ruffino's steak burger kickin' chicken burger bison burger prime rib ...

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Ruffino's special blend of brisket, short ribs and tenderloin, caramelized onions, bacon jam, baby spring mix, heirloom
RUFFINO’S STEAK BURGER R u ffin o’s spec ial blen d o f b risket, sho rt rib s and tend erlo in, caramelized on ion s, baco n jam , b aby sp ring m ix, heirlo o m tomato, t r uf f le aio li o n an o nio n b un

KICKIN’ CHICKEN BURGER G rou n d c h ic ken t h ig hs, ho use-mad e p ickles, f ried q uail egg, smoked G ou da, Asian mayo, b aby sp ring m ix, h eir loom to m ato o n a b rio che b un

BISON BURGER Bison bu rger, sli ced p o rk b elly, fo ie g ras b utter, G r u yère c h eese, baby sp ring m ix, ho use-m ad e p ickles, h eir loom tom ato o n a sesam e seed b un

PRIME RIB BURGER Creekston e pr im e rib eye, ho rserad ish cream, au ju s, G r u yère cheese o n a b rio che b un