Civ 370—United States v 1000. Cases Apricots—Process return- able—
Adjourned to April 8. Crim 2014-C—United States v. Joseph Ramich—$100 fine
paid, 60.
Weld st—Radden, P & H for plff. U W A U , F I R S T tHBBBTTO* Feb 11—No real prop; personal Intercounty Operating Corp v prop does not exceed $5000 — County of Monroe and State of N e w reasonable objection to the change of Julia Amdoursky, indiv, and as Order granting letters of admin- York, being Lots 8 and 9 as desig- name proposed. on a map of a subdivinion of admrx with will annexed, etc, et Now, on motion of William J. istration to Lincoln - Alliance nated Lot 33 of the Blumenthal Tract Stevens, Ksq., attorney for the petial—Complaint for foreclosure of Bank & Trust Co—Raines & R made for George Lats and filed in tioner, it la tax lien on lot 7, Nash tr, e s St Monroo County Clerk's Office in Ordered that Carl Hana Worsech for pet. Liber 2 of Maps, page 132. Said Lots of the Town of Hush, New York be, Joseph st —Radden, P & H for Miscellaneous 8 and 9 hereby conveyed arc each 40 and he hereby is authorised to a s Filed March 11 plff. feet wide and 96 feet deep and front sume the name of Carl Hana Roeser BASTIAN, SALOMIA—Decree of on the north side of Bloomingdale on April 32nd, 1940, upon condition, Pittsford National Bank v Pike Street, as the same are shown on however, that ho shall comply with final settlement of accounts of Supreme Court map. the further provisions of this Order, P Mead—Order for garnishee exeadmr—McLean, D & K for pet. said the same premises conveyed and it is further Frank W Ciufo v Concetta Ciu- cution for $7.05—Block & S for ALLEN, MARY HART—Final or- to Being Christian Schlicker. Matilda Ordered that this order and the fo, also known as Concetta W Ciu- plff. his wife, and Margaretha aforementioned petition be filed der discharging admr—Mann, S, Schlicker, Schlicker, by two deeds, one recorded within ten days from the date hereof fo—Complaint for adjudication of Fred H Engert v Walter HubB St W for pet. in Liber 695 of Deeds at page 186, in the Office of the Clerk of the rights of plaintiff and defendant bell—Order for garnishee execuand the other recorded In Liber 702 County of Monroe; and that a copy in real prop s s Lexington ave tion for $150.27—Carlton F Bown HESTON, A LOUISE—Final or- of Deeds at page 1, the said Mar- of this order shall within ten days der discharging admr with will garetha Schlicker having died on the from the date hereof be published and certain personal property, for plff. day of June, 1927, and the said once in the Dally Record, a newsannexed—Webster, L & W for 5th Matilda Schlicker having died on the paper published in the City of Rochand for accounting, etc—Charles In matter of application of Carl pet 9th day of May, 1927. ester. New York, and that proof of Lambiase for plff. Hans Worsech for leave to change S T E V E N S , ELIZABETH, also Dated at the City of Rochester, publication thereof be filed with the N. Y„ this 11th day of March, 1940. County Clerk of Monroe County; and Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co v his name to Carl Hans Roeser— it is further known as ELIZABETH M DAVID SllKKMAN, Lewis J Shay, et al—Supplemen- Order for publication — Wm J Ordered that following the filing STEVENS — Decree discharging B e m i a f t o a aad Bemingtoa, Plain- of this petition and the order herein tal complaint for foreclosure of exr—Mann, S, B & W for pet. tiff's Attorneys, 183 Main as- hereinbefore directed and the pubmortgage on lot 12, sec A, Wood- Stevens for pet. Street, Rochester, N. Y. lication of such order and the filing Peter P Karley v Lewis HenderBOHRER, WILLIAM — Decision man Park tr, n s Clifford ave — of proof of publication thereof aa son, d / b / a State Detective Bureau, by Hon Joseph M Feely conhereinbefore directed, and on and a r o n c B O P SAI>X Mann, S, B & W for plff. after April 22nd, 1940, the petitioner and John J O'Connell—Order for struing will. Notice is hereby jriven pursuant to shall be known by t h e name of Carl Board of Supervisors of County 202 of the 1-ien Law that by Hans Roeser and by no other name. of Monroe v Elsie W Hallings, etc, plaintiff's bill of particulars—H H BUCKLEY, FRED C — Decree of Section virtue of a lien held by me, on the Knter: Cohen for deft O'Connell. judicial settlement of intermedifollowing described property, to w i t : et al—Order for payment for H. DOUGLASS V A N DOSER, In matter of application of ate accounts of exrs—Merle L 1 1936 Chevrolet Sedan, Engine NumMonroe County Judge. services of appraisers — Harry ber 6442918, Serial Number 2 F. A. WALTER H. WICKINS. Saida Raymond, as guardian, etc Sheffer for pet. 0550308 owned by Moe Goldman and Rosenberg for plff-pet. Clerk. now in my possession, I will sell —Order authorizing settlement of HEALY, MARGARET—Value of such personal property at public John M Ryan, as guardian, etc, estate subject to transfer tax, auction to satisfy s u c h lien at 1101 v Casper L Solomon—Order au- claim against New York Central Clifford Avenue, Rochester, New R R Co—Christopher H D'Aman$2690. thorizing settlement of cause of York, on the 26th day of March, ft Balnea f o r plff—Uabaehats WOODWARD, EDWIN ALLEN — 1940, at ten o'clock in the forenoon action—Harry A Sessions for plff da for pets. ft Carran for daft. In matter of application of John Value of estate subject to trans- of that day. In matter of application of AlBankruptcy Court 2330—Manchester, b y guardian, v Electric Razors Dated at Rochester, New York, James Chaptiony for leave to asfer tax, $6214.83. Bocheater Traaalt Corp—Althis 9th day of March, 1940. Nelson P Sanford, Referee, pre- bert T Frenzel, as guardian, etc, All the Better Makes fred B Conn for plff—WhitROBERT BEACH, of Shirley M Frenzel, an infant— sume name of John James Cha- FINUCANE, MARGARET B — siding. man, B e y ft Hier for daft. Lienor. Value of estate subject to transOrder authorizing settlement of pion—Order for publication—John 2217—Soerer, Infant, T Board of COURT OF APPEALS ORDBR FOB CHARGE OP HA! It's better to bring your prescription fer tax, $18,119.62. claim against Norbert J Roth — Van Voorhis' Sons for pet. First meeting— to Palne's than to wish yea had. Bdncatlon, etc — W m X, d a y Intercounty Operating Corp v The following estates are ordered 88 1910 1940 1942 1941 85 56. Matter of John Colvin, bank- Maurice J Kaman for pet. At a Special Term of the for plff—Wm X B m i r t o i for County Court, held in and for Charles Perkins, et al—Complaint Milford L Phinney v Liberty exempt from transfer tax: Wilrupt—10 A M. daft. the County of Monroe, at the Tool & Die Corp—Order for for foreclosure of tax lien on part liam Fyles, Robert Foreman, also Adjourned meetings— Courthouse, Rochester, N e w 1710—Harrison v TUtoa, trustee, ate APPELLATE DIVISION York, on the 11th day of Matter of William J Shellhart, plaintiffs bill of particulars — lot 55, Twenty Thousand Acre tr, known as Leonard J Hall. —C K D'Amanda for plff— March, 1940. Order 22 —Kenneth S Smith, bankrupt—10 A M. James E Cuff for deft. For w s Plymouth ave—Radden, P & Guardianships Whitman, Day ft Bier for daft. Present: H. Douglass Van Duser. respt, v Perma-Maid Co, Inc, aplt, STATE OF N E W YORK—COUNTY Secundo Cullati v Harold R H for plff. 93S—Brown • B a s i l — Wm !• Clay WITHEY, SUZANNE — O r d e r for COURT—COUNTY Matter of Lee A Brokaw, bankOF MONROE. for plff—Willard P Curry for and Cedric Van Cise, deft—Web- rupt—10 A M. Nurse—Decision by Hon Wm F Intercounty Operating Corp v deposit of certain securities and In the Matter of the Application 1 ster, Lamb & Webster for aplt— doft. Carl Hans Worsech for leave to cash with Lincoln-Alliance Bank of Matter of Leo S Kryger, bank- Love denying motion by certain Charles B Bechtold, et al—Com-, change his name to Carl Hans 34»a—Rochester Burial cose Co, lac,! Dwyer, Reilly, Roberts, McLouth J nipt—10 A M on creditors for order decreeing that plaint for foreclosure of tax lien] & Trust Co and for reduction Roeser. . Sallivan o-i««._ .._ " " 'to ex- |' " " — ohambarlala, & Dicker for respt -Motion The petition of Carl Hans Wortheir claims be declared a pre- on prop in Seneca Park Land Co of guardian's bond to $1600 — sech, duly verified the 4th day of Page ft D'Amaada for plff— amine before trial. ferred lien on funds in hands of resubd, s s Seneca pkwy, etc — James C O'Brien for pet. March, 1940, having been presented Allan D Onrley f o r daft. Low Interest Rates Peter P Ferrari, receiver of Roch- Radden, P & H for plff. to this Court, the said petition prayOrder 36—Victor Langhoop, as FEDOR, ANDREW E — O r d e r for 2438 2429—Isaacs • City of Rochesing for leave of this petitioner to Long or Short Terms ester Cast Stone Co, with leave Intercounty Operating Corp v withdrawal of funds — (Dwyer, assume the name of Carl Hans ter—Goodman A Saraohan for admr, etc, respt, v Richfield Oil to renew motion should it appear Roeser in place and stead of his Corp of New York, and others, Edith R Remington, et al—ComR, R, McL & D for pet. plff—Wm X Bmerson for daft. Residences, Apartments, present name, and the Court being that assets eventually realized ex- plaint for foreclosure of tax lien 2543—Valco v Humphrey Paint Co, deftss: Louis G Bridgeman, and LIKLY, HELEN C, late an infant duly satisfied that the averments Commercial Properties in such petition are in all Inc, and ano—C X D'Amaada ano, aplts, and two companion Judgments in Supreme and ceed amount of debts due United' on lot 185, Lakedale tr, e s Falle—Decree discharging guardian contained respects true and that there is no States. for plff — Wiachell, X a e k e a , cases, etc—Dudley, Gray, Phelps son rd—Radden, P & H for plff. —Clarence M Piatt for pet. County Courts Ooldwater ft Donovan •*» j & Gray for aplts—Daniel J O'Neil Jack Ferris and Anthony PulIntercounty Operating Corp v j Stanley Bush favor General defts. Bstablished 1M1 for respts — Motion to dismiss Commercial S e c u r i t i e s Corp, vino v Thomas Buttarazzi, own- John George Hilbert, et al—Com39 State St. Main 380 2950—O'Xeefe v Bieter — James P er, and Alfred Buttarazzi, conHEINRICH-SEIBOLD United States District plaint for foreclosure of tax lien $680.78. Sheehan for plff — Xdehschatz, complaint. tractor — Order for payment to Orders 37 and 38—West Shore Stationery Company Court Carran ft Sutton for deft. Richard P Kelly, 70 Champlain Alfred Buttarazzi of $79.05 de- 'on part town lot 54, and part subd Everything under the nun for the lot 52, Cornell's map of Rochester 3443 3444—Aratarl v Pierce, aad ano R R Co, and ano, etc, aplts, v State s t f a v o r M D o v e Chandler, 670 posited with Monroe County office. Used office furniture Dispositions —Stephen S J o y for plff—Har- of New York, respt-Clive C Han-, B e a c h ave> $ 3 5 8 . i 8 . bought and sold. treasurer for discharge of me- —Radden, P & H for plff. ris, Beach, Folger, Bacon ft Judge Harold P Burke presidy H Ti Bea 6 B COn Mttln SS8S-S281 86-83 Kxchan(e St. o l, ^ f', !^ ^i !*' , ^ j Joseph Rauscher favor Leora chanics' lien on lot 29, Walter Service Store, 4 State St. Keating; for d e f t s . ing. & Keating for aplts -John J Ben i Guston, as exec of the will of Ora Frost subd, w s Beahan rd—Hen345'J. 2453—D'Smato, Seraflno • Pran- j nett J r for respt — Motion Civ 370—United States v 1000 Surrogate's Court to Guston, deed, $52.90. ry E Gillette for pet. ols, at al—Chamberlain, P a s o j Cases Apricots—Process returnamend claim against state. Petition for Will Probate John B Wilson, an infant, etc, ft D'Amaada; Prands JJ William Koch favor Francis J able—Adjourned to April 8. Order 39—Theodore Taton, and BOWN, ANDREW H — Died Feb D'Auanda of counsel, for plff | v Esther M Hilton—Stipulation Collins, $85.10. Crim 2014-C—United States v BADLY WORK SROES ano, respts, v Roy S Rowland, etc. —Brown ft BUrett for dafta. 26—Real and personal prop exand order of discontinuance — Joseph Ramich—$100 fine paid, 60 aplt—Roy S Rowland, etc, aplt, v 3163 3154 3155—Thelea, as gdn, Oaaceed $5000 each — Carlton F Mial V B Smith for deft, AREDANGEROUS j days suspended. Probation 60 ton, Mack • Xesaer—Browa ft Walter M Wnek, respt — W W Judgments in City Court Bown for pet. We have great confidence ON SLIPPERY SIDEWALKS! I dav=* Znrett for plffs — X l a l T B T?n^ov for nplt—Carries &• rTpt7elr POST* \T?T T*"YTTT O-i- ixic: i-Llclldl U xiaduer lavor Ai'tnui Smith for deft. Bkcy 30296—Raymond Guck— County Court for respts. Real prop does not exceed $5,ators we selL Our Engi336J.—Xiynch, exr, • G-aissert—Haines ErBfrBBj 5 Preferred 251—In matter of Es- I Wittman, $16.71. Monroe Co Sav Bank v Virginia 000; personal prop does not ex- Order to show cause to restrain neers have tested and tried ft Haines for plff—Oroodwin. tate of John J O'Regan, deed — j Peter A Liberi favor Yetta Fox- Bevacqua, et al—Mortgage foreceed $1600—Backus & B for pet. garnishee execution—Granted. Nixon, Kara-rave. WlddletOU ft them out in our laboratories Civ 356—Florence E French, as closure complaint, lot 589, LaurelWalter F Cherry and Fred V Deg- | man, $96.65. Wills Admitted to Probate Devans for deft. and are satisfied that any Nickolas Dimas d / b / a Main ton, sec B, n s Laurelton rd, WADDINGTON, HAROLD MOR- Admrx, v Lehigh Valley Railroad 1709—Dlo Guard!, and ano, v City nan for aplt — Tuttle, Rice & one of them will give you , .. I Front Restaurant favor J u d a A Irondequoit — Stewart & S for r of Rochester and Board of j Stock well for respt T O N — Died Feb 9 — N o real Co—Motion for order for examientire satisfaction. " ^ T ^ i C a W e r o n , etc, $23.35. plff. nation before • trial. Adjourned Education—O H D'Amanda for I to determine right of election by I prop; personal prop does not exMichael Trobia favor The Oken Intercounty Operating Corp v plff — Wm H Bmerson for surviving spouse. ceed $3000—Estate to Ethel Le- to March 18 at Buffalo. Paper Co, $91.35. Don't take chances with Hattie Hess, jet al—Complaint J o j , defts. I Bkcy 23815—Finger Lakes Land 517—Gertrude Morrill, aplt, v ola Waddington, widow and Donald A Anthony favor George foreclosure qf tax lien on lot 12, the family foods. KNOW 2357—Miller v Hapworth, and ano— Co—Hearing on various matters—• Forrest A Dayton, respt—Benja- E Hazard Co, Inc, $13. exrx — Donald S Westfall for G A Xnsbanm for plff—Brown Market tr, e s Front st—Hyman that at all times they are Adjourned to April 8. min Cramer; Clifford H Searl for pet. ft Znrett for d e f t s . G Gould for plff. p r o p e r l y maintained at Bkcy 29829—Rochester Barneys, aplt—Harris. Beach. Folger, Ba3407—Cnthbert v Hagaman — W i n - j HOLC v Giuseppe Lumia, et TATLOCK, HARRY A—Died Feb Inc — Order to show cause re SAFE TEMPERATURES. chell, Mackea, Ooldwater ft j con & Keating for respt—Automo- City Court Judgments Filed 9—Real and personal prop ex5 •» al — Mortgage foreclosure comapproval of trustee's account, altmsrtJDr eemxt Donovan for plff — Mann, bile negligence. ceed $1000 each—Estate to Mary I T S SAFER TO KEEP We sell the Electrolux Strang, Bodlne ft Wright for 561—Clarence E Bennett, aplt, v in County Clerk's Office plaint, part lot 58, Riley subd, n A Tatlock, widow and exrx; lowances, etc — Order to be subs Lewis st — Wm J Maloney for mitted. deft. Y O U R S H O E S R E P A I R E D ' (gas), Frigidaire and GenSamuel Piscitello, and others, Michael Trobia favor The Oken plff. Jane E Tatlock, daughter, DonCiv 321 — Strom berg-Carlson respts—MacFarlane & Harris for Paper Co, $91.35; taken Mar 11, eral Electric refrigerators. ald B, Harry R and Carlton B Monroe Co Sav Bank v JeanPending Calendar— Telephone Mfg Co, Inc, v George aplt—Dwyer, Reilly, Roberts, Mc- 1940. See them on our Main Floor. Tatlock, sons, the latter named Take them to ette E Callister, et al—Mortgage :.•'>«—Xrembel v Tiltoa, trustee, ato Louth & Dicker for respts—Action T McGowan, as Collector, etc— Charles Bippes favor Rochester foreclosure complaint, lot 40, co-exr — Webster, L & W for —Wm It Clay for plff—WhitMotion for order dismissing comto recover purchase price of oil Woodcraft Shop, Inc, $466.89; Laurelton rd—Stewart & S for pet. man, Dey ft Hier for deft. burner. taken Mar 11, 1940. STEEGAR, EMMA L—Died Aug plaint—Adjourned to March 25. 2SI8—Francis v Wheeler — Abraham plff. Civ 322—United States v One Joseph Oleveri favor Samuel W G Francis for plff — Dwyer, 6, 1937—Real prop does not exArthur Rouch v Abraham Fish7500 Gallon Still—Return day of Reilly, Roberts, Mtctotith ft Bradstreet, $184.55; taken June 14, man, and ano—Mortgage foreclosSurrogate's Court ceed $1000; personal prop does process—Held. Dicker for daft. 1935. "The Factory Way" not exceed $250—Equal shares ure complaint, parts lots 121 and Surrogate Feely presiding. 3505—Magone v F E Heed Glass Co Bkcy 29436—Howard S Richof estate to Edward and Rich122, St Joseph German R C Orph89 EAST AVE. —Wm X. Clay for plff—Mann, Matter of will of Alfred M Wilan Asylum tr, w s Thomas st— ard Steegar, grandsons, and ardson—Debtor to submit plan 372 Meigs St. Mon.3194 Strang, Bodlne ft Wright for Satisfaction of Judgments Carroll E Sutter, Webster, for Ruth Steegar Wells, grand- —Adjourned two weeks. MAIN 7070 liamson, deed—Proof of will. Owned and Operated by deft. Bkcy 30423—Paramount FurniMatter of estate of Robert Foreplff. Clyde M Trescott favor E H daughter and exrx—Edward W 2541—Mancnso, et al, v Bochester JERRY CELLURA ture Mfg Co—Order to show cause Transit Corp—c H D'Amanda man, deed—Judicial settlement. Clark Coal Co, Inc, $161.94; taken Intercounty Operating Corp v Ickes for pet. for p'ffs — w h i t m a n , Day ft Matter of estate of Jacob Ester- Mar 31, 1936. Security Trust Co of Rochester, LANG, VICTORIA—Died Dec 2a, for an injunction—Granted. Hier for deft. Bkcy—Vernon Adams—Hearing held, deed—Motion. Edgar C Chandler favor William as trustee for Wyatt D Hull, et 1939—Real prop does not ex7!>ui—Wiater v B a n s c h ft Lomb Opmatter foreclosure proceedings — Matter of estate of Louisa K McGrath et ano, $47.95; taken al, etc—Complaint for foreclosceed $1500; jersonal prop does tical Co—Wm J, Clay for plff Adjourned two weeks. ure of tax lien on prop in village Sehied, deed—Motion. June 26, 1936. not exceed $800—To John Lang, — Mann, Strang. Bodlne ft People of the State of New York, of Brockport—Radden, Pollak & 10:30 A M rr son, and Jessie Glende, daughJoseph I Frank favor State MuWright for deft. Matter of estate of Pa.squale tual Life Assurance Co of Wor- Hunter, New York, for plff. ter and exrx, each $100 and ex rel Raymond D Strator vs Wm 2038—Flaherty v Hurst, et al—AlIntercounty Operating Corp v fred 3 D'Amaada for plff— Montinarolli, deed—Order. one-fourth of residue of estate; Hunt, warden, etc — Decision rer cester, Mass, $97; taken June 14, Stone ft Hoffenberg; Whitman, Mary Ricotta. et al—Complaint Matter of estate of Marian 1938. one-fourth of estate each to Jo- served. Dey ft Hier for defts. No 30418 — In the matter of for foreclosure of tax lien on lot Hunter Wright, deed—Show cause. seph and Charles Lang, sons — Michael Franciosa favor An2863—Bradley v Edwards—Stephen Robert F Jonesr Debtor—In pro3, map made for Robert Penny— Matter of estate of Morris Dwyer, R, R, McL & D for pet. thony Roncone, $106.31; taken A McKay for plff—Sklvlngton I ceedings for an arrangement—AdRadden, P & H for plff. Rosenbloom, deed—Show cause. THORPE, RHODA A —Died Jan Mar 1, 1940. ft Sklvlngton f o r deft. journed to March 25. Intercounty Operating Corp v Matter of estate of Benjamin 31—No real prop; personal prop Howard B Light favor Thomas 2ic»—Enderlln, admr, v City of, Mary A Devitt King, et al—ComSentence in each of the followBochester, and Culhane—Mil- Kozel, deed—Show cause. exceeds $500 — Pearle Thomas, W Rupert, $35.61; taken Oct 19, plaint for foreclosure of tax lien ing cases deferred to March 25: ton Kars for plff—Wm Hj Matter of estate of Ida A Smith, 1939. sister, exrx—MacFarlane & H on part lot 7, Hamilton subd, w s Crim 1987-C—United States v Emerson; Whitman. Dey ft! deed—Judicial settlement. for pet. Louis Razzante et ano favor EdHier for defts. Matter of estate of Jacob Ester- ward C Schoen et al, $96.98; taken Exchange st—Radden, P & H for McANARNEY. FRANK J —Died Fannie Schneier. 28»9—Sowma v X»utz, aad ano—Drew j plff. Crim 1977-C—United States v i held, deed—Motion. Feb 22—No real prop; personal Jan 7, 1929. ft Drew for plff—Byron A\ Intercounty Operating Corp v Joseph Belviso. prop exceeds $1000—Estate to Johnson for deft. Gustave Pankratz, et al—ComCrim 1978-C—-United States v Helen T McAnarney, sister and 104)8—Ryder v Hutchinaon-Schorer City Court plaint for foreclosure of tax lien Joseph Belviso. Fixture Co, Ino, and ano— Executions Issued exrx—Mann, S, B & W for pet. on part lot 260, Cornhill tr, s s Civil Branch—Judges presiding: Crim 1978-C-United States v Abraham G P r a a e i s for plff— Administrations Edward, Joseph and Catherine Tremont st—Radden, P & H for Antoinette Belviso. Oviatt, Oilman, O'Brien ft [ O'Connor, Part I; Culhane, Part ELLITHORP, PERLIA — D i e d Ruth Young favor George E Col- plff. Barnsdale; Harris, Beach, P o l - ; II; Rogers, Part III. Crim 1983-C—United States v May 1, 1938—No real prop; perlins, $140.52. Intercounty Operating Corp v ger, Bacon ft Heating fori Motion cases— sonal prop does not exceed $500 Daniel Chew. Carmen Alloco favor Frank E Florence M Mclnerney, et al— defts. Clair Conley v Wegman's Food Crim 1987-C- -United States v —Petition for letters of admin3298 32S6—Peatke v Verhurst—Mac- I Markets, Inc. Ingersoll, $63.72. Complaint for foreclosure of tax Orie Clyne. istration — Abraham Edelstein Farlane ft Harris for plff—| lien on lot 25, Addison tr, GardGeorge Frank v John Mancuso, Crim 1988-C United States v Jiiebschntz, Cnrran ft Sutton for pet. ner pk—Radden, P & H for plff. et ano. Frank Marks. for deft. ELLITHORP, CELIA AGNES — Intercounty Operating Corp v Lis Pendens 2697—Glick v Thornton—Holbrook, Trial cases— Died Mar 3—Real prop $2500; Lucy E Redfern, et al—Complaint r. M r* A 1, IOTI018 The Prudential Ins Co of AmerRose F.roll v S Herbert Kroll, et Barrett % Holbrook for plff— personal prop does not exceed for foreclosure of tax lien on prop ica v: Dwyer, Reilly, Roberts, Mc- ano. AKMUAXI s m m $1000—Order granting letters of w s Vick Park B—Radden. P & t o n t h & Dicker for deft. Charles Wyand et al. Helen Cook v Rochester Fruit & Take notice that the Annual Meetadministration to Kathryn I H for plff. 2570 2571—Fuller v t a n n e r — O A Vegetable Co, Inc. Theodore G Clement and wife. n s of the Stockholders of the HallToal, daughter—Abraham Edel- iWelter Hnabanm for plff—Brown ft Ona U Hughes v Frank Grayson Co., Inc., will be held at the HOLC v Mary C Taylor et al. Morey Frey v Edward Sehipper, Zurett for deft. offices of the Corporation, 183 St. stein for pet, Welch, and ano — Judgment of Intercounty Operating Corp v: St., Rochester, N. Y.. nt 4:00 2310^—Anto Dealers Discount Corp v et ano. foreclosure and sale of prop in ALTPETER, ALBERT H — Died Paul I*. M„ on the 19th day of Mftrch, Hattie Hess et al. Lawrence Cu/zetta v Arthur Frivitera, — CnUey ft Corbett Jan 16—No real prop; Ptttonal 1940, for the election of Directors village of Fairport—O'Brien & E John George Hilbort et al. for plff—Adrian M Murphy for Pye. such other business a s may for plff. prop does not exceed $3500 — ami properly come before the Meeting. deft. Florence M R'clnerney et al. Delia Semple v Lester Holman. F. B. BROWN, Order granting letters of adminEmily Cole Finucane, and ano, 2813 2814—Brennan v E W Edwards Lillian Grambone et al. Charlotte L Stott v Lester HolSacra tary. istration to Paul A Altpeter, son as trustees, etc, v Christian tr. Son—3 P»nl BrennAn for Gustave Pankratz ct al. man. Schlicker, and ano—Judgment of —Louis N Roche for pet. plff — c o s t e l l o , Cooney ft r.EOAI.* FTRRT t N S J ! * T I O » John Semple v Lester Holman. Fearon for deft. foreclosure and sale of lots 8 and GROVER, FRANK J—Died July NOTICE OF SALE Clove Welch v Dewey G Reeves. State Criminal Surety 2817—Binnchl v Wilson—Mortimer S 9, subd of part Blumenthal tr, n 19, 1935—No real prop; personal Tfyman J, Manriell v Fay F, Copeland for plff—Shay ft HTATK OF N'KW Y'OUK COUNTY s Bloomingdale st—Remington 81 prop does not exceed $500—Or- C O U R T - COUNTY Bond Lien Notiee OF MONROE. Hanks for deft. Pratt. R for plff, der granting letters of adminisKinily Col Finucane M\A Sarah C. 2483—Talley v Pnllman Co—John J Grazzia Mortillaro pledges prop Rochester Reliable Coal Corp v a.n sole surviving trustee* Intercounty Operating Corp v tration to Ethel B Rubadou, Kckler, Mcln«rney for plff — Harris, Howard G Carroll. of Mortimer A. Cole, under thft at 6-8 Prospect st as surety for the MaRdalena Duda, et al — Comwidow—Harry H Servis for pet. Will of Noah IT. Cole, Plaintiff?, Beach, P o l l e r , Bacon ft E«»tball of James Mortillaro in the plaint for foreclosure of tax b^n Ruth Cody v Myer Schultz. vs. Christian Hohltuker, and Cyrua YOUNG, HAROLD—Died Oct 2, Injf for deft. A, TTewes, Defendants, Angelo R Snntora v Edgar sum of SI000. on part lot 202, Independent Bldg .1338 3- 3fl—Hndd v Madden, at al— 1939 — Order granting limited In pursuance of a judgment of Josephine A Passero pledges foreclosure and sale duly granted In Lot Assn tr, e s Field rd—Radden, MscFarlane ft Harris for plff Stone, et ano. letters of administration to Cora the above entitled action and enWarren J Snallridge v Nathan prop at FJmwood4 ave and Estates P & H for plff. —Hm«r h Half for defts. C Young widow—Benedict L tered In Monroe County Clerk'H Of3475—lianzone, and ano, admra, • Knrchefskv. dr as surety for he bail of James (1«-e on the 11th day of March, 1940. Intercounty Operating Corp v Miller for pet. I, David Sherman the undersigned, Cariola — C H D'Amaada for Union Factors Corp v Ernest L Passero in the sum of $10,000. Sheridan-Brennan Realty Co, et Z A RHONE, MARY—Died Dec 16. referee tn snld judgment named, will plffs — Fan! Mnscarella for al—Complaint for foreclosure of Miller, etc. at public auction at the front 1939—Real prop $5100; no per- sell deft. \>. Mlihule of the Court House In the Diseharge State Criminal tax lien on lot 9, Triangular tr, sonal prop—Order granting let- City of Rochester, 3&0«l—Credit Acceptaace Corp T j Louis H Geimer v Paul BukowCounty of Monroe, East ave—Raddon, P & H for plff. New York, on the Stevens, and ano — Cha« B ski, et ano. ters of administration to Peter 4th DAY OF APRIL,, 1940, Intercounty Operating Corp v Rochester Taxlcabs, Inc v J o - Surety Bond Lien Notiee Boitiviek for plff—Mlehaal H Zarcone, son — Peter P Ferrari AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M., MargaretDehmler—Prop pledged Lillian Grambone, et al — ComOahlll for dafta. seph Charles Taylor. the premises described In said Judgfor net. ment a s follows: plaint for foreclosure of tax lien 2*i72—Skehan, aad aao. » Poatar, t Becker Roofing Co v Alfred J as surety for the bail of Irving B WHITMORE, EUNICE L —Died All that tract or parcel of land, on lot 24, S Hamilton tr, s I Dehmler in the sum of $1000. Gardner. situate In the City of Rochester,
Goldie Terry v Nelson Denmark, et ano. j Mabel E Ernst v Peter McCarjthy. Reliable Stores Corp v Lawrence F Hon. aao—TboauM * TRIAL TERM j William E Thomson, etc v t e a ft Wltmer for pUT« I Jnstkss W h M l w prseUUag, f w t t j chsU, V M k H , O o U n t i r * Rochester Transit Corp. Justice b m , r a * t XL j Raymond J Brown v W Orin Doaovaa for Aetts. 8988—OftM OS trial, VljS* X. 3953—«*Mlte r H — C S D'A- Hack man. t s o a — 0 » M • » trial. inaauU for plff — Uo»—jftftft Angelo Chiappone v Arthur W Curraa ft Smttom for deft. j Micklei. Day Calendar— 3815—Korea • V a B e e t OUao * i Fred Randtke v August Bott. 2448 S447—Burns Carhart — 3 toy and aao—Ja«ob & Summary proceedings—rowlor for p i * — m a t T a for pUT—ftjrroa 4 George Searles favor Louis Smith for doft. Owyor, B s W y , «oborto, Schafer, 36 Chamberlain st, fcoutfr ft Dicker for dofta. 3101—Sokolow T Taylor, at al. Imdlv, $143.50. and a> t n n t M i , oto—MaoX>ar. 3498—Tea XOTOB • B r o d e n o a — O u l Nicholas Grim favor Fernwood Una ft Harris for plff—OoodWlTarbart for plff — B r o w a Realty Corp, 59 Alberta st, $43. win, B i x o a , Margrave, MiddleBnratt for daft, Kenneth Burchim favor L B t o a ft Devans for dafte, 3O05—KoeaJg T Koealff, and aao — a«o-X,aon. v Saara-Marold » J ? » * " l £ f ? r - * f . £ 2 . ~~ Coleman, 129 Barton st, $56. Fred G Bell, et ano favor Arch Taraal for plff — Mlal T B ! « « w a r d & Olaary for dofta. Smith for daft. 3 5 i 7 - A r t « T Braak. aad a a o - B r o w a H Martin, 90 Clifton st, $89. Frederick M Hart, et ano favor « . » . 1 * • n r r t * f o * PUf~-»ol»a A Bonded Municipal Corp, 458 P a r 2483-stnual r BKaddaa. aad a « o - | ^ „ 4 ^ f Whitman, B a y ft Bier f o r , 3339—Bloyar sells ave, $75. —Waat Tft Boseaherg, Pogal for at plff—Brio Koado ft XMPaaqaale for pUT— al, ato dafta. John E Rynkowski favor Estate P Smith; Diabaehat*. Carraa 8351—Kemp • s t a r k , aad ano—Scully ft Snttoa for dofta. of Michael J Miller, 1110 Monroe ft O'Brien for plff—Trank X. ave, $102.50. Ward for dafta. Celia Lipson favor Harry Ru2803—Schroder • Sohoanar—Balnea bin, 50 Maria st, $25.
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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069