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Social Media Digest March 2017

LinkedIn: To Share or Not to Share? LinkedIn is a great network for expanding your business relationships with potential clients, peers and vendors. The most important thing to remember is that it is entirely different from Twitter or Facebook. Here are a few recommendations for the type of content to share or not share on LinkedIn.



Real estate industry news. Any real estate information that would be valuable to potential buyers and sellers is great content. Topics like: market updates, how to navigate the home buying or selling process and real estate news.

Political views. This business social media network is not the proper channel to share political ideology or articles.

Publish LinkedIn blogs. LinkedIn has a long-form blog publishing platform which can be accessed by clicking ‘Write an Article’. It is a great place to reuse blogs or articles you may have already written, or write original content. Once published, your connections will be notified automatically of your new blog post. Your accomplishments or events. Share a photo and a blurb showing business-related community events or accomplishments.

Silly photos or memes that aren’t business related. Save those photos or memes for Twitter or Facebook. Spam. It is recommended to not blatantly sell on LinkedIn. That means refraining from sharing all your listings or push very strong sales messaging. It is considered improper LinkedIn etiquette.

DID YOU KNOW? According to a 2016 LinkedIn study, your profile is 21 times more likely to be viewed if you have a professional profile photo. *Source: LinkedIn

Outrageous Social Media Stats for 2017 The growth of social media isn’t slowing down. Here are some mind-blowing statistics for 2017 about the most popular channels.



YouTube on mobile alone reaches more 18–49 year olds than any cable network in the U.S.1

79% of American internet users are on Facebook.3



32% of teenagers think Instagram is the most important social network.3

Each day Snapchat reaches 41% of U.S. 18 to 34-year-olds.2


81% of millennials check Twitter at least once a day.3

Sources: 1YouTube; 2Snapchat; comScore; 3PewResearchCenter

DID YOU KNOW? Pizza is the most hashtagged food on Instagram.4 Source: 4Instagram

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