Rochester, NY Chapter of The Compassionate ... -

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Jacques Lusseyran. TCF059. Mary Jane Blum. Séance. Suzane Northrop. TCF060. Mary Jane Blum. Journey Out of The Body. Robert A. Monroe. TCF061.
Rochester, NY Chapter of The Compassionate Friends Library Title



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When Goodbye is Forever Saved By The Light A Grief Observed Night Blessings From The Other Side Life On The Other Side Ecstatic Journey Death Be Not Proud Twighlight Borrowed Time The Lessons Of Love Season Of Life The Light Beyond Healing A Parent's Grieving Heart Saved By The Light How To Improve Your Psychic Power The Shepherd Night Falls Fast What Survives One Last Time What Tom Sawyer Learned From Dying The Dead Are Alive On Children And Death The Bereaved Parents Survival Guide A Broken Heart Still Beats Talking With Children About Loss A Mothers Story Grief - A Natural Reaction To Loss For Better Or Worse Help Your Marriage Survive the Death of a Child The Courage To Grieve The Pain Of Grief Later Courtney The Gates of the Forest The Prayer of Jabez Healing Grief A Lesson Before Dying How Good Do We Have to Be? Incredible Coincidence Streams In The Desert The Messiah Stones Only Love Is Real Never Too Old For A Lullaby Remember Lee The Grief of Parents When a Child Dies Singing Lessons Coming Back to Life Your Life and Love Beyond Death Coma - Key to Awakening Sometimes the Soul Life After Life Reflections on Life After Life Far Journeys The Life You Were Born To Live The Other Side and Back Journey Without Distance My Glimpse of Eternity Why Me? Why This? Why Now? And There Was Light Séance Journey Out of The Body

John Bramblett Dannon Brinkley C.S. Lewis Elie Wiesel Sylvia Browne Sylvia Browne Sophy Burnham John Gunther Elie Wiesel Paul Monette Melody Beattie Jeffrey Marks Raymond A.Moody Jr. MD Alan D. Wolfelt Ph.D. Dannon Brinkley Carl Rider Joseph F. Girzone K. Redfield Jamison Stephen Levine et al John Edward Sidney Sayor Farr Harold Sherman Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Juliet Cassuto-Rothman Anne McCraken/Mary Semell Maria Trozzi Gloria VanDerbilt Marge Eaton-Heegaard Maribeth Wider-Doerr Paul C. Rosenblatt Judy Tatelbaum Doug Manning Susan Evans Elie Wiesel Bruce Wilkinson James VanPraagh Earnest J. Gaines Harold S. Kushner Alan Vaughn L. B. Cowman Irving Benig Brian L. Weiss MD Juanita White Linda Leith-Musser Margaret Shandor-Miles Judy Collins P.M.H. Atwater David Hyatt Arnold Mindell Gioia Timpanelli Raymond A. Moody Jr. Raymond A. Moody Jr. Robert A. Monroe Dan Milliman Sylvia Browne Robert Skutch Betty Matz Robin Norwood Jacques Lusseyran Suzane Northrop Robert A. Monroe

TCF001 TCF002 TCF003 TCF004 TCF005 TCF006 TCF007 TCF008 TCF009 TCF010 TCF011 TCF012 TCF013 TCF014 TCF015 TCF016 TCF017 TCF018 TCF019 TCF020 TCF021 TCF022 TCF023 TCF024 TCF025 TCF026 TCF027 TCF028 TCF029 TCF030 TCF031 TCF032 TCF033 TCF034 TCF035 TCF036 TCF037 TCF038 TCF039 TCF040 TCF041 TCF042 TCF043 TCF044 TCF045 TCF046 TCF047 TCF048 TCF049 TCF050 TCF051 TCF052 TCF053 TCF054 TCF055 TCF056 TCF057 TCF058 TCF059 TCF060 TCF061

Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Cathy Spoto Pat Funke Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Cathy Spoto Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum unknown Cathy Spoto Cathy Spoto Cathy Spoto Cathy Spoto unknown Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Dick Shantz unknown Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Joanne Lipinski Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Barb Lintala Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Cathy Spoto Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Pat Funke Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum


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Rochester, NY Chapter of The Compassionate Friends Library A Christmas Box The Five People You Meet In Heaven Talking to Heaven The Empty Room Sanity and Grace Finding Hope When a Child Dies Safe Passage (2 copies) When the Bough Breaks The Worst Loss 90 Minutes In Heaven Footprints If I Could Just See Hope Whey Are All the Casseroles Tuna? When Bad Things Happen to Good People Surviving the Death of a Sibling Lament for A Son The Bereaved Parents Survival Guide Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love Stephan's Moon On Life After Death Teen Grief Relief Dreaming Kevin Footsteps Through Grief We Don't Die Stephan's Moon A Grief Unveiled A Grace Given The Prophet The Bereaved Parent Dance Me to the End - David's Life in His Words If I Could Just See Hope The Shack A Broken Heart Still Beats A Rose is God's Autograph When Bad Things Happen to Good People A Season of Grief How To Survive the Loss of a Child Final Beginnings Final Beginnings Death & Life of Charlie St. Cloud Hannah's Gift - Lessons from a Life fully Lived To Begin Again Surviving the Death of a Sibling Practical Praying What if God were the Sun? Children Facing Grief Help for Bereaved Parents Surviving the Death of a Child The Grief of Parents When a Child Dies Recovering from the Loss of a Child Fireflies Living When a Loved One has Died We Need Not Walk Alone After the Death of a Child Water Bugs & Dragonflies Messages and Miracles …keeping Clarke After Life One Last Time The Celestine Prophecy On Life After Death On Grief and Grieving A Grief Like No Other The Worst Loss


Richard Paul Evans Albom VanPraagh Elizabeth Davita Collins Miller Fumia Bernstein Rosof Piper Peggy Kuntz Darcie Sims Darcie Sims Harold S. Kushner T.J.Wray Nicholas Woltenstorff Harry Sarnoff Schiff R. Mittsch/L. Brookside Marcia H. Carter Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Drs. Horsely Carla Blowcy Darcie Sims George Anderson Marcia H. Carter Gregory Floyd Kent Gigles Kahlil Gibran Harriet Sarnoff Schiff The Copeland Family Darcie Sims William Paul Young A. McCracken/M. Semel Kathleen F. Skipper Harold S. Kushner Ann Dawson Catherine M. Sanders, PhD J. Edwards & N. Stoynoff J. Edwards & N. Stoynoff Ben Sherwood Maria Housden Naomi Levy T.J. Wray John Edward John Edward Janis Loomis Romond Mildred Tengbom John & Frances Munday Margaret Shandor Miles Katherine Fair Donnelly David Morrell Earl A. Grollman Compassionate Friends Doris Stickney Louis E. LaGrand, Ph.D. Stephanie Benbenek John Edward John Edward James Redfield E. Kubler-Ross E. Kubler-Ross/D. Kessler Kathleen O'Hara, MA Barbara D. Rosof

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TCF062 TCF063 TCF064 TCF065 TCF066 TCF067 TCF068-2 TCF069 TCF070 TCF071 TCF072 TCF073 TCF074 TCF075 TCF076 TCF077 TCF078 TCF079 TCF080 TCF081 TCF082 TCF083 TCF084 TCF085 TCF086 TCF087 TCF088 TCF089 TCF090 TCF091 TCF092 TCF093 TCF094 TCF095 TCF096 TCF097 TCF098 TCF099 TCF100 TCF101 TCF102 TCF103 TCF104 TCF105 TCF106 TCF107 TCF108 TCF109 TCF110 TCF111 TCF112 TCF113 TCF114 TCF115 TCF116 TCF117 TCF118 TCF119 TCF120 TCF121 TCF122 TCF123 TCF124

Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Mary Jane Blum Gail Johnson Jan Boyle Gail Weiser unknown Cathy Spoto Cathy Spoto Barb Silverstein unknown Phyllis Simon Phyllis Simon unknown Phyllis Simon Phyllis Simon Phyllis Simon Phyllis Simon Linda Haines Phyllis Simon Kathleen Lynd Phyllis Simon Phyllis Simon unknown unknown Mae Wheeler Becky Price Linda Haines Linda Haines Linda Haines Kathy Parkinson Bonnie Corbett Linda Bohrer Linda Bohrer Linda Bohrer Linda Bohrer Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Phyllis Simon TCF Rochester Barbara Silverstein Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Dennie Bortree Carol Ann Britt Stephanie Benbenek Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson Kathy Parkinson


Rochester, NY Chapter of The Compassionate Friends Library The Illustrated Dream Dictionary The Afterlife Connection Letting Go By Holding Tight When Things Fall Apart - Heart Advice One Last Time Don't Kiss Them Goodbye Conversations with the Other Side End of Days - Predictions & Prophecies Phenomenon - About the Paranormal The Knitting Circle Comfort - A Journey Through Grief Sugar Cookies and a Nightmare Heaven Is For Real Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul Heaven Is For Real The Poems of Sascha Wagner The Art of Grieving or "Grief Sucks" The Red Thread Open To Hope We Don't Die: Conversations with the Other Side A Healing Year: Daily Meditations for Living with Loss The Cry of A Mother's Heart Into The Care: When Men Grieve Angel Babies-Messages from Miscarried & Other Lost Babies Artful Grief-A Diary of Healing Proof of Heaven-A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife Walks on the Beach with Angie-A Father's Story of Love Reflections of David's Father Our Children Forever Love Beyond Life We Are Eternal A Loved One Has Died Making Loss Matter Life After Death How to Go On Living When Some You Love Dies Threads of Hope This Too Shall Pass Experiencing Grief A Cup of Comfort Acts of the Sweetest Souls Grief - What It Is & What You Can Do Acts of the Sweetest Souls David's Message - Love & Life Are Eternal My Son & The After Life Lessons From The Light I Love You, Boy Reflections of David's Father The Other Side of Suffering I'm Grieving As Fast As I Can Healing Improv Swallowed by a Snake-The gift of the masculine side of healing Life After the Seath of My Son-What I'm Learning

Russell Grant Dr. Jane Greer Melinda Kramer Pema Chodron John Edward Allison Dubois Sylvia Browne Sylvia Browne Sylvia Browne Ann Hood Ann Hood Carol Kearns, PhD Todd Burpo Jack Canfield/Mark Hansen Todd Burpo Sascha Wagner John S. Partilla Ann Hood Drs. Gloria & Heidi Horsley George Anderson Alaric Lewis, O.S.B. Rebecca K. Pinker Dr. Ronald G. Petrie Patricia Seaver McGivern Sharon Strouse Eben Alexander, M.D. Don Warner George Carafos George Anderson Joel Martin Robert Brown Earl A. Grollman Rabbi David Wolpe Deepak Chopra Therese A. Rando Beth Rotondo Publications International H. Normal Wright Colleen Sell M. Harber & M. Owens Joy & Marvin Johnson M. Harber & M. Owens Nancy B. Elliott Elisa Medhus George Anderson Penel Ketchek George Carafos John Ramsey Linda Feinberg Bart Sumner Thomas R. Golden Dennis L. Apple

CDs and DVDs My Heart Goes Where You Are Healing the Grieving Heart TCF National Conf 2005 - Lighting the Way Beyond Death's Door Dragon Fly Jacob's Ladder TCF National Conf 2010 Reflections of Love Why Are the Casseroles Always Tuna?


TCF125 TCF126 TCF127 TCF128 TCF129 TCF130 TCF131 TCF132 TCF133 TCF134 TCF135 TCF136 TCF137 TCF138 TCF139 TCF140 TCF141 TCF142 TCF143 TCF144 TCF145 TCF148 TCF149 TCF150 TCF151 TCF152 TCF153 TCF153A TCF154 TCF155 TCF156 TCF157 TCF158 TCF159 TCF160 TCF161 TCF162 TCF163 TCF164 TCF165 TCF166 TCF167 TCF168 TCF169 TCF170 TCF171 TCF172 TCF173 TCF174 TCF175 TCF176 TCF177

Sonia Miller Becky Price Brenda Schmidt Kathy Snedeker Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price TCF Rochester TCF Rochester TCF Rochester Kathy Parkinson Colleen Kohl Kathy Parkinson Colleen Kohl Maureen Toombs Barbara Silverstein Brenda Schmidt Sonia Miller Kathleen Haupt Jay & Kelly Kovaleski Jay & Kelly Kovaleski Jay & Kelly Kovaleski Jay & Kelly Kovaleski Brenda Schmidt Theo Munson George & Joan Carafos Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Becky Price Joe & Maureen Stuhler Joe & Maureen Stuhler Joe & Maureen Stuhler Kathleen & Steve Haupt

Becky Price Becky Price Penny Ketchek George & Joan Carafos Bonnie Corbett Bridget Budwey Bart Sumner Pat & Sue Vitek

A1 & A2 B1 & B2 C D E F G H Dennie Bortree

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Rochester, NY Chapter of The Compassionate Friends Library If I Could Just See Hope Humor & Grief Workshop - 2010 Nat. Conf. Healing the Wounds through Yoga Workshop - 2010 Nat. Conf The Healing Journey - Tami Briggs, Harpist Reflections on Grieving - Gentle Words & Touching Music - Tami Briggs TCF National Conf 2011 Mary Rondeau Westra TCF National Conf 2011 David Morrell TCF Natrional Conf 2005 "Lighting the Way"



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Dennie Bortree TCF Rochester TCF Rochester TCF Rochester TCF Rochester TCF Rochester TCF Rochester Kathleen & Steve Haupt
