RWE Supply List.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 1. Mrs. Stallard's 1st Grade Supply List. Wish List Items. 4 boxes. Crayola. crayons. 1 binder (3. ring / 1 in
Mrs. Stallard’s 1st Grade Supply List

4 boxes Crayola crayons

1 clipboard

1 binder (3 ring / 1 inch / with clear pocket cover

1 box of tissues

glue sticks (4 or more)

1 Composition notebook

box/pack of pencils

BOYS snack size GIRLS sandwich size

 

Wish List Items

Expo Markers

Lysol Wipes

Large Bag of Hershey Kisses

Paper plates, cups & forks for recipe days.

Watercolor Paints

Eraser End Caps

Large Bag of Skittles

Colored Printer Paper (any colors)

*We sit at tables in our class – encouraging a community of learners that work together. Many supply items will be shared with other tablemates.