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Conclusions and Outlook. Among an appropriate class C of covariance struc- tures, we characterize the largest possible r
Robust Maximization of Asymptotic Growth under Covariance Uncertainty Erhan Bayraktar and Yu-Jui Huang Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan

Our Goal

The Question


Choose an π ∈ V s.t. V

How to maximize the growth rate of one’s wealth when precise covariance structure of the underlying assets is not known?

Take η ∈ Hλ∗(E)(E). Define

attains the rate

∗ πt

sup inf g(π; P) π∈V P∈Π

uniformly over all P in Π (or at least in a large enough subset Π∗ of Π).

The Set-up d

When c ∈ C is fixed...


Let E ⊂ R be an open connected set, and S be the set of d × d symmetric matrices. • X: price process of d assets taking values in E. 0,α • θ, Θ : E 7→ (0, ∞) are functions in Cloc (E), and satisfy θ < Θ in E. • C: set of functions c : E 7→ Sd s.t. for any x ∈ E,

For any D ⊂ E and λ ∈ R, we consider c Hλ(D)



:= {η ∈ C (D) | L η + λη = 0, η > 0},

:= e

and set


∇η (Xt) ∀ t ≥ 0,

∗ log η (Xt) ∗ Π := P ∈ Π P- lim inf ≥ 0 P-a.s. . t→∞ t Then, we have • Π∗ is large enough to include all the probabilities in Π under which X is stable. • λ∗(E) = sup inf∗ g(π; P) = inf∗ sup g(π; P).

• π∗


 




∈ V and g(π ∗; P) ≥ λ∗(E) for all P ∈ Π∗.

and define the principal eigenvalue for Lc(·) on D as ∗,c

λ (D) := sup{λ ∈ R |

c Hλ(D)

6= ∅}.

In [3], the authors take η ∗,c


 

:= P ∈

c Π


P- lim inf

c ∈ Hλ∗,c(E)(E) log η ∗,c(Xt)

and define  

≥ 0 P-a.s. .




Proving “λ (E) = inf c∈C λ (E)”

θ(x)Id ≤ c(x) ≤ Θ(x)Id. Remark. Each c ∈ C represents a possible covariance structure that might materialize. The (Knightian) uncertainty is captured by θ and Θ.

Conclusions and Outlook

Main Result

Assume: there exist {En}n∈N of bounded open 2,α ¯ convex subsets of E s.t. ∂En is of C , En ⊂ En+1 S∞ ∀ n ∈ N, and E = n=1 En.

They show that • Π∗,c is large enough to include all the probabilities in Πc under which X is stable. • λ∗,c(E) = sup inf∗,c g(π; P) = inf∗,c sup g(π; P). ∗,c • πt

π∈V ∗,c

:= eλ





• (L

Selected References

• Qc:

Recall Pucci’s operator: given 0 < λ ≤ Λ, + Mλ,Λ(M )

the solution to the (generalized) martingale problem on E for the operator Lc(·). • Πc:= {P | P loc Qc, X doesn’t explode P-a.s.} S c • Π:= c∈C Π . • π ∈ V (admissible trading strategy): predictable process s.t. the following holds for all c ∈ C: (i) π is X-integrable under Q ; Rt 0 π (ii) Vt := 1 + 0 πsdXs > 0 Qc-a.s., for all t ≥ 0. c

• Asymptotic

growth rate of V π under P:

:= sup γ ∈ R n

(≈ sup γ ∈ R |


sup A∈A(λ,Λ)

Tr(AM ), ∀ M ∈ S ,


Define the operator F : E × S 7→ R by 1 F (x, M ) := sup Tr(AM ). 2 A∈A(θ(x),Θ(x)) For any D ⊂ E and λ ∈ R, we consider 2

Hλ(D) := {η ∈ C (D) | F (x, D η)+λη ≤ 0, η > 0}, 

π P- lim inf (log Vt /t) ≥ γ P-a.s. t→∞ o π γt Vt ≥ e as t large P-a.s. )


Sketch of proof: 1. On each En, show the existence of a positive viscosity solution ηn (by using [5]) to

and define the principal eigenvalue for F on D as ∗

λ (D) := sup{λ ∈ R | Hλ(D) 6= ∅}. Now, by using the arguments in [3] and the relation λ∗(E) = inf c∈C λ∗,c(E), we obtain


F (x, D η) + λ (En)η ≤ 0.


where A(λ, Λ) denotes the set of matrices in Sd with eigenvalues lying in [λ, Λ].


g(π; P)

For Further Information

∇η ∗,c(Xt) ∈ V satisfies

When c ∈ C is NOT fixed... ∂ 2f 1 Pd f )(x):= 2 i,j=1 cij (x) ∂xi∂xj (x) 1 2 = 2 Tr[c(x)D f (x)].

The covariance uncertainty we consider is similar to the “Knightian uncertainty” formulated in [2], in the sense that the constraint on covariance is Markovian. The latter, however, is more general as it allows the covariance itself to be non-Markovian. It is of interest to generalize our results to the case with non-Markovian covariances, which would lead to eigenvalue problems for path-dependent PDEs.

• Yu-Jui Huang is available at [email protected] • Preprint of our paper can be downloaded from • This poster can be downloaded from∼jayhuang

g(π ∗,c; P) ≥ λ∗,c(E), ∀ P ∈ Π∗,c.


Among an appropriate class C of covariance structures, we characterize the largest possible robust asymptotic growth rate as the principle eigenvalue ∗ λ (E) of the fully nonlinear elliptic operator F , and identify the optimal trading strategy in terms of ∗ λ (E) and the associated eigenfunction.

2. Show that ηn is actually smooth (using [6]). 3. Show λ∗(En) = inf c∈C λ∗,c(En).

(i) ≤: Use a maximum principle related to F . (ii) ≥: Use the theory of continuous selection in [1] to construct {cm}m∈N ⊂ C s.t. ∗


λ (En) ≥ lim inf λ m→∞


4. Show λ∗(E) = λ0 := limn→∞ λ∗(En).

(i) ≤: obvious from definitions. (ii) ≥: Prove a Harnack inequality for F , and use it to show ηn converges uniformly on E to some η ∗ ∈ Hλ0 (E).

5. Since λ∗,c(E) = inf n∈N λ∗,c(En) for each c ∈ C (by [4]), we have ∗,c



inf λ (E) = inf inf λ (En) = inf inf λ (En)



c∈C n∈N ∗ inf λ (En) n∈N

n∈N c∈C

= λ (E).

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