Control vs Dunaliella. 1.000. (0.084 â 11.932). 1.000. Control vs Skeletonema. 7.857. (0.865 â 71.385). 0.119. Control vs Chaetoceros. 1.923. (0.197 â 18.812).
S1 Table. Odds ratios and confidence intervals of pairwise comparisons between treatments for each spawning experiment. FSW = 0.2-µm filtered seawater; LS-FSW = low salinity filtered seawater; NE-FSW = nutrientenriched filtered seawater; PP = combination of three phytoplankton species. SOURCE (a) TEMPERATURE Male 28°C vs 28°Cà30°C 28°C vs 26°Cà30°C 28°Cà30°C vs 26°Cà30°C Female 28°C vs 28°Cà30°C 28°C vs 26°Cà30°C 28°Cà30°C vs 26°Cà30°C (b) WATER QUALITY Male FSW vs LS-FSW FSW vs NE-FSW LS-FSW vs NE-FSW Female FSW vs LS-FSW FSW vs NE-FSW LS-FSW vs NE-FSW (c) PHYTOPLANKTON Male Control vs Dunaliella Control vs Skeletonema Control vs Chaetoceros Dunaliella vs Skeletonema Dunaliella vs Chaetoceros Skeletonema vs Chaetoceros Female Control vs Dunaliella Control vs Skeletonema Control vs Chaetoceros Dunaliellal vs Skeletonema Dunaliella vs Chaetoceros Skeletonema vs Chaetoceros (d) GAMETE Male Control vs Sperm Control vs Egg Sperm vs Egg Female
Control vs Sperm Control vs Egg Sperm vs Egg (e) SPERM and PP Male Control vs Sperm Control vs Sperm + PP Sperm vs Sperm + PP Female Control vs Sperm Control vs Sperm + PP Sperm vs Sperm + PP