robert w. hefner - Boston University

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5 Dec 2010 ... Director, with Dr. Azyumardi Azra, Rector, National Islamic ..... Advanced Reading , Writing, Speaking: Bahasa Indonesia .... Core Curriculum Development Committee, 1989-1990. ... Moralitas dalam Kapitalisme Asia Baru.

ROBERT W. HEFNER [email protected]

Professor of Anthropology, Boston University, 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215. (617) 353-2194; fax: (617) 353-2610. Director, Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs (CURA), Boston University; 10 Lenox Street, Brookline, MA 02146. (617) 353-9050; fax: (617) 353-6408.

RESEARCH PROGRAMS & PROJECTS DIRECTED 2010-2012. Co-Director, with Adam Seligman, “Religion, Conflict, and Civic Education in Multicultural Societies: Programs on and for Religious Pluralism, Public Policy, and Citizen Learning.” The Luce Foundation, Program in Religion. 2010-2011. Co-Director, with Peter L. Berger, “Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism in the Second Generation: Implications for Democracy, Civic Education, and Economic Morality.” Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. 2008-2010. Director, Project on “Shari`a Politics: The Cultures and Politics of Movements for the Implementation of Islamic Law.” Smith Richardson Foundation. A three-year project examining the ideals and practices of modern shari`a movements in eight Muslim-majority countries, and their implications for citizenship, gender relations, and social pluralism. 2004-2007. Director, “Southeast Asia Education Survey,” National Bureau of Asian Research, Seattle, Washington. A three year project examining the culture and social background to general and religious education in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines. 2006-7. Co-Director, with Dr. Jamhari, “Muslim Educators’ Views of Islam, Democracy, and Citizenship.” Collaborative Survey of 1000 Indonesian educators in four Indonesian provinces; a collaboration between Program on Islam and Civil Society, Boston University and the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Hidayatullah National Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2003-2009. Invited Editor, The New Cambridge History of Islam, Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity: Society and Culture Since 1800. 2004-2005. Director, Project on “Madrasas, Modernity, and the Future of Muslim Higher Education.” A comparative research project on madrasas and religious education in nine Muslim countries. Institute for Religion and World Affairs, Boston University, with the support of The Pew Charitable Trusts. 2004-2005. Director, with Dr. Azyumardi Azra, Rector, National Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Project on “Madrasas, State Islamic Universities, and Civic Education in Indonesia.” With the support of the Pew Charitable Trusts. 2002-2004. Director, Project on, “Civil Democratic Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World.” This project brings together fifteen senior scholars to conduct research and prepare reports on the social and intellectual resources for, and obstacles to, pluralist democratization in the Muslim world. Institute for Religion and World Affairs, Boston University, with the support of The Pew Charitable Trusts. 2001. Director, “Civil Society and Social Pluralism in Yogyakarta.” A training and research project with the Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial (Institute for Islamic and Social Studies, a democratic Muslim nongovernmental organization), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sponsored by The Ford Foundation. 1998-2000. Project Organizer and Director, “Southeast Asian Pluralisms: Social Resources for Civility and Participation in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.” Sponsored by The Ford Foundation Southeast Asia and the National Science Foundation. A three country project involving sixteen senior researchers examining ethnoreligious pluralism, conflict, and democratic citizenship in multicultural Southeast Asia. 1995-1997: Project on “Islam, Pluralism, and Democratic Civility.” An examination of Muslim strategies for managing religious and ethnic pluralism in contemporary Indonesia. Conducted in conjunction with the Bertelsmann Wissenschafts Stiftung’s project on “Normative Conflicts--The Frontiers of Cohesion.” This

2 twelve-country investigation of pluralism, social conflict, and mediative resolution eventually became a formal report to the Club of Rome. June-July 1995: Research on “Islam, Democracy, and Civil Society in Indonesia.” Interviews with national politicians and intellectuals on Islam and democratization in contemporary Indonesia. Sponsored by the Bertelsmann Foundation. 1993-1994. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. Project on “Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Indonesian Debates on the 1965-1966 Killings.” July-August, 1991 & 1992, June-July, 1993: Research on “Islam and Enterprise in Indonesia: Market Opportunities, Moral Dilemmas.” Interviews with Muslim entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and politicians on the politics and ethics of market development, efforts to increase Muslim participation, and Muslim views of pluralism and political participation. January-August 1985: Project on “Economy and Morality in Mountain Java.” Research on a) the social history of Islam and Javanism in rural East Java, with particular attention to the forces promoting Islamic resurgence, and b) the impact of national polity and commerce on local economy, society, and ethics. Fulbright-Hays and National Science Foundation. November 1978-June 1980: Dissertation research on “Religion and Economic Change Among Tengger (Hindu) Javanese.” An investigation of religious and agrarian change in East Java’s Tengger Highlands, focusing on popular social history, Muslim-Hindu relations, and the forces affecting the cultural identity and social survival of the Hindu minority in an Islamizing Java. Fulbright Hays and National Science Foundation. September 1975-May 1976: Ethnographic investigation of informal economic activity among urban workers in Detroit. Project on “Urban Adaptation to Unemployment,” Dr. Louis Ferman, Director. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, The University of Michigan.

GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2008-2010. “Shari`a Politics,” The Smith Richardson Foundation. July-December 2008. Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Senior Fellow, National University of Singapore and Stanford University. 2007-2008. Carnegie Scholar in Islam, Project on “Islamic Education and Democratization in Indonesia.” Carnegie Corporation, New York. 2004-2006. “Madrasas and the Future of Islamic Higher Education.” The Pew Charitable Trusts. 2002-2004. “Civil Democratic Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World.” The Pew Charitable Trusts. 1998-2001. “Southeast Asian Pluralisms: Social Resources for Civility and Participation in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.” The Ford Foundation, Southeast Asia 1998-1999. “Southeast Asian Pluralisms: Social Resources for Civility and Participation in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.” The National Science Foundation 1995-1997: “Islam, Pluralism, and Democratic Civility.” Bertelsmann Wissenschafts Stiftung, Germany. 1996. “Islam, Democracy, and Market Change.” Smith Richardson Foundation. 1995 (Spring). With Dr. Shahla Haeri. “Islam, Rights, Pluralism.” Boston University Humanities Foundation, Speaker Series. 1994. With Dr. Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Harvard University. SSRC Grant, Transnational and Comparative Research Program. Conference on “Market Cultures: Entrepreneurial Precedents and Ethical Dilemmas in East and Southeast Asia.” 1993-1994. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. Project on “Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Indonesian Debates on the 1965-1966 Killings.” 1991-1992. National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers. Project on “Muslim Conversion: The Politics and Meanings of Religious Change in Island Southeast Asia.”

3 Spring 1988. Boston University Humanities Foundation Grant to organize a national conference, Conversion to World Religions: Ethnographic and Historical Interpretations.” April 13-14, 1988. Spring 1987. Boston University Humanities Foundation Grant for Visiting Scholar Program, “Dan Sperber and the Anthropology of Mind.” Spring 1987. Boston University Humanities Foundation Grant for lecture series and course, “Art and Politics in Six Cultures.” 1985-86. National Science Foundation Grant for Indonesian Research. 1985. Fulbright Fellowship (ASEAN Senior Fellow Program) for Indonesian Research. 1985. Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Grant for Indonesian Research (declined). Winter l981. Department of Anthropology Dissertation Grant, The University of Michigan. l980-81. Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, The University of Michigan. 1979-80. Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Research Fellowship. 1978-80. National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant. 1978. University of Michigan Rackham Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Award. Summer 1977. U.S. Office of Education Fellowship for Advanced Language Study (Indonesian), IKIP Malang, East Java, Indonesia. 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78. National Defense Foreign Language Fellowship for Indonesian language study. l975-76. French Institute/Alliance Francaise (New York City), Fellowship for Year in France (declined). 1975. Rackham Developmental Grant, University of Michigan.

INSTITUTIONAL GRANTS SECURED 2010-2013. With Adam Seligman. Project on “Religious Pluralism and Civic Peace: Programs on and For Pluralism, Public Policy, and Citizen Learning in Multicultural Societies.” Luce Foundation Grant to the Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. 2008-2010. Project on “Shari`a Politics: The Cultures and Politics of Movements for the Implementation of Islamic Law.” Smith-Richardson Foundation Grant to Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. 1998-2001. “Southeast Asian Pluralisms: Social Resources for Civility and Participation.” Award from the Ford Foundation to the Program on Civil Society and Civic Participation, Robert Hefner Director, Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, Boston University. January 1990: Grant for “Research and Education on Religion and Economic Culture,” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, Boston University. Awarded by the Pew Charitable Trusts

NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS ORGANIZED 2010-2010. Co-Director (with Peter L. Berger), “Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism in the Second Generation: Implications for Democracy, Civic Education, and Economic Morality.” Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. March 24, 2007. Panel Organizer, “A Conservative Turn in Indonesian Islam? The Politics of Shari`a in PostSoeharto Indonesia.” Sponsored Panel, Indonesian Studies Committee-East Timor Council, Association for Asian Studies Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts. 2004-2006. Director, Project on, “Madrasas and the Future of Muslim Education.” Institute for Religion and World Affairs, Boston University and the Pew Charitable Trusts.

4 2004-2005. Director, with Dr. Azyumardi Azra, Rector, National Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Project on “Madrasas, State Islamic Universities, and Civic Education in Indonesia.” Institute on Religion and World Affairs, Boston University and the Pew Charitable Trusts. 2002-2004. Director, Project on, “Civil Democratic Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World.” Institute on Religion and World Affairs, Boston University, and the Pew Charitable Trusts. “Southeast Asian Pluralisms: Social Resources for Civility and Participation.” The Ford Foundation Southeast Asia. 1998-2001. This was a three country project involving sixteen senior researchers examining citizenmaking, ethnoreligious pluralism, and conflict mediation in Southeast Asia. It included a twenty-eight person conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on August 5-6, 1999. 1996-97. Director. “Authors Project on Civic Culture.” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, Boston University. This project brings together scholars to meet in the spring and fall to prepare four books exploring the changing role of the family, political institutions, social participation, and education in Western democracies. 1994-1995. Invited American Coordinator, Seminar on “Islam and Society in Southeast Asia.” Jakarta, Indonesia. Responsible, with Dr. Taufik Abdullah, for the conference proposal, schedule of topics and events, and invitations. The international conference brought together thirty American and Southeast Asian scholars to “explore the challenges and opportunities of the modern era, and highlight the diverse array of Muslim Southeast Asian ideas and initiatives in the face of those challenges.” Attended by the U.S.Ambassador as well as representatives from the Indonesian Foreign Ministry and Department of Religion. 1995. Director and Organizer, Working Group on, “Civil Society and Civic Virtue: On the Role of Associations and Morality in Markets and Democracy.” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, April 29-30 and October 28-29. A national working group consisting of fifteen scholars from five disciplines assembled to examine the role of public associations in the sustenance of civic values and democratic politics. 1994. Director and Organizer, Conference and Faculty Seminar on “Development, Democracy, and Civil Society.” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture. June 21-July 12. 1994. Director and Organizer, with Dr. Hue-Tam Ho-Tai, Harvard University, “Market Cultures: Entrepreneurial Precedents and Moral Dilemmas in East and Southeast Asia.” An international conference sponsored through the Transnational Research Program of the Social Science Research Council. October 2-3. 1991 & 1992. Director and Organizer, Summer Seminar on “Markets, Values, and Culture.” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture. June 17-July 11, 1991 and June 22-July 10, 1992. A faculty seminar bringing together scholars from the United States and abroad to explore the history, social organization, and cultural meanings of modern markets and capitalism. 1989-1990. Organizer, Colloquia on “Economy and Culture: New Directions and Research.” (Eight Lectures). Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, Boston University. 1989. Organizer, Session on “The Politics of Religious Rationalization.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 17. 1988. Designer and Coordinator, Conference on “Conversion to World Religions: Historical and Ethnographic Interpretations.” Institute for the Study of Economic Culture and Boston University Humanities Foundation, April 16-17. 1987. Organizer and Chair, “Southeast Asian Economic Cultures: Political, Moral, and Historical Dimensions.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, April 13. 1987. Designer and Coordinator, “Art and Politics in Six Cultures.” Boston University Lecture Series, Spring. 1987. Designer and Coordinator, “Dan Sperber and the Anthropology of Mind.” Boston University Visiting Lecturer (six weeks), Spring term. 1986. Organizer, Session on “Imagined Communities: State Policy and Local Allegiance in Indonesia and Malaysia.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, December 2.

HONORS 2009-2010. Elected President, Association for Asian Studies

5 2009, May-June. Senior Distinguished Scholar, Institut des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and Centre d’Études d’Asie du Sud-Est.. 2008-2009. Elected Vice-President, Association for Asian Studies. 2007-2008. Invited Inaugural Fellow for the Lee Kong Chian National University of Singapore-Stanford University Distinguished Fellow in Southeast Asian Studies. August-September 2005. Invited Visiting Senior Scholar, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies and Asia Research Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. August 2004. Invited Senior Lecturer, U.S. Department State Bureau of International Information Programs, for participation in a program in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on “Islam in the 21st Century.” June-July 2003. Invited Senior Lecturer, U.S. Department State Bureau of International Information Programs, Visits in and Lectures at Islamic Schools (Pesantren) on Pluralism and Democracy in the United States and Indonesia. February 14-18, 2000. Invited Visiting Fellow, Humanities Research Institute, California, Seminar on “Globalization and Islamic Social Movements.” Fall 1999. Visiting Senior Fellow for project on “The Culture and Politics of Malay Identity,” Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Prof. Shamsul A.B. Director, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. 1998. Finalist, Metcalf Award for Teaching Excellence, Boston University. Boston University’s Premier Teaching Award. 1988. Harvard University Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize for “Excellence in the Art of Teaching.” For supervision of research and honors thesis by Ms. Ashley Pettus, Program in Social Studies. l987-88. Junior Fellow, Boston University Humanities Foundation. November 1986. Invited panel member, “New Religions, Movements, and Developments in East and Southeast Asia.” Sponsored by the Joint Committee on Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and the (SSRC). 1986. Hindu-Javanese: Tengger Tradition and Islam chosen as an “Outstanding Academic Book of the Year,” by Choice, magazine of the American Library Association. 1974. Elected to membership, Phi Beta Kappa. 1974. Highest Honors in Anthropology With Distinction. Senior Thesis: “Toward a Cultural Theory of Political Conflict in Latin America.” Department of Anthropology, The University of Michigan.

EDUCATION Spring 1982. Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology, University of Michigan. Thesis: “Identity and Cultural Reproduction among Tengger (Hindu) Javanese.” Summer 1978. Intensive Javanese, Indonesian Summer Studies Institute, University of California, Berkeley. Summer l977. U.S. Office of Education Program in Advanced Indonesian, IKIP Malang, East Java, Indonesia. 1975. Master of Arts in Anthropology, The University of Michigan. 1974. Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, The University of Michigan. Awarded Highest Honors. Thesis: “Toward a Cultural Theory of Political Conflict in Latin America.” 1974. Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Civilization, Department of Romance Languages, The University of Michigan. 1972-73. L’Universite de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France. 1970. High School Diploma, St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, Ohio.


LANGUAGES Advanced Reading, Writing, Speaking: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), Javanese, Tengger-Javanese, French. Working Capability: Dutch, Spanish.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE September 1-8, 2009. Invited Senior Lecturer, Summer Graduate Program on Religion, Culture, and Society, University Centre-St. Ignatius Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. August 31-September 7, 2008. Invited Senior Lecturer, Summer Graduate Program on Religion, Culture, and Society, University Centre-St. Ignatius Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. February-March, 2008. Visiting Professor, Program in Post-Graduate Studies, National University of Singapore. Course on “Islamic Education: History, Knowledge, and Modernity.” September 1-9, 2007. Invited Senior Lecturer, Summer Graduate Program on “Religion, Culture, and Society,” University Centre-St. Ignatius Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. 1999, January-July. Visiting Professor, Program Pascasarjana (Graduate School), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Course on “Democratization and Civil Society.” Fall 1982 to present. Department of Anthropology, Boston University. Fall 1980. Teaching Assistant, The University of Michigan. 1979-80. Visiting Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

TEACHING INTERESTS Democracy and Democratization Across Cultures; Politics: The Making of the Modern World; Nations and Nationalism; Political Anthropology; Anthropological Study of Religion; Islam and Modernity; Religious Social Movements; Capitalism and Cultures; Southeast Asia: Cultures, Nations, and Modernity; Cognition and Culture; Children and Culture; Identity and Socialization; Social and Cultural Theory; Anthropology and Philosophy.

RELATED PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 2007-2009. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Society. March-April 2004. Project Assessor, “CDIE Civil Society Assessment/Indonesia.” Management Systems International for the USAID. Assessment of Asia Foundation programs on Islam and Civil Society in Indonesia 1997-2003. 1998-2002. Director, “Southeast Asian Pluralisms.” The Ford Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia. 1992-2000. Director, Program on Civil Society and Civic Culture, Institute for the Study of Economic Culture, Boston University. Spring 1989 to present. Associate Director, Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs. Summer 1984. Scholar in Residence, Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1981-82. Research Assistant for Professor Clifford Geertz. The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. Spring 1978. Instructional Associate, Project on Asian Studies in Education (an outreach program), University of Michigan. Spring 1977. Research Assistant for Project on “Peasantry and Social Change in Southeast Asia.” Dr. Aram A. Yengoyan, Director, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan. 1975-76. Field Investigator, Project on Informal Economy. Dr. Louis Ferman, Director, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Michigan.

7 1975-76. Research Assistant for Project on “Models of Southeast Asian Social Structure.” Dr. Aram A. Yengoyan, Director, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan. Summer 1975. Research Assistant, Project on Informal Economy, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIPS 2010-. Invited Member, Advisory Group on Global Muslim Survey, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Dr. Luis Lugo, Director, Washington DC. 2009-. Invited Member, National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies, Dr. Abdullah Saeed Director, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 2008-2010. Invited Member, Advisory Board, Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School. 2008-2010. Invited Member, Advisory Board, Harvard Yenching Institute, Harvard University. 2007, 2008, 2009 (first week of September). Invited Senior Lecturer, Summer Graduate Program on “Religion, Culture, and Society,” University Centre-St. Ignatius Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. 2007-. Invited Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Muslim Minorities and Islam Policy Studies, Melbourne University, Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh Director. 2007-2010. Invited Member, Program on Religion and International Studies, Prof. Alfred Stepan Director, Social Science Research Council, New York. 2007. Invited Core Faculty member, Institute on Religion and World Affairs Summer Seminar on “Religion and Global Politics.” Session on Religion in the Middle East and Islamic World, with Houchang Chehabi. June 4-9. 2007-2009. Invited Advisor, project on “Religious Lives of Migrant Minorities,” a comparative project on religion and transregional culture among migrants in London, Kuala Lumpur, and Johannesburg. Social Science Research Council, New York. 2004-2007. Elected Member, Southeast Asia Committee, Association for Asian Studies. 2004-2008. Editorial Advisory Board, University of Wisconsin Press and University of Wisconsin Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Series on Southeast Asian Studies. 2004-2007. Invited Member, Advisory Board on Research Series on Islam and Muslim Affairs. Monash University, Australia. 2003-2005. Advisory Committee, Religion in Global Politics Project, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 2002-2005. Invited Member, Association for Asian Studies Book Project Committee, “Asian Studies Books for Undergraduate Education.” 2002. Faculty, Institute on Religion and World Affairs Summer Seminar on “Religion and Modern Politics.” Session on Religion in the Middle East and Islamic World, with Houchang Chehabi. June 10-14. 2001-2007. Series Editor, Palgrave Press and the Society for the Anthropology of Religion, “Contemporary Anthropology of Religion.” 2000-2002 Invited Member, Senior Advisory Panel for Cultural Anthropology, The National Science Foundation. 1999-2001. Invited Member, Faculty Advisory Council, Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University. 1997-2000. Invited Member, “Seminar on Cultural Globalization,” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. 1996. Invited member, Selection Committee for the United State-Indonesia Society (A private U.S.-Indonesian Foundation) USINDO Summer Studies Program, Washington D.C. (April 19).

8 1994-1995. (Invited) American Coordinator, Seminar on Islam and Society in Southeast Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Taufik Abdullah, Indonesian Coordinator. Sponsored by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, the Syarif Hidayatullah Institute for Islamic Studies, and the American-Indonesian Exchange Foundation of the United States Information Service (USIS). May 13-15, 1994. Title VI External Evaluator, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of WisconsinMadison. Invited to visit, review, and evaluate the program in Southeast Asian studies. 1993-1996. Invited Member, Discipline Advisory Committee (Anthropology), Fulbright Program, CIES, Washington D.C. 1993-1996. Invited member of the Selection Committee, Southeast Asian Studies Summer Studies Institute, Association for Asian Studies. 1990-1998. Fellowship Reader, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C. 1990-1992. First-stage Application Reader, The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College. May 16, 1992. Invited member of the Central Selection Committee for ACLS-SSRC NEH/Ford Post-Doctoral Fellowships, New York City. May 3-4, 1992. Invited member of the steering committee for the conference, “Islam in Southeast Asia,” SE Asian Studies, University of Hawaii (Manoa). 1991. Invited Member, Program Planning Committee, General Anthropology Division, For the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 1991 to 1996. Invited member of the Joint Committee on Southeast Asia of the ACLS and SSRC, New York City. With other committee members, responsible for conference programs, review and selection of applicants for fellowships, and project development for Southeast Asian studies. 1987-1990. Southeast Asia Review Editor, The Journal of Asian Studies. Journal of the Association for Asian Studies. Responsible for 90-100 reviews per year of books on Southeast Asia. 1988-1991. Invited member of the ‘Festival of Indonesia’ Advisory Committee for Academic Programs. 1986-1991. Contributing Editor for Antara Kita, Bulletin of the Indonesian Studies Committee of the Association for Asian Studies. 1983-86. Elected member of the Indonesian Studies Committee of the Association for Asian Studies. 1986-1989. Invited member of the American Council of Learned Societies/Social Science Research Council Panel, “New Religions and Religious Movements in East and Southeast Asia.” Invited Memberships: American Society for the Study of Religion (Invited 1995). Professional Memberships:

The American Anthropology Association. American Ethnological Society.

Association for Asian Studies. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,Land-, en Volkenkunde. Association Archipel (Paris), The Middle East Studies Association of North America, Society for the Anthropology of Religion. Editorial Advisor: Kultur: The Indonesian Journal for Muslim Cultures, Jakarta, Indonesia; Australian Journal of Anthropology; and Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia.

UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION Director, Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, July 1, 2009-. Associate Director, Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, 1986-June 30, 2009. April 1989-present, Director, Program on Islam and Civil Society. University Committees: Presidentially-appointed chairman, Fulbright and DAAD Scholarships Committee, 1996-1999, & 2000-2007; member, 1993-1996. Invited Member, Sawyer Seminar Review Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2009

9 Member, CAS Academic Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1997-1998, 2001-2002, 2003-2004 Member, Social Science Curriculum Committee, 2005-2007. Chairman, Academic Policy Committee, 1989-1990. Member of APC, 1987-1990. Core Curriculum Development Committee, 1989-1990. Elected to CLA/GRS Faculty Council, 1988-1989. University Presidential Fellowships Committee, 1985-1987. University Seed Grant Committee, 1988-1991. Member, Advisory Committee on Women, 1990-1991. Department Committees: Director of Graduate Admissions, 2006-7; member, 2009. Director of Graduate Studies, 1994-1999,2000-2003. Curriculum Committee (1982-93, 2000-2006), Chair, 1990-91, 1996-1998. Library Committee, Chair (1986-1990). Fellowships Committee (1983-1990; 1994-1998, 2000-2003). Admissions Committee (1983-1990; Chair 1988; 1994-2003). Graduate Committee (1988-present; Chair Spring 1988 and 1989, 1994-98, 2000-2003). Hiring Committee 1985-86, 1987-88. Director of Undergraduate Advising, 1984-85. Advisor for Anthropology Minors, 1983-92. Advisor BA-MA program 1998-present.

PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS 2011 (May). Editor. Shari`a Politics: Law and Society in the Modern Muslim World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2010 (November). Editor. Muslims and Modernity: Culture and Society since 1800. New Cambridge History of Islam, Volume 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009. Editor. Making Modern Muslims: The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 2007 (February). Editor, with Muhammad Qasim Zaman. Schooling Islam: The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education. Princeton: Series on Muslim Politics, Princeton University Press. 2005. Editor. Remaking Muslim Politics: Pluralism, Contestation, Democratization. Princeton: Series on Muslim Politics, Princeton University Press. 2001. Editor. The Politics of Multiculturalism: Pluralism and Citizenship in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 2000. Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia. Princeton University Press. Published as Civil Islam: Islam dan Demokratisasi di Indonesia, in Indonesian translation by the Institute for the Study of the Free Flow of Information (ISAI), Jakarta, spring 2001. 2000. Islam, Pasar, Keadilan: Artikulasi Lokal, Kapitalisme, dan Demokrasi [Islam, Markets, Justice: Local Articulations of Capitalism and Democracy]. Yogyakarta: LKiS Press. 1998. Editor, Democratic Civility: The History and Cross-Cultural Possibility of a Modern Political Ideal. New Brunswick: Transaction Press. 1998. 1998. Editor, Market Cultures: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms. Westview Press. 2000. Indonesian edition translated by T. Iskandar Ali and published as Budaya Pasar: Masyarakat dan Moralitas dalam Kapitalisme Asia Baru. Jakarta: LP3ES Press, Jakarta, 2000. 1997. Editor, with Patricia Horvatich. Islam in an Era of Nation-States: Politics and Religious Renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 2001. Indonesian edition translated by Imron Rosyidi and published as, Islam di Era Negara Bangsa. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Press. 1995. ICMI dan Perjuangan menuju Kelas Menengah Indonesia. (ICMI and the Struggle For an Indonesian Middle Class). Yogyakarta (Indonesia): PT Tiara Wacana Yogya. Translated by Endi Haryono, with an Introduction by Emha Ainun Nadjib. 1993. Editor. Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation. Berkeley: University of California Press.

10 1990. The Political Economy of Mountain Java: An Interpretive History. University of California Press. 1999. Translated and published in Indonesia as, Geger Tengger: Perubahan Sosial dan Perkelahian Politik (Yogyakarta: LKiS Press, 1999). 1985. Hindu Javanese: Tengger Tradition and Islam. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

PUBLICATIONS: ARTICLES & BOOK CHAPTERS Forthcoming. “Islamic Radicalism in a Democratizing Indonesia.” In Shahram Akbarzadeh, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Political Islam (New York and London: Routledge). Forthcoming. “Where Have all the Abangan Gone? Religionization and the Decline of Non-Standard Islam in Indonesia.” In Rémy Madinier and Michel Picard, eds., Religious Change in Modern Southeast Asia (Singapore: Institute for Southeast Asian Studies). Forthcoming. “God’s Law Revisited: Human Rights and Democracy in Islam.” In Thomas Banchoff and Robert Wuthnow, eds., Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010 (November 8). “Stroking Indonesia’s Ego (Obama in Indonesia).” Top-page opinion editorial, Asian Wall Street Journal, p. 13. 2010 (November). “Muslim Schools, Social Movements, and Democratization in Indonesia.” In M.S. Merry and Jeffrey Ayala Milligan, eds, Citizenship, Identity, and Education in Muslim Communities: Essays on Attachment and Obligation, pp. 125-45. New York: Palgrave. 2010 (November). “Muslims and Modernity: Culture and Society in an Age of Contest and Plurality.” In Robert W. Hefner, ed., Muslims and Modernity: Culture and Society since 1800, pp. 1-35. Volume 6 in The New Cambridge History of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010 (November). “Islamic Knowledge and Education in the Modern Age.” In Robert W. Hefner, ed., Muslims and Modernity: Culture and Society since 1800, pp. 497-520. Volume 6 in The New Cambridge History of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010 (November). “South-East Asia from 1910.” In Francis Robinson, ed., The Islamic World in the Age of Western Dominance, pp. 591-622. Volume 5 in The New Cambridge History of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010 (September). “Islam and Spiritual Capital: An Indonesian Case Study.” In Gordon Redding and Peter L. Berger, eds., The Hidden Form of Capital: Spiritual Influences in Societal Progress, pp. 191-212. London and New York: Anthem Press. 2009. “Afterword: Ann Dunham, Indonesia, and Anthropology—A Generation On.” In S. Ann Dumham, Surviving Against the Odds: Village Industry in Indonesia, pp. 343-45. Durham: Duke University Press. 2009. “Religion and Modernity Worldwide.” In Peter Clark, ed., Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 152-71. 2008 (November). “A Conservative Turn in Indonesian Islam? Genesis and Future.” In Muslim Politics and Democratisation in Indonesia” [no editor], pp. 33-50. Annual Indonesia Lecture Series No. 28. Clayton (Australia): Monash Asia Institute, 2008. 2008 (April). “Global Trends in Islamic Finance: Social Legacies and Institutional Variation.” In Mercy Kuo and Eric Altbach, eds., Islamic Finance in Southeast Asia: Local Practice, Global Impact, pp. 21-30. Seattle: National Bureau of Asia Research. 2008 (March). “Introduction: Civic Platforms or Radical Springboards?” Introductory essay to “Muslim Professional Associations and Politics in Southeast Asia,” special issue of NBR Analysis 18:3: 3-15. 2007 (October). “Ambivalent Embrace: Islamic Economics and Global Capitalism.” In Jonathan B. Imber, ed., Markets, Morals, & Religion, pp. 141-55. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. 2007 (January). “The sword against the crescent: religion and violence in Muslim Southeast Asia.” In Linell E. Cady and Sheldon W. Simon, eds., Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia: Disrupting violence, pp.33-50. London and New York: Routledge.

11 2006 (November/December). “Islamic Economics and Global Capitalism.” In Society, 44:1: 16-22. 2006 (January). “Islam Matters: Culture and Progress in the Muslim World.” In Lawrence Harrison and Jerome Kagan, Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change, pp. 261-78. New York and London: Routledge. 2006 (January). “Cultural Matters and Developmental Dilemmas in Indonesia.” In Lawrence Harrison and Peter L. Berger, Developing Cultures: Case Studies, pp. 181-98. New York and London: Routledge. 2006 (January). “State, Society, and Secularity in Contemporary Indonesia.” In Theodore Friend, ed., Religion and Religiosity in the Philippines and Indonesia: Essays on State, Society, and Public Creeds, pp. 39-51. Washington D.C.: School of Advanced International Studies and Brookings Institution Press. 2005 (November). “Social Legacies and Possible Futures.” In John Bresnan, ed., Indonesia: The Great Transition, pp. 75-136. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2005. “Protestantisme Islam dan Reformasi Protestan: Tanggapan untuk Sukidi” [Protestant Islam and the Christian Protestant Reformation: A Response to Sukidi]. Invited Featured Article (3000 words), commenting on the relevance of the Protestant Reformation for contemporary efforts to reform Islamic culture, Kompas (Jakarta), April 6, p. 8. 2004. “Fredrik Barth og demokratiseringsantropologien” [Fredrik Barth and the anthropology of democracy]. In Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift (Bergen, Norway) 15:4: 202-14. 2004. “Shariah Formalism or Democratic Communitarianism? The Islamic Resurgence and Political Theory.” In Chua Beng-Huat, ed., Democracy and Communitarianism in Asia, pp. 122-47. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon. 2004. “Hindu Reform in an Islamizing Java: Pluralism and Peril.” In Martin Ramstedt, ed., Hinduism in Modern Indonesia: A Minority Religion Between Local, National, and Global Interests, pp. 93-108. Leiden: KITLV Press. 2003. 2003. “Civil Islam and Political Violence in Indonesia.” Congress Monthly 70:6 (November-December): 3-5. 2003. “Political Islam in Southeast Asia: Assessing the Trends.” In Political Islam in Southeast Asia: Conference Report, Karl D. Jackson and Greg Fealy eds., pp. 5-9. Washington D.C.: School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. 2003. “Civic Pluralism Denied? The New Media and Jihadi Violence in Indonesia.” In Dale F. Eickelman and Jon W. Anderson, eds., New Media in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere, pp. 158-179. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2002. Civil Islam, Democratisation, and Violence in Indonesia: A Comment.” In Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 36: 1 (2002): 67-75. 2002. “Global Violence and Indonesian Muslim Politics.” Special Section, “In Focus: September 11, 2001.” American Anthropologist 104:3 (September): 754-65. 2002 (fall). “Islam and Asian Security.” Invited chapter in Richard J. Ellings and Aaron L. Friedberg, eds., Strategic Asia 2002-03: Asian Aftershocks, pp. 351-92. Seattle: National Bureau of Asian Research. 2002. “The Struggle for the Soul of Islam.” In Craig Calhoun, Paul Price, and Ashley Timmer, eds., Understanding September 11, pp. 41-52. Project coordinated by the Social Science Research Council, New York. New York: The New Press. 2002. “11 September and the Struggle for Islam.” Ethnicities 2:2 (June): 144-46. 2002. “Civil Islam and Democracy Reconsidered.” In Kultur: The Indonesian Journal for Muslim Cultures (Jakarta) 2:1: 1-11. 2002. “Indonesian Muslims after 9-11.” Anthropology News 43:5 (May): 52. 2002. “Indonesian Islam at the Crossroads.” Van Zorge Intelligence Report 4:3 (February 19): 12-20. 2001 (October). “Pengantar: Demokrasi dan Tantangan Pluralisme” [“Introduction: Democracy and the Challenge of Pluralism.”] In Akhmad Fikri AF, ed., Ngesuhi Deso Sak Kukuban: Pluralisme dan Model Sosial Demokrasi [Pluralism and Social Capital for Democracy], pp. xii-xix. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: LKIS Press.

12 2001. “Public Islam and the Problem of Democratization.” Sociology of Religion, Special Issue, Guest Edited by José Casanova, 62:4:491-514. (Reprinted in Islam, Mona Siddiqui ed. London: Sage Publications, 2010). 2000. “Disintegration or Democratization? Muslim Christian Violence and the Future of Indonesia.” In Olle Tornquist, ed., Political Violence: Indonesia and India in Comparative Perspective, pp. 39-49. Oslo: Center for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. 2000. “Profiles in Pluralism: Religion and Politics in Muslim Indonesia.” In Mark Silk, ed., Religion on the International News Agenda, pp. 81-101. Hartford: Pew Program on Religion and the News Media, Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, Trinity College. 2000. “The Divided Nation: Suharto’s Malukan Legacy.” Invited top-page op-editorial. The Asian Wall Street Journal, August 16. 2000. “Pluralisme di Indonesia dan Masalahnya” [Indonesian Pluralism and Its Problems]. In Ahmad Suaedy, ed., Pesantren dan Demokratisasi [Quranic Schools and Democratization], pp. 165-78. Yogyakarta: LKIS Press. 2000. “Religious Ironies in East Timor.” In Religion in the News 3:1:2000 (spring), pp. 8-10. 2000. “Humanitarian Intervention in East Timor.” In Institute for the Study of Genocide Newsletter, No. 24, Spring 2000. 1999. “Islam and Nation in the Post-Suharto Era.” In Adam Schwarz and Jonathan Paris, eds., The Politics of Post-Suharto Indonesia, pp. 40-72. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press. 1998. “Multiple Modernities: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in a Globalizing Age.” Annual Review of Anthropology 27:83-104. 1998. “Vier Lektionen uber die Idee der Civil Society.” In Emil Brix, ed., Civil Society in Osterreich, pp. 1946. Vienna: Passagen Verlag. 1998. “Secularization and Citizenship in Muslim Indonesia.” In David Martin, Paul Heelas, and Paul Morris, eds., Religion, Modernity, and Postmodernity, pp. 147-168. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 1998. “On the History and Cross-Cultural Possibility of a Democratic Ideal.” In R. Hefner, ed., Democratic Civility: The History and Cross-Cultural Possibility of a Modern Political Ideal, pp. 3-49. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. 1998. “A Muslim Civil Society? Indonesian Reflections on the Conditions of Its Possibility.” In Robert W. Hefner, ed., Democratic Civility: The History and Cross-Cultural Possibility of a Modern Political Ideal, pp. 285-321. 1998, January 25. “Indonesia is More than Markets.” The Boston Sunday Globe, invited front page article in Focus section of Commentary and Analysis, pp. E1-E2. 1998. “Civil Society: Cultural Possibility of a Modern Ideal.” In Society 35 (March-April):3:16-27. Lead article in a special, “Symposium: The Future of Democratic Civility.” 1998. “Current Islamic Fora and their Political Implications.” In Islam in Contemporary Indonesia: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, D.C.: The United States-Indonesia Society, pp. 16-27. 1998. “Introduction: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms.” In Hefner, ed., Market Cultures: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms, pp. 1-38 1998. “Markets and Justice for Muslim Indonesians.” In Hefner, ed., Market Cultures: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms, pp. 224-50. 1997. “Islam and Tolerance: The Struggle for a Pluralist Ethics in Contemporary Indonesia.” In Peter L. Berger, ed., The Limits of Social Cohesion: Conflict & Mediation in Pluralist Societies, pp. 233-64. A Report of the Bertelsmann Foundation to the Club of Rome. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998. Published in Germanlanguage edition, “Islamische Toleranz: Der Kampf um eine pluralistische Ethik im heutigen Indonesien,” in Peter L. Berger, ed., Die Grenzen der Gemeinschaft: Konflikt und Vermittlung in pluralistischen Gessellschaften. Gutersloh: Verlah Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1997, pp 399-446.

13 1997. “Print Islam: Mass Media and Ideological Rivalries among Indonesian Muslims.” Indonesia 64 (October): 1-27. 1996. “Islamizing Capitalism: On the Founding of Indonesia’s First Islamic Bank.” In Mark Woodward, ed., Toward a New Paradigm: Recent Developments in Indonesian Islamic Thought, pp. 291-322. Tempe: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University. Translated into Indonesian and published in Woodward, ed., Jalan Baru Islam (Bandung: Mizan, 1998), pp. 255-81. 2003. Reprinted in Shari’a and Politics in Modern Indonesia, Araskal Salim and Azyumardi Azra, eds., (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Series on Islam), pp. 148-67. 1995. “Modernity and the Challenge of Pluralism: Some Indonesian Lessons.” Studia Islamika (Jakarta) 2:4: 21-45. 1995. “Islam and the Spirit of Capitalism.” In Max L. Stackhouse and Dennis P. McCann (eds.), On Moral Business: Classical and Contemporary Resources for Ethics in Economic Life, pp. 363-67. Grand Rapids (Michigan): Eerdmans Publishers. 1994. “Islam, Negara dan Masyarakat Sipil” [Islam, State, and Civil Society; a translation of Indonesia 1993 article.] In Afkar (Journal of the Center for Information and Development Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia), II:3:(July-September 1994) 147-79 and II:4 (October-December): 82-121. 1994. “Reimagined Community: A Social History of Muslim Education in Pasuruan, East Java.” In Charles F. Keyes, Laurell Kendall, and Helen Hardacre (eds.), Communities in Question: Religion and Politics in Modern Asia, pp.75-95. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1993. “Islam, State, and Civil Society: I.C.M.I. and the Struggle for the Indonesian Middle Class.” In Indonesia 56, pp.1-35. 1993. “World Building and the Rationality of Conversion.” In R. Hefner, ed., Conversion to Christianity, pp. 3-44. 1993. “Of Faith and Commitment: Christian Conversion in Muslim Java.” In R. Hefner, ed., Conversion to Christianity, pp. 99-125. 1992. “Hierarchy and Stratification: The Case of Java.” In Myron L. Cohen, ed., Columbia Project on Asia in the Core Curriculum: Case Studies in the Social Sciences, pp. 105-15. London: M.E. Sharpe. 1991. “Ethnicity, Nation, and Nationalism in Modern Indonesia.” In Uri Ra’anan, ed., State and Nation in Multiethnic Societies, pp. 198-220. Manchester: University of Manchester Press. 1991. Reprinted as “Staat, Nation und Ethnizitat in modernen Indonesien.” In Erich Froschl, Maria Mesner, and Ur Ra’anan, eds. Staat un Nation in multi-ethnischen Gesselschaften, pp. 197-224. Vienna: Passagen Verlag 1991. “The Integrative Revolution Revisited” (With Allan Hoben). In World Development 19:1:17-30. Translated and Published in Risco (Lisbon, Portugal), 19:55-79, “O regresso a revolucao integrativa.”


1991. “Java’s Five Regional Cultures”; “Javanese Religion: A Gentle Blend of Islam and Adat”; “The Badui: Preservers of Archaic Pre-Islamic Ways”; “East Java: Introduction”; “The Tengger Highlands”; and “Trekking in the Tengger Highlands.” In Eric Oey, ed., Java, pp. 58-61, 66-69, 123, 299, 332-37. Berkeley and Singapore: Periplus Editions. 1987. “The Political Economy of Islamic Conversion in Modern East Java.” In William R. Roff (ed.), Islam and the Political Economy of Meaning: Comparative Studies of Muslim Discourse, pp.53-78. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1987. “Islamizing Java? Religion and Politics in Rural East Java.” In The Journal of Asian Studies 3:46:533554. 1987. “Politics and Social Identity: Introduction.” In The Journal of Asian Studies 3:46:491-493. 1987. “The Politics of Popular Art: Tayuban Dancing and Culture Change in Java.” In Indonesia, April 1987: 75-94. 1985. “Masyarakat Tengger Dalam Sejarah Nasional Indonesia” (Tengger in Indonesian National History). With Nancy J. Smith-Hefner. Publication for the Hindu Parisada, Pasuruan, East Java.

14 1985. “Japa-Mantra Hindu Kuno Dalam Tradisi Tengger” (Old Hindu Prayers in Tengger Tradition). With Nancy J. Smith-Hefner. Publication for the Hindu Parisada, Pasuruan, East Java. 1983. “Ritual and Cultural Reproduction in non-Islamic Java.” In American Ethnologist 10:4:665-83. 1983. “The Problem of Preference: Economic and Ritual Change in Highland Java.” In Man (London) (n.s.) 17:323-41. 1978. “Economic Man and His Meanings.” In Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 4:14-30. 1977. “Baudrillard’s Noble Anthropology: The Image of Symbolic Exchange in Political Economy.” In Substance 17:105-13. 1975. “Leiris and Anthropology.” In Substance 11-12:136-46. 1975. “Les Lieux Dits: Structure et Langage Chez Ricardou.” In Rackham Literary Studies 6:13-19. 1974. “The Tel Quel Ideology: Material Practice on Material Practice.” In Substance 8:82-95.

PUBLICATIONS: CONSULTANCY REPORTS July 17, 2007. “Islam in Contemporary Indonesia: Trends in Piety, Politics, and Politics.” Office of External Research, United States Department of State. June 16, 2007. “Islamic Education in Southeast Asia: A Three Year Project Review.” National Bureau of Asia Research, Seattle, Washington. October 12-15, 2006. Title VI External Evaluator, “Mid-term Review of the Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program (UISFL).” Report to Center for International Studies and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. May 2006. “Enriching Islamic Education: An Evaluation of the Indonesian Pesantren Development Program Operated by the Institute on Training and Development and Sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State.” Program Evaluation to Institute on Training and Development, Amherst, and the U.S. Department of State. May 2005. “Islam and Education in Indonesia.” National Bureau of Asia Research, Seattle Washington. March 2005. “Public Diplomacy and Indonesia.” Invited Paper, The Brookings Institution, Seminar on U.S. Public Diplomacy. October-December 2004. “Indonesian Perceptions of the United States: Positive Legacies, Contemporary Challenges.” Science Applications International Corporation, Washington, D.C. March 2004. With Krishna Kumar. “Asia Foundation Programs on Islam and Civil Society in Indonesia: A CDIE Assessment.” Management Systems International for the United States Agency for International Development, Washington DC. June 2003. “Islam in Indonesia’s Political Future.” CNAC Center for Strategic Studies, Washington, DC. May 13-15, 1994. Title VI External Evaluator, “Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin,” Report to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

PUBLICATIONS: ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLES Forthcoming, “Indonesia” and “Malaysia,” in Patricia Crone, ed., Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Forthcoming. “Indonesia” and “Islam, Southeast Asian.” Fully revised and updated entries in Robert Wuthnow, Editor in Chief, The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Books. 2002. “Muhammadiyah.” Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World, Richard C. Martin, ed., pp. 463-4. New York: Macmillan Reference.

15 2001. “Southeast Asian Studies, Culture.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, N.J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, editors, pp. 14,666-70. Oxford: Pergamon. 1999. “Tengger: The Hindu Javanese.” In James J. Fox, ed., Encylopedia of the Indonesian Heritage. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, pp. 78-79. 1998. “Conversion,” pp. 191-193; “Indonesia,” pp. 372-74; “Islam, Southeast Asian,” pp. 393-97; and “Soekarno,” pp. 721-22. In Robert Wuthnow, Editor in Chief, The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Books. 1995. “Syncretism.” In John L. Esposito (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. Oxford University Press, Vol IV, pp. 149-52.

PUBLICATIONS: ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS (ON THE WEB) January 15, 2008. “Indonesian educators balance democracy and shari`a.” Common Ground News Service. December 10, 2007. “Making Democracy Work—Islamically: Muslim Educators and the Question of Shari`a and Democracy in Indonesia.” Inside Indonesia. March 2004. Review of Talal Asad, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity." H-GenderMidEast, H-Net Reviews. URL: November 2001. “September 11 and the Struggle for Islam.” Invited essay at “After September 11: Perspectives from the Social Sciences,” the Social Science Research Council. February 13, 2001. “Muslim-Christian Violence in the Maluccas: The Role of National Influences.” United States Congressional Commission on International Religious Freedom Web Site, Washington DC. 1998. “Civil Society and Democracy.” In Civnet Journal (Journal For Civil Society). Lead article, Vol. 2, No. 3 (May-June).

PUBLICATIONS: REVIEW ARTICLES 2011. “Geertz among Anthropologists.” A review essay on Clifford Geertz, Life among the Anthros and Other Essays. In Anthropology Now. 2008. “Indonesian Islam, Post-Soeharto: The Struggle for the Sunni Center.” A review article of Jajang Jahroni, Defending the Majesty of Islam: Indonesia’s Front Pembela Islam, 1998–2003; Susan Blackburn, Bianca J. Smith, and Siti Syamsiyatun, eds. Indonesian Islam in a New Era: How Women Negotiate Their Muslim Identities; Nadirsyah Hosen, Shari’a and Constitutional Reform in Indonesia; and M. B. Hooker. Indonesian Syariah: Defining a National School of Islamic Law, in Indonesia 86 (October): 171-92. 2008. “Religion and Violence in Post-Soeharto Indonesia: A Review Essay.” A review article of Zachary Abuza, Political Islam and Violence in Indonesia, John T. Sidel, Riots, Pogroms, Jihad: Religious Violence in Indonesia, and Gerry van Klinken, Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: Small Town Wars. In Journal of Asian Studies 67:1 (February), 667-74. 2002. “Islam and French Anthropology.” A review article of Dominique Casajus, Gens de parole: Langage, Poésie et politique en pays Touareg and Pierre Bonte, Anne-Marie Brisebarre, and Altan Gokalp, Sacrifices en Islam: Éspaces et temps d’un rituel. In Current Anthropology 43:1 (February) 886-888. 2001 (March). Review of Shifting Languages: Interaction and Identity in Javanese Indonesia, by J. Joseph Errington, and Speaking through the Silence: Narratives, Social Conventions, and Power in Java, by Laine Berman. In American Anthropologist 103 (1): 234-235. 2000. “Three Styles in the Study of Nations.” A review article on Language, Identity, and Marginality in Indonesia, by Joel C. Kuipers, A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today, by James T. Siegel, and The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World, by Benedict Anderson. In Current Anthropology 41:5 (December): 886-88.

16 1996. Review of Andree Feillard, Islam et Armée dans l’Indonésie Contemporaine. In Indonesia 61 (April): 186-189. Translated and published as the Preface to the Indonesian-language edition of Feillard (1996), NU Vis-à-vis Negara (Yogyakarta: LKIS Publishers, 1999), pp. xv-xxi. 1994. “Bringing the State Back In.” A review of V. Matheson Hooker, Culture and Society in New Order Indonesia and Rita Smith Kipp, Dissociated Identities: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in an Indonesian Society. In American Anthropologist 96:4 (December): 976-79. 1994. Review Article, “Disciplined Manner,” a review of Talal Asad, Genealogies of Religion: Discipline and Reasons of Power in Christianity and Islam. In Current Anthropology 35:4 (August-October): 477-479. 1990. “Culture and Economy in a Southeast Asian Periphery.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 18:1: 27-38. 1983. “The Culture Problem in Human Ecology: A Review Article.” In Comparative Studies in Society and History 25:3:547-56.

PUBLICATIONS: REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Forthcoming. Review of Barbara D. Metcalf, Islam in South Asia in Practice. In American Ethnologist. Forthcoming. Review of James C. Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. In American Anthropologist. Forthcoming. Review of Timothy Daniels, Islamic Spectrum in Java. In American Ethnologist. Forthcoming. Review of Gerry van Klinken and Joshua Barker, eds., State of Authority: the State in Society in Indonesia. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde. Forthcoming. Review of Patrick Guiness, Kampung, Islam and State in Java. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde. 2010. Comment on Pnina Werbner, “Notes from a Small Place: Anthropological Blues in the Face of Global terror.” In Current Anthropology 51: 2 (April): 210-211. 2010 (fall). Review of Greg Fealy and Sally White, Expressing Islam: Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia. In Journal of Islamic Studies 21:479-482. 2010 (September). Review of Michael G. Peletz, Gender Pluralism: Southeast Asia since Early Modern Times. In American Anthropologist 112:3:488-9. 2010 (August). Review of Eric Tagliacozzo, ed., Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée. In International Journal of Middle East Studies 42:3: 522-24. 2010 (May). Review of Gordon P. Means, Political Islam in Southeast Asia and Duncan McCargo, Tearing the Land Apart: Islam and Legitimacy in Southern Thailand. In Journal of Asian Studies 62:2: 652-55. 2010. Review of Amyn b. Sajoo, ed., Muslim Modernities: Expressions of the Civil Imagination. In Insight Turkey 12:2:251-53. 2009. Review of Martin van Bruinessen and Julia Day Howell, eds., Sufism and the ‘Modern’ in Islam. In Indonesia, 88 (October): 197-98. 2009. Review of Arskal Salim, Challenging the Secular State: The Islamization of Law in Modern Indonesia. In Pacific Affairs 88:4: 250-52. 2009. Review of R. Michael Feener, Muslim Legal Thought in Modern Indonesia, In American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 12:3: 157-159. 2009 (February). Review of Elizabeth F. Drexler, Aceh, Indonesia: Securing the Insecure State. In American Ethnologist 36:1: 195-6. 2008. Review of Sadanand Dhume, My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with an Indonesian Islamist. In Far Eastern Economic Review, 171:7 (September), 44-47. 2009 (winter). Review of R. Michael Feener and Mark E. Cammack, eds., Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions. In Journal of Law and Religion, 24:1: 101-05.

17 2008. Review of Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Indonesia and the Muslim World: Islam and Secularism in the Foreign Policy of Soeharto and Beyond. In Pacific Affairs 81:1 (Spring): 152-54. Forthcoming. Review of Thomas Menkhoff, Hans-Dieter Evers, and Yue Wah Chay, eds., Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia. In Journal of Asian Business. 2007. Review of Noorhaidi Hasan, Laskar Jihad: Islam, Militancy, and the Quest for Identity in Post-New Order Indonesia. In Pacific Affairs 80:1 (Spring): 131-2. 2007. Review of Anna M. Gade, Perfection Makes Practice: Learning, Emotion, and the Recited Qur’an in Indonesia. In The Journal of Religion 87:2 (April): 313-15. 2007. Review of Tun-Jen Cheng and Deborah A. Brown, eds., Religious Organizations and Democratization: Case Studies from Contemporary Asia. In Journal of Asian Studies, 66:1 (February): 201-3. 2007 (June). Review of James Siegel, Naming the Witch. In American Anthropologist 109:2: 420-1. 2007 (May). Review of Bill Maurer, Mutual Life, Limited: Islamic Banking, Alternative Currencies, Lateral Reason. In American Ethnologist, Book Reviews on line 34:2 (May). 2006. Review of Loïc Wacquant, Pierre Bourdieu and Democratic Politics. In Contemporary Sociology 35:6 (fall): 606-8. 2006. Review of Gerald L. Houseman, Researching Indonesia: A Guide to Political Analysis. In Journal of Asian Studies 65:3 (August):654-6. 2006. Review of M.B. Hooker, Indonesian Islam: Social Change through Contemporary Fatâwâ. In History of Religions 46:1 (August). 2005. Review of Virginia Hooker and Amin Saikal, eds., Islamic Perspectives on the New Millennium. In Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 41:3: 401-3. 2005. Review of Jean DeBernardi, Rites of Belonging: Memory, Modernity, and Identity in a Malaysian Chinese Community. In The International History Review 27: 3 (September): 603-5. 2004. Review of Jacques Bertrand. Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia. In Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 10:4: 689-92. 2004. Review of Michael G. Peletz, Islamic Modern: Religious Courts and Cultural Politics in Malaysia. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion 72:4 (Winter):1056-59. 2004. Review of Andrew Buckser and Stephen D. Glazier, The Anthropology of Religious Conversion. In Journal of Anthropological Research 60: 3(fall): 431-32. 2004. Review of Michael Francis Laffan, Islamic Nationhood and Colonial Indonesia: The umma below the winds. In International Journal of Middle East Studies 36: 493-95. 2004. Review of Jun Honna, Military Politics and Democratization in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Studies 63:2 (May): 554-56. 2003. Review of Mansoor Moaddel, Jordanian Exceptionalism: A Comparative Analsysis of State-Religion Relationships in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria. American Journal of Sociology. 108:3:787-89. 2003, November 28. “Islamic Orders.” Review of John R. Bowen, Islam, Law, and Equality in Indonesia An anthropology of public reasoning. In Times Literary Supplement (London), p. 27. 2003. Review of Freek Colombijn and J. Thomas Lindblad, eds., Roots of Violence in Indonesia: Contemporary Violence in Historical Perspective, and Frans Husken and Huub de Jonge, eds., Violence and Vengeance: Discontent and Conflict in New Order Indonesia. Journal of Asian Studies 62: 3 (August): 105107 2003. Review of Howard M. Federspiel, Islam and Ideology in the Emerging Indonesian State: The Persatuan Islam (PERSIS). Journal of Asian Studies 62:1:335-6. 2003. Review of Peter Riddell, Islam and the Malay-Indonesian world: Transmission and responses. In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 (1), pp. 1263-65.

18 2002. Review of Stephen C. Headley, From Cosmogony to Exorcism in a Javanese Genesis. In American Anthropologist 104:4 (December): 1242. 2001. Review of Lorraine V. Aragon, Fields of the Lord: Animism, Christian Minorities, and State Development in Indonesia. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 7:3: 612-14. 2001. Review of Chris Manning and Peter van Diermen, eds., Indonesia in Transition: Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis. In Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 30:4: 394-5. 2000. Review of Christopher Lamb and M. Darrol Bryant, Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies. In Religious Studies Review 26: 4 (October), p. 353. 2000. Review of Jennifer W. Nourse, Conceiving Spirits: Birth Rituals and Contested Identities among Laujé of Indonesia. In Religious Studies Review 26:4 (October), p. 357. 2000. Review of Daniel Chirot and Anthony Reid, eds., Essential Outsiders: Chinese and Jews in the Modern Transformation of Southeast Asia and Central Europe. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (BKI) 156: 1: 124-5. 1999. Review of Douglas James Hayward, Vernacular Christianity among the Mulia Dani: An Ethnography of Religious Belief among the Western Dani of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In Oceania 69:4:311-2. 1999. Review of Hans Antlov, Exemplary Centre, Administrative Periphery: Rural Leadership and the New Order in Java. In The Journal of Asian Studies, 58:1: 259-260. 1999. Review of Douglas E. Ramage, Politics in Indonesia: Democracy, Islam and the Ideology of Tolerance. In The Journal of Asian Studies 58:1: 271-72. 1999. Review of John R. Bowen, Religions in Practice: An Approach to the Anthropology of Religion. In American Anthropologist 101:1. 1999. Review of Raymond Lee and Susan Ackerman, Sacred Tensions: Modernity and Religious Transformation in Malaysia. In American Journal of Sociology 104:3: 934-936. 1998. Review of Geoffrey Robinson, The Dark Side of Paradise: Political Violence in Bali. In American Historical Review 75 (October): 1303-1304. 1998. “Debating Democratic Islam.” In the Wilson Quarterly 22:3 (summer): 8-9. 1998. Review of Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly, Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. In American Anthropologist 100 (2) (June), pp. 552-53. 1998. Review of Margaret J. Wiener, Visible and Invisible Realms: Power, Magic, and Colonial Conquest in Bali. In American Anthropologist 100 (2) (June), p. 570. 1997. Review of Raymond Firth, Religion: A Humanist Interpretation. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3 (2) (June): 399-400. 1997. Review of Wendy James, ed., The Pursuit of Certainty: Religious and Cultural Formations. In American Anthropologist 99:2 (June): 423-24. 1996. Review of Muriel Charras and Marc Pain, eds., Spontaneous Settlements in Indonesia: Agricultural Pioneers in Southern Sumatra. In Human Ecology. 24:2 (June): 275-77. 1996. Review of John Pemberton, On the Subject of “Java.” In American Anthropologist 98:3: (September): 699-701. 1996. Invited Comment on Pnina Werbner’s, “Allegories of Sacred Imperfection: Magic, Hermeneutics and Passion in The Satanic Verses.” In Current Anthropology Volume 37 Supplement, February 1996, pp. S73S74. 1996. Review of C.W. Watson and Roy Ellen, eds., Understanding Witchcraft and Sorcery in Southeast Asia. In Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 32:1: (January): 94-97. 1995. Review of Carol Warren, Adat and Dinas: Balinese Communities in the Indonesian State. In American Anthropologist, 94:4 (December) 826-827. 1994. Review of John R. Bowen, Muslims Through Discourse. In Man 29:4 (December): 1012-1013.

19 1994. Review of Roy Dilley, ed., Contesting Markets: Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice. In American Anthropologist, 96:3: 748-749. 1994. Review of Howard Dick et al., Balanced Development: East Java in the New Order. In The Journal of Asian Studies 53:3 (August): 992-994. 1994. Review of F. Lambertus Bakker, The Struggle of Hindu Balinese Intellectuals. In The Journal of Asian Studies, 53:2:616-618. 1993. Review of Gillian Hart et al., Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia. In The Journal of Asian Studies, 52:4: 1038-1084. 1993. Review of Goran Aijmer, A Conciliation of Powers: The Force of Religion in Society. In American Anthropologist 95:2 (June): 454-55. 1993. Review of David E. Van Zandt, Living in the Children of God. In Journal of Anthropological Research 49:2 (Summer): 175-77. 1993. Review of Robert Cribb, Gangsters and Revolutionaries: The Jakarta People’s Militia and the Indonesian Revolution, 1945-1949. The American Historical Review 70 (April): 547-48. 1993. Review of Carol Laderman, Taming the Wind of Desire: Psychology, Medicine, and Aesthetics in Mala/y Shamanistic Performance. In Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 29 (January): 71-73. 1993. Review of Karl G. Heider, Landscapes of Emotion: Mapping Three Cultures of Emotion in Indonesia. In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24:1:177-79. 1992. Review of P. Alexander, P. Boomgaard, and Ben White, eds., In the Shadow of Agriculture: Non-Farm Activities in the Javanese Economy, Past and Present. In The Journal of Asian Studies 51:3:708-10. 1992. Review of Denys Lombard, Le Carrefour Javanais: Essai d’Histoire Globale, 3 Vols. In The American Historical Review, 69: 916-17. 1992. Review of Benedict R. O’G. Anderson, Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. In American Anthropologist 94:1 (March): 211-12. 1992. Review of Peter Boomgaard, Children of the Colonial State: Population Growth and Economic Development in Java, 1795-1880 and Jan G.L. Palte, Upland Farming on Java, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Study of Upland Agriculture and Subsistence under Population Pressure. In The Journal of Asian Studies, 51:1:204-6. 1991. Review of James R. Rush, Opium to Java: Revenue Farming and Chinese Enterprise in Colonial Indonesia, 1860-1910. In The American Historical Review 68:1596-97. 1991. Review of Sadyadharma, Sudarno, and Piet Rietveld, Mobilitas Ulang-Alik Penduduk Pedesaan. In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 22:2:396-97. 1991. Review of P.M. Laksono, Tradition in Javanese Social Structure— Kingdom and Countryside: Changes in the Javanese Conceptual Model. In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 22:2:419-21. 1990. Review of Fukuo Ueno, Desa Cimahi: Analysis of a Village on Java during the Japanese Occupation (1943). In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 21:2:484-85. 1990. Review of Michael G. Peletz, A Share of the Harvest: Kinship, Property, and Social History among the Malays of Rembau. In Human Ecology 18:3 (September): 345-47. 1990. Review of Mark R. Woodward, Islam in Java: Mysticism and Normative Piety in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. In Journal of Ritual Studies 4:1:157-159. 1989. Review of Michael R. Dove, The Real and Imagined Role of Culture in Development: Case Studies from Indonesia. In Human Ecology 17:3 (September):369-71. 1989. Review of G. Hart, Power, Labor, and Livelihood: Processes of Change in Rural Java. In Journal of Asian Studies. 48:2:445-46. 1988. Review of Ward Keeler, Javanese Shadow Plays, Javanese Selves. In American Anthropologist. 90:2:466-67.

20 1988. Review of J. Kertzer, Ritual, Politics, and Power. In American Anthropologist. 90:4:999. 1987. Review of Toby A. Volkman, Film on Indonesia. In American Anthropologist. 88:4:1036. 1986. Review of S. Lansing, The Three Worlds of Bali. In American Anthropologist. 88:2:487-88. 1986. Review of Glen Chandler, Market Trade in Rural Java. In Journal of Asian Studies. 45:3:645-46. 1986. Review of R.Hatley, Other Javas Away from the Kraton and M. Nakamura, The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree. In Journal of Asian Studies. 45:3:649-50. 1983. Comment on Karp and Maynard’s “Reading ‘The Nuer.’” In Current Anthropology. 24:4:493. 1979. Review of M. Sievers, The Mystical World of Indonesia: Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. In Comparative Studies in Society and History. 21:1:145-46.

INTERVIEWS AND BROADCASTS: PRINT, RADIO, AND TELEVISION November 9, 2010. “The U.S. and Indonesia,” live broadcase interview, the Tim Farley Show, Sirius Radio. November 5, 2010. “Obama in Indonesia.” Broadcast interview with Sri Lestari, BBC Indonesia Radio Service. June 13, 2010. “The Genius of Turkey.” Interview, Zaman (Istanbul, Turkey), p. 3. March 25, 2010. “Association for Asian Studies to Assemble Amid a Resurging Asia.” Interview, China Daily USA, p. 16. December 3, 2009. Broadcast interview, “Honoring the Memory of Ann Dunham” (anthropologist and mother of President Barack Obama). Ben Markus reporter, Hawaii Public Radio. November 18, 2009. Invited talk show discussant, with U.S. Senator Christopher Bond, “Islam and Southeast Asia: The Next Front?” The Riz Khan Show, Aljazeera Television/America. January 27, 2008. Voice of America one-half hour interview broadcast (in Indonesian) with Indonesian ambassador to U.S., “Assessing the Life and Legacy of President Soeharto.” April 3, 2007. One hour interview for radio broadcast, “Islam in Southeast Asia,” Ms. Keri Phillips host, Rear Vision Broadcasts, ABC Radio National, Australia. January 21, 2007. Half-hour talk-show interview (in Indonesian), “The Impact of America’s Elections on Relations with Indonesia.” Voice of America Indonesian Broadcast Service. November 12, 2006. Half-hour talk-show interview (in Indonesian), “U.S. Policy in the Muslim World After the Midterm Elections,” on “Hello Indonesia,” Voice of America Indonesian Broadcast Service. November 7, 2006. One hour interview and talk-show discussion on Muslim Politics and America Today, on “Talk to America,” with host Erin Klein, Voice of America Radio, Washington D.C. July 5, 2004. Interview in BBC Broadcast, “In the Footsteps of Muhammad.” Program 4, “Indonesia.” Phil Pegum Producer, Edward Stourton Presenter. November 4, 2003. Interview, “Wahhabism in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.” On The World Today, ABC Radio (Australia). October 26, 2003. Voice of America (Indonesia Broadcast), Interview, “American Muslims and the War in Iraq.” October 16, 2002. “Indonesia at the Crossroads.” Interview by Eric Boehlert published at (wysiwyg://17/ October 15, 2002. Guest, “Q & A: Terrorism in Indonesia after the Bali Bombings.” CNN International halfhour broadcast, hosted by Shihab Rattansi. August 9, 2002. “Politik Santri, Mengalami Pergeseran Makna Secara Mendasar” [Muslim Politics Experiences a Basic Shift in Meaning.” Published interview in Inovasi: Jurnal Ilmu dan Kemanusiaan (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 11:2: 44-49. October 31, 2001. Invited Speaker, “Islam and Religious Tolerance in Democracy,” Digital Video Conference between Jakarta and the United States, Sponsored by the United States Embassy, Jakarta.

21 October 10, 2001. Interview, “Megawati and Indonesia’s Islamist Card,” The Daryn Inch Show, Australian Broadcasting Company Radio, Melbourne, 3AKRadio. April 12, 2001. “Professor Hefner dan Dosa Soeharto” [Professor Hefner and the Sins of Soehart]. Surabaya Post. Apri8l 9, 2001. Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University. “Religion and Secularization, Revisited.” Discussant with José Casanova. February 9, 2001. “Indonesinis Amerika Memandang Gus Dur dan Krisis Politiknya” [American Indonesianist Observes the President’s Political Crisis”]. Front Page, the Jawa Pos, Surabaya, Indonesia. January 17, 2001. Special Guest Appearance for Interview and Viewer Call-Ins on Voice of America television broadcast, “Halo VOA,” a one hour live simul-broadcast in Indonesian on the IndoSiar station in Indonesia (broadcast from a studio in the VOA offices Washington DC). Topic of Discussion: “Pemerintahan Gus Dur Akan Dibawa Ke Mana” (Gus Dur’s Government: Where Is It Going?). November 27, 2000. “Pemerintahan Gus Dur Di Mata Para Indonesianis” [The Government of President Abdurrahman Wahid in the Eyes of Indonesianists], Jawa Pos, p.3. November 1, 2000. “Civil Islam and the Challenge of Multicultural Society: Interview with Robert W. Hefner.” In Kultur: The Indonesian Journal for Muslim Cultures 1:1: 83-89. September 13, 2000. Twenty-minute radio interview on my, Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia. “Late Night Live,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation National Radio. July 17, 2000. “Demokrasi Perlu Menghindari Politik Elit Bawah Tanah” [Democracy requires avoiding elite underground politics]. Interview in Tekad (Jakarta), 3:24:2000, pp. 7-8. March 15, 2000. “Indonesianis AS Memandang Politik Gus Dur” [An American Indonesianist Evaluates the Performance of President Gus Dur]. Front page interview, Jawa Pos, Surabaya, Indonesia. November 21, 1999. National Evening News, SCTV Indonesia, Interview on “Nahdlatul Ulama and the Wahid Presidency,” live five minute broadcast from the NU National Congress, Lirboyo, East Java. November 17, 1999. Published interview, “Tidak Kwatir Atas Kemandirian NU” [Not To Fear About the Independence of the Nahdlatul Ulama], page 2 in Suara Pembaruan (national newspaper published in Jakarta). September 14, 1999. Studio Guest, “The Crisis in East Timor.” The Connection, Public Radio International and WBUR-Boston. September 9, 1999. Sole studio guest, “The Lessons of Kosovo and the Crisis in East Timor.” The Connection, Public Radio International and WBUR Boston. August 15, 1999. “Muhammadiyah, Civil Society, dan Pluralisme.” Interview in Suara Muhammadiyah 84:16: 10-11. July 1999. “Pemilu: Jalan Masuk Menuju Zaman Baru” [The Elections: A Road to a New Era]. In Madani 2:3: 66-73. July 30, 1999. TVRI Yogyakarta, “Bedah Buku,” twenty-minute roundtable discussion of Geger Tengger. July 26, 1999, “Politik Islam Sekarang Jaul Lebih Majemuk” [Islamic Politics Now Is More Pluralistic], sixpage feature interview, DR (Indonesian newsweekly), 50:30: 32-37. July 25, 1999. TVRI Yogyakarta, Discussant in one-hour program on, “The Culture of Leadership in Java.” July 11,, 1999. “Umat Tak Mungkin Dimarginkan Lagi” [Muslims Won’t Be Marginalized Again]. Tempo, p. 28. June 22, 1999. “Habibie Tak Akan Menang” [Habibie Is Not Going to Win]. Jawa Pos, front page. May 1, 1999. Goresan Magazine, Yogyakarta. “Sektarianisme Buruk Bagi Tumbuhnya Civil Society” Sectarianisms is bad for the growth of civil society]. 1:16: 10-11. March 21, “Indonesia Heads For Elections.” In the Sydney Morning Herald, by Hamish McDonald. March 9, 1999. “Persatuan Preman Politik Untung Besar” [Political Gangsters are the Big Winners]. Kedaulatan Rakyat (Yogyakarta), front page.

22 March 4, 1999. “Crossing Continents: Islam in Indonesia.” BBC Radio 4 News, London (for world radio broadcast & Web publication @ December 22, 1998. “Gus Dur, Bagaimana Pengamat Asing Memandangnya” [Gus Dur: How Foreign Obervers See Him]. Jawa Pos (Surabaya, Indonesia). May 18, 1998. Studio guest, “Suharto’s Last Days?” The Connection, Public Radio International and WBURBoston. March 16, 1998. Studio guest, “Suharto’s Indonesia.” The Connection, Public Radio International and WBUR Boston. January 12, 1998. Studio guest, “The Crisis in Indonesia.” The Connection, Public Radio International and WBUR Boston. November 15, 1994. Interview, Voice of America, Washington, Story on “Indonesia’s Multi-Ethnic Pride,” by Ed Warner. January 1994, Islamika (Jakarta), no. 3, pp. 18-25. “Kemenangan Kultural Politik Santri” [The Victory of Muslim Cultural Politics]. August 4-10, 1993. “Ini Jaman Islam Pembangunan” [The Era of Development Islam]. DeTik: 17:22:27-30. July 4, 1993. “Pluralitas Sehat Dalam Ruangan Besar” [A Healthy Pluralism in a Big Hall]. Republika, pp. 17.

PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS, PARTICIPATIONS January 24, 2011. Invited conference presentation, “Indonesia in the Global Islamic Scene: Education, Shari‘a, Social Movements.” Conference on “Is Indonesian Islam Different? Islam in a Comparative International Perspective.” Sponsored by Leiden University and Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Bogor, Indonesia. January 6, 2011. Invited conference presentation, “On the Causes and Consequences of Southeast Asia’s Religious Revitalization.” International Research Conference on the Resurgence of Religions in Southeast Asia: 1997-2011. Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. December 5, 2010. Invited Presentation, with Harvey Cox. “Caesar and God in the Modern World.” Fall Seminar on Religion and Politics Today, Grace Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts. November 12, 2010. Invited Lecture, Annual Gallin Lecture, “Madrasas and Militancy in Indonesia: Three Stories.” Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. October 26, 2010. Invited lecture, “The Culture and Promise of East Asia’s New Middle Class.” Symposium on “Evolving ASEAN Socieety and Establishing a Sustainable Social Security Net, jointly sponsored by the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN), the Central Institute of Economic Management (Hanoi, Vietnam), and Harvard University Asia Vision 21. The Hanoi Sheraton, Hanoi, Vietnam. October 13, 2010. “Knowing Tariq Ramadan.” Introductory presentation and discussion on Tariq Ramadan on the occasion of his lecture, “Islam and Democratic Pluralism.” Lecture sponsored by the Institute on Philosophy and Religion and Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. October 5, 2010. Invited Respondent to Dr. Harvey Cox, “Muslims through Christian Eyes: From the Prophet to the Present.” Center for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, Boston University. October 1, 2010. Invited Lecture, “Great Transformations: Pentecostalism and Islam as Varieties of Religious Globalization.” September 30, 2010. Lindesmith Lecture, “Islam and Democracy in Southeast Asian Perspective.” Invited Lecture, Carelton College, Northfield, Minnesota. August 27, 2010. Invited Panel Discussant, “Religion and Culture in a Globalized World.” University Centre St. Ignatius-Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. August 14, 2010. “Religious Revival in Asia: Comparisons and Influences.” Percik Institute, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. August 13, 2010. “Islam and Indonesia’s Democratization.” Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

23 August 10, 2010. “Rethinking Democracy and Pluralism in Islam.” Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. July 25, 2010. “Islam, Democracy, and Divine Law.” Invited Lecture. International Summer School on Religion and Public Life (ISSRPL), University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus. June 10, 2010. “Muslim Ethics, Politics, and Globalization.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “Religion and Cultural Diversity in a Global World.” Department of Sociology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. May 14, 2010. “Muslim Societies and Modern Social Challenges.” Invited Lecture. Center for Islamic Studies (Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi/ISAM) and Department of Theology, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. May 13, 2010. “Contemporary Christianity and Islam: A Clash of Civilizations or Multiple Modernities?” Invited Lecture. Foundation for Arts and Sciences (Bilim ve Sanat Vakfi-BSV), Istanbul, Turkey. May 12, 2010. “Islam, Democracy, and Western Foreign Policy: Complicating the Model.” Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. May 11, 2010. “Civil Islam: How Muslim Societies Respond to Modern Challenges.” Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), Ankara, Turkey. April 22, 2010. Invited Paper, “The View from Afar: Religion and Social Movements in Southeast Asia.” Conference on Religion, Social Movements, and Reform in Latin America. Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University March 27, 2010. Panel Paper. “Trends in the Politics of Islamic Law.” Panel on, “After Reformasi: Trends in Southeast Asian Muslim Politics and Culture.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. March 26, 2010. Invited Presidential Keynote Address, “Asia’s Religious Resurgence: A Southeast Asia Perspective on Fervor in a Pluralized Age.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. February 5, 2010. Invited jury presentation on M. Gwenaël Njoto-Feillard, “Islam et modernité économique en Indonésie.” Doctorat de L’Institut de l’Économie et Politique de Paris, SciencesPo, Paris, France. January 16, 2010. “Religionization and Asia’s New Religious Pluralism.” Invited Paper, Conference on Democracy in Asia, Southeast Conference of Asian Studies, University of Kentucky-Louisville. December 3, 2009. Invited Paper, “Ann Dunham, Indonesia, and Anthropology.” Invited Presidential Panel, “Ann Dunham’s Place in Indonesian Anthropology.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA. November 4, 2009. “Islamic Education and the Varieties of Islamic Public Ethics.” Invited Lecture, Islam in Asia Seminar Series, Center for Asian Studies, Harvard University. October 2, 2009. “Militia Violence, Madrasas, and Democratization in Indonesia.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, International Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. September 4, 2009. “Rethinking Islam and Democracy: The Great Transition in the Muslim World.” Invited Lecture. UCSIA, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. July 16, 2009. “Muslim Politics and Culture.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “Social Science Approaches to the Study of Religion,” Renmin University of China, Beijing, China. July 9, 2009. “Muslim Politics and Civilization in an Age of Globalization.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “Religion and Cultural Diversity in a Global World,” Fudan University, Shanghai, China. June 4, 2009. “Islamic Education and Democratization in Indonesia: Three Stories.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “L’Asie du Sud-Est en trois disciplines,” Centre d’Asue du Sud-Est, Paris, France. June 2, 2009. “Christianity and Islam Globalized: Divergent Modernities?” Invited Lecture, Seminar of Anthropologie Sociale Comparée, MSH-EHESS, Paris, France. May 18. “Categories and New Religious Movements in Southeast Asian Islam.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “Multipolarités et nouvelles centralités en Islam,” École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Institut d’Études de l’Islam et des Sociétes du Monde Musulman.”

24 May 14, 2009. “Where Have all the Abangan Gone? Normative Hegemony and the Collapse of non-Sunni Islams in Indonesia.” Invited Lecture, conference on, “La constitution d’un champ deu religieux en Asie du Sud-Est,” CNRS, Paris, France. May 12, 2009. “Rethinking Islam and Democracy: Global Comparisons, Contrasting Trends.” Invited Lecture, Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales, Paris, France. April 2, 2009. “The Role of Islamic Education in Indonesia’s Democratic Transition.” Invited Presentation, Conference on “The Indonesian Transition: The First Ten Years – Evidence of Consolidation?” Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life, Columbia University. March 27, 2009. “Agency and Meaning in the Process of Ethical Subject Making.” Paper presented at panel on Islam and Cultural Psychology in Indonesia,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeteing, Chicago, Il. February 27. Invited paper, “Islam and Democracy in International Affairs.” Conference of the Advisory Committee on Religion and World Affairs, Social Science Research Council, Brooklyn, New York. January 9, 2009. “Rethinking Islam and Democracy.” Invited Lecture, Department of Anthropology, Cambridge University, the United Kingdom. November 13, 2008. “Blurred but Bright Genres: New Directions in the Study of Religion and Modernity.” Invited Lecture, Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Lecture Series, National University of Singapore. November 1, 2008. “Muslim Intellectuals and the New Political Thinking in Southeast Asia.” Invited Lecture, Conference on “Revisiting Development in Southeast Asia,” Sponsored by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), Grand Hyatt Singapore, Singapore. October 18, 2008. Invited Keynote Lecture, “The New Asian Pluralisms.” New England Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Boston. September 17, 2008. “Indonesia: New Directions in Muslim Politics,” Tanglin Press Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Singapore. September 15, 2008. Invited Lecture, “Islam, Pluralism, and Modern Citizenship,” Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Majelis Ugama Islam Singapore), MUIS Academy Public Lecture, Singapore. September 1-September 8, 2008. Invited Lecturer, Universitair Centrum, University of Antwerp, St. Ignatius Summer School on “Religion, Politics, and Pluralism,” Antwerp, Belgium. Lectures on “Interdisciplinary Trends in the Study of Religion and Pluralism,” “Religion and Modernity in Three Traditions: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism,” and “Islam and the Enigma of Democracy.” August 27, 2008. “Rethinking Islam and Democracy.” Invited Lecture, Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Initiative on Southeast Asia Speaker Series, National University of Singapore. August 26, 2008. Chair and Discussant, Roundtable on “Islamisation and Fragmentation in Contemporary Indonesia.” Asian Research Institute Weekly Seminar, National University of Singapore. July 29, 2009. Invited Keynote Address, “Civil Islam in Southeast Asia, Revited,” Third Annual Seminar on Asian Studies, Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. June 12, 2008. “Islam, Education, and Human Rights in Indonesia.” Invited Paper, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Oslo, Norway. April 29-May 1, 2008. Three Invited Public Lectures, “Varieties of Islamism,” “Schooling Islam: Madrasas and the Remaking of Muslim Modernity,” and “Muslim Politics in Southeast Asia: A Democratic Islam Hijacked— Or Reinvigorated?” Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, Stanford University. April 28, 2008. “Civil Islam: Beyond the Headlines -- Prospects for Democratization in the Muslim World.” Invited Inaugural Lecture, Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies and Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University. April 5, 2008. “Islamic Schools and Social Movements in Contemporary Indonesia.” Invited paper for the panel, “Local Versus National Politics in Indonesia: The Evolving Political Landscape,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

25 December 13, 2007. “Muslim Student Organizations and Democratization,” Disputation presentation for Ph.D. Dissertation by Mr. Kristian Morville, Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, Humanities Faculty, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. December 10, 2007. “Making Democracy Work? European Muslims, European Secularity, and the Danish Cartoon Controversy.” Invited paper, Conference on “Human Dignity Shall be Inviolable: Religious and Democratic Values in International Politics,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of the German Social Democratic Party, Berlin. November 2, 2007. “Islamic Education and Democratization in Indonesia.” Invited Lecture, School of Graduate Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore. October 18, 2007. “Global Trends in Islamic Finance: Moral Legacies, Practical Challenges.” Invited Lecture, Seminar on “Islamic Finance in Southeast Asia: Local Practice, Global Impact,” National Bureau of Asian Research and Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University. October 16, 2007. “Schools for Zealots? Islamic Education and Democracy in Indonesia – Implications for the Muslim World.” Invited Inaugural Lecture, Lee Kong Chian National University of Singapore-Stanford Initiative on Southeast Asia, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University. September 2-9, 2007. Invited Lecturer (three lectures during one week), “Islam, Politics, and Modernity,” Universitair Centrum, University of Antwerp, St. Ignatius Summer School on “Culture, Religion, and Society,” Antwerp, Belgium. July 27, 2007. Invited presentation, “Islam in Contemporary Indonesia: Trends in Piety and Politics.” Workshop on “Evolution of Islam in Indonesia,” Office of External Research, US Department of State. June 7 & 8, 2007. Visiting Lecturer (eight hours), “Globalizing Islam: Islam and Politics in the Modern World Order.” Luce Foundation Seminar on “Religion and Global Politics,” Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University. May 10, 2007. “Pluralism in Southeast Asian Muslim Education.” Invited Presentation, Seminar on “Education Trends in South and Southeast Asia,” National Bureau of Asian Research, Washington DC. May 2, 2007. “Asian Muslims and the Future of Islam.” Invited Lecture, Faculty Training Seminar on Islam in the Modern World, Dean Kent Mitchell, Director, Middlesex Community College, Massachusetts. April 20, 2007. “Jihadist Violence and Democratic Transition in Indonesia.” Invited Paper, Conference on “Religious Transgressions of Modernity,” University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. April 6, 2007. “Civic Education in Indonesia and America.” Invited presentation for Visiting Indonesian Teachers of Civic Education, Sponsored by the Institute on Training and Development, Amherst, and the U.S. Department of State, at Boston University. April 4, 2007. “Islam and Democratization in Indonesia.” Invited Lecture, Faculty Training Seminar on Islam in the Modern World, Dean Kent Mitchell, Director, Middlesex Community College, Massachusetts. March 31-April 1, 2007. Discussant and advisor, “Religious Lives of Migrant Minorities,” SSRC Research meeting, Roehampton University, London, United Kingdom. March 24, 2007. “A Conservative Turn in Indonesian Islam?” Panel on “A Conservative Turn in Indonesian Islam?” Panel Sponsored by the Southeast Asia Committee, Association for Asian Studies Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts. March 19, 2007. “Democracy and Violence in Indonesia.” Invited Paper, Center for Global Studies Policy Forum, Carnegie Corporation, Washington D.C. March 18, 2007. “Rival Modernities? Islamization and Globalization in Indonesia.” Invited Paper, Carnegie Corporation Conference on “Globalization, State Capacity, and Muslim Movements,” Washington DC. Organized by the Center for Global Studies, George Mason University, and Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies, University of California Santa Cruz. March 16, 2007. “God’s Law Revisited: Human Rights and Democracy in Contemporary Islam.” Conference on “Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights.” Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University.

26 March 3, 2007. Invited Keynote Lecture, “Islam and Democratization in Indonesia: New Trends.” Conference on “Islam, Regionalism, and New Institutions: A Decade of Radical Transformation in Indonesia.” Yale Indonesia Forum Workshop, Southeast Asian Studies, Yale University. March 2, 2007. Congressional Staffer Briefing, “Current Trends in Political Islam in Southeast Asia.” United States Senate Building, Washington, DC. February 14, 2007. “Premodern Indonesia.” Invited Lecture, Faculty Training Seminar on Islam in the Modern World, Dean Kent Mitchell, Director, Middlesex Community College, Massachusetts. February 12, 2007. Invited Lecture, “Islamic Education and Democratization in Southeast Asia.” Program in Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, New, Jersey. December 19, 2006. Invited Lecture, “Studi Islam di Barat” (Islamic Studies in the West). Postgraduate Faculty, Hidayatullah National Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. December 15, 2006. Invited Lecture, “Pendidikan Islam dan Peradaban Muslim” (Islamic Education and Muslim Civilization). Usuluddin Faculty, Alauddin National Islamic University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. November 28, 2006. Invited Lecture, “U.S. Engagement with Muslim Southeast Asia Since September 11, 2001.” National Bureau of Asian Research (A Private Policy Institute), Washington D.C. November 13, 2006. Invited Lecture, Institute of Politics Seminar on Muslim Politics, Directed by Baroness Kishwer Falkner of Margravine, Member of the House of Lords, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. October 26, 2006. Invited Lecture. “Indonesian Islam in Global Islam.” Primary Source and Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies Lecture Series on “Contested Faiths,” Primary Source, Watertown, Massachusetts. October 12, 2006. Invited Lecture, “Deconstructing Democratic Islam? Whither Indonesian Democracy.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. September 14, 2006. “Trends in Islamic Education in Southeast Asia.” National Bureau of Asia Research Seminar, Washington, DC. July 25, 2006. Invited Lecture, “Muslim Education and Democratization in Indonesia.” Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies, Singapore. March 30, 2006. “Islamization and Democratization in Indonesia.” Invited Briefing, House Indonesia Caucus, Congress of the United States, Washington D.C. February 28, 2006. Invited Lecture, “Islam, Development, and Democracy.” In the seminar, “Globalization and Development,” Lawrence Harrison, Director, Fletcher School of International Affairs, Tufts University. February 16, 2006. “Democratic Civility and Its Others.” Invited Lecture, Institute for Public Life and Public Policy, Catholic University of America. February 13, 2006. “The Changing Face of Islam in Indonesia.” Workshop on the Changing Face of Islam in Southeast Asia, Harry S. Truman Building, Department of State, Washington D.C. February 2, 2006. “State, Society, and Secularity in Indonesia.” Book-warming seminar, “Religion and Religiosity in the Philippines and Indonesia.” Washington D.C.: School of Advanced International Studies and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. December 2, 2005. “Islam and America in the New Global Order.” Paper presented at the American Ethnological Society Invited Session for the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. November 7, 2005. “Deconstructing A Civil Islam? The Conservative Turn in Indonesian Muslim Politics.” Invited Lecture, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.” Jerusalem, Israel. September 5, 2005. “Muslim Politics and Democratization in Indonesia: Some Recent Trends.” Invited Lecture, Annual Indonesia Lecture, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies and Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

27 September 1, 2005. “Civil Democratic Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World.” Invited Lecture, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. July 28, 2003. “Pluralism and Its Opponents.” Invited Paper, International Seminar on Islam, Pluralism and Democracy, Sunan Kalijaga National Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. May 27, 2005. “Islam and Political Authority in Indonesia.” Invited Paper, United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C. April 9, 2005. “The Cultural Politics of Religion and Modernity: Deep Pluralism and Its Discontents.” Panel on, “The Cultural Politics of Religion and Modernity,” Society for the Anthropology of Religion Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. March 18, 2005. “Public Religion and Democratic Peace: The Case of Indonesia.” Invited Paper, Conference on “Building Peace through Interreligious Encounters,” Joan B. Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. March 7, 2005. “Public Diplomacy and Indonesia.” Invited Paper, The Brookings Institution, Seminar on U.S. Public Diplomacy. February 17, 2005. “Islam, Pluralization, and Democratization.” Invited Lecture in the series, “Religion, Politics, and Secularism in a Global Age.” Sponsored by the Max Weber Chair of European and German Studies at New York University and the Department of Sociology, Graduate Faculty, New School University. December 15, 2004. Invited Paper, “Indonesians’ Perceptions of the United States: Continuities and Change.” Workshop on, “Foreign Perceptions of the United States.” Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, Virginia. December 4, 2004. Invited Keynote Address, “Muslim Politics and National Contests in Contemporary Indonesia.” Conference on, “Divided States and Contested Territories in Southeast Asia: Majorities, Minorities, and Islamic Politics.” Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. October 15, 2004. Invited Paper. “Religion and Violence in Southeast Asia.” Conference on “Religion and Conflict in Asia: Disrupting Violence.” Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict in conjunction with Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) and National Bureau of Asian Research, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. September 23, 2004. “Islam and Democratization in Indonesia: Recent Trends.” Invited Lecture, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. September 17, 2004. Host and Seminar Leader, “Islam, Muslims, and the United States.” A one-day seminar and reception at Boston University for the “Islamic Educational Leaders/Indonesian Pesantren Program,” sponsored by USIS, Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, MA. August 4, 2004. Invited Speaker, “Muslims and the West in An Age of Global Tension.” Conference on “Muslims and Islam in the 21st Century: Image and Reality.” Organized by International Islamic University, International Institute for Muslim Unity. Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. July 15, 2004. “Islam and Democracy: Some Bittersweet Lessons.” Public Lecture, Colorado College, Colorado Springs. July 13-14, 2004. Invited Visiting Professor, Two-day discussion on Civil Islam. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute on Diversity and Debates in Contemporary Islam,” John R. Bowen, Director. Colorado College, Colorado Springs. July 6, 2004. “The New Media and Jihadi Violence.” Conference on “The Effect of Media in Iraq: Lessons from Other Transition Countries.” Sponsored by Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Wye Plantation, Maryland. May 27, 2004. “Civil Islam After Iraq.” NESA Conference on “The Middle East and South Asia: Strategic Changes and Continuities after Iraq.” Tysons Corner, Virginia. May 14, 2004. Invited Discussant, “Religion in Global Politics.” Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

28 April 21, 2004. Invited Lecture, “The Anthropology of Democracy.” Series on “Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Democracy,” JOSPOD Seminar, Harvard University and MIT, Cambridge, Mass. April 17, 2004. “Fatwa, Shari’a, and Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Indonesia.” Panel on “Ifta and the Production of Islamic Legal Opinions.” Conference on Islamic Law in Modern Indonesia. Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School. April 2, 2004. Invited Paper, “State, Society, and Secularity in Contemporary Indonesia.” Conference on Religion, State, and Society: Modern Dynamics in Indonesia and the Philippines.” School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. March 27, 2004. “Islam Matters: Final Report.” Culture Matters Research Project, Lawrence Harrison, Director, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. March 9, 2004. “Recent Developments in Indonesian Politics.” Asia Pacific Breakfast Briefing, East-West Center and Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. March 9, 2004. Invited Lecture. “Islam and the Challenge of Modernity.” Honolulu Academy of the Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii. February 24, 2004. Invited Lecture, “Pluralism in Indonesia and the United States.” Center of Documentation, and for the Study of Democracy and Humanity (Pusdek), in Cooperation with the U.S. Embassy, Jakarta, Indonesia. February 23, 2004. Invited Lecture. “Islam and Capitalism: Competition and Accommodation in the New World Order.” Panel on Islam and Economic Development, International Conference of Islamic Scholars, Sponsored by Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Jakarta, Indonesia. December 16, 2003. “Fredrik Barth and the Anthropology of Democracy.” Invited Distinguished Anniversary Lecture in Honor of Fredrik Barth’s 75th Birthday, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. November 19, 2003. Invited Chair and paper, “Religious Diversity and Governance.” Panel on, “Governing Religious Diversity.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings. Chicago, Illinois. October 31, 2003. Invited Keynote Speaker. “Civil Democratic Islam: Prospects for a Plural Muslim World.” Seminar on Southeast Asia: Global Currents and Civil Islam. U.S. Department of State, Washington DC. October 10, 2003. “Toward a Comparative Sociology of Religious Capital.” Conference on “Spiritual Capital: A New Interdisciplinary Field,” Cambridge Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Metanexus Institute. September 17, 2003. Organizer, Chair, and Speaker. “Civic Pluralist Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World” and “Violence and Civility in Indonesia.” Seminar on, “Civic Pluralist Islam: Prospects and Policies for a Changing Muslim World.” Co-Sponsored by the Pew Forum, the Pew Charitable Trust, and the Institute on Religion and World Affairs. The Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C. August 6, 2003. Invited Keynote Speaker, “Islam and Southeast Asian Politics After the Iraq War.” George Washington University, Sponsored by U.S. State Department. June 18-July 12, 2003. Invited US State Department Guest Speaker Program, Visiting Lectures on “Pluralism and Democracy, the United States and Islam.” Nine guest speaker appearances in four cities on three islands (Central Java; Makassar, Southern Sulawesi; and , Jakarta. June 17, 2003. Invited Speaker, “Toleransi, Pluralisme, dan Demokrasi Lintas Peradaban” [Tolerance, Pluralism, and Democracy Across Civilizations], Seminar on Indonesia’s Transition to Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities]. Sponsored by the National Islamic University-Hidayatullah, Jakarta, and the United States Information Service, Jakarta. May 30, 2003. Invited discussant. Conference on American Islam. Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C. May 16, 2003. Invited Keynote Speech, “Violence Past and the Future of Indonesia.” Conference on, “Sectarian Violence in Eastern Indonesia: Causes and Consequences.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.

29 May 9, 2003. Invited Lecture, “The Iraq Campaign’s Impact on Islamic Activism: Southeast Asia.” Conference on “Near Term-Trends in Political Islam,” US Department of State, Meridian International Center, Washington D.C. April 26, 2003. Invited Presentation, “The New ‘Fundamentalisms’? Disenchantment, Reenchantment, or the Next Order of Things.” Special Society Panel on “Fundamentalisms,” Society for the Anthropology of Religion Annual Meetings, Providence, Rhode Island. April 2, 2003. Invited Speaker, “Indonesian Islam and the Globalization of Violence.” Middle East and Islamic Studies Workshop, Boston College. March 27, 2003. “Women and Islamization in Southeast Asia.” Panel on “Women, Gender, and Islamization in Southeast Asia,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, New York City. March 25, 2003. Invited Keynote Speech, “Political Islam in Southeast Asia after the Bali Bombings.” Conference on “Political Islam in Southeast Asia,” School of Advanced International Studies, the Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. March 14, 2002. Invited Lecture, “Post-Democratic Dreams: What Remains of the Idea of Civil Society?” Department of Anthropology, Edinburgh University, Scotland. March 13, 2002. Invited Munro Lecture, Edinburgh University (Scotland), “Islam and the Cultural Possibility of Democracy: Some Bittersweet Lessons.” February 6, 2003. “What Went Wrong? Muslim Moderates and Radical Islam in Southeast Asia.,” Weatherhead Center for East Asian Affairs, Columbia University. November 20, 2002. “Derivative Reflection or Autonomous Imaginations? Contemporary Religious Movements Across Cultures.” Invited Discussant, Panel on, “Mobilizing Faiths: Radical Religious Movements, Class Identities, and Calls to Social Action.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans. November 11, 2002. “Religious Violence and the Future of Indonesia.” Invited Speaker with Professor Sjahrir. Seminar on Culture and Globalization, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Samuel P. Huntington Director September 12, 2002. Invited Speaker, “Islam in Southeast Asia and in the Broader Muslim World.” Lecture 2 in the Vernacular Modernities Series, Department of Religion, Emory University. September 11, 2002. Invited Speaker. “Clash of Civilizations or Religious Reformation? 9/11 and the Politics of Contemporary Islam.” Series on Vernacular Modernities, Emory University. August 5. Invited Lecture, “Toward a Generative Sociology of Muslim Civility.” Seminar on, “Public Spheres and Muslim Identities.” Organized by Dale F. Eickelman and Armando Salvatore and Sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Dartmouth College. July 20, 2002. Keynote Speaker, “Muslim Politics in an Age of Globalization.” Kuala Lumpur International Forum on Islam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi. June 10-14, 2002. Faculty, Institute on Religion and World Affairs Summer Seminar on “Religion and Modern Politics.” Session on Religion in the Middle East and Islamic World, with Houchang Chehabi. June 10-14. April 6, 2002. “Transition or Breakdown: Islam and Stalled Democracy in Indonesia.” Panel on, “Islam in Southeast Asia: Changing Contexts and Configurations.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Washington DC. March 8, 2002. Invited Paper, “Civic-Nationalists and Transnational Neofundamentalists in Contemporary Indonesian Islam.” Conference on, “Globalization, State Capacity, and Islamic Movements.” Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. February 22, 2002. Invited Paper, “A Clash of Cultures or Convergence of Horizons? Cultural Issues in Contemporary Islamic Politics.” Conference on, “The Dynamics of Islamic Politics.” Sponsored by the Center for International and Security Studies, and Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland.

30 February 14, 2002. Invited Paper, “September 11 and Indonesian Islam.” Wilson Center for International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. February 7, 2002. Invited Paper, “Indonesian Islam at the Crossroads.” USINDO-Asia Foundation Conference, “Islam in Modern Indonesia.” Washington DC. February 1, 2002. “The Politics and Meanings of Indonesian Jihad.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. January 31, 2002. “Religion and Ethnicity in Contemporary Indonesia.” Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. December 12, 2001. Invited Testimony, “Southeast Asia Since September 11,” U.S. House of Representatives, International Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific, Washington DC. December 2, 2001. “Religious Violence and the Limits of Positionality: Studying Islam in Post-Suharto Indonesia.” Panel on, “The Subject Position of the Researcher in the Anthropology of Islam,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. November 16, 2001. Invited Discussant, “The Impact of 9/11 on International Relations and Foreign Policymaking: A Brainstorming Session with Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou.” Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. November 15, 2001. Invited Paper, “September 11 and Southeast Asian Islam.” Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. October 16, 2001. “Islamic Trends and Indonesian Governance After September 11.” Invited paper for a special session on, “Indonesian Governance” sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Meridian International Center, Washington D.C. August 6, 2001. Invited Paper, “Varieties of Malay Civilization.” Special Session on “Malay Civilization,” Third International Conference on Malaysian Studies. Malaysian National University, Bangi, Malaysia. May 25, 2001. “The View From Afar.” Invited Discussant, Conference on, “Emerging Patterns of State and Non-State Relations in the Middle East and South Asia.” McCleans, Virginia. May 16, 2001. “Muslims and the Advance of Civil Society.” Invited Paper, “Transition Indonesia,” Washington D.C. May 12, 2001. “Cooptation, Enmitization, and Democracy: The Modernist Muslim Dilemma in Indonesia.” Invited Paper for the conference, “Consolidating Indonesian Democracy,” The Mershon Center for International Relations, Ohio State University. May 3, 2001. “The Future of Indonesia.” Invited Presentation, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University. April 9, 2001. Discussant on “Religion and Secularization.” Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University. March 23, 2001. “Indonesian Jihad: Yogyakartan Muslim Responses to the Call for Holy War.” Panel on, “Contesting Islamic Political Visions in Post-Suharto Indonesia.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meetings, Chicago. February 15, 2001. “Democratic or Undemocratic? Toward a Sociology of Islamic Social Movements.” Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles. February 13, 2001. United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Washington DC. Invited Testimony, “Muslim-Christian Violence in the Maluccas: The Role of National Influences.” November 24, 2000. “Civil Islam and Statist Politics: Some Comparative Reflections on Democracy’s Possibility.” Invited Paper, International Conference on, “Islam in Indonesia: Intellectualization and Social Transformation,” Ministry of Religious Affairs, Republic of Indonesia, and Canada International Development Agency, Jakarta. November 17, 2000. “The Local and the National in the Indonesian Violence.” Invited Discussant, Panel on “Recent Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in Indonesia,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

31 November 2-3, 2000. Senior Advisory Panel Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington. October 26-27, 2000. Invited Participant and Presenter, “Transition Indonesia: The Search for Stability.” An International Conference Sponsored by the U.S.-Japan Foundation, Columbia University. October 25, 2000. Invited Lecture, “Jihad in Indonesia.” East Asian Institute, Columbia University. October 11, 2000. Invited lecture, “Muslims and the Future of Democracy in Southeast Asia.” Conference on “The Future of Democracy in Asia,” National Intelligence Council, Vienna, Virginia. September 15, 2000. Invited Lecture, “Political Islam and the Future of Indonesia.” Seminar on, “Indonesia: Challenges to Building Democracy.” Meridian International Center, Washington D.C. June 5, 2000. Invited Lecture, “Religion and Violence in Democratic Transition.” Special Conference Panel on “Political Violence in Asia,” Konferansen om Asia-Studier I Norge, Oslo, Norway. April 24, 2000. Invited lecture. “Religion and Politics in the Indonesian Crisis.” Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, Trinity College. April 3, 2000. Invited Lecture. “Profiles in Pluralism: Religion and Politics in Muslim Indonesia.” Conference on, World Religions and Western Media, Sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, Trinity College. March 2, 2000. Invited Lecture. “Cultural Politics and Crisis in Indonesia.” International Institute for Asian Studies, University of Leiden, the Netherlands. Februay 23, 2000. Invited Lecture. “Christian-Muslim Violence and the Future of Indonesia,” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Yale University. February 19-20, 2000. “Civil Islam vs. Regimist Islam: The Politics of Indonesia’s New Religious Violence.” Conference on the Sociology of Islamic Social Movements, New York University, New York. February 17, 2000. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, UCLA. “Religion and Crisis in Indonesia.” February 15, 2000. Invited Lecture, “Disintegration or Democratization in Indonesia?” Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine. February 12, 2000. Invited Discussant. “Religion, Society, and NGOs in Indonesia.” Conference on, “Religion, Civil Society, and NGOs in Southeast Asia.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. November 27, 1999. Invited Lecture on “Krisis Aceh dan Format Politik Baru Indonesia” [The crisis in Aceh and the new political format in Indonesia], Indonesian Student Association in Malaysia, Malaysian National University, Bangi, Malaysia. November 21, 1999. “Gus Dur dan Prospek Demokrasi di Indonesia” [Gus Dur and the Prospects for Democracy in Indonesia], Muslim Students Association (HMI), Yogyakarta. November 3, 1999. “Islam dan Masyarakat Madani di Asia Tenggera” [Islam and Civil Society in Southeast Asia]. Invited Paper, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, National University of Malaysia, Bangi. September 17, 1999. “Hindu Reform in an Islamizing Java: The Case of Yogyakarta.” Invited paper at the conference, “Hinduism in Indonesia.” Leiden, the Netherlands: International Institute for Asian Studies. August 19, 1999. “Abangan dan Santri Politik Kini: Re-Aliranisasi?” [Abangan and Santri in Contemporary Indonesian Politics: A Revival of Aliran?”] Invited Lecture, Institute for the Study of the Free Flow of Information, Jakarta. August 13, 1999. “The Role of Students in Indonesian Political Reform.” Invited Lecture, Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam [Muslim Students Association], Yogyakarta branch. July 27, 1999. “Prospects for Democacy in Indonesia.” Lembaga Studi Partisipasi Untuk Peradaban, Pusat Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta. July 7, 1999. Invited speaker. “Gagasan Islam Liberal di Indonesia” [The Idea of Liberal Islam in Indonesia]. Seminar on Islamic Liberalism, HMI-MPO [Muslim Students’ Association], Yogyakarta.

32 June 18, 1999. Invited speaker. “The Elections and Indonesia’s Future.” U.S.-INDO Society Program Reception, Yogyakarta. May 26, 1999. Invited speaker, “Revivalism Politik Aliran” [The Revival of Aliran Politics?]. Institute for Research aned Empowerment, Yogyakarta. May 19, 1999. Invited Speaker, “Aliran dan Sivilitas Politik” [Political Groupings and Political Civility], Pusat Penelitian Kebudayaan dan Perubahan Sosial [Center for the Study of Culture and Social Change], Universitas Gadjah Mada. May 12, 1999. Invited Speaker, “Political Society and Civil Society: The Indonesian Elections June 1999. LKIS Institute, Yogyakarta. May 9, 1999. Kenote Speaker, Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam, Senior Course, “Demokrasi Antara Religiusitas dan Sekularitas” [Democracy: Between Religiosity and Secularity], Yogyakarta, Indonesia. April 27, 1999. Invited speaker, “Islam dan Hubungan Antar Agama,” [Islam and Inter-religious Relations]. Invited paper in the Halqah (meeting), “Islam and the Concept of Pluralism,” Pondok Pesantren Putru AlDalhariyah, Watucongol, Muntilan, Magelang. Sponsored by the P3M-Jakarta and the Pengurus Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. April 10, 1999. Featured Guest Speaker, “NU vis a vis Negara” [Nahdlatul Ulama and the State], PMII, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga [Indonesian Islamic University], Faculty of Tarbiyah, Yogyakarta. March 8, 1999. Featured Guest Speaker, “Agama, Kemajemukan, dan Perdamaian Politik” [Religion, Pluralism, and Political Reconciliation]. For the Third Annual Conference on, “Research Toward a Transformative and Tolerant Islam,” LKIS (The Institute for Research on Islam and Society), Yogyakarta. March 1, 1999. Invited Speaker, “Respons Negara Terhadap Pembangkangan Sipil” [The State’s Response to Civil Protest], in the Conference, “Constitutionalism, Civil Protest, and Democracy.” Institute for Research and Empowerment, Yogyakarta. February 23, 1999. Invited speaker for Magazine Launching, “Membangun Pluralism Politik: Upaya Meretas Demokrasi yang Ramah” [To Build Political Pluralism: The Effort to Establish a Civil Democracy.” HMI (Indonesian Muslim Students Association) Yogyarta, Indonesia. December 9, 1998. Invited Speaker (among four panelists), “The Limits of the State: Was the Crisis in Indonesia Inevitable?” Harvard-MIT Joint Seminar on Political Development, Harvard University. November 17, 1998. “Islam and Politics in Indonesia: American Policy Implications.” Invited presentation, Session on Indonesia (one of two speakers), Foreign Affairs Training Center, School of Professional and Area Studies, United States State Department, Arlington Virginia, Eighteenth Annual Seminar on Religious Life, Organized by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation. September 28, 1998. “Islam and the Indonesian Transition.” Rayburn House House Office Building, U.S. House of Representatives. For the Georgetown Southeast Asia Forum, “Political Transition in Southeast Asia,” Center for International Business Education and Research, School of Foreign Service. July 16, 1998. Invited Discussant, “The Crisis in Indonesia.” U.S. Agency for International Development Information Center, Washington D.C. July 2, 1998. “Peranan Politik Islam di Indonesia Masa Kini” [The Role of Islamic Politics in Indonesia Today]. Institute for the Study of Malaysian and International Relations, Malaysian National University, Kuala Lumpur. May 20, 1998. “Islamic Movements and State Power in Malaysia and Indonesia.” Invited Presentation at the conference, “A Decade of Islamic Activism: The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion.” U.S. Department of State, McClean, Virginia. March 13, 1998. Invited Speaker. “Islam and the Crisis in Indonesia.” Program in Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore. February 19, 1998. “Assessing Asian Values.” Invited presentation for the Inauguration of the W.S. Schupf Chair in Far Eastern Studies, Colgate University.

33 February 13, 1998. Invited Paper, Council of Foreign Relations, New York City. “Islam and Nation in the Post-Soeharto Era.” Special Session on “Indonesia in the Post-Soeharto Era.” February 6, 1998. “In the Balance: Islam and the Struggle for the Indonesian Middle Classes.” Series on “Religion, Economics, and Politics in Contemporary Asia,” S.J. Tambiah and Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Chairs. The Harvard University Asia Center. December 1, 1997. “The Clash of Globalizations? Culture and Politics in Southeast Asian Modernity.” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. October 9, 1997. Invited Speaker, with Douglas Hartwick, U.S. Department of State and Jomo K.S., University of Malaya. “Indonesian Islam and U.S. Foreign Policy.” U.S. Foreign Policy and the Muslim World Study Group, Council of Foreign Relations, Washington D.C. June 20, 1997. Invited Keynote Speaker, “Theories of Civil Society.” Conference on “Civil Society in Osterreich.” A national symposium sponsored by the Austrian Cultural Institute/London and the Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (Austrian Science Association), Vienna, Austria. March 24, 1997. Invited Speaker, “Print Islam: Mass Media and Ideological Rivalry among Indonesian Muslims.” Conference on “Mass Media and the Transformation of Islamic Discourse.” International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands. March 11, 1997. Invited Speaker, "Religious Conflict and Political Debates among Indonesian Muslims." Special Seminar on "Islam in Contemporary Indonesia." Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies and United-States Indonesia Society, Washington D.C. March 7-8, 1997. Invited Discussant, "Islam Beyond Violence." Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, New York. January 10, 1997. "Islam Jawa dan Kekerasan" (Javanese Islam and Violence). P3M (Center for Islamic Educational Outreach), Jakarta, Indonesia. Jaunary 6, 1997. "Etika Usaha di Indonesia dan Asia Timor" (Business Ethics in Indonesia and East Asia). Institute for the Study and Advancement of Business Ethics, Fachry Ali, Director, Jakarta. July 6, 1996. "The Struggle for an Islamic Pluralism and Democracy." European Assocication for Middle Eastern Studies, Second Conference. Panel on, "Islam en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est." CNRS/Universite d'AixMarseille, Aix-en-Provence. February 10, 1996. “Islam and Tolerance.” For the Conference, “Normative Conflicts: The Frontiers of Social Cohesion,” Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, London, England. February 1, 1996. Invited Presentation: “Prospects for a Muslim Civil Society.” East Asia Institute, University Seminar on Southeast Asia in World Affairs, Columbia University, New York City. September 23-24, 1995. “Can non-Western Cultures Generate Civil Society Institutions?” (discussant commentary). At the conference on “Transition of Values in Civil Society,” a joint conference of the Club of Rome and the Bertelsmann Foundation. Berlin, Germany. June 8, 1995. “Islam dan Demokrasi di Indonesia: Masalah dan Masa Depan” (Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Its Problems and Future). Center for Policy and Development Studies, Jakarta. May 30, 1995. “Modernity and the Challenge of Pluralism: Some Indonesian Lessons.” Conference on “Islam and Modernity in Southeast Asia.” Sponsored by the United States Information Service (USIS), Indonesian Council of Sciences (LIPI), and Hidayatullah University, Jakarta, Indonesia. April 9, 1995. “Locality and Marginality in Indonesia.” Association For Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. March 22, 1995. “Civic Pluralism and Its Indonesian Muslim Audience.” Conference on “Print Islam and Civic Plurlism: New Religious Writings and Their Public.” The Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy. October 2, 1994. “Late-Comer Capitalism and the Building of Civil Society: Markets and Justice for Muslim Indonesians.” Conference on “Market Cultures: Entrepreneurial Precedents and Ethical Dilemmas in East and Southeast Asia.” Harvard University, Sponsored by the Social Science Research Foundation.

34 April 17, 1994. “Is Modernity Secular? Islam and Nation-Building in Southeast Asia.” Invited Paper, Jackson School of International Studies,” The University of Washington, Series on the “Challenge of Modernity.” March 18, 1994. “Islam and Secularism.” Conference on “Secularization in Europe--The Great Exception?” Sponsored by Department of Sociology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. December 17, 1993. “Business and Democracy in Indonesia.” Conference on “Business and Democracy: Cross-National Perspectives.” Montreal, Canada. August 4, 1993. “Islam, State, and Civil Society.” Invited paper, Conference on “Islam and the Social Construction of Identities: Comparative Perspectives on Southeast Asian Muslims.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies and East-West Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1993. July 7. “Masyarakat Islam dan Pembangunan.” (Muslims and Development). Public Forum, Offices of Detik, a Weekly Journal of News and Opinion, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Interview was subsequently published in Detik, August 4-10, 1993). 1993. June 29. “Social Solidarity and Conflict in Rural Java: An Overview.” Invited lecture, Department of Sociology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. 1993. May 15. “Efforts to Improve Muslim Participation in Indonesian Development.” Invited Lecture. Union of Indonesian Students in the United States, Massachusetts Branch, MIT. 1993. May 3. “Where Have All the Abangan Gone? Cultural Citizenship and the Crisis of Javanism in Contemporary Indonesia.” Invited paper, Conference on “Cultural Citizenship in Southeast Asia, East-West Center, University of Hawai’i. Sponsored by Joint Committee on Southeast Asia of the SSRC. 1993. March 14. Invited paper. “Indonesian, the New Class, and Language Change” (with Nancy J. SmithHefner). Conference on “Other Indonesians: Regional Fates of the Language of State.” Yale Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University. 1993. February 21. Invited paper. “Islamizing Capitalism: On the Founding of Indonesia’s First Islamic Bank.” Conference on “Intellectual Development in Indonesian Islam.” Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University. 1992. “Culture and Economic Culture.” Visiting Scholar Seminar, LP3ES, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 24. 1992. “Islam and Economic Change.” Research Bureau, Department of Religion, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. August 1. 1992. “The Islamization of Java.” At the Paramadina Institute (A Center for Islamic Proselytization), Jakarta, Indonesia. August 7. 1992. “Of Faith and Violence: Javanese Religious Change.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Cornell University. April 30. 1992. “Interpretive Approaches to Social Science.” Center for International Affairs, Seminar in the Methodology and Philosophy of Social Science, Prof. Daniel Little Organizer. April 27. 1992. “Islam and the Ethics of Capitalism.” Invited Seminar for the conference, “Capitalism and Values.” The Lilly Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 10. 1991. “Conversion to Christianity in Contrasting Cultures.” Discussion, Panel on “Conversion in Contrasting Cultures,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting,” Chicago, November 22. 1991. “Three Lectures on Understanding Socioeconomic Change.” Fakultas Fisipol, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Malang, Indonesia. 1991. “Islamization in Java.” Visiting Scholar Seminar, LP3ES Jakarta, Indonesia. 1991. “Islam and Social Change.” Department of Religion, Bureau of Research and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia. 1991. “Ethnicity, Nation, and Nationalism in Modern Indonesia.” Conference on “Politics and Nationalism in Multiethnic Societies.” The Renner Institute of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, Vienna, Austria. January 11-12.

35 1991. “Tengger and the Enigmas of Javanese Ethnicity.” Session on “Religion and Political Identity in Southeast Asia.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meetings, April 13. 1991. Discussant, Session on “The Religion of Java Revisited.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, April 14. 1990. “Postmodernism and Its Discontents.” Invited Seminar, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Colgate University, December 4-5. 1990. “On the Rationality of Conversion.” Invited Seminar, Colgate University. 1990. Invited discussant for the conference, “The Culture of Entrepreneurism.” Indianapolis, Indiana, January 26-7. 1989. Invited discussant for the International Symposium on “The Legacy of Islam in China.” Sessions on “Sufism in China,” and “Concluding Roundtable.” Fairbanks Center, Harvard University, April 14-16. 1989. “Rationalizing Religion: A Social History of Muslim Education in Pasuruan, East Java.” Invited paper presented at the SSRC/ACLS Conference, “Communities in Question: Religious Change in East and Southeast Asia.” Hua Hin, Thailand, May 1989. 1989. “Redefining Divinity: State-Sponsored Religious Education in Indonesia.” Session on “The Politics of Religious Rationalization.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 1989. 1989. “Religion, Class, Terror: Java 1965-1966.” Invited Lecture, Department of Anthropology, The University of Chicago. 1988. “Christian Conversion in Muslim Java.” Conference on “Conversion to World Religions: Ethnographic and Historical Interpretations,” Boston University. 1988. “Politics and Social Identity: Java’s 1965-1966 Violence and Its Aftermath.” Invited Visiting Lecture, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1987. “Javanese Economic Culture: A Retrospective Assessment.” Session on “Southeast Asian Economic Cultures: Political, Historical, and Moral Dimensions.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. 1987. Discussant for Dan Sperber, “Cognition and Culture: The Mind Debate in Anthropology.” Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. 1987. “Politics and Culture in Modern East Java.” Invited Lecture, Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University. 1987. “Southeast Asia: History and Culture,” and “Contemporary Trajectories in Asian Polity and Culture.” Two invited lectures in the Evergreen Series, “East and West: A Comparative Cultural Study,” Boston University. 1987. “Economics and Morality in Rural Java: Cultural Dimensions of Agrarian Change.” Invited Lecture, Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University. 1987. “Rethinking the Religion of Java.” Invited Seminar, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University. 1986. “The Green Revolution in Highland East Java.” Session on “Indigenous Views of Development: Perspectives from Indonesia.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. 1986. “Fundaments of Dance: Tayuban Dance and Islamic Reform in Modern Java.” Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute Conference, DeKalb, Illinois. 1986. “Class and Community in Mountain East Java: An Ethnohistory to 1965-66.” Session on “Imagined Communities: State Policy and Local Allegiance in Indonesia and Malaysia.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 1985. “Approaching Java: Feelings about Fieldwork.” Colloquium Series, Department of Anthropology, Boston University. 1985. “Islamizing Java? Religion and Politics in East Java.” Session on “Economic Action and Practical Morality in Southeast Asia.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.

36 1985. “Involusi dan Intensifikasi di Pegunungan Jawa Timur” (Involution and Intensification in Upland East Java). Center for Environmental Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. 1985. “Pertanian Tradisionil dan Modern di Daerah Tengger: Intensifikasi dan Lingkungan Hidup” (Traditional and Modern Farming in the Tengger Region: Intensification in an Imperiled Environment). Pusat Penelitian, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. 1984. “Politics and Morality in the Tengger Highlands.” Invited Lecture, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Yale University. 1984. “The Political Economy of Islamic Conversion in Modern East Java.” Invited paper for the Conference on “Islam and Politics in the Contemporary World.” Social Science Research Council, New York. 1984. “Cooperative Labor as Ideology and Reality: The Case of Tengger Agriculture.” Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute, The University of Michigan. 1984. “The Moral Economy of Java’s Periphery.” Invited lecture, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Political Economy Series. The University of Washington, Seattle. 1983. “Spatial Images of Non-Islamic Religion in Java.” With Nancy J. Smith-Hefner. Indonesian Summer Studies Conference, Athens, Ohio. 1983. “Agricultural Involution in Highland Java.” Session on “Cultural Ecology.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 1982. “Marx and Menger in Java’s Mountains.” Colloquia in Social Science, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. 1982. “Language and Power in Tengger Tradition.” Session on “Recent Research in Indonesia: Ritual and Politics.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 1980. “Population, Fertility, and Development in Highland Java: Some Preliminary Observations.” Population Center, The University of Michigan. 1980. “Hindu Highlanders in Islamic Java: Cultural Reproduction—and Loss.” Department of Anthropology Colloquia, The University of Michigan. 1980. “Siva and the Ancestors: Problems of Hindu Cosmology in Islamic Java.” Friday Colloquia, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, The University of Michigan. 1979. “Buda dan Islam di Pedesaan Jawa Timur.” (Buda and Islam in Rural East Java). The Culture Institute, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 1979. “Kependudukan, Involusi, dan Intensifikasi Pertanian di Pegunungan Tengger.” (Population, Involution, and Agricultural Intensification in the Tengger Mountains). Population Institute, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 1976. “Leave Day Jobs and Economic Exchange Among Detroit Firemen.” Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, The University of Michigan.