Rutland City Council - Rutland, ND

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Feb 6, 2017 - 12215 City of Fargo. 14.00. Water samples. 12216 Deborah Banish. 577.19. January. 12217 Dickey Rural Netwo
Rutland City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 6, 2017 Rutland Town Hall The February 6, 2017 meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Ronald Narum with Council Members Erickson, Lysne, Mahrer and Siemieniewski present. City Auditor Banish was also present along with members of the public. Minutes: Erickson/Siemieniewski moved approval of the January 9, 2017 minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Diane Smith informed the Council that the Rutland Community Club has approved funding to install LED lighting for the Hall stage subject to Council approval. New LED lighting is estimated with a 25-year life and would result in reduced electrical costs. Lysne/Mahrer approved the request to install new LED lighting in the Hall stage area paid by the Rutland Community Club. Motion carried unanimously. Gaming Permit: Siemieniewski/Erickson moved approval of Gaming Permit #218 to the RutlandCayuga Rural Fire Department for a raffle at the Sportsman’s Club Fish Fry on March 3, 2017. Motion carried unanimously. City Equipment: Mayor Narum said the City has some old equipment such as the street sweeper and sander truck which are no longer used. Erickson said Bladow would buy the old Street sweeper for $500.00. Erickson/Mahrer moved that the City sell/scrap the street sweeper to Bladow for $500.00 and sell the old pickup, without the sander box. Motion carried unanimously. City of Rutland 2016 Financial Report: The City Auditor presented the City of Rutland Financial Statement for the year-ended December 31, 2016:


CITY OF RUTLAND FINANCIAL STATEMENT YEAR ENDING 2016 Beg. Fund Ending Balance Revenues Expenses Transfer Balance $26,095.30 $63,298.52 $71,059.33 $5,401.41 $23,735.90 $2,675.37 $910.47 $28,169.26 $17,324.72 $655.86 $118,389.76 $19,223.59

$26.65 $462.39 $28,374.08 $6,748.72 $20,828.85 $18,549.13 $17,657.94

$398.19 $0.00 $28,237.04 $3,696.25 $22,026.07 $11,977.50 $17,483.75







($1,000.00) $1,000.00


$2,303.83 $1,372.86 $28,306.30 $20,377.19 $458.64 $124,961.39 $19,397.78 $23,547.86 $244,461.75

Rutland City Council

February 6, 2017

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I, Deborah Banish, Auditor for the City of Rutland, Sargent County, North Dakota, do hereby certify that the above statement is true, complete and correct as shown by the Auditor's books and that the same is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Security Camera: Erickson said he will be getting security cameras to be installed on the Hall exterior. Water Rate Review: The City Auditor reported that she will be working with representatives from the North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association (NDRWSA) to have a detailed review of the City’s water, sewer and garbage rates. The City has not had an external review of the rates for over ten years and a review will help determine needed rates to keep the City is a good financial situation and to help plan for future infrastructure needs. The goal is to have the review completed for the April or May meeting so that new rates, if any, can be implemented in June or July at the latest. Financials: The City Auditor presented the January 2017 financials. Erickson/Siemieniewski moved approval of the Financial Reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Bills: Lysne/Siemieniewski moved approval of the payment of bills: Check ACH 12212 12213 12214 12215 12216 12217 12218 12219 12220 12221 12222 12223 12224 12225 12226 12227 12228 12229

General Checking Waste Management Shawna Bergh Jim Brown Butler Machinery City of Fargo Deborah Banish Dickey Rural Network Nardini Fire Equipment Ronald Narum ND Dept of Health Nelson Home Center Otter Tail Power Roger Pearson Rutland Township Sargent County Auditor SE Water Users Waste Management WSI Jacobson Plumbing & Heating

Amount $1,592.29 160.00 127.50 64.46 14.00 577.19 133.96 350.00 696.67 51.79 47.48 853.43 36.94 111.73 749.75 653.10 75.93 250.00 5133.48

Purpose Contract garbage Hall cleaning Snow removal Shop supplies Water samples January Telephone & Internet Hall monitoring January contract labor Lagoon discharge testing Supplies Electricity January Joint shop expense Assessment Book Water Hall garbage Workers comp insurance Road drainage & Hall furnace repair

Motion carried unanimously. Delinquents: There are seven delinquents; balances to be paid by February 15, 2017. Auditor’s Report: The month of January was dedicated to preparing and filing all the required year-end reports including issuing W-2s and 1099 forms to employees and vendors and submitting them to the Social Security and IRS offices. Other forms completed in January included the 4th quarter 941 report. The State Audit Report for the City of Rutland was completed and will be submitted to the State as required. Work was started on the Park Board State Report which is due June 1; the City Auditor is, by Ordinance, the ex-officio treasurer of the Park Board.

Rutland City Council

February 6, 2017

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Monthly Building Permits Issued reports and online monthly reports to the US Department of Labor and the ND Job Service were submitted. Mayor Report: Mayor Narum reported that he will be out of town February 14th – 20th and Council Member Mahrer has agreed to handle any needed snow plowing during that time. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 6, 2017.

/signed/Ronald Narum, Mayor /signed/ Deborah Banish, Rutland City Auditor