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ROMANIA: Status of nation-scale landslide susceptibility mapping and available data. Mihai MICU. Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography. Pan-European ...
ROMANIA: Status of nation-scale landslide susceptibility mapping and available data Mihai MICU Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography Pan-European and nation-wide landslide susceptibility assessment Berlin, 16-18 October, 2012

1. Landslides in Romania

2. Authorities

987 communes:

low-to-high landslide risk

3. Legislation

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

SHALLOW, MEDIUM-SEATED LANDSLIDES • main occurrence moment – spring (slow snow melt, rain showers); • they characterize all the slope sectors; • type of movement – mainly translational; • a large morphographical spectrum; little lateral extensions; • lengths rarely passing 100 m, widths between 20-30 m, scarps up to 2 m in height.

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

DEEP-SEATED LANDSLIDES • mainly reactivations of former deluvial accumulations and peri-glaciar deposits; • main triggering factors: complex; heavy spring rainfalls, overlapping snow melt in the mountains; • lengths up and over 1 000 m, lateral extensions of more than 100m, scarps up to 20-30 m in height; • translational and rotational movements; very rich micro-morphology; • main affected formations: alternances of clays/marls with thick layers of loose and cemented sandstones.

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

COMMUNE LEVEL: Local Committee for Emergency Situations.

COUNTY LEVEL: County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations; County Committee for Emergency Situations; County Center for Intervention Coordination and Leading.

NATIONAL LEVEL: General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations; Ministries.

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

LG 575/2001 LG 124/1995 HGR 382/2003 HGR 447/2003 GT-019-98

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

Landslide risk mapping for territorial planning

HG 447/2003 - Expressions like “main valleys, reaching maturity stage, with young tributaries” or “slopes with average heights and average-high steepness” - increasing subjectivity and uncertainty.

HG 382/2003 - no scale-methodology correlation; - only geotechnical and hydrogeological studies required for zoning and micro-zoning, at all levels (General, Zonal and Detailed plans), without geomorphological studies => preferential tender procedures.

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania


4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

Geomorphic Structural




6. Landslide susceptibility

Hydrological and Climatic


Terminology: Hazard map, Risk coefficient, landslide occurrence probability/potential

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

Logistic Regression

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility


1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

FP7 ECLISE: 2012-2013; polygons

Ph.D. thesis; Articles; Grants.

FP7 CHANGES: 2000 cases; polygons; ongoing

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

DEM 30, 90 m

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

Geology, 1:200.000 (vector/raster)

6. Landslide susceptibility

Balteanu et all, 2010

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

CORINE land cover 2006 (vector/raster)

6. Landslide susceptibility

Balteanu et all, 2010

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

Balteanu et all, 2010

Precipitation: annual, seasonal, monthly, daily average/extremes

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

Balteanu et all, 2010

Seismicity (Intensity STAS 11100/1-93)

6. Landslide susceptibility

1. Landslides 2. Authorities 3. Legislation in Romania

4. Landslide inventory

5. Controlling factors maps

6. Landslide susceptibility

Landslide susceptibility

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Balteanu et all, 2010