Precision Agriculture, 1, 95᎐113 Ž1999. 䊚 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
Robotic Weed Control System for Tomatoes W. S. LEE, D. C. SLAUGHTER, AND D. K. GILES
[email protected]
Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Uni¨ ersity of California, Da¨ is, CA 95616
Abstract. A real-time intelligent robotic weed control system was developed for selective herbicide application to in-row weeds using machine vision and precision chemical application. The robotic vision system took 0.34s to process one image, representing a 11.43 cm by 10.16 cm region of seedline containing 10 plant objects, allowing the prototype robotic weed control system to travel at a continuous rate of 1.20 kmrh. The overall performance of the robotic system in a commercial processing tomato field and in simulated trials is discussed. Keywords: robotics, machine vision, weed control, tomatoes
Introduction Tomatoes are one of the leading vegetable crops produced in California. In 1996, over 9 billion kg of processing tomatoes were produced in California, accounting for 93% of all processing tomatoes produced in the U.S. ŽUSDA and NASS, 1997.. A total of 5.9 million kg of agricultural chemicals Žherbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other chemicals. were used to produce processing tomatoes in California alone in 1994 ŽUSDA, NASS and ERS, 1995.. This heavy reliance on chemicals raises many environmental and economic concerns, causing many farmers to seek alternatives for weed control in order to reduce chemical use in farming. Conventional mechanical cultivation cannot selectively remove weeds located in the seedline and there are no selective herbicides for some croprweed situations. Since hand labor is costly, an automated weed control system may be economically feasible. A precision robotic weed control system could also reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals. Although there have been many efforts to control in-row weeds, no system is currently available for real-time field use.
Objectives The goal of this project was to build a real-time machine vision based robotic weed control system that can detect crop and weed locations, kill weeds and thin crop plants. The system was required to recognize tomato plants and weeds outdoors in commercial tomato fields using image processing techniques while moving forward at a constant speed.
Background Machine vision technologies have been applied to agriculture to identify and locate individual plants. Many researchers have tried various image processing methods, working in different environments; however, most of the work has been done indoors with controlled illumination and an adequate setup for the acquisition of high quality images. In an early study typical of those to follow, Guyer et al. Ž1986. studied the feasibility of using machine vision to identify the species of potted, greenhouse-grown weeds. They noted that plants grown in a greenhouse had a different appearance from those grown under the natural outdoor environment of a commercial farm. The variety of visual characteristics that have been used in indoor plant identification can be divided into three categories: spectral reflectance, morphology, or texture. Many studies Že.g. Franz, Gebhardt, and Unklesbay Ž1991b., Woebbecke et al. Ž1995a., Brivot and Marchant Ž1996., and Shiraishi and Sumiya Ž1996.. have used color or near-infrared reflectance to distinguish plants from the background. In a few situations, researchers have found that spectral characteristics alone can be used to distinguish between selected plant species, but this technique is usually insufficient to distinguish crop plants from weeds on a typical California farm. Morphological characteristics of plant leaves such as complexity, central moment, principal axis of moment of inertia, first invariant moment, aspect ratio, radius permutation, ratio of perimeter to longest axis, curvature, compactness, and elongation have been used to classify plant species with some success ŽGuyer et al. Ž1986., Franz, Gebhardt and Unklesbay Ž1991a., Woebbecke et al. Ž1995b., and Shiraishi and Sumiya Ž1996... In a few cases textural feature analysis has also been used to identify plant species ŽShearer and Holmes Ž1990., and Woebbecke et al. Ž1995b... After image processing technologies have been developed, the natural transition is its ‘‘real-time’’ field application. There are a few machine vision systems which have achieved real-time application. Slaughter et al. Ž1992 and 1997. developed a real-time guidance system for precision cultivation Žlater named as the ‘‘UC Davis Robotic Cultivator’’. that could identify the center of the row under normal field conditions. The vision guidance system identified the location of the seedline, then the offset between the current position and the desired position was adjusted by moving the toolbar laterally. The system was tested in tomato fields and the test results indicated that the prototype could operate at speeds exceeding 8.0 kmrh while precisely positioning the cultivator with an overall RMS error ranging from 4.2 mm when there were no weeds to 11.9 mm when the area ratio of weed to tomato was 3:1. This precision UC Davis Robotic Cultivator was used as a guidance system for the robotic weed control system reported here. Liao, Paulsen and Reid Ž1994. studied the feasibility of real-time detection of color and surface defects of maize kernels. Using a Matrox Image-1280 real-time image processing board, they reported that the processing time required from acquiring live images to the end of primitive Žbasic. feature extraction was from 0.87 s for 1 object to 2.08 s for 12 objects. Haney, Precetti and Gibson Ž1994. applied machine vision to sort wood
based on its color. They reported that the system could operate at conveyor speeds up to 110 mrmin. Alchanatis and Searcy Ž1995. built and tested a high speed inspection system for fresh-market carrots. They reported that the system could handle 2 carrotsrs with a classification accuracy of more than 90%. Tian Ž1995. studied the feasibility of using a machine vision system to identify individual plants with images taken in the natural outdoor environment. He reported problems associated with non-uniform illumination. Four features, elongation ŽELG., compactness ŽCMP., the logarithm of the ratio of height to width ŽLHW., and the ratio of length to perimeter ŽLTP. were used as the optimum subset among all features tested for tomato cotyledon recognition. He successfully identified between 61 to 82 percent of all the individual plants in about 270 frames of field images in a laboratory environment. However, the research ended before high speed algorithms needed for implementation in a real-time computer vision system for use in a commercial field were developed. Some work has been done in selective application of herbicides. However, in the majority of the work, ‘selective’ referred to selectivity of plants vs. soil, not crop vs. weeds. Most of this work utilized a difference in reflectance levels between plants and soil background based upon the chlorophyll in the foliage absorbing the red radiation which is reflected by the soil. In earlier studies, the ratio of visible to near-infrared radiation ŽHooper, Harries and Ambler Ž1976.. and the ratio of red to near-infrared ŽHaggar, Stent and Isaac Ž1983., Felton et al. Ž1991., Felton and McCloy Ž1992., and Merritt et al. Ž1994.. were used to distinguish green vegetation from the soil background. Some of these led to commercial plant detector-sprayers ŽWeed Seeker PhD 1620, Patchen California, Inc., Los Gatos, CA; and Detectspray-S45, Concord Inc., Fargo, ND.. Visser and Timmermans Ž1996. developed an automatic selective herbicide spraying system for weed control. They used the chlorophyll fluorescence effect and optically filtered LEDs in a sensor to detect weeds, and solenoid valves to control weed spray. However, the system also detects and sprays all green plants as ‘‘weeds.’’ None of the systems described above sprayed weeds selectively as opposed to crop plants. A group of researchers in Spain have worked to distinguish crop plants from weeds ŽMolto et al. Ž1996. and Molto et al. Ž1997... They developed a machine vision system for robotic weeding of artichokes and lettuce. The average processing time was about 500 ms per image. A mobile robot for non-chemical weed control is planned.
Materials and methods Machine ¨ ision system The video and computer hardware used here to develop and implement the real-time computer vision system is shown in figure 1. A Sharp GPB-2 board ŽSharp Digital Information Products, Inc.. was used as the main hardware portion of the real-time image processing system. To facilitate real-time color image processing a Sharp Incard was used to input the camera’s RGB Žred, green, and
Figure 1. Schematic of the components of the real-time machine vision system.
blue. video signals and to transfer them to the GPB-2 board. A Sharp AUXLUT Card Ždaughter board to the GPB-2. was used to implement a real-time look-up table for true color to binary image conversion. A multipurpose inputroutput board ŽModel CIO-DAS 1600 board, ComputerBoards, Inc.. was used to send an asynchronous reset signal to the camera for on-the-fly image acquisition control. An RGB color video camera ŽModel 2222-1340r0000, Cohu, Inc.. was used for high resolution NTSC ŽNational Television System Committee. color image acquisition. A Dell Dimension XPS Pro200n computer equipped with a 200 MHz Pentium Pro CPU was used as the main microprocessor. The computer was operated using the MS-DOS operating system Žversion 6.2. and all machine vision algorithms were developed using the Microsoft C compiler Žversion 7.0.. The prototype robotic weed control system is shown in figure 2. The UC Davis Robotic Cultivator ŽAlloway cultivation tool and camera 噛1. was utilized as a guidance system to center the weed control system over the row. Each step, from image acquisition to actuating the weed control device, was synchronized using an encoded ŽModel HR6251000006, Danaher Controls. gage wheel on the toolbar of a tractor ŽModel 7800, John Deere Co... This encoder generated a pulse whenever the tractor moved 0.13 mm forward on the seedbed. A microcontroller ŽSensorWatchTM , TERN Inc.. was used to count the number of encoder pulses in order to determine the tractor’s location along the row. The SensorWatchTM communicated via a RS-232 serial port to the Dell computer containing the Sharp boards. The image size was 11.43 cm long Žin the travel direction. by 10.16 cm wide, and a new
Figure 2. The prototype robotic weed control system.
image was acquired every 879 pulses Ž11.43 cm. by sending an asynchronous reset signal to the color camera Žcamera 噛2 in figure 2.. A uniform illumination device was developed using a specially designed cultivation tunnel which was attached to the end frame of the ‘Alloway’ cultivation tool and was composed of a C channel beam Ž10.16 cm wide, 60.96 cm long, and 0.48 cm thick., two dichroic halogen lamps ŽIwasaki Electric Co. Model MR16CG, 12Vdc, and 50W., two flashed opal optical diffusers ŽOriel Model No. 48030, 5.08 cm diameter and 0.22 cm thick., two metal side shields and front and rear rubber flaps Žfigure 2.. The two lamps were positioned at 30⬚ relative to the optical axis of the camera. The side shields and rubber flaps were designed to block the sunlight and to minimize the amount of soil falling on top of the tomato plants during cultivation.
Image processing algorithm Image acquisition. The first step of image processing was to acquire an image of the juvenile tomato plants in a commercial tomato field. A shutter speed of 1r500 second was used to prevent blurring due to tractor motion and wind. The red, green, and blue interlaced video signals were input to the Incard, which digitized a single field of the interlaced image and subsampled the input image columnwise to eliminate motion effects. The actual field of view was 11.43 cm = 10.16 cm, digitized into 256 = 240 color Ž24 bit. pixels. Images were taken in eight commercial processing tomato fields in Northern California during the normal cultivation season starting in late March until mid-May 1997. The tomato plants in these fields were in various stages of maturity
Table 1. Execution time for each image processing step
Image processing step Prepare image acquisition Acquire color image Žone field. Transfer and subsample acquired image Check synchronization of main computer and spray controller Check image buffer overflow Binarize Morphology analysis Label objects Extract features Make decision with a Bayesian classifier Find tomato & weed locations Send tomato & weed locations to spray controller Miscellaneous commands Total time
Execution time Žms.
Percent of total time Ž%.
0.02 16.76 27.21 2.08
0.01 4.87 7.91 0.60
1.19 2.92 32.04 9.89 144.58 0.94 58.10 37.44 11.03 344.20
0.35 0.85 9.31 2.87 42.00 0.27 16.88 10.88 3.20 100.00
from just emerging to the second true leaf stage. The following weeds were also commonly found in these processing tomato fields: Black nightshade Ž Solanum nigrum., Hairy nightshade Ž Solanum sarrachoides., Ground cherry Ž Physalis spp.., Lambsquarters Ž Chenopodium album., Mustard Ž Brassica spp.., Nettleleaf goosefoot Ž Chenopodium murale., Shepherd’s-purse Ž Capsella bursa-pastoris., Redroot pigweed Ž Amaranthus retroflexus., Groundsel Ž Senecio ¨ ulgaris., Velvetleaf Ž Abutilon theophrasti., Field bindweed Ž Con¨ ol¨ ulus ar¨ ensis L.., and grass weeds ŽYellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L.; and Large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis.. It was an especially windy spring in Northern California in 1997 and despite the limited protection offered by the illumination device most of the tomato plants in the commercial fields studied were laid down along the direction of wind travel. Binarization. After an image was digitized and stored as a 24 bit color image in computer memory, it was segmented ŽRosenfeld and Kak, 1982. into plant and non-plant regions using color information in hue, saturation and intensity color space. In this step a Bayesian decision rule was applied to build a color look-up table ŽLee, 1998. and the AUXLUT card was used for real-time conversion of the color image into a binary image Žblack for plant leaves and white for background.. The segmentation process took less than 3 ms using the AUXLUT card in a Dell Dimension XPS Pro200n computer with a 200 MHz Pentium Pro processor ŽTable 1.. After segmentation, the image was enhanced through a series of image processing steps including shrinking and swelling to remove noise and to obtain a smooth shape for leaf recognition ŽHorn, 1986; Sharp 1993.. Figure 3c shows the segmented and enhanced image of a tomato seedling and weeds in the field.
Figure 3. Tomato identification procedure. a. Poor quality image of tomato seedlings and weeds.
Plant recognition procedure. Shape features Žarea, major axis, minor axis, centroid, area to length ratio ŽATL., compactness ŽCMP., elongation ŽELG., the logarithm of the ratio of height to width ŽLHW., the ratio of length to perimeter ŽLTP., and the ratio of perimeter to broadness ŽPTB.. were obtained for each plant leaf. In an effort to recognize true leaves of tomato seedlings, the curvature of the leaf boundaries were also studied ŽLee, Slaughter and Giles 1997.. Tomato true leaves frequently have notches or concave regions along their boundary while most of the weeds were round and convex Žfigure 3c.. Using curvature, the sum of the radius of curvature ŽSUMINV. was also calculated for each leaf in order to improve the Bayesian classifier built to distinguish tomatoes from weeds. The centroid Ž‘q’ sign., major and minor axes, and perimeter from the feature extraction process are shown in figure 3d. The pattern recognition features used in this study were defined as follows.
Figure 3. b. High quality image of tomato seedling and weeds.
ATL s ArearMajor Axis
Ž 1.
CMP s 16*ArearPerimeter 2
Ž 2.
ELG s Ž Major Axis y Minor Axis . r Ž Major Axis q Minor Axis .
Ž 3.
LHW s log 10 LTP s
Height Width
Major Axis
Ž 5.
PTB s Perimeterr2 Ž Height q Width . SUMINV s
Ž 4.
Ý Curvature
Ž 6. Ž 7.
Figure 3. c. Binary image of Figure 3a.
Plant leaves could be identified in typical training images using these features Žfigure 3e. either as tomato cotyledons or as weeds for non-occluded leaves using a Bayesian classifier ŽProc Discrim, SAS Institute Inc., 1993.. All images were divided into two groups, good and bad images, based on the image focus and exposure level, presence of wind, cotyledon display angle, state of maturity, and occlusion. Tomato leaves in bad images were harder to recognize because the leaf shape was abnormal due to occlusion or from being blown down by wind Žfigure 3a.. From each group, a training set and a validation set were created in order to assess the plant recognition performance. A small subset of images were carefully selected for training in order to minimize the size of the training set while ensuring that the wide range of scene conditions encountered in a commercial field were represented. A larger set of validation images were selected randomly from each group. There was no overlap between the images in the training and validation sets. The objects in each image were divided into 4
Figure 3. d. Feature extraction of each object in Figure 3c.
classes; tomato cotyledon, tomato true leaf, miscellaneous tomato leaf, and weeds. The miscellaneous tomato leaf group consisted of plants with cotyledons or true leaves which were curled, occluded, eaten by bugs, or partially occluded by the edge of the image. For the good image group, a total of 10 images were used for the training set and 41 images were used for the validation set. For the bad group, a total of 16 images and 46 images were used respectively ŽTable 2.. After the true class of each leaf was determined by manual inspection, the performance of the image processing algorithm was determined using a Bayesian discrimination procedure ŽProc Discrim..
Figure 3. e. Processed image, tomato leaves in black, weed leaves in gray.
Precision spraying system A robotic spraying system Žfigure 2. was developed with eight 12Vdc solenoid valves ŽCapstan Ag Systems, Inc., Topeka, Kansas., a stainless steel manifold Ž3.18 cm = 3.18 cm = 13.97 cm., a specially designed accumulator, and eight driver circuits for valve control. The robotic spraying system was mounted at the end of the tunnel, about three image frames behind the camera. Five hypodermic tubes ŽHeavy Wall Stainless Steel Type 304-W, 22 gauge, I.D.s 0.28 mm, 12.7 mm long, Small Parts, Inc.. were used in a line 2.54 mm apart to form a micro-spray nozzle. When moving at 1.20 kmrh and activated for 10 ms, each micro-spray nozzle emitted an elliptical deposit 0.9 cm along the direction of travel and 1.27 cm perpendicular to the direction of travel when operated at 103 kPa from a nozzle height of 10.16 cm above the seedbed. A spraying time of 10 ms
Figure 3. f. Tomato cells Ž_., buffer zone Žr., and spray zone Ž=. overlaid on Figure 3b.
gave a flow rate of 0.098 Lrmin for each valve and an exit velocity from the nozzle of 6.4 mrs. A CO 2 tank was used to pressurize the spray system. The eight solenoid valves Ž2.54 cm outside diameter. were aligned to allow the entire 10.16 cm wide seedline to be sprayed when all were opened at the same time. An accumulator was attached to the manifold in order to maintain a constant flow rate, independent of the number of valves opened simultaneously. After distinguishing tomatoes from weeds, the system divided each image into an 8 row by 18 column spray grid. The 8 rows correspond to the eight valvesrnozzles of the precision spray system. The image was divided into 18 columns for precise spray application, giving a spray cell size of 1.27 cm by 0.64 cm. The weed leaf locations were then sent to the spray controller. A valve was opened for 10 ms to spray the proper amount of herbicide onto each spray cell containing a weed. Figure 4 contains an illustration showing the operating concept of the robotic weed control system. The algorithm did not spray any cells adjacent to tomato cells in
ROBOTIC WEED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR TOMATOES Table 2. Performance of the prototype machine vision system using ELG and CMP Group No. of image in training set No. of image in validation set Total no. of tomato leaves Total no. of weed leaves Avg. no. of tomato leaves per image Avg. no. of weeds per image Tomato cotyledons found Tomato true leaves found Miscellaneous tornato groups found Weeds found Avg. tomato leaves found per image Avg. weeds found per image
10 41 192 26 4.7 0.6 80.0% 38.0% 52.5% 53.8% 85.9% 53.8%
16 46 128 102 2.8 2.2 62.5% 14.7% 32.9% 72.5% 53.9% 72.5%
26 87 320 128 3.7 1.5 75.0% 30.5% 42.0% 68.8% 73.1% 68.8%
Table 3. Targeting accuracy and precision of spraying system No. of spray targets
Avg. error Žmm.
Std. dev. of error Žmm.
Table 4. System performance under ideal laboratory conditions
No. of rectangular objects Žtomatoes.
No. of rectangular objects sprayed
No. of circular objects Žweeds.
No. of circular objects sprayed
1 2 3 Total
23 6 22 51
0 4 0 4
26 39 19 84
26 39 19 84
order to protect tomato seedlings from spray drift. Figure 3f shows three types of spray cells, those containing weeds, those containing tomato plants and those used as a buffer zone to protect the tomato leaves from drift, overlaid on the original image of a tomato row in figure 3b. In order to assess the accuracy and precision of the spray system independently from the pattern recognition performance of the machine vision system, a test was conducted outdoors on a tomato bed using circular green targets 2.54 cm in diameter. The targets were considered as ‘‘weeds’’ and were attached every 22.86 cm to a 10.16 cm wide strip of cardboard using double sided tape in order to prevent them from moving. A color look-up table was created with a few training images to identify the color of the coins. Their centroids were sprayed with a blue dye ŽPrecision Laboratories, Inc. SIGNALTM . by the robotic precision spraying system after they were detected by the machine vision system, while the tractor was
Figure 4. Concept drawing of the robotic weed control system.
moving forward at 0.8 kmrh. The distance was measured between the center of the coins and the center of the spray drops. Tests of o¨ erall system performance Two tests of the overall system performance were conducted: an outdoor test in a commercial processing tomato field and an indoor test under ideal operating conditions. The outdoor test was conducted in late May of 1997 in a field with one
of the last commercial plantings of processing tomatoes in Northern California. The travel speed was about 0.8 kmrh and the tomato plants ranged from just emerging up to the first true leaf stage, with the majority of tomato plants at the cotyledon stage. The total number of tomato plants and weeds were 520 and 21, respectively. The indoor test was conducted on a smooth concrete floor using green rectangular targets Ž0.64 cm = 1.27 cm. to simulate tomato cotyledons and green circular targets Ž1.27 cm diameter. to simulate weeds. Three replicate trials were conducted where a random number of weed and tomato targets were placed in random locations along a row the length of 10 image frames Ž1.14 m. for each trial. A total of 135 targets Ž51 rectangular and 84 circular . were used in the indoor study and the travel speed of the system was 0.8 kmrh during each trial.
Results and discussion Speed of image processing algorithm Processing time is a major concern in real-time machine vision applications. Since the goal of this project was to develop a real-time robotic weed control system, computationally intensive steps were avoided. The time required for each image processing step is shown in Table 1. For a 256 by 240 pixel image representing a 11.43 cm = 10.16 cm field of view, the image processing algorithm took a total of 0.344 seconds to identify 10 tomato cotyledons in the image using only the features of elongation and compactness. Thus the prototype cultivator could travel at a continuous rate of 1.20 km per hour under these conditions. Higher speed could be achieved simply by dedicating more image processing hardware to extract the morphological features from the leaves in parallel, since the execution time is dependent on the number of objects in an image and feature extraction takes about 42% of the time to process one image ŽTable 1.. In an effort to reduce the processing time, objects were not processed and were considered to be weeds if they were on the very top or bottom of an image Ži.e. outside the seedline. or if their area was too small or too big to be considered as tomatoes. To save additional time, the algorithm checked only the center and 4 corner points of each spray cell in the processed image for weeds in order to determine whether to spray that cell, rather than scanning every pixel of the entire image.
Plant recognition performance Preliminary tests using all shape features described in equations 1᎐8, the number of concave regions, and the standard deviation of curvature of each object, were
conducted to find the optimal Bayesian classifier. After several preliminary tests, two features, ELG and CMP, were found to provide the optimal Bayesian classifier for the images in this study. Table 2 shows the performance for both image groups with the Bayesian classifier built using these features. Adding more features to the classifier had inconsistent results but in no case did it help reduce the total error rate of the classifier. For example, when the feature SUMINV was used along with ELG and CMP, the rate of true leaf recognition dramatically increased from 38.0% to 62.0% in the good image group, however the decrease in cotyledon recognition rate was even more dramatic going from 80% to a very poor 6.7%. Similarly, these three features increased the weed recognition rate to 76.5%, but decreased the recognition rate of miscellaneous tomato leaves to 0.0%, in the bad image group. These results show that a high level of variability in shape patterns exists when the shape is characterized from a single two-dimensional top view of plants growing in an uncontrolled environment such as that found in an agricultural setting.
Precision spray system performance On tomato beds, the average error between the center of the targets and the spray drops was 6.58 mm and the standard deviation was 4.90 mm ŽTable 3.. Many sources of error affected the accuracy of spray targeting. First, there was an intrinsic error due to the spatial resolution of the spray system. The physical size of the spray valves resulted in a nozzle spacing of 1.27 cm, which led to a corresponding spray cell length of 1.27 cm. A minimum spatial error of 7.1 mm in spray targeting would occur whenever the centroid of an object happened to be located in the corner of a spray cell rather than the center, since the nozzle pattern is centered about the center of the cell. A second ‘‘systematic’’ error occurred whenever there was an adjustment in the lateral position of the system by the guidance system. This error was caused when any lateral movement occurred between the time an image was acquired and the corresponding time the weeds in that image were actually sprayed, due to the three image frame offset between the camera and the spray nozzles Žfigure 2.. An improved system might be able to compensate for this error by allowing the spray controller to communicate with the guidance system and adjust the weed map in the memory of the spray controller to compensate for lateral movement. A similar error is caused by wind when spraying actual weeds in the field because the wind frequently displaces the weeds differently from the time the camera is overhead to the time the nozzles spray. A third source of error was caused by the displacement sensor when travelling over uneven surfaces. The sensor did not generate the same number of pulses for the same distance traveled whenever there were clods and bumps on the bed where the gage wheel traveled, or whenever the compressibility of the soil varied from location to location within a field.
O¨ erall system performance The overall system results from the outdoor test showed that 24.2% of the tomatoes were incorrectly identified and sprayed and 52.4% of the weeds were not sprayed. The percentage of tomatoes recognized was consistent with the results from the separate independent evaluation of the machine vision system however the percent of weeds sprayed was somewhat below what was expected ŽTable 2.. The low percentage of weeds sprayed was due to several factors. Some weeds were near tomatoes, so they were not sprayed due to the protection zone around the tomato leaves. There were some grass weeds, which looked very similar to those tomato cotyledons which were held in a more vertical position. Some weeds were outside of the camera’s field of view, but they were counted as processed objects since it was very difficult to determine the exact boundary of the camera’s view as it traveled down the row because real-time visual monitoring of the image boundary was not possible. Occasionally the tractor’s travel speed was a little too fast for the number of objects in a single image causing the vision system to skip a few segments of the row and some weeds to be missed. In addition, some tomato plants were hidden by weeds, so they were identified as weeds and sprayed. In contrast, the overall system results in the indoor test were much better. Only 8% Ž4 of 51. of the rectangular targets used to simulate tomato plants were incorrectly sprayed and all of the circular targets used to simulate weeds were correctly sprayed ŽTable 4.. Post-test analysis of the images from the indoor trials showed that the 4 incorrectly sprayed rectangular targets were not recognized because they appeared a little too dark for the LUT and their shape was distorted in the segmentation process. These results show that the prototype performed well when operated on a smooth surface with distinctly shaped, well separated objects.
Future work For commercial success, improvements in accuracy and speed are needed. Ideally a robotic weed control system would be able to travel at a continuous speed of 3 kmrh to 8 kmrh. In order to improve the tomato recognition performance, additional techniques to recognize the wide variety of tomato true leaf shapes and distinguish them from weeds needs to be developed. Occlusion of plant leaves is also a significant problem in distinguishing tomato leaves in the uncontrolled outdoor environment of an agricultural field and an accurate real-time algorithm for the separating partially occluded leaves at the point of occlusion is needed.
Conclusions 䢇
A real-time intelligent robotic weed control system was developed and tested for selective spraying of in-row weeds using a machine vision system and a precision chemical application system.
112 䢇
The image processing algorithm took 0.344 s to process one frame of a 256 = 240 pixel image representing a 11.43 cm by 10.16 cm field of view with 10 objects in an image, allowing the prototype robotic weed control system to travel at a continuous speed of 1.20 kmrh. The image processing algorithm correctly identified, in real-time, 73.1% of tomatoes and 68.8% of weeds in the validation set of field images taken in commercial tomato fields.
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