Jain, V. et al; Estimated Costs for Delivery of HIV Antiretroviral Therapy to .... $351. $1,308. $26. Vehicle - Maintenance. 1. $30. $30. $2. 1. $30. $30. $1. 1. $30.
S1 Dataset. Master dataset underlying microcosting calculations. Jain, V. et al; Estimated Costs for Delivery of HIV Antiretroviral Therapy to Individuals with CD4+ T-Cell Counts >350 cells/uL in Rural Uganda; PLOS ONE Observed EARLI ART Delivery Cost
Item Direct Services Personnel Doctor Nurse Pharm technician Lab technician Home visitor ARV Medications Efavirenz + Truvada Aluvia + Truvada Laboratory Tests Lab-Male Lab- Female Lab supplies Administrative/Other Costs Offsite admin General supplies Vehicle - Maintenance Vehicle - Fuel Utilities Rent - Clinic (incl. security) Storage at MJAP Vehicle Equipment TOTAL COST PPY Abbreviations: ART: antiretroviral therapy ARV: antiretroviral (medication) MJAP: Makerere Joint AIDS Program MOH: Ministry of Health FTE: full time equivalent USD: United States dollar Mo.: month Pt.-mo.: patient-month PPY: per person per year
Units Unit cost FTE USD/mo. 1.00 $2,455 1.00 $784 1.00 $674 1.00 $674 1.00 $487 # pt.-mo. USD/mo. 154 12.94 8 54.74 # pt.-mo. USD/mo. 58 $25 103 $26 1.00 $268 USD/mo. 1.00 $479 1.00 $351 1 $30 1 $125 1 $130 1 $160 1 $25 1 $14 1 $16
Monthly cost $2,455 $784 $674 $674 $487 1,987 442 $1,482 $2,713 $268 $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Steady-State EARLI ART Delivery Cost
Yearly cost per patient Units $377 FTE $182 1.00 $58 1.00 $50 1.00 $50 1.00 $36 1.00 $180.36 # pt.-mo. $147.52 234 $32.84 12 $331 # pt.-mo. $110 89 $201 157 $20 1.00 $99 $36 1.00 $26 1.00 $2 1 $9 1 $10 1 $12 1 $2 1 $1 1 $1 1 $987.08
Unit cost USD/mo. $2,455 $784 $674 $674 $487 USD/mo. 12.94 54.74 USD/mo. $10 $10 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $2,455 $784 $674 $674 $487 3,024 673 $871 $1,627 $268 $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Scenario A: Observed cost with MJAP salary scales & standard laboratory monitoring
Yearly cost per patient Units $248 FTE $120 1.00 $38 1.00 $33 1.00 $33 1.00 $24 1.00 $180.36 # pt.-mo. $147.52 246 $32.84 0 $135 # pt.-mo. $42 89 $79 157 $13 1.52 $65 $23 1.00 $17 1.52 $1 1 $6 1 $6 1 $8 1 $1 1 $1 1 $1 1 $627.74
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 USD/mo. $13 $55 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 $3,183 $0 $816 $1,439 $408 $479 $535 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Scenario B: Scenario A with lowest ARV prices
Yearly cost per patient Units $170 FTE $53 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $155 # pt.-mo. $155 246 $0 0 $130 # pt.-mo. $40 89 $70 157 $20 1.52 $74 $23 1.00 $26 1.52 $1 1 $6 1 $6 1 $8 1 $1 1 $1 1 $1 1 $529.37
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 USD/mo. $9 $25 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 $2,167 $0 $816 $1,439 $408 $479 $535 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Scenario C: Scenario B with MOH salary scales
Yearly cost per patient Units $170 FTE $53 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $29 1.00 $106 # pt.-mo. $106 246 $0 0 $130 # pt.-mo. $40 89 $70 157 $20 1.52 $74 $23 1.00 $26 1.52 $1 1 $6 1 $6 1 $8 1 $1 1 $1 1 $1 1 $479.81
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 USD/mo. $9 $25 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 $2,167 $0 $816 $1,439 $408 $479 $535 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Scenario D: Scenario C with increased efficiency due Scenario E: Scenario D with increased efficiency due to full use of workday to full use of 8-hour workday
Yearly cost per patient Units $96 FTE $49 1.00 $12 1.00 $12 1.00 $12 1.00 $12 1.00 $106 # pt.-mo. $106 488 $0 0 $130 # pt.-mo. $40 176 $70 312 $20 3.02 $74 $23 1.00 $26 3.02 $1 1 $6 1 $6 1 $8 1 $1 1 $1 1 $1 1 $405.28
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 USD/mo. $9 $25 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 $4,299 $0 $1,613 $2,860 $810 $479 $1,061 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Yearly cost per patient Units $48 FTE $25 1.00 $6 1.00 $6 1.00 $6 1.00 $6 1.00 $106 # pt.-mo. $106 602 $0 0 $130 # pt.-mo. $40 217 $70 385 $20 3.72 $50 $12 1.00 $26 3.72 $1 1 $3 1 $3 1 $4 1 $1 1 $0 1 $0 1 $334.09
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 USD/mo. $9 $25 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,000 $241 $241 $241 $241 $5,304 $0 $1,989 $3,529 $999 $479 $1,308 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Scenario F: Scenario E with MJAP salary level
Yearly cost per patient Units $39 FTE $20 1.00 $5 1.00 $5 1.00 $5 1.00 $5 1.00 $106 # pt.-mo. $106 602 $0 0 $130 # pt.-mo. $40 217 $70 385 $20 3.72 $46 $10 1.00 $26 3.72 $1 1 $2 1 $3 1 $3 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 $320.38
Unit cost USD/mo. $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 USD/mo. $9 $25 USD/mo. $9 $9 $268 USD/mo. $479 $351 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Monthly cost $1,083 $602 $602 $602 $602 $5,304 $0 $1,989 $3,529 $999 $479 $1,308 $30 $125 $130 $160 $25 $14 $16
Yearly cost per patient $70 $22 $12 $12 $12 $12 $106 $106 $0 $130 $40 $70 $20 $46 $10 $26 $1 $2 $3 $3 $0 $0 $0 $350.84