Rochester NY Daily Record 1940 -

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Preferred 218 — George M. Haight, as receiver of Pulaski Na- tional Bank, aplt, v John P Char-. Crim 2014-C—United States v. Joseph Ramich — Sentence de-.
ROCHESTER DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, MARCH 9,1940. and Leonard L Hunt, Bristol. J p Koop—Arnold Heicklen for Tuke et al, etc, $412.45. County Court Miss Velma Ethele F i s h e r , Roy E Cope favor John B Deaplff. HOLC v Frank Recchia, et al— Sodus. and Clarence Frenouw, Carlo Testa v Ezlo Colayori— vitt, $162.39. Mortgage foreclosure complaint, Sodus. Chaa L Pierce for plff. Joseph Dagastino favor Stanley lot 90, Fernwood Heights tr, e s Miss Mary Sebastian, Clyde, and Continued from par* 8 Erie Commercial Corp, Assignee, Molin, $35.73. Rustic st.—Timothy J Nighan for etc, v Joseph O Kondorf—Jos Frank Bennett, Seneca FaUs. Loomis Humphreys favor Ray- plff. have been threatened by priceWhlttaker for plff. tors, sed, $563.76. DEEDS mond J Brown, $87.75. cutting, General Electric ComMonroe Co Sav Bk v Francis Erie Commercial Corp, Assignee, William N Jacobs from Newark Albert J McGrain favor John T McNutt, et al—Mortgage foreclospany is seeking this year to comRalph Bushart and wife, Sodus, etc, v Bradley Edward Ford—Jos City Court Motors, auto, $551.34. CERTIFICATE TO DO Cook et al, $28.26. bat low prices and low margins ure complaint, part lot 17, Cham- to Jacob Bushart and wife, Sodus, Civil Branch—Judge presiding: Whittaker for plff. Peter J Kouwe J r from Nafl Thomas A Dambra v Raymond Don Niger favor Harold E Bar- peney tr, e s North Union st— 0rop in Sodus, $1. by launching an intensified n a BUSINESS UNDER AN O'Connor, Part I. Cash Register Co, register, $195. Harry Hummel—C II O'Amanda num et ano, $20.50. tional magazine advertising camFrank Heagle and wife, WolStewart & S for plff. Sylvester Luckenback from N Y ASSUMED NAME for plff. Charles J Cramer favor Spiegel, paign with the double purpose of Summary proceediag— cott, to Richard Parry, Sterling, Intercounty Operating Corp v Doyle Gasoline & Oil Co, Inc, v S Elect & Gas Corp, gas range, Claude T DeVille and Orrin H promoting consumer acceptance prop in Wolcott Edward Fitzgerald favor Elkro Grace E Elter—Liebschutz, Curran Inc, $49.11. May C Leake, et al—Complaint $89.34. DeVille, Sodus Point, d/b/a De- of quality at fair prices and to Clement C Ingelse favor Syndi- for foreclosure of tax lien on lot John Benton Bellamy et al to itealty Corp. 512 Lake ave, A-9, & Sutton for plff. Juliette E Lucas from Newark Ville Boat Livery, Sodus Point. promote sales by dealers, A. L. 346. Hunting Co v John Horn—Stone cate Commercial Corp, $20.87. 165, Hayward Terrace subd, s s Louis H Farnsworth, Newark, Motors, auto, $719. Marsena L Richardson, Floyd Atkinson, manager of the comWilliam R Yohan favor Ernest Grand ave—Radden, Pollak & prop in Newark, $1. & Hoffenberg for plff. Percy and Floyd McGovern Simon L Wronker v Charles M Morris et ano, $229.97. Peter Almekinder and wife, from Canne Sales & Serv, trk, H Richardson and Elwin J Rich- pany's cleaner section, announced Hutner, New York, for plff. ardson, Williamson, d / b / a S L yesterday. D a i l y newspapers, Hass—Stone & Hoffenberg for plff. Matthew Lorscheider favor ArHOLC v Philip A Smith, et al Williamson, to John A Almekin- $139.20. Heinrich Motors, Inc, v Raymond dean R Miller, Inc, $28.74. Richardson & Sons, Sodus. Sunday rotogravure sections, di_____ ! —Mortgage foreclosure complaint, der and wife, Ontario, prop in OnJames A Matthews from NewMeier—W P Curry for plff. ID Moran Finnegan, H o t e l rect mail campaigns and new disCOURT OF APPEALS tario, $1. ~ | lot 64, Cliffmor t r . e s Cliffmor st Julius H Goldberg, etc, v Ben ark Motors, auto, $556.32. S E Wood, County Treasurer, Parke L Pulver from Donald H Wayne, Lyons, d / b / a Lyons Bowl- plays, will back up the national 93 110 50 1940 1942 59 74 88. Altaian—Wm Eber for plff. ing Center, Canal st, Lyons. drive, spot-lighting a new cleaner Brighton Place Dairy Co, Inc, v City Cour. Judgment*Filed ~ « f t g » £ " £ £ j g * . M c . Lyons, to Dunn & Mindel, prop in Howard, auto, $263.16. priced at $39.95. Albert W Huck —O'Brien, Mc- in County Clerk's Office I Allaster, et al—Judgment of fore- Lyons, $55.14. Russell Pulver from Newark APPELLATE DIVISION Sweeney & Malone for plff. * * • Jos Greive and wife, Newark, to ASSIGNMENT OF MORTHarry Jennings favor Caroline closure and sale of prop s e cor Motors, sed, $322.74. Order 34—Liberty Bank of BufCornelius DeRue and wife, Lyons, Standard Brands, Inc., will use and Washington sts— Kuhnersen, $20.20; taken Dec 14, Troup Harold Pulver from Newark falo, respt, v Helen Post Lansing, GAGES prop in Newark, f t . 99 newspapers, two newspaper Mann, S, B & W for plff. 19S9. Motors, sed, $322.74. United States District ;md others, defts, and David W Carrie M Slade, Andover, to supplement groups, three national Karl C Lehr and wife, WalMonroe Co Sav Bk v Ralph William Rogato et ano from Howard W Whitcomb favor Wallace, aplt—Edward J Cohn for Emma Garlock, Newark, $1; rec worth, to Frank Ginnegan, WebCourt Brockway Motor Co, tractors, June 19, 1928J made by James and weeklies and a Sunday night netArcher Motor Co, Inc, $276.83; Pheterson, et al—Judgment of a pit — Wilcox ic Van Allen for ster, prop in Walworth, $1. work show, through J. Walter MOTION CALENDAR foreclosure and sale of lot 57, $6411.86. taken Mar 8, 1940. respt—Motion for jury trial. Ethel Grieve. Harry E Young et ano, PalThompson Company, to promote Monday at Rochester Elmo Rumsey from Credit AcCyrus J Maggio favor Roches- Shamrock tr, w s Clinton ave N— Albert Tripp, Sodus, to Gilbert Preferred 202 — People, etc, myra, to Anna M Holmes, Buffalo, a special sale of Chase & Sanborn Judge Harold P Burke presid- ter Gas & Electric Corp, $47.25; Stewart & S for plff. cept Corp, radio, $88.80. Tripp, Sodus, $2180; rec Oct 31 prop in Palmyra, $1. i-ospt, v Ralph G C M a r a h , aplt— j ; n g Monroe Co Sav Bk v D Bernard John Rehkugler from Newark 1929; made by John R Johnson coffee during March. taken Nov 23, 1937. Peter L Finewood and wife, Melvin F Kinkley for aplt—Carl, c i v : m U n i l e d states v 1000 * * * Short, et al—Judgment of foreMotors, sed, $294.84. Stewart H Stanton favor Beneand wife. I Hynes for respt—Culpable neg- • cases Apricots—Process return- dict Meisenzahl, $19.29; taken Mar closure and sale of lot 7, block K. Newark, to Frederick H Bailey Coca Cola Company's enterRaymond F Smith from Wayne liffence. Sable. | prise in increasing its advertising Bel-Air Extension tr, w s Glen and wife, Newark, prop in New- Motor Sales, auto, $605.80. 8, 1940. Preferred 203 — People, etc, Crim 2014-C—United States v Wm Sommerville from Dorothy DISCHARGE OF MORT appropriation when the depression Arthur C and Margaret G Nel- Ellyn way, Brighton—Stewart & ark, $1. Ralph R Spoor and. wife, Gor- Sommerville, auto, $100. had brought sales to the lowest in respt, v Leonard J Hermann, aplt Joseph Ramich — Sentence d e - son favor Lawrence Helfrich, S for plff. GAGES ham, to Chester T Robb and wife, the firm's history, was pointed out —Melvin F Kinkley for aplt— ferred from Feb 13. HOLC v Walter W Dixon, et al Joseph E Stewart from F J Col$36.75; taken Mar 8, 1940. Simeon Russell and wife, WalNewark, prop in Newark, $1. as an example of the courageous Carl J Hynes for respt—Burglary, —Judgment of foreclosure and Bkcy 30296—Raymond Guck— lins, milk cooler, $100.20. Roy E Cope favor Lincoln3rd degree. Order to show cause to restrain Alliance Bk & Tr Co, $314.15; sale of prop in town of Pittsford W M Schneider from Verne F worth, to George Atwood et al; spirit of American business by De rec Apr 9, 1915. Sales Harrison, vice-president in —Myer Braiman for plff. Preferred 218 — George M garnishee execution. Adjourned taken Mar 8, 1940. Whitbeck, horses, $185. Emma F Boiler, Sodus, to WinMORTGAGES charge of fountain sales for the HOLC v Eleanor M Meyering, Haight, as receiver of Pulaski Na- from Feb 26. Ned Waldorf et ano from QualRoy E Cope favor John B throp K Howe Jr; rec Feb 3, 1937. concern. Mr. Harrison related that Richard P a r r y , Sterling, Civ 356—Florence E French, as Deavitt, $162.39; taken Mar 8, and ano—Referee's report of sale tional Bank, aplt, v John P Charity Oil & Supply Co, tractor, $200. Emma M Garlock, Newark, to in 1932 the company increased its Frank Heagle, Wolcott, prop of lot 708, 2nd div Duran Terrace lebois, aplt—Frederick G Whitney | Admrx, v Lehigh Valley Railroad 1940. Lewis G Johnson from Quality Joseph Grieve and wife; rec June advertising budget by $1,000,000, Wolcott, $2000. Co—Motion for order for examitr, n s iDurand dr, Irondequoit— Oil & Supply Co, tractor, $2043.72. William Swartzenberger favor for aplt—Theodore W Charlebois and the following year added Augusta E Gaylord, Sodus, ' August Van Wals et ano from 19, 1928. for respt—Action on promissory nation before trial. Adjourned Oscar R Meisenzahl, $65.89; taken Myer Braiman for plff. Lottie E Wagner, Fairport, $500,000 to the expenditure, with from Feb 26. HOLC v Wm G Keehn, et al— State Bank of Ontario, prop i n l Canne Sales & Serv, trk, $562.08. Mar 8, 1940. note. admr, etc, to Howard B Sharp et the result that the firm showed Sodus, $1800. Bkcy 23815—Finger Lakes Land Albert Wahl from Wayne Chev, 507—James DiNitto, respt, v M Jay M Wilson favor Kate B Referee's report of sale of lot 35. ano; rec June 3, 1925. profits at a time when general Glenn Hogan and wife, SavanCo—Hearing on various matters— Inc, auto, $262.72. F Dollard, respt—George H RothTuke, et ano, etc, $412.95; taken North Ave & Randolph St Hmstd Jennie Vanderzille, exrx, etc, to business conditions were at their nah, to National Bank of Port Adjourned from Feb 26. , Assn tr, s s Oneida st—Norman T \nut for aplt—Bartle Gorman for Mar 8, 1940. John P Sergeant; rec May 1, 1935. worst. Byron, prop in Savannah, $1000. Bkcy 29829—Rochester Barneys, favor! Lyon for plff. respt—Action under contract for Dorando A Petrossi John P Sergeant, Sodus, to MyJacob Emmel, Lyons, to Lyons CHATTEL MORTGAGES Inc — Order to show cause re David's Specialty Shops, Inc, Archer Motor Co, Inc, v Phyllis labor performed. ron H Sergeant et ano; rec Aug Filed in Lyons National Bank, prop in Lyons, 524—Irene Foote, aplt, v Fran- j approval of trustee's account, ai- $31.25; taken Mar 8, 1940. Dunbar—Order for garnishee exforth, 16. 31, 1900. $1000. Jas Arthur Kent and wife to d s E Chapman, respt—Albert V j lowances, etc — Adjourned from ecution for $237.29—Henry R In Red Creek, Mrs George RobHenry O Button, exec, etc, to John P Sergeant, Sodus, to Viola Home & Auto Loan Co, RochMoore for aplt—Cullen, Norris, | Feb 26. Dutcher for plff. Gilbei't Tripp et ano; rec Apr 4. ertson, 76. Reynolds & Tripp for respt— Au-j Civ 321 — Stromberg-Carlson Satisfaction of Judgments Caroline Kuhnersen v Harry M Comstock, Sodus, prop in ester, auto, etc, $300. Sodus, $365. Jesse Maynard, 23 Spencer st, 1906. tomobile negligence j Telephone Mfg Co, Inc, v George Michael Joseph Tierney, Sr, and Jennings—Order affirming judgJohn P Sergeant, Sodus, to MyChester T Robb et ano, Newark, Lyons, to Loan Service Corp, Ge539—Hameline Co. Inc, re^pt, IT McGowan, as Collector, etc— Michael Joseph Tierney, J r (satis- ment of City Court in favor of deron H Sergeant et ano; rec Jan to Ralph R Spoor and wife, Gorneva, sed, $80. v Harold J Oroutt. etc, aplt—John Motion for order dismissing com- fied as to Michael Joseph Tierney, fendant—Simon A Malone for 8, 1881. ham, prop in Newark, $2850. Minnie B Sedgwick, 203 W P Gualtieri for aplt—Bartle Gor- plaint—Adjourned from Feb 26. Jr, only), favor Lincoln-Alliance deft-respt. $1.00 A MONTH Augusta Shepard, Wolcott, to Maple ave, Newark, to Holland Civ 322—United States v One Bk & Tr Co, $3995.12; taken Jan man for respt—Action under conEstus Hall and wife, Wolcott, prop Furnace Co. heating equipment, 7500 Gallon Still—Return day of tract for labor performed. REMOVALS 10, 1940. Surrogate's Court in Wolcott, $200. $369. RENTS AN AUTOMATIC 543 544—Edward L Hyde, a^ process—Adjourned from Feb 26. George Thrall favor Nathan Newark Petition for Will Probate William F Stevens, Lyons, to Bkcy 29436—Howard S Rich- Goldberg, etc, $87.55; taken May guardian, etc, and Raymond MinRobert Dennis, farmer, Marion KEEGAN, WILLIAM — Died Jan Personal Finance Co, sed, $300. GAS WATER HEATER RELEASE PART chin, aplts, v City of Utica, respt ardson—Debtor to submit plan 20, 1937. to R D No 2, Newark. 10—No real prop; personal prop George A Welch to Loan Serv—Arthur N Gleason for aplts— (placed on calendar on Judge David Rubenstein favor DomeSerfaes DeWind, truck driver, MORTGAGE LAND does not exceed $2,500—Gano & ice Corp, trk, $50. Bartle Gorman for respt—Negli- Burke's instruction). nick Farsace, $275; taken Jan 8, 422 N Main st to 101 Elm st. 5 for pet. Ida J Gorton and Jordan NaSentence in each of the follow- I 1940. gence in supervision of zoo. 1 Floyd Dunlop, Bloomer Bros, 1 Wills Admitted to Probate tional Rank to Frank HeaEfl* -?r>d ing risf '' deferred from F o b n n r v CHATTEL MORTGAGES 128 Harrison to 3U3 Hotlman. A iiair> Goidateni, d/'b/a Rapid ALPERT, ISAAC S—Died Jan 13 wife; prop in Wolcott, $1. 26: Have piping hot water ! Printing Co, favor Rochester Sav County Court J E Martin, State School, 419 Filed in Arcadia —Real prop does not exceed Crim 1987-C—United States v j Bk, $139.85; taken Jan 20, 1933. Colton ave to R D No 2. William Ackert to Lincoln-AlliSpecial Term — Judge Van Duser Fannie Schneier. $2,500; no personal prop—EsCONDITIONAL SALES ance Bank, auto. always on tap. Pay j Marvin DeRoo favor Heinrich Frank I Rockefeller, farmer, presiding. tate to Sarah G Kolko, daughCrim 1977-C—United State? v ; Motors, Inc, $192.10; taken Mar Filed in Lyons Canne Sales & Serv to Credit Phelps to 507 Mason st. ter and exrx — Benjamin S Motions Joseph Belviso. only $1.00 a month 27, 1935. Archie F Bowler, 122 Williams Accept Corp, trk, $90. E B Rapp, manager, Fishman Cramer for pet. \d.warned calendar— Crim 1978-C—United States v st, from Levis Music Store, RochGuiseppe and Gabriele Cianca store, Summerville, N J, to 335 W Daniel DeJohn to Rose DeJohn. Union Trust Co, Petitioner, in the Joseph Belviso. GOETTE, RUDOLPH F—Died rent for the heater, favor Hamlet E Smyth, etc, L Feb 17,£ 1939—No real prop: ester, piano, $230. Miller st. sed, $350. ?\1atter of Eunice C Holmes—Block Crim 1978-C—-United States v $402.40; taken May 20*1982. 'Frank* TeMIno, 23 Stufler st, Arthur Deyo to Personal Fi«e Smith for petitioner. personal prop does not exceed plus the cost of gas from Newark Motors, Inc, sed, nance Co, sed, $210. Chester L Van Etten and John Violet Minges v Joseph Farkas— Antoinette Belviso. DEATHS $2,500—Equal shares of estate Crim 1983-C—United States v R Dahulich (satisfied as to John Wm Ader for plff. $128.52. Karl W Herman to Universal to Matilda D and Edna M consumed. No obligaIn Lyons, Mrs Thomas DerCola, Whitmore, Rauber & Vicinus v Daniel Chew. Walter Krueger, R D No 2, R Dahulich only), favor Colonial Credit Co, auto, $300; motorcycle, 49, Goette, daughters, Julius A and Crim 1987-C—United States v Beacon Oil Co, Inc, $111.96; taken Arthur S Blanchard — Raines & Rudolph J Goette, sons, the lat- Lyons, from Wayne Chev, Inc, $225; auto, $247; auto, $150; auto, tion to buy. Raines for plff—Weldgen, Newton, Orie Clyne. In Lyons, Mrs Jane H Potts, 69. Dec 26, 1939. $300. Morgan & Little for deft. ter named exr—Chamberlain, P auto, $61.02. In Arcade, Mrs Mary E ThornVincent Langdon, Lyons, from James F Hammond to Personal bury, 53. Ida Brown v Hyman Levinsbn— 6 D for pet. Wm Clay for plff—Stone & HoffenYALE, WESLEY A—Died Feb 17 Fincher Motors, Rochester, sed, Finance Co, auto, $120. In Wolcott, Wheaton Farrow, 50. Executions Issued berg for deft. —No real prop; personal prop $165.60. In Sodus, Mrs Bertha F Toor, Alfred J Lee from Weeks Motor Mary C Growney, etc, v Harold John Pampiano favor Charles J does not exceed $10,000—To JUDGMENTS 67. F Ritz—Heicklen & Greene for plff Corp, sed, $128.52. | Mondo, $118.75. Wesley W Yale, son, $3,500; Wm Clicquennoi and wife CynIn Clifton Springs, Mrs Edith Ira Morris for deft. Judgments in Supreme Kenneth Mcintosh, 44 Butternut William Dobbertin favor Louis residue of estate to Helen V thia favor Cora Richardson, exec, Freeman Durkee. Syracuse Pottery, Inc, v Leslie IKastner, $606.05. Yale, widow and exrx—Fred- st, from Echo Motor Sales, Buf- Peter Blick estate, Williamson, and County Courts G Daggs—Burton J Greene for plff In Clifton Springs, Martin E falo, auto, $524.16. Franchesco and Angelo Skillaci erick Wiedman for pet. Wm J Bell for deft. Societa' Marinai, Elenesi Prin- i favor Heating & Plumbing F i $156.35. Lawrence. John Perry, 101 Montezuma st, Charles Harrier v John and Al- cipe, Tommaso Duce, Di Genova BLIM, JACOB G—Died Jan 25— In Clyde, Mrs Frank Petrosino, Engleson & Platschart, Inc, E from Wayne Chev. Inc, sed., ena Peffer-Shay & Hanks for Di Mutuo Socorso, Inc, business ! nance Corp, $203.50. No real prop; personal prop 89 EAST AVE. 53. Williamson, favor Cora Richard$128.52. plff. Josephine Ruggeri, indiv and does not exceed $2,000—To Emlocated in State st, favor Michele In Phelps, Helen Travis, Mill st. son, exec Peter Blick estate, WilIn re Gerald C Kenney, IncomCharles Sopp from Hobart Mfg MAIN 7070 ma B Blim, widow, one-half of Dossiere, 125 Louise st. $73.25 j d/b/a Norton Beauty Shop, favor In Lyons, Mrs Julius Wilke, 74. petent—Eugene Raines, referee. Co, Troy, Ohio, coffee mill, $125. liamson, $3227.92. Rochester Telephone Corp, $30.85. estate; equal shares of remainIn Shortsville, Robert J HoldPeople v James T McGuire—Alan (costs). Pearl Hagen favor Willard P Pearl Vanderbilt, Newark State ing one-half of estate to Dora Frederick Stofel, Hinkleyville M Hill, Asst Dist Atty, for plff— Curry, $43.73. B Roger and Mae Roberts, School, from Leonard Buick Co. Wm L Clay for deft. rd, Spencerport, favor Edward G Bertha Heagle, Wolcott, favor City Court Decision daughters, and Alonzo L, Ed- Geneva, auto, $356.55. People v LaVerne E Northrop— Hardenbrook, 245 * Lake ave, Wm H and Ralph C Paddock, Carl Dieffenderfer, deft, favor Alan M Hill, Asst Dist Atty, for plff $89.53. ward and Harold Blim, sons— $299.02. Basil E Moore for deft Stanley M Jcrzak Jr, plff, $62.35. CONDITIONAL SALES Wolcott, Mark Heath, exr—Heath & Caroline Kuhnersen, 820 E Main Bertha Heagle favor Homer OsHeath, Holley, for pet. Filed in Arcadia st, favor Harry Jennings, 392 Original calendar— born and Ernest L Brinkerhoff, Administrations Eugene Ackert from Karl W Clinton ave S, $33. $477. Peter Karley v Louis- Henderson Lis Pendens FOX, LENA — Died Aug 16, 1923 Herman, auto, $552.09. John Marx, 44 Ackerman st. faHarry Cohen for plff. Arthur C Luke, Ontario, favor Intercounty Operating Corp v —No real prop: personal prop Horace Bergs tra from Weeks R J Gardner, Buffalo, $89.26. Leonard Nowinowski, d/b/a vor Roy J Rightmyer, 52 Pierpont May C Leake, et al. does not exceed $1,200—Order Motor Corp, auto, $100.68. Leonard's Beverages, v Eva Veltz st, $59 (costs). Adrian M and Christine OrbakThe East Side Sav Bk v Anna Arnold Heicklen for plff. granting letters of administraEmmett Claus from Schwenzer er, Williamson, favor Cora RichGeorge Groom favor Alexander S Torpey, et al. Carodix Corporation v Mary and Jacob Leschorn, $27.50. tion to Harry H Servis, attorney Garage, tractor, $2092.68. ardson, exec Peter Blick estate, Flaherty, et al—Remington & RemHOLC v Philip A Smith, et al. for estate. Robert St Dennis from Verne F Williamson, $251.19. Frank Shafer, Sackett's Harbor, ington for plff. AUSTIN, WILLIAM R — Died Whitbeck, horses, $322. Jennie Patterson, Binghamton, In the Matter of General Assign- favor Grace Parkhurst, Oswego, June 4, 1933—Order granting Leon De Barr from Canne Sales favor H P Shattuck, Butler, $156. ment for Benefit of Creditors of letters of administration with & S-rv, auto, $327.96. Albert A Hodges, 132 W Filbert Alfred Paull- Burns & Burns for $298.45. the will annexed to Austin J August De Weaver from Rochst, E Rochester, favor Fowler, .isiiignee. John and Mary V Platschart, E Smallridge, grandson—James R ester Motors, sed, $200. Dick & Walker, Inn, 19 Court st, Supplementary Proceedings Williamson, favor Cora RichardAdjourned calendar— Martin for pet. Binghamton, $77.10. John Hicks from Newark Mo- son, exec Peter Blick estate, WilDr Louis L Lapi v Rose and JosJENKINS, FRANCES — Died Jan Thomas J Voss, d/b/a Medina liamson, $3766.28. Filed March 8 eph Lana—Stone & Hoffenberg for Express, 710 Church ft, Medina, 14—No real prop; personal prop Elmer Sabius, Conquest, favor Final order discharging exr— Herbert Titus, Cato, $69.30. does not exceed $800—Order Brighton Place Dairy Co v John I favor Acme Fast Freight, Inc. 333 Mann, S, B & W for pet. granting letters of administraSupreme Court H Schubert—O'Brien, McSweeney | South ave, $3 45.23. George Taylor a n d Charles HEINRICH, CATHERINE — De- Congdon, execs of Francis P Murtion to Harriet J Smith, sister— & Malone for plff. Ernest H Higby. d/b/a Higby City of Rochester v Alexander cree of final settlement of ac- ray estate, favor George Pruitt, Eldred F O'Shea, Caledonia, for Anna Blake v William Yawman : Electric Co, Inc. Andovcr, favor G Davis, etc, et al—Complaint for counts of trustee—Josephine $1805.02. pet. J Eugene Goddard for plff. I Wehle Electric Co, Inc, 201 Water foreclosure of tax lien on lot 124, Benedict Meisenzahl v Elmer M st, Binghamton, $791.33, Piraino for pet. H E Hooker subd, w s Rutgers st HATCH, EDGAR J—Died Sept Edwn J Walbourn favor Walter [ .outss—Robert Lochner for plff. j 10, 1939—No real prop; personal MERRILL, GEORGE S—Value of E Salladin, d/b/a Automotive —Wm H Emerson for plff. Joseph G Kruppenbacher v Jacob estate subject to transfer tax, Sales Co, $123.02. prop $150—Order granting letCity of Rochester v W Howard fioedkopp—Stone & Hoffenberg for . $3,462.73. ters of administration to Anah S Beach, et al—Judgment of foreplff. . ! Jiulsmcnts in City Court MEIER, CAROLINE M—Value of Hatch, widow—Harry H Servis Marion G Payca favor Mutual closure and sale of part lot 6, Benedict Meisenzahl v Howard SATISFACTION OF estate subject to transfer tax, for pet. known as street number 185, w s Beck—Robert W Lochner for plff. Clothing Co, Inc, $154.05. $11,146.03. JUDGMENTS Alexander Leschorn, etc, v Wm Joseph J Baumann favor Dun- Chestnut st—Wm H Emerson for MATTES, MARY V—Died Sept 2, REARDSLEY, HOMER D—Value 1939—No real prop; personal Hutchinson—Emmett J Schnepp for lop Tire & Rubber Corp, $22.05. plff. Pearlie Gregg and Henry Cole, Next Weekof estate subject to transfer prop does not exceed $2,500— pur. Board of Supervisors of County m admrs of Jacob Vandine, favor Joseph Sewilo favor William tax, $5,038.10. Order granting letters of adAssociates Discount v George j Carroll, $19.40. of Monroe v Julius Friedrich Co, Wilhelmina Tunley, $622.38. ARTIIRO TOSCANINI Joyce—Thos Durston for plff. ministration to Adelaide Mattes, WALLACE, ELLEN — Value of Henry C Brown favor N B 1 Inc, impleaded with Elsie W HalJohn P Sergeant, Sodus, favor estate subject to transfer tax. Ida Brown v Hyman Levinson— ; sister—Whitman, D & N for pet. lings, et al—Order setting aside returns to the podium Corn, $109.48. Leon Vanderzille, $77.74. Wm L Clay for plff. $29,252.42. Miscellaneous award of commissioners of apFrank Squier Jr favor Mutual John P Sergeant, Sodus, favor Diamond Paper Box Co, Inc, v The following estates are or- Leon Vanderaille, Sodus, $98.01. praisal as to defendant Julius UTZ, WILHELMINA, also known DeVisser & Maynard, Inc—Robert Clothing Co, Inc, $41. dered exempt from transfer tax: as MINNIE K UTZ—