Page 1 of 1. Book Trailer. Grading Rubric. Teacher: Ms Edington. Student Name. 1. Approximately 1 minute of video (10pts
Book Trailer Grading Rubric Teacher: Ms Edington Student Name _________________________________ 1. Approximately 1 minute of video (10pts)
2. Include at least 10 images that create an atmosphere or tone that matches the book. (10 pts)
3. Editing includes at least 3 video effects/transitions. (10pts)
4. Video includes credits to include: Website where music was created (5pts) Website where each image was acquired(5pts) The Book Title (5pts) The author name (5pts) The books’ publishing company(5pts)
5. Written content Content is presented in the proper sequence (5pts) All words are correctly capitalized and spelled correctly (10pts)
6. Presentation interest level: Grabs the attention of the view with suspense, humor or intrigue from the beginning (5pts)
Total Score for Book Trailer out of 75
Bonus points Original Art work for title made with Canva or other image/graphic app. (5+)