RTP Rulebook 0.9b 20140513 Optimised.pdf - Google Drive

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Place the deck face down to form the PRISM. Deck. To the left of the PRISM deck is where players discard used PRISM card
" Version 0.9a"

" OBJECTIVE! The object of the game is to be the player with the most influence by building and expanding their Power Grid. The game ends when a player has powered eight (8) or more Districts, or when there are no cards left in the Contract Deck."


GAME SETUP! The setup is split into two distinct areas: Central Area and Player Area. The Central Area consists of The Exchange, Contract Deck, Contract Track, PRISM Deck and Corporate Agendas. A Player Area consists of a Power Grid and a hand of PRISM cards."








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CENTRAL AREA! [1] PRISM DECK Take the 54 PRISM cards and shuffle them. Place the deck face down to form the PRISM Deck. To the left of the PRISM deck is where players discard used PRISM cards."

[2] CONTRACT DECK & TRACK Take the 45 District Contract cards and shuffle them. Place the deck, inactive side up to form a Contract Deck. Deal four (4) cards, keeping the inactive side up, to form the Contract Track. To the left of the Contract deck is where players discard used Contract cards."

[3] EXCHANGE TRACK Place the “The Exchange” marker card somewhere in the Central Area. This forms the Exchange Track."

[4] AGENDA Take the four (4) Corporate Agenda cards and deal them face up in the Central Area. They should be accessible by all players. Players are free to look at the Agenda cards at any time."


PLAYER AREA! [5] PLANT CAPACITY Deal two (2) PRISM cards from the PRISM Deck to each player face down to form a player’s hand of PRISM cards."

[6] POWER GRID Hand each player a Power Plant card so they can place it in their Player Area to form their starting Power Grid.



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" PRISM is a new source of energy and is used for everything from residential buildings to space travel."

" PRISM is central to the game as all Districts require PRISM before they can be activated (see, “Power A District”). "

" Each PRISM card has two (2) main components: Value and Colour." " PRISM value ranges from one (1) to six (6). " "

The colour corresponds to the three (3) different refinement qualities. Different Districts require the use of different coloured PRISM depending on their sector (see, “Districts Explained”)."




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A Power Plant has three (3) attributes that reflect the plant’s capabilities. A Power Plant has four (4) yellow Grid Connections, which is where the first District Contracts are attached.

DRAW POWER Draw Power represents the number of PRISM cards drawn when using the Draw Action (see, “Turn Phases”). The power is boosted by one (1) for each District Bonus icon on activated Districts.

PLANT CAPACITY Plant Capacity is the total number of PRISM cards you can hold in your hand at the end of your turn (See, “Cleanup Phase”).

GRID CONNECTIONS Grid Connections is the total number of active Districts that can be connected to your Grid at any given time. District Contracts cannot be powered unless the total available Grid Connections is greater than the number of active Districts on your Grid (See, “Power A District”).


Note – Inactive Districts do not count towards your limit."

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Permanent Bonus




Influence Points


Grid Connection


Exchange Ability

" "







[A] SECTOR There are three (3) sectors in Rise To Power. Residential, Offshore, and Outer Space. Each one is represented by a colour (green, blue or orange) and the PRISM required to power the District reflects the sector colour."

[B] DISTRICT There are nine (9) different Districts, three (3) for each Sector. Each District offers a slightly different Exchange Ability and District Bonuses.

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[C] GRID CONNECTION Each District has four (4) Grid Connection icons. Each is half a hexagon and matches the Sector colour.

[D] PERMANENT BONUS Every District Bonus icon you have displayed on an active district adds one (1) to your Power Plant’s base value. Note that only the top most card of upgraded Districts count towards this total (See, “Upgrading Districts”).

[E] INFLUENCE POINTS This is the number of Influence Points the district contributes to the players end of game score. At the end of the game, players tally Influence Points and the player with the most Influence is declared the winner.

[F] EXCHANGE ABILITY Rather than powering a district, it can instead be placed on the Exchange, triggering the Exchange Ability (see, “Execute An Exchange Ability”).

[G] PRISM COST All districts start out as a contract and are considered inactive. Before they can be activated (flipped over), the PRISM cost must be paid (see, “Powering A District”).



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CORPORATE AGENDAS! Corporate Agendas are placed in the Centre Area (see, “Game Setup”) and can be claimed at any time by a player when they meet the stated requirement. "

" Once they have been claimed they are no longer available to other players." "

Each Corporate Agenda card also has an influence point reward. This is added to the players score at the end of the game. "


Note – Corporate Agendas do not require an action point to claim. "

" Note – Corporate Agendas be taken as soon as the requirement is met, even during another players turn."

" Note – If more than one player meets the requirement at the same time, the priority goes to the player currently taking their turn."

" PLAYING THE GAME! First Player Before the game begins, determine which player will go first. We recommend cutting the PRISM deck to reveal a card. The player who reveals the highest value goes first. In the case of a tie, those players should cut the deck again until a clear winner is determined."

Turn Sequence The game consists of a sequence of turns performed by each player proceeding clockwise, starting from the first player."

Turn Phases A Player’s turn is broken up into three (3) phases: Acquisition, Action and Cleanup.



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ACQUISITION PHASE! At the start of the turn, a player must draw two (2) District Contracts from the Contract Track. These are immediately placed on the players grid as Contracts."


Contracts must be connected either directly to the player’s Power Plant or to an already activated District (see, “Power A District”)."


If the player cannot place any new contracts on their grid, the Acquisition phase ends immediately."


Note – The Contract Track is not refilled until the Cleanup phase."

" ACTION PHASE! During the Action phase, a player has two (2) action points to spend on the six (6) available actions. Every action requires one (1) action point to perform."

" The available actions are:" " Power a District" Upgrade a District" Draw PRISM

Challenge a Contract" Take a District from The Exchange" Execute an Exchange Ability

[1] POWER A DISTRICT Before powering a district, ensure your grid has available capacity. If your capacity is greater than the number of powered districts on your power grid, then you are able to power a district."


To power a district, pay the activation cost by discarding PRISM cards of the same symbol and colour, equal to or greater than the value signified by the District Contract’s PRISM cost. Then place the discarded PRISM cards into the discard pile."


Once payment is made, flip the District card to its powered side. You will now gain the District Bonus of that district."


Should you pay the exact PRISM cost required, gain one (1) Action Point.



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" Note – You must have the action point available to perform an action, even if that action results in an additional Action Point."

" Note – Should your Grid not have available capacity, but the district being powered provides a Grid Capacity modifier, then the district can be powered."

" [2] UPGRADE A DISTRICT Upgrading a District involves paying an inactive District’s PRISM cost, powering it, then placing it on top of an already powered district of the same name."


Note – Only a District of lesser influence can be used as an upgrade."

" Example – You have an powered “Seaport” with 4 Influence and no upgrades. You have an inactive “Seaport” with two 2 Influence you wish to use as an upgrade. You pay the PRISM cost, power it and place the District on top of the powered one."

[3] DRAW PRISM Draw PRISM by taking cards from the facedown PRISM deck equal to your Draw Power. "


Note – You can exceed your Plant Capacity and are only required to discard PRISM during the cleanup phase."

" [4] CHALLENGE A CONTRACT Challenging a contract allows you to take a rival company’s contract from their grid, powering and placing it on your own grid as either a new District or an upgrade for an existing District."


To challenge a rival company’s contract, first ensure you have an available Grid Connection on your grid then indicate which contract you are intending on challenging. You must then immediately reveal the PRISM cards required to power the contract."

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The defending player may respond by revealing the PRISM cost of the Contract and immediately powering it, either placing it as a new District or upgrading and existing District. In this instance, the challenge is deemed unsuccessful. The player who issued the challenge returns the revealed PRISM cards back to their hand."


If the defending player cannot pay the required PRISM or they do not have enough Grid Connections available to power the District, the contract is forfeited to the challenging player. In this instance, the Challenge is deemed successful. The player who issued the challenge then discards the revealed PRISM cards to the PRISM discard pile."


Note – Winning a challenge and powering a rival company’s contract by paying the exact amount of PRISM does not gain you an action point."

" Note – The defending player may choose not to defend their Contract even if they have enough resources to do so."

" [5] TAKE A DISTRICT FROM AN EXCHANGE Check you have enough Grid Capacity. Then remove the desired District from “The Exchange” and connect it to your Power Grid. Normal rules for connecting a district to your Power Grid apply."


Note – There is no PRISM cost associated with taking a district from “The Exchange.” " "

[6] EXECUTE AN EXCHANGE ABILITY Place an inactive District from your power grid to “The Exchange,” then trigger the District’s Exchange Ability; this must be played immediately. All Districts placed on “The Exchange” become powered during the cleanup phase."


Note – You do not need to pay the PRISM cost of a contract when you take this action."

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CLEANUP PHASE! This is the final phase before a player’s turn ends and the following steps must be followed:"


1. Refill Contracts Track from the Contracts Deck." 2. Power any Contracts that were placed on the exchange by flipping them over." 3. Discard PRISM from your hand until you reach your Plant Capacity."


WINNING THE GAME! The objective is to be the player with the most Influence when the game ends."


The last round is triggered when a player has eight (8) Active Districts at the end of their turn, or the Contracts Deck has been depleted. When either of these conditions occur, all other players get one last turn and then the game ends."


Each player tallies up all the Influence Points from each Active District along with any upgrades. In addition, for each upgrade on top of a District, earn an extra (1) Influence Point."

" Add any completed agendas you have claimed to your total." "

That’s all there is to it. The player with the highest influence is then declared the winner!



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