Propulsion, Power, and Communications for Space, Sea, and Air. RUSTLER:
Architecture and Technologies for Low-Cost Remediation of the LEO Large
Debris ...
Architecture and Technologies for Low-Cost Remediation of the LEO Large Debris Population
Rob Hoyt Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
[email protected]
Propulsion, Power, and Communications for Space, Sea, and Air
Orbital Debris RemediaKon Technical Challenges
!"!#"$% &'()*)!"+ Advanced Propulsion, Power, & Comm. for Space, Sea, & Air
Large total ∆V’s required to rendezvous with many objects in different orbits Capturing or a?aching disposal devices to orbital debris will require capability to acquire and manipulate objects that may lack convenient, safe grappling features and may be tumbling Significant ∆V required to de-‐orbit each object Controlled, targeted de-‐orbit needed for large objects that would survive re-‐entry Maximizing cost benefit requires leveraging small, low-‐ cost system to remove many objects with large total mass
Electrodynamic Tether Propulsion
!"!#"$% &'()*)!"+ Advanced Propulsion, Power, & Comm. for Space, Sea, & Air
Generates thrust through interacKons with Earth’s magneKc field and conducKng plasma Provides high thrust (100-‐1000 mN/W @ 600 W) AND very high Specific Impulse (