Rotary actuator for positioning operations - CAN Newsletter

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to help the modern industries solve these tasks. It is designed to drive positioning systems, changeover applications an

Rotary actuator for positioning operations RD6 is a compact rotary actuator from Lika Electronic that integrates a BLDC motor, an absolute encoder, and control electronics in a single package. It is available in two sizes with 157-W and 250-W power ratings and CANopen.


ncreasingly, modern industries require automated production processes with little downtimes to ensure efficiency, provide precise control and repeatability, increase productivity, and improve product quality. Meanwhile, the “large batch, long run” philosoFigure 1: phy is becoming obsolete because RD6 is a rotary volatile demands call for quick actuator with brushless responses today. Small batches, motor, absolute encoder, motion one-off items, just-in-time produccontroller, and CANopen interface in a tion, and the acceleration of cycle package (Photo: Lika) times often drive businesses. The RD6 rotary actuator is Lika Electronic’s most The actuator is versatile and open thanks to the intecomplete, powerful, and up-to-date solution developed gration of the CANopen standardized interface in complito help the modern industries solve these tasks. It is ance with the CiA 301 profile. The CANopen interface prodesigned to drive positioning systems, changeover vides functionalities for motion-oriented machine control applications and linear guides, and allow to reduce set-up systems and especially for time-critical processes. Among and change-over times, as well as ensure maximum the implemented features are the position and velocity efficiency and precise repeatability. readout, full scaling, jog, preset, software limit switches, The positioning actuator without gears was develextensive diagnostics, and network settings. The internal oped to make positioning operations more efficient and trajectory generator (boasting a 64-bit double precision) powerful, so production processes can benefit from faster allows the operator to set a new target position on-the-fly. adjustments, shortened downtimes, and reduced risks of In addition, the integrated EiA-232 service interface and errors and waste. Its “all-in-one” configuration with embedthe free software tool allow easy set-up and configuraded intelligence provides the user with a simplification of tion. Using this program, the operator can set the workdesign and integration. ing parameters of the device, control some movements The actuator features a space-saving and rugged and functions manually, and monitor the work cycles of the anodized aluminum housing capable of IP54 protection unit even before installation. RD6 further includes safety for installation in typical industrial environments. The controls of over-temperature, over-current, over-voltage, 70 mm size square flange and the 14 mm shaft under-voltage and bus communication failure, and impleare designed for coupling with standard planetary ments the boot-loader feature so the firmware can be gearboxes. Thus the unit can be integrated into custom upgraded at each new release. applications to meet specific torque and speed requireThe rotary actuator is designed to drive positioning ments. The compact enclosure integrates a BLDC motor, systems, change-over applications and linear guides. a real multi-turn absolute encoder, a position and torque Typical uses are packaging lines, filling and bottling closed-loop controller, and a fieldbus interface. Its advanplants, food processing and pharmaceutical industries, tage is its simple installation while the cabling operations material handling equipment, conveyor systems, wood are reduced to a minimum, saving time and money. The and metalworking machinery, paper machinery, bend24-VDC brushless motor is available in two sizes: 157-W ing machines, printing machines, mold changers, mobile stops, tool changers, spindle positioning devices, and any rated power, 0,5 Nm-rated torque, 3000 RPM; or 250-W equipment where you need to cut machine set-up times rated power, 0,8-Nm rated torque, 3000 RPM. The builtand reduce downtime. in encoder for accurate motor feedback provides an overThe actuator can be complemented by the LDT10 HMI all resolution of 28 bit (4096 counts per revolution and 65 touch panel. The panel is designed to interface, set up, and 536 revolutions) with a position accuracy of ±0.9° and operate the whole series of RD rotary actuators equipped features a real multi-turn that requires neither battery nor with an EiA-485 interface: RD1A, RD4, RD5, RD6. The counter.


CAN Newsletter 2/2017

touch panel allows to control and configure all actuators connected to the network through the recipes stored in its memory. A single command starts the process, which makes change-over operations faster and easier, cutting set-up time and reducing downtime. The LDT10 comes in a 7-inch, 16:9-format LCD display with a resistive touchscreen panel. Its rugged construction complies with NEMA4 and IP65 protection ratings and allows for use in typical industrial environments. t


Inclinometers with Dynamic Acceleration Compensation Compensation of external Accelerations Clean Angle Measurement During Dynamic Movements optional output of Acceleration and rate of rotation IP69K Protected to Meet the requirements of Mobile equipment Accuracy 0.5° During Dynamic Movements Available with CANopen Interface

POSITAL‘s Accessories

Author Paolo Giordan Lika Electronic [email protected]

rugged Connectors and Cables