Rochester NY Daily Record 1940 - Fulton History

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7500 Gallon Still, etc—Process re- turnable—Adjourned from Janu- ary 22. Crim 2014-C—United States v. Joseph Ramich — Sentence de- terred from Jan 22.
ROCHESTER DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1940. Nalars—Stone & Hoffenberg for pur. Simon L Wronker v Kenneth Nelson—Stone George Adams—W P Curry plff-—Whltnxaa, B a y a Klar 2843—Schraek, admr & Keating for plff. or 1 I.ur*.« Nrlrptlnn Shore Modern Homes, Inc. A-15, Robert E Lee favor Federal Outfor daft, i and ano—MaeParlaao a Xar- I * _ P *' „ _ . .. _ . Feb 14, 11:00 A M — John H 1650 East ave, $60. fitting Co, Inc, $98.80. rl. for plff-Bwyer, Bellly,! *»• 929—OoaaaUa* • Vptoy Blfa a Ave r * « « $ *S£tf*J??**??! Odenbach, et al — Lot No 357, Boberts, MeBouth a Bicker ^ ' « % Boberto, McLouth & Charles H Pritchard, et ano, John and Agnes Enright favor H Aberdeen st—Harris, Beach, Foloidant Xnanranoo A a s a — W n Dicker for plff. for dafta. favor Atlantic Municipal Corp, B Graves Co, Inc, $59.52. B Clay for pi*-—Bond, Bcnoe3 MAIN ST. EA8T ger, Bacon & Keating for plff. Bond Clothes, Inc. v John Dallas 3364—Karknesa- v S t John — Austin a a e k a Staff for daft. 187 Chili ave, $71.25. William Buell, also known as PHONE MAIN 0443 — MAIN 2092 —Bunis tt Bunis for plff. W B r w i n f o r plff—Donald B 3560—Bryant * Vattaraon, and Soto Wesley A McMahon, et ano, fa- William Christ favor E L Myers, We Deliver — Open Evenings Heinrich Motors, Inc, v Raymond Morris f o r deft. A u t o Varts. xac — OUosrt A vor Jennie B Redfern, 34 Glas- etc, $69.11. \. Meier—W P Curry for plff. l l t i l . I 3 T 1 0 I I 3371—Mulrhead, b y gdu, v Schnlmaa, XEnabaum for plff—Arthur T gow st, $25. George H Hamblett favor Linand ano—Oerald B Barrett for •smmutct; Dwyar, Battly, hail' iii'/a) feet wide in rear and one X.BOA& l o > i « a i & « • * » l o t i o a i S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t Plff—Bharlmm W Wy«i*l«; fOT hundred and twenty (120) feet deep, atobariw, 2Ss&S3£!i S *?!**t"r $62.37. a s shown on said map. defta. for dafta. Surrogate Feely presiding. Bankruptcy Court uroTios o r S A U S the same premises conveyed 7. formerly of the Town of Brhrhton. Marjorie O and Carl"F Smith to Being8453—Sheehaa • Sibley, Bindaay ft Henry M. Schlachter and wife by bounded and described a s f o l l o w s : 3287—Williamson T Batar—Benadlct Nelson P Sanford, Referee, preSTATE OP NEW~YORK—COUNTY Curr Co Maun, Strang, Bodlne favor Skolnick F u r Co, Inc, Ernest C. Hines and w i f e by deed COURT—COUNTY OF MONROE. Commencing at a point in t h e center Matter of estate of Mary Adams, & Millar for pUT—Brown a dated January 11, 1927, and recorded siding. f East Avenue 826 63/100 feet e a s t ft W r i g h t f o r plff — Harris, deed—Judicial settlement. The Monroe County Savings Bank, oerly $105.40. ffnratt for daft. in said Clerk's office in Liber 1398 from the point of intersection o f Plaintiff, against Max Potter, et al, Beach, P o l g e r , Bacon ft Keatof Deeds at pag/e 451. t h e center line of E a s t Avenue a n d Watson Butcher favor Rochester Matter of estate of Ellen Finear, Final meeting— Defendants. 2420—Baoaa T Saara—Harold P Said premises will be sold subject ing for deft. the east line of Culver Road extendIn pursuance of a judgment of ing northerly Taraat f o r plff — MU1 T B 3874—Smith v Xobson—Clayton X deed—Compromise of claim. t o a n y state of f a c t s an accurate foreclosure Matter of Anna B Shafer (Sha- Motors, Inc, $42.83. a s said Culver Road i s and sale, duly granted in Andrew C Moore favor E M survey may show and subject to all the above entitled action, and entered now located by monuments between Matter of estate of Michael Do- fer Shoe Store), bankrupt —10 S m i t h f o r daft. . Stein f o r plff—James • Jones easements and restrictions of record, in Monroe County Clerk's office on East Avenue and Park Avenue, e x Morris, et al, $106.38. brolonski and Magdalena Dobro- A M, 2757—Bandan T City o f Boofcaatsr— and subject to all taxes, assessments the 2nd day of February, 1940, I, tending thence southerly along a for deft. and water rents that m a y be liens Basil E. Moore, the undersigned, ref- line parallel with said easterly line Stoma a BaffaalMra* f o r plff— 2673—Shafer v W h e e l e r — B e l i n ft lonski, deed—Judicial settlement. Adjourned meetings— upon said premises a s of date of sale.' eree in said judgment named, will of e