7500 Gallon Still, etc—Process re- turnable—Adjourned from Janu- ary 22. Crim
2014-C—United States v. Joseph Ramich — Sentence de- ferred from Jan 22.
The Ffchtins 6dth' Held Oyer at Regent For Another Week
ct, from Canne Sales & Service, Baumer, etc—Relin & Relin for Sondheim, $49.75. $100. plff. Dorothy Cooley Hall f a v o r Donald N Ledain from Jay James P Sconfletti v Edward J Home Decorators, Inc, $19.85. Baumer, etc—Relin & Relin for plff. Wright, $437.04. Ernest L Jackson favor Thomas James P Sconfletti v Edward J H Crone, $158.85. Lester R Pulver from J J Baumer, etc—Relin & Relin for O'Neal, $450. Albert Comstra favor L y n n plff. "The Fighting 69th" will conVincent Synesael from Weeks ter A Van Arsdale, Barry A Rumbold, $15.44. MORTGAGES DEEDS Syndicate Commercial Corp v tinue another week at the Regent Seasloas of couaael, for plff— Edgar McSweeney—Relin & Relin Motor Corp, $184.20. Herbert L Loebs favor Thomas Mary V Platschart, Williamson, Chas M Smith, Rochester, to F Theater, starting today. Headed Oaao ft Solomon for daft. D Buck, $3.15. plff. SUPREME COURT Vernon Smith, Rochester, prop in to State Bank of Williamson, prop by the three stars, James Cagney, 3337—Mink, aad aao, etc, v WiUsoa, forCatherine Laemlein, etc, v James Alice Ellis favor Brighton Place Palmyra and Manchester, $1. in Williamson, $1000. DISCHARGE MORTlndiv, etc —Maurice J Kasaaa Baker—Robert George Brent and Pat O'Brien, NOTICE W Lochner for plff. Dairy Co, Inc, $18.05. Emily Huntley, Newark, to V i n James G Roys, Williamson, to for plff—Goldman ft Goldman the cast includes Alan Hale, JefTrUl and Equity T«rmi of Benedict Meisenzahl v Howard GAGES Carroll C a r d s favor Samuel James G Roys e t ano, Williamson, cent S Roche, Newark, prop in for deft. frey Lynn, Frank McHugh, DenSupreme Coart wIU be la session Beck—Robert W Lochner for plff. Otis A Gray, Rose, to Arthur C Stores, Inc, etc, $29.77. 3217—Monger, Infant, v Board of Newark, $1000. prop in Williamson, $1. nis Morgan, Dick Foran, William on Monday, Fabmary ia„ Alexander Leschorn, etc, v WilEducation, etc — Wm x, Clay liam William J Kelly favor Nellie Pauline M Stevens, exec, etc, Darling, Rose; rec Oct 15, 1930. Isaac Wagemaker et ano, Sodus, Lundigan, and Guinn (Big Boy) Hutchinson — E m m e t t J Rinaldo H Kenyon, admr, etc for plff—Wm K Emerson for Schnepp for plff. Brown, $136.75. to Esda M Malchoff, Lyons, prop Newark, to Vincent O Roche, Williams. deft. Newark, prop in Newark, $2000. to Rinaldo H Kenyon; rec June 5 in Huron, $4000. calendarThe original story by Norman v DiPasquale — Original MONDAYS CALENDAR 3342 3243—ffigueras Manor Apartments, Inc, Peter P Wright et ano, Wal- 1924. Daniel W Geibel and wife, WilReilly Raine, Fred Niblo Jr. and MacFarlaae ft Harris for plff v Delaware Geo B Gucker, Lyons, to Ellio Hans Reuter—Hyman T Maas for Cily Court Judgments Filed liamson, to William DeFisher, worth, to Celia R Wright, Web—Baines ft Balnea for deft. Dean Franklin is based partly on L Cummings and wife; rec Jar ster, prop in Walworth, $800. Marion, prop in Marion, $1. 2407—Cuthbert v Hagamaa — Wia- plff. in County Clerk's Office the exploits of the famous 165th TRIAL TERM Ida Brown v Hyman Levinson— M Waid Hyde and wife, N e w - 30, 1915. ohell, Maeken, Goldwater ft Wm Mary E Mepham et al to VirNew York Infantry, the Irish BriJustice IIO-TS presiding-, Part X. William E and Catherine McL Clay for plff. Union Trust Co tn Claude B Donovan for plff — Mann, ginia E Bishop, Williamson, prop ark, to Claude L Mather and wife, gade, of which the ' late Rev. E M Morris, et ano, v Charles Ilroy favor Commonwealth Loan Showe and wife; rec May 16, 1925. Strang-, Bodine ft Wright for jOnorato—T M Durston for plffs. Pay Calendar— Newark, prop in Newark, $500. in Williamson, $1. Francis Patrick Duffy was regiCo, Inc, $103.38; taken Jan 12, Stella A VanDuyne, admrx, etc, deft. Wm F Shopmyer and wife, 2759*8756—Bonder, Plea v Bokmaa Louis Haney, ref, Lyons, to Mav F Cowan, etc, v Walter 1940. mental chaplain. O'Brien plays the to John Rector; rec Feb 25, 1921. 2485—Matties v Beuman —John J and Tasnvkins—Stono * XofRochester, to Fairport Savings & Hanlon—MacFarlane &. Harris for Watson Butcher favor Roches- Everett J Collier, Williamson, McXnerney for plff—Belaud B plff. Elmer M Adams, exec, etc, to role of the priest, Cagney is cast fenberg for plffs — David A Loan Assn. prop in Ontario. $3000. prop in Sodus, $5. as a rebellious buck private, and Yost for deft. •Wilt* for Aofto. Wm B Morse Lumber Co v ter Motors, Inc, $4i.GS, taken Feb August Dhaenens et ano, A r - Wm Sinsabaugh and wife; rec Brent as "Wild Bill" Donovan, Rinold H Kenyon, Rochester, to 2333—Curry v Electrolux Corp, et al 9, 1940. 3708—Xjoffothatls, by fdn, • Board cadia, to Vern F Whitbeck, P a l - May 11, 1908. —Edward W Xckea for plff— Charles O'Brien—Robert Miller for colonel of the 69th. Marjorie O and Carl F Smith Olive Kenyon, Los Angeles, Cal, myra, prop in Arcadia, $1000. of Bdneatlon, and ano—James plff. prop in Walworth, $1. Wlnchell, Maeken, Goldwater A story of ten years of loyalty favor Skolnik Fur Co, Inc, $103.65; • Jones for p i * — t n X i J Merrel Parker v James OsWilliam G Holts and wife, N e w - ASSIGNMENT OF MORT- and devotion that are imperiled ft Donovan for defts. Ben Woods et ano, Newark, to taken Feb 9, 1940. Bmerson oatb ft Bicker 2843- wrteht for defts E P Waddell, mgr roller rink, Maurice C Buckminster, Wol- Newark to 148 Lock st. ^ I f , Ba B u c a > Charles M L a u r e r - W P Curry Electric Appliance Corp, $177.20; Angelo and wife, prop in Galen. burn, R D N o 2, N Rose, favor for defte. $1. 2287—Williamson T Baler—Benedict Ray Harding, d / b / a Hexagon Rf cott, d / b / a "Buckminster's DeLyons and aao-MacFarlaa. ris for plff — Dwyer,ft_ Har., " j g ^ H o s p i t a l o f Rochester, taken Sept 13, 1934. Kate L Goldsmith, Palmyra, to Co, Rochester, $151.35. Xi Killer for pi*—Brown ft partment Store, E Main st, WolMax Becker favor Gordon C Roberts, McBouth ft Bicker* Iae, v Michael F C h i c h e l l i - W P Mrs Leon France, canal dry Ethel Crawford, Port Gibson, prop Zurett for deft. cott. Naramore, etc, $14.58; taken Oct for defts. dock, Port Byron to 70 Broad st. Curry for plff. in Palmyra, $1. 2420—Xieone v Sears—Harold P Margaret Bailey, Perm Yan, 18, 1935. Highland Hospital of Rochester, SATISFACTION OF Teres! for p i * — Mial • B W Murray VanPatten, Wolcott, d / b / a Wayne County Credit Ser: Gcorse H Hamblett favor LinInc, v George Adams—W P Curry Smith for deft. to Dorothy J VanPatten, Wolcott, MARRIAGES vice, Lincoln-Alliance Bank Bldg, JUDGMENTS coln-Alliance Bk & Tr Co, $62 37: 2757—Landau T City of Rochester— MONDAY'S CALENDAR for plff. prop in Wolcott, $1. Miss Esther Morse, Penn Yan, Newark. Madge M Fox, exec Edward F Stone ft Koffeabergr for pi*— Jos Farrell v Reginald Hodgson— taken Feb 9, 1940. James Aplin and wife, Newark, and Serfaas DeWind, Phelps. LivMilton Kaner, Sodus, d / b / a Fox estate, favor Ward Hyde, Wm K Emerson for deft. Dwyer, Reilly, Roberts, McLouth & EQUITY TERM to Cornelius J Engels, Newark, ing at 101 Elm st, Newark. Sodus Bowling Hall, 12 Maple st, 2967—Sesko, admr, v Talowlch — $122.96. Dicker for plff. prop in Newark, $1. Justice Van Voorhis presiding. Miss Ruth Dudde, Liverpool, Robert B Beefe for plff—Jaoob Sodus. Bond Clothes, Inc, v John Dallas Satisfaction of Judgments Florence Morrell, Sodus, to X. Bubaastela for deft. and Rev Geo Heck, Linden, N J. Aura L Kaner, Sodus, —Bunis & Bunis for plff. d / b / a Day Calendar— Bert Leibeck favor Michael J Roland O Woodhams et ano, prop LIS PENDENS 6982—Torelil • Eastman Kodak Co Heinrich Motors, Inc, v Raymond Sodus Restaurant, 19-21 Maple Mungovan, $59.40; taken Jan 15, in Sodus, $1. —Wm X* Clay for plff—Goodwin, 3414—Bailor v Baughtoa. et al— Meier—W P Curry for plff. Peter Clarisse Jr et al v Cora ave, Sodus. Warren, Shuster, Case ft Hal1937. Nixon, Harm-are, Bttddleton * Raymond Evans, Sodus Point, Richardson, exec, etc. sey for plff—Wm J Bell for Devans for deft. Alex and Frances Wysocarski to Anna L Evans, Sodus Point, United States District defendant Elizabeth J Baugh2665—Marasco v Campbell Soup Co favor Adam Felerski, $95.52; prop in Sodus, $1. DEATHS toa. CHATTEL MORTGAGES and Hart's Pood Stores, Xac— Court taken June 23, 1927. 3230—Duffy v Newman Brothers Thos H Sheahan and wife, OnIn Lyons, Addison P Calkins, Christopher H B'Amanda for Filed in Lyons Harry Miller favor Weis and tario, to Norman B Read, WalMOTION CALENDAR Grala Co, Xac—John J Ma70. plff — Biebsobutz, Curraa ft Bertram Bedell et ano, 3 Foster honey for plff — Herbert B Fisher Co, $210.25; taken Apr 5, worth, prop in Walworth, $1. Tuesday at Rochester In Shortsville, Gordon A Ellis, Sutton for Hart. st, Lyons, to Loan Service Corp, Bentley; Henry Glynn fori Judge Harold P Burke presid- 1938. Jacobus Rossul et ano, Ontario, 33. 2306—Feffer v O'Louphlln—Brown fc deft. Ralph Cook favor Henry Pop to W m F Shopmeyer and wife, auto, $30. Zurett for plff — Frederick 3234—Herrick Bumber Co, Xao, for In Victor, Mrs Margaret GleaI mg. Oak Burry, 4 Pearl st, Lyons, to Wiedman for deft. Rochester, prop in Ontario, $1. son Condon, formerly of E BloomI Bkcy 29115—M & K Publishing | pink, etc, $31.81; taken Apr 13, aao, v Coseatiao, et al—Webb 2685—MesBingrer T Wheeler, and aao W Murray VanPatten, Wolcott, Loan Service Corp, sedan, $175. field. Co, Inc—Hearing on question of i 1925. Sheehy for plffs—Stephen • —Stone ft Xfoffenberg; for plff Edward A Jones favor Frank surety In Lyons, Fred r* Robertson, 65. i discharge of trustee and Joy for defts Thos and Mary — Weldgen, Hewzon, Morgan A settlement of receivers 1 accounts, W Ingram, $22.38; taken Oct 25, town, Pa, prop in Wolcott, $1. CONDITIONAL SALES Cosentlno. In Rochester, Anthony Falke, Little for defts. etc—Adjourned from January 8. 1933. Grace E Swadling Ryan, MariFiled in Lyons 85, of Lyons. 2368—Bebbington • Belsaer Broth- 3404—Morehouse • Morehouse—WU Civ 321 — Stromberg-Carlson John R Bettis favor Mutual on, et al, to S Oliver Swadling, J Frank for plff—Defeadaat la John E Fox from Weeks Motor In Arcadia, Mrs John Norris, 64. ers, Xnc—Bechtold & Bernperson. Telephone Mfg Co v George T Credit Clothing Co, Inc, $31.65; Wolcott, prop in Wolcott, $1. Corp, sedan, $441.36. In Niagara Falls, Susan Lastein for plff—Mial V B Smith 3416—Diminuco v Dimlnuco—C H McGowan, as Collector, etc—Mo- taken June 25, 1934. for deft. Briggs National Bank & Trust Hartman Can Co, Macedon, duque, 85, formerly of Lyons. B'Amanda for plff — Wm J tion for order dismissing comMartin and May Nash favor Co, Clyde, to Fred A DeSavey, from Automatic C o m b u s t i o n 2713—Polvine T Sibley, Lindsay ft In Newark, David R Culver,'87. Frank, Begal Aid Society, for Curr Co, aad aao—Paul MUBState Bank of Hilton, etc, $54.62; Clyde, prop in Rose, $1. plaint—Adjourned from January For homework, sewing, Equip Co, stoker and equipment, In E Bloomfield, Edward W deft. carella for plff — Goodwin, taken Apr 16, 1932. 22. Jesse C Petteys, Clyde, to Fred $2268.48. Page, 88. reading and all home seeWixoa, Hargrave, Middleton ft 3417—Sokolski v Sokolski — C H Leslie L Benjamin favor A , DeLajjy J Clyde, prop in Rose, „John J f Mills, Foster st, Lyons, Civ 322—United States v One In Fayette, Jacob Eugene HagB'Amanda for plff—Bechtold ft Devans for defts. ing task*, an 1. E. S. 7500 Gallon Still, etc—Process r e - Minerva Hall, $83.50; taken *8>r $1. Bernstein for deft. f r o m McKinneys Consolidated gerty, 84. 2363—Friedman v Barotaada—GilLamp is a great asset 27, 1937. 3424—scheib v Schetb—K K Cohen turnable—Adjourned from J a n u Helen M Garfield, Williamson, Laws of N e w York, books, $190. In Clifton Springs, Charles L bert A Busbaum for plff—Wm for plff—tester J Berlove for Pierce J Ostrander favor N a to Mamie C Sprague, Williamson, ary 22. Frank H Pike, 106 Williams st, Joyce, 25. O'Keofe for deft. See the display on our deft. 3298—Goldstein v Miller—Bechtold Crim 2014-C—United States v tional Clothing Co, $25; taken Jan prop in Williamson, $1. Lyons, from Central Chev Co, Inc, In Newark, Mrs Lizzie L Graf, Main Floor. ft Bernstein for plff—Wla- 3415—Mannara. et al, v Kebiag— Joseph Ramich — Sentence d e - 8, 1937. William DeJohn and wife, N e w - Rochester, sedan, $413.60. 62. Stephen S Joy for plffa—Holchell, Maeken, Goldwater ft Louis McVea favor National ark, to A C Bartle Lbr Co, prop ferred from Jan 22. Marvin Pruner, Lyons, from In Newark, Robert Havert, 5. brook ft Holbrook for deft. Donovan for deft. Bkcy 29275 — Rochester S h i p - Clothing Co, $15.34; taken July 13, in Arcadia, $1. Wesley A Andler, colts, $125. In Victor, Mrs Harold C Voke. 3017—Downa, et al, v Topham— 3142 3143—Bobbins • Flaum, and A C Bartle Lbr Co, Newark, to Irving Smith from Unit Parts In Manchester, Mrs Clarence O'Brien, McSweeney ft Maloae building Corp —Order to show 1937. ano—Milton Bars for plff— for plffs—Charles B Callahan cause for order permitting L i n Anthony Battaglio favor Fran- Alessandro Pizzirusso and wife, Corp, sedan, $314.82. Aldrich, 48. Brown ft Eurett for defts. for deft. coln-Alliance Bank and Trust Co cesca Modello, $44.90; taken May Arcadia, prop in Arcadia, $1. Cora E Verbridge, R D No 3, In Clyde, Carlton Pangburn, 45. soo—Marx, infant, v Biffhtmyer— 3208—Bacoa v Bacon—Holbrook ft to foreclose mortgage—Adjourned Lyons, from Lyons National Bank, In Newark, Mrs Charles H Ber10, 1937. Carlton F Bown for plff— Holbrook for plff—Berton W from Feb 5. sedan, $500. Scully ft OTBrlea for deft. ger. Louis Faticone favor Joel Brown for deft. 2562 25G3—Kaanon v Baramle—GilLaw 2044-A—Domenic Galeota Moses, etc, $70.66; taken Oct 10, bert A Busbaum for plff — 2648—Jones • Amerlcaa Hepheliae v U S Gypsum Co — Motion for 1935. Corp—Wm Xt Clay for plff— CHATTEL MORTGAGES REMOVALS Bwyer, Beilly, Boberte, MeGoodwia, Nixon, Hargrave, order for inspection and discovery, William G Kimmel favor Philip Bouth ft Dicker for deft. Clyde Filed in Arcadia Middleton ft Devans for deft. etc. with proof of service. Relin, Inc, $84.40; taken Jan 6, 545—Flumb v Tilton, trustee, etc— 89 EAST AVE. Karl W Herman to Universal Mrs Edith Fisher, home service, Bkcy 25431—Samuel Millkofsky 1936. Whitman, Bey ft Bier for deft. Credit Co, $386. Lock st to 196 Sodus st. —Motion to confirm report of ref2377—Tork v All State Freight, Xao Raymond E Skadden favor John Karl W Herman to Universal J W Haley, beauty parlor, Fors eree, etc, with proof of service. —Henry B Butcher for plff— Filed February 9 C Winston Co. $42.83; taken May Credit Co, $150. Bkcy 28956—Vernon Adams — Harris, Beach, Folg-or, Bacon Harold Martin to Ithaca P e r ft Keating' for deft. Motion for order granting leave 4, 1939. Guy M Osborn favor Henry sonal Loan Co, $50. Supreme Court 8859 8860—Paaarltes T F W Woolto complete foreclosure proceedSeibert Sons, Inc. $54.71; taken August F Synesael, R D No 1, worth ft Co, Xac—Wm X. Clay Carmela Sardo v Anselmo Cosings with proof of service. for plff—Goodwin, Bison, HarJuly 8, 1938. Newark, to Loan Service Corp, tanzo, et al—Referee's report of grove, Middle ton ft Devans for Marion D Vosseler favor Clay- sale of lot 13, sec 2, Wakelee $120. deft. ton F Cook, $1624.50; taken Feb 8, Farm tr—Rocco M Fischette for City Court 270«—Taylor Instrument Companies 1940. plff. CONDITIONAL SALES Civil Branch—Judge presiding: • Helen Packing- Corp—Burns Marion D Vosseler favor CathMorris S Tremaine, as Compft Burns for pi*—Frank J Rogers, Part I. Filed in Arcadia erine E Cook, $625; taken Feb 8, troller of State of New York, v Blondollllo for deft, Summary proceedings— George Bartholomew et ano, 209 Judgments in Supreme 254S—spadaro * Barrows — C H Harriet Dauchy, indiv, and as E Union st, from Wood & Sons, 1940. Thomas Canarvis et al favor B'Amanda for plff—Wm C Ethel Davis, 154 Broadway, $39. Luigi DiGennaro favor Gaetano exrx, etc, et al—Referee's report Sodus, $982.68. and County Courts CXeef* for deft. Walter Morris favor Ernest Warren M Trimble, et ano, fa- Borelli, $253.45; taken June 25, of sale of prop in town of ClarkFloreman Bomeline, 919 N Main son—John J Bennett Jr for plff. st, from Standard Motors, $199.20. 1931. Farmer. 69 Poplar st, $36. vor United States of America, Pending Calendar— In matter of application of William F McGlynn favor P W Frank C Jordan et ano favor $1375.66. Bruce Clark from N e w a r k 2802 3451—Bobbins, admr, Cassidy v Doris Van Name for dissolution of Motors, Inc. $185. James O'Neil, 701 Plymouth ave DeYoung, $79.85; taken Nov 30. Anna L Trimble, et ano, favor Swan, et al—Bechtold ft Bernher marriage to Charles Van United States of America, $1.- 1939 Deforest Haynes, 213 E Miller stein; Busbaum, BeBeeuw ft S. $114. Name—Order for publication— st, from C C Scofleld, $161.88. 375.66. James H Hale favor Alfred R Martin for plffs — Baymond John Greth. Main st, Victor, Shilling, $208; taken Mar 20, 1939. Harold P Teresi for pet. Swan, defendant, in person. William B Hoover. 107 Blakely In matter of application of 2788—Vecchiottl, and ano, v Salerno favor Stuart Shaw Caves, Inc, Donald Mullen favor Weis & Holcomb, $108.78. Fisher Co, $70.75; taken May 12, Cesare Falcone, as guardian of Augustus Falcone, an infant, etc— James Walter T Smith, Mt Morris, fa1938. Wm K Bmerson for city. '• Special Term — Judge Kohlmetz Hooker. H Hale favor James Order authorizing settlement of vor N B I Corp, 210 East ave, 338—Karplnski v Bochester Bail-' presiding. cause of action against Goodwin 1939. $181.19. $347.25; taken Mar 22, ways Co-Ordlnated Bus Bines,] Motions favor Genesee Nusbaum and William Ribkin— E Raz Frank Raymond L Del Rosso, et ano, Xnc John J McXaerney for | Adjourned calendar— $2266.77: taken Nusbaum, DeL & M for pet. Valley Trust Co, In re: Evelyn Kreagloh, an Alfavor United States of America, plff—Whitman, Dey ft Hier for j George Weidner v Roy F ClifJuly 12, 1933. leged Incompetent Person—Keenan $148.65. deft. ford, and ano — Order denying 938—Dwyer v Mack International ft Keenan for petitioner—Jas A Rebecca Del Rosso, et ano, favor plaintiff's motion for n e w t r i a l Motor Truck Corp, and C I T Noonan for Attorney General's Of- United States of America, $148.65. Corp —Wm B Clay for plff — fice. City Court Decision Brown & Z for defts. Dorr L Richmond, Ceres, favor Leo Garland. Jr, v Wm and Mann, Strang, Bodine ft Ann Bremmer v Central GreyGeorge W Beikirch, plff, favor ErminigUda Mantregna—Skivingtori Nina M Baker, Webster, $175.20. Wright for defts. hound Lines, Inc, of New York— Herman Boulter, deft. $11.10. 2448 2447—Burns Carhart — Bay r ft Skivington for plff—MacFarlane Decision by Hon John Van VoorT s & Harris for defts. Fowler for pi* — **** Judgments in City Court his denying defendant's motion to People v Laverne E Northrop— Smith for deft. Executions Issued Lillian Kaplan, plff, favor A u dismiss complaint. 2579—Coon T Hartunsr—John J Carey I Alan M Hill, Asst Dist Atty, for James Madison favor A u t o gustus Yonkers, deft, $5 (costs). In matter of application of Defor pi*—-Baines Se Xtaines for i plff--Basil E Moore for deft. People v Carson Cohen—Harry Anthony Turrie, plff, favor Wil- Dealers Discount Corp, $129.78. deft linda Y Johnson for discharge of James E Madison favor N B I record of ancient mortgage on for liam I Christian, deft, $5 (costs). 2(m~~-Wa**r, admrx, v Van file, and L Rosenthal. Asst Dist Atty, Corp, $154.20. ano—Baston ft Witmer for plff plff—James V Jones for deft. Kenneth Witter favor Joseph part lot 23, Westfall Heights tr. —Goodwin. Klxon, Barffrave, | Charles Harrier v John and Al- Polizzi, $12.76. Joseph Wiatrowski favor N B I I s Westfall rd, Brighton—Order wtiddleton ft Devans for defta. vena Peffer—Shay & Hanks for The following judgments were Corp. $172.01. for publication—Gano & S for 5H34__.Santelll v Dorban, etc — plff. Thomas Wallace favor F, Stan- pet. taken by Reliable Stores Corp Charles D Mercer for plff — Original calendar— ley Siggelko, $100.29. Edward J Shea v Driving Park j Dwyer Beilly, Boberte, Mc-1 Carl W Storandt v William C ggolllSt: William Diehm, $92.26; Clyde M Fisher favor Marian F. Theatre Corp, et al—Stipulation! Delia Anderson, $64.25; Charles Douth'ft Dicker for deft. ; Storandt—H W Ungerer for plffand Julia Hughes, $17: Frances Fishor, S59.50. and order of discontinuance-278—Schaffer, truetee, etc, v Cu- Sam Croog for defl Frank Carter v Carl Hasclmaicr Harry Hill favor Russell W Dwyer, R, R, McL & D for deft* Rizzo, $78.29. lotta — Walter A Swan, Combs of connee!, for plff — - R e l i n & Relin for plff—Goodwin, Michael J Dailey favor Union Sondheim. $51.50. Abbie Geach Woodbury. RS exr Goodwin, HlaoB. Barfrave, Nixon. Hargrave. Middleton & Tire & Supply Co, Inc, $73.40. of will of Benjamin Woodbury, j Middleton ft Devans for deft. Devans for deft. deceased, v Eliza Levis, d / b / a George Lammer favor Lois S L i s P c n d c l l * Genesee Hospital v Frank Not ^153 3154 3155—THelen. as ffdn, GasLevis Music Stores, and Anthony | Rogers, S15.50. Clarence A Shcpard and Edith nan I F Colson for plff. ton, Mack v Messer—Brown ft Harold Davidson favor Mary M Knight, as executors of Archi- Haass — Stipulation and order of Lillian P Collins v John K Bnrett for plffs — Mial T » C &j Steeves—Van Alstync st Adams for KKvood, $243.25. b a l d g Knight, deed, v Cri.-cenzo discontinuance—Licbschutz, Smltk for deft. plfT-Backus & Backus for deft. S for defts. Francis McNutt favor The Mcf t o . e t al. uos 3329—Moyer v Boseaberf, »nd ano, People v James T McGuire—Alan c-hanies Sav Bk of Rochester, | HOLC v Walter W Dixon, et al. ate—Went ft Fofal for plff— Brie T *mltb; Xdebeebntt, M Hill. Asst Dist Atty, for plff— S68.20. HOLC v Vincenzo Bonaecio, et County Court Wm L Clay for deft. Car ran ft Button for ••**•. Tito Rozzio favor Alfred N a s c a , ' j a HOLC v Vinconzo Bonaecio, et Daniel D'Andreano v Harold R 3330—Bra«;o, infant, v WWte, et al— $.16.15. Ernst. e t c F J Mix for plfT. al—Mortgage foreclosure comKarold F *ereal for »1* — Claude Castrechino favor AssoThe Daily Record Is on sale at the ; „ ] a i n t ro^ 3 Supplementary Proceedlnfs Falcone subd. I I Baler ft Cbamberlln; Scnlly * ciates Discount Corp, $185.65. .Court House, Lincoln-Alliance and | Adjourned calendar— O'Brien for defta. Harry Hill favor Rusnell Wj Powers Building news stands. Continued on safe 4 James P Sconfletti v Edw J 3331—Byan, fdn. v Solomon—