Crim 2014-C-. Joseph Ramuch. March 11th. Bkcy 29275 — Rochester Ship-
building Corp — Order to show cause for order permitting Lin- coln-Alliance Bank
ROCHESTER DAILY RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1940. b l t A L IOTIOII u o u t , m n o n ITSOV 1 sink. B a d h o r n & Tremer, L I 9 A I I Q t l O I I $4284.40; rec Aug 4, 1939; made Horton, Clyde, auto, $129.50. Lewis Gee, Lyons, from Canne plumbers. by Richard J and Gert Farrity. foreclosure and sale, duly granted In vestibule of the Court Rouse in the of Monroe, at his office in the City HOLC, 224 West High ter. 1 the above entitled action, and en- City of Rochester, County of Monroe, of Rochester, in said County of MonSales & Service, Newark, auto, tered in Monroe County Clerk's office, N. Y., on the roe, New York, on the sink. Charles Becker, plumber. $370.44. 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1940, on the 18th day of February, 1940, I, 11TH DAY OF MARCH, 1940. AT 11:00 O'CLOCK A. M.. Mr Sloan, 143 Milburn st. 2 Marvin M. Novick, the undersigned, U S PENDENS Arthur R Schutt, 47 Water st, at 10 O'CLOCK in the forenoon of the premises described in said judgreferee in said judgment named, will that day, why the said Will and Lyons, from Wayne Chev Co, sed, water closets, 1 bath, 2 basins. sell Eva A Orbaker, exec, etc, a t public auction a t the frowt ment, a s follows, vis.: Testament should not be admitted to George C Rehberg, plumber. All that tract or parcel of land, sit- probate as a will of real and pervestibule of Monroe County Court $640.56. Abram L Orbaker, exec, etc. House In the City of Rochester, uate in the City of Rochester, County sonal property. And if any of the T W Finucane, 535-539 Monroe County Fred C Wunder, Lyons, from DEEDS of Monroe, and State of New York, aforesaid persons are under the age of Monroe, N. Y„ on the known ana described as lot number of twenty-one years, or insane or 7th DAY OF MARCH, 1940 Canne Sales & Service, Newark, ave. 2 water closets, 2 basins, 1 • three (3) of Benson & Tait's Sub- otherwise incompetent, they will AT 11:30 O'CLOCK A. M., sink. Martin W Utz, plumber. trk, $163.20. WILLS Pauline Harvey Garlock, Canthe .premises described in said judg- division of part of Lot 58, Second please take notice that they are reDivision, Township 13, Seventh quired to appear by their general J Eisenstatt, 538 Joseph ave. ment, as ifollows, vis.: andaigua, to Olin J Garlock, PalInez C Davis, Sodus, appoints Range, as shown on a map of said if they have one, and if All that tract or parcel of land, subdivision made by Horace Jones, guardian, Change lead pipe to iron. Julius aside $2,772,656 for dividends to myra, prop in Palmyra, $1 (4 daughter Thelma Davis Collins they have none, that they app> ui situate in the City of Rochester, surveyor, and filed in Monroe County and apply for the appointment of a policyholders in 1940, maintaining deeds). CONDITIONAL SALES Sherman, plumber. County of Monroe and State of New Clerk's office in Liber 9 of Maps at special a n d husband Johnston Homer guardian, or in the event of York, situate on the east side at page 19. Josiah Anstice & Co, 97 Humthe 1935 scale. their neglect or failure to do so, a Jacob R Libbert, Arcadia, to Es- Collins as executors. Filed in Arcadia Fulton Avenue (formerly Vamum Said Lot Number Three (3) hereby special guardian will be appointed Income $27,768,317 ther B Wilber, Arcadia, prop in Robert Bedette from Karl Her- boldt st. 6 water closets, 3 basins, Street) being p a r t s of lots Nos. 2 conveyed Nellie M Mindel, Manhattan, is fifty (50) feet front on by the. Surrogate to represent and and 3 as distinguished on Horace 1 sink, 1 urinal. Martin W Utz, Total income in 1939 was $27,- Arcadia, $1. the west side of North Goodman act for them in the proceedings for appoints niece Jane Mindel Eaton man, auto, $350.10. Jones Map of a subdivision of a part Street and extends back one hundred the probate of said Will. 768,317 and total disbursements Carl E Jeerings et ano, Roch- and friend Lucy Hartung execof Town Lot 45, the land hereby de- ten (110) feet in depth, a s shown on Lewis and Thomas De Velder plumber. In testimony whereof, we Mary Fruechmesser, 93 Flower scribed being 35 feet front on Fulton said map. were $24,150,265. Premiums re- ester, to Fred Jeerings and wife, utors. from Converse & Son, Phelps, have caused the seal of the Avenue and 150 feet In depth of the Being the same premises conveyed st. 1 sink. Badhorn & Tremer, north part of lot No. 3, also 5 feet ceived totaled $19,682,951 and in- Macedon, prop in Macedon, $1. Surrogate's Court of the John De Hondt, Williamson, ap- plow, etc, $866. George D. Beatty and Clara County of Monroe to be herefront on said Fulton Avenue and to vestment earnings were $7,936,668. Fred Jeerings and wife, Mace- points sons William and Albert De Beatty, his wife, by Augustus H. Joseph Galasso from Central plumbers. to affixed.1 same depth as former lot 160 feet of Strong and Henry A. Strong, as exPayments to policyholders and don, to Carl E Jeerings and wife, Hondt executors. E Dauphine, lot 80, Clinton ave south Witness- ., Hon. Joseph Al. part of lot No I containing In ecutors, etc., by deed dated October (L. 8 ) Chev, Rochester, auto, $357.40. Feely, Surrogate of said all 40 feet front on Fulton Avenue 15th, 1909, and recorded in said beneficiaries amounted to $9,680,- Rochester, prop in Macedon, $1. S. 2 water closets, 2 basins, 2 Dyonian G Hobert from Wayne County, at the City of RochG A Scullen, Williamson, apand 150 feet in depth and of undform Clerk's office in Liber 811 of Deeds ester, this fifth day of Feb095. The company also added sinks. George C Rehberg, plumber. width Herman Abraham, admr, etc, points J Stuart Lettice executor. Chev Co, sed, $322.92. , J at page 181. Said premises are sub¥, . ruary, in the year of our $8,635,164 to legal reserve. aa me Mike Lippa, 68 Waverly pi. 1 Walworth, to Herman Abraham, Lord, one thousand nine hun. ^'"SJJl? . .Premises conveyed j e c t to the covenants and restrictions Stanley and Winifred Mott from Clara L Burleigh, Newark, apdred and forty. to M. Edwin Servis and Frances M. referred to in said deed. "Life insurance must be sold Walworth, prop in Walworth, points brother Lucian C Carr, Canne Sales & Service, auto, water closet, 1 bath, 1 basin, 1 Servis, his wife, by "Warranty Deed Dated at the City of Rochester, N. RAY C. BCHAEFKR, sink. Beecher Smith, plumber. and the American agency system $2050. recorded tin Monroe County Clerk's Y., this 23rd day of January, 1940. Deputy Clerk Surrogate's Court. Williamstown, and Ernest V Pier- $484.20. Office in Liber 934 of Deeds at page CHARLES A. WEST, Personal appearance ie not neceshas demonstrated that it is effecHazel Florence et ano, Savan- son, Newark, as executors. Vincent Synesael from Weeks 69. Referee. sary unless you desire to file objective and efficient, as now 64,000,- nah, to National Bank of Pt B y Dated at the City of Rochester, Harris, Beach, Folfer, Bnoon and tions. Motors Corp, auto, $296.48. N. Y., this 13th day of February, Keating', Plaintiff's Attorneys, 6 Dwyer, R«Uly, Roberta, KcXoath ft 000 policyholders in the United ron, prop in Savannah, $1. 1940. South Fitzhugh St., Rochester, Sicker, Attorneys for Petitioner, States, one-half of the entire popLyman R Crothers, Newark, to DISCONTINUING BUSIMARVIN M. NOVICK. N. Y. 1330 Lincoln-Alliance Bank BuildTtftf CT€4i ing, Rochester, N. Y. ulation, by their individual thrift Luella R Hall, Newark, prop in DEATHS William 8. Slelinski, Plaintiff's AtNESS UNDER ASSUMED and enterprise, are protected by Arcadia, $9000. HOTXOB TO CRSDITORS OB torney, 328 Powers BuUding, RochSol Atkin, 24, manager, 23 HerHOTXOB OB In Lyons, Justice Clyde W BXABK O. 1 T I M B I S , DROBASZSD life insurance policies in the Barbara L Rein Mindel, admrx. ester, N. Y. man st, and Lillian Karchefsky, Knapp, 68. NAME STATE OF NEW ~YORK—SUPREME amount of $113,800,000,000," Mr.etc, to Jane B Eaton, Clerk, Palm You are hereby required to present COURT—COUNTY OF MONROE. In Clyde, Mrs Andrew Milan, 21, 295 Avenue C. Jacob J Janeway, Wolcott, disWOTXCB 0 7 ratST MBBTIKO OF your verified claims with vouchers Hubbell said. "Life insurance Beach, Fla, prop in Lyons, $1. Rochester Savings Bank, Plaintiff, Harold R Walters, 24, steel 54, of Town of Rose. therefor to the undersigned a t 620 CREDITORS against William T. Stride and Eva agents are not only salesmen but Barbara L Rein Mindel, admrx, continues use of name of Janeway Central Trust Bldg., Rochester, N. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J. Stride, his wife, Joan T. Sage, In Phelps, Mrs Cassius I Hal- worker, 150 Breck st, and Olive L UNITED STATES—For the West- Y., on or before the 16th day of trained confidential advisers in etc, to Jane B Eaton, Clerk, Palm & Titcomb. Harriet Emsweller, William S. Cripps, 19, 216 Ames st. lock. ern District of New York. In the June, 1940. Emsweller, Albert W. Stride and planning for your future. With- Beach, Fla, prop in Lyons, $1. Dated, December 4th, 1939. Matter of Madeline Stride, Defendants. David Gambert, 56, real estate, In Newark, Mrs Isabel HenROBERT F. EVERSHED, out them, the institution of life inR A S Bloomer et ano, Newark, CERTIFICATE OF INCORBdward J. (torts, In pursuance of a Judgment of Administrator, 620 Central Trust Brooklyn, and Ida C Finestone, 48, drick, 77. Bankrupt. Tn Bankruptcy No. 30373. foreclosure and sale, duly granted in surance would today have em- to Philip Heifer, Sodus Point, Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. To the Creditors of t h e above named the above entitled action, and entered In Phelps, Mrs Margaret Bost- 15 Atkinson st. PORATION braced but a trifling proportion prop in Sodus Point, $1. Bankrupt of Trondequolt. in the A. * . Banunenter, Attorney for Ad- in Monroe County Clerk's office, on Stanley Prosnick, 21, w i r e wick, 29. ministrator, 620 Central Trust County K > f Monroe, New York: the 22nd day of January, 1940, I, Madelyn K DeZutter, Cornelius of those who, because of the Allie C Peck, ind, etc, to FredBldg.. Rochester. N. i. i s hereby given that on the Ivan Sturge, the undersigned, refIn W Bloomfield, Gail Sharpe, drawer, Buffalo, and Helen Las- 8thNotice agents' endeavors, now enjoy its erick B Huxley, Ontario, prop in M Zutter, J Willis Barrett, Wilday of February. 1940 the said eree in said Judgment named, will HOTXOB TO CREDITORS Edward J. Gartz was duly adjudisell at public auction a t the front lamson, d/b/a Bradley Agency, 5; Sally Ann Sharpe, 11 months, ker, 18, 230 Illinois st. protection. Ontario, $1. cated bankrupt; and that the firs* vestibule of the Court House in the and Mrs. Hilda Sharpe, 24. Inc. Lewis Van Weaver, Sodus, to Pursuant to an order of Hon. meeting of the creditors will be held City of Rochester, County of Monroe, "The agency force of our comJoseph M. Feely, Surrogate of the In Phelps, William Grimsley, 87. •at the Bankruptcy Court, Room No. N. Y., on the John Hall, Lockport; A E Wiepany is comprised of skilled, ed- Edw Hoste and wife, Sodus, prop 3)3 Federal Building, in the City of County of Monroe, notice is hereby 15TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1940, In Clifton Springs, Myron J given, according to law, to all perin Sodus, $1. rich, Spencerport; A W Densmore, Rochester. N. Y.. on Tebruary 26, AT 11:00 O'CLOCK A. M., ucated and reliable men and having claims or demands McMaster, 80. 1940, a t 10 o'clock In the forenoon sons premises described in said judg, „.,.,,. y, ,. w l n be appointed by the Surrogate vs. Webb Nursery Co., Inc., et al., the premises described in said judg- j t o represent and act for them in the tion for order dismissing comFiled In Ontario Co. Clerk's Office $25.06. Defendants. L Genovese, 237 Sherman st; 4 man ave. proceedings for the probate of said In pursuance and by virtue of a ment as follows: plaint— Adjourned to February Magdaline Tyner Allyn, Gibson All that tract or parcel of land, i -^ni Claire Ornt, WPA, 107 Willow lights, 3 500 W dryers, 1 150026th. The following judgments were judgment of foreclosure and sale In testimony whereof we st, Canandaigua, from Sommers taken by Louis and Quinto Vecchi, ave to 342 Grace ave. duly granted by the Court in t h e ' situate in the City of Rochester, permanent wave machine. of Monroe and State of New have caused the seal of the Civ 322—United States v Oneabove entitled action and entered in County Motors, Inc. sed, $550. York, known and distinguished as Contractor, H E Gillette; ownSurrogate's , Court of Hie Anthony Pellicano, 109 Cooper Monroe County Clerk's office on the d/b/a Vecchi Bros, against: Guilot No. 46 of the Emerson, Crowner County of Mqnroe to be hereEstey Pump Co, Inc, Canandai- seppe Buouanno, $111.97; John st to 312 N Main. er. H E Gillette, 524 State st; 17500 Gallon Still, etc—Process re- 10th day of February, 1940, I, the and Tract, situate on the to affixed. turnable—Adjourned to February undersigned referee in said judgment northCrittenden gua, from Falk Mill Supply Co, D'Agostino. $43.04; Dominick Zurside of Emerson Street. Witness, Hon. Joseph M. named will .sell at public sale in the Harold J Prentice, Home Dairy, 10 W light in hall (reduced sub- 26th. Said lot No. 46 fronts forty (40) (L. S.) Feely, Surrogate of said Inc, drill press, $50. front vestibule of the Court House, feeder). E Union st to 348 West Union. County, at the City of Rochin the City of Rochester, Monroe feet on the north side of Emerson -United States v Crim 2014-CJohn C Holden, Canandaigua, lo, $37.34. Street and extends back of uniform ester, this 23rd day of JanuContractor. E Nelson; owner, County, New York, on the William Swan. Newark Union width throughout to a depth of one ary in the year of our Lord from Kirkwood Sales, Inc, Roch8th DAY OP MARCH, 1940 Geo Reader, 436-40 Monroe ave; Joseph Ramuch — Adjourned to Gazette, 9 Sherman pkwy to 120 one thousand nine hundred a t ELEVEN O'CLOCK in?he forenoon j h * ^ * ! tw5 and g £ * g * ^ « * > REMOVALS ester, sed, $115.20. March 11th. and forty. service only. W Sherman ave. ~e tho* Aa-a mn nromi«o« in «;iid feet, as shown on a map or saia iraci FRANK R O'BRIEN, Bkcy 29275 — Rochester Ship- j°udgrn" nt d desc.ritd P r t e o m wR: LaVerne W Knight, 230 Chapin Geneva Contractor, Junior Elec; owner, f >ed ^ftfiSg-g $£*&***" H C Wall, Western Elec Co, ElClerk Surrogate's Court n st, Canandaigua, from Sommers building Corp — Order to show Norman F Bredesen, American mira to 104 Church st. All that trnrt or narcel of land l " Being Liber the 3 Ofsame Mapspremises at page conveyed 1£V. Rolf Conforto, 131 McNaughton st; Personal appearance is not necessituate in the City of to Irene F. Phillips by Central Trust Rochester, unless you desire to Hie otdeeMotors, auto, $203.45. cause for order permitting Lin- County Can, Seneca Castle to Seneca of Monroe and State of New Company Rochester N. Y. by war- • sary 4 lights. tlons. York, known and described as being ranty deed recorded In Monroe Conn- | Philip K. Ponnelly, Attorney for Fd in a certain Instrument In ; The mortgagors also convey herebv South st, Auburn, to 12 State st. writing, bearing date October 11, the right of drainage into the stormService Corp, sed. etc, $60. LaVerne Stoddard favor Leonplumber. STATU OF NEW YORK •••-SUPREME; 1933, purporting to be the last Will (water sewer along the rear end of E A Sealy, Seneca Knitting, 8 John G Prutzman to Loan SerCOURT —COUNTY OF MONROE, land Tcstnment of said Victoria , said lot. such riKht of drainage to b. ard Johneox, $171.89. Schmanke's Boot Shop. 1480 Johnson st to 133 Cayuga st. Rochester Savings Bank, Plaintiff, Lang, let* OS the City of Rochester, | n common with other lots on the vice Corp. auto. $30. Dewey ave. Change pipe. Jacob | t»&AM. rimmr im against William Beatty, et al., D«-, in said Countv of Monro,- and State past side of Conrad Drive, and ©r, the Jay Wright to Credit Accept S Renner, plumber. fendants. of New York, deceased, and relating west side of Wendhurst Drive. JUDGMENTS In pursuance of a judgment of j to both real and personal property,: Dated at the City of Rochester, BANKRUPTCY PETIHonea or S A M Corp, autog, $160. Benjamin Bcrman, 686 Clinton foreclosure and sale, duly granted in ha« lately made application to the; New York this 9th day of January, f l i r t to Ontario Co. Clerk's Office OF NEW YORK -COUNTY the above entlthd action, and entered 'Surrogate's Court of the County ofllfl40, ave N. 4 water closets, 4 baths, STATE TION Jonathan M Ammerman, SenCOURT—COUNTY OF MONROE. in Monro* County Clerk's office, on i Monroe, to have said instrument HARGER R SCHELL CONDITIONAL SALES 4 basins, 4 sinks. B Malamut, R u p e r ^ a m Realty Corporation, the 22nd day of January. 1940, I, proved and recorded as ft Will of, Refer. Petition filed by Paul LaMonico, eca, favor Gulf Corp, 17 Battery Pln-ntiff, ngflinwt Edwin E. flervls, Charles* A. West, the undersigned, i personal and real estate, you, and Remington and menisgtoa, Attorneys plumber. Filed to Lyon* tailor, 44 Bristol st, Canandaigua. pi. New York, $77.34. et al.. Defendants. referee in said judgment named, will j each of yon arc cited to show cause \ for Plaintiff, l t 3 Ra,»t Main Street Rochester, N. Y James Coffey, Lyons, from S G Ronald Schultz, 74 Wetmore pk. In pMrsuAncf of a Judgment of sell st public auction In the front; before the Surrogate of the County Frederick T Cass favor W T j Liabilities $1256.52, assets $40.
Equitable life Of Iowa Reports New Peaks in 1939
Wayne County News
Marriage Licenses
Decisions, Papers Proceedings
o»^n,y News
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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069