Routledge Handbook of Energy Economics

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Deepak Sharma, Suwin Sandu, Muyi Yang. “A methodological framework for assessing macroeconomic impacts of energy security improvements”. 32. Bora Kat.
Routledge Handbook of Energy Economics Editors Uğur Soytaş and Ramazan Sarı Table of Contents Theme 1 Energy and economy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Govinda Timilsina. “Energy demand.” David Stern. “Energy and economic growth” Lance Bachmeier and Michael Plante. “Oil prices and the macroeconomy.” Painuly J. Prasad and Norbert Wohlgemuth. “Economics of renewable energy.” Lisa Ryan, Karen Turner, and Nina Campbell. “Energy efficiency and economy-wide rebound: realising a net gain to society.” 6. Christian Lutz and Ulrike Lehr. “Economic impacts of energy transition.” 7. Lillian M. de Menezes and Michael Tamvakis. “Electricity market integration.” 8. Deepak Sharma, Suwin Sandu, Muyi Yang “Macroeconomic impacts of energy security improvements in Asia.” Theme 2 Energy and environment 9. Richard S.J. Tol. “Energy and climate.” 10. Yi-Ming Wei and Lan-Cui Liu. “Carbon emissions and energy use.” 11. Janie Ling-Chin, K. Rajendran, and A.P. Roskilly. “Energy economics and environment of energy systems.” 12. Travis Roach. “Renewable energy policy.” 13. Benjamin K. Sovacool. “The energy water nexus in the US.” 14. Cédric Clastres and Patrice Geoffron. “Low carbon economy and smart grids.” 15. Izzet Arı and Ramazan Sarı. “The role of carbon pricing in the Paris agreement.” Theme 3 Energy and society 16. Richard S.J. Tol. “The impact of climate change and the social cost of carbon.” 17. Alessandro Sciullo. “Energy and the public: the economic relevance of citizens’ engagement.” 18. Olcay Aydemir and Uğur Soytaş. “Quality of life and energy use: Is there a fair energy use level?” 19. Aled Jones. “Responsible investment.” 20. Kirsten Jenkins, Shanil Samarakoon, and Paul Munro. “Energy economics as an energy justice dilemma: Case studies of normative trade-offs in Malawi, Mexico, and Germany.” Theme 4 Energy and other markets 21. Nikki Kantelis, Bradley T. Ewing. “Oil spot and futures prices.” 22. Perry Sadorsky. “Oil and stock prices.” 23. Nicholas Apergis. “The role of oil price volatility in the real and financial economy: a survey review.” 24. Alper Gormus. “Energy mutual funds.” 25. Syed Basher. “Oil prices and other energy commodities” 26. Şaban Nazlıoğlu. “Oil and agricultural commodity prices” 27. Farooq Malik. “Oil prices and exchange rates.” 28. Jozef Baruník and Evzen Kočenda. “Asymmetric and frequency connectedness on oil and forex markets.”


Daniela Velte and Guillermo Gil. “Smart Grids.”

Theme 6 Energy Modelling 30. Ken’ichi Matsumoto and Shinichiro Fujimori. “CGE models in energy economics.” 31. Deepak Sharma, Suwin Sandu, Muyi Yang. “A methodological framework for assessing macroeconomic impacts of energy security improvements” 32. Bora Kat. “Top-down and bottom-up models.” 33. Ulrike Lehr and Christian Lutz. “Macro-econometric and structural models.” 34. Tian Goh and B.W. Ang. “Index decomposition analysis: Models and applications.” 35. Rafal Weron and Florian Ziel. “Electricity price forecasting.” 36. Alessandro Sciullo, Elena Vallino, Martina Iori, and Magda Fontana. “Paths and processes in complex electricity markets: the agent-based perspective.” 37. Ozlem Ozdemir. “Behavioral Economics and Energy Market.” 38. Erik Laes. “The use of scenarios in energy policy.” 39. Laurence Stamford, Burcin Atilgan, Jasmin Cooper and Adisa Azapagic. “Multi-criteria decision analysis for energy policy.”