4 days ago - Access to Municipal Drive from North Street will also be closed during ... As of July 5, Brooks School Road
September 14, 2018
ROAD NOTICE UPDATES FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 USA PARKWAY There will be road closures on USA Parkway from the roundabout to the south entrance of Navient on Tuesday, September 18 through Thursday, September 20 from 2 to 5 p.m. for Fishers Public Safety Training. SAXONY AREA There will be road restrictions on the morning of Saturday, September 15 in Saxony for to the Choose to Move Race to Beat Parkinsons. Restrictions include the southbound lane of Olio Road from 126th Street to 134th Street and the northbound lane on Pennington Drive from 126th Street to 134th Street. MORGAN DRIVE Morgan Drive will be closed to traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18 and Wednesday, September 19 for paving (weather permitting). NORTH STREET The westbound lane of North Street between Lantern Road and Maple Street will be closed this weekend, weather permitting, for concrete replacement. FLORIDA ROAD Florida Road is closed between Luxhaven Road and Martha Street will be closed for the rehabilitation of Bridge 192 (Florida Road over Fall Creek) by the Hamilton County Highway Department. The road will be closed to all thru traffic and will tentatively reopen before November 3. The intersection of 113th Street and Florida Road is closed for the realignment and construction of a new roundabout at the intersection. The closure is expected to last approximately 90 days. See the Detour Map. 106TH STREET 106th Street is closed to through traffic from Eller Road to Allisonville Road and from Allisonville Road to Hague Road for the 106th Street Infrastructure Project. 106th Street is also closed to through traffic between Hague Road and the Crosspoint Boulevard/Lantern Road roundabout. An updated project timeline and Detour Map are now available. ALLISONVILLE ROAD Road construction is in full swing along Allisonville Road. Traffic has been shifted to the east to allow for widening on the west side. Restrictions may be in place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and flaggers will be on site directing traffic, as necessary. Through September, all southbound left turns from Allisonville Road onto 126th Street will be prohibited. This is an active construction site with reduced speed limits. For more info on this project, view the Fact Sheet. STATE ROAD 37 A public meeting was held on Tuesday, May 15 at the Delaware Township Trustee Office. The meeting presentation and updated information is available on the project’s new website. The State Road 37 improvement project is a $124 million joint project between Fishers, Hamilton County, Noblesville, and INDOT. Questions or concerns may be directed to
[email protected]. While this list encompasses numerous project updates, it does not list all DPW projects throughout the city. The most recent projects are detailed, however please keep in mind that all construction activities are weather permitting. We appreciate motorists’ patience and caution while driving through construction sites.
Fishers.in.us/DriveFishers | 317-595-3160 | @DriveFishers