods, from northern end of 495
Route 9 (Charles Town Pike). Project includes operational
Express Lanes to George Washington Parkway. Lane
improvements to ease congestion, improve safety. Daily
closures: daytime, Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
lane closures, occasional nighttime lane closures, both
Friday, 10 a.m.-noon; overnight, Monday-Thursday, 9
directions. Estimated completion October 2015.
p.m.-5 a.m., Friday-Saturday, 10 p.m.-9 a.m., SaturdaySunday, 9:30 p.m.-9 a.m., Sunday-Monday, 8:30 p.m.-5
a.m.. Estimated completion June 2015.
Route 7 – Fairfax: Widening Leesburg Pike to six lanes between Rolling Holly Drive and Reston Avenue. Project will: add raised median, longer turn lanes, traffic signal at
U.S. 29 – Prince William County: Reconstructing
Redberry Court; relocate entrance to golf course; improve
interchange at Linton Hall Road in Gainesville, just south
intersection operations. Single-lane closures: weekdays,
of Interstate 66. Temporary detours. Estimated completion
9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. (noon Fridays). Possible nighttime lane
June 2015.
closures: 10 p.m.-5 a.m., Sunday-Thursday, 10 p.m.-9 a.m., Friday-Saturday, 10 p.m.-8 a.m., Saturday-Sunday.
U.S. 50 – Loudoun, Fairfax counties: Widening
Estimated completion December 2015.
road to six lanes for about 3.7 miles between Route 742 (Poland Road) and Route 28 (Sully Road). Periodic traffic shifts, daytime lane closures, both directions. Estimated completion December 2015.
Interstate 81 – Botetourt County: Replacing Route
10 p.m.-6 a.m. Extended lane closures possible, both
608 bridge over I-81 near mile marker 170. Periodic single
directions, Sunday-Wednesday, 6 p.m.-noon. Estimated
lane closures, Sunday-Thursday, 10 p.m.-6 a.m. Estimated
completion fall 2015.
completion summer 2015.
Interstate 81 – Botetourt County: Improving exit
Interstate 81 – Botetourt County: Repairing bridge
150 interchange. Lane and shoulder closures, narrow
over Route 676 (Gravel Hill Road) at mile marker 155.5.
lanes on exit ramps, Sunday-Thursday, 10 p.m.-6 a.m.
Periodic lane closures, both directions, Sunday-Thursday,
Estimated completion fall 2017.
10 p.m.-6 a.m. Extended lane closures possible, both directions, Sunday-Wednesday, 6 p.m.-noon. Estimated completion fall 2015.
Interstate 81 – Botetourt County: Repairing bridge over Route 648 (Reservoir Road) at mile marker 147.6. Periodic lane closures, both directions, Sunday-Thursday,
Interstate 81 – Botetourt County: Repairing
10 p.m.-6 a.m. Extended lane closures, Saturday-Sunday,
bridge over Route 779 (Valley Road) at mile marker 151.7.
6 p.m.-10 a.m. Estimated completion fall 2015.
Periodic lane closures, both directions, Sunday-Thursday,
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015
Interstate 81 – Pulaski County: Repairing bridge
U.S. 11 – Smyth County: Replacing bridge over
over New River Trail State Park at mile marker 94.6.
railroad in Seven Mile Ford area. Estimated completion
Periodic lane closures, both directions, Sunday-Thursday,
July 2015.
8 p.m.-6 a.m. Extended lane closures possible, both directions, Monday-Thursday, 6 p.m.-10 a.m. Estimated
completion September 2015.
U.S. 58 – Washington County: Widening highway to four lanes from Route 638 (Lacy Drive) to Route 708 (Rhea Valley Road) between Abingdon and Damascus.
Interstate 81 – Pulaski County: Repairing bridge
Estimated completion summer 2015.
over Route 99 at mile marker 94.3. Periodic lane closures, both directions, Sunday-Thursday, 8 p.m.-6 a.m. Extended
U.S. 58 – Carroll, Floyd, Patrick counties:
lane closures possible, both directions, Monday-Thursday,
Widening 8.2 miles of U.S. 58 between Big Reed Island
6 p.m.-10 a.m. Estimated completion September 2015.
Creek in Carroll County and end of current four-lane section in Patrick County, west of Blue Ridge Parkway.
Interstate 81 – Bristol: Improving traffic flow on Old
Temporary lane closures, Monday-Saturday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
Airport Road at exit 7 interchange. Estimated completion
Estimated completion spring 2016.
summer 2015.
U.S. 460 – Buchanan County: Repairing bridge over Conaway Creek. Estimated completion May 2015.
Interstate 581 – Roanoke: Improving Valley View Boulevard interchange. Lane closures, Monday-Saturday,
U.S. 501 – Amherst-Bedford county line:
10 p.m.-6 a.m. I-581 may be reduced to two lanes,
Replacing bridge at Route 130 intersection over James
each direction, for about two miles. Nighttime rolling
River. Estimated completion March 2017.
roadblocks possible. Estimated completion fall 2016.
Route 49 – Halifax County: Replacing bridge over
Interstate 581 – Roanoke: Improving Elm Avenue
Aaron’s Creek. Watch for detour. Estimated completion
interchange. Lane closures, Elm Avenue and I-581/U.S.
June 2016.
220 Expressway, Monday-Saturday, 10 p.m.-6 a.m. I-581/U.S. 220 Expressway reduced to two lanes, each direction, under Elm Avenue bridge. Nighttime rolling roadblocks possible on I-581/U.S. 220 Expressway. Estimated completion summer 2015.
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015
Interstate 64 – Goochland/Henrico counties:
U.S. 17 – Essex County: Improving drainage, from just
Widening I-64 to six lanes. Eastbound: exit 173 (Route
south of Airport Road near June Parker Marina to just
623/Ashland Road) to Route 271 (Pouncey Tract Road).
north of Marsh Street. Lane closures, brief delays.
Westbound: Route 271 (Pouncey Tract Road) to Route 622
Estimated completion May 2016.
(Rockville Road). Various lane closures. Interchange upgrades at exit 173 include adding traffic signal, turn
U.S. 360 – Hanover/Henrico county line: Replacing
lanes and improving entrance, exit ramps. Estimated
four bridges along Mechanicsville Turnpike, both
completion October 2015.
directions, between Springdale Road and Elm Drive. Left lane each direction closed. Periodic additional lane
Interstate 64 – New Kent County: Paving. Various
closures. Estimated completion spring 2015.
lane closures, mostly overnight, eastbound, mile marker 224 to 204. Estimated completion summer 2016.
U.S. 360 – Henrico County: Replacing deck on bridge over Interstate 64. Ramp from Mechanicsville Turnpike
Interstate 85 – Mecklenburg, Brunswick,
(U.S. 360) east to I-64 west closed. Detour: Take I-64 east
Dinwiddie counties: Various lane closures for paving,
to exit 193B/Nine Mile Road (Route 33) east back to I-64
mostly overnight:
west. Estimated completion June 2016.
• Northbound, mile marker 7 to 61 • Southbound, mile marker 61 to 9
Estimated completion summer 2016.
Route 54 – Ashland, Hanover County: Replacing bridge over Interstate 95, including superstructure and approaches. Raising vertical clearance over I-95 to 16.5
U.S. 1 – Stafford County: Replacing bridge over
feet. Estimated completion November 2015.
Aquia Creek. All four travel lanes open during construction. Temporary traffic shifts likely. Estimated completion August 2015.
Route 205 – Westmoreland County: Replacing bridge on James Monroe Highway over Mattox Creek. Temporary signals directing single traffic lane on bridge.
U.S. 1, U.S. 17, Route 218 – Stafford County: Widening intersection to improve traffic flow. Lane closures, brief delays. Estimated completion September 2015.
U.S. 17 – Stafford County: Widening road from four to six lanes for two miles, between 0.2 miles north of Stafford Lakes Parkway and McLane Drive. Lane closures, brief delays. Project also adding continuous right-turn lane and dual left-turn lanes along corridor. Estimated completion December 2016.
Estimated completion July 2016.
Road Construction Ahead January-April 2015
Interstate 64/Interstate 264 – Norfolk, Virginia
U.S. 58, Martin Luther King Freeway –
Beach: Repairing distressed segments of both highways
Portsmouth: Extending freeway to connect U.S. 58
in major pavement-restoration project. Traffic shifts,
with Interstate 264. Estimated completion winter 2016.
weeknight lane closures, 7 p.m.-5 a.m., Sunday-Thursday. Estimated completion November 2015.
Route 337, Hampton Boulevard – Norfolk: Removing at-grade rail crossing on Hampton Boulevard
Interstate 264, Downtown Tunnel – Norfolk,
at intersection of Terminal Boulevard. Detour in place.
Portsmouth: Rehabilitating tunnel, both directions.
Estimated completion spring 2015.
Alternate routes: Interstate 64, High-Rise Bridge; U.S. 13, Gilmerton Bridge; or Route 337, South Norfolk Jordan Bridge (tolled). Closures exclude holiday weekends. • Westbound, overnight single-lane or full tunnel closures. Estimated completion winter 2014. • Eastbound, overnight single-lane closures, plus full weeknight tunnel or full weekend closures. Estimated completion winter 2015.
Interstate 664, Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel – Newport News: Waterproofing bridge span. Overnight northbound single-lane closures. Estimated completion summer 2015.
U.S. 13, Gilmerton Bridge – Chesapeake: Final construction phase on new lift-span bridge over Southern Branch of Elizabeth River. Alternate routes: Interstate 64 High-Rise Bridge; Route 337, South Norfolk Jordan Bridge, (tolled). Estimated completion winter 2015.
U.S. 17 – York County: Widening George Washington Memorial Highway between Route 630 (Wolf Trap Road) and Route 706 (Hampton Highway). Traffic shifts, weeknight single-lane closures, 7 p.m.-5 a.m. Estimated completion winter 2016.
U.S. 58, Midtown Tunnel – Norfolk, Portsmouth: • Constructing new tunnel tube in Elizabeth River. Estimated completion winter 2016. • Rehabilitation of existing tunnel starts fall 2016.