Fantasy story set in the Iron Man's homeland. â¢. Biography of their made robot. â¢. Timeline for technological change
Robot World
Year 3/4 Spring Term 1 Areas of learning As Designers we will: •design and make a model robot with at least one moving part, perhaps incorporating a simple electrical circuit. As Scientists, we will learn: •Identify common appliances that run on electricity •Construct a simple series of electrical circuit, identifying the names of its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. •Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery. •Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit. •Recognise some common conductors and insulators and associate metals with being good conductors.
As Historians we will learn: •Place events and objects in order on a timeline. •How to use the internet to investigate the history of robotics.
Immersion Activities Mastery
As enterprising people we will: We will design our own robot and will source the materials ourselves. We will create our own dances independently to robot themed music. We will create our own scientific experiments related to our materials topic. As people concerned with computer we will We will Use data handling programs to present and then intepret data.
•Identifying strengths and weaknesses in our work for others •Working independently in written work •Managing feelings and becoming self aware when discussing •Giving constructive support and feedback to others •Develop confidence in speaking and performing
Respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique my own and other people’s work against success criteria.
Respond to marking (using red pen) and use the next steps to improve learning. Show how my learning has improved over time .
WOW -– Watch DVD: The Iron Giant to later compare with our class reader – The Iron Man. We will use ideas from film to create our own robot character. Class Reader : The Iron Man (Y3 and 4) Finale: Watch WALL-E
Robot World Learning across the curriculum
Using communication Writing, presenting and broadcasting •Explanation – Why there is oil on my bedroom floor •Persuasion – Why you should buy my Robot •Biography – Life story of our own created Robot •Menu writing – Iron Man ideal banquet •Newspaper report – Iron man challenges Space Angel Bat Dragon •Diary – Hogarths Diary extracts – PSHE theme – did he do the right thing trapping the Iron Man?
Subject Key Skills
Personal development
History, geography and citizenship
Push Yourself: •I push myself even when things are difficult. Don’t Give Up: •I think of new ways of doing things if my first idea doesn’t work out. Work Hard: •I know that by working hard I will be successful.
Investigate Undertake investigations and enquiries, using various methods, media and sources.
Analyse Compare, interpret and analyse different types of evidence from a range of sources.
Understand Others: •I sometimes imagine others points of view. Try New Things: •Take opportunities that people give me to try new things.
Using mathematics Modelling •Use nets of 3D shapes to make component parts for a model robot. Calculating • Area and perimeter of our own Robots •Multiplication and Division problems linked to Robots
Concentrate: •I check that I am doing what is required. Improve: •I get on by my self making things better each time. Imagine: •I have lots of ideas.
Using ICT
Consider and respond Consider, respond to and debate alternative viewpoints in order to take informed and responsible action.
Science and design technology Generate ideas Observe and explore to generate ideas, define problems and pose questions in order to develop investigations and products.
•Interpreting data •Collect data related to robotic toys e.g. which went the furthest. •Drawing and interpreting bar graphs Justifying •Using mathematical words to explain
Communicate Present and communicate findings in a range of ways and develop arguments and explanations using appropriate specialist vocabulary and techniques.
Investigate, observe and record
Design, make and improve
Engage safely in practical investigations and experiments and gather and record evidence by observation and measurement.
Apply practical skills to design, make and improve products safely, taking account of users and purposes.
Explain Communicate and model in order to explain and develop ideas, share findings and conclusions.
Evaluate Continually make systematic evaluations when designing and making, to bring about improvements in processes and outcomes.
Art, dance and drama Explore Explore, investigate and experiment from a range of stimuli and starting points, roles, techniques, approaches, materials and media.
Create Create, design, devise, compose and choreograph individual and collective work.
Improvise Improvise, rehearse and refine in order to improve capability and the quality of artworks.
Present Present, display and perform for a range of audiences, to develop and communicate ideas and evoke responses.
Evaluate Use arts-specific vocabulary to respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique their own and other people’s artistic works.
Searching •websites for information related to the history of robotics and technology.
Developing ideas and making things happen •Directional work programming Romer Communication •Create graphs using computer software about how far Robotic toys can go
Reflect and evaluate Reflect on and evaluate evidence when making personal choices or bringing about improvements in performance and behaviour.
Plan and implement Generate and implement ideas, plans and strategies, exploring alternatives.
Move with control Move with ease, poise, stability and control in a range of physical contexts.
Present Present, display and perform for a range of audiences, to develop and communicate ideas and evoke responses.
Evaluate Use arts-specific vocabulary to respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique their own and other people’s artistic works.
©2010 Chris Quigley Education ltd
Possible Activities: • Eyes/controls that light up on robot • Fantasy story set in the Iron Man’s homeland • Biography of their made robot • Timeline for technological changes, including first robots • Compose clockwork music using tuned and untuned percussion (perform to school with robots displayed) • Relate materials and properties to Robots and Iron man e.g. why has he gone rusty?