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Apr 23, 2008 - of SAE International members and Indy Racing League technical officials. ..... Aerospace Engineering &


The Louis Schwitzer Award for engineering innovation and excellence at the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race recognizes individuals with the courage and conviction to explore and develop new concepts in motorsports technology. This prestigious award has been presented annually since 1967 by the Indiana Section of SAE International in honor of early racing pioneer and past Indiana Section Chairman Louis Schwitzer. The award winner is selected by a committee consisting of Indiana Section of SAE International members and Indy Racing League technical officials. Award sponsor Borg Warner Inc. provides a $10,000 cash prize to the winner. SAE International also provides a $1,000 scholarship to the engineering school of the winner's choice, and doubles the scholarship amount if the winner was a past Formula SAE® participant. In addition, the winner's name is added to a permanent trophy on display at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum.

The Dephi engineering team of Tim Kronenberg, Bruce Natvig, Erskine Carter, Andy Inmon and Glen Gray receive the 41st annual Louis Schwitzer Award from Jim Bailey for developing the Delphi Accident Data Recorder 3 (ADR 3).

See inside back cover for a complete list of past Louis Schwitzer Award winners.

SAE International WELCOME

Dear Members of the Media:

Thank you for your interest in SAE International's Collegiate Design Series. The events in the Collegiate Design Series have received significant media attention in recent years, leading to the publication of this inaugural Media Guide. We hope that the information highlighted in these pages serves as a valuable resource to those who are new to the program, as well as to those who are experienced in covering our competitions. The Collegiate Design Series is a collection of important educational competitions challenging engineering students to demonstrate teamwork and apply textbook theory to real-world application in a variety of exciting events. In addition to designing and testing their own vehicles, students benefit from the opportunity to hone essential business skills and interact with potential employers, often landing jobs directly after graduation. News coverage plays a vital role in helping to advance our message about the value of engineering education. Please use this guide as your reference, and feel free to contact us with your requests. We look forward to working with you and helping you get the most out of the 2008 Collegiate Design Series season.


Robert Sechler Manager, Educational Relations SAE International

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 1

SAE Collegiate Design Series



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2008 Schedule / Leadership & Contact Information . . . . . .4 SAE International Purpose & Vision / Getting Involved . . . .5 SAE International History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 CDS Purpose & History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 CDS Competition Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 SAE Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Scholarships & Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A World In Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

» AERO DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Overview / Fast Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 2007 Year In Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Year-By-Year Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Overview / Fast Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 2007 Year In Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Year-By-Year Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43


. . . . . . . . . . . .49 Overview / Fast Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 2007 Year In Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Year-By-Year Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Overview / Fast Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 2007 Year In Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Year-By-Year Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Overview / Fast Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 2007 Year In Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Year-By-Year Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

© 2008 SAE International

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Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on the Collegiate Design Series, please visit

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 3


2008 SAE International Collegiate Design Series Schedule » CLEAN SNOWMOBILE CHALLENGE ™

March 10-15, 2008 » Houghton, Mich. Keweenaw Research Center Michigan Technological University


WEST April 4-6, 2008 » Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth Thunderbirds Radio Control Club ®


EAST April 18-20, 2008 » Marietta, Ga. Cobb County Radio Control Modelers Club ®

Robert H. Chalker Director, Global Sales & Marketing


® VIR April 23-26, 2008 » Alton, Va. Virginia International Raceway


® TENNESSEE May 1-3, 2008 » Cookeville, Tenn. Tennessee Tech University

» FORMULA HYBRID May 5-7, 2008 » Loudon, N.H. New Hampshire Motor Speedway



May 14-18, 2008 » Brooklyn, Mich. Michigan International Speedway


ILLINOIS May 29-31, 2008 » Edwards, Ill. Caterpillar's Edwards Demonstration and Learning Center ®


Robert Sechler Manager, Educational Relations

Contact SAE » For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International's Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected].


June 5-6, 2008 » Marshall, Mich. Eaton's Proving Grounds


® MONTREAL June 11-14, 2008 » Montreal, Quebec, Canada Ecole de Technologie Superieure


WEST June 24-28, 2008 » Fontana, Calif. Auto Club Speedway

4 » SAE International


» You can also visit our online Press Center at » For more information on the Collegiate Design Series, please visit


Purpose SAE International is a non-profit educational and scientific organization dedicated to advancing mobility technology to better serve humanity. More than 90,000 engineers and scientists, who are SAE members, develop technical information on all forms of self-propelled vehicles including automobiles, trucks and buses, off-highway equipment, aircraft, aerospace vehicles, marine, rail, and transit systems. SAE disseminates this information through its meetings, books, technical papers, magazines, standards, reports, professional development programs, and electronic databases.

Vision » International body of mobility engineers and practitioners serving society through interaction, creativity, timely response to change, social and economic responsibility, and user satisfaction. » Relevant, timely consensus standards available internationally. » Product consensus standards including those for parts, assemblies, and systems. » Process consensus standards including those in managing the product life cycle. » Lifelong learning, education, networking, and career development opportunities for mobility engineers and practitioners. » Career preparation from early formal education through university. » Career knowledge enhancement and advancement. » Access to industry, government, and academic knowledge. » Repository of mobility technologies and trends.


Registration for Collegiate Design Series events typically begins in early October. The fields for many of the events reach their maximum capacity quickly, often within minutes, so teams are encouraged to register as close as possible to the start of registration. To register, a team representative should visit, log into their MySAE, and visit “Student Central” on the home page. Representatives should then select the event that they wish to register for and follow the “Registration” link. Finally, click on “Register Your Team/Update Team Information” and enter the appropriate information and pay the registration fee. For insurance reasons, all team members must provide medical insurance, driver’s license, and emergency contact information. To become a member of SAE International, visit and select “Join SAE.” Professional membership costs $100 ($90 if registered online) and includes a subscription to one of SAE’s three magazines— Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing, Automotive Engineering International, or SAE Off-Highway Engineering. Student membership, open to full-time college/university students pursuing studies leading to any associate, bachelor, masters, or doctoral degree, costs just $10.

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SAE International was formed in the early 1900s out of a desire for patent protection, solutions to common technical design problems, and development of engineering standards. In 1902, a pair of magazine publishers – Peter Heldt of The Horseless Age and Horace Swetland of The Automobile – became advocates for the concepts that forged the creation of SAE. In a June 1902 editorial, Heldt proclaimed that automobile manufacturers’ desire to follow certain accepted lines of construction and technical questions that arise are “best dealt with by a technical society.” Just two months after Heldt’s editorial, the Society of Automobile Engineers was born. Headquartered in a New York City office, four officers and five managing officers – one of whom was Swetland – volunteered their time and energy for the cause. In the inaugural year of 1905, Andrew Riker served as president and Henry Ford the society’s vice president. After initially starting out with 30 members, SAE membership grew steadily over the first 10 years, fulltime employees were added, and a technical journal was published, as well as a compilation of technical papers called SAE Transactions, which is still published today. By 1916, membership had grown to 1,800, and at the annual meeting, representatives from the American Society of Aeronautic Engineers, the Society of Tractor Engineers, and representatives from the powerboating industry sought to have SAE oversee technical standards for their industries. As a result of that meeting, a new society was formed, representing engineers in all types of mobility-related professions. SAE member Elmer Sperry helped create the term “automotive” from the Greek autos (self) and Latin motivus (of motion) origins to represent any form of self-powered vehicle. The Society of Automobile Engineers then became the Society of Automotive Engineers. After seeing continual growth over the next several decades, a need for more staff and space led to a move in 1973 to the current headquarters campus in Warrendale, Pa., just north of Pittsburgh. Today, SAE International has more than 90,000 members, encompassing engineers, business executives, educators, and students, from more than 97 countries.

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Purpose SAE's Collegiate Design Series competitions include Aero Design, Clean Snowmobile Challenge, Formula SAE, Baja SAE, and Supermileage. As students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in the fields of science and engineering, these competitions prepare them for future employment in mobility-related industries.

History The SAE Collegiate Design Series got its start in 1973 with the Recreational-Ecological Vehicle Challenge (REV), a contest conceived by William Shapton that tasked students to design and fabricate a two-man amphibious ATV capable of traversing 25 miles of off-road terrain and stretches of deep water. Under the guidance of University of South Carolina professor John Stevens, this competition later evolved into Mini Baja. In 1976, 10 university teams competed in the inaugural Mini Baja competition at the University of South Carolina and Fort Jackson. Within two years, the competitions were separated into three regions, and by 1984 the number of teams competing in one region had grown to 45. The Supermileage competition was launched shortly after Mini Baja, and Formula SAE soon followed in 1981. Initially conceived as an offshoot of Mini Baja, Formula SAE was created for cars with Briggs & Stratton engines and suspension on all four wheels. While the suspension rule remained in effect, the spec engine was later dropped, opening the door for motorcycle engines, fuel injection, forced induction, and methanol. Formula SAE continued to grow, with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler taking turns as hosts of the race, and by 1995, 84 teams competed at the Silverdome in Pontiac, MI.

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The SAE International Collegiate Design Series will feature 11 educational competitions throughout the United States in 2008. These events challenge student teams to design and build vehicles that are capable of meeting specific engineering challenges. This series has grown to become an important means of demonstrating teamwork and applying engineering concepts to real-world application. While these competitions are held in the United States, the series attracts colleges and universities from around the globe. Alumni of SAE’s Collegiate Design Series are employed in a variety of engineering positions and are well represented in many posts within the motorsports arena. The series is broken down into the following events: » AERO DESIGN Engineering students design and build a radio-controlled aircraft that can take off and land while carrying as much cargo as possible. The event features three classes of competition: Regular, Open, and Micro. » BAJA SAE Consists of three regional competitions that simulate real-world engineering design projects and their related challenges. Engineering students design and build an off-road vehicle that will survive the severe punishment of rough terrain and sometimes even water. » CLEAN SNOWMOBILE CHALLENGE Teams of engineering students compete to re-engineer an existing snowmobile to reduce emissions and noise, while improving the vehicle’s performance characteristics. The modified snowmobiles also are expected to be cost-efficient. Teams compete in tests of endurance, acceleration, handling, rider-comfort and towing. » FORMULA SAE Student members conceive, design, fabricate, and compete with small formula-style race cars; points are awarded for static events (presentation, design, cost analysis) and dynamic events (acceleration, skid-pad, autocross, fuel economy, endurance). » SUPERMILEAGE Provides engineering and technology students with a design project that involves the development and construction of a single-person, fuel-efficient vehicle. Vehicles are powered by a small four-cycle engine.

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SAE Collegiate Design Series SAE FOUNDATION

Since 1986, the SAE Foundation has funded the educational experiences of the next generation of mobility scientists and engineers through special programs, awards and scholarships. Through the A World In Motion K-12 educational program, Collegiate Design Series competitions, and numerous scholarship and award programs, the SAE Foundation builds bridges between corporations and classrooms by giving engineers, teachers, and students the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. The Foundation encourages engineers from a variety of industries to become mentors to students from elementary school through university programs. As these industry volunteers work with students, they provide encouragement, technical assistance, and often serve as role models for young people who may never have considered a career in science or engineering. There are more than 15,000 volunteers currently involved with the Foundation’s programs. The SAE Foundation is guided by its Board of Trustees, which consists of 15 members elected to three-year terms. Daniel M. Hancock, GM Powertrain, Vice President Engineering Operations, General Motors Corp., serves as Chairman of the Board. Corporate partnerships as well as SAE member support have allowed the Foundation’s programs to reach nearly 4 million students worldwide.

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SAE Collegiate Design Series SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS

Through contributions from various corporations and universities, SAE International awards scholarship money to both undergraduate and graduate engineering students. Funded through the SAE Foundation, these scholarships encourage academic excellence and help students around the world to pursue their passion for engineering. » DETROIT SECTION SAE TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIP Applicants must be a child or grandchild of an SAE Detroit Section member, a U.S. citizen, and a high school senior who will enter an engineering or science program at a two- or four-year institution in the fall. Two $3,500 renewable scholarship will be awarded. » DOCTORAL SCHOLARS FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM Now in its 16th year, this program provides funding to assist and encourage promising engineering graduate students to pursue careers in teaching at the college level. 2006 RECIPIENTS: Darryl K. Stoyko, Jorge Varona, Eric F. Weber » ELLIOTT AND DOROTHY GREEN AWARD OF EXCELLENCE This award annually recognizes the top Aero Design teams capturing first place overall, best design, and best flight during East and West competitions. Each registered team is eligible for these awards. » SAE ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIPS A number of scholarships are offered to high school seniors who are interested in studying engineering or a related science. » SAE/DAVID HERMANCE HYBRID TECHNOLOGIES SCHOLARSHIP One $2,500 nonrenewable scholarship will be awarded every year. Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled full-time as a sophomore in a U.S. university and must plan to pursue an engineering career in the field of advanced technology vehicles, which include hybrids, fuel cells, alternative-fueled vehicles, advanced powertrains, etc.

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SAE Collegiate Design Series SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS

» SAE LONG TERM MEMBER SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIPS Through the generosity of SAE long-term members, several $1,000 scholarships are awarded to college juniors who will be entering their senior year between August 1 and February 28. Applicants must be active SAE student members. 2007 RECIPIENTS: Matthew John Cragun, Brian Grimm, Erik Stancato, Benjamin Robert Steele, and John Tysman » SIEGEL SERVICE TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS Through a donation by Arne Siegel, SAE Fellow and Montana Ambassador, six $1,000 scholarships are available for second-year students enrolled at Montana Technical Colleges who are pursuing careers in the mobility community and that demonstrate academic achievement and community spirit. 2007 RECIPIENTS: Jason Goebel, Travis Howard, Montana State University; Thomas Mcguire, University of Montana » WEC BAJA SAE CHALLENGE FOR WOMEN TEAM LEADERS The SAE Women Engineers Committee has issued a $1,000 challenge to all Baja SAE collegiate design teams with women leaders and predominantly women teams. 2007 RECIPIENT: University of Alabama » WILLIAM G. BELFRY MEMORIAL/SAE GRANT Eligible applicants will be citizens of Canada and will be juniors entering their senior year of full-time undergraduate engineering studies at a Canadian university. Two $1,000 grants will be awarded annually, and one will be specific to the University of Toronto. 2007 RECIPIENT: Daniel Zanini » WILLIAM R. "BILL" ADAM FORMULA SAE GRANT FOR ROOKIE TEAMS This grant provides funding to a Formula SAE rookie team to assist with the development of their project. Applicants must be a rookie team and registered for the competition held in Detroit, Mich., at the time of application. Teams that have never competed, or have not competed in the last five years, are considered rookie teams. 2007 RECIPIENT: University of Houston » YANMAR/SAE SCHOLARSHIP Applicants must be juniors entering their senior year of undergraduate engineering or enrolled in a post graduate engineering or related science program. Applicants must be pursuing a course of study or research related to the conservation of energy in transportation, agriculture and construction, or power generation. 2007 RECIPIENT: Rebecca A. Owston, Purdue University » RALPH K. HILLQUIST HONORARY SAE SCHOLARSHIP A $1,000 nonrenewable scholarship will be awarded every other year at the SAE Noise & Vibration Conference, beginning in 2005. Eligible applicants will be U.S. citizens enrolled full-time as a junior in a U.S. university as of October 1 and pursuing an engineering or automotive-related discipline. 2007 RECIPIENT: Crystal D. Byrd, University of South Carolina

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SAE Collegiate Design Series A WORLD IN MOTION

The A World in Motion curriculum brings together teachers, students, and industry volunteers in an exploration of physical science while addressing essential mathematic and scientific concepts and skills. Industry volunteers play an essential role in motivating the next generation to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math by bringing their everyday experiences into an AWIM classroom. Each of the AWIM activities is designed around current math, science, and technology standards. SAE International provides the AWIM curriculum and materials at no cost to classroom teachers who complete a Statement of Partnership. The program consists of hands-on physical science curricula designed for a variety of grade levels. Elementary activities include designing and building Skimmer paper sailboats and JetToy balloon-powered toy cars, and Electricity & Electronics, which educates students about static electricity, batteries, and capacitors. Middle-school students use the activities to develop electric gear-driven Motorized Toy Cars and lightweight Gliders, as well as learn about Electricity & Electronics through experiments involving series and parallel circuits and magnetism. The Electricity & Electronics activity continues in high school, where students conduct experiments involving transistors and semiconductors, analog integrated circuits, and digital-integrated circuits.

Ryan Newman, driver of the Alltel Dodge for Penske Racing in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, promotes SAE International's A World In Motion® program in a television public service announcement. To view the PSA, please visit and click on SAE Videos.

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Aero Design


2008 Competition Schedule • APRIL 4-6, 2008 » SAE Aero Design® West Fort Worth Thunderbirds Radio Control Club – Fort Worth, Texas • APRIL 18-20, 2008 » SAE Aero Design® East Cobb County Radio Control Modelers Club – Marietta, Ga.

Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on Aero Design, please visit • For a complete list of Aero Design competitors and contact information, see page 18.

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Aero Design® OVERVIEW

Aero Design challenges students to conceive, design, fabricate and test a radio-controlled aircraft that can take off and land while carrying the maximum cargo. This exercise allows students to apply knowledge gained in the classroom in a real work environment. First and foremost a design competition, students are forced to perform trade studies and make compromises to arrive at a design solution that will meet the mission requirements while conforming to configuration limitations. To help develop the students’ written and oral communication skills, a sizable percentage of a team’s score is devoted to the design report and oral presentation required in the competition. Aero Design features three classes of competition: Regular, Open, and Micro. Regular Class is intended to be simpler than Open Class, and therefore more accessible to the fledgling team. Open Class is intended to be less restrictive than Regular Class, thereby opening a larger potential solution set. Its lack of restriction allows teams to pursue more complex vehicle configurations, thereby encouraging greater creativity in satisfying the mission requirements. Micro Class teams are required to make trades between two potentially conflicting requirements, carrying the highest payload fraction possible, while simultaneously pursuing the lowest empty weight possible. The airplanes must be designed and built by students without direct involvement from professional engineers, radio-control model experts, pilots, machinists, or related professionals. Universities may enter more than one team in each Aero Design competition, but each entry must be a unique design, significantly different from each other. Aircraft may only compete in one class, and aircraft will only be allowed to compete during a single academic year.

» FAST FACTS Established: Events:

1986 Aero Design West; April 4-6, 2008; Fort Worth, Texas Aero Design East; April 18-20, 2008; Marietta, Ga. Number of registered teams: Aero Design West, 54 Aero Design East, 58 2007 winners: Kansas State University (Regular Class, West) California State University – Long Beach (Open Class, West) Queen’s University (Micro Class, West) Michigan Tech University (Regular Class, East) Universidade de São Paulo (Open Class, East) Wright State University (Micro Class, East) Engine: Single, unmodified O.S. .61FX with E-4010 Muffler

14 » SAE International

Aero Design® RULES

During the competition, teams have three minutes to accomplish a successful takeoff. Regular and Open Class aircraft must lift from the ground within a takeoff zone measuring 200 ft in length. Micro Class aircraft must lift from the ground within a takeoff zone measuring 100 ft in length. Once in flight, the aircraft must successfully complete one 360 degree circuit of the field. During a flight, each aircraft must fly past the departure end of the takeoff zone, turn the aircraft through 180 degrees of heading, and fly past the approach end of the takeoff zone prior to landing. All aircraft must land in the same direction as takeoff within a designated landing zone measuring 400 ft in length for the Regular Class, 200 ft in length for the Micro Class, and 300 ft in length for the Open Class. Touch-and-gos are not allowed, and a crash landing invalidates the landing attempt.

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Aero Design® SCORING

Regular Class The objective of the Regular Class is to design an aircraft that can lift as much weight as possible while observing the available power and aircraft’s length, width, and height requirements. Competing designs are limited to fixed-wing aircraft only. When fully configured for takeoff, Regular Class aircraft shall have a maximum combined length, width, and height of 175 inches and must not weigh more than 55 lbs with payload and fuel. The aircraft must be capable of carrying a fully enclosed rectangular block measuring 5 x 5 x 10 inches. All aircraft must be powered by a single, unmodified O.S. .61FX engine with a E-4010 muffler. Regular Class aircraft will receive a flight score based upon the raw weight lifted and the team’s prediction of the aircraft’s maximum lifting capacity.

Open Class The objective of the Open Class is to design an aircraft that can lift as much weight as possible given the gross weight design constraint. Open Class teams will simulate a heavy-lift aircraft taking off from an undeveloped airstrip with limited power. Competing designs are limited to fixed-wing aircraft only and must not weigh more than 55 lbs with payload and fuel. The aircraft are not limited by wingspan and have no restrictions as to size, shape, or number of payload bays. They must, however, be powered by internal combustion, reciprocating engines with total displacement of less than 80 cubic inches. Open Class aircraft will receive a flight score based upon the raw weight lifted and the team’s prediction of the aircraft’s maximum lifting capacity, plus any bonuses earned.

Micro Class The objective of the Micro Class is to design an aircraft that can carry the highest payload fraction possible while simultaneously pursuing the lowest empty weight possible. The Micro Class competition is divided into three phases: technical report, proof of concept demonstrator, and flight competition. For the technical report, teams are required to submit proposals for competition detailing how their design met or exceeded the design requirements. During the proof of concept demonstrator, aircraft ease of assembly must be demonstrated and an oral presentation must be delivered. Micro Class aircraft are restricted to internal combustion, reciprocating engines or electric motor propulsion. In order to participate in the flight portion of the competition, teams are required to have submitted and received a score for their design report and oral presentation. The flight competition is open to fixed-wing aircraft only.

16 » SAE International

Aero Design® 2007 YEAR IN REVIEW

Aero Design West » With an overall score of 193.887, Kansas State University placed first out of 27 teams competing in the regular class of the Aero Design West competition, held March 23-25 in Van Nuys, Calif. » Kansas State’s 8.5-lb radio-controlled plane carried its maximum predicted payload weight of 20.73 lb, second only to competition runner-up Georgia Tech, which hauled a payload of 20.75 lb. » Kansas State was recognized for submitting the best design report, and the University of British Columbia, which finished fourth overall, received the award for best oral presentation. » The SAE Design Innovation Award was presented to St. Louis University for its ducted fan design, and the Autodesk Communication Award went to the University of California–Irvine. » With a score of 136.4, California State University–Long Beach took the top spot in the Open Class, followed by runner-up Saint Louis University, with 91.9 points. » Queen University–Ontario, Canada, narrowly beat the University of California-Davis for the Micro Class title with scores of 158.8 and 154.3, respectively.

Aero Design East » The Aero Design team from Michigan Tech followed up its third-place finish at March’s Aero Design West competition with a regular-class victory at Aero Design East, held May 4-6 in Ft. Worth, Texas. » The competition tasked teams to take off and land their plane, both loaded with cargo and empty, and to predict how much payload they can carry. Oral and written technical reports also were presented. » The planes were required to have a 1000-in2 (6452-cm2) lifting area, an OS 61 FX engine, and a cargo volume of 4 x 4 x 16 inches (102 x 102 x 406 mm). » Michigan Tech University finished second in the report/presentation category and received a third-place Inventor Design Communication Award. » Ecole Polytechnique de Montrèal finished in second place overall, and Brazil’s Federal University of Itajuba came in third. » The Federal University of Itajuba’s plane received the award for most payload lifted, with a mass of 31.69 lb (14.4 kg). It also received the award for best flight path. » In the Open Class, the Universidade de São Paulo topped the field of 11 with a score of 284.6, edging runner-up Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University–Day, which scored 271.4. » Eleven teams also competed in the Micro Class competition, with Wright State University taking the top spot with 166.8, followed by the University of Puerto Rico, 158.0.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 17

Aero Design® COMPETITORS » AERO DESIGN WEST Registered competitors at publication time.

Arizona State University Team: Aero Blue Contact: Jeremy Fountain » [email protected] » 480-727-8313

Gonzaga University Team: The G-6 Starscream Contact: Laura Gatewood » [email protected] » 509-323-6381

Boise State University Team: Voodoo Designs Contact: Leandra Aburusa-Lete » [email protected] » 208-426-4432

Inter American University of Puerto Rico – Bayamon Team: Inter Dynamic Aero Team

California State University – Long Beach Teams: Cygnus, Aquila Contact: Shayne Schroeder » [email protected] » 562-985-172 California State University – Northridge Team: Final Countdown Contact: Tammy Glenn » [email protected] » 818-677-6078 Colorado State University Team: RamAir Concordia University Teams: Stingers, Mini Stingers Contact: Christina Pachero » [email protected] » 514-448-2424 x7530 Ecole National Aerotechnique Team: Nordics Contact: Pierre Roberge » [email protected] » 450-678-3561 x4502 Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Teams: Red Storm, Cardinal Contact: Annie Touchette » [email protected] » 514-340-4711 x4415 Embry-Riddle Aero University – Prescott Team: Albatros Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT-2

18 » SAE International

South Dakota School of Mines & Techology Team: Aeroheads Contact: Breanna Bishop » [email protected] » 605-394-6082 Texas Tech University Team: AirRaiders

Iowa State University Teams: Cyclone Air, Cyclone Lightweights Contact: Mary Jo Glanville » [email protected] » 515-294-8787

The University of New South Wales Team: UNSW@ADFA Contact: Rikard B Heslehurst » [email protected] » 61 6 268 8265

IPN ESIME UP Ticoman Teams: Ehecatl, XIBHAL PLUS, Cuauhtli

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Team: FIME Racing Team

Tecnologico de Monterrey Team: Borregos

Universidad Catolica Andres Bello Team: Gaban

Kansas State University Team: The Purple Diablo Contact: Cheryl May » [email protected] » 785-532-6415 Michigan Technological University Team: Huskies Contact: Steve Stackhouse » [email protected] » 906-487-3483 Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: Advanced Aero Vehicle Group Polytechnic University – Brooklyn Team: Flying Blind Contact: Richard S. Thorsen » [email protected] » 718-260-3880 Ryerson University Teams: Fly By Night, Sky Sail, The Shatner Saint Louis University Teams: Cloud Hounds, Parks Falcon

Universidad Metropolitana Team: USAD University of British Columbia Team: Heavy Lift Contact: Jason Currie » [email protected] Contact: Cleo Wong » [email protected] Contact: Chu Lin » [email protected] University of California – Davis Team: AMAT Contact: Jo Shroyer » [email protected] » 530-754-9090 Team: Aerobrick_08 Contact: Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn » [email protected] » 530-752-5548 Team: MicroPhoenix_08 University of California – Irvine Team: Pigasus

Aero Design® COMPETITORS » AERO DESIGN WEST Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Iowa Team: Soaring Hawks Contact: Al Ratner » [email protected] University of Manitoba Team: Aerometrics Contact: Amber Skrabek » [email protected] » 204-474-9034

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Team: Northstars Contact: Rhonda Zurn » [email protected] » 612-626-7959 University of New Hampshire Team: UNH Aero University of Portland Team: Portland Aeronautics

University of Toronto Team: UTAT Villanova University Teams: Flying V, Nova Nation Contact: Leroy Alaways » [email protected] Warsaw University of Technology Teams: Ducky, Mini

University of Texas – El Paso Team: Miners


California State University – Long Beach Teams: Cygnus, Aquila Contact: Shayne Schroeder » [email protected] » 562-985-1727

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Team: Aquila Contact: Robert Ross » [email protected] » 386-226-6198

Cedarville University Team: Yellow Jackets

Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos Team: EESC-USP

Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Team: CEFAST Contact: Nelson Nunes Dos Santos » [email protected] » 55 31 3319 7004 College of New Jersey Teams: Snakes on a Plane, College of New Jersey Micro Contact: Matthew Golden » [email protected] » 609-771-3070 Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: Avion Cargo ETS (ACE) Contact: Jean Morin » [email protected] » 514-396-8410

Florida Institute of Technology Team: Phoenix Contact: Kristie Kwong » [email protected] » 321-674-8963 Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT-2 Kansas State University Team: The Purple Diablo Lafayette College Team: Dead Weights Contact: Kris Todaro » [email protected] » 610-330-5119

Lawrence Technological University Team: Blue Devils LeTourneau University Team: Black Sheep Contact: Janet Ragland » [email protected] » 903-233-3815 McGill University Team: Dart D'Argent Contact: Douglas Sweet » [email protected] » 514-398-6752 Michigan Technological University Team: Huskies Contact: Steve Stackhouse » [email protected] » 906-487-3483 Milwaukee School of Engineering Team: Team Extreme Inferno Contact: Adrian Lilly » [email protected] » 414-277-7140

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 19

Aero Design® COMPETITORS » AERO DESIGN EAST Registered competitors at publication time.

North Carolina A&T State University Team: Aggie Airmen

University Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Team: Car-Kará

Northern Illinois University Team: Huskies Contact: Alexander Benckendorf » [email protected] » 815-753-9979

University Nac Exp Polit Fuerza Amada Nac Teams: IDEA, Manati, INGAER Contact: Nelson Diaz » [email protected]

Ohio Northern University Team: Spare Parts

University of Akron Teams: Aries, C63-Exergy

Ohio State University Team: Whoop Whoop Pull Up

University of Central Florida Teams: Knightro, Fly By Knight Contact: Joe Cho » [email protected]

Politechnika Poznanska Team: AKL Contact: Dzial Wspolpracy z Zagranica » [email protected] » 061 665 3544 Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Team: Crash Dummy Queens University Team: Queen's Aero Design Team R.V. College of Engineering Team: VYOMA Rutgers University Team: Scarlet Knight Flight Contact: Carl Blesch » [email protected] » 732-932-7084 x616 Ryerson University Teams: Fly by Night, Sky Sail St. Louis University Teams: Cloud Hounds, Parks Falcon Stevens Institute of Technology Teams: Stevens2008, MicroStevens-2008 Contact: Siva Thangam » [email protected] Temple University Team: Blazers

20 » SAE International

University of Cincinnati Team: AeroCats Contact: Prem Khosla » [email protected] » 513-556-3551 University of Cincinnati Team: NastiCats Contact: Jandro Abot » [email protected]

University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus Teams: Islanders, Micro_Islanders Contact: Anael Ramirez » [email protected] » 787-832-4040 x2560 University of Texas – Pan American Team: Flying Elephants University of Victoria Team: UVic AERO University of Virginia Team: Hoos Flying Contact: Andrea Arco » [email protected] » 434-924-7508 U.S. Military Academy Team: Yeagerbombs Warsaw University of Technology Teams: Ducky, Mini Widener University Team: Team Ram-Rod

University of Dayton Team: Flyers

Wright State University Teams: ITSEZ, Dark Wing Duck

University of Manitoba Team: Aerometrics Contact: Amber Skrabek » [email protected] » 204-474-9034

Yale University Team: Noctilio Ex Inferno





REGULAR CLASS 1. Kansas State University 193.8870 2. Georgia Insitute of Technology 183.3666 3. Michigan Tech University 179.4933 4. University of British Columbia 173.7401 5. University of Manitoba 171.0439 6. South Dakota School of Mines & Tech. 171.0017 7. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 164.3000 8. University of Calif-Davis 157.2000 9. University of Akron 155.4900 10. California State University-Northridge 134.4830

REGULAR CLASS 1. South Dakota School of Mines & Tech. 2. University of Akron 3. University of Kansas-Lawrence 4. Australian National University 5. San Jose State University 6. Le Tourneau University 7. Ohio State University 8. Rice University 9. University of British Columbia 10. Rice University

180.037 172.005 153.730 151.050 142.300 150.410 136.990 136.842 131.810 128.170

OPEN CLASS 1. California State University-Long Beach 136.4270 2. St. Louis University 91.8602 3. University of Akron 42.9800

OPEN CLASS 1. University of Bristish Columbia 2. Mississippi State University 3. Kansas State University

257.488 194.860 147.560

MICRO CLASS 1. Queen's University 2. University of California-Davis 3. Polytechnic University-Brooklyn

MICRO CLASS 1. University of California-Davis 2. University of Akron 3. University of Wisconsin-Platteville

186.176 160.241 154.399



2006 REGULAR CLASS 1. South Dakota School of Mines & Tech. 2. LeTourneau University 3. University of Akron 4. University of California-Davis 5. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 6. Ecole de Technologie Superiere 7. Boise State University 8. University of Manitoba 9. Northern Arizona University 10. Universite Laval


158.8471 154.3300 72.8470 POINTS 203.9619 198.0186 187.6455 182.1800 179.2600 177.2311 155.0543 154.5300 150.7900 145.8600

REGULAR CLASS 1. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 2. Auburn University 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. University of Kansas-Lawrence 5. Cedarville University 6. University of California Davis 7. Universidad de las Americas 8. University of Akron 9. University of Manitoba 10. Michigan Tech University

251.0431 239.5704 238.6635 224.4424 208.5000 203.4030 194.4864 194.3600 192.7812 178.9000

OPEN CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. University of British Columbia 3. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal

281.1367 253.5820 170.6133

OPEN CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. University of Missouri-Rolla 3. University of British Columbia

165.7638 162.0339 110.2805

MICRO CLASS 1. Loyola Marymount University 2. Universidad Catolica Andres B 3. University of Calgary

161.2694 131.8690 115.5217

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 21


2003 REGULAR CLASS 1. Cedarville University 2. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. University of British Columbia 5. University of Manitoba 6. University of Wisconsin-Platteville 7. University of California-Davis 8. Kansas State University 9. University of Akron 10. San Jose State University OPEN CLASS 1. University of California-Davis 2. Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico 3. University of British Columbia

2002 REGULAR CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. Ohio State University 3. University of Utah 4. University of Wisconsin-Platteville 5. Ryerson Polytechnic University 6. Ecole National D'Aerotechnique 7. University of British Columbia 8. Kansas State University 9. Cedarville University 10. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal OPEN CLASS 1. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 2. University of Akron 3. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.Daytona Beach

22 » SAE International

POINTS 204.41 201.99 196.68 188.74 187.95 185.29 180.71 179.99 173.26 156.17 80.47 54.73 43.00 POINTS 212.93 211.56 208.29 205.08 198.78 198.32 196.80 194.31 193.72 184.39 391.81 335.23 80.90



REGULAR CLASS 1. University of Akron 205.73 2. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.Daytona Beach 203.35 3. University of Manitoba 192.97 4. University of Wisconsin-Platteville 192.50 5. Ohio State University 192.33 6. Australian National University 191.70 7. University of British Columbia 189.34 8. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 188.97 9. California State University-Los Angeles 166.85 10. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ-Prescott 166.48



REGULAR CLASS 1. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 2. Wichita State University 3. University of British Columbia 4. University of California-Davis 5. University of Manitoba 6. University of Texas Pan-American 7. McGill University 8. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 9. Ohio State University 10. Concordia University

191.13 174.88 173.45 172.38 170.36 158.72 145.61 138.62 134.33 134.08

OPEN CLASS 1. Milwaukee School of Engineering 2. University of Akron

406.26 202.33

1998 REGULAR CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. Warsaw University of Technology 3. University of California-Davis 4. University of British Columbia 5. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 6. University of Utah 7. Rice University 8. University of Manitoba 9. University of California-Santa Barbara 10. California State University-Los Angeles

POINTS 202.90 192.33 190.32 181.51 174.48 132.69 130.78 129.66 125.94 122.20


1997 REGULAR CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 3. University of California-Irvine 4. British Columbia Institute of Technology 5. University of Alberta 6. University of British Columbia 7. Rice University 8. University of Southern California 9. California State Polytechnic Pomona 10. Wichita State University

POINTS 205.96 187.24 187.17 179.64 170.19 168.47 160.94 158.15 149.76 133.38

1996 REGULAR CLASS 1. University of British Columbia 2. University of Akron 3. University of Southern California 4. British Columbia Institute of Technology 5. California State Polytechnic UniversityPomona 6. San Jose State University 7. McGill University 8. Ohio State University 9. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 10. Wichita State University

POINTS 196.57 191.59 172.85 158.14 152.40 147.00 144.13 142.00 139.48 138.90

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 23


2007 REGULAR CLASS 1. Michigan Tech University 2. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 3. Itajubá Federal University 4. Warsaw University of Technology 5. University of Akron 6. Kansas State University 7. Wright State University 8. Escola Politecnica da Universidade de São Paulo 9. Lawrence Tech University 10. Colorado State University

POINTS 224.6617 221.6554 211.5266 207.4000 201.2866 200.2602 191.0877 190.4890 181.4742 180.2860

OPEN CLASS 1. Universidade de São Paulo 2. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Day 3. University of Akron

271.4333 199.9294

MICRO CLASS 1. Wright State University 2. University of Puerto Rico 3. St. Louis University

166.7765 157.9781 155.7054

24 » SAE International




REGULAR CLASS 1. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2. Federal University of Ulberland 3. University of Cincinnati 4. University of Akron 5. Ohio State University 6. Widener University 7. Kansas State University 8. Lafayette College 9. University of Dayton 10. Wright State University

225.1582 220.5421 194.7826 187.0882 184.6389 166.7513 157.7030 150.7270 145.3330 145.2270

OPEN CLASS 1. Universidade de São Paulo 2. University of Akron 3. Mississippi State Univ

281.0258 228.1493 183.9270

MICRO CLASS 1. Wright State University 2. Parks College of St. Louis University 3. University of Massachusetts

169.6300 149.9470 139.2329



REGULAR CLASS 1. Univ Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 2. Universidade Estadual Paulista 3. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 4. Wright State University 5. Cedarville University 6. University of Cincinnati 7. Gonzaga University 8. Lafayette College 9. University of Dayton 10. Rutgers University

196.790 173.302 165.768 161.563 160.098 148.367 141.034 126.817 125.613 123.624

OPEN CLASS 1. University of Windsor 2. Milwaukee School of Engineering 3. University of Missouri-Rolla

153.575 135.791 89.333

MICRO CLASS 1. University of Puerto Rico 2. University of Dayton 3. Parks College of St. Louis University

148.834 127.809 70.133


2004 REGULAR CLASS 1. Auburn University 2. Federal University of Minas Gerais 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. Cedarville University 5. University of Dayton 6. Wright State University 7. New Jersey Institute of Technology 8. Rochester University of Technology 9. Michigan Tech University 10. University of Wisconsin-Platteville




REGULAR CLASS 1. Warsaw University of Technology 2. Universidad Sao Paulo 3. New Jersey Institute of Technology 4. Le Tourneau University 5. Ryerson Polytechnic Institute 6. Carleton University 7. Warsaw University of Technology 8. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 9. University of Akron 10. University of Central Florida

203.6 198.7 190.3 170.9 168.8 162.0 151.4 151.0 149.5 149.3

OPEN CLASS 1. Milwaukee School of Engineering 147.1968 2. Universtiy of Missouri-Rolla 147.1475 3. Univ Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 147.0751

OPEN CLASS 1. Milwaukee School of Engineering 2. University of Akron 3. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

507.1 92.5 72.5



REGULAR CLASS 1. Warsaw University of Technology 2. Instituto Technologico de Aeronautica 3. Warsaw University of Technology 4. New Jersey Institute of Technology 5. University of Wisconsin-Platteville 6. LeTourneau University 7. CEFAST 8. Ryerson Polytechnic University 9. University of Missouri-Rolla 10. University of Cincinnati

208.4334 208.2843 202.5802 198.8700 180.2914 168.5260 156.1900 155.9700 154.4520 153.3380

POINTS 205.6 199.4 187.8 183.3 179.9 177.5 166.5 166.4 162.3 160.0

REGULAR CLASS 1. Warsaw University 2. University of Missouri-Rolla 3. University of Akron 4. NJIT 5. University of Maryland 6. Carleton University 7. York College 8. Penn State Behrend 9. Widener 10. Rutgers

POINTS 177.3 161.4 151.7 148.3 135.0 132.1 122.5 110.7 118.4 106.9

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 25


1997 REGULAR CLASS 1. University of Akron 2. Warsaw Tech 3. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (1) 4. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 5. University of Kansas 6. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (2) 7. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (3) 8. Ryerson Polytechnic University 9. Parks College 10. Universite de Sherbrooke

26 » SAE International

POINTS 201.10 197.12 189.11 187.50 183.73 179.63 171.36 169.89 168.73 157.01

1996 REGULAR CLASS 1. The University of Akron 2. University of Toronto 3. Ryerson Polytechnic University (1) 4. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University 5. Ryerson Polytechnic University (2) 6. Parks College of St. Louis University 7. Tennessee Technological University 8. Cedarville College 9. University Illinois at Chicago OPEN CLASS 1. The University of Akron 2. Milwaukee School of Engineering

POINTS 191.70 174.02 173.72 173.52 171.28 162.72 132.76 116.00 114.25


Baja SAE Series ®

2008 Competition Schedule • MAY 1-3, 2008 » Baja SAE Tennessee Tennessee Tech University – Cookeville, Tenn. • MAY 29-31, 2008 » Baja SAE Illinois Caterpillar's Edwards Demonstration and Learning Center – Edwards, Ill. • JUNE 11-14, 2008 » Baja SAE Montreal Ecole de Technologie Superieure – Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on Baja SAE, please visit • For a complete list of Baja SAE competitors and contact information, see page 33.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 27

Baja SAE ® Series OVERVIEW

Baja SAE is an intercollegiate engineering design competition intended to simulate real-world engineering design projects and their associated challenges. The students must function as a team to design, build, test, promote, and compete with a vehicle within the limits of the rules. They also must generate financial support for their project and manage their educational priorities. Each team’s goal is to design and build a prototype of a rugged, single-seat, off-road recreational vehicle intended for sale to the nonprofessional weekend off-road enthusiast. The vehicle must be safe, easily transported, easily maintained, and fun to drive. It should be able to negotiate rough terrain in all types of weather without damage. The vehicle design should be attractive to consumers because of its visual appearance, performance, reliability, and ease of operation and maintenance. It should be manufacturable using predominantly semiskilled labor and standard machine tools.

» FAST FACTS Established: Events:

1976 Baja SAE Tennessee; May 1-3, 2008; Cookeville, Tenn. Baja SAE Illinois; May 29-31, 2008; Edwards, Ill. Baja SAE Montreal; June 11-14, 2008; Montreal, Quebec, Canada Number of registered teams: Baja SAE Tennessee, 93 Baja SAE Illinois, 115 Baja SAE Montreal, 120 2007 winners: Universite de Sherbrooke (Baja SAE-UCF) Auburn University (Baja SAE-SDSM&T) Centro Universitário da FEI (Baja SAE-RIT) Engine: 10-horsepower Intek Model 20 engine donated by Briggs & Stratton Corp.

28 » SAE International

Baja SAE ® Series RULES

Vehicles and associated documentation must be conceived, designed, and fabricated by the team members without direct involvement from the professional engineers, faculty, or professionals in the off-road and racing communities. A maximum of two vehicles per university will be allowed in the competition. Registration is limited to 100 teams for Baja SAE Tennessee, 115 vehicles for Baja SAE Illinois, and 120 vehicles for Baja SAE Montreal. Vehicles must have four or more wheels and be capable of carrying one person who is 6 feet 3 inches tall and 250 lbs. The vehicles’ length is unrestricted, but maximum width is set at 64 inches at the widest point. They must be capable of safe operation over rough terrain, including obstructions such as rocks, sand, jumps, logs, steep inclines, mud, and shallow water. Vehicles competing in the Baja SAE water competition require flotation and water propulsion. All teams are required to use 10-hp engines from Briggs & Stratton, which have been provided to Baja SAE teams free of charge for more than 20 years. Vehicles are required to have a roll cage providing a three-dimensional space surrounding the driver. The cage must be designed and fabricated to prevent any failure of the cage’s integrity. The entire fuel system must be located within the roll cage envelope to protect it from impact. The cockpit must be designed to protect the driver and permit easy driver exit in an emergency. All drivers must use a minimum of a four-strap restraint harness. The vehicle must have at least two independent hydraulic braking systems that act on all wheels and are operated by a single foot, with the pedal directly actuating the master cylinder.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 29

Baja SAE ® Series SCORING

All Baja vehicles must pass a technical inspection before they are permitted to operate under power. The inspection will determine if the vehicle satisfies the requirements and restrictions of the Baja SAE rules. All vehicles that do not pass technical inspection prior to the start of dynamic events will receive a penalty of 50 points. Technical inspection (pass/fail) consists of three parts: engine inspection and governor setting, technical inspection and scrutineering, and kill switch and dynamic brake testing. Baja SAE static events include Engineering Design and Cost. Engineering Design is made up of two events: design report (50 or 100 points) and design evaluation (100 or 125 points). The design report should clearly explain the engineering and design process that would be used in developing each system of the team’s Baja SAE vehicle. The design evaluation is conducted at the event site on the first full day of competition. Design judging will consist of initial design judging of all vehicles and the design finals for the top cars. The design finals determine which car has the best design as determined by the judges. The Cost event (100 points) consists of two related sections: cost report and prototype cost. The cost report provides all the background information to verify the vehicle’s actual cost. The prototype cost is the actual calculation of points given to each team based on the team’s cost compared to the cost of other teams.

30 » SAE International

Baja SAE ® Series SCORING

Baja SAE Illinois will also include a Presentation event (50 points), where the objective is to convince the “executives” of a hypothetical manufacturing company to purchase the team’s Baja SAE vehicle design and put it into production at a rate of 4,000 units per year. The dynamic events are intended to determine how the Baja SAE vehicles perform under a variety of conditions. Dynamic events include acceleration, traction, maneuverability, specialty events, and endurance. Acceleration (60-75 points) determines the time it takes to accelerate along a 100- or 150-ft flat course. The choice of course length is at the organizer’s discretion. Each team may make two attempts, and scoring will be based on the better of the two attempts. The traction events (60 or 75 points) are designed to demonstrate the vehicles’ ability to use its traction to accomplish various tasks. At the organizer’s discretion, the traction event will be either the hill climb or a pulling event. Each vehicle may make two attempts with the best distance counting for the score. Maneuverability (60 and 75 points) is designed to assess each vehicle’s suspension, steering, and handling. The course may consist of a variety of suspension and handling challenges at the organizer’s option, possibly including tight turns, pylon maneuvers, ruts and bumps, drop-offs, sand, rocks, gullies, logs, and inclines. Each vehicle may make two runs with the best time including penalties counting for the score. Specialty events (60 or 75 points) are designed to test the vehicle under unique off-road conditions that might be available at some Baja SAE competition sites. Endurance (400 points) assesses each vehicle’s ability to operate continuously and at speed over rough terrain containing obstacles in any weather conditions. Endurance may be run for either time or distance. Endurance events for time usually run for four hours, and endurance events for distance continue until at least one car has gone the specified distance.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 31

Baja SAE ® Series 2007 YEAR IN REVIEW

Baja SAE – UCF » A pair of teams from Quebec, Canada, took two of the top three spots at the Baja SAE event hosted by the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Ocala, Fla., from April 12-15. The UCF competition exposes participants to various terrains, from rolling hills to sandy flats and the ever-challenging water course. » The Universite de Sherbrooke topped the field of 75, finishing in first place overall, and earning top honors in the overall design and endurance events. The Sherbrooke team, which finished in third place overall in 2006, received second-place honors in the design report, oral design, and suspension and traction categories. » The team from Tennessee Tech University finished in second place overall, placing first in water maneuverability and oral design, second in the sled pull and overall dynamics events, and third in acceleration and endurance. Tennessee Tech finished in the top five for the 26th time since the team began competing in 1978. » Ècole de Technologie Supèrieure rounded out the top three, placing third in the cost and dynamic events categories.

Baja SAE – SDSM » Auburn University topped the field of 100 at the Baja SAE – South Dakota School of Mines event, held May 23-26 in Rapid City, S.D. In addition to placing second overall, the Auburn team also was runnerup for the Honda R&D Americas Dynamic Events Award. » Oregon State University, which finished in first place at both Mini Baja West and Midwest last year, was runner-up this year, finishing seven points behind Auburn. OSU also placed third in the overall design category. » SUNY-Stony Brook rounded out the top three and earned runner-up honors for overall design. » The University of Iowa was recognized with the Autodesk Inventor Design Communication Award. The Overall Design Award went to LeTourneau University, and the Honda Cost Award was won by the Universidad La Salle. Host team South Dakota School of Mines & Technology’s senior team captured the Honda R&D Americas Dynamic Events Award, and the Honda R&D Endurance Award was won by the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Baja SAE – RIT » The Baja SAE Rochester World Challenge was held June 7-10 in Rochester, N.Y., and attracted 126 teams from all over the world, making it the largest Baja SAE event of the year. » Centro Universitário Da FEI, winner of last year’s Formula SAE Brazil, took home top honors, edging out runner-up Universite de Sherbrooke, and third-place Tennessee Tech University. » Centro Universitário Da FEI placed first in the hill climb and dynamic events, finished second in land maneuverability, and placed third in the cost category. » The Universite de Sherbrooke, winner of this year’s Baja SAE – UCF event, earned first place honors in the endurance and suspension & traction, and was runner-up in overall design. » Third-place finisher Tennessee Tech was runner-up at the Baja SAE – UCF event.

32 » SAE International

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA TENNESEE Registered competitors at publication time.

Andrews University Team: Andrews University Contact: Rebecca May » [email protected] » 269-471-3322

Corning Community College Team: Red Barrons #1 Contact: Erin Amidon » [email protected] » 607-739-3581

Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218

Drexel University Team: Drexel Dragons

Binghamton University Team: Binghamton University Contact: Gail Glover » [email protected] » 607-777-2174

Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: ETS Motorsports' Dirt Chapter Contact: Anh Dung Ngo » [email protected]

Bucknell University Team: Bucknell Racing Contact: Pete Mackey » [email protected] » 570-577-3260

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Teams: Lady Eagles Baja, Eagle One Racing Contact: Robert Ross » [email protected] » 386-226-6198

Central Michigan University Team: Chippewa Performance Contact: Quinlan Henry » [email protected] » 248-515-6962

Escuela Sup de Ing Automotriz Tlalnepantla Team: ESIA RACING TEAM Contact: Fidel Cruz Nino » [email protected]

Clarkson University Team: Clarkson Baja Contact: Michael Griffin » [email protected] » 315-268-6716

Fairmont State University Team: Redneck Racers

Clemson University Team: Clemson Baja Contact: Sandy Woodward » [email protected] » 864-654-7104

Florida A&M University – Florida State University Team: Newbies to Knobbies Florida International University Team: GPR George Washington University Team: GWU Baja

College of New Jersey Team: TCNJ Baja Team Contact: Alexander Czeto » [email protected] » 609-771-2779

Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT Off-Road Contact: Rona Ginsberg » [email protected] » 404-894-3214

Cornell University Team: Cornell Baja Racing

Georgian College Team: Georgian College

Institut Superierur de l'Automobile et de Team: French ISAT Baja Instituto Tecnologico de Queretaro Team: ZORROS RACING Tecnologico de Monterrey Team: Exergia Racing Team Contact: Jorge Alfredo, Nunez Carrillo » [email protected] » 01 442 238 32 55 James Madison University Team: JMU Mini Baja Contact: Don Egle » [email protected] » 540-568-5322 Johns Hopkins University Team: Hopkins Baja Kansas State University Team: Toto Keimyung University Team: Speed Limit Lipscomb University Team: Lipscomb Bison Contact: Janel Shoun » [email protected] » 615-966-7078 Louisiana State University Team: LSU Tigers Contact: Kristine Calongne » [email protected] » 225-578-5985 Manhattan College Team: Jasper Racing Michigan State University Team: MSU Baja Race Team Contact: University Relations Department » [email protected] » 517-355-7505 Michigan Tech University Team: MTU Blizzard Baja

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 33

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA TENNESEE Registered competitors at publication time.

Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda Team: Mini Baja UNEFM

Middle Tennessee State University Team: Blue Raider Baja Contact: Jennifer Allen » [email protected] » 615-898-5003

Queens University – Ontario Canada Team: Queens University Contact: Lorinda Peterson » [email protected] » 613-533-3234

Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: Miner Baja Contact: Andy Careaga » [email protected] » 573-341-4260

Rochester Institute of Technology Team: RIT Tigers Contact: John Follaco » [email protected] » 585-475-4948

North Carolina A&T State University Team: Aggie Racing

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Team: Cougar Baja Contact: Sarah MacDougal » [email protected] » 618-650-5020

University of Arkansas – Fort Smith Team: Lion Racing Contact: Sondra LaMar » [email protected] » 479-788-7025

Tennessee Tech University Teams: TTU Baja, TTU Mini Baja

University of Calgary Teams: Calgary Baja Jr. Team, U of C Senior Team Contact: Mary Anne Moser » [email protected] » 403-949-3306

North Carolina State University Team: Wolfpack Motorsports Contact: University Media Relations » [email protected] » 919-515-3470 North Central Michigan College Team: 45 Degrees North Contact: Charles Macinnis » [email protected] » 231-348-6839 Northeastern University Team: Northeastern University Contact: Ashton E Grandy » [email protected] Contact: Bryan Allard » [email protected] Northern Arizona University Team: Lumberjack Racing Contact: Tracie Hansen » [email protected] » 928-523-2282 Northwestern Michigan College Team: Upsetters Pittsburg State University Team: Gorilla Racing Contact: Kim Carlson » [email protected] » 620-235-6177

34 » SAE International

Tulane University Team: Green Wave Union College Team: UCR Baja Contact: Phil Wajda » [email protected] » 518-388-8394 United States Air Force Academy Team: Zoomie Racing Contact: Major William Ashworth » [email protected] » 719-333-7731 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Seccional Bucaramanga Team: UPB BAJA RACING TEAM Contact: Marisol Rey Gualdron » [email protected] » 057 7 6796220 x204 Universite de Sherbrooke Team: Sherbrooke

University of Akron Team: Zips Racing University of Alabama Team: Crimson GRITS Contact: Mary Wymer » [email protected] » 205-348-6444

University of Central Florida Team: The Knights Who Say Ni Contact: Dr. Jamal Nayfeh » [email protected] University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign Team: Off-Road Illini Contact: Eric Johnson » [email protected] » 815-988-2712 University of Kentucky – Paducah Team: UK Paducah Baja Contact: Denise Brazell » [email protected] » 270-534-3129 University of Louisiana – Lafayette Team: Ragin Cajun Racing Contact: Jule Simon-Dronet » [email protected] » 337-482-6397

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA TENNESEE Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Louisville Team: Speed Motorsports Contact: Erin Denny » 502-852-8523 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Team: Maize University of Missouri – Kansas City Team: Kangaroos University of Nebraska – Lincoln Team: UNL Baja University of New Brunswick Team: UNB Baja Contact: Natasha St. Pierre » [email protected] » 506-458-7969

University of Tennessee – Chattanooga Team: Runnin' Mocs University of Tennessee – Martin Team: UTM Motorsports Contact: Bud Grimes » [email protected] » 731-881-7615 University of Texas – El Paso Team: Mad Pete University of Utah Team: Utes Contact: Megan Breinholt » [email protected] » 801-585-9826 University of Vermont Team: Catamount Racing

University of North Texas Team: Mean Green Eagles Contact: John A. Krumrine » [email protected] » 940-565-4851

University of Virginia Team: Virginia Baja Racing Contact: Andrea Arco » [email protected] » 434-924-7508

University of Ontario Institute of Technology Team: UOIT Offroad Motorsports Contact: Carol Beam » [email protected] » 905-721-8668 x3216

University of Wisconsin Madison Team: UW Madison Baja Team Contact: Jim Beal » [email protected] » 608-263-0611

US Military Academy Team: USMA Vellore Institute of Technology Team: VIBHUM Virginia Military Institute Team: Block Runners Contact: LTC Stewart MacInnis » [email protected] » 540-464-7207 Virginia Tech Team: Virginia Tech, VT Hokies Contact: Shannon Richardson » [email protected] » 703-864-5308 West Virginia University Team: GOLD TEAM Western Kentucky University Team: HIlltoppers Contact: Bob Skipper » [email protected] » 270-745-4295 Widener University Team: Chester Pride

University of Puerto Rico Team: Colegio Racing University of Rhode Island Team: Rhode Runner University of Rochester Team: University of Rochester Contact: Jonathan Sherwood » jonathan.sherwood@ » 585-273-4726 University of South Florida Teams: USF Racing, Team No Bull Contact: Ed Kominowski » [email protected] » 813-974-9896

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 35

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA ILLINOIS Registered competitors at publication time.

Arizona State University – Tempe Team: Sidewinder ASU Baja Contact: Joseph Kullman » [email protected] » 480-965-8122 Arizona State University – Polytechnic Team: Sun Devil Motorsports Contact: Vinette Williams » [email protected] » 480-727-1140 Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218 Brigham Young University Team: Team Viking Contact: Marc Stevens » [email protected] » 208-496-2411 Buffalo State College Team: BSC California Polytechnic State University – Pomona Team: Bronco Racing California State University – Chico Team: Chico State Racing Contact: Joe Wills » [email protected] » 530-898-4143 California State University – Fullerton Team: Titan Racing California State University – Sacramento Team: Hornet Racing Contact: Akahiko Kumangai » [email protected] Case Western Reserve University Team: Bingham's Best

36 » SAE International

Central Michigan University Team: Chippewa Performance Contact: Quinlan Henry » [email protected] » 248-515-6962 Cetys Universidad Team: Z5 Cleveland State University Team: Made To Take It Contact: Gregg Schoof » [email protected] » 216-687-5272 Concordia University Team: Concordia University Motorsports Conestoga College Team: Cobra Cooper Union Team: Cooper Hawks East Carolina University Team: East Carolina Motorsports Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: ETS Motorsports' Dirt Chapter Contact: Anh Dung Ngo » [email protected] Ecole National d'Aerotechnique Team: ENA Racing Contact: Pierre Roberge » [email protected] » 450-678-3561 x4502 Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Team: Mud Bees Ferris State University Team: Ferris State Contact: Leah Nixon » [email protected] » 231-591-5604 Florida Institute of Technology Team: Pantera Racing Contact: Kristie Kwong » [email protected] » 321-674-8963

Franklin W. Olin College Of Engineering Team: Phoenix Racing Contact: Alyson Goodrow » [email protected] » 781-292-2257 Contact: Charlie Nolan » [email protected] » 781-292-2201 Gyeongsang National University Team: KOREA Pioneer Contact: Chulki Son » [email protected] » 82 55 751 6074 Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua Team: Predator Contact: Francisco Marcelo, Pinoncely Proal » [email protected] Iowa State University Team: Iowa State University Mini Baja Team Tecnologico de Monterrey – Laguna Team: Escuderia Laguna Contact: Elayne Cristina Vega Juarez » [email protected] » 52 8717 296300 x5203 Kansas State University – Salina Team: KSU-S Mini Baja Contact: Abigail Crouse » [email protected] » 785-826-2642 Kettering University Team: Bulldog Racing Contact: Dawn Hibbard » [email protected] » 810-762-9865 Korea University of Technology Team: KUTY Lake Superior State University Team: Laker Racing, O.R.D.

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA ILLINOIS Registered competitors at publication time.

Lawrence Technological University Team: Blue Devil Racing LeTourneau University Teams: Ingenuity, Spirit Contact: Janet Ragland » [email protected] » 903-233-3815 McGill University Team: McGill Mini Baja Contact: Douglas Sweet » [email protected] » 514-398-6752 Miami University Team: Redhawk Racing Michigan State University Team: MSU Baja Race Team Contact: University Relations Department » [email protected] » 517-355-7505 Michigan Tech University Team: MTU Blizzard Baja Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: Miner Baja Contact: Andy Careaga » [email protected] » 573-341-4260 Murray State University Team: Racers Baja New Jersey Institute of Technology Team: Garden State Racing New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology Team: NMT Mini Baja Contact: Public Information Office » [email protected] » 575-835-5616 New Mexico State University Team: Haulin Aggies North Carolina A&T State University Team: Aggie Racing

North Carolina State University Team: Wolfpack Motorsports Contact: University Media Relations » [email protected] » 919-515-3470

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Team: Levisa Engineering

North Dakota State University Team: Bison Motorsports North Dakota State University Team: Herd Haulers

Purdue University – Fort Wayne Team: Innovative Motorsports Contact: Louis Teague » [email protected] » 260-481-6495

Northeastern University Team: Northeastern University Contact: Ashton E. Grandy » [email protected] Contact: Bryan Allard » [email protected]

Purdue University – West Lafayette Teams: Phoenix, Renegade Racing Contact: Jeanne Norberg » [email protected] » 765-494-2084

Northern Illinois University Team: NIU Motorsports

Queens University – Ontario Canada Team: Queens University Contact: Lorinda Peterson » [email protected] » 613-533-3234

Northwestern University Team: Northwestern University Ohio Northern University Team: ONU BAJA Contact: Mary Wilkin » [email protected] » 419-772-2089 Oklahoma State University Team: OSU Mini Baja Contact: Reggie Greer » [email protected] » 918-519-8080 Old Dominion University Team: ODU Baja SAE Contact: Jennifer Mullen » [email protected] » 757-683-3114 Oregon State University Team: Beaver Racing Penn State University – Berks Team: Berks Racing Pittsburg State University Team: Gorilla Racing Contact: Kim Carlson » [email protected] » 620-235-6177

Purdue University – Calumet Team: PUC Baja

Robert Morris University Team: RMU Engineering Baja SAE Contact: Jonathan Potts » [email protected] » 412-397-3813 Rowan University Team: Rowan Motorsports San Joaquin Delta College Team: Team Broccoli Sanilac Career Center Team: Monster Racing South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Team: Hardrocker Racing – Mini Baja Division Contact: Breanna Bishop » [email protected] » 605-394-6082 Southern Methodist University Team: SMU Racing

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 37

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA ILLINOIS Registered competitors at publication time.

SUNY – Stony Brook Team: Stony Brook Motorsports Tennessee Tech University Team: TTU Baja Tri-State University Team: Tri-State Universidad La Salle Chihuahua Team: ULSA Bull Riders Universidad Autonoma Estado Mexico Team: Sarajuana Universite Laval Team: Alerion Contact: Isabelle Lynch » [email protected] » 418-656-2131 x8359 University of Akron Team: Zips Racing University of Alabama Birmingham Team: Blazer Motorsports Contact: Gary Mans » [email protected] » 205-934-3884 University of Arizona Team: UA Baja Racing Contact: Stephen MacCarthy » [email protected] » 520-621-4608 University of Arkansas Little Rock Team: Trojan Racing Contact: Joe Swaty » [email protected] » 501-537-9864 University of California – Los Angeles Team: UCLA Racing Contact: Leti McNeill » [email protected] » 310-206-3729 University of Colorado – Colorado Springs Team: UCCS SAE

38 » SAE International

University of Evansville Team: Offroad Aces Contact: Joe Atkinson » [email protected] » 812-488-2562 University of Hawaii – Manoa Team: Warrior Off Roading Contact: Song Choi » [email protected] » 808-956-8404 University of Houston Team: Cougar Baja Contact: Stephanie Young » [email protected] » 713-743-5630 University of Illinois – Chicago Team: Illusive Spotted Mountain Cow Contact: Paul Francuch » [email protected] » 312-996-3457

University of Portland Team: Pilot Racing Contact: Ken Lulay » [email protected] University of South Carolina Team: Cocky Engineers University of South Florida Team: Team No Bull Contact: Ed Kominowski » [email protected] » 813-974-9896 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Team: UW-Milwaukee Motorsports Contact: Ronald Perez » [email protected] » 414-229-6543 University of Wisconsin – Platteville Team: Pioneer Racing

University of Louisville Team: Speed Motorsports Contact: Erin Denny » 502-852-8523

Villanova University Team: Wildcat Racing

University of Manitoba Team: Polar Bear Racing Contact: Sara Spangelo » [email protected] » 204-474-8891

Western Washington University Team: Viking

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Teams: Blue, Maize University of Michigan – Dearborn Team: UM – Dearborn Contact: Terry Gallagher » [email protected] » 313-593-5518 University of Nevada – Las Vegas Team: Rebel Racing Contact: Christene Wallace » [email protected] » 702-895-3965 University of North Carolina – Charlotte Team: 49ers Racing

West Virginia University Team: BLUE TEAM

Wichita State University Team: Shocker Racing Contact: Joe Kleinsasser » [email protected] » 316-978-3013 Wilkes University Team: Wilkes U. Baja Contact: Amy Mbye » [email protected] » 570-408-4810 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Team: WPI Baja Contact: Eileen Brangan Mell » [email protected] » 508-831-6785 Wright State University Team: WSU RAIDERS

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA MONTREAL Registered competitors at publication time.

Alfred University Team: Saxon Racing Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218 Boston University Team: BUSAE California Polytechnic State University Team: Cal Poly Racing Contact: Holly Dunckel » [email protected] » 408-218-4637 California State University – Long Beach Team: Long Beach Motorsports Case Western Reserve University Team: Bingham's Best Cegep de Drummondville Team: Drummondville Mini-Baja Contact: Isabelle Cote » [email protected] » 819-478-4671 x383 Cegep du Vieux-Montreal Team: Baja CVM Central Michigan University Team: Chippewa Performance Contact: Quinlan Henry » [email protected] » 248-515-6962 Centro Universitario da FEI Team: Centro Universitario » Da FEI The City College of New York – The City University of New York Team: Baja CCNY Contact: Eillis Simon » [email protected] » 212-650-6460

Clarkson University Team: Clarkson Baja Contact: Michael Griffin » [email protected] » 315-268-6716 Clemson University Team: Clemson Baja Contact: Sandy Woodward » [email protected] » 864-654-7104 College de Valleyfield Team: Valleyfield Performance Contact: Frederic Auclair » [email protected] » 450-373-9441 x253 Concordia University Team: Concordia University Motorsports Conestoga College Team: Cobra Cornell University Team: Cornell Baja Racing Dawson College Team: Dawson Racing Team East Carolina University Team: East Carolina Motorsports Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: ETS Motorsports' Dirt Chapter Contact: Anh Dung Ngo [email protected] Ecole National d'Aerotechnique Team: ENA Racing Contact: Pierre Roberge » pierre.roberge@ » 450-678-3561 x4502 Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Team: Mud Bees

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Team: Lady Eagles Baja Contact: Robert Ross » [email protected] » 386-226-6198 Florida Institute of Technology Team: Pantera Racing Contact: Kristie Kwong » [email protected] » 321-674-8963 Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT Off-Road Contact: Rona Ginsberg » [email protected] » 404-894-3214 Grand Valley State University Team: GVSU Laker Racing Contact: Brian Bowe » [email protected] » 616-331-2221 Grove City College Team: Broken Axle Racing Contact: Amy Clingensmith » [email protected] » 724-458-3302 Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Juarez Team: Liebres Racing Team Contact: Ernesto Solis » [email protected] ITESM Campus Edo. Mexico Team: CEM Motorsports ITESM Ciudad Team: Hunos Racing Tream Contact: Enrique Munoz Diaz » [email protected] » 52 55 54832196 Instituto Universitario de Tecnologia Dr. Federico Rivero Palacios Team: Mini Baja IUT-RC Contact: Oscar Oyer » [email protected] » 0058 416 442 1231 Johns Hopkins University Team: Hopkins Baja

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 39

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA MONTREAL Registered competitors at publication time.

Lehigh University Team: Mountain Hawk Racing Contact: Chris Larkin » [email protected] » 610-758-4367 LeTourneau University Teams: Ingenuity, Spirit Contact: Janet Ragland » [email protected] » 903-233-3815 McGill University Team: McGill Mini Baja Contact: Douglas Sweet » [email protected] » 514-398-6752 McMaster University Team: McMaster Mini Baja Memorial University of Newfoundland Team: Memorial Baja SAE Contact: Ivan Muzychka » [email protected] » 709-737-8665 Miami University Team: RedHawk Racing Michigan State University Team: MSU Baja Race Team Contact: University Relations Department » [email protected] » 517-355-7505 Michigan Tech University Team: MTU Blizzard Baja Middle Tennessee State University Team: Blue Raider Baja Contact: Jennifer Allen » [email protected] » 615-898-5003 Milwaukee School of Engineering Team: Team Bajaha Contact: Leighann Hass » [email protected] » 414-277-7138

40 » SAE International

North Carolina A&T State University Team: Aggie Racing

Purdue University – West Lafayette Team: Renegade Racing Contact: Jeanne Norberg » [email protected] » 765-494-2084

North Carolina State University – Raleigh Team: Wolfpack Motorsports Contact: Media Relations Office » [email protected] » 919-515-3470

Queens University – Ontario Canada Team: Queens University Contact: Lorinda Peterson » [email protected] » 613-533-3234

Northeastern University Team: Northeastern University Contact: Ashton E. Grandy » [email protected] Contact: Bryan Allard » [email protected]

Rochester Institute of Technology Team: RIT Tigers Contact: John Follaco » [email protected] » 585-475-4948

Northern Michigan University Team: Northern Michigan University


Monroe Community College Team: Monroe Community College

Ohio State University Team: Baja Buckeyes Contact: Shelly Hoffman » [email protected] » 614-247-4748 Olivet Nazarene University Team: ONU Tiger Racing Contact: Mike Morgan » [email protected] Penn State University – Altoona Team: Penn State Altoona College Mini Baja Team Contact: Shari Routch » [email protected] » 814-949-5105 Penn State University – Berks Team: Berks Racing Pennsylvania College of Technology Team: Wildcats

San Diego State University Team: SDSU Mini-Baja San Jose State University Team: Sparta Contact: Raghu Agarwal » [email protected] Sheridan College Team: Sheridan Racing SUNY Institute of Technology – Utica Team: Wildcat Motorsports Contact: John Swann » [email protected] » 315-792-7113 SUNY – Buffalo Team: UB Motorsports SUNY – Stony Brook Team: Stony Brook Motorsports Tennessee Tech University Team: TTU Baja Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez Team: Indios Racing

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA MONTREAL Registered competitors at publication time.

Universidad Catolica Andres Bello Team: BAJA UCAB Contact: Vincente Napolitano » [email protected] » 58 212 4074147 Universidad de La Salle Bajio Team: Salle Bajio Contact: Christhian Cordova Azuela » ccordova@ » 52 477 710 85 31

Universite du Quebec – Rimouski Team: UQAR-RACE

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Team: Maize, Blue

Universite Laval Team: Alerion Contact: Isabelle Lynch » [email protected] » 418-656-2131 X 8359

University of Michigan – Dearborn Team: UM-Dearborn Contact: Terry Gallagher » [email protected] » 313-593-5518

University of Akron Team: Zips Racing University of Dayton Team: Dayton Flyers

Universidad La Salle Team: Aguilas Contact: Jose Goyos » [email protected] » 011 52 5 5510646373

University of Florida Team: UFSAE Gator Motorsports Contact: Susan Steward » [email protected] » 352-846-3903

Universidad La Salle Cuernavaca Team: ULSAC Cuernavaca

University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign Team: Off-Road Illini Contact: Eric Johnson » [email protected] » 815-988-2712

Universidad Metropolitana Team: SAE BAJA UNIMET Universidad Nacional Experimental Polite Team: Baja-Sae UNEXPO

University of Iowa Team: Hawkeye Motorsports

Universidad Panamericana Team: Panteras UP Racing Contact: Alfredo Gonzalez » [email protected] » 01 55 55 82 16 00 X 5220

University of Louisiana – Lafayette Team: Ragin Cajun Racing Contact: Jule Simon-Dronet » [email protected] » 337-482-6397

Universidad Simon Bolivar Team: Equipo Baja SAE USB Contact: Mariana Perez » [email protected] » 58 212 8329110

University of Louisville Team: Speed Motorsports Contact: Erin Denny » 502-852-8523

Universite de Sherbrooke Team: Sherbrooke Universite du Quebec a TroisRivieres Team: Les Patriotes Contact: Rachel Lemelin » [email protected] » 819-376-5011 X 2550

University of Maryland – Baltimore County Team: Nothing Matters Again, Plus/Minus an Inch University of Maryland – College Park Team: Terps Racing

University of North Carolina – Charlotte Team: 49ers Racing University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Team: Team Night Panther University of South Florida Team: Team No Bull Contact: Ed Kominowski » [email protected] » 813-974-9896 University of Texas – Pan American Team: Broncs Contact: Sandra Quintanilla Guzman » [email protected] » 956-381-2741 University of Vermont Team: Catamount Racing University of Virginia Team: Virginia Baja Racing Contact: Andrea Arco » [email protected] » 434-924-7508 University of Waterloo Teams: Bumble Bee, Sesame Street Gang University of Western Ontario Team: Western Baja SAE Contact: Becky Blue » [email protected] » 519-661-2128

University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth Team: Dirty Pirates

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 41

Baja SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » BAJA MONTREAL Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Windsor Team: Windsor Lancers Contact: Christina Allsop » [email protected] » 519-253-3000 x4140 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Team: UW-Milwaukee Motorsports Contact: Ronald Perez » [email protected] » 414-229-6543 Utah State University Team: Big Blue Contact: Jennifer M. Carroll » [email protected] » 435-797-8123 Vellore Institute of Technology Team: AGASTYA

42 » SAE International

Viginia Western Community College Team: VWCC Racing Virginia Tech Team: Virginia Tech Contact: Shannon Richardson » [email protected] » 703-864-5308 West Virginia University Institute of Technology Team: WVU Tech Wichita State University Team: Shocker Racing Contact: Joe Kleinsasser » [email protected] » 316-978-3013

Wilkes University Team: Wilkes U. Baja Contact: Amy Mbye » [email protected] » 570-408-4810 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Team: WPI Baja Contact: Eileen Brangan Mell » [email protected] » 508-831-6785 Youngstown State University Team: YSU's Muddy Penguins


Baja SAE – RIT 2007 1. Centro Universitario Da FEI 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. Tennessee Tech University 4. Michigan State University 5. University of Florida 6. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 7. University of South Florida 8. Queen's University 9. LeTourneau University 10. Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Baja East POINTS 936.61 918.48 885.86 883.81 882.32 877.85 875.04 863.95 863.40 862.78

1. Auburn University 2. Oregon State University 3. SUNY-Stony Brook 4. University of South Florida 5. Oregon State University 6. Rochester Institute of Technology 7. South Dakota School of Mines & Tecnology 8. Queen's University 9. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 10. University of Vermont

POINTS 855.28 848.14 839.79 839.71 831.27 825.46 825.33 811.84 768.08 767.69

Baja SAE – UCF 2007 1. Universite de Sherbrooke 2. Tennessee Tech University 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. Bucknell University 5. Northeastern University 6. University of South Florida 7. Queen's University 8. Michigan State University 9. West Virginia University 10. University of Michigan-Dearborn

1. Tennessee Tech University 2. Clarkson University 3. Universite de Sherbrooke 4. Queen's University Ontario Canada 5. Auburn University 6. Louisiana State University 7. University of Rhode Island 8. University of South Florida 9. Bucknell University 10. Northeastern University


Baja SAE – SDSM 2007


POINTS 904.74 883.12 819.81 808.58 791.23 789.51 768.38 753.53 733.32 716.99

1. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 2. Auburn University 3. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4. Queen's University 5. Universite de Sherbrooke 6. Clarkson University 7. Rochester Institute of Technology 8. Northeastern University 9. University of Rhode Island 10. North Carolina A&T State University

2004 1. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 2. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 3. University of South Florida 4. Clarkson University 5. Rochester Institute of Technology 6. Auburn University 7. Tennessee Tech University 8. University of Windsor 9. University of New Hampshire 10. Queen's University

POINTS 831.00 829.75 826.86 817.63 788.07 756.52 739.85 731.64 726.68 717.43 POINTS 931.24 894.74 854.83 850.75 848.33 809.60 781.41 773.98 761.10 755.76 POINTS 1017.1 949.9 929.3 882.6 865.5 862.5 861.2 843.4 831.6 792.3

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 43


2003 1. Tennessee Tech. University Auburn University 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. University of Central Florida 5. Clarkson University 6. Georgia Institute of Technology 7. Bucknell University 8. Northeastern University 9. Universite Du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres 10. Virginia Tech

2002 1. Tennessee Technological University 2. The College of New Jersey 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. Auburn University Team 5. Clarkson University 6. University of Central Florida (1) 7. Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres University of Central Florida (2) 9. Northeastern University 10. Dalhousie University

2001 1. Tennessee Technological University 2. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 3. Bucknell University 4. Clarkson University 5. University of Central Florida 6. The College of New Jersey (1) 7. Rochester Institute of Technology (1) 8. Auburn University 9. The College of New Jersey (2) 10. Rochester Institute of Technology (2)

44 » SAE International

POINTS 220 220 216 210 203 200 197 192 180 177 POINTS 1222 1208 1064 1057 1014 988 969 969 918 901 POINTS 1175 1155 1146 1085 1078 1069 1017 1014 1001 988

2000 1. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 2. West Virginia University 3. Auburn University 4. North Carolina A&T State University 5. Northeastern University 6. Universite de Sherbrooke 7. University of New Hampshire 8. Rochester Institute of Technology 9. U.S. Military Academy 10. Clarkson University

1999 1. Universite de Sherbrooke 2. Bucknell University 3. University of Central Florida 4. Clarkson University 5. Auburn University 6. Virginia Tech 7. U.S. Military Academy 8. Northeastern University 9. West Virginia University 10. Ecole de Technologie Superieure

1998 1. Clarkson University 2. Virginia Tech 3. Universite de Sherbrooke 4. University of Central Florida 5. Bucknell University 6. Northeastern University 7. West Virginia University 8. University of New Orleans 9. Auburn University 10. University of South Carolina

POINTS 1227.2 1182.9 1103.6 1095.2 1054.9 981.3 957.8 946.4 930.5 911.2 POINTS 1246.1 1144.0 1052.1 1010.8 966.3 926.7 926.2 894.0 865.8 798.2 POINTS 1110 1093 1041 1027 1012 904 896 855 846 811


1997 1. University of Akron 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. University of Central Florida 4. West Virginia University 5. College of New Jersey 6. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 7. U.S. Military Academy 8. Virginia Tech 9. University of North Carolina-Charlotte 10. Bucknell University


POINTS 1274 1236 1188 1109 1095 1065 1007 999 980 960 POINTS

1. Tennessee Technological University 1151.03 2. University of Central Florida 1117.20 3. Louisiana State University 1063.39 4. University of North Carolina-Charlotte 986.65 5. Auburn University 958.22 6. Clarkson University 931.22 7. Virginia Tech 902.61 8. North Carolina A&T State University 999.00 9. Michigan State University 863.98 10. University of North Carolina-Charlotte 819.78

Baja Midwest 2006 1. Oregon State University 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. Auburn University 4. University of South Florida 5. Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos 6. LeTourneau University 7. University of Wisconsin-Madison 8. University of North Carolina-Charlotte 9. Michigan State University 10. Northeastern University

2005 1. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 2. SAE Brasil 3. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4. Oregon State University 5. University of Akron 6. Auburn University 7. Instituto Technolgico de Buenos Aires 8. University of Michigan-Dearborn 9. Tennessee Tech University 10. Rochester Institute of Technology

2004 1. SAE Brasil 2. University of Akron 3. Auburn University 4. University of South Florida 5. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 6. University of Michigan-Dearborn 7. Instituto Technolgico de Buenos Aires 8. Northeastern University 9. Rochester Institute of Technology 10. Queen's University

POINTS 909.93 865.07 816.64 815.94 813.86 801.63 796.66 790.99 789.67 781.98 POINTS 905.6 903.6 885.2 882.7 875.4 873.3 873.3 871.0 856.9 821.3 POINTS 872.78 868.40 866.22 860.94 823.29 812.94 812.38 798.39 796.11 779.68

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 45


2003 1. Tennessee Tech Univ 2. Instituto Technolgico de Buenos Aires 3. University of Michigan-Dearborn (1) 4. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 5. University of Michigan-Dearborn (2) 6. University of Wisconsin-Madison 7. SAE Brasil 8. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 9. Oregon State University 10. University of South Florida

2002 1. University of Akron 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. Centro Universidade UniFEI (2) 4. Virginia Tech 5. Purdue University-West Lafayette 6. Centro Universidade UniFEI (1) 7. The College of New Jersey 8. Mississippi State University 9. Tennessee Technological University 10. University of Wisconsin-Madison

2000 1. University of Wisconsin (1) 2. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 3. North Carolina A&T State University 4. Rochester Institute of Technology 5. Virginia Tech 6. University of Wisconsin (2) 7. Purdue University 8. University of Louisville 9. Auburn University 10. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

46 » SAE International

POINTS 885.6 867.8 863.0 858.2 852.2 851.5 843.8 835.2 827.6 824.7 POINTS 699.66 665.72 662.28 658.77 651.83 643.55 632.57 628.85 620.70 618.57



1. University of Akron 2. CEFET-MG 3. Ecole de Technologie Soperieure 4. West Virginia University 5. University of Wisconsin Madison 6. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7. University of Portland 8. Auburn University Indiana Institute of Technology 10. Mississippi State University

1998 1. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 2. Virginia Tech 3. University of Akron 4. Purdue University 5. Ecola de Technologie Superieure 6. Oklahoma State University 7. University of Portland 8. Ketterring University 9. University of Toronto 10. Carleton University

631 622 606 592 584 575 574 568 568 561

POINTS 702.37 698.43 682.63 682.50 679.52 674.93 668.09 656.07 650.67 644.53

POINTS 718.14 677.50 674.98 668.81 666.08 658.69 646.77 646.09 645.89 642.45

1997 1. University of Akron 2. Michigan State University 3. West Virginia University 4. North Carolina A&T State University 5. Tennessee Technological University 6. Western Michigan University 7. Youngstown State University 8. U.S. Air Force Academy 9. Oklahoma State University 10. Purdue University

POINTS 675.7 657.3 655.8 595.0 592.9 584.5 580.4 577.7 562.8 561.3



Baja West


1. Oregon State University 915.76 2. University of South Florida 870.91 3. Queen's University Ontario Canada 858.11 4. Michigan State University 837.38 5. LeTourneau University 819.21 6. University of Louisiana-Lafayette 795.83 7. South Dakota Sch of Mines & Technology 774.74 8. California State Poly Univ-San Luis Obisbo 769.57 9. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 767.71 10. LeTourneau University 750.52

1. University of Michigan-Dearborn 2. University of Wisconsin-Madison 3. Brigham Young University 4. New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology 5. Brigham Young University 6. Purdue University-West Lafayette 7. University of Wisconsin-Madison 8. Michigan Tech University 9. Utah State University 10. University of Utah




1. University of Wisconsin-Madison 2. Brigham Young University 3. Utah State University 4. Rochester Institute of Technology 5. Michigan Tech University 6. South Dakota Sch of Mines & Technology 7. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 8. Rochester Institute of Technology 9. LeTourneau University 10. Universidad La Salle

922.036 910.041 814.938 811.730 808.569 806.304 801.993 798.425 795.505 794.601




1. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 2. Oregon State University 3. Queen's University 4. University of Wisconsin-Madison 5. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 6. Oregon State University 7. Purdue University-West Lafayette 8. Auburn University 9. University of Louisville 10. Brigham Young University



POINTS 909.97 889.25 884.65 859.98 857.42 834.50 831.71 830.32 820.18 808.71 POINTS

1. Oregon State University 930.04 2. Brigham Young University 906.02 3. Oregon State University 898.81 4. Rochester Institute of Technology 876.70 5. University of South Florida 874.19 6. Rochester Institute of Technology 859.31 7. California State University-Los Angeles 830.81 8. South Dakota Sch of Mines & Technology 828.83 9. California State University-Sacramento 824.60 10. Michigan Tech University 816.65

1. Brigham Young University (1) 2. University of Wisconsin-Madison 3. Brigham Young University (2) 4. Rochester Institute of Technology 5. LeTourneau University 6. California State University-Long Beach 7. LeTourneau University 8. University of Wisconsin-Madison 9. Washington State University 10. University of Arkansas

898.15 893.85 871.72 867.29 864.68 842.98 840.86 811.83 790.91 761.15

874.2 870.3 870.0 864.9 863.1 850.6 847.3 833.1 828.0 814.1

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 47


1999 1. California State University-Los Angeles 2. University of Central Florida 3. LeTourneau University 4. University of Central Florida 5. Rochester Institute of Technology 6. University of Wisconsin-Madison 7. Oregon State University 8. Brigham Young University 9. Pittsburg State University 10. University of Wisconsin-Madison

1998 1. California State University-Los Angeles 2. Brigham Young University 3. University of Central Florida 4. New Mexico State University 5. Oregon State University 6. University of Utah 7. Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua 8. Southern Methodist University 9. South Dakota School of Mines 10. University of Utah

48 » SAE International

POINTS 902.03 897.17 889.78 809.03 796.08 779.32 768.56 751.02 740.20 720.14 POINTS 898.68 779.42 773.20 718.04 707.35 683.05 678.55 675.65 674.43 649.87

1997 1. United States Air Force Academy 2. University of Akron 3. ITESM Campus Cuidad de Mexico 4. Pittsburg State University 5. University of Utah 6. University of Arizona 7. University of Utah 8. New Mexico State University 9. University of Colorado-Denver 10. Pittsburg State University

1996 1. California State University-Los Angeles 2. ITESM CEM 3. Southern Methodist University 4. Colorado School of Mines 5. California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo 6. U.S. Air Force Academy 7. Southern Methodist University 8. University of Utah 9. Pittsburg State University 10. ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico

POINTS 894 825 801 776 754 750 693 686 685 673 POINTS 844 786 771 757 731 725 719 715 714


Clean Snowmobile Challenge

2008 Competition Schedule • MARCH 10-15, 2008 » Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ Keweenaw Research Center, Michigan Technological University – Houghton, Mich.

Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on Clean Snowmobile Challenge, please visit • For a complete list of Clean Snowmobile Challenge competitors and contact information, see page 53.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 49

Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ OVERVIEW

The Clean Snowmobile Challenge (CSC), administered by SAE International and the Keewenaw Research Center of Michigan Technological University, is an intercollegiate engineering design competition that challenges students to cost-effectively re-engineer an existing snowmobile for improved emissions and noise while maintaining or improving the performance characteristics of the original snowmobile. The modified snowmobiles compete in a variety of events, including emissions, noise, fuel economy/endurance, acceleration, handling, static display, cold start and design. The event will also have a specific category for zero-emission snowmobiles. These entries will be judged separately; however, they may compete alongside IC engine designs during some events. Zero-emission sleds will be tested using the SAE J1161 test procedure, which reduces the speed of the snowmobile to a steady state of 15 mph. The range test has also been changed for this year’s event to reward the team that can travel the longest distance on a charge, rather than limiting the test to 10 miles.

» FAST FACTS Established: Events: Number of registered teams: 2007 winner: Engine:

50 » SAE International

2000 March 10-15, 2008; Houghton, Mich. 17 University of Idaho Two-stroke, four-stroke, and rotary engines are allowed

Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ RULES

Registration for the 2008 CSC is limited to one vehicle per university in each of the two categories, IC engine and zero emissions. The intent of the IC engine competition is to develop a snowmobile that is acceptable for use in environmentally sensitive areas such as National Parks. The modified vehicles are expected to be quiet and emit less unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide than current production snowmobiles, without significantly increasing oxides of nitrogen emissions. Teams are expected to add innovative solutions for improving on the performance of the base sled they start with, and design judges will be looking for innovations and incorporating that into their score. The minimum performance expectations for an IC snowmobile include the ability to travel 100 miles without refueling, attain a speed of 45 mph on a smooth trail, and be able to traverse 500 ft in 12 seconds or less. Zero-emissions snowmobiles are designed to operate in areas such as Summit Station, where emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels on site can skew research results, impacting the study of the Greenland Ice Cap. The National Science Foundation is currently seeking a zero-emissions vehicle for transporting researchers and support staff to and from research sites. Recent advancements in battery and motor technology have finally made it possible to realize vehicles with ranges adequate for some purposes. Snowmobiles in this category must be zero-emissions by default, therefore no test or points will be given for emissions. Instead, range and draw bar performance will be measured, and innovation will also be judged. Two-stroke, four-stroke, and rotary engines are allowed for competition, and engine displacement is limited to 600 cc or less for two-stroke and rotary engines and 973 cc or less for four-stroke engines. For dieselpowered engines, the engine displacement is limited to 1135 cc or less. Snowmobiles must be fueled with ethanol blends. E85 (85% ethanol and 15% premium gasoline) is the only permitted fuel for IC engines, and diesel-powered engines must be fueled with B10 biodiesel fuel.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 51

Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ SCORING

Teams are required to submit an engineering design paper describing the snowmobile conversion concept, design, and implementation. The paper should explain why modifications were performed and the results of testing and development. Teams are also asked to determine and defend what they believe a reasonable Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) would be for their sled, projecting minimum manufacturing quantities of 5,000 units/year. The purpose of the emissions event (100 points) is to determine the emissions levels generated by each vehicle at predetermined operating conditions following guidelines currently issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The fuel economy and endurance event is used to evaluate the endurance and durability of the competition snowmobile in conjunction with its energy efficiency. Electric-drive vehicles are not tested for fuel economy or endurance. In this event, the snowmobiles are filled with fuel and then must travel 100 miles at an average speed of 30 mph. At the final destination, the snowmobiles are refilled with fuel and the fuel consumption is recorded. Teams that complete the endurance event will receive 100 points. Zero-emissions snowmobiles are subjected to a range test, where vehicles are run at 20 mph until they are unable to proceed. The team that travels the furthest will receive 100 points. Zero-emission vehicles will also be subjected to a draw bar pull test, in which a vehicle must pull a progressive resistance starting at 4 mph until it can no longer proceed through loss of power or traction. The noise event is conducted to determine the noise level generated by each snowmobile according to the current SAE standard test, J192. For this event, zero-emission snowmobiles are tested alongside IC engine snowmobiles. The sound pressure created by the sled must pass the current standards set by the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association. If the team’s sled is equal to or less than 78 dB(A), it shall be awarded 75 points. The acceleration event is used to determine the acceleration performance of each snowmobile. The snowmobile will be accelerated from a standing stop to the maximum speed it can achieve in 500 ft. To pass the event, the elapsed time must be equal to or less than 12 seconds. Zero-emission snowmobiles will be tested alongside IC engines; however, the 12-second rule will not apply and the scoring will be separate from the IC engines. The team with the least time to reach 500 ft will receive 100 points. The purpose of the handling and drivability event is to objectively evaluate the agility and maneuverability of each competition snowmobile. A student driver from each team must complete two consecutive individually timed laps on a slalom style course, and the fastest lap will be recorded. A one-second penalty will be assessed for each cone, barrel, or bale hit, and a five-second penalty will be assessed if the entire sled does not stop in the designated stopping area. In the cold-start event, snowmobiles are cold-soaked overnight and teams have exactly 20 seconds to start their snowmobile, without the use of ether. To pass the event, vehicles must start within 20 seconds and move forward without stalling 100 ft within 120 seconds. Snowmobiles that start in time and move the appropriate distance will receive 50 points. Teams also receive points for static display, where vehicles are placed on display for marketing and promotional purposes, and snowmobile weight.

52 » SAE International

Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ 2007 YEAR IN REVIEW

» The University of Idaho improved on its 10th-place finish in 2006, taking top honors at the event held March 19-24 in Houghton, Mich. » Kettering University and the University of Maine shared runner-up honors, with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Minnesota-Duluth rounding out the top five, respectively. » The University of Idaho received awards for best design, best fuel economy (19.61 mpg), best value, most improved, and best performance. » McGill University’s electric snowmobile was recognized as the zero emissions overall winner and received the award for Best Design – Zero Emissions and the Caterpillar Innovation Award. McGill also demonstrated a hybrid snowmobile; however, it was not used in competition. » SUNY-Buffalo’s diesel-powered snowmobile was the first diesel-powered vehicle entered into the CSC.

COMPETITORS Registered competitors at publication time.

Clarkson University Team: Clarkson Electric Knights Contact: Michael Griffin » [email protected] » 315-268-6716 Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: Quiets Kettering University Team: Bulldogs Contact: Dawn Hibbard » [email protected] » 810-762-9865 McGill University Teams: McGill Electric Snowmobile Team, McGill Hybrid Snowmobile Team Contact: Doug Sweet » [email protected] » 514-398-6752

Michigan Technological University Team: Michigan Tech Clean Snowmobile Team Minnesota State University Team: Minnesota State University – Mankato Northern Illinois University Team: NIU Huskies South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Team: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Contact: Breanna Bishop » [email protected] » 605-394-6082 SUNY – Buffalo Team: SUNY – Buffalo

University of Maine Team: Black Bears University of Waterloo Team: Silent Sledders Contact: Michael Strickland » [email protected] » 519-888-4777 University of Wisconsin – Madison Teams: Bucky 750 FX, Silent Buck – EV Contact: Jim Beal » [email protected] » 608-263-0611 University of Wisconsin – Platteville Team: Pioneers

University of Idaho Team: University of Idaho

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 53

Clean Snowmobile Challenge™ YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS

2007 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Idaho 2. University of Maine 3. Kettering University 4. University of Wisconsin-Madison 5. University of Minnesota-Duluth

POINTS 1389 1225 1230 1166 1065

ZERO EMISSIONS 1. McGill University 963 2. South Dakota School of Mines & Technology 944 3. Utah State University 767

2006 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Wisconsin-Madison 2. University of Minnesota-Duluth 3. Kettering University 4. Clarkson University 5. University of Maine ZERO EMISSIONS 1. Utah State University 2. McGill University

2005 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University at Buffalo-SUNY 2. Clarkson University 3. University of Wisconsin-Madison 4. University of Maine 5. Kettering University

2004 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Wisconsin-Madison 2. Michigan Technological University 3. University of Maine 4. University at Buffalo-SUNY 5. Clarkson University

54 » SAE International

POINTS 1107 1033 1031 1019 1004 831 434 POINTS 1277 1213 985 950 907 POINTS 1081 1000 994 918 812

2003 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Idaho 2. Michigan Technological University 3. Kettering University 4. Colorado State University 5. University at Buffalo-SUNY

2002 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Idaho 2. Kettering University 3. Colorado State University 4. University at Buffalo, SUNY 5. University of Alberta

2001 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University of Waterloo 2. Kettering University 3. University at Buffalo-SUNY 4. Minnesota State University 5. University of Idaho

2000 INTERNAL COMBUSION 1. University at Buffalo-SUNY 2. University of Waterloo 3. Colorado State University 4. Michigan Technological University 5. Minnesota State University-Mankato

POINTS 1245 982 963 916 756 POINTS 1171 1169 731 604 507 POINTS 1018 1009 983 972 946 POINTS 502 302 20 -9 -155


Formula SAE Series ®

2008 Competition Schedule • APRIL 23-26, 2008 » Formula SAE® VIR Virginia International Raceway – Alton, Va. • MAY 5-7, 2008 » Formula Hybrid New Hampshire Motor Speedway – Loudon, N.H. • MAY 14-18, 2008 » Formula SAE® Michigan International Speedway – Brooklyn, Mich. • JUNE 24-28 2008 » Formula SAE® West Auto Club Speedway – Fontana, Calif.

Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on Formula SAE, please visit • For a complete list of Formula SAE competitors and contact information, see page 60.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 55

Formula SAE ® Series OVERVIEW

The Formula SAE (FSAE) competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate, and compete with small, Formula-style, autocross racecars. To give teams maximum design flexibility and freedom to express their creativity and imaginations, few restrictions are placed on the overall vehicle design. Teams typically spend eight to 12 months designing, building, testing, and preparing their vehicles before a competition. The competitions themselves give teams the chance to demonstrate and prove their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. For the purpose of the competition, students are to assume that a manufacturing firm has engaged them to design, fabricate, and demonstrate a prototype car for evaluation as a production item. The intended market for the car is the nonprofessional weekend autocross racer, therefore it must have very high performance in terms of its acceleration, braking, and handling qualities and also be low cost, easy to maintain, and reliable. The car’s marketability is also enhanced by its aesthetics, comfort, and use of common parts. The cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic events, including technical inspection, cost, presentation, and engineering design, solo performance trials, and high-performance track endurance. The events are scored to determine how well the car performs.

» FAST FACTS Established: Events:

1981 Formula SAE VIR; April 23-26, 2008; Alton, Va. Formula SAE; May 14-18, 2008; Brooklyn, Mich. Formula SAE West; June 25-28, 2008; Fontana, Calif. Number of registered teams: Formula SAE VIR, 43 Formula SAE, 121 Formula SAE West, 82 2007 winners: Texas A&M University-College Station (Formula SAE West) University of Wisconsin-Madison (Formula SAE) Engine: Four-stroke piston engine(s) with a displacement not exceeding 610 cc per cycle

56 » SAE International

Formula SAE ® Series RULES

Vehicles entered into the competitions must be conceived, designed, fabricated, and maintained by the student team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, racers, machinists, or related professionals. The vehicle must be open-wheeled and open-cockpit and have a wheelbase of at least 60 inches. Vehicles must also be equipped with four wheels and equipped with a fully operational suspension system with shock absorbers, front and rear. The wheels of the car must be 8 inches or more in diameter, and vehicles may be equipped with dry or rain tires. All drivers must use a five-, six-, or seven-point harness. Registration for the Formula SAE events is limited to 120 teams for Formula SAE, 90 teams for Formula SAE West, and 50 teams for Formula SAE VIR.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 57

Formula SAE ® Series SCORING

Among the competitions’ static events are the technical inspection, cost and manufacturing analysis, presentation, and design. The objective of the technical inspection (no points) is to determine if the vehicle meets FSAE rules requirements and restrictions and if, considered as a whole, it satisfies the intent of the rules. The cost and manufacturing analysis event (100 points) is designed to teach participants that cost and a budget are significant factors that must be taken into account in any engineering exercise, and also for students to learn and understand the manufacturing processes and techniques of some of the components that they have chosen to purchase rather than fabricate themselves. The presentation event (75 points) is conducted to evaluate a team’s ability to develop and deliver a comprehensive business case that will convince the executives of a manufacturing firm that the team’s design best meets the demands of the amateur, weekend, autocross/Sports Car Club of America Solo II racing market and that it can be profitably manufactured and marketed. The concept of the design event (150 points) is to evaluate the engineering effort that went into the design of the car and how the engineering meets the intent of the market. The car that illustrates the best use of engineering to meet the design goals and the best understanding of the design by the team members will win the design event. The competitions’ dynamic events include acceleration, skid pad, autocross, fuel economy, and endurance. During these events, the mechanical integrity of the vehicle must be maintained, and any vehicle condition that could compromise vehicle integrity will be a valid reason for exclusion by the officials until the problem is rectified. The acceleration event (75 points) evaluates the car’s acceleration in a straight line on flat pavement. The cars will accelerate from a standing start over a distance of 82 yards on a flat surface. The score for the acceleration event is spread between 0 and 75 points based upon the elapsed time. The objective of the skid-pad event is to measure the car’s cornering ability on a flat surface while making a constant-radius turn. The skid-pad score is computed based upon the lateral acceleration capability. The autocross event (150 points) evaluates the car’s maneuverability and handling qualities on a tight course without the hindrance of competing cars. The autocross course will combine the performance features of acceleration, braking, and cornering into one event. The endurance event (350 points) is designed to evaluate the overall performance of the car and to test the car’s reliability. The event is run as a single heat approximately 22 km long. The score of the endurance event is the sum of the endurance time score – the team’s time for the event including penalties – and the endurance finish score – 50 points for teams finishing the event in less than the maximum allotted time. The car’s fuel economy (50 points) will be measured in conjunction with the endurance event. The fuel score is based on the average liters per kilometer fuel economy obtained during the endurance heat.

58 » SAE International

Formula SAE ® Series 2007 Year in Review

Formula SAE » After finishing second, third, and fourth in the last 10 years, the University of Wisconsin-Madison team brought home its first win at the Formula SAE competition, May 15-20 in Romeo, Mich. » In addition to winning the SAE Foundation Cup, the team earned several other awards, including the first-place Ricardo Powertrain Award, second-place Timken Engineering Friction Award, and the secondplace Goodyear Best Performance Award. » Students made many updates to the 2007 car, including a switch from racing fuel to E-85, an 85% ethanol fuel, demonstrating the team’s commitment not only to building a high-performance car but also to reducing emissions and furthering knowledge of alternative fuels. Among the top-10 finishers, the vehicle from UW-Madison was the only one running on E-85. » The University of Western Australia and TU Graz from Austria finished second and third, respectively.

Formula SAE West » At the second edition of the Formula SAE West competition, held June 13-16 at California Speedway, Texas A&M raced to a first-place finish and took home the top prize of $3,000. » In addition to its first-place overall finish, Texas A&M placed third in the endurance event, earning one free set of tires, and first in both the overall dynamic event, earning $1,200, and autocross event, earning eight free tires. » The school’s design featured a new Aprilia SXV550 V-twin engine and had a mass of less than 400 lb (181 kg). » The competition attracted 80 universities from around the world. In addition to those from United States, one-third of the entries were from Brazil, Canada, China, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Sweden, the UK, and Venezuela. » The University of Kansas-Lawrence finished a close second and took home Altair Engineering’s William R. Adam Engineering Award and placed second in both the endurance and dynamic events. » Third-place overall finisher Auburn University earned runner-up honors for its design. » Purdue University and the University of Toledo rounded out the top five.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 59

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE MICHIGAN Registered competitors at publication time.

Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218 Brown University Team: Brown FSAE Carleton University Team: Ravens Racing Carnegie Mellon University Team: Carnegie Mellon Racing Cedarville University Team: Jackets Racing Cegep du Vieux Montreal Team: FSAECVM – Racing Central Piedmont Community College Team: CPCC Motorsports Contact: Dave Bowen » [email protected] » 704-330-4156 Clemson University Team: Clemson Formula SAE Contact: Sandra Woodward » [email protected] » 864-650-3039 Columbia University Team: Columbia University Formula SAE Contact: Office of Communications & Public Affairs » 212-854-5573 Concordia University Team: Concordia University Motorsports Cooper Union Team: Cooper Motorsports Cornell University Team: Cornell Racing Contact: Jonathan Green » [email protected] » 607-255-2541 Contact: Matt Zambelli » [email protected] » 607-255-2541

60 » SAE International

Dalhousie University Team: Formula Dalhousie Delft University of Technology Team: DUT Racing Duke University Team: Duke University Motorsports Contact: Deborah Hill » [email protected] » 919-660-8403 Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: ETS Motorsports Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Team: EPM Motorsports Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba Team: Team V8 Ferris State University Team: Ferris State Contact: Leah Nixon » [email protected] » 231-591-5604 Florida Atlantic University Team: Owls Racing Florida International University Team: Average Weirdo Motorsports Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT Motorsports Contact: Rona Ginsberg » [email protected] » 404-894-3214 Georgia Southern University Team: Eagle Motorsports Contact: Loretta Brandon » [email protected] » 912-681-0336 Graz University of Technology Team: TU Graz Racing Team Helsinki Polytechnic Team: Stadia Motorsports

Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay Team: IITB Racing Iowa State University Team: ISU FSAE Contact: John F. Dunham » [email protected] » 816-244-4752 Kanagawa Institute of Technology Team: Kangawa Institute of Technology Kokushikan University Team: Kokushikan University Kookmin University Team: KORA Kumoh National University of Technology Team: Automania Contact: Young Joo Yoon » [email protected] » 82 54 478 7335 La Universidad del Zulia Team: Equipo Formula SAE-LUZ Contact: Carmen Gonzalez » [email protected] » 58 0261 7598909 Lawrence Technological University Team: Blue Devil Racing Contact: Anne Adamus » [email protected] » 248-204-2208 Louisiana State University Team: Tiger Racing Contact: Kristine Calongne » [email protected] » 225-578-8654 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Team: MIT Motorsports McGill University Team: McGill Racing Team Contact: Douglas Sweet » [email protected] » 514-398-6752

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE MICHIGAN Registered competitors at publication time.

McMaster University Team: McMaster Racing Club Contact: Eugene Nakonecgny » [email protected] » 905-525-9140 x26781 Miami University Team: Redhawk Racing Michigan State University Team: Michigan State University Formula Racing Team Contact: Adam Zemke » [email protected] » 734-645-3186 Michigan Technological University Team: Michigan Tech Racing Minnesota State University Team: Minnesota State University – Mankato Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: S & T Racing Contact: Andrew Careaga » [email protected] » 573-341-4260 Monroe County Community College Team: Monroe Racing National University of Singapore Team: Team NUS Motorsports North Carolina State University Team: Wolfpack Motorsports Contact: Media Relations Office » [email protected] » 919-515-3470 Northwestern University Team: NUMO Oakland University Team: OUFSAE Contact: Ted Montgomery » [email protected] » 248-370-3184

Ohio State University Team: Formula Buckeyes Oxford Brookes University Team: Oxford Brookes Racing Pennsylvania State University – University Park Team: Penn State Racing Contact: Colleen Zwilcher » [email protected] » 412-651-3985 Purdue University – West Lafayette Team: Purdue Formula SAE Queens University Team: Queens FSAE Contact: Lorinda Peterson » [email protected] » 613-533-3234 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Team: RPI Formula SAE RMIT University Team: RMIT Racing Contact: Simon Watkins » [email protected] » 61 3 9925 6084 Rochester Institute of Technology Team: RIT Formula SAE Racing Team Contact: Michael Saffran » [email protected] » 585-475-5697 Contact: Will Dube » [email protected] » 585-475-2816 Rutgers University Team: Rutgers Formula Racing Contact: Carl Blesch » [email protected] » 732-932-7084 x616 Ryerson University Team: Ryerson Formula SAE

Saginaw Valley State University Team: Cardinal Formula Racing Contact: J. J. Boehm » [email protected] » 989-964-4055 Saint Louis University Team: Parks Racing Sophia University Team: Sophia Racing Contact: Takashi Suzuki » [email protected] Southern Polytechnic State University Team: Southern Polytechnic Motorsports Contact: Sylvia Carson » [email protected] » 678-915-7222 St. Cloud State University Team: SCSU FSAE SUNY-Buffalo Team: UB Motorsports Technische Universitaet Muenchen Team: Tufast Contact: Ulrich Marsch » [email protected] » 49 89 289 22779 Tennessee Tech University Team: TTU FSAE Team Contact: Monica Greppin » [email protected] » 931-372-3214 Texas A&M University Team: Texas A&M Racing Contact: John Grego » [email protected] » 214-850-8199 Ulsan University Team: Team Exponential Universidad Autonoma del Estado Mexico Team: UAEMEX Racing Team Contact: Silvia Ovando Garcia » [email protected] » 52 722 2154512 x104

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 61

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE MICHIGAN Registered competitors at publication time.

Universidad Catolica Andres Bello Team: UCAB Formula Universidad Central de Venezuela Team: Ultimate Competition Vehicle Contact: Luis Cortina » [email protected] » 58 212 8383765 Universidad Simon Bolivar Team: Equipo Formula SAE-USB Contact: Carmen Caleya de Navarro » [email protected] » 58 212 9063133 Universitat Stuttgart Team: Rennteam Uni Stuttgart Universite de Sherbrooke Team: FSS Racing Contact: Vicky Gauthier » [email protected] » 819-821-8000 x62141 Universite du Quebec – Chicoutimi Team: Formula SAE UQAC Universite du Quebec – Trois-Rivieres Team: Universite du Quebec – Trois-Rivieres Universite Laval Team: FSAE Laval Contact: Michele Gervais » [email protected] » 418-656-2131 x11874 University of Akron Team: Zips Racing University of Applied Sciences – Graz Team: Joanneum Racing Graz University of Central Florida Team: Knights Racing Contact: Suhtling Wong » [email protected] » 407-823-1698

62 » SAE International

University of Cincinnati Team: Bearcat Motorsports Contact: Nick Ciavarro » [email protected] » 513-556-3179 University of Colorado-Boulder Team: Buff Racing Contact: Carol Rowe » [email protected] » 303-492-7426 University of Connecticut Team: UConn Formula Racing University of Evansville Team: Aces Racing Contact: Joe Atkinson » [email protected] » 812-488-2562 University of Florida Team: UFSAE Gator Motorsports Contact: Susan Stewart » [email protected] » 352-846-3903 University of Guelph Team: Gryphon Racing University of Hawaii – Manoa Team: UHM Formula Racing Contact: Song K. Choi » [email protected] » 808-956-6597 University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign Team: Illini Motorsports University of Kansas Team: Jayhawks Motorsports Contact: Jill Hummels » [email protected] » 785-864-2934 University of Kentucky Team: UK FSAE

University of Louisville Team: Louisville Motorsports Contact: Jack Roby » [email protected] » 502-852-6982 Contact: Keith Sharp » [email protected] » 502-852-7280 University of Michigan – Dearborn Team: UM-Dearborn Contact: Terry Gallagher » [email protected] » 313-593-5518 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Team: Mracing University of Missouri Team: Mizzou Racing Contact: Marty Walker » 573-882-3469 University of New Hampshire Team: UNH Precision Racing University of North Carolina – Charlotte Team: 49ers Racing University of North Dakota Team: UND Formula SAE University of Oklahoma Team: Sooner Racing Team University of Ontario Institute of Technology Team: University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Pennsylvania Team: Red & Blue Racing Contact: Mike Hugel » [email protected] » 215-573-3074 University of Pittsburgh Team: Panther Racing University of Puerto Rico Team: Colegio Racing

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE MICHIGAN Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Saskatchewan Team: Huskie Motorsports Contact: Patty Martin » [email protected] » 306-966-6919 University of South Florida Team: Team No Bull Contact: Ed Kominowski » [email protected] » 813-974-9896 University of Texas – Arlington Team: UTA FSAE Contact: Roger Tuttle » [email protected] » 817-272-3682 University of Toledo Team: Rocket Motorsports Contact: Christine Smallman » [email protected] » 419-530-8014 University of Toronto Team: University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Contact: Kate Brand » [email protected] » 416-946-5783

University of Wisconsin – Madison Team: UW-Madison Formula SAE Racing Contact: Jim Beal » [email protected] » 608-263-0611 University of Wisconsin – Platteville Team: Pioneer Racing Contact: Lee Jadaan » [email protected] » 608-342-1526 University of Wollongong Team: UOW FSAE U.S. Naval Academy Team: Navy Motorsports Contact: Navy Public Affairs Officer » [email protected] » 410-293-2291

Vanderbilt University Team: Vanderbilt Motorsports Contact: Beth Fortune » [email protected] » 615-343-1790 Villanova University Team: Villanova Racing Virginia Tech Team: VT Formula SAE Western Michigan University Team: WMU Formula Racing Wichita State University Team: Shocker Racing Contact: Joe Kleinsasser » [email protected] » 316-978-3013 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Team: Tech Racing Contact: Eileen Brangan Mell » [email protected] » 508-831-6785 Yeungnam University Team: CMDM

University of Waterloo Team: University of Waterloo Motorsports University of Western Australia Team: UWA Motorsports Contact: Narelle Malloy » [email protected] » 61 8 6488 3388 University of Western Ontario Team: UWO Formula SAE University of Windsor Team: Lancer Motorsports Contact: Lori Lewis » [email protected] » 519-253-3000 X 3241

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 63

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE CALIFORNIA Registered competitors at publication time.

American University of Sharjah Team: Sharjah Team Contact: Nazzal Yousuf Nazzal » [email protected] » 00971 6 5152934 Arizona State University Team: ASU Formula SAE Contact: Terri Shafer » [email protected] » 480-965-3865 Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218 Brigham Young University Team: BYU Formula Racing Contact: Gregg Warnick » [email protected] » 801-422-6322 California Polytechnic State University Team: Cal Poly Racing Contact: Amy Hewes » [email protected] » 805-756-6402 California Polytechnic State University – Pomona Team: Cal Poly Pomona Formula Racing California State University – Fullerton Team: CSUF Motorsports California State University – Sacramento Team: Hornet Racing California State University – Fresno Team: Fresno State Motorsports California State University – Long Beach Team: Long Beach Motorsports California State University – Northridge Team: Matador Motorsports

64 » SAE International

Centro Universitario Da FEI Team: FEI Chalmers University of Technology Team: Chalmers Formula Student Clemson University Team: Clemson Formula SAE Contact: Sandra Woodward » [email protected] » 864-650-3039 Colorado State University Team: Ram Racing Formula SAE Contact: Emily Wilmsen » [email protected] » 970-491-2336

Kansas State University Team: K-State Formula SAE Contact: Dr. Daniel Swenson » [email protected] LeTourneau University Team: LeTourneau Formula Marquette University Team: Marquette Racing Contact: Dan Lentsch » [email protected] » 651-428-8535 Michigan State University Team: Michigan State University Formula Racing

Dartmouth College Team: Dartmouth Formula Racing Contact: Wynne Washburn » [email protected] » 603-646-6580

Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: S & T Racing Contact: Andrew Careaga » [email protected] » 573-341-4260

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Team: EPM Motorsport

Montana State University – Bozeman Team: Bobcat Motorsports

Escuela Sup de Ing Automotriz Tlalnepant Team: FENIX Contact: Laura Pedroza Marquez » laura_pendroza_marquez@ » 01 55 55 2690 2886

New Jersey Institute of Technology Team: NJIT Motorsports

Honda Technical College Kansai Team: Honda Technical College Kansai Hunan University Team: HNU Racing Contact: Li Cui » [email protected] » 86 731 8822881 Instituto Technologico de Chihuahua Team: Panteras Racing Team ITESM Campus Queretaro Team: ITESMCQ Racing Team Contact: Jose Manriquez » [email protected] » 442 238 31 00 x3174

Northern Illinois University Team: NIU Motorsports Oklahoma State University Team: OSU Formula Contact: Jeff Churchey » [email protected] » 405-614-0688 Oregon Institute of Technology Team: Hooters Oregon State University Team: Beaver Racing Black Pittsburg State University Team: Gorilla Racing Formula SAE Contact: Mark Jones » [email protected] » 620-235-4359

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE CALIFORNIA Registered competitors at publication time.

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Team: Polytech Motorsports Polytechnic University-Brooklyn Team: Poly Racing Contact: Susan Lestingi » [email protected] » 718-260-3968 Portland State University Team: Portland State University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Team: RPI FSAE

Universidad Metropolitana Team: UnimetMotorSports Universidad Nacional Experimental Polite Team: UNEXPO FSAE University of Alabama Team: Crimson Racing Contact: Mary Wymer » [email protected] » 205-348-6444

San Diego State University Team: SDSU Racing

University of Alberta Team: Team Knight Rider Contact: Linda Kelly » [email protected] » 780-492-4160

Santa Clara University Team: Bronco Racing

University of Arizona Team: Wildcat Motorsports

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Team: SJTU Racing Shibaura Institute of Technology Team: Shibaura Formula Racing

University of British Columbia Team: Formula SAE UBC Contact: Brian Lin » [email protected] » 604-822-2234

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Team: Formula Hardrocker Racing Contact: Breanna Bishop » [email protected] » 605-394-6082

University of California – Berkeley Team: Cal Formula SAE Contact: Neil Joesph » [email protected] » 408-203-2196

South Dakota State University Team: Wild Hare Racing Contact: Kent Miller » [email protected] Contact: Shawn Duan » [email protected]

University of California – Davis Team: UCD FSAE Contact: Greg Gibbs » [email protected] » 530-754-9673

Stanford University Team: Stanford University Texas A&M University Team: Texas A&M Racing Contact: John Grego » [email protected] » 214-850-8199 Universidad de Oriente Team: Team FSAE-UDO

University of California – Irvine Team: Anteater Racing Contact: Evan Gorski » [email protected] » 949-400-7915 University of California – Riverside Team: UCRacing

University of Cincinnati Team: Bearcat Motorsports Contact: Nick Ciavarro » [email protected] » 513-556-3179 University of Delaware Team: Fighting Cocks Contact: Michael J. Mikuszewski » [email protected] » 732-233-6584 University of Hartford Team: Hartford Motorsports University of Houston Team: Houston FSAE Contact: Stephanie Young » [email protected] » 713-743-5630 University of Idaho Team: Vandal Racing University of Kansas Team: Jayhawks Motorsports Contact: Jill Hummels » [email protected] » 785-864-2934 University of Manitoba Team: Polar Bear Racing Contact: Kevin Chody » [email protected] » 204-470-7534 University of Maryland – College Park Team: Terps Racing Contact: Jim Barrett » [email protected] » 301-405-2097 University of Minnesota – Duluth Team: Bulldog Motorsports Contact: Susan Latto » [email protected] » 218-726-8830

University of California – San Diego Team: Triton Racing

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 65

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE CALIFORNIA Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Team: Formula MN Contact: Jon Fuehrer » [email protected] » 701-290-9911 University of Nevada – Reno Team: Wolf Pack FSAE Contact: Dr. Kwang Kim » [email protected] University of New Mexico Team: LOBO Motorsports Contact: Sharen Hart » [email protected] » 505-277-5541 University of Oklahoma Team: Sooner Racing Team University of Ontario Institute of Technology Team: Durmach UOIT Motorsports

66 » SAE International

University of Southern California Team: USC Racing University of Texas – Austin Team: Longhorn Racing Contact: Becky Rische » [email protected] » 512-471-7272 University of Texas – San Antonio Team: Road Runner Racing Contact: Marianne Lewis » [email protected] » 210-458-5141 University of Toledo Team: Rocket Motorsports Contact: Christine Smallman » [email protected] » 419-530-8014

University of Victoria Team: U of Vic University of Washington Team: UW Formula Motorsport Contact: Ashley Emery » [email protected] Washington State University Team: WSU Formula SAE Contact: James L. Tinney » [email protected] » 509-335-8055 Washington University – St. Louis Team: WU Racing Wayne State University Team: WSU Formula SAE Racing Western Washington University Team: WWU Formula SAE

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE VIRGINIA Registered competitors at publication time.

Auburn University Team: War Eagle Motorsports Contact: Jim Killian » [email protected] » 334-844-4218

Lehigh University Team: Lehigh University FSAE Contact: Tracey Muldoon Moran » [email protected] » 610-758-4573

Pittsburg State University Team: Gorilla Racing Formula SAE Contact: Mark Jones » [email protected] » 620-235-4359

Berufsakademie Ravensburg – Friedrichshafen Team: BA Racing Team

Marquette University Team: Marquette Racing Contact: Dan Lentsch » [email protected] » 651-428-8535

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Team: Formula SIU

Cedarville University Team: Jackets Racing Central Piedmont Community College Team: CPCC Motorsports Contact: Dave Bowen » [email protected] » 704-330-4156 Clarkson University Team: Formula Nights Contact: Michael Griffin » [email protected] » 315-268-6716 Cooper Union Team: Cooper Motorsports Dartmouth College Team: Dartmouth Formula Racing Contact: Wynne Washburn » [email protected] » 603-646-6580 Drexel University Team: Drexel Racing Georgia Institute of Technology Team: GT Motorsports Contact: Rona Ginsberg » [email protected] » 404-894-3214 Kettering University Team: Kettering Motorsports Contact: Dawn Hibbard » [email protected] » 810-762-9865 Lafayette College Team: Leopoard Racing Contact: Glenn Airgood » [email protected] » 610-330-5124

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Team: MIT Motorsports Michigan State University Team: Michigan State University Formula Racing Team Middle Tennessee State University Team: Formula Raiders Mississippi State University Team: MSU Motorsports Contact: Heather Rowe » [email protected] » 662-325-5935 Missouri University of Science and Technology Team: S & T Racing Contact: Andrew Careaga » [email protected] » 573-341-4260 North Carolina State University Team: Wolfpack Motorsports Contact: Media Relations Office » [email protected] » 919-515-3470 Northern Illinois University Team: NIU Motorsports Oklahoma State University Team: OSU Formula Contact: Jeff Churchey » [email protected] » 405-614-0688 Old Dominion University Team: ODU Motorsports

Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville Team: SIUE Cougars Contact: Greg Conroy » [email protected] » 618-650-3607 Stevens Institute of Technology Team: Stevens Duck SUNY – Buffalo Team: UB Motorsports Temple University Team: Temple FSAE U.S. Air Force Academy Team: Zoomie Racing Contact: Major William Ashworth » [email protected] » 719-333-7731 University of Alabama Team: Crimson Racing Contact: Mary Wymer » [email protected] » 205-348-6444 University of Alabama – Birmingham Team: Blazer Motorsports University of Calgary Team: University of Calgary Contact: Formula SAE Design Team » Van Enns » [email protected] University of Cincinnati Team: Bearcat Motorsports Contact: Nick Ciavarro » [email protected] » 513-556-3179

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 67

Formula SAE ® Series COMPETITORS » FORMULA SAE VIRGINIA Registered competitors at publication time.

University of Delaware Team: Fighting Cocks Contact: Michael J. Mikuszewski » [email protected] » 732-233-6584 University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign Team: Illini Motorsports University of Maryland – College Park Team: Terps Racing Contact: Jim Barrett » [email protected] » 301-405-2097

68 » SAE International

University of Massachusetts – Lowell Team: Riverhawks Racing University of North Carolina – Charlotte Team: 49ers Racing University of South Florida Team: Team No Bull Contact: Ed Kominowski » [email protected] » 813-974-9896

University of Texas – Austin Team: Longhorn Racing Contact: Becky Rische » [email protected] » 512-471-7272 University of Wisconsin – Madison Team: UW-Madison Formula SAE Racing Virginia Tech Team: VT Formula SAE York College of Pennsylvania Team: York College


2007 1. University of Wisconsin-Madison 2. University of Western Australia 3. Graz University of Technology 4. University of Cincinnati 5. University of Toronto 6. University of Florida 7. Rochester Institute of Technology 8. University of Toledo 9. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 10. University of Kansas-Lawrence

2006 1. RMIT University 2. Penn State University 3. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4. University of Kansas-Lawrence 5. Helsinki Polytechnic 6. North Carolina State University-Raleigh 7. Iowa State University 8. University of Florida 9. Michigan State University 10. University of Akron

POINTS 877.21 857.12 820.02 778.64 778.40 754.86 751.59 721.54 711.02 705.67 POINTS 887.69 785.98 759.35 755.69 739.18 735.81 734.24 723.48 719.22 712.45



1. Cornell University 2. University of Western Australia 3. University of Wisconsin-Madison 4. University of Waterloo 5. University of Washington 6. Penn State University 7. North Carolina State University-Raleigh 8. Saginaw Valley State University 9. University of Missouri-Rolla 10. Ryerson University

905.793 868.147 853.928 812.010 811.588 789.528 764.794 754.202 738.573 729.164



1. Cornell University 2. Texas A&M University-College Station 3. Auburn University 4. University of Missouri-Rolla 5. University of Washington 6. Penn State University-University Park 7. University of Akron 8. Dartmouth College 9. University of Wisconsin-Madison 10. Ohio State University

926.597 845.342 838.834 837.214 822.289 789.168 780.612 778.727 764.543 737.254



1. University of Wollongong 2. University of Missouri-Columbia 3. Michigan State University 4. Georgia Institute of Technology 5. Auburn University 6. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 7. University of Minnesota-Minneapolis 8. North Carolina State University-Raleigh 9. Cornell University 10. California State University-Northridge

895.118 882.905 875.712 810.053 765.974



1. Cornell University 2. University of Wisconsin-Madison 3. Georgia Institute of Technology 4. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 5. University of North Carolina-Charlotte 6. Saginaw Valley State University 7. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 8. University of Western Ontario 9. Purdue University 10. Brown University

927.619 818.051 773.248 763.435 732.457 700.607

750.110 702.295 692.960 687.259 650.128

699.873 692.455 688.836 647.437

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 69





1. Cornell University 2. University of Missouri-Columbia 3. Ohio State University 4. University of Wisconsin-Madison 5. Texas A&M University 6. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 7. Dartmouth College 8. University of Texas-Arlington 9. University of Waterloo 10. Clemson University

904.131 838.776 800.905 768.009 765.004 747.940 729.707 729.118 721.759 705.740

1. Cornell University 2. University of Texas-Arlington 3. University of Akron 4. University of Missouri-Rolla 5. Rochester Institute of Technology 6. Clemson University 7. University of Waterloo 8. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 9. Ohio State University 10. Michigan Technological University




1. Texas A&M University 2. University of Wisconsin-Madison 3. Cal Poly Pomona 4. University of Florida 5. University of Leeds 6. Brown University 7. University of Waterloo 8. University of Toronto 9. University of Pittsburgh 10. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

842.232 789.830 695.511 679.469 656.027 648.333 613.439 609.954 588.620 568.774

1. Cornell University 2. University of Texas-Arlington 3. Rochester Institute of Technology 4. University of Cincinnati 5. University of Akron 6. Ohio State University 7. University of Minnesota 8. University of Waterloo 9. University of Toledo 10. Michigan State University



1999 1. University of Akron 2. Rochester Institute of Technology 3. Cornell University 4. University of Missouri-Columbia 5. University of Washington 6. Clemson University 7. Oregon State University 8. Michigan Technological University 9. University of Florida 10. Clarkson University

70 » SAE International

852.965 847.976 814.589 787.786 759.806 750.136 712.746 672.450 636.119 628.989\

1. University of Texas at Arlington 2. Rochester Institute of Technology 3. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 4. Cornell University 5. Virginia Tech 6. Lawrence Technological University 7. Oregon State University 8. Universite de Sherbrooke 9. California State Polytechnic University-Pomona 10. California State University-Sacramento

POINTS 924.62 887.02 804.45 768.04 757.16 729.57 719.13 718.15 716.10 700.84 POINTS 847.38 829.66 799.19 795.42 757.21 725.56 697.38 679.31 648.62 596.20 POINTS 887.51 787.40 764.90 707.33 705.61 658.39 647.51 627.08 594.03 568.35


1995 1. University of Texas at Arlington 2. Rochester Institute of Technology 3. Cornell University 4. Western Washington University 5. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 6. Lawrence Technological University 7. University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 8. University of British Columbia 9. University of Buffalo-SUNY 10. California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

1994 1. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2. Rochester Institute of Technology 3. Cornell University 4. LaSalle University 5. University of Florida 6. University of Illinois-Urbana 7. Georgia Institute of Technology 8. Rutgers University 9. University of Texas at Arlington 10. University of Illinois Urbana

1993 1. Cornell University 2. University of Texas at Arlington 3. Georgia Institute of Technology 4. University of Maryland 5. University of Texas at Arlington 6. Virginia Tech 7. University of Washington 8. Rochester Institute of Technology 9. Marquette University 10. Ecole de Technologie Superieure

POINTS 859.37 855.81 845.05 818.94 807.08 744.84



727.66 668.14 667.01

1. Cornell University 854.8 2. University of Texas at Arlington 791.7 3. Virginia Tech 680.6 4. West Virginia University 563.3 5. San Jose State University 526.5 6. University of Akron 464.7 7. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 451.1 8. University of Waterloo 430.8 9. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 413.5 10. Western Washington University 408.1



POINTS 852.96 800.45 767.51 725.79 678.45 660.58 655.64 646.39 645.55 643.68

1. Virginia Tech 2. University of Texas- Arlington 3. University of Missouri at Rolla (2) 4. University of Waterloo 5. University of Michigan 6. Georgia Tech 7. University of Washington 8. Lawrence Tech 9. University of Missouri at Rolla (1) 10. West Virginia University

POINTS 880.7 825.6 799.6 784.7 784.2 775.4 740.0 729.8 704.3 702.0

POINTS 716 663 612 604 601 577 560 559 521 515

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 71


2007 1. Texas A&M University-College Station 2. University of Kansas-Lawrence 3. Auburn University 4. Purdue University-West Lafayette 5. University of Toledo 6. South Dakota School of Mines & Technology 7. California State University-Northridge 8. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 9. Shibaura Institute of Technology 10. Michigan State University

72 » SAE International

POINTS 842.67 838.93 797.72 792.71 772.56 764.18 758.49 758.33 721.62 709.85



1. Texas A&M University-College Station 2. RMIT University 3. University of Wollongong 4. University of Washington 5. Rochester Institute of Technology 6. Auburn University 7. University of Toledo 8. University of Oklahoma 9. University of Missouri-Rolla 10. University of Akron

857.954 825.448 825.007 764.160 759.026 758.474 755.400 752.024 731.381 682.747




2008 Competition Schedule • JUNE 5-6, 2008 » SAE Supermileage® Eaton's Proving Grounds – Marshall, Mich.

Contact SAE • For questions, requests and credentials, please contact SAE International’s Corporate Communications team at 248-273-4092 or [email protected]. • Visit our online Press Center at • For more information on Supermileage, please visit • For a complete list of Supermileage competitors and contact information, see page 77.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 73

Supermileage® OVERVIEW

The Supermileage competition is being held to increase public awareness in the area of fuel economy and student involvement. Competing teams are required to build a one-person, fuel-efficient vehicle based on a small four-cycle engine. The vehicles run a specified course with the vehicle obtaining the highest combined miles per gallon (mpg) rating plus design segment points winning the event. Teams formed by students at both universities and high schools are eligible to participate in the competition. Collegiate and high school teams will be judged in separate categories but will simultaneously participate in the competition.

» FAST FACTS Established: Events: Number of registered teams: 2007 winners: Engine:

74 » SAE International

1983 June 5-6, 2008; Marshall, Mich. 35 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (1541 mpg) Air-cooled, four cycle with a 2.61 kW (3.5 hp) rating at 3600 rpm, supplied by Briggs & Stratton

Supermileage® RULES

Vehicles must be conceived, designed, and fabricated by the team members without direct involvement from professional engineers, faculty, and technical staff in the college/school or professionals in the racing community. Vehicle length, width, and height are not regulated; however, the driver must be fully enclosed within the body of the vehicle to prevent driver contact with the pavement. A minimum of three wheels must be in contact with the ground at all times when in operation. Vehicles also must have a steering geometry capable of a 50-ft maximum inside turning radius. All vehicles must use the same base engine, which are supplied by Briggs & Stratton at no cost to the teams. The air-cooled, four-cycle engine has a 3.5 hp rating at 3600 rpm. Batteries can be carried on the vehicle, however, they must in no way be capable of powering the vehicle. The sole source of power must be from the four-cycle engine, meaning no human power system, sail, or inertial system may be used during competiton. Minimum driver mass is 130 lb fully equipped with a helmet. Drivers who do not meet the minimum weight requirements must provide ballast to bring their weight up to the specified amount. Drivers must be able to exit the vehicle within 15 seconds, unassisted, in the case of an emergency. A maximum of two support people must also be able to quickly extract a driver from a vehicle without assistance from the driver within 20 seconds. Drivers also must have adequate visibility to maintain control and have situational awareness and may not be positioned head forward in the vehicle.

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 75

Supermileage® SCORING

The performance run will consist of each vehicle running six laps around a 1.6-mile oval test track. Vehicles must be capable of ascending a 1 percent grade and descending a 7 percent grade. Vehicles must achieve a minimum average lap speed of 15 mpg and cannot surpass a maximum average lap speed of 25 mph. This means that vehicles must travel a total distance of 9.6 miles in a maximum of 38.4 minutes, with each lap taking no longer than 3 minutes, 50 seconds to complete. If the minimum average lap speed is not maintained or the maximum is exceeded, a penalty will be assessed by subtracting from the mpg achieved. Prior to the performance run, an official fuel tank will be filled, weighed, and installed on the vehicle. Upon completion of the six laps, the timers will record the elapsed time and the fuel tank will be removed and weighed. The mpg calculation for the vehicle will then be computed, dividing the 9.6-mile distance by the amount of fuel used. Any penalties incurred will then be subtracted from the mpg calculation. A written design report must be submitted that is worth up to 250 points. The report serves as the proposal that documents the design intent and goals of the team, as a record of the design, and as an information document to show how the vehicle adheres to the rules. A verbal report, worth a maximum of 100 points, will also be conducted on the first day of the competition. Each team must supply three team members for a verbal examination conducted by a panel provided by the event’s organizers. An award will be given to the team with the top overall score, determined by the sum of the points earned on the design proposal added to the fuel mileage. All teams will receive a financial award proportional to the individual team overall score provided a successful, positive fuel economy run is achieved. An award will also be given for the team with the highest design proposal score.


» Achieving 1,541 mpg, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terra Haute, Ind.) captured top honors in the collegiate division of the Supermileage competition June 8 at the Eaton Proving Grounds near Marshall, Mich. Mater Dei High School, from Evansville, Ind., won the high school division with 1,692 mpg. » This marks Rose-Hulman’s first event championship in four years of fuel-efficient vehicle competitions. The team had placed second in the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas Challenge earlier in the year in Fontana, Calif., and was third in the 2004 Supermileage event. » Battling windy conditions, the team’s vehicle completed six 1.6-mile laps on the road course on approximately 23 mL of gasoline – an efficiency ratio that equated to 1,541 mpg – on its fifth and final attempt. » The team showed efficiency improvements throughout the day, starting with 1,087 mpg on the first 9.6-mile (15.4-km) tour. » Cedarville University was second at 1,240 mpg, and the University of Massachusetts–Amherst was third at 1,125 mpg.

76 » SAE International

Supermileage® COMPETITORS Registered competitors at publication time.

American University of Sharjah Team: AUS-SMV Contact: Saeed Al Shamsi » [email protected] » 971 6 515 2080 Arkansas Tech University Team: Arkansas Tech Engineering Binghamton University Team: Binghamton Supermileage Contact: Deborah Nugent » [email protected] » 607-777-2871 California State University – Los Angeles Team: CSULA Supermileage Contact: Margie Low » [email protected] » 323-343-3050 Cedarville University Teams: GL-III, Slipstream Central Michigan University Team: CMU E&T Supermileage Contact: Gail Moore » [email protected] » 989-774-3773 Delhi College of Engineering Team: DCE Supermileage Ecole de Technologie Superieure Team: Evolution Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Team: Poison Ivy Michigan Technological University Team: Michigan Tech Supermileage Contact: Rick Berkey » [email protected] » 906-487-4309 Northern Arizona University Team: NAU Senior Capstone Supermileage Contact: Tracie Hansen » [email protected] » 928-523-6908

Pennsylvania State University – Behrend Team: Behrend Lions Contact: Suzanne Scarpino » [email protected] » 814-898-6063 Politecnico di Milano Team: Xteam Contact: Erica Verzaro » [email protected] » 39 02 2399 2950 Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Team: OFECON Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology Team: RAYAT-SMT Rochester Institute of Technology Teams: Greenvehicle Team R, Greenvehicle Team X Contact: RIT University News » [email protected] » 585-475-5064 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Team: Rose-Hulman Efficient Vehicles R.V. College of Engineering Team: Garuda – RVCE Supermileage Contact: R. S. Kulkarni » [email protected] » 91 99456 02861 Ryerson University Team: Ryerson Supermileage S.V. Regional College of Engineering & Technology Team: Saksham

Universite Laval Team: Alerion Supermileage Contact: Isabelle Lynch » [email protected] » 418-656-2131 x8359 University of Akron Team: Astra University of Massachusetts – Amherst Team: UMass Contact: Charles Creekmore » [email protected] » 413-545-6392 University of New Haven Team: UNH Contact: Richard Stanley » [email protected] University of Toronto Team: U of T SMV Contact: Shannon Osborne » [email protected] » 416-978-5450 University of Windsor Team: Windsor Valparaiso University Team: Valparaiso University Vellore Institute of Technology Team: VIT-SMV West Virginia University Institute of Technology Team: WVU Tech Youngstown State University Team: YSU Supermileage Team Contact: Ronald Cole » [email protected] » 330-941-3285

Texas A&M University – Qatar Team: TAMUQ Texas Tech University Team: The Longshots

2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 77



MPG COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1541 2. Cedarville University 1240 3. University of MassachusettsAmherst 1125 4. Laval Universite 1119 5. Akron University 894 6. Ryerson University 781 7. University of CaliforniaLos Angeles 832 8. Valparaiso University 713 9. Binghamton University 494 10. Ivy Tech State College of Indiana 307


1861 1565 1460 1444 1229 1119 1057 1033 769 612

HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Mater Dei High School 2. Comstock Middle School

1693 335

1926 435




COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. University of British Columbia 3145 2. Universite Laval 1823 3. Ivy Tech State College of Indiana 1314 4. Universite du Quebec (ETS) 1110 5. University of Windsor 926 6. California Polytechnic University-San Luis Obispo 861 7. University of California-Berkeley 628 8. State University of New YorkBinghamton 575 9. Penn State University-Behrend 516 10. Valparaiso University 491 HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Mater Dei High School 2. Winamac Community High School 3. Mishawaka High School

78 » SAE International

3355 2033 1609 1435 1226 1140 948 865 821 791



1200 731

1398 937


MPG COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. University of British Columbia 1608 2. Universite du Quebec (ETS) 1584 3. Ivy Tech State College of Indiana 1529 4. University of Windsor 764 5. Universite Laval 769 6. University of California-Berkeley 772 7. Penn State University-Behrend 447 8. Central Michigan University 366 9. Valparaiso University 233 10. Cedarville University 290

POINTS 1818 1799 1679 964 957 947 592 481 426 420

HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Mater Dei High School 2. Mishawaka High School 3. South Spencer High School

1836 972 756

2014 1107 943










1032 819 842 658 701 634 622

1104.52 869.45 842.46 722.63 701.20 697.09 687.73



1235 881

1305.33 933.55

COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. University of British Columbia 2. Cal State UniversityLos Angeles 3. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 4. Ecole de Technologie Superieure 5. University of Massachusetts 6. Ryerson University 7. Universite Laval 8. University of Windsor (2) 9. Penn State University-Behrend 10. University of Windsor (1) HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Mater Dei High School 2. Winamac Community High School 3. Homestead High School



MPG COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. University of California-Berkeley 1068.69 2. Dalhousie University 972.91 3. University of Massachusetts-Amherst 968.47 4. University of British Columbia 895.39 5. California State University-Chico 855.45 6. Southern Polytechnic State University 742.42 7. Ryerson Polytechnical University 715.96 8. California State University-Los Angeles 584.41 9. LeTourneau University 469.88 10. Montreal Ecole Polytechnique Superieure 400.65

2001 COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. California State University-Chico 2. Ryerson Polytechnical University 3. University of California-Berkeley 4. Southern Polytechnic State University 5. LeTourneau University 6. University of British Columbia 7. Universite du Quebec (ETS) 8. Lawrence Technological University 9. Youngstown State 10. California State University-Los Angeles

640.30 552.63 527.71 472.23 310.87 295.39 220.40 191.83 181.05 172.08

HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Homestead High School 2. Ithaca Public School 3. Centennial Middle School

HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. Homestead High School 2. Moundsview/Chippewa High School 3. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Academy

603.06 432.37 422.34

1071.83 1063.79 748.74


2008 Collegiate Design Series Media Guide » 79


2000 COLLEGIATE DIVISION 1. Cedarville College 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. University of California-Berkeley 4. Universite de Quebec a Trois-Rivieres 5. University of Toronto 6. Universite de Moncton 7. Saginaw Valley State University 8. California State University-Los Angeles 9. Western Michigan University 10. Youngstown State University HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION 1. St. Thomas Academy 2. Moundsview/Chippewa High School 3. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Academy

1999 1. St. Thomas Academy 2. Ryerson Polytechnic University 3. Universite de Sherbrooke 4. Comstock Engineering 5. University of Massachusetts 6. The University of Akron 7. LeTourneau University 8. Marshall University 9. Universite de Moncton 10. Penn State University

80 » SAE International

MPG 632.21 572.99 523.70 404.34 304.99 299.80 278.43 240.66 209.28 208.21

1998 1. Universite de Sherbrooke 2. University of Massachussetts 3. Technical University of Noca Scotia 4. University of South Carolina 5. Cedarville College 6. University of California-Santa Barbara 7. Ryerson Polytechnic University 8. University of California-Berkeley 9. Universite de Moncton 10. Penn State University-Behrend

1997 1130.74 621.73 432.29 MPG 882.07 526.84 497.65 448.95 396.23 364.63 320.07 283.88 265.78 239.80

1. Technical University of Nova Scotia 2. Universite de Sherbrooke 3. University of Massachusetts-Amherst 4. Penn State University-Behrend 5. Cedarville College (1) 6. Cedarville College (2) 7. Concordia University 8. LeTourneau University 9. University of Akron 10. Central Michigan University

1996 1. Universite de Sherbrooke 2. Oakland University 3. Technical University of Nova Scotia 4. University of South Carolina 5. Ryerson Polytechnic University 6. SUNY at Buffalo 7. Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology 8. Penn State University-Behrend 9. University of Akron 10. Central Michigan University

MPG 702.74 590.50 566.88 489.63 481.31 477.71 407.50 376.25 330.01 193.55 MPG 992.59 662.56 611.74 501.17 496.30 365.16 278.79 240.88 219.53 212.23 MPG 962.63 876.62 7800 477.71 457.98 430.91 403.00 389.46 330.44 327.05


YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

RECIPIENT(S) Andy Granatelli Dan Gurney Colin Chapman Bruce McLaren Josef Karasek Dan Gurney Smokey Yunick A. J. Foyt Jr. Parnelli Jones Roman Slobodynskj Bruce Crower Bob Bubenik Roman Slobodynskj Jim Hall, John Barnard Geoff Ferris John Ward Geoff Ferris Vernon Gleasman Robin Herd Ron Kociba, Ed Negri Mario Ilien Stuart Grant John Lindo, Ray Sorce Anthony Purnell Tim Hasmer, Bill Simpson, Mike Heid, Luciano Aguirre Don Halliday Alan Mertens Nigel Bennett Mario Ilien Don Nowicki, Chris Munroe Dave Schneiker, Ning Wu, I-Fu Shih, Ed Rothrock Ed Keating, Roger Allen John Melvin, John Pierce Gian Paolo Dallara Paul Burgess Dr. Robert Hubbard, James Downing University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Midwest Roadside Safety Facility Gian Paolo Dallara Yasuhide Sakamoto, Steve Eriksen, Steve Miller, Steve O’Connor Erskine Carter, Glen Gray, Andy Inman, Tim Kronenberg, Bruce Natvig Thomas German, Justin Horning, Tom Janiczek Erskine Carter, Glen Gray, Andy Inman, Tim Kronenberg, Bruce Natvig

REASON Gas turbine engine Low-cost racing engine Monocoque chassis McLaren chassis McNamara chassis Eagle chassis Stock block engine Coyote chassis Parnelli chassis Lightning chassis Automatic clutch Flat-8 engine Laydown Offy engine Chaparral 2K chassis Penske PC9 chassis Gurney Eagle chassis Penske PC10 chassis Torque sensing differential March 84C chassis Buick V6 racing engine Ilmor Chevrolet engine Goodyear radial racing tire Carbon clutch Lola computerized dashboard Simpson “Beadall” helmet Truesports All American chassis Galmer chassis Penske chassis Mercedes 208 CI engine Tire monitoring system Design of Racing EyeCue Oldsmobile engine General Motors’ Motorsports Safety Technology Research Program Improvements to the Dallara chassis G Force GF05 chassis HANS Device SAFER Barrier Dallara IR3 chassis Honda HI4R-A engine Delphi Earpiece Sensor System Rear Wing Adjuster Tool Delphi Accident Data Recorder 3 (ADR 3)

2008 Collegiate Design Series Competition Schedule

CLEAN SNOWMOBILE CHALLENGE™ » March 10-15, 2008 Keweenaw Research Center Michigan Technological University » Houghton, Mich.

SAE AERO DESIGN® WEST » April 4-6, 2008 Fort Worth Thunderbirds Radio Control Club » Fort Worth, Texas

SAE AERO DESIGN® EAST » April 18-20, 2008 Cobb County Radio Control Modelers Club » Marietta, Ga.

FORMULA SAE® VIR » April 23-26, 2008 Virginia International Raceway » Alton, Va.

BAJA SAE® TENNESSEE » May 1-3, 2008 Tennessee Tech University » Cookeville, Tenn.

FORMULA HYBRID » May 5-7, 2008 New Hampshire Motor Speedway » Loudon, N.H. FORMULA SAE® » May 14-18, 2008 Michigan International Speedway » Brooklyn, Mich.

BAJA SAE® ILLINOIS » May 29-31, 2008 Caterpillar's Edwards Demonstration and Learning Center » Edwards, Ill.

SUPERMILEAGE® » June 5-6, 2008 Eaton's Proving Grounds » Marshall, Mich.

BAJA SAE® MONTREAL » June 11-14, 2008 Ecole de Technologie Superieure » Montreal, Quebec, Canada

FORMULA SAE® WEST » June 24-28, 2008 Auto Club Speedway » Fontana, Calif.