districts are welcome! Get a taste of. EUSD education! Page 2 of 2. RocketShip Math Summer Camp 2017.pdf. RocketShip Mat
Get ready for Mathematics that is exciting, invigorating and project-based! Ready to get your child challenged in Math? Enroll in this camp, specifically for the Mathloving student. >Taught by credentialed, experienced teachers!
Camp Einstein: Grades 2-3 Camp Archimedes: Grades 4-5
WHEN? July 17-28, 2017 WHERE? Excelsior Elementary School TIME? 9:00 – 12:00 noon COST? $200.00 per student
Got questions? Call 916-774-1203
Students from other districts are welcome! Get a taste of EUSD education!
1. Go to: http://tinyurl.com/EUSD2017RocketshipMath 2. Send a check payable to Eureka Union School District* = $200. *District Office Address:: 5445 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746 Attention: Patti Switzer
Got questions? Please call 916-774-1203 Email:
[email protected]