You cannot view LockLizard Secure PDF Files without first activating your license
. ... Install the PDCViewer.apk app by downloading it from Google Play. 3.
Safeguard Viewer Product Manual for Android Version 1.0
Revision 1.08
Instructions for installing, registering, uploading & opening PDC documents on the Android Viewer.
Pre-requisites 1. Safeguard Viewer supports Android 4.0 and above. 2. The Viewer will NOT run:
in an Android emulated environment; if USB debugging is on; on devices that have custom ROMs installed. Note: some cheaper tablets come loaded with custom ROMs by default and the Viewer will not work with these.
Getting Started The document owner (publisher) will have sent you an email with details of how to install the Viewer and register (activate) your license.
Diagram 1: Viewer registration email
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NOTE: License File If you do not receive this email, or your license file has not been sent to you by other means then contact the publisher. You cannot view LockLizard Secure PDF Files without first activating your license.
Installation 1. Make sure your Operating system has installed all the latest updates. 2. Install the PDCViewer.apk app by downloading it from Google Play. 3. Once downloaded, click on the PDCViewer.apk app. 4. When the install screen displays press the NEXT and then the INSTALL button. 5. Once installed a new app icon, PDCViewer, will be displayed on the Home screen.
Diagram 2: PDC Viewer App
Registration (license activation) These instructions assume you have been emailed a link to a license (.llv file) or have been sent it by email. For other methods of getting files onto your device see Ways of adding documents/licenses to Safeguard Viewer. 1. Click on the link to the license file (.llv file). 2. Complete the action using your browser to download the license file. 3. Once downloaded click on the .llv file. 4. This will load it into the Safeguard Viewer Downloads folder.
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Diagram 3: Safeguard Viewer library
5. Click on the llv file in the Safeguard Viewer Downloads folder.
Diagram 4: License file
6. A message is displayed confirming successful registration.
Diagram 5: Registration successful message
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7. The license is greyed out to show it has been activated (registered).
Diagram 6: Activated license
Opening protected documents These instructions assume you have been emailed a link to a PDC file or have been sent it by email. For other methods of getting files onto your device see Ways of adding documents/licenses to Safeguard Viewer. 1. Click on the link to the PDC file attachment and press the SAVE button.
Diagram 7: PDC file email attachment
2. Click on the VIEW button. This will load it into the Safeguard Viewer Downloads folder.
Diagram 8: PDC file imported into downloads folder
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3. Click on the .pdc document to open it. The protected document (PDC file) will open in the Viewer as shown below.
Diagram 9: Opened PDC document
4. To close the document press the back button
NOTE: License Activation If you try and open a document before you have registered (activated your license) the following message will be displayed. Refer to Registration (license activation) above.
Diagram 10: Error message if you have not activated your license
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Safeguard Viewer Toolbar Tap once at the top of a document to reveal the Safeguard Viewer Toolbar.
Diagram 11: Viewer Toolbar
The toolbar can be set to be permanently displayed when a document is loaded by selecting the ‘Always Show Toolbar’ option from the Safeguard Viewer Settings menu.
Menu Options search for text add, edit, and delete bookmarks view documents in single or two page view view the table of contents view info about the document & contact the document owner (publisher) Pop-up menu is displayed if insufficient room is available for above icons
Closing the Toolbar Double tap on the toolbar to close it.
Quickly navigating around a document Use the thumbnails at the bottom of the page to quickly navigate to any page in the document.
Diagram 12: Thumbnail display
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NOTE: Toggling toolbar and thumbnails scroller You can long tap anywhere on a document page for a popup menu with options for search, bookmarks, document info, table of contents, toggling the toolbar and thumbnails visibility. This is useful when the option to always show the toolbar is set to on in order to manually override the showing/hiding of the toolbar.
Safeguard Viewer Library The Safeguard Viewer library is displayed every time you select the PDCViewer app icon. Any .pdc or .llv files you upload to your device are stored in the Safeguard Viewer library in the Downloads folder.
Diagram 13: Viewer Library
Diagram 14: Viewer Library – Downloads folder
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Menu Options Wifi upload Add folders Select files Utilities - Settings menu, Search, & Import Folders
Searching for files Use the search facility at the top of the library window.
Diagram 15: Search menu
Go to the folder you want to search in (the search facility does NOT search sub-folders).
Diagram 16: Search facility
Tap on the ‘search string’ text to enter your search text. Your search entry is automatically filtered as you type. Press
to exit the search facility.
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Folders PDC documents and licenses are stored in the Safeguard library in folders. The folder ‘Downloads’ is a specific folder created by the system to store/transfer pdc/llv files from third-party apps (email, drop box etc.). When you open a pdc/llv files from another app, the system transfers the file to the Downloads folder. If you delete the Downloads folder and open a pdc/llv file from a third party app, the Downloads folder is created again and the file is stored there.
Adding folders To add a new folder, select the name in the dialog box.
button at the top of the library and enter the folder
Diagram 17: New Folder
Moving files and folders 1. Select the
button at the top of the library.
2. Select the files or folders to move. 3. Select the
4. Select the destination folder from the pop-up window.
Diagram 18: Moving files into folders
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5. To quickly move a single file/folder long tap on it. When the menu appears select the move option.
Deleting files & folders 1. Select the
button at the top of the library.
2. Select the files or folders to delete. You can select multiple files/folders by using the 3. Select the
button and the
button to deselect them.
4. Confirm deletion by selecting ‘Yes’ from the pop-up window.
Diagram 19: Deleting files
5. To quickly delete a single file/folder long tap on it. When the menu appears select the delete option. NOTE: Deleting a folder will delete all files within that folder.
Renaming files & folders Long tap on a file/folder to rename it. When the menu appears select the rename option.
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Safeguard Viewer Settings menu From the Safeguard Viewer Settings menu you can change Safeguard Viewer program settings. Select the Settings option from the Utilities menu.
Diagram 20: Settings menu
Diagram 21: Safeguard Viewer settings menu
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The following options are ON by default:
Mark used license Keep Screen On
Mark used license Licenses you have activated (registered) will be greyed out and have a check mark next to their name. Remember last page Remembers the last page viewed. Next time you open the document it will open at that page. Keep screen on When reading a document the screen will not standby/dim and turn off, it will stay on so you can read without any interventions. Always Show Toolbar The document toolbar will always be displayed when a document is loaded. You may want to select this option if you find it difficult to get the toolbar to display when tapping on a document. Remove Keystore Removes the Viewer keystore. If you use this option you will have to register again to access documents. License Agreement Displays the LockLizard license agreement. Online product manual Displays this manual.
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Ways of adding documents/licenses to Safeguard Viewer Instructions for items 3-5 assume you already have PDC files/licenses on your computer or LAN. 1. Email License files (.llv files) and PDC files which have been sent as attachments by email must be first saved to disk. Clicking on them will then automatically load them into the Safeguard Viewer library Downloads folder. 2. Web Site Link Click on a link to an llv or PDC file on a web page. Once downloaded, click on the file to load it into the Safeguard Viewer library Downloads folder. 3. Import Folders a) With your device connected to your computer via USB, copy the files across. b) Once the files are on the device select the ‘Import folder’ option from the Safeguard Utilities menu.
Diagram 22: Import folder menu
c) This will display a list of folders and files available from the devices Download folder.
Diagram 23: Folder import
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d) Navigate to the folder you want to import the files from and then press the ‘Import Folder’ button.
4. Wi-Fi Upload You can upload PDC files and licenses to your device via your local Wi-Fi network. Selecting the
button will start the Wi-Fi Upload process.
Diagram 24: Wi-Fi upload
A message is displayed asking you to connect with your computer browser to a local address (like On your computer, open your browser and navigate to that address (NOTE: your computer must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Android device). You will see a web page with upload options for files and licenses - select them from your computer and click upload, and repeat the operation until all of your files are uploaded. Click the “Finish Wi-Fi Upload” button in Safeguard Viewer when you are done to finish the upload process. 5. Cloud file storage (i.e. Dropbox, Microsoft SkyDrive, or similar) Install a cloud file storage system on your computer and your Android device and follow the instructions to synchronize files between devices. Dropbox instructions One way of transferring files from a PC or Mac computer to your Android device is to use an application known as Dropbox. This creates a ‘cloud’ file storage system that allows you to upload files, movies, pictures and so on, that you can share across your account or also with other people. You can use it to make PDC files and licenses downloaded onto your PC/Mac available to upload to your Android device. To do this you need to download the Dropbox application onto your Android device, and that means setting up an account with Dropbox. Dropbox may be found in the Google Play Store, or at
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Once you have installed Dropbox on your device, you must then download the Dropbox application onto either the PC or Mac, and log on to the account that you created. That links the accounts together. As soon as you have done that, the Dropbox app will open a virtual folder where you can drop files to be synchronised between the PC and your Android device. So from the PC end you can drop files into the Dropbox folder and they will become available to the Android device dynamically, and at the Android end, files, pictures and so on that are on the Android are made available for download into the PC.
Diagram 25: Safeguard files in Dropbox
License Files (.llv): Select the .llv file in Dropbox. This will display the following dialog:
Diagram 26: Adding license files from Dropbox
Select the PDCViewer app and then the ‘Always’ button. The license will then be added to the Safeguard Viewer library Downloads folder. Secure PDF Files (.pdc): Select the .pdc file in Dropbox. The license will then be added to the Safeguard Viewer library Downloads folder.
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Document controls Document controls are set by the publisher (document owner) and cannot be changed. To view controls applied to a document open a PDC file and select
Diagram 27: PDC file info
De-installation, cache and data removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tap the All Apps icon on the tray Select the Settings icon In the Device section select Apps Select the PDCViewer application Press the Uninstall button
Diagram 28: Uninstall and data removal options
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This will remove the PDCViewer app, keystore and all associated data (.llv license files and PDC documents) or you can choose to delete the cache and/or data files. Clearing the data files will remove all PDC documents, license,s and the Viewer keystore.
Quick Uninstall To quickly uninstall the Viewer, touch and hold the PDCViewer icon in Apps for a second and drag it onto the Uninstall icon. De-installation removes the PDC Viewer, the Document and License library, and the Viewer keystore.
Upgrading the Viewer When you do a device Software Update, Google will inform you about any updates available.
Troubleshooting For specific issues please visit our support knowledgebase.
NOTE: Search String Search for the keyword in an error message rather than a string of text. For any items not covered here please consult the publisher of the document.
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