Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(7): 310-316, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178
Robust Multimodal Biometric System using Liquid State Machines S.Belhia, A.Gafour, R.Adjoudj EEDIS Laboratory,Computer Science Department University of Djillali Liabes,Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. Abstract: An implementation of the recently proposed concept of the Liquid State Machine using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is trained to perform fingerprint and face recognition. The Liquid State Machine (LSM) can be used for pattern classification, function approximation and do the complex tasks. In this paper, the fusion of two uni-modal biometric verification systems is proposed. This have been done based on face and fingerprint. Gabor filters are applied to both the face and fingerprint in order to extract parameters which are then used for classification process. The fusion of modalities is situated at the feature extraction level by concatenating the vectors relative to each modality. Finally the feature vector is matched with stored template using machine learning methods. The suggested approach is original since it is based on liquid state machine which gives a better simulation of biological neurons as spiking neurons than sigmoidal ones Performance Evaluating has proved that liquid state machine achieved a good recognition rate closer to rates achieved by other methods but in a very short time. Keys words: Fusion, Face, Fingerprint, Liquid State Machines, Multimodal Biometrics. INTRODUCTION The biometric technology has attracted more and more attention recently. As a result of the traditional recognition methods have some limitations, like inconvenience, unsafe and unreliable whereas biometric identification doesn't have these disadvantages. People's biometric features, like face and fingerprint are not only change less for life but also can't lose or forget and can overcome the limitations of traditional recognition methods. However, single modal biometric technology has reached a bottleneck and people show more and more attention to multi-modal biometric technology now. The multi-modal biometric technology makes up for the single biometric recognition which can be easily deceived .Multi-modal biometric technology which can use complementary information between different modals to improve the recognition rate has four levels, image level, feature level, score level and decision level .This paper focuses on the integration of feature level.( Yao Fu and et al, 2008), one important branch is to perform fusion in feature level which can derive the most discriminative information from original multiple features sets and eliminate the redundant information resulting from the correlation between different feature sets. The data obtained from each sensor is used to compute a feature vector. Two vectors are concatenated into a single new vector. The new feature vector now represents a person’s identity in a different data space (Wang and et al, 2011). Due to this reason, we proposed a multimodal biometric system at the feature level fusion which combines two modalities face and fingerprint. Various architectures have been used for performing such classifications. There is usually a training phase where the classifier is given valid feature vectors and their associated identity tokens. The model of LSM is based on strict mathematical framework that guarantees, under ideal conditions, (GWojcik and Kaminski, 2003). We explore the application of liquid state machines (LSMs) to face, and fingerprint recognition. This paper mainly discusses the fusion of face and fingerprint biometrics. However, the algorithm and analysis presented here can also be applied to other multimodal biometric fusion applications (Belhia, 2012). Methodology: This paper mainly discusses the fusion of face and fingerprint biometrics. However, the algorithm and analysis presented here can also be applied to other multimodal biometric fusion applications (Belhia, 2011). Here Figure 1 illustrates a typical multimodal biometric authentication system. It consists of three main blocks that of pre-processing feature extraction and fusion. 1. Input the face and fingerprint image. 2. Selected features texture using Gabor. 3. The features are merged by concatenation technique. 4. Nearest neighborhood algorithm with Liquid State Machine is used for classification of image. 5. The test image is classified and the score of matching is calculated and the matched image is taken as output (Belhia, 2012), (see figure 1).
Corresponding Author: EEDIS Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Djillali Liabes University, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. E-mail:
[email protected]
Aust. J. Basic & Apppl. Sci., 7(7): 3100-316, 2013
GABOR te exture feature exxtraction
Pre‐processin ng
GABOR texture feature extracction
Fingerprint fe eatures
Face feattures
Verification/ Identification
Fusion feattures Stored fused features
Data b base
Fig. 1: Bloock diagram off face and fingeerprint multimoodal biometric c Creating codes: A. Face code: c As onne of the bioometric techno ologies that possess p the merits m of bothh high convennience and loow intrusiveneess, face recognnition has the wide w applicatioon fields such as a information security, law enforcement e annd surveillancce, smart cardss, access contrrol. As a resultt, numerous faace recognitionn algorithms annd surveys havve been preseented (Sun.Q and a et al, 2005, Valentin D and et al, 1994) one of thee popular apprroaches for face feature exttraction is Gaboor filter (Wangg. Z et al, 2011). Gabor Filtter for Featuree Extraction: Gaborr transformation is a good sim mulation of thee outline of sing gle-cell receptiive field in thee cerebral corteex. It can also capture promiinent visual prooperties, extracct multi-scale, multi-directionn space frequenncy features annd enlarge thee gray variety as a microscopess therefore; theerefore is very suitable s to extrract rich line feeatures of face. Annular Gabor tran nsformation is shown in fo ormula (1), G ( x , y ; f , ) ex xp
(1) Where W
x' x sin y cos
1 2
y '2 x '2 2 2 x' y'
2 fx ' )
y ' x cos y sin
f is th he frequency y of the sinussoidal plane w wave, θk is th he orientation n of the Gaborr filter, and σx, σy, are th he standard deviations d of the Gaussian n envelope along a the x aand y axes, re espectively. In I order to extracting useeful features from f an imagge, a set of Gabor G filters w with different frequencies annd orientationns are required. Face recogn nition is frien ndly and non--invasive butt its accuracy y is affected by b illuminatiion, pose an nd facial ex xpression. Faace recognitiion systems must be ro obust to thesse variationss. The pre-pro ocessing phase is simpler for the face case: the Acq quired image e is just resizeed to 128 ×1 128 pixels and d transformed d to a gray leevel image. The T face proccessing chain is the same as a the fingerrprint: after pre-processing g, the gray lev vel images arre convolved with a Gabo or filter , whosse parameterrs have been chosen empiirically. The result is then n vector of 25 56 elements to t represents a face imag ge. The new feature f vectorr now represeents a person’’s identity.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 7(7): 310-316, 2013
B. Fingerprint code: Identification by fingerprints relies on pattern matching followed by the detection of certain ridge characteristics, also so known as Galton details, points of identity, or minutiae, and the comparison of the relative positions of these minutiae points with a reference print, usually an inked impression of a suspect's print. There are three basic ridge characteristics, the ridge ending, the bifurcation and the dot or island (see figure 2)
Fig. 2: Basic and composite ridge characteristics (minutiae) Following steps are observed to create the finger code: Pre-processing of the image (to remove noise) by window wise normalization, Histogram Equalization, low pass and median filtering. Core point location using max concavity estimation (see figure 3). Tessellation of circular region around the reference point. (Y.Elmir et al, 2012). Gabor filter based features have been succefully and widely applied to texture segmentation face recognition, handwriting recognition and Fingerprint enhancement, this is because the characteristics of the Gabor filter especially the frequency and orientation representations (see Figure 3) are similar to those of the human visual system. In this work we use Gabor filter based features directly extracted from grey level fingerprint images (with size 128X128 pixels) as the input vectors to a liquid state machine (LSM) classifier.
Fig. 3: Filtered images and their corresponding feature vectors for the orientations 0°, 5°.22.5° and 45° are shown (Muhammad.U and Muhammad, 2004). Multimodal Fusion: Fusion Strategies: Our methodology for testing multimodal biometric systems focuses on the feature level fusion. This methodology has the benefit of exploiting more amount of information from each biometric. The feature vectors are extracted independently from the pre-processed images of face, and fingerprint using Gabor texture feature. These features are fused and stored as a parameter for finding the matched image from the database. Feature level fusion is accomplished by a simple concatenation of the feature sets obtained from multiple information sources. Let X = {x1; x2; …… xm} and Y = {y1; y2; …..yn} denote feature vectors (X Rm Y Rn) representing the information extracted via two different sources. The objective is to combine these two feature sets in order to yield a new feature vector, Z. that would better represent the individual. (Rossa and Govindarajanb, 2005). The feature vectors of input images are then compared with the templates of the database to produce the output. Combining more than one biometric modality progresses the recognition accuracy, reduces FAR and FRR. The proposed multimodal biometric system overcomes the limitations of individual biometric systems and also meets the accuracy requirements (Gayathri, 2012), (see figure 4).
Aust. J. Basic & Apppl. Sci., 7(7): 3100-316, 2013
Pre‐p processing
Pre‐p processing
Face & Fin ngerprint pre‐processing
GABOR feature extraction
GABOR feature extraction
GABOR feature extraction
The data structure of the t features both h images are store ed as template
LSM classifier
Fig. 4: Pro oposed automattic multimodall biometric systtem Recognitioon: The Liquid State Macchine: To acchieve the treeatment of vaaried temporaal data flows,, W.Maass an nd his colleag gues (Maass et al, 2002aa) proposed a working sch hema that adv vantages the rich dynamicc of SNN callled the Liquid State Mac chine which allows for re eal-time com mputing by em mploying con ntinuous pertturbations in a heterogen neous dynam mical system. The basic idea of this model is to o use a high h dimension nal dynamica al system and d have the inputs i contin nuously pertu urb it. If the dynamics are a sufficienttly complex, the LSM sho ould act as a set s of filters p projecting the e inputs into a higher dimeensional spacce. The LSM M uses the inteernal dynamic cs of a recurrrent spiking neural n network k to carry outt computation ns on its inpu ut. The intern nal state of th he SNN (calleed the liquid) serves as inp put for the so--called readou ut function. The liquid itself i does no ot generate any a output; it i merely serrves as a 'resservoir' for th he inputs. Th he readout th hen looks at the t liquid statte (the respon nse of the liq quid to a certain input), an nd computess the output of the LSM. The communicatio c on between the t neurons in the liquid is done throu ugh the use of o spikes. Th his means thaat the output from the systtem front end ds needs to be e converted from f analogu ue values into oa series of spike s trains; for that, we use u a LIF neu uron as a way y to code the analogue vaalues into spik ke trains: thiis biologically y realistic mo odel of a real neuron takess an input currrent (an anallogue value) as a input, and d produces sp pikes in resp ponse to this current. Thiss coding scheeme is computationally th he most inten nsive due to the t complexitty of the mod del (Maass et al, 2002b). A Liq quid State Ma achine comprrises three parrts: Th he first part permits to present p an eentry to the network; n it is i used to trransform som me analogue data in pulse trains. Th he second paart, or «liquid d filter», does a memorizattion of the en ntries as well as a projectio on in a spacee of higher dim mension. Th he third part is a reading card that perrmits to extra act from the sstate of the network, n in on ne given insttant, informattion determin ned by trainin ng (Verstraeteen et al, 2005 5). We trried to implem ment this typ pe of neuronss networks to o see its efficciency in the recognition of o individuals by their faces fa and fing gerprint. Thee global arch hitecture of th he network is i described in (Figure5).
Aust. J. Basic & Apppl. Sci., 7(7): 3100-316, 2013
L Lm
Fig. 5: Thhe LSM architeecture.
The network n is co omposed of an n entry layerr U of 512 ne eurons (face + fingerprint)) whose role is to transfo orm the entriies in pulse trains, a lay yer Lm that is i a recurren nt network of 3×3×15 LIIF neurons and a which serrves like a dy ynamic reserv voir, and an output o layer Fm F that permiits the learnin ng of an outp put y accordiing to the Xm states of thee network. Th he database o of codes, geneerated after th he coding by y the Gabor fiilter of pretreeated images of data fusion n in vectors of o features off a size equal to 512, is prresented to th he layer U wh hich is going to transform those data in n pulse trainss that are goin ng to act as stimuli s to the main networrk Lm. architecture or organizattion and its connectivity is This network doesn't have a preconceived p c partial an nd recurrent, it is called d "dynamics reservoir" or o "liquid". E Every synapttic connectio on between a neuron i toward a neuro on j is characcterized by a weight wij an nd an axonall delay dij. Th he step of sy ystem training g is done on the output layer, we opte ed for the baack propagatiion of gradient algorithm m, For the me ethod this algorithm a ML LP network of only one hiidden layer, is i added at th he output of the network having as en ntries the statees resulting from fr the LSM M and as outp puts the desireed yi (Verstraeten et al,20 005). Experimeents and Resu ults: The effectiveness e o our proposeed multimodaal biometric au of uthentication scheme is evaluated on face database annd fingerprint database. d Face Dataa Base: Thee proposed algoorithms have been b evaluated on “Libor Spaacek” data basee .We have chhosen 80 picturres of " .jpeg " format, with resolution 1200by200; that contain c the wom men and the m men with glassses and beards,, a green backkground Contaains pictures off people of sevveral racial oriigins, the majoority of individduals to betweeen 18-20 yearrs .There are vaariations in facial expression and facial detaails (see Figuree 6).
Fig. 6: Sam mples face imaages. nt Data Base: Fingerprin In ord der to assess thhe performancce of the propoosed system id dentification thhe FVC2004 data d base (Thiird Fingerprintt Verification Competition) was w used. Thee different expeerimentations hhave been donne on a data baase constitutedd of 400 picturres of format ". " tif " correspoonding to 80 individuals, i eaach having prov vided 3 samplles that represeent the basis off training and 2 samples repreesent the basis of test(see Figgure 7) , (Maio o et al, 2004).
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 7(7): 310-316, 2013
The experiments are conducted in MATLAB with image processing Toolbox and on a machine with an Intel core 2 Duo CPU processor.
Fig. 7: Examples of fingerprints from FVC2004 databases Results: Table 1 explains the comparisons of two biometric systems (Face, Fingerprint, and “Face and Finger feature fusion”) and their respective recognition percentage. The Table proves the advantages of multimodal biometric system through its performance (98.73%) and robustness evaluation by using more number of biometrics for person authentication. From (Figure 8), it was observed that the experimental results demonstrated that the proposed multimodal biometric system achieves a recognition accuracy of 98.73 % and with means squared error (MSE) of = 0.012639. Table 1: Table Below Summarises The Experimental Results For Our System Recognition Rate Biometric recognition system Face 69.73% Fingerprint 93.04% Feature fusion 98.73% (Face and Fingerprint)
Mean Squared Error (MSE) 0.302687 0.069531 0.012639
1 0.91 0.82
Training Blue
0.73 0.64 0.55
0.28 0.19 0.1 0.01 0
Epochs Fig. 8: Illustrates the idea of the research and summarizes the above table. Conclusion: The multimodal biometric system can improve the performance of the system .In this paper, the new insights and experimental results for face, fingerprint recognition have been presented. Where Gabor filters to global features extraction in face and fingerprint images are proposed. The simple feature level to fuse both modalities' features is used. It was introduced and presented a new training technique which is based on liquid state machine with networks of randomly connected integrate-and-fire spiking neurons. The performance of an integrate-and-fire LSM was tested for two different modality face fingerprint.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 7(7): 310-316, 2013
The experimental results show that the combination face and fingerprint outperforms than using them individually. Finally, the proposed multimodal biometric system achieves a recognition accuracy of 98.73%. Furthermore the proposed method obtains a better recognition results than the other methods when only one modality is used. REFERENCES
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