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Normal Physiology Departmcnt, State Medical Univcrsity, Odessa, t.:baine. 3) Department of Biophysics, lnformatics and Mcdical. Dcvk \lcdical University ...

1 rt9 nь roЫast gro,vth factor (bFGF) imn1unoreactivity in tbe ll:'1�801pus of genetic absencc epilepsy rats froin Strasbourg unohistocbemical study ER S): imm G 1а,р : з n. Е. Saiik, S. Servanci, S. Cetinel, Z. Goren, F. Onat, Т. San. rc f. Univcrsity, School of Mcdicine, Depamnent of Histoiogy \IJl11. .,.,.i f .11t,ryo\ogy, lstanbu\, Turkcy.


fibroЫast growth factor (ЬFGF) p\ays an important r,,r.·· il1taasic stimulation of mitogcncsis in glial cclls, thc support of �; ,n 1 " urunal survival and the promotion of outgrowth of neurites in vitro. investigated in was bFGF of distribution the study ent pres ht �i ;n ciic absencc epilcpsy rats from Strasbourg (GAERS) and control ::;�od bFGF was visualised immunohistochemical\y Ьу using �\onal bFGF antibody in thc dorsal hippocampus of GAERS and • con1 r,,I animais. bFGF immunoreactive (ЬFGF-ir) astrocytes werc Jtsu, 1ar1cr,•, 1Jus\y distributcd in the dorsal hippocampus and there were cqjonal ditTcrences whcn compared with controls. bFGF-ir astrocytes •"CR mos1\y distributed in the dentatc gyrus, subiculum and СА\ .Ьlietds except САЗ subfie\d in GAERS. bFGF immunoreactivity in of СА2 subficld was dccreased and lighter in different dorsal llip pocampal scctions whcn compared wi1h controls. Co«lusion: The finding of difference in bFGF-ir се\\ density in the donal hippocampus of GAERS is thought to Ьс the result of thc ddcrior.1ti:d rolc of astrocytcs in the axonal and dendritic cxtensions controi of synaptic rcgions in GAERS. 111С1 in


,1,. "'role of тokines ln absence epilepsy 1 G. Luijtelaar , S. Vychrestyuk', G. VerЬeek , R. Vastyanov', А. Sllandra1, А. Coenen 1. L. Godlcvsky'. 1) NICI-Biologica\ Psychology, Nijmcgcn, The Nether\ands. 2) Normal Physiology Departmcnt, State Medical Univcrsity, Odessa, t.:baine. 3) Department of Biophysics, lnformatics and Mcdical Dcvk \lcdical University, Odessa, Ukraine. Р,,,ро.. lt has Ьсеп shown that cytokines are invo\ved in various typcs of cxpcrimentally induced epi\cpsy (Vezzani et а\., 2000; Shandra et а\., 1002). In two experiments the role of two cytokincs, IL-1beta and Т,1/F-al pha, werc investigated in а genetic modcl of abscnce epilepsy. Lcve\s of Ьoth cytokincs were measured in brain and plasma of WAG/Rij and non-epileptic contro\ rals (ACI) al 2, 4 and 6 -ths in order to esiaЬ\ish whe1her 1hese cytokines are involved in 111с 11' ' "Jenesis of absence epilepsy (Ехр 1 ). /1 was lhen inves1igated wЬс11 �ytokines may influence the expression of S WD in WACi 1(1j's (Ехр 2). JinltoJ: Naive rats werc ki\led with an overdose of barbitura1es, the bloocl. was collected and the brains were quickly removed. Levels of �ncs werc detennined witb ELISA me1hods (Ехр \ ). 2 Мicroaram of lL-\Ьeta and ТNF-a\pha were i.p. adminislered and 1he EEG was rccorded for 72 hrs in freely moving 6 months old male WAG/Rij rars. Control rats reccived bovine. The hourly number of •�-\\'3\'С discharges was delermined. and behaviour and body lallf' ore werc periodically moni1ored �ЕА

, �,� . fhere were no large differences Ьcrween lhe 1wo slrains al of lho: •ас �s (Ехр \). IL-1 Ьсса induced а large increase in 1he of_SWD in the 2-S hours_after its administra1ion. ТNF-alpha dl'cct1ve .6-18 hou� after 1ts administration. B01h cytokines JIISSive Ьehav1our, whi\e Ьоdу temperature was elevated lflcr ТNF-alp ha. tи/1111: lt seems tha1 lhese cytokines arc not invo\ved in 1he --'llel1s of aЬsenc:e epilepsy. However. increased \evels of Ьо1h :11Тес1 lhe expression of SWD in WAG/Rij rats albeit wi1h а mе cons1an1. Тhis may sugges1 that the resu\ts found after :. ь are due to lhe new synthesis IL-1 Ьс�а. /f lhis is the case lhat only IL-1 Ье1а affecrs the expression of SWD.



Amygdвloid kindling sefzures \о rats with genetic absence epilepsy F. Onat. Е. Eskazan, R. Aker, G. Oncr. Dcpanment of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmaco\ogy. lstanbul, Turkey. Purpose: The existence of absence epilepsy and temporal partiaf

seizure pattem in the same palient is an uncommon state. ln the present study, we aimed to investigate the process of kindling in rats with genetic absence epilepsy. . Method: Non-epileptic control Wis1ar rats and genet1c absence epileptic rats from Strasbourg (GAERS) were used in the experime�ts. One week before the experiments, bilateral stimu\ataon and recordmg electrodes were implanted stercotaxically inlo the baso\a1eral amygda\a and cortex, respectively. Aлima\s were stimulated at the1r after-discharge threshold curтent rwice daily for the '• process of kindling and accepled as fully kindled after the occurт�ce of five Grade 5 seizures. Bi\ateral EEGs from amygdala and c\)r1ex were rccorded continuously during 20 minu1es Ьefore and 40 minu1es after each stimulus. Resu/1s: А\\ conlrol Wistar rats became fully kindled after l 21h-l 5th stimulus. A\1hough the maximum number of stimulations (30). had becn applied. GAERS remained at stage 2 and no motor seizures wer� observed. The aftcr-discharge duration in bila1eral amygdala and the · cortex after the kindling stimulus was shoner in GAERS when compared 10 control ralS. Conclusion: Occurтence of only Grade 2 seizures and no observation of Grade 3-5 seizures in GAERS with lhe maximum amount of stimula1ion would suggest tl1at the generalised absence seizures may Ье the reason of 1he resistance in the secondary genera\isation of limbic seizures during amygda\a kindling. Our findings support the evidence for tha\amic involvemenl in limbic epi\epsy. Р200 The spontaneous S\VD aod generation of SWD-fike waves induced Ьу PTZ in \VAG/Rij rats with genetically determined absences К. Abbasova 1 . R.K. Berdiev'. N.E. Chepumova 1 , S.A. Chepumov 1 , E.L.J.M. van Luij1elaar'. 1) Moscow S1a1e University, Moscow. Russia. 2) Nijmegen, NIC/, The Netherlands. P11rpose: The fundamental mechanisms of SWD generation was

studied in accordan�e w_i1h the theory _of G. Kostopoulos [ \ 999, 2000), ,v11h SW_D developmg 1n the same circui1, ,vhich normal\y generates sleep sp1ndles. А model of PTZ induced generalisation in cortex ac1ivity ,vas used. Me1!1od: _wAG/Rij ra1s were inves1iga1ed. Before surgery rats were anaes1he11sed Ьу phenobarbita\ ("Somnorol", Cambridge) in dose 47 mg/kg. Monopolar elec1rode i�sens into lhe cortex. During the firsl hour lhe base leve\ of EEG ac11v1ty was registered. After 1hat the PTZ (20 mg/kg) was admш1s1ered 1.Р. EEG ac1ivity ,vas recorded for 3 h. Thc durat1on and number of SWD ,vere calcu\aled · Softwear program "CONAN" was used. Res11/ts: The significan . 1 differences bel\veen SWD spon1aneous, · de1em11ned Ьу gene11c corticothalamic mechanisms, and synchronised SWD. 1nduced PTZ were demonшa1ed· PTZ · 1nd ucc d waves · . с harac1eпsed the trequency 4-6/sec, sponlaneous SWD - 7-9/sec· EEG . absences fi1s v,ere controlled also Ьу behavюur · о Ьserva11on Меап d fo 1 s1 hour of PTZ ac1ion demonslrated lhe increasing nua:.iber of р��-on�uced SWD. bu1 not spon1aneous SWD. The numbe r of sponlaneous absences ,vas no1 significan1ly differen1 form lhe. cont го1 or from base dala before PTZ During 2nd hours I here was а · . cons · dera Ые increa · se '" lhe number of spontaneous SWD, � bul lhe er of P z шduced discharge decreased. During 1he 3rd hour ;�� ; induce d1scharges decreased and spon1a neous SWD also decreased bu1 not lower than the base leve\ Thе same с h anges were observed for lhe dura1ion of both type S WD;. Co11 clo1S1on: PTZ adminis1ration . . in WAG/R"IJ ra1s slrain st1mulated the increase of spon1aneous SWD.

Epilep.,ia. Vn/ 41. Suppl. IJ. 100!