Russell—Shedd & Greenberg for plff — Winchell, Macken. & Goldwater and
Lloyd L. Hurst for defts. 44—Jane & Newton C Cupp v. Joseph Amico and
The Daily Record, Monday, January 5, 1959 S Dodd She Smhj firrorfc 40—Louis Dodd—Mondo &
v Frances D-415—Henry C Skehan v K & L Reina & Marks for plff — Surrogate's Court Mondo for Strang, Wright, Combs, WiSawyer — Traynor & SkeIMS fey Mtflu.l.l • . plff — Ira H Morris for deft. ser & Shaw for deft. han for plff — Martin, FosSurrogate Rogers Presiding 41—James DiMaseio v Jennie DiG-S71—J Burggraf v J A Haefter & Servis for deft. A Dally Morning Newspaper 10:00 o'clock Mascio—Stanley G Custis for E-491—Mildred Reese v Elsa K ncr — Lacy, K a t z e n & Published by 1. Matter of John D Volk — DAILY RECORD CORPORATION Hale — MacFarlane, Harris, Greene fur plff — Harris, plff — Thomas Presutti for t» North Water Street Martin, Kendall & Dutcher Beach, K e a t i n g , Wilcox, Proof of Will. deft. Rochester 4, N. Y. 2. Matter of Arthur James for plff — Chamberlain, D'Dale & Linowitz for deft. 42—Jean A Rago v Anthony & Thomas H. Remington.Chm. of Board Amanda, Bauman & B for G-672—Vito Tambasco v Jas De- Glavey — Proof of Will. Helen Cocola—James S FitzRussell D. Hay..Pros, and P.uWisher deft. Vito — Traynor & Skehan 10:30 o'clock gerald of Geneva for plff— OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER E-502—Wilmorite Inc v R V A Published dally, except Saturdays. for plff—Martin, Foster & Bond & McDonald of Geneva 3. Matter of Harold E Carey— Sundays and holidays, and delivered Trucking Inc — Berger, Servis for deft. for deft. by mall and carrier, this newspaper Judicial Settlement. ecjalizes in the news of Federal 43—Wm Brooks v John FinuKennedy & Berger for plff G-673—L Herdendorf v Sherman state, county and city agencies and 4. Matter of Helen D T h o r n s — Salzman & Witt for deft. public offices, courts, boards and A Thomas — Nixon, Harcane, J B Carter and Ulysses Notice of Motion. commissions; also real estate, buildgrave, Devans & Dey for ing, credit, financial, commercial, Russell—Shedd & Greenberg F-604—Carmela Micale v Rochautomobile, insurance and other news 5. Matter of Helen D Thorns— ester Transit Corp and Wilplff — Chamberlain, for plff — Winchell, Macken of general interest in Rochester and liam Bennett — Herman & Western New York. It has been D ' A m a n d a , Bauman & Notice of Motion. & Goldwater and Lloyd L designated official newspaper for the Garrity for plff — Nier, 6. Matter of Helen D T h o r n s courts of Monroe County and is an Brundage for deft. Hurst for defts. official medium for the publication Doyle & Nier for deft. Notice of Settlement. of notices required by U. S. District 44—Jane & Newton C Cupp v G-53-F—Jos Schuler v B Walen- G-674—Girlie Goodwin v RichCourt and Bankruptcy Court. It also 7. Matter of Georgia W RathJoseph Amico and Gulando has been designated an official newsitz—Scully, O'Brien & Mcard Jonas and Elaine Jonas bone — Proof of Will. paper for the City of Rochester. Gallo — Abraham G Francis Dermott for plff — MacFar—Gossin & Atlas for plff— Member Associated Court and for plff — Winchell, Macken Commercial Newspaper, Inc. lane, Harris, Martin, KenLamb, Webster & Walz for i & Goldwater for defts. dall & Dutcher for deft. deft. 45—Roberta J Abbott v Central F-644—P Pierce Jr v M Christo • i CITY COURT School Dist No 1 — Francis — Meyer Fix for plff — G-675—P N Pepper v M Belwood i Terms of subscription: One year, G Hessney of Canandaigua 524; six months. $14; three months, Reilly, McLouth, Lines & — Dutcher & Dutcher for Civil Branch—Judges Presiding: $9; payable in advance. Single copies for plff — Max G Morris of 16c. Changes of address or disconWilkens for deft. plff — Oviatt, Gilman, O'- I Hon John P Lomenzo, Part I: tinuance of subscription should be Manchester for deft. in writing to avoid errors. We canD-398—C Surace, Infant, etc v Brien & Forman for deft. Hon Fred B Goodelle, Part II. not accept them by phone unless 46—In the Matter of the AppliDonald F O'Niel — Thomas | Pre-Trial Cases— verified in writing. cation of the National Bank Back copies of The Daily Record: G Presutti for. plff—Martin, Dorothy Schultz v Janet SwanOver one month old, 25c. Over one of Auburn, as Committee of COUNTY COURT year old, 60c. Clapp & Foster for deft. , son et ano. Under no circumstances will any the property of Flora Liseno, Judgment, decree or other matter of F-632—Catherine Tkalenko v an incompetent person for Special Term — Hon. George D. I Tom McKenzie v Clement Depublic record be knowingly withheld from publication by this newspaper. Sharon M Cooley and James Ogden, Monroe County Judge, Kruger leave to sell certain real Entered as second-class matter, Cooley — Seymor Bernstein December 7, 1909, at the post office, Frank J Sprague v Janice C property belonging to said Piesiding: at Rochester, N. Y., under the Act for plff — Brown, Zurett & Russell et ano. incompetent — Wankard L of March 8, 1879. Adjourned Motion Calendar: Sullivan for defts. Pooser of Auburn and Wm S James Crowley v Laura Brew. MONROE COUNTY B A R Rose Riwkin v Robert W. and F-43-F—Max Gonsehauser v IrvElder, Asst Atty Gen'l of ASSOCIATION Rocco Gervasi et ano v Raying Ellsworth — Hoffenberg Elizabeth Cona—Relin & Relin mond Fratta. Officers and Trustees Auburn for committee. for 1988-59 Maas & Boehm for plff — for plff. Howard M. Woods, president: Wil- 47—(Two Actions)—Demetrio P Anthony Palumfoo v James Universal C1T Credit Corp v Chamberlain, D ' A m a n d a liam M. Morris, first vice-president; Errigot v LaVerne Brown, as Abraham 8. Schtulberg, second viceBauman & Brundage for Elmer J Kicherer — Dutcher & | Ciaccia. administratrix of the goods, president; Hyman O. Gould, secreDutcher for plff—Jack G Lubelle James I Fava et ano v Laurence tary, and William M. Marks, treasdeft. chattels and credits of Donurer. for deft. W Smith et ano. Board of Trustees: John H. Herald R Brown, deceased—Pi- E-474—Stanley Smith v Angeline man. Andrew O. Cell I, Robert W. Martin Reichenlberger v K e m Taccone — David M L e v y Original Motion Calendar: lato & Pilato for plff — WinClarke. William O. Easton. Rocco M. Fischette, Donald R. Harter, SalJ i m e s V Traynor. as Guardian Paint & Auto Stores Inc. for plff — Relin & Relin for chell, Macken & Goldwater vatore M. Lo Monaco, Robert F. MacCameron. Emmett J. Schnepp. Thomad Litem of Mark Traynor, an In- Trial Cases— deft for deft. as W. Sullivan, Marsden Tuthlll and Luther I. Webster. —Russell Dalba and Helen G F-654—Geo Rogers v Sam Giar- fant etc and James V Traynor, Edward L Schaefer v Mrs WilExecutive Secretary: Milford J. dino — Pappalardo, Roth, individually v H E Frucht— Errigo (formerly Dalba) v liam R Sykes. Wheeler. Reina & Mark for plff — Harold M Yanowitch for plff — Demetrio P Errigo and LaJoseph Giordano v Salvatore MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1959 Meyer Fix for deft. Martm, Foster & Servis for deft. Viscardi. verne Brown as administraJames V Traynor, as Guardian trix of the goods, chattels and F-655—R T Gattelaro v Jos Costa Whiting Buick v Lewis Micca. — Karz, Michaels & Bue- ad Litem of Terry Ellen Traynor, credits of Donald R Brown, John S Miller v William Benz. tens for plff—Martin, Foster an Infant, etc and James V Traydeceased — Vincent J DiPolicy Advancing Corp v Mary & Servis for deft. nor, Individually v H E Frucht— Fosco et ano. ( Raimo for plff — Winchell, Macken & Goldwater and F-657—N Abraham by Gdn ad Harold M Yanowitch for plff— M o t i o n C a s e s — Litem v Jos Dinolfo & Jos Martin, Foster & Servis for deft. Harris, Beach, Keating, WilMt Eden Memorial Studios Inc Fantauzzo — Thos W O'In re" General Assignment of cox, Dale & Linowitz for v John Wright. Connell for plff — Harold Max Talcott, t/a Bra Bazaar and DAILY SPECIAL TERM defts. Grace Butler v Ronald Steffler. Berlove for DiNolfo; Martin, also t / a Unit Hosiery Sales to 48—Ellen F l y n n v S J Groves & Grace Butler v Ronald Steffler. (Continued from Page Three) Foster & Servis for Fantau. Frank P Celona- -Burns & Suter Sons Co—Chikovsky & GasEloise Cooper v Vera Knapp. tel for plff — Ark, Brennan F-658—Jos Lochner v Jeanette for Assignee. 32—Benjamin Long v Helen R and Donald N Stahl — SeyRobert B Johnson v Jane Allen | Summary P r o c e e d i n g s & Centner for defts. Wetzel — Hoffenberg, Maas mour Bernstein for plff — Messier — Chamberlain,1 Joseph A Frederico v Clarence & Boehm for plff — Martin, 49—Edward R Post & Louis E Martin, Foster & Servis for D'Amanda. Bauman & Brundage S c o t t - 67 Lyell ave, $100. Pest v Gerald Thomas Alles, Foster & Servis for deft. defts. Peter Julius Weber & Arthur for plff—Harris, Beach, Keating, I Harvey G Rosenbloom v lli33—Bessie Sheppard v Stephen F-660—Heinz Ester v Beulah F Pontiac — Joseph S RipWilcox, Dale & Linowitz for deft. nois Johnson, 76 Nassau st, $45. Salansky, Virginia Jane SaHarriett Barasch v Charles Morgan — Harold P Teres i pey for plffs — Martin, FosSupplementary Proceedings lansky et al—Levy & Muehe Lortscher, 816 S Plymouth, $40. for plff — Chamberlain, ter & Servis for defts. Adjourned Calendar: of Canandaigua, N Y for plff Hyman Schwartz v Alex Glaze D'Amanda, B a u m a n & 50—People of the State of N Y John Lathron d/b/a Lathron Brown et ano, 18 Catherine st, — Wm L Clay for deft. Brundage for deft. on the relation of Mary Excavating Co v Livingston Lime $130. Cooper, Relator v The War- F-661—Ina Northrop v Lonnie W 34—Morris O Poston, Herman R Payne & Francis X Sanger Co Inc—James R Boyle for plff. | Mary B Nagan v Letty Coley, den of the Monroe Co PeniOwers, Martin-Roasa TracSiratford Credit Corp v Sarah 290 S Plymouth, $119. dba Payne & Dunham — tentiary at Rochester N Y or tor and Equipment Co v The Coakley — George G Roth fori David Black v Daniel O'Leary, Yanowitch & Frank for plff other officer having custody Buckeye Pipe Line Co, Atlas 146 Clifford ave, $160. —Mercer & Burke for defts. plff. of Roland Cooper—John & Powder Co et al — Robert Household Finance Corp v EuSanto Panzarella v Jack Miller, Michael LoPinto of Ithaca F-666—N LaMartina v R Herzog P Kennedy of Canandaigua, gene T Lane— Maas, Weinstein & 98*9 S Plymouth, $45. —Reilly, McLouth, Lines & for plff. N Y for plff. Wilkens for plff — Winchell Hutchings for plff. 35—Morris O Poston, Herman R 51—Williams B r o o k s v John Supplementary Proceedings Macken & Goldwater for Finucane, J B Carter and Owers, Martin-Roasa Tractor deft. Original Calendar: Ulysses Russell — Shedd & and Equipment Co v The P-66e-^R Herzog v Philip S and Greenberg for plff — Lloyd Martha Noble v Robert Noble Buckeye Pipe Line Co, Paul Nancy LaMartina—Dorando —Liebschutz, Sutton & DeLeeuw L Hurst and Winchell, MacE Robinson dba Jay W RoJ Cerulli for plff — Reilly, for plff. ken & Goldwater for defts. binson and Sons et al — RoMcLouth, Lines & Wilkens Mutual Clothing Co Inc v Mary bert P Kennedy of Canandaifor deft. F Barclay — Bunis & Bunis for gua, N Y for plff. G-668—Edw Deregowski v RoMONROE ONTARIO 36—Morris O Poston, Herman R plff. COUNTY COURT bert Jtecobe and Edward J COUNTY COUNTY Owers, Martin-Roasa Tractor Mutual Clothing Co Inc v AnDiPrima Jr — Lester J Ber51 703 Equipment Co v The Buck- Hon. Clarence J. Henry, Judge thony Del Guercio — Bunis & UNION NORTH love for plff — Brown, Zureye Pipe l i n e Co, Victor EIBuni-> for plff. TRUST Presiding Part I. MAIN ett & Sullivan, Attys for BLDG. lenberger et al — Robert P Hon. George D. Ogden, Judge STREET Central Trust Company v Nordeft Jiacobe and Reilly, McRochester Kennedy of Canandaigua, N Canandaigua Presiding Part IL Louth, Lines & Wilkens, man S Stonehouse—VanSchaick, N. Y. N. Y. Y for plff. Woods, Strathman, Sturman & Hon. J. S e w a r d Bodine, Judge Attys for deft DiPrima. SSSS*XX%XX%XXXS%*S*»S%%X 37—Mary Scarlata v Christopher Presiding Part HI. G-6«0—Abe Levy v Gerald Cox- Costfnza for plff. Scarlata — Joseph A Taddeo ford — Benjamin E Solin for plff — C h a m b e r l a i n , for pMf — Reilly, McLouth, D'Amanda, Bauman ft Bran- Day Calendar— Lines & Wilkens for deft. age for deft. F-618—Rochester Taxicubs, Inc v G-670—Ludwig E Fiorito, Indivi38—Albert M Sullivan v Harry Walter G Fotch — Cued & dually and as Guardian ad Crowley et al—O'Brien. DonWelch for plff — Litem of Richard Fiorito, ovan & Pante for plff—HonWright, Combs, Wiser & an Infant v E Buttarezzi and ora Miller tor deft. Shaw for deft. Son Unc — Pappalardo, Roth
Court Calendars
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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