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Rolling Summary State EOC Exercise Program Report July 1 – December 31, 2016

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

PREFACE The State Emergency Operation Center (EOC) exercise program management is the process of overseeing and integrating a variety of training and exercises over time. An effective program helps our organization maximize efficiency, resources, time, and funding by ensuring that trainings and exercises are part of a coordinated, integrated approach to building, sustaining, and delivering a foundation that supports core capabilities. Through effective exercise program management, the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) EOC exercise program will accomplish the following priorities: Priorities include: 

Provide a center for excellence in preparedness and create a culture for continuous improvement.

Build capacity, trust, confidence and foster relationships with the Emergency Response Coordinators (ERCs) to staff ESF/RSF positions.

Test all DHSEM contingency plans. Improve operational readiness.

Increase efficiency and effectiveness through teamwork. Provide opportunities for depth within the EOC.

Conduct the design and development of a State EOC training and exercise program.

Provide a progressive series of exercises building.

Follow up on action items to update operating guides, checklists and plans as necessary.

Continue quarterly exercises and conduct a Training and Exercise Planning Workshop annually.

This report will list all training and exercises during this time frame and reflects any action items to date that continue for improvement within the State EOC. Identified results from exercises and key action items have been listed and reviewed monthly at the weekly operations section staff meeting.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

POINTS OF CONTACT (POCS) Chris Sorensen State EOC Manager Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9195 E. Mineral Ave, Suite 200 Centennial, CO 80112 720-413-6184 (cell) [email protected] Cindy VonFeldt State EOC Exercise Program Officer Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9195 E. Mineral Ave, Suite 200 Centennial, CO 80112 720-852-6628 (office) 303-514-6345 (cell) [email protected]

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

PURPOSE The purpose of the Rolling Summary Report (RSR) is to provide a periodic analysis of a series of exercises and training for State EOC stakeholders, such as those covered in a Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan. The RSR is designed to report on the progress of the program.

OVERVIEW In February 2016, the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) reestablished its exercise program within the State EOC. The Operations Section develops and maintains emergency operation procedures for Colorado’s EOC and is responsible for continuous improvement processes. Exercise program management involves a collaborative approach that integrates resources, organizations, and individuals in order to identify and achieve program priorities. Through the management of training and exercise planning, stakeholders provide oversight to specific training and exercise activities sustained over time. During this period, many challenges were presented with real world incidents, making it necessary to adjust training and exercise schedules. The July scheduled quarterly exercise was adjusted by one week due to an all employee mandatory training scheduled during the same week. The ICS 300 course scheduled for July in the State EOC was postponed due to an activation. A second ICS 300 course was necessary to accommodate the individuals that could not attend the rescheduled date. The October quarterly exercise was postponed due to the State EOC support of multiple wildfire and threats in the South Region. The rescheduled date of November 10 focused on the October wildfire after action items, therefore the training and exercise planning did not commence. The Operations staff met in December to complete the 2017-2019 Training and Exercise Plan. Other challenges to overcome during this period included culture changes that were needed to support training and exercise participation. Training requirements were added in the planning process. As a result, the list of staff that have completed necessary training has grown significantly. Marketing challenges were present with outdated contact list and website limitations. During this period, contact lists have been updated and mechanisms are in place to maintain on a regular basis. Our new website will maintain current EOC information, resources and calendar of events. Many first-of-a-kind orientations and workshops were delivered during this half of the year. 

The State EOC quarterly exercise scheduled in July focused on the response to recovery transition. It was well attended and several outcomes were produced for future reference. This three-hour discussion exercise was planned in part with a series of recovery planning meetings to acclimate agencies and partners with their roles and responsibilities

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

in the transition process from response to recovery. This workshop was designed to be a facilitated exercise and focused on the implementation of the recovery plan. The purpose was to increase understanding and provide participants an opportunity to coordinate current concepts, plans, capabilities and challenges of recovery actions during this critical time. [Reference: State Recovery Plan dated March 1, 2015] 

The DHSEM Operations staff met with the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) and the Eastern Colorado Incident Management Team (ECIMT). The staff participated together in the two day Advanced Planning Concepts course and concluded with a four hour exercise. The CDA has an aid agreement with the ECIMT to partner and support in an actual event. Members participated in this workshop to better understand each of their capabilities, to better understand an agriculture event and how critical mutual support would be to manage an incident. The teams will continue to integrate training and exercise for additional depth and capabilities needed to support each other. A joint tabletop exercise has been scheduled for 2017 and the State EOC will participate in the 2018 nation-wide functional exercise.

A four-hour tabletop exercise emphasized the role of State EOC during a winter storm impacting major highways was delivered in August. Participants included Colorado State Patrol, Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado National Guard and DHSEM staff members. Coordinated discussions for the response to a major winter storm helped to share information on roles for a state integrated response and identified best practices. Participation at all levels saw outstanding, and provided a forum for a good exchange of information. Another first-of-a-kind exercise, the agencies concluded that a yearly exercise would be beneficial.

A three-hour seminar exercise was planned in part with the series of recovery planning meetings and took place in October at the State EOC. This was designed to acquaint Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) partners with DHSEM procedures, and help the agencies collaborate overall operations with local community recovery. This opportunity to increase understanding provided participants with current concepts, plans, capabilities and challenges of recovery actions following an event in the State of Colorado.

A December orientation was planned in part with a desire to understand programs within DHSEM and how the CIAC and Operations Section can assist each other to safeguard the homeland against acts of terrorism and man-made or natural disasters. These two sections within the Division are not co-located but often are tasked in the same response. Programs and activities were shared between these two sections to acclimate current staff with roles and responsibilities. The purpose of this exercise was to increase understanding and provide participants an opportunity to share current concepts, plans, capabilities and challenges. This first-of-a-kind orientation included discussions to keep the Division engaged. Discussion included the Division website, organization charts, and defining acronyms. This was a very positive orientation and all agreed meeting quarterly, attending and providing the State EOC training and exercises will help enhance and strengthen the Division.

The State EOC Operations Staff partnered with the Field Services Deputy Director to create and produce a workshop that focused on State EOC Operations. Utilizing the G-

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

775 EOC Workshop course material, this first-of-a-kind training was delivered in December to a full EOC. Check lists and the need to communicate both internally and externally were introduced. The expectations and feedback gathered from students will be implemented in the progressive exercise series plan in 2017. Many felt this course was useful, applicable and continue to ask more questions to better prepare themselves for an EOC activation. The positive feedback generates the need to repeat this course yearly and add it to the multi-year training and exercise plan.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

SURVEY A survey was developed in anticipation of the first State EOC Training and Exercise Planning Workshop. Seven questions were sent to DHSEM staff and Emergency Response Coordinators. The results help guide us in the planning of training and exercises, more importantly to help gauge the level of expertise and training needed to prepare the EOC for operational readiness.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

Survey Question - Do you have suggestions of any other tools to help you in the State EOC? 

WebEOC manuals available for refresher with login instructions

WebEOC refreshers

Job Aids/Checklists

3-ring binders containing position job aids and contact lists (contacts for personnel in the building)

Organization chart identifying people in positions and who they report to

Better Interagency communications

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

Survey Question - Briefly describe some of the specific training needs or areas of improvement necessary to increase your capabilities in the State EOC. 

Defined resource ordering processes

Clearly understand my role in an EOC activation

Login sheet with instructions available at each machine, every time we are in the EOC

Clear contact list with responsibilities

Re-familiarization since we only exercise quarterly

SUMMARY A comprehensive State EOC Training and Exercise Plan has been developed. The purpose of the multi-year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to document the State EOC’s overall training and exercise program priorities. It is considered to be a living document that can be adaptable, updated and refined annually. The multi-year TEP lays out a combination of progressively building exercises, along with the associated training requirements, which address the priorities identified in the Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW). The management of the plan involves a collaborative approach that integrates resources, organizations and individuals in order to identify and achieve program. Using this approach, it allows for more thorough methodology to improve capacity, depth and capability within the State EOC. Through improvement planning, the State EOC can take the corrective actions needed to improve plans, build and sustain capabilities, and maintain operational readiness. The flexibility of the exercise program recognizes that real world events may cause the requirement to shift the established dates. Choices can be made to replace a scheduled exercise with a real world event, document the event with an after action report, and provide input for future improvement planning.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

OVERVIEW OF EXERCISES Below are the exercises that have been completed during this time frame: Name 


Quarterly SEOC Exercise   Recovery Roles and Responsibilities  of the State EOC  Agriculture Incident Management  Planning, Training and Exercise –  Advanced Planning Concepts  Winter Storm Coordination Tabletop  with CDOT, CONG and CSP  DOLA Emergency Management  Orientation Seminar  Training and Exercise Planning  Workshop and After Action Meeting  CIAC & Operations Team Emergency  Management Orientation and  Planning 

July 27, 2016 

Scenario  Tornado 

Type  Discussion 

August 9 & 10, 2016  Agriculture 

August 17, 2016 

One day training and  half day Discussion  exercise  Severe Winter Storm  Discussion 

October 14, 2016 



November 10, 2016  None 


December 13, 2016  None 


Exercises scheduled in 2017: Name  Quarterly State EOC Exercise   Resource Management Workshop  Quarterly State EOC Exercise  Information Management Workshop  CSEPP Full Scale Exercise 

Date  January 18, 2017 

Target Audience  DHSEM & ERCs 

April 19, 2017 


May 3, 2017 

DHSEM, ERCs, Pueblo County & Pueblo  Chemical Depot  CDA, DHSEM, ECIMT, USDA & ERCs 

Colorado Department of Agriculture  May 23, 2017  Tabletop Exercise  CDPHE State‐wide Full Scale Exercise   June 15 & 16, 2017  Quarterly State EOC Exercise  July 19, 2017  Recovery focused Workshop  Quarterly SEOC Exercise   October 18, 2017  Training & Exercise Planning 


Exercises to be scheduled in 2017: Name  Alternate location (COOP)  Orientation & Drills  WebEOC drills  Continued external support to  partner agency’s exercises 

Date  Quarterly 

Target Audience  DHSEM  

Quarterly  Tbd 


Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

OVERVIEW OF TRAININGS Below are the trainings that have been completed during this time: Name 


ICS 300  WebEOC Basic Training  G775 State EOC Workshop 

Target Audience 

September 28 & 29,  DHSEM, ERCs and other agencies  2016  November 8, 2016  DHSEM Mineral Staff only  December 15 & 16,  DHSEM staff and ERCs  2016 

Additional trainings scheduled in January and February to complete the 2016 training series: ICS 400  ICS 300 

January 24 & 25,  DHSEM, ERCs and other agencies  2017  February 8 & 9, 2017 DHSEM, ERCs and other agencies 

Additional state sponsored training opportunities can be located at or on the DHSEM website at Successes 

Large attendance and positive feedback from stakeholders measure the success of a training and exercise program. This provides a center for excellence in preparedness and creates a culture for continuous improvement.

Professional development builds capacity and confidence providing continuous growth and depth in the State EOC. During this period, six DHSEM staff completed the ICS series to the 400 level and 17 completed to the 300 level. 25 staff members completed the pilot G-775 State EOC Workshop course.

The G-775 State EOC Workshop development and delivery was well received. Expectations and comments were used to develop our progressive exercise program for 2017. Utilizing the same scenario, we will begin with Resource Management, adding Information Management and to finish off the complexity of this series we will add the transition to Recovery. Our Training and Exercise Planning Workshop will include an introduction to our alternate EOC location plans.

WebEOC drills in conjunction with the quarterly exercise and alternate EOC exercises will be added in 2017.

Continue to focus on partner agency orientations building capacity and relationships.

A new consolidated response and recovery plan was developed and implemented in November 2016. Colorado sought to improve the bond between response and recovery and undertook the consolidating of the State Emergency Operations Plan into a single document. This was not a cut and paste effort merging portions of each plan together to make the Recovery Plan an annex to the Emergency Operations Plan. The objective was to provide cohesive and transitional guidelines from response to recovery in one plan.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

What we have found is that the key element lies within the Emergency Support Functions and Recovery Support Functions; those are the central areas where the simultaneous and subsequent actions take place in the State EOC. Improvement Planning and Action Items 

Improvement planning is continuous and remains a high priority. Action items as a result of exercises and real world events are documented, maintained and followed up on, while guidelines, checklists and procedures are updated.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Rolling Summary Report (RSR)

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management July 1 – December 31, 2016

After Action Report Matrix A matrix was developed to track progress of after action reports (AARs) and submissions. It includes some reporting requirements that makes this easy to reference the status of AARs. 2016 After Action Report status as of January 31, 2017: Exercise/E vent  Type 

Date  Role 

#Partici EMPG  AAR  pants  funded  status 

Submitted I/P  To Do 

In Progress  Winter  Storm   October  Wildfire 



Aug  Joint  17  host 


17 in progress No 

Activat Oct  ion   

in progress No 

EM  Academy  FE 

Nov  17  Host 


17 Draft 


CIAC  Seminar 

Dec  13  Host 


9 Draft 



  Focus on in‐ house EOC  AAR    Out for  review 1‐27‐ No  17  Out for  review 1‐20‐ No  17 



Date  Role 

#Partici EMPG  AAR  pants  funded  status 

Submitted I/P  To Do 

Completed  SEOC  Quarterly  Finance  Workshop  SEOC  Quarterly  CSEPP  Annual  NCR  Wildfire 

Feb  23  Host  Apr  Workshop  1  Host  Apr  TTX  20  Host  May  FSE  4  Player  May  FSE  19  Player  Seminar 


5 Complete  Yes 



5 Complete  Yes 



20 Complete  Yes 



26 Complete  Yes 


Complete  Yes 

Yes    Review NCR  No  comments  Nothing  additional to  No  I/P 

SEOC  Quarterly  TTX  DOLA  Orientatio n  Seminar 

Jul  27  Host 


14 Complete  Yes 

Oct  14  Host 


12 Complete  Yes 


Dec  16  Host 


7 Complete  Yes 


Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

No    The final TEP  planning with  No  Ops staff.