Safety Video Catalog - Society Insurance

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provides tractor operators with "safety basics" vehicle operations, pedestrian safety .... back works, body mechanics an

RISK CONTROL Safety Video Catalog 150 Camelot Drive Fond du Lac, WI 54935 1-888-576-2438 Fax (920) 922-3710

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Instructions Society Insurance has contracted with the National Resource Safety Center to provide your business with the ability to borrow from their library of health and safety programs for free. Their library contains thousands of the finest safety and health programs produced. This inventory of videos covers a wide range of topics, including a whole section devoted to videos in Spanish. 1. Once you have selected your program of choice, please complete the safety video lending agreement on the next page and return to Risk Control. 2. We will order the video on your behalf and have it shipped directly to your business in a pre-paid container. 3. At the conclusion of the 14-day borrowing period, return the program to National Resource Safety Center in the enclosed pre-paid shipping container. If you have any questions or need further assistance with the ordering process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information Use the following to reach Risk Control: Risk Control 150 Camelot Drive Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Phone: (888) 576-2438 Fax: (920) 922-3710 [email protected]

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Society Insurance Safety Video Lending Agreement Society Insurance is pleased to provide you with access to the National Resource Safety Center library program. We have a contractual arrangement with NRSC in Santa Ana, CA, which enables us to provide their safety programs to you on loan. You may borrow one safety program at a time for 14 days. The video lending library is available in both DVD and VHS format.* You may search for safety training videos under various categories at In order to use this library you must agree to the conditions outlined below: (1.) SHIPPING POLICY AND CHARGES: Safety programs are on loan to you with NO RENTAL FEES for a 14day period. The 14 day period commences the day the programs are shipped. You will need to order your video at least 5 days in advance of your scheduled safety meeting. (2.) COMPLETION OF FORM: Please complete the request form below, sign and return to Society Insurance. You may send the form to us by mail, fax, or by email. Once the form is received by Society Insurance, we will process your request within 2 business days. (3.) GRACE PERIOD: You will be allowed a return grace period of up to (10) calendar days beyond the due date of your order. After the grace period expires, and the program(s) are not returned to the library, the program(s) will be considered lost and you will be billed for the cost to replace the program(s) not to exceed $200 per lost program. There is a $50 restocking fee for programs returned after grace period ends. (4.) LOST OR DAMAGED PROGRAMS: The borrower is liable for programs that are lost or damaged (other than from shipping). We recommend that you carefully inspect all programs when they are first received. If a program is determined to be damaged, Society Insurance must be notified immediately. The borrower is liable for programs not returned on or before the due date and grace period. Any programs not returned (other than being lost in the mail) will be billed to you for their replacement. (5.) RESTRICTIONS: Programs may not be shown where an admission is charged. NOTE: Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures. (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506). (6.) DISCLAIMER: While the information contained in the programs provided by National Resource Safety Center is believed to be reliable and correct, National Resource Safety Center makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of any information, method, process disclosed or that such use may not infringe upon privately owned rights and does not assume any liability or responsibilities, expressed or implied with respect to the use of any information, method, or process disclosed in these programs or the accuracy of the information herein. (7.) RETURN ORDER FORM TO: Attn: Risk Control Services 150 Camelot Drive Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Fax (920) 922-3710 [email protected] *Please note not all programs are available in both formats. Safety Program Request Order Video Number: ________________ Alternate Selection Video Number_________________ Requested Viewing Date: ________________

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National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog TABLE OF CONTENTS Accident Investigation………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 3 Agriculture and Forestry ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Asbestos Awareness……………………………………………………………………………………..……….…..6 Back Injury Prevention………………………………………………………………………………………..….…..7 Bloodborne Pathogens………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 14 Chains, Cranes and Hoists………………………………………………….……………………..………….…... 16 Confined Spaces………………………………………………………………………………….…………..….… 18 Construction Industry…………………………………………………………………………………..………….. 21 Disasters and Emergencies…………………………………………………………………………………………29 Driving Safety…………………………………………………………………………..………..…………………. 32 Electrical Safety……………………………………………………………………………………………...……….44 Employee Safety……………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 48 Environmental Safety………………………………………………………………………..…………….…………52 Ergonomics………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. 52 Fire Safety…………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 56 First Aid………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………… 60 Fleet Maintenance……………………………………………………………………………….…………………. 66 Forklift Safety……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 General Safety……………………………………………………..………………………………………………… 71 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety…………………………………………………………..…………………………. 86 Hazardous Materials…………………………………………………..……………………………………………..89 Health and Wellness………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 102 Heat Stress………………………………………………………………………………………………..…............ 107 High Voltage……………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 109 Home/Off the Job Safety………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 112 Hospitality……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….. 113 Lockout/Tagout……………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 117 Machine Safeguarding……………………………………………………………………………..………………. 121 Management & Supervision……………………………………………………………………..………………… 122 Office Safety………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….. 135 Personal Protection Equipment………..………………………………………….………………………….…… 136 Public Agency……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 143 Retail Industry……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 149 School………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 149 Slips and Falls……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 152 Spanish Titles……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 156 Substance Abuse……………………………………………….…………………………………………………… 173 Tools and Machinery…………………………………………….………………………………………………….. 177 Welding………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 181


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Accident Investigation A113 VHS

Accident Investigation

Accident Causes and Prevention English

10 Minutes

This program stresses the fact that accidents don't just "happen." They are the result of unsafe acts and/or unsafe behavior of employees. This program will train the employee on how to reduce accidents and injuries on the job.


Accident Reporting



5 Minutes

This program demonstrates the need to investigate accidents and to complete reports properly. It explains the basic form and why the information is necessary.

Accident Investigation CS21

Accident Investigation A160 VHS


Accident Investigation English



5 Minutes

Accident Investigation

Accident Investigation Accident Reporting


This program is designed for the safety manager. It discusses ways to evaluate the effectiveness of your safety program and how to make appropriate improvements and corrections.

10 Minutes

This video reviews the four main stages of an accident investigation and stresses the benefits of a proper accident investigation.


Safety Audit

CS22 8 VHS

OSHA Recordkeeping English

5 Minutes

5 Minutes This video is designed for personnel responsible for safety and insurance related reports. It explains accident investigation, proper completion of records and follow-up paperwork. Good program for administrative personnel, supervisors, and those in charge of maintaining safety and training records.

This program demonstrates the need to investigate accidents and to complete reports properly. It explains the basic form and why the information is necessary.

Accident Investigation A176 DVD

Accidents - Causes and Prevention English

Accident Investigation

10 Minutes


This video stresses the fact that accidents don't "just happen". They are the result of unsafe acts and/or unsafe behavior of employees. This program will train the employee on how to reduce accidents and injuries on the job.


Investigating an Industrial Accident English

18 Minutes

This video demonstrates techniques for identifying the contributing factors in an accident in order to prevent the same type of accident from happening again. 3

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog using the new record keeping forms and "Recordable Incident" scenarios.

Accident Investigation I140 DVD

Investigating an Industrial Accident English

Accident Investigation

18 Minutes S142

This video demonstrates the need to investigate accidents and how to complete reports promptly and completely. It explains what basic information is necessary and why.


Supervisor's Guide to Accident Reporting English

12 Minutes

Demonstrates the need to properly complete the accident investigation and why the information is important.

Accident Investigation O134 VHS

Accident Investigation

OSHA 300 Log the New Rule on Recordkeeping English


13 Minutes


Helps Employees identify workplace hazards; maintain records of illness, injuries and their causes. It explains, step by step, exactly what the new requirements are and how to fill out the proper forms. This is a very detailed video.


OSHA Recordkeeping for Managers and Supervisors English


13 Minutes

This video teaches step-by-step techniques on how to conduct a proper accident investigation of employee injuries on the construction site. Discusses the role of the safety supervisor and the safety committee. This older "slides on tape" production by the Associated General Contractors for the construction industry, in cooperation with OSHA, is informative although it should be viewed by a supervisor prior to being shown to a large audience.

Accident Investigation O138

Accident Investigation

20 Minutes

Helps managers and supervisors meet the updated record keeping requirements of 29 CFR Part 1904. This program provides the information managers and supervisors need to comply with OSHA's revised regulation, and allows an organization to quickly identify and eliminate repetitive hazard situations. "OSHA Record keeping for Managers/Supervisors" covers the details of the regulation's requirements and shows actual workplace incidents that demonstrate what their responsibilities are in documenting and reporting recordable accidents. Other areas covered in the program are revisions in the regulation, why record keeping is important, which record keeping requirements apply to specific work environments,

Agriculture and Forestry B121 VHS

Blowdown English

13 Minutes

Blow-down areas should be logged to avoid wasting salable wood and to minimize beetle infestation. Fallers and machine operators with expertise in handling snags are shown safely clearing Blow-down.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog understand chemical labels, routes of exposure, and personal protective equipment.

Agriculture and Forestry B141 VHS

Buckle up On-the-job English

Agriculture and Forestry

8 Minutes S163

Seat belts save lives! This program uses interviews with workers who were involved in HEAVY EQUIPMENT accidents. (Tractor backhoes, etc.) The common thread among them? Their lives were saved by seat belts.


Safe Handling of Pesticides English

19 Minutes

Pesticides are used in many agricultural and silvicultural operations. Discusses selection, use, storage and personal protective equipment.

Agriculture and Forestry F150 VHS

Agriculture and Forestry

Falling and Bucking English


22 Minutes


Falling trees can be dangerous. "If you're thinking about other things, you'd better hang up your saw..." That's the first message in this video about safe falling procedures. It includes tips about maintaining equipment, having a falling plan and the all-important first aid kit.


T128 5 Minutes


Pesticides are made to kill. Whether they kill a pest or a person depends on the dose. This video shows what you can do to reduce your exposure to pesticides and their possible effects.


Pesticide Applicator Safety English

Tree Trimming Safety English

10 Minutes

Many public agencies are responsible for trimming trees. This video addresses the safety and maintenance procedures for working with chainsaws and chippers, as well as general tree trimming safety.

Agriculture and Forestry P141

22 Minutes

Agriculture and Forestry

Pesticide Primer English


In this video, three common tractor accidents are dramatized, demonstrating how novices and experienced tractor operators are equally likely to ignore safety precautions. This video offers detailed explanations of safe tractor operating procedures.

Agriculture and Forestry P126

Tractor Safety Begins with You

17 Minutes

This video stresses the importance of following proper safety procedures when dealing with points such as pesticides. Reviews toxicity effects, how to read and 5

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Directed specifically towards fruit growers and workers, this video highlights the proper use of ladders in pruning and harvesting, pesticide application and safe operation of farm machinery.

Agriculture and Forestry T158 VHS

Tractor Safety English

5 Minutes

Asbestos Awareness

Tractors are "Power on Wheels". That power can help you, injure or kill you. This five minute refresher is designed to help tractors make your life easier - not shorter.

A121 VHS


Tractor - Loader - Backhoe English

5 Minutes

Working with a tractor-loader-backhoe puts you in the center of countless hazards. This video shows how a 360 degree perspective can keep you safe. Viewers are asked to ensure visibility all around the work area, to the "One Call" system and to climb on and off equipment correctly. The use of stabilizers and weight distribution is discussed to ensure a safe work environment.


A122 VHS

15 Minutes

Tractor turn-overs and other tractor related accidents occur too often in the agriculture industry. This video provides tractor operators with "safety basics" vehicle operations, pedestrian safety, safe operation, machine guarding and pre-inspection checklists.

Agriculture and Forestry A129 VHS

A Guide To Orchid Safety English

Asbestos: Understanding the Hazards English

25 Minutes

Informs Employees of the potential hazards involved when working with asbestos and the precautions that are necessary to reduce the incidence of exposure and contamination. The program discusses the common routes of asbestos and describes how asbestos fibers can harm tissue and cause disabling or life threatening diseases. The program stresses that smoking and working with asbestos greatly increases the risk of lung disease. Work practices, proper protective equipment, and tools are covered.

Tractor Safety English

11 Minutes

Asbestos Awareness

Agriculture and Forestry T199


Asbestos cement pipe (A/C pipe) has been in use in water and sewer applications for years. Though many agencies are avoiding using A/C pipe, it is still in the ground and subject to repair. Asbestos is a carcinogen and care must be used when working with this material. Safe methods for cutting, milling and disposal are detailed.

Agriculture and Forestry T159

Asbestos Cement Pipe

29 Minutes 6

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Asbestos Awareness A151 VHS

Asbestos Awareness

Asbestos Awareness English

H205 VHS

10 Minutes

This dramatization brings home the facts about asbestos hazards and exposure. The importance of following OSHA's guidelines for asbestos handling is emphasized.


5 Minutes

Asbestos Awareness

Asbestos: Awareness Exposure English


Asbestos, once widely used, has been linked to a number of illnesses. This video outlines the historical uses of asbestos and overviews its status in industry today.

Asbestos Awareness A162

History of Asbestos

P115 VHS

10 Minutes

This video describes the removal process of asbestos, OSHA guidelines and health risks associated with asbestos exposure. Health risks and how to protect yourself are also covered.

Procedures for Asbestos Removal English

10 Minutes

This is an excellent program for businesses with maintenance personnel intending to remove and dispose of asbestos from their facility. It covers the planning and work procedure stages, work site preparation, and necessary safety precautions throughout the removal and disposal.

Asbestos Awareness A170 VHS

Asbestos Awareness in the Workplace English

Back Injury Prevention

10 Minutes


Defines Asbestos, its related habits and where it can be found. Explains how to reduce exposure to this cancer causing substance. A must see!



The Asbestos Threat English


17 Minutes

The goal of this presentation is to inform people of positive ways to prevent back injuries and motivate them to use the techniques presented in this video program. Ideal video for office workers.

Asbestos Awareness A172

Back "On Call"

8 Minutes

This video describes the removal process of asbestos, OSHA guidelines, and health risks associated with asbestos exposure and how to protect you.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Back Injury Prevention B102 VHS

Back Injury Prevention

Back Care English

B144 VHS

13 Minutes

Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old" lift with your legs routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc., are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and other tasks related to strain and sprain injuries.

Back Injury Prevention - Safe Lifting English

9 Minutes

B144 - describes everyday lifting situations. It will teach your Employees the physiology of the back and how it works, the importance of exercise and fitness in maintaining a healthy back, the fulcrum principle and how failing to pay attention to it can increase the strain on the lower back and the impact life-style has on the back.

Back Injury Prevention

B135 VHS

Back Injury Prevention


Back Injury Prevention - Safe Lifting

Back to Basics


Techniques English


10 Minutes

The variety of lifting tasks in industry requires specific techniques to prevent painful and costly back injuries. This program explains the anatomy of the back, the 10:1 lever principle and details proper safe lifting techniques.

5 Minutes

In this video we offer tips on how to avoid back problems while lifting, pulling, pushing, bending or twisting when you are moving heavy or awkward objects.

Back Injury Prevention

B143 VHS

Back Injury Prevention


Back to Basics



Back Care English

13 Minutes

Tasks directly related Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old lift with your legs" routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc. are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and many other to strain and sprain injuries.

14 Minutes

Back injuries caused by improper handling are still the number one cause of loss time injuries. Many of these injuries and costly workers compensation claims could have been avoided through a combination of techniques involving good ergonomic design, safe lifting practices and exercise. This is a quick paced program that tests the viewer's present knowledge, reinforces existing training and introduces important new concepts for preventing back injuries.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Back Injury Prevention B177 DVD

Back Injury Prevention

Back Safety for Healthcare Providers English

CS21 9 VHS

11 Minutes

Excellent program for all employees explains how the back works, body mechanics and how each employee can make the proper decision when lifting anything, even in awkward situations.

Back Safety




5 Minutes

Provides an understanding of how the back functions, lifting techniques, as well as demonstrating how to lift safely in a variety of situations.

Back Injury Prevention

Back Injury Prevention B179

Safe Lifting

D128 VHS

Dealing with Manual Handling English

10 Minutes

5 Minutes

Prevent the most common workplace injury today: Back injury. This popular program demonstrates proper lifting, the importance of fitness and preventing injuries both on and off the job.

Lifting, pushing, pulling, pouring and wearing weighty protective clothing all fit the category of manual handling. This video explains through the use of control measures how all manual handling situations should be addressed.

Back Injury Prevention

Back Injury Prevention

B181 DVD

Back to Basics English

G113 VHS

5 Minutes

Avoid back problems caused by improperly lifting, pulling pushing bending or twisting heavy or awkward objects.


5 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention

Back to Basics Spanish


Shows how your back works and how you can support it with good posture and good work habits to avoid costly injuries.

Back Injury Prevention B182

Getting your Back into It

G127 DVD

5 Minutes

Avoid back problems caused by improperly lifting, pulling pushing bending or twisting heavy or awkward objects.

Getting your Back into It English

5 Minutes

Knowing how your back works can help avoid painful and costly injuries.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog This video teaches Employees how to avoid back strain by explaining how the back functions and teaches proper lifting techniques. Demonstrates how to lift safely in a variety of different situations. Understanding how the back works, body and back mechanics, stretching, strains, etc.

Back Injury Prevention H157 VHS

How to Prevent Back Injuries Spanish

20 Minutes

Lack of exercise, poor posture, fad diets and even sleeping positions can all affect the health of your back. These habits play a large role in making back injuries the number one safety problem in the workplace. This video shows how to protect you, both at home and on the job.

Back Injury Prevention


Back Safety for Healthcare Providers English

Lifting Safely



11 Minutes

Excellent program for all Employees. Explains how the back works, body mechanics and how each employee can make the proper decision when lifting anything, even in awkward situations.

Back Injury Prevention L127 VHS

Back Injury Prevention I122 VHS



10 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention L163 VHS

Light Industrial Back Injury Prevention English

14 Minutes

Topics Includes Safe Lifting Techniques Exercise and Stretching, Proper Body Mechanics. And many other tips and techniques guaranteed to help reduce on the job back injuries. This video stresses the importance of individual responsibility in injury reduction and outlines procedures in plain terms that are easy to follow.

Back Injury Prevention Lifting Safely


33 Minutes

Volume 1 deals with minimizing the risks of back pain on the job. It includes information for lifting, carrying, standing, pushing and pulling, and various other on the job positions. Volume 2 (on the same video about 30 seconds after volume 1 has been viewed) deals with back injury prevention off the job.


Lifting and Carrying

Examines the correct procedures for moving different types of objects and underlines the principle of safe lifting techniques.

It's your Back, Volumes I and II English

12 Minutes

Many worker compensation claims and costs are attributed to back injuries and unsafe lifting. Residential pick up workers, maintenance personnel and drivers are all potential victims of back injuries. This is a great tool to improve your program and to supplement your hands on training.

Back Injury Prevention H178


12 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Back Injury Prevention L164 VHS

Back Injury Prevention

Light Industrial Back Injury Prevention Spanish

M121 VHS

14 Minutes

Topics Includes Safe Lifting Techniques Exercise and Stretching, Proper Body Mechanics. And many other tips and techniques guaranteed to help reduce on the job back injuries. This video stresses the importance of individual responsibility in injury reduction and outlines procedures in plain terms that are easy to follow.


M126 VHS

10 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention


10 Minutes

This video covers the following transfers: Top and tail lift, shoulder lift, pivot transfer, standing transfer, stepping transfer and frame transfer.


Material Handling




10 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention

Moving a Patient from Bed to Trolley English

12 Minutes

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers safe lifting and other safety rules related to this type of work.

Back Injury Prevention M120

Warehouse English

Back Injury Prevention

Moving a Patient from Bed to Chair English

Manual Load Handling in the

This program describes how to inspect a load, checking for weight, nails, sharp edges, a weak bottom, or oily spots that could make the load slippery. Body position is stressed as the correct and incorrect way of lifting a load is shown. The program provides safety rules for using special tools in the warehouse including twowheeled hand trucks, manual pallet trucks, stock-piling ladders and box cutters.

This video program covers lifting devices and is designed to show how to correctly and safely transfer and lift patients and avoid injury to the lifter.


15 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention

Moving a Patient in Bed English

Patient Handling English

This program highlights the importance of the use of mechanical lifting devices in the appropriate situation.

Back Injury Prevention M118

Mechanical Lifting Devices - Safe


10 Minutes

VHS This video program highlights various methods for moving a patient from bed to trolley and provides a thorough training on proper procedures for lifting patients from bed to trolley and back again. Points are made for safe and comfortable patient moving.

Preventing Back Injuries English

17 Minutes

Shows Employees how the back is constructed and how it works. It introduces them to the common causes of back injury, and motivates them to protect themselves from these hazards. 11

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Back Injury Prevention S149 VHS

Back Injury Prevention

Self Help for Back Pain English

S266 DVD

5 Minutes

A basic understanding of what causes most back injuries. The application of a little common sense and a lot of caution go a long way toward prevention. Simple back exercises to be done on a regular schedule are demonstrated.

Safe Lifting Techniques English

5 Minutes

Back injuries are the most common type of injury in the workplace. Help reduce your chance of a back injury by using safe lifting techniques.

Back Injury Prevention

S238 VHS

Back Injury Prevention


Self Help for Back Pain



W115 VHS

Worker's Enemy Number One English

5 Minutes

Back injuries are a workers number one enemy. Onefourth of all injuries on the job involve the back - pulled muscles, slipped discs and pinched nerves. This video shows how to avoid these lifting problems through common sense approaches that can be adapted to almost any workplace.

Smart Moves for Preventing Back & Neck English Injuries

5 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention

Back Injury Prevention



Back injuries are the most common type of injury in the workplace. Help reduce your chance of a back injury by using safe lifting techniques.

5 Minutes

A basic understanding of what causes most back injuries. The application of a little common sense and a lot of caution go a long way toward prevention. Simple back exercises to be done on a regular schedule are demonstrated.


Safe Lifting Techniques

13 Minutes

Protect your back! 20% of all workplace injuries are back problems. Not just one incident cause's back problems, it is several. Discussed in this informative video are ways to prevent back injuries. Protect your back! 20% of all workplace injuries are back problems. Not just one incident cause's back problems, it is several. Discussed in this informative video are ways to prevent back injuries.

Back Injury Prevention W135

Watch Your Back



5 Minutes

Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can result in serious injury. The five steps to proper lifting are shown.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog lifting, this program reviews several examples of moving heavy objects.

Back Injury Prevention W136

Watch Your Back



Back Injury Prevention

5 Minutes B186

Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can result in serious injury. The five steps to proper lifting are shown.



Worker's Enemy Number One Spanish

5 Minutes

Back injuries are a workers number one enemy. Onefourth of all injuries on the job involve the back - pulled muscles, slipped discs and pinched nerves. This video shows how to avoid these lifting problems through common sense approaches that can be adapted to almost any workplace.


Back Injury Prevention


You and Your Back English

15 Minutes




9 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention

Back Injury Prevention Your Back at Work

Back Injury Prevention - Safe Lifting

B190 - describes everyday lifting situations. It will teach your Employees the physiology of the back and how it works, the importance of exercise and fitness in maintaining a healthy back, the fulcrum principle and how failing to pay attention to it can increase the strain on the lower back and the impact life-style has on the back.

Lifting heavy objects can be done without injury to the back if proper procedures are followed. This instructional program examines the back structure and explains its functional capabilities. Back-strengthening exercises are demonstrated as well as correct lifting positions.


11 Minutes

Back Injury Prevention B190



This program describes in detail how to lift objects safely. The variety of lifting tasks in industry requires specific techniques to prevent painful and costly back injuries. This video explains the anatomy of the back, the 10:1 lever principle and details proper safe lifting techniques. This video stresses the importance of individual responsibility in injury reduction and outlines procedures in plain terms that are easy to follow for anyone in your facility.

Back Injury Prevention W161

Back Injury Prevention


Lifting Safely - Preventing Back


Injuries English

10 Minutes

This video teaches employees how to avoid back strain by explaining how the back functions and teaches proper lifting techniques. Demonstrates how to lift safely in a variety of different situations

6 Minutes

Lifting heavy objects can result in aches, pains or even serious injury. Showing viewers the best methods for 13

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Back Injury Prevention B170 DVD

Bloodborne Pathogens

Back Injury Prevention - Spanish Spanish

B156 VHS

10 Minutes

This program describes in detail how to lift objects safely. The variety of lifting tasks in industry requires specific techniques to prevent painful and costly back injuries. This program explains the anatomy of the back, the 10:1 leverage principle.


B157 VHS

7 Minutes

Bloodborne Pathogens B158

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne Pathogens: Part III, What are They? English

10 Minutes

A parody of the "X-FILES" examining the dangers of HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS, unprotected sex and sharing needles. Discusses how BBP can be life-threatening if proper procedures are not followed. Tells how diseases can be transmitted directly or indirectly from one person to another.

Bloodborne Pathogens Overview English


Following universal precautions and treating all blood and body fluids as if they are infectious will reduce the risk of exposure. Part 2 of 2.



Bloodborne Pathogens - Part II

8 Minutes

This video is a basic introduction to bloodborne pathogens including the Hepatitis B Virus (HBT) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Viewers will be educated in the general requirements of the Bloodborne Pathogen standard. Designed as a basic introduction for Employees who have little exposure or knowledge of this standard.


11 Minutes

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace English


Discusses the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and how to avoid being infected. Being trained and following procedures will reduce the risk of exposure. Part 1 of 2. Part 2 is B157

Bloodborne Pathogens B131

Bloodborne Pathogens - Part I

5 Minutes

What you need to know about the new OSHA standard; covers plans, engineering and work controls, personal protection equipment, universal precautions, vaccinations, training, counseling and record keeping.

Bloodborne Pathogens B159 VHS

Bloodborne Pathogens: Part I, Protect Yourself English

9 Minutes

This video discusses how to protect you from body fluids in the workplace. Proper PPE, clean up procedures and disposing of contaminants are reviewed. 14

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Bloodborne Pathogens B160 VHS

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne Pathogens: Part II, Post


Bloodborne Pathogens in the

Exposure English


Workplace English

11 Minutes

Using a parody on the "X-Files" this video discusses how to clean up after body fluid exposure and encourages health care provider treatment.

This video is a basic introduction to bloodborne pathogens including the Hepatitis B Virus (HBT) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Viewers will be educated in the general requirements of the Bloodborne Pathogen standard. Designed as a basic introduction for Employees who have little exposure or knowledge of this standard.

Bloodborne Pathogens B169

Bloodborne Pathogens - Millennium



8 Minutes

17 Minutes

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne pathogens and the diseases they cause can be a sensitive subject. Accurate and informative training is needed to calm the fears of Employees. This DVD does just that. Developed with new standards and information relating to lifestyles, bloodborne pathogens transmission, prevention and precautions, this program is appropriate for first aid providers and for everyone in case of emergencies.

B184 DVD

Bloodborne Pathogens Overview English

5 Minutes

Blood-borne pathogens are micro-organisms that are carried in blood and other body fluids. They include Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, the virus that causes AIS. To limit exposure, make sure you understand the hazards and always use safe work practices.

Bloodborne Pathogens B171

Bloodborne Pathogens - Millennium



Bloodborne Pathogens

17 Minutes


Bloodborne pathogens and the diseases they cause can be a sensitive subject. Accurate and informative training is needed to calm the fears of Employees. This DVD does just that. Developed with new standards and information relating to lifestyles, bloodborne pathogens transmission, prevention and precautions, this program is appropriate for first aid providers and for everyone in case of emergencies.


Bloodborne Pathogens Spanish

5 Minutes

Blood-borne pathogens are micro-organisms that are carried in blood and other body fluids. They include Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, the virus that causes AIS. To limit exposure, make sure you understand the hazards and always use safe work practices.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Bloodborne Pathogens C147 VHS

Bloodborne Pathogens

Controlling the Exposure to


Bloodborne EnglishPathogens 18 Minutes


Designed to aid in eliminating or minimizing occupational exposure to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other bloodborne pathogens. Topics include personal protective equipment, hygiene, handling, removal and disposal of contaminated clothing and equipment. This video is excellent for a wide range audience.



Universal Precautions - Infection


Control English

8 Minutes

Chains, Cranes and Hoists A171

Bloodborne Pathogens



Preventing Transmission of Infectious Diseases English

8 Minutes

Designed for health care providers, but is an excellent program for engineering, custodial, security, administration and other personnel who provide services in the health care environment. Good refresher for nursing, laboratory technicians and other providers who normally receive additional universal precaution training.

Designed for health care providers, but is an excellent program for engineering, custodial, security, administration and other personnel who provide services in the health care environment. Good refresher for nursing, lab and other providers who normally receive additional universal precaution training.


5 Minutes

Bloodborne Pathogens

Universal Precautions - Infection Control English


This live action program explains what blood borne pathogens are, modes of transmission, proper P.P.E. and misconceptions about exposure.

Bloodborne Pathogens H180

Blood Borne Pathogens

Aerial Work Platforms English

8 Minutes

Boom lifts and scissor lifts help us reach work areas that were once almost impossible to access. Like all pieces of heavy equipment, these valuable machines must be operated safely to prevent injuries and damage to property.

22 Minutes

This educational video provides health care workers, laboratory personnel, first responders, police, fire fighters, and other occupations at risk with practical recommendations for reducing the chances of contamination and/or transmission of blood-borne infectious diseases. Includes guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Chains, Cranes and Hoists C102 VHS

Chains, Cranes and Hoists

Chains/Slings/Hoists Safety English

S214 VHS

15 Minutes

This program discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, precautions and inspection responsibilities as well as sling angles, overloading, nylon slings, chains, wire rope, hooks and general rigging safety.


15 Minutes

This program discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, precautions and inspection responsibilities as well as sling angles, overloading, nylon slings, chains, wire rope, hooks and general rigging safety.


Cranes, Chains, Slings, and Hoists English


Safe Operation of Scissor and Boom


Lifts English

5 Minutes

Excellent program for anyone using overhead cranes/jib hoists. Discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, inspection procedures and more.

Chains, Cranes and Hoists T107

Chains, Cranes and Hoists H238 VHS


Hazard Awareness in Crane Operating AreasEnglish

10 Minutes

Elevated work platforms such as scissor and boom lifts allow us to safely perform various tasks and maintenance operations at heights that otherwise may be unreachable. While there are many different styles of lifts designed for various applications and site conditions, they all have one thing in common: the potential for serious injury or death when operated in a careless manner. This video discusses the procedures lift operators must follow to prevent these types of incidents.

Chains, Cranes and Hoists CS22

18 Minutes

Chains, Cranes and Hoists

Chains/Slings/Hoists Safety Spanish


Pendant, or hand controlled, overhead cranes or hoists are one of the most useful aids for material handling in the workplace today. This video looks at the safe operation of overhead cranes and details the five major steps to ensure their safe use.

Chains, Cranes and Hoists C142

Safe Operation of Overhead Cranes

The Day They Didn't Inspect the Rope/Wire EnglishSlings

20 Minutes

Emphasizes that thorough and periodic inspection are the key to avoiding accidents. Telltale signs of rope wear such as broken strands and means of slowing wear by shifting points of contact are shown as are types of hitches, rope design and grading or configuration.

14 Minutes

Overhead power lines, proximity of structures, outriggers and blocking are just part of this video's discussion. Good video for old and new crane operators.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Chains, Cranes and Hoists T160 VHS

Chains, Cranes and Hoists

The Big Reach - Crane Safety English

C220 DVD

5 Minutes

Every person who works near or with cranes should understand the basic safety rules. This video provides a basic overview of safety rules applicable to any crane use.



Chains and Safety



The danger of chains are often overlooked until there is an accident and someone gets hurt. Proper chain safety and maintenance are shown. Helpful hints for avoiding accidents are offered.

Chains, Cranes and Hoists

Chains, Cranes and Hoists C229

Controlling Exposure to Blood Borne


Pathogens English


Chains and Safety



The danger of chains are often overlooked until there is an accident and someone gets hurt. Proper chain safety and maintenance are shown. Helpful hints for avoiding accidents are offered.

Confined Spaces A161

Chains, Cranes and Hoists


Chains Slings and Hoists English


17 Minutes

Meets training requirements for employees in a manufacturing facility who are designated as first aid/CPR trained or may be occupationally exposed, such as janitorial employees. If you have designated first aid/CPR personnel on your staff, you need to see this video


5 Minutes

15 Minutes

This video shows how to follow the rules to safely operate aerial lifts, cranes, and swing stages. Also shows the safest ways to enter and exit aerial equipment. The proper ground-to-equipment signals are demonstrated.


12 Minutes

Chains, Cranes and Hoists

Working on Aerial Lifts, Cranes and SwingEnglish Stages


Designed for anyone using overhead cranes/jib hoists. Discusses slings, lifting, angles, safety procedures inspection procedures, and more.

Chains, Cranes and Hoists W111

Chains Slings and Hoists

Air Monitoring English

8 Minutes

A161 - Air sampling provides an estimate of exposure to better protect workers from air contamination. Proper air monitoring reduces needless health risks to workers. This video is a clever "takeoff" of the movie Ghostbusters.

12 Minutes

Designed for anyone using overhead cranes/jib hoists. Discusses slings, lifting, angles, safety procedures inspection procedures, and more. 18

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog stresses to follow concisely permit-required confined space work procedures, as set by OSHA and your company.

Confined Spaces C124 VHS

confined spaces English

19 Minutes

Confined Spaces

A very good training program for persons required to enter confined spaces. Specific procedures and steps to take to prevent accidents are covered as well as informing Employees of hazards found in confined spaces. Contains latest OSHA guideline information.

C191 VHS

Confined Space: Using Chemicals English

9 Minutes

Covers hazards of working in small areas, monitoring procedures, protective equipment, the need for proper ventilation, and details types of respirators.

Confined Spaces C144 VHS

Confined Spaces

Confined Space Safety English


12 Minutes


Entry procedures, lockout and electrical, mechanical and pneumatic hazards, wearing personal protective equipment and rescue procedures are shown in this video.

Confined Spaces: Your Training English

9 Minutes

This video is an overview of the training required for permit required confined space. Understanding the hazards you will be exposed to and the role of fellow Employees is discussed in this video.

Confined Spaces C151 VHS

Confined Spaces

Confined Space Entry Spanish


19 Minutes


A very good training program for persons required to enter confined spaces. Specific procedures and steps to take to prevent accidents are covered as well as informing Employees of hazards found in confined spaces. Contains latest OSHA guideline information.


Confined Space: Air Monitoring English


19 Minutes

Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.

Confined Spaces C190

Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer

11 Minutes

In permit-required confined space work, oxygen deficient, oxygen enriched, toxic or flammable environments, can all overcome any person. This video 19

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog various examples and discusses permit required confined space.

Confined Spaces C210 DVD

Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer Spanish

Confined Spaces

19 Minutes

Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.


High Risk Rescue



Confined Space: Air Monitoring Spanish

5 Minutes

Approximately 60% of all confined space fatalities are rescuers. This video illustrates rescue requirements and methods in permit required confined spaces. Viewers are made aware of the hazards in a confined space, the proper equipment required to affect a rescue and that only trained rescuers should ever attempt a rescue. Attendant duties are also shown.

Confined Spaces C225


Confined Spaces

6 Minutes O124

Use this video to teach workers the types of atmospheric hazards found in confined spaces, procedures for measuring those hazards and the proper use of air-monitoring equipment.


Once too Many English

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.

Confined Spaces C226 DVD

Confined Spaces

Confined Space Hazards English


6 Minutes


This live-action video covers what a confined space is and its associated hazards. It motivates workers to respect potential hazards.


Entering Confined Spaces English


5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.

Confined Spaces E152

Once too Many

9 Minutes

This video reviews the OSHA standard for confined spaces. Defines what a confined space is and gives 20

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog of being responsible for the safety of people in and around confined spaces.

Confined Spaces O140 DVD

Once too Many English

Construction Industry

5 Minutes A127

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.



Once too Many Spanish

A161 VHS

Permit Required - Confined Space English

A163 VHS

A Foot Closer to Safety Spanish

5 Minutes

This video covers the necessity of wearing proper foot protection. It highlights the basic types of safety shoes and the situations for each design.

Why Permits are Important English

8 Minutes

Construction Industry

Confined Spaces



5 Minutes

This video shows you how to "come back alive" from "Inner Space". It tells employers and workers categories and examples of confined spaces: how to be aware of certain atmospheric conditions within a confined space and what OSHA requires of employers with respect to confined spaces.


Air Monitoring

A161 - Air sampling provides an estimate of exposure to better protect workers from air contamination. Proper air monitoring reduces needless health risks to workers. This video is a clever "takeoff" of the movie Ghostbusters.

Confined Spaces


5 Minutes

Construction Industry

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.



This video covers the necessity of wearing proper foot protection. It highlights the basic types of safety shoes and the situations for each design.

Confined Spaces O141

A Foot Closer to Safety

9 Minutes

In a permit required confined space situation your signing on means that you can be held accountable if something goes wrong. It means your reputation as a worker is on the line. This video stresses the importance 21

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry A171 VHS

Construction Industry

Aerial Work Platforms English

8 Minutes

Boom lifts and scissor lifts help us reach work areas that were once almost impossible to access. Like all pieces of heavy equipment, these valuable machines must be operated safely to prevent injuries and damage to property.


Bobtail Operations



It takes more time and distance to stop a bobtail than it does to stop a fully loaded tractor or semi-trailer and bobtails are twice as likely to be involved in fatal accidents. Help drivers handle bobtail operations with this informative video. Includes proper braking, speed control, and stopping distance.

Construction Industry B102 VHS

Construction Industry

Back Care English

5 Minutes


13 Minutes

DVD Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old" lift with your legs routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc., are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and other tasks related to strain and sprain injuries.

Back Care English

13 Minutes

Tasks directly related Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old lift with your legs" routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc. are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and many other to strain and sprain injuries.

Construction Industry B107 VHS

Backhoe and Loader Safety English

Construction Industry

13 Minutes


This video addresses pre-start up maintenance checks, operator safety, driving, riders and digging. It is great for both new and experienced operators alike, as well as Employees working around backhoes.


Cold Weather Danger English

7 Minutes

Designed for the Railroad Industry, this video explains that cold and stormy weather can be extremely hazardous for people who work outside around heavy equipment in a rail yard. The importance of wearing warm, protective clothing, watching out for icy walkways or slippery steps and getting on or off equipment is highlighted in this videotape program. 22

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog maintenance, and cites helpful hints for avoiding accidents.

Construction Industry C138 VHS

Chemical Hazards in Construction English

Construction Industry

13 Minutes C190

This video covers hazards, both immediate and delayed, from exposure to chemicals in the construction industry, including exposure to acids, alkalis, solvents, silica dust, asbestos, cedar dust, welding fumes and carbon monoxide. It describes the effective control program: 1. Recognition of the Hazard, 2. Evaluation of the Potential for Danger and 3. Control Measures.


Confined Space: Air Monitoring English

11 Minutes

In permit-required confined space work, oxygen deficient, oxygen enriched, toxic or flammable environments, can all overcome any person. This video stresses to follow concisely permit-required confined space work procedures, as set by OSHA and your company.

Construction Industry C139 VHS

Construction Industry

Causes and Prevention of Industrial Skin Diseases English


24 Minutes


This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them.



15 Minutes


This program discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, precautions and inspection responsibilities as well as sling angles, overloading, nylon slings, chains, wire rope, hooks and general rigging safety.

Chains and Safety



Confined Spaces: Your Training English

9 Minutes

This video is an overview of the training required for permit required confined space. Understanding the hazards you will be exposed to and the role of fellow Employees is discussed in this video.

Construction Industry C162

9 Minutes

Construction Industry

Chains/Slings/Hoists Safety Spanish


Covers hazards of working in small areas, monitoring procedures, protective equipment, the need for proper ventilation, and details types of respirators.

Construction Industry C142

Confined Space: Using Chemicals

5 Minutes

The dangers of chains are often ignored until someone gets hurt. This video describes proper chain safety and 23

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry C206 VHS

Construction Industry

Compressed Air Safety English

C221 DVD

9 Minutes

Because electricity isn't associated with compressed air use, most people don't recognize the danger it poses. Just like electricity, compressed air can be deadly if not treated with respect and used properly.



9 Minutes

Compressed air is second only to electricity as the most popular source of energy in today's advanced work environments. This video stresses the importance of working safely with compressed air to prevent injuries. Featured are three workplace incidents that illustrate the fact that compressed air hazards are often not easily recognized but still can have tragic consequences.

Construction Industry C209

Compressed Air Safety

Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer English

Construction Industry

19 Minutes C225

Confined Space: Air Monitoring

Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.

Use this video to teach workers the types of atmospheric hazards found in confined spaces, procedures for measuring those hazards and the proper use of air-monitoring equipment.

Construction Industry

Construction Industry

C210 DVD


Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer Spanish

D118 VHS

19 Minutes

Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.


6 Minutes

Dumptruck Safety and Operation English

9 Minutes

Dump trucks can be a source of injury and vehicular accidents if operators are untrained. This video covers the safe operating procedures, maintenance, braking systems, dumping and pre-start up checks, the key to accident avoidance and minimal downtime.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog flagger can be a big liability. This video addresses the responsibilities and techniques for flagging on the job site.

Construction Industry D145

Danger: Benzene!



5 Minutes

Construction Industry

Benzene is a key ingredient in many products and industrial processes, but it can also pose a major health and safety risk for workers. This video educates industrial workers about the hazards and provides safety tips for safe work habits.

F161 VHS



5 Minutes

Construction Industry F293 VHS

Elevated Work Safety English

11 Minutes

Using the character "Captain safety" this video reviews the steps and procedures that must be taken before using equipment. Identify hazards, check guard rails, properly check surrounding areas, use restrains and appropriate fall protection equipment. Encourages training and enforcement of OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.2


Construction Industry


15 Minutes

Grinding and Abrasive Wheels English

12 Minutes

This video reviews standard safety rules when using grinding and abrasive wheels. Personal protective equipment, causes of personal injury, proper mounting procedures, maintenance and inspection is also discussed.

Flagger Safety English


Construction Industry



Flagger Safety

Flaggers have an important job. It's a job that must be done right. That's why this video is so important to give your flaggers the proper safety training. It explains to your flaggers what their responsibilities are and how to promote an accident-free work site. It covers traffic flow, work zone setup, placement of channeling devices, nighttime flagging, and more. It also explains the responsibilities employers have in assigning flaggers and the qualifications flaggers must meet.

Construction Industry


5 Minutes

Deadly Detour - Barricade Safety

Driving around road construction and barricades is not only tricky; it can be dangerous to both drivers and road crews. This video shows ways to get through the "Roadwork Maze" unscathed.



Falls are the second leading cause of accidents in the United States, yet they are one of the easiest to prevent. This video offers guidelines for the prevention of falls and what you can do to help protect yourself and fellow Employees from a fall.

Construction Industry D152


10 Minutes

Personnel assigned to flagging have an important responsibility for controlling traffic. An untrained 25

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry H189

High Risk Rescue



Construction Industry O132 VHS

5 Minutes

Approximately 60% of all confined space fatalities are rescuers. This video illustrates rescue requirements and methods in permit required confined spaces. Viewers are made aware of the hazards in a confined space, the proper equipment required to affect a rescue and that only trained rescuers should ever attempt a rescue. Attendant duties are also shown.


O140 DVD

7 Minutes


Construction Industry




5 Minutes

Construction Industry P125

Construction Industry

Permit Required - Confined Space English

5 Minutes

This video shows you how to "come back alive" from "Inner Space". It tells employers and workers categories and examples of confined spaces: how to be aware of certain atmospheric conditions within a confined space and what OSHA requires of employers with respect to confined spaces.

Once too Many English

Once too Many

10 Minutes



5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers safe lifting and other safety rules related to this type of work.



Construction Industry


Material Handling

Once too Many

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.

Using a take-off on the "Twilight Zone", this video details the duties of the highway construction maintenance team, includes flagging of motorists, proper clothing as well as signals and road signs to use.


5 Minutes

Construction Industry

Highway Construction Maintenance SafetyEnglish


When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.

Construction Industry H210

Once too Many

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space. 26

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry R112 VHS

Construction Industry

Roofing Safety - Hot Application English

S214 VHS

14 Minutes

Safe Operation of Overhead Cranes English

18 Minutes

A general safety program relating to roofers and hot application of tar. Excellent program as a new employee orientation to roofing operations. Developed by OSHA training department to assist roofers in reducing accidents in this high risk environment.

Pendant, or hand controlled, overhead cranes or hoists are one of the most useful aids for material handling in the workplace today. This video looks at the safe operation of overhead cranes and details the five major steps to ensure their safe use.

Construction Industry

Construction Industry

R138 VHS

Rigging the Board Walk English

5 Minutes

Anytime you're up in the air, you could be riding for a fall. Working on a scaffold can expose you to a lot of hazards. This video looks at guard rails, access ladders and planking - some of the most important aspects of scaffold construction and use.


Scaffolding Safety



5 Minutes

Falls from scaffolding cause hundreds of deaths each year. This video illustrates proper safety procedures when working on scaffolds.

Construction Industry S257

Construction Industry S198 VHS


Safety on the Board Walk English

Scaffolding English

17 Minutes

This video recognizes scaffolding violations, helps reduce accidents and prevent injuries. Avoid costly fines for non-compliance and lower workers' compensation costs. With this must-have program, you can do all that. Covers fall protection, safety awareness, performing visual inspections, and protection from falling objects.

5 Minutes

Working with mobile scaffolds or outriggers can expose you to all of the usual hazards of scaffolds, plus a few more! This video looks at the special hazards of mobile scaffolds and outriggers. It offers tips on how to cut down on danger at the job site, while you comply with OSHA regulations for scaffolds.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry T159 VHS

Construction Industry

Tractor - Loader - Backhoe English

T163 VHS

5 Minutes

Working with a tractor-loader-backhoe puts you in the center of countless hazards. This video shows how a 360 degree perspective can keep you safe. Viewers are asked to ensure visibility all around the work area, to the "One Call" system and to climb on and off equipment correctly. The use of stabilizers and weight distribution is discussed to ensure a safe work environment.


T194 DVD

5 Minutes

Construction Industry T195 DVD

Trenching Safety - Part I Spanish

5 Minutes

The fatality rate for trenching work is estimated to be 112% greater than the rate for construction work in general. Basic guidelines to ensure a safe trenching job are shown.

Trenching Safety - Part I English


5 Minutes

Construction Industry


Trenching Safety - Part I

The fatality rate for trenching work is estimated to be 112% greater than the rate for construction work in general. Basic guidelines to ensure a safe trenching job are shown.

Every person who works near or with cranes should understand the basic safety rules. This video provides a basic overview of safety rules applicable to any crane use.


5 Minutes

Construction Industry

The Big Reach - Crane Safety English


Part two re-emphasizing basic guidelines to follow to ensure a safe trenching job.

Construction Industry T160

Trenching Safety - Part II

5 Minutes

Construction Industry

Trenching is hazardous work. This video discusses different methods used in the actual digging that can protect the worker from trench cave-ins; i.e. , trench sloping, shoring and shields.

T196 DVD

Trenching Safety - Part II English

5 Minutes

Basic guidelines are discussed to ensure a safe trenching job.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Construction Industry T197 DVD

Construction Industry

Trenching Safety - Part II Spanish

5 Minutes

Basic guidelines are discussed to ensure a safe trenching job.


Material Handling



10 Minutes

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers forklift operations, safe lifting, warehouse employees and other safety rules related to this type of work.

Construction Industry W110 VHS

Working on Ladders, Poles and Scaffolds English

Disasters and Emergencies

14 Minutes


This video points out that workers need to know their own capabilities, how to use their equipment, and keep their minds on the job. The dangers of substance use when working off the ground are also discussed.


Bomb Threat Strategy English

15 Minutes

Contains preventative measures, what to look for, search procedures, assessing the threat, the telephone call, when to evacuate and the correct evacuation procedures.

Construction Industry W155 VHS

Why Permits are Important English

Disasters and Emergencies

9 Minutes

In a permit required confined space situation your signing on means that you can be held accountable if something goes wrong. It means your reputation as a worker is on the line. This video stresses the importance of being responsible for the safety of people in and around confined spaces.


Working Safely with Suspended Scaffolding English

Earthquake Safety



11 Minutes

An actual telephone call during the great Alaskan earthquake is used to dramatize the long duration, incredible force and extensive damage caused by a major earthquake. Provides information on what can be done to reduce employee exposure before, during and after an earthquake.

Construction Industry W165


14 Minutes

With more than 10,000 scaffold-related injuries every year, the need for training is obvious. This video helps Employees understand the danger working with suspended scaffolds and how risks can be minimized. 29

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog identifying the hazards that affect your area, hurricanes, earthquakes, high fire hazard areas, etc.

Disasters and Emergencies E131 VHS

Earthquake: Some Were Prepared English

Disasters and Emergencies

30 Minutes

E163 This program provides detailed step-by-step emergency preparedness advice. You'll learn how to prepare for a natural disaster, what to do during an earthquake and how to deal with the crisis period afterwards.


Egress/Exit Safety




Disasters and Emergencies

5 Minutes

E177 What a way to die! What if your building has emergency exits, but you can't escape disaster because you can't exit safely? In this video, three key points are covered obstructions, exit doors, and how to exit safely.


Emergency Preparedness in the Workplace English


13 Minutes

This program explains how workers should prepare for emergencies such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and others. Provides training to reduce property damage and prevent injuries during such emergencies.

Disasters and Emergencies E155 VHS

Emergency Preparedness English

Emergency Preparedness English

14 Minutes

Emergencies occur every day, jeopardizing lives and property. If one of those emergencies happened in your workplace, would your Employees respond appropriately? While there is no guarantee for a perfect response to every emergency situation, workers will be better prepared if they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities during an emergency. This program provides viewers with an understanding of the different types of emergencies and how to be prepared to deal with them. Types of emergencies covered include severe weather, earthquakes, fire, chemical spills and medical emergencies.

Disasters and Emergencies E138

13 Minutes

This program explains how to prepare for emergencies such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and other emergencies at work. Designed to reduce property damage and prevent injuries during emergencies.

Disasters and Emergencies E136

Emergency Preparedness at Work

6 Minutes

Action, and not reaction, is the key to emergency response. Being prepared for an emergency is the first step to a successful program. This video stresses 30

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog during an earthquake. Visits to major earthquake sites from California to Alaska show how the key to survival is knowing what to do before, during and after a major earthquake.

Disasters and Emergencies E180

Earthquake Safety



10 Minutes

Disasters and Emergencies

An actual telephone call during the great Alaskan earthquake is used to dramatize the long duration, incredible force and extensive damage caused by a major earthquake. Provides information on what can be done to reduce employee exposure before, during and after an earthquake.


Earthquake Safety



10 Minutes

Disasters and Emergencies G118 VHS

5 Minutes

29 Minutes

Disasters and Emergencies

Fear of a disaster, such as a hurricane, can be minimized by planning. The viewer is taken into a hurricane prone plant and shown how planning pays off.

W171 VHS

Surviving the Big One English

Wastewater Backup & Overflow Response English

23 Minutes

This video is written for field personnel responding to actual backups and overflows. This program teaches step by step: why's and how's of not admitting "fault" or liability during a response; how to respond in a professional and courteous manner; and survival strategies for dealing with homeowners and residents.

Disasters and Emergencies



Natural Disaster Preparedness English


Getting Out Alive/Building Evacuation

Every person in a building needs to know their role in a evacuation in case of an emergency. Personal true life stories are used. This video program offers valuable tips on how to "Get Out Alive".

Disasters and Emergencies


15 Minutes

This program offers some facts; tips and warnings that can help you survive serious weather emergencies. Topics include severe weather watches and warnings, hazards posed by thunderstorms, flooding and moving water, being prepared for tornadoes, emergency response plans and precautions to take once a storm has passed.

An actual telephone call during the great Alaskan earthquake is used to dramatize the long duration, incredible force and extensive damage caused by a major earthquake. Provides information on what can be done to reduce employee exposure before, during and after an earthquake.


Prepared English


Disasters and Emergencies E181

Severe Weather Alert: Are your

60 Minutes

Knowledge and preparation can dramatically increase your ability to protect both your property and your life 31

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog make the situation even worse - and more costly for your company. That's why you need this training kit. With it, you can help make your drivers aware of their responsibilities and learn procedures they can follow after an accident or breakdown. This video walks drivers through a seven-step accident procedure, from stopping the vehicle to filling out an accident report. The video also discusses actions to take after a breakdown, including the placement of warning devices - DOT requirements.

Disasters and Emergencies P182 VHS

Planning For Disaster: Earthquakes Spanish

8 Minutes

Each year over 20,000 lives are lost when the earth shifts. This Special Report will assist your company in surviving an earthquake.

Disasters and Emergencies P181 VHS

Driving Safety

Planning For Disaster: Earthquakes English


8 Minutes


Each year over 20,000 lives are lost when the earth shifts. This Special Report will assist your company in surviving an earthquake.



15 Minutes


Help prevent truck stop accidents. This video is aimed at both drivers and truck stop operators. Focus is on protecting drivers, vehicles, and property. For drivers, material includes backing and scanning techniques, appropriate speeds, parking tips, and security consideration. For truck stop operators, material includes proper lighting, well-marked traffic lanes, dividing barriers, and what to do if an accident occurs.


Accidents and Breakdowns English


7 Minutes

Driving Safety

Driving Safety


Breaking the Accident Chain of Events

Dramatizes through vignettes the chain of events leading to a traffic accident. Emphasizes the need to be a responsible driver by staying alert, being decisive, and being polite and reasonable in traffic.



5 Minutes

Driving Safety

Avoiding Accidents at Truck Stops English


A good safety reminder for Employees driving trucks. Common vehicle backing accidents, vehicle maintenance and spotter safety are discussed.

Driving Safety A139

Backing Safety

Buckle up for Safety English

5 Minutes

This video emphasizes the importance of wearing a safety belt for protection against auto injuries. Debunks misinformation about the use of seat belts and stresses how they can help you survive an auto accident.

15 Minutes

An accident or breakdown isn't something in which you want your drivers involved in. But, they do happen. And, if your drivers don't know what to do they can actually 32

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog congestion, hazard analysis, customer service and security.

Driving Safety B174 VHS

Backing Techniques - Master Driver SeriesEnglish

Driving Safety

15 Minutes C207

This program covers a critical safety topic in just 16 minutes and keeps your driver's attention with dramatic footage, dynamic graphics, 3-D animation, hazard perception challenge scenarios, and "Road Wise" commentary from seasoned transport pros. Many drivers struggle with backing: it is the most common cause of incidents and crashes in the transport industry. Backing Techniques reviews the basic elements of backing, types of backing maneuvers, how to safely and properly execute these maneuvers, and the most common backing errors and problem areas. Areas addressed include straight-line backing, sight-side backing, jacking and chasing, alley dock backing, blind side backing, and more.



C208 VHS

Car Care "Belts, Hoses, and Tires" English

9 Minutes

C208 - By taking an active role in your car's maintenance you can avoid a lot of headaches. Checking tires, belts and hoses now, can save you money in the future.

Car Care Video English

Driving Safety

30 Minutes C211 VHS

City Driving English

Cargo Securement - Dry Van English

18 Minutes

It covers proper securement techniques, working load limit and aggregate working load limit standards, determining the number of tie downs, and when to reexamine and adjust cargo. Other topics covered in this program include pre-trip inspection, cargo distribution, securement devices, re-checking cargo, personal safety, and more. The program includes two animated scenarios: How to load cargo so the center of gravity stays low and why this is important; How to determine the number of tie downs needed based on the length of items being secured.

Driving Safety


13 Minutes

Driving Safety

A basic "how to" presentation for lay persons on how and when to perform simple and regular car maintenance checks to avoid breakdowns and costly vehicle repairs. Designed for any car owner's home use and as a classroom reference source, the video tape contains an easy reference index and a check list for periodic maintenance checks.



Checking batteries and fluids periodically can keep your car running like new. Preventive maintenance is the key.

Driving Safety C101

Car Care "Batteries and Fluids"

17 Minutes

Teach drivers to handle the special dangers of city driving. Designed for straight truck and tractor trailer drivers, video addresses turns and intersections, traffic 33

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety C212 VHS

Driving Safety

Cargo Securement - Flatbed English

D142 VHS

23 Minutes

It covers proper securement techniques, working load limit and aggregate working load limit standards, determining the number of tie downs, when to reexamine and adjust cargo and commodity-specific standards. The program includes two animated scenarios: How to load cargo so the center of gravity stays low and why this is important? How to determine the number of tie downs needed based on the length of items being secured?


12 Minutes

What to do with disabled vehicles, reporting accidents, accident scene procedures, emergency procedures, vehicle fires and hot load procedures for handling hazardous waste are discussed.

Driving Safety



DWI Phoenix English


9 Minutes

Driving Safety D146


Driving in Bad Weather

Using the setting of a television newscast, this video dramatizes the blinding effects of fog, dust, smoke, rain, snow, and ice. Stresses the need to slow down to maintain control or get off the road safely in adverse conditions. Presents tips on maintaining a car to better prepare for bad conditions.

Disabled Vehicle Accident Procedures English

12 Minutes

Driving Safety

Driving Safety



Make mountain driving safer and easier. Teaches drivers the proper procedures for descending and ascending grades. Includes trip preparation and planning, speed control and proper braking techniques.



Driving Mountains and Grades

Driving Defensively - Part I English

5 Minutes

Be aware of the dangers in daily driving routines. It is no picnic. Presume the worst. Underestimating the over confidence or carelessness of the other driver, or ourselves, can spoil the day, or worse.

27 Minutes

A video which shows how Phoenix, Arizona, developed a program to re-educate drivers who are arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. The video carries you through the instructional program, utilizing real life people who have completed the DWI course as they re-enact their roles in this important highway safety program.

Driving Safety D147 VHS

Driving Defensively - Part II English

5 Minutes

A continuation of the ways defensive driving helps prevent accidents. Think and plan ahead as you drive; no one is better placed than you in keeping YOU safe. 34

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog general dos and don'ts and what should be done if an accident occurs.

Driving Safety D153 VHS

Drive to be the Best English

Driving Safety

21 Minutes

This program informs Employees and supervisors about the role attitude and behavior have in preventing accidents on the highway. It introduces a series of driving strategies and techniques that can help them be better drivers. It explains space management and how it can prevent accidents, how delayed starts can prevent accidents at intersections, identifies the parts of the vehicle which should be covered in routine maintenance and pre-drive checks and demonstrates familiarity with company policy on the use of seat belts and responsible consumption of alcohol.


Distracted Driving



18 Minutes

Each year more than 40,000 people are killed in car crashes. While most of us are aware of the dangers associated with drunk driving or speeding, we usually don't consider the risks of distracted driving. In Distracted Driving, viewers are introduced to potentially dangerous situations and given information to minimize the risks and make the road safer for drivers.

Driving Safety Driving Safety D164 VHS


Drive Safely: Safety Now English


20 Minutes

Driving Safety


Driving - Risks and Responsibilities English

Videos) English

12 Minutes

What You Need to Know Supervisors 60/60 Training consists of two 60 minute videos: Alcohol Supplement, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of alcohol awareness training, and Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of drug awareness training. Alcohol Supplement includes an overview of the Alcohol Awareness Training rules, five action scenarios based on various types of testing to increase supervisor's awareness and a presentation on the effects of low-level alcohol use on job performance. Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation highlights important training elements required by the DOT for supervisors, provides information necessary for an effective substance abuse program and explains how not enforcing a substance abuse policy can jeopardize company, public and employee safety. This program also features eight scenarios explaining how, when and why to confront Employees and how to handle Employees who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Narrated by a 24th century futuristic storyteller, this video asks questions you should answer before getting behind the wheel. Every year 100 people a day die in auto accidents. Being alert, awake and aware may just save your life or someone else's.


D.O.T Supervisors 60/60 Training (2

10 Minutes

The motor vehicle is the single largest cause of work related deaths in this country. It is also the cause of many serious injuries. This program examines the costs associated with operating company vehicles and some general issues associated with driving at work. Areas covered include reason for a safe driving program and it's components, preventing theft, parking a vehicle, 35

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog been learning. It's involving, fast-paced, and demanding.

Driving Safety D174 VHS

Driving Techniques - Master Driver SeriesEnglish

Driving Safety

15 Minutes E175

DRIVING TECHNIQUES provides a fast-paced refresher on routine driving skills. This training program helps reduce incidents and crashes by showing drivers how to deal with hazards inherent in the most routine driving situations. It also introduces defensive driving skills to new drivers while serving as a wake-up call to complacent veterans. Areas covered include defensive driving techniques, right- and left-hand turns, intersections, merging, passing, underpasses, railroad crossings, and more.



Extreme Driving Conditions English

17 Minutes

Geared toward Semi Trucks. Gives safe driving tips for extreme conditions. Focus is on snow, ice and fog. Excellent program.



Eye On - Defensive Driving English

15 Minutes

Driving Safety

Driving Safety E174


Emergency situations occur in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, that doesn't give drivers much time to react, much less think about the best approach to take. In this video, drivers are reminded that evasive driving skills need to be developed and continually refined, so when hazards appear, making the correct choice is second nature. Key subjects addressed include preventing emergency situations through hazard perception and pre-trip vehicle inspections; using escape routes in typical emergency situations; emergency braking; basic skid control and recovery; and minimizing damage when a collision is unavoidable. This program covers a critical safety topic in less than 19 minutes and keeps your driver's; attention with dramatic footage, dynamic graphics, 3-D animation, hazard perception challenge scenarios, and &"Road Wise"; commentary from seasoned transport pros.

Driving Safety E160

Emergency Maneuvers - Master Driver


15 Minutes

Extreme Weather Driving - Master DriverEnglish Series

15 Minutes

Extreme Weather Driving helps reduce incidents and crashes due to weather hazards by demonstrating to your drivers what to do when bad weather strikes. Sound advice and techniques are provided for handling a variety of potentially deadly conditions, such as fog, rain, snow, ice, and wind.

EYE ON... DEFENSIVE DRIVING is a fast-paced program that instructs drivers on defensive driving techniques using hazard perception challenge methodology. A variety of scenarios on typical defensive driving situations are shown to drivers. Each one pauses in the middle to ask drivers "what did you see" and "what would you do next" questions. Drivers answer the questions on Video Scenario Review Blanks. The hazard perception challenge format helps drivers enhance their skill level, and it helps them - and you - see how well they understand and can apply the material they've 36

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Poorly maintained vehicles are like bombs waiting to explode. Demonstrates how to prevent accidents through basic vehicle safety maintenance.

Driving Safety F167 VHS

For you, the Veteran Driver English

27 Minutes

Driving Safety

Jim Ellis, noted school transportation expert, looks at the strengths and weaknesses of being a veteran bus driver including route hypnosis, lazy eyes, concentration and the importance of training. This program is filled with information and examples to remind veteran bus drivers of the importance of correcting bad habits before they cause a serious problem.

H193 VHS



5 Minutes

Driving Safety N109 VHS


5 Minutes

10 Minutes

Driving Safety N122 VHS

Hoods Under the Hood English

Night Driving - Master Driver Series English

15 Minutes

Night driving can help save time, money, and most importantly, lives. This program discusses driver, vehicle, and roadway factors that can lead to night-time incidents and crashes. It also provides helpful tips for increasing night-driving safety. Areas covered include headlights, glare, speed, impaired drivers, animals, visibility, fatigue, and more.

Driving Safety



Good Driving is an Attitude

The attitude of the driver is one of the most important aspects of safe driving. This video is designed to show why drivers should consider their mental state before getting behind the wheel.


NFPA Hazardous Materials Labeling

The Diamond Labeling System that the NFPA has standardized for hazardous materials and chemicals is reviewed in this video. Excellent program to train Employees on label and sign identification.

Driving Safety


10 Minutes

Good Driving is an Attitude

The attitude of the driver is one of the most important aspects of safe driving. This video is designed to show why drivers should consider their mental state before getting behind the wheel.



The proper handling and transportation of a victim is illustrated in this first aid video. The importance of proper moving and care of a victim are stressed throughout this video. Various ways to lift and transport a victim, depending upon the type of injury are covered. Also, the importance of testing a stretcher transport before lifting a victim.

Driving Safety G106

Handling and Transportation

5 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety O119

Occupant Restraint



Driving Safety S192 VHS

8 Minutes

Each day, an average of 140 Americans die in car accidents - but your group can do something to reduce this number. Wearing seat belts and shoulder harnesses will greatly increase the chances that an accident victim will survive. This eye-opening footage relays actual tests of 30 and 35 M.P.H. front-end collisions - and the injuries sustained by test dummies.


17 Minutes

This very graphic video is designed to shock the viewer into realizing the hard reality of traffic accidents and their outcome. The California Highway Patrol produced this video in order to make certain drivers understand the seriousness of the automobile they operate. Shows actual accounts of traffic fatalities and serious injuries in full color.


S230 VHS

10 Minutes

Safe Driving English

8 Minutes

The importance of completing a safety check of the vehicle you are intending to drive is discussed in the video as well as safe driving practices.

Seat Belts Secure the Freight English

Buckling Up English

Driving Safety

Driving Safety S191

Safety in the Balance: The Cost of Not

This video explains that seat belts not only save lives, but it also saves money. Interviews with victims who have survived serious injury or death because of wearing safety belts bring the message home.

Red Asphalt III English

12 Minutes

Driving Safety

Driving Safety



Avoid dangerous skids. Live footage illustrates the proper techniques, and recovery.



Skid Control and Recovery

10 Minutes

Save lives and reduce injuries. Encourage drivers to use their safety belts. Effective video discusses mandatory requirements for safety belt use as well as the benefits.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety S254 VHS

Driving Safety

Skid Control & Recovery English

S261 VHS

15 Minutes

If a skid isn't handled properly, the costs can be extensive: damage to the truck, cargo, or equipment, loss of load, road cleanup, and even injury to the driver and other pedestrians. Despite the dangers of these types of incidents, many companies don't have affordable, convenient access to a skid pad where drivers can be trained to handle skids. This fast-paced training program tackles a variety of critical issues relating to causes of Skids - Explains common skid causes like speeding, over braking, over steering, and over accelerating, Tractor and Trailer, Front-Wheel and All-Wheel Skids - Discusses what causes each, how to recognize if one is underway, and response and recovery techniques every driver should know. Skid Control and Recovery - Reviews techniques for braking, shifting, and corrective steering. ABS Dynamics - How to handle skids when tractors and/or trailers have ABS. Driving Techniques - Gives advice for taking special precautions in bad weather situations like cold weather and rain.


17 Minutes

Driving Safety T153 VHS

Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection English

9 Minutes

This program is an excellent refresher for drivers about how and what to inspect on the rig before beginning a haul. It explains fifth wheel, king pin, O ring, and other inspections.

Driving Safety T154

Speed & Space Management - Master DriverEnglish Series


This dramatic and award winning new video focuses on three driving situations that involve more than half of all collisions: following too closely, intersections and backing. Through collision reenactments and demonstrations of safe driving procedures, the video teaches tactical driving techniques that will improve every driver's skill and awareness. Designed to get employee participation.

Driving Safety S255

Safe Driving Tactics: The Blindfold


Hazard Communication (Trucking Industry) English

10 Minutes

15 Minutes This video is targeted to the trucking industry and is required by OSHA for training all Employees in chemical/hazardous materials used in the workplace. This video explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling, and basic safety when using these materials.

Speed and Space Management drives home the dangers of using excessive speed and failing to maintain an appropriate space cushion. This training helps raise safety awareness in drivers, and helps them develop the right attitude to drive safely and efficiently. Areas covered include driving too fast


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety T155 VHS

Driving Safety

Trucking and Warehouse Industry SafetyEnglish Orientation

T191 VHS

13 Minutes

Meets OSHA requirements for training Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed. This program addresses footwear, clothing, personal protection, lifting safely, material handling, forklift safety and general safety requirements in a terminal distribution center.

Truck Parking English

15 Minutes

One Third (1/3) of truck accidents happen while backing up. Safe driving is discussed, but the main focus of this video is "the last stop". Safety is the number one concern for truck drivers.

Driving Safety U105

Driving Safety T161 VHS


The Moment of Impact English

Driving Safety


V112 VHS

16 Minutes

Describes the challenges involved in transporting the physically disabled, stressing the importance of allowing them to become as independent as possible.


Truck Parking English

Vehicle Backing English

16 Minutes

Improper backing causes 1 in 4 accidents while backing up. Safe driving is discussed, but the main focus of this video is "The Last Stop". Safety is the number one concern for truckers.

Driving Safety T190

9 Minutes

Driving Safety

Transporting the Physically Handicapped English


Demonstrates how to best use your eyes when driving. Discusses the two types of vision, central and peripheral, and where to concentrate your attention. Also discusses the effects of alcohol on a driver's visual perception.

5 Minutes

Automobile accidents cause nearly half of all accidental deaths in the U.S. This video shows how to survive and what to do after an accident.


Using Your Eyes Effectively

9 Minutes

Don't take chances when parking a truck! Follow all the safety guidelines and tips that are discussed in this video.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety V113 VHS

Driving Safety

Vehicle Inspections - Master Driver SeriesEnglish

W170 DVD

15 Minutes

Vehicle Inspections helps your drivers realize that routine inspections are essential to preventing breakdowns, out-of-service delays, and crashes. It discusses the importance of performing daily pre-trip, en-route, and post-trip inspections. It also addresses required and recommended inspections, a standard procedure for conducting them, and the driver's vehicle inspection report



Speeding Trucks



5 Minutes

Driving Safety C231

Driving Safety



Wheelchair Management English

5 Minutes

Problems are multiplied when you mix trucks and speeding. The possible harm, damage and destruction are all bigger than life. It is the driver's responsibility to increase his awareness of potential hazards and reduce his speed.

How do you avoid slipping and sliding while driving on snow and ice? What do you do if you lose control of your car, or if you get stuck in a snowdrift? This short video offers tips for dealing with winter driving hazards safely!


19 Minutes

Driving Safety

Winter Driving English


Depicts winter driving hazards with footage shot in real winter conditions around the country. Instructs the viewer how to recognize hazards and avoid accidents. This is an excellent program for those having to drive in winter conditions.

Driving Safety W130

Winter Driving Safety

Commercial Trailers English

5 Minutes

Driving a tractor-trailer rig can be perilous. Some of the major problems and how to avoid them are addressed in this program.

10 Minutes

This video covers the problems caused by the many variables in wheelchairs from the differences in construction to the ways in which they must be secured on the bus.

Driving Safety B187 DVD

Backing Up English

5 Minutes

Safely backing up trucks, trailers and other vehicles can be a challenging task requiring more than a little skill. Every year there are many accidents resulting in injury and damage due to carelessness when backing vehicles. 41

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety L171 VHS

Driving Safety

Loading and Unloading Trailers English

S272 DVD

12 Minutes

This program instructs individuals who load and unload trailers. Covers safe lifting, safety precautions when driving on and off trailers with lift equipment, and more


Truck Driving: Controlling Skids English

17 Minutes

This program explains how most skids can be avoided, even when conditions are less than ideal. When skidding is unavoidable, this program demonstrates in detail how to handle; front-wheel and drive axle skids, all wheel skids, spin-outs and hydroplaning. Proven techniques for recovering from both tractor and trailer jackknifes are documented

Driving Safety J110 DVD

Just Another Saturday Night English


45 Minutes

Shouldn't your kids know the safest way out? The three versions show how to use all types of exits currently outfitted on Modern school buses and discuss different evacuation patterns. STUDENT VERSION (12:20 mins) Show children how to properly prepare for and execute school bus evacuation. Demonstrates how to safely exit from front, rear, side, and multiple exits, emergency windows and roof hatches, and when each exit is appropriate. Designed from classroom use. DRIVER VERSION (16:50 mins) Shows drivers how to properly prepare for and conduct an emergency school bus evacuation. Demonstrates how to assist children in evacuating the bus quickly, how to use all types of emergency exists, and how to secure the scene once the bus has been evacuated. Designed for use in school bus driver training classes. SPECIAL - NEEDS DRIVER VERSION (16:50) Shows drivers of special-needs school buses how to properly prepare for and conduct an emergency evacuation. Details how to release wheelchairs from modern restraint systems, how to properly lift mobility-impaired children, and how to assist hearing and visually-impaired children to evacuate the bus safely.

Driving Safety T198

Safest Way Out (The)

13 Minutes

A night of revelry turns tragic when a popular collegebound student takes the wheel after several drinks. Dramatizes the events and decisions leading up to a drunk driving tragedy. Courtroom dialogue encourages further discussion about the personal and legal consequences of drinking and driving.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Driving Safety D178

Drivers Ed Vol. II



Driving Safety R162 DVD

70 Minutes

DRIVING IN BAD WEATHER (9:18 mins) Newscast-style presentation dramatizes the blinding effects of fog, dust, smoke, rain, snow, and ice. Stresses the need to choose safe speeds for adverse weather conditions and explains when it is best to get off the road. Includes tips on vehicle maintenance that can help drivers prepare for bad weather. BREAKING THE ACCIDENT CHAIN OF EVENTS (7:04 mins) Dramatizes through vignettes the chain of events leading to a traffic crash. NIGHT DRIVING (8:49 mins) Demonstrates how darkness limits drivers' vision. Includes tips to keep your car in shape for night driving. Discusses the biggest problems drivers experience at night and how they must adjust their driving habits. GETTING SAFELY PAST THE ORANGE BARRELS (11:52 mins) Promotes cooperation in protecting the lives of highway construction workers. Show what construction signs, signals, and markings mean and how to adjust driving when passing through road construction areas. UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF ANTILOCK BRAKES (15:45 mins) A private eye is working late one night and hears a crash - was it the brakes? Learn how to use antilock brakes properly and how vehicles equipped with them handle differently from those with conventional brakes. DANGEROUS CROSSINGS: A SECOND THOUGHT (16:30 mins) Dramatic real-life footage shows what can happen when drivers fail to yield at railroad crossings. Includes testimonials from people involved in railroad crossing tragedies.

Road Rage English

19 Minutes

Violent aggressive driving, or "road rage," is a major public concern. This educational DVD teaches viewers how to avoid offending other drivers, manage their own anger, and disengage from an angry encounter. Preventing road rage is illustrated with exciting footage of on-the-road encounters between angry drivers and personal anecdotes from real people who have reformed themselves by practicing anger management techniques demonstrated in this program

Driving Safety C233

CSA 2010- A driver's Guide -


Comprehensive Safety Analysis English 19 Minutes

Offers a plain-English overview of FMCSA's Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) and trains drivers on key fundamentals. This video covers the four components of CSA 2010: Data Collection, Safety Measurement, Safety Evaluation and Intervention Providing an overview of the seven basics (Behavior Analysis Safety Improvement Categories): Unsafe Driving -- Fatigued Driving (includes HOS) -Driver Fitness -- Controlled Substances and Alcohol -Vehicle Maintenance -- Cargo Related and Crash Indicator. Further explaining the driver's role in Safety Fitness Evaluation and Safety Measurement System (SMS). Based on version 2.0 of FMCSA's Safety Measurement System (SMS) Methodology - Aug. 2010. This ready-to-use training program includes several components Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog professional. Explains the steps a driver should take in controlling a vehicle in the event of a tire blowout proving a driver the knowledge they need to master a potentially dangerous situation

Driving Safety C234 DVD

Cargo Securement - Flatbed English

23 Minutes

Driving Safety

It covers proper securement techniques, working load limit and aggregate working load limit standards, determining the number of tie downs, when to reexamine and adjust cargo and commodity-specific standards. The program includes two animated scenarios: How to load cargo so the center of gravity stays low and why this is important? How to determine the number of tie downs needed based on the length of items being secured? Closed caption.

D170 DVD

Driving Safety English

28 Minutes

Most employees travel the roads every day and many of them on company business. Each year, traffic accidents claim over 30,000 lives and cause more then 1,000,000 serious injuries. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death on the job. Program comes with a separate DVD leaders guide

Driving Safety E192 DVD

Driving Safety

Eye On Defensive Driving English


15 Minutes


EYE ON... DEFENSIVE DRIVING is a fast-paced program that instructs drivers on defensive driving techniques using hazard perception challenge methodology. A variety of scenarios on typical defensive driving situations are shown to drivers. Each one pauses in the middle to ask drivers "what did you see" and "what would you do next" questions. Drivers answer the questions on Video Scenario Review Blanks. The hazard perception challenge format helps drivers enhance their skill level, and it helps them - and you - see how well they understand and can apply the material they've been learning. It's involving, fast-paced, and demanding.



28 Minutes

Electrical Safety A131

Driving Safety The Crucial Factor


Spanish Most employees travel the roads every day and many of them on company business. Each year, traffic accidents claim over 30,000 lives and cause more then 1,000,000 serious injuries. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death on the job. Program comes with a separate DVD leaders guide



Driving Safety

A Bright Arc English

11 Minutes

This video deals with the dangers of working near overhead and underground power lines. It shows, through dramatic footage and computer animation, what can happen if you or someone on your job site accidentally contacts an energized power line.

10 Minutes

This is an old title, but is a popular video, that teaches truck drivers haw to handle a blowout like a competent 44

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Electrical Safety A158 VHS

Electrical Safety

A Shocking Experience English

B127 VHS

5 Minutes

Electrical hazards pose a danger at home as well as in the workplace. This video reviews proper safety precautions for working with electricity.

Bonding and Grounding English

10 Minutes

An excellent program to increase knowledge and awareness relating to static electricity when using and handling flammable liquids. This program explains static electricity and how to properly bond and ground storage containers.

Electrical Safety A164 VHS

A Shocking Experience Spanish

Electrical Safety 5 Minutes


Electrical hazards pose a danger at home as well as in the workplace. This video reviews proper safety precautions for working with electricity.



A Shock to the System Spanish

Electrical Safety B132 VHS

Electrical Safety


Basic Electrical Safety in the Workplace Spanish

9 Minutes

Electrical hazards affect all Employees. This presentation covers the basic electrical hazards including grounding prongs, electrical charges and prevention techniques of which Employees need to be aware. This is an excellent video for training new and experienced Employees.

A Welcome Interruption Spanish

9 Minutes

5 Minutes

The shock that often accompanies a serious injury can be as deadly as the injury itself. This video outlines the symptoms of shock and proper treatment.


Workplace English

Electrical hazards affect all Employees. This presentation covers the basic electrical hazards including grounding prongs, electrical charges and prevention techniques that all Employees need to be aware of. An excellent video for training new and experienced Employees.

Electrical Safety A165

Basic Electrical Safety in the

5 Minutes

Electrical shock, especially with power tools, is an everpresent danger in the workplace. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters are a major safety aid in prevention of this danger. This video explains both the need for and the operations of GFCI installation.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Electrical Safety B178 DVD

Electrical Safety

Basic Electrical Safety English

E129 VHS

9 Minutes

Electrical Safety English

12 Minutes

An excellent video for training new and experienced employees in regards to electrical hazards effect all employees. This presentation covers the basic electrical hazards including grounding prongs, electrical charges and prevention techniques that all employees need to be aware of.

This program meets OSHA requirements for training all personnel in electrical hazards. Mandatory requirements for training Employees who not only work with electricity, but also for those who operate electrical equipment. Includes lockout/tagout information as well.

Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety

CS21 0 VHS

Electrical Safety English

5 Minutes

Covers basic electrical safety, i.e., two and three prong plugs, grounding, insulation, equipment and safety checks.


Electrical Hazards



Very good explanation of how electrical shock affects a person. Identifies hazards and briefly explains guidelines that must be followed when working with electrical hazards.

Electrical Safety E117 VHS

Electrical Safety

Electrical Burns English

5 Minutes


5 Minutes

VHS The biggest danger in treating victims of electrical burns is shock hazards to the rescuers. This video covers the basic precautions of initial treatment of electrical burns.

Electrical Hazards: Common Mistakes English

6 Minutes

An understanding of the electrical hazards at your worksite is imperative to your safety. This video emphasizes reporting hazards and correcting potential problems.

Electrical Safety E119 VHS

Electrical Safety English

Electrical Safety 11 Minutes


Electrical shocks can kill or maim. This program will help you recognize electrical dangers at work and at home. Faulty tools and high-voltage wires are just some of the dangers shown. First aid for electrical-shock victims is also included.


Electrical Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

The biggest danger in treating victims of electrical burns is shock hazards to the rescuers. This video covers the basic precautions of initial treatment of electrical burns. 46

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Electrical Safety E161 VHS

Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety Life and Death Series English

8 Minutes

In this dynamic video, plant Employees return from break to find a co-worker lying next to a conveyor where she had been electrocuted and a finger nail file was lying next to her body. As the investigation proceeds, viewers will see how other tragic mistakes involving electricity may have been similar to the mistake that caused Dona's death.


Electrical Safety: Safe Work Practices English




25 Minutes

Electrical Safety P131 VHS

Preventing Electrical Accidents: Safe Work English Practices

23 Minutes

This video introduces Employees to the hazards associated with electricity in the workplace. Discusses the different ways to approach energized versus deenergized equipment, as well as the lock out/tag out procedure for electrical parts or circuits.

Electrical Safety I Felt Comfortable


5 Minutes

Prevent injuries and property damage by training workers to respect electricity and the potential dangers it presents. This program covers safe work practices, safe distance from electrical hazards, inspecting equipment and using proper PPE.


I Felt Comfortable

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

Electrical Safety E185


25 Minutes

Electrical Safety

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.


Respect Electricity



27 Minutes

Focuses on the awareness, knowledge, and attitude necessary to recognize, evaluate, and control electrical hazards in the workplace and at home. This video is segmented into four parts and should be viewed prior to presenting to an audience.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Electrical Safety T156 VHS

Employee Safety

Take Electricity Seriously - Changing Attitudes English

A113 VHS

20 Minutes

Stresses the importance of effective training, personal protective equipment, and safe electrical plans, the videotape shows that precautionary measures are only as good as the attitudes that accompany them.



14 Minutes

VHS Shows the kinds of electrical incidents and injuries that can occur at home, followed by a group discussion on how these incidents could have been prevented.


Zap! Power Line Safety English

A176 DVD

Accidents - Causes and Prevention English

10 Minutes

This video stresses the fact that accidents don't "just happen". They are the result of unsafe acts and/or unsafe behavior of employees. This program will train the employee on how to reduce accidents and injuries on the job.

A Shock to the System English

40 Minutes

Employee Safety

Electrical Safety



5 Minutes

Power lines are like snakes, silent, but deadly. This video reminds us that we need to be constantly aware of power lines, above and below ground. It shows how to avoid danger and what to do in an electrical emergency.


AIDS: Fears and Facts

The Center for Disease Control, a Federal government agency, predicts that over 10 million men, women and children will be carriers of the AIDS virus. This video explains how you can protect yourself and those you love through knowing the facts. On this tape you will find answers to the questions: What is AIDS, how is it contracted and how is AIDS prevented?

Electrical Safety Z101

10 Minutes

Employee Safety

Take Electricity Seriously - Developing Awareness English


This program stresses the fact that accidents don't just "happen." They are the result of unsafe acts and/or unsafe behavior of employees. This program will train the employee on how to reduce accidents and injuries on the job.

Electrical Safety T157

Accident Causes and Prevention

5 Minutes

The shock that often accompanies a serious injury can be as deadly as the injury itself. This video outlines the symptoms of shock and proper treatment.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Employee Safety C181 VHS

Employee Safety

Coaching Safe Behavior - Part I English

E107 VHS

10 Minutes

This video promotes safety in the normal daily routine. Encourages personal responsibility towards safety in the workplace.

Employee Safety Orientation English

14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

Employee Safety C185 VHS

Coaching Safe Behavior - Part II English

Employee Safety

12 Minutes


Discusses the importance of knowing the hazards of the job and the precautions to be followed. Employees should be proud of a safe workplace and report any dangerous activities.




14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

Employee Safety C188

Employee Safety Orientation

Contingency Training English

Employee Safety

8 Minutes E164

This video examines job duties of Employees and poses questions that might be asked by the employee when learning a new function.


Human Behavior




14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed.

Employee Safety CS20

Employee Safety Orientation

5 Minutes

This video program explains unsafe acts to Employees, written counseling and information useful to supervisors and managers in their efforts to eliminate accidents and injuries in their place of employment.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Employee Safety H133 VHS

Employee Safety

Human Behavior - Reducing Unsafe Acts English

H228 VHS

13 Minutes

The vast majority of injuries are caused by unsafe acts of Employees. This program explains unsafe acts, verbal and written counseling. Provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.

Human Behaviors



I111 VHS

13 Minutes



It can Happen Anytime English

12 Minutes

Years of experience do not guarantee accident-free conditions. Working safely depends on individual safety awareness. This video, produced by the Union Pacific Railroad, reviews their 1978 accident record which included 12 fatalities. Examined in this program are gruesome reminders that it &"can happen any time";

Employee Safety Human Behavior

8 Minutes

Employee Safety

This video is specifically for the solid waste management industry. Explains unsafe acts of Employees, verbal and written counseling. Provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.



Your ability to recognize a hazard could prevent an accident from occurring. This video stresses the importance of making your supervisor or manager aware of the hazards affecting your work area or your coworkers. Teamwork makes a difference.

Employee Safety H134

Hazard Recognition

Employee Safety

13 Minutes

The vast majority of injuries are caused by unsafe acts of Employees. This program explains unsafe acts, verbal and written counseling. Provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.


I Felt Comfortable



25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Employee Safety I137

I Felt Comfortable



Employee Safety P149 VHS

25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

On any Given Day



S208 VHS



Safety is Your Responsibility English

5 Minutes

Safety begins with the right attitude. Keeping safety in mind while on the job and keeping personal matters at home are discussed.

5 Minutes

Employee Safety S209 VHS

Safety is Your Responsibility Spanish

5 Minutes

Safety begins with the right attitude. Keeping safety in mind while on the job and keeping personal matters at home are discussed.

Employee Safety On any Given Day

10 Minutes

Employee Safety

This video is full of facts and figures to illustrate that accidents can happen to anyone. In order to greatly reduce our risk of becoming an accident statistic, we must always practice safety procedures.



This video reviews the statistics of preventable accidents and what safety training should contain. A list of work related deaths and injuries are given. Stresses management involvement in promoting accident prevention.

Employee Safety O112

Prevention of Common Accidents

Employee Safety

5 Minutes

This video is full of facts and figures to illustrate that accidents can happen to anyone. In order to greatly reduce our risk of becoming an accident statistic, we must always practice safety procedures.


Safety Programs



5 Minutes

Employers spend millions of dollars a year on safety programs. This video reminds us that both employers and Employees share an equal responsibility for making sure those safety programs work.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Employee Safety W154 VHS


Wheel of Misfortune English

9 Minutes

This video uses a "wheel of misfortune" as a way of explaining that for every action there are a set or prescribed outcomes. When procedures are not followed incidents can occur and the spin of the wheel may not offer you just a warning but an injury.


Fleet Maintenance and Material


Handling English

This video covers the impact that contaminants that are part of every day work has on our storm drain water system. It discusses general housekeeping, safe storage, leak and spill cleanup, vehicle fueling, washing and parts cleaning

Employee Safety S101 VHS


Safe and Awake English

11 Minutes

I142 VHS

15 Minutes

Uses humor for a fresh, original approach that employees can't ignore. Motivates self-examination of safety attitudes and effects behavioral change. Emphasizes the prevention of slips, trips and falls. Also demonstrates proper lifting techniques.

It's Our Water, Take it Personally English

13 Minutes

The video show where many of the contaminants come from and how, we as individuals, can make an impact on reducing the amount of contamination of the storm water system.


Environmental P180

Preventing Storm Water Pollution-


What English We Can Do


Basic Ergonomics



5 Minutes

9 Minutes This video is an introduction to the concept of matching the machine to the person. Ergonomics can make working conditions more enjoyable as well as more safe and productive.

This video discusses the common causes of storm water and runoff contamination, including grounds and landscape maintenance, the use of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and lawn trimmings. It further discusses the contamination to wastewater and runoff caused by maintenance areas that work with contaminants such as: Oil & grease, hydraulic fluids, antifreeze, solvents & battery acids. Also covers contaminants caused by street operations including dirt, sand, salt, asphalt products, paint and solvents.

Ergonomics B165

Basic Ergonomics



5 Minutes

This video is an introduction to the concept of matching the machine to the person. Ergonomics can make working conditions more enjoyable as well as more safe and productive. 52

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Ergonomics C145 VHS


Causes and Effects of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome English

F275 VHS

10 Minutes

Program on what carpal tunnel syndrome is, how to prevent these types of injuries and how the employee can reduce exposure. Physical therapist Mike Hairston summarizes the information.



9 Minutes

VHS Geared for all work environments, this video tells how carpal tunnel syndrome occurs and how it can be treated. Discusses prevention techniques such as changing tasks frequently and considerations of the degree of motion. Very informative video.



6 Minutes

VHS Excellent program for almost every occupation. This short video explains how to implement programs to reduce the risk of cumulative trauma disorders.

Ergonomic Tools



20 Minutes

Industrial Ergonomics (ITS) English

7 Minutes

Produced by ITS, very informative video on what cumulative trauma disorders are and what you can do to reduce your potential for injury.

Ergonomics E149



Ergonomics English

Industrial Ergonomics (Visionquest)

Produced by Visionquest, defines cumulative trauma disorders and how to recognize the risk factors that lead to musculoskeletal injuries. Examines various jobs that would lead to CTD's and offer suggestions to alleviate potential problems.

Ergonomics E126

5 Minutes


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome English


This video reviews the developing science of ergonomics and clearly demonstrates how some "common sense" solutions to the physical strain caused by repetitious workplace movements for extended periods can be utilized.

Ergonomics C189

Fighting the Strain - Ergonomics

13 Minutes

Reviews activity factors related to repeated motion disorders and the most common carpal tunnel diseases. Identifies various tools that may be used to assist with job duties. 53

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Ergonomics I135 VHS


Industrial Ergonomics (VOCAM) English

17 Minutes

Produced by Vocam, good ergonomics enables personnel to perform their work safely and efficiently and will increase an organization's overall profitability through decreased injuries and improved productivity. Poor ergonomics can expose personnel to the risk of injury. This video is designed to give viewers an introduction to ergonomic principles and the ergonomic assessment process.


Office Ergonomics



19 Minutes

The program stresses the practical actions Employees can take to help deal with ergonomic problems in the office including recognizing ergonomic problems, potential adverse effects and pragmatic solutions to these problems, physiology of the body, parts of the body most affected, eye strain, pragmatic preventative measures, correct use of office equipment and exercises and stress release. Every job makes a different set of demands on the body. By using proper ergonomic techniques, Employees will be safer and more productive... and feel better at the end of the day.

Ergonomics N117


No More Mr. Mean Screen English


5 Minutes

By following a few simple steps, working with computers can be safer and more relaxing. This video discusses the ergonomics of working with computers.

Office Ergonomics



Preventing MSD's (Musculoskeletal


Disorders) English

5 Minutes

This program discusses what upper musculoskeletal extremity disorders are and what measures you can take to prevent their occurrence.

Ergonomics O135



21 Minutes R140

This video will explain how your body interacts with your office environment and the equipment you use as part of your job. It will show you how to arrange your office, set up equipment and organize your systems to develop a comfortable, safe and productive workplace.


Repetitive Strain Injuries English

5 Minutes

Repetitive strain injuries are an ever-increasing occupational hazard. This video demonstrates ways to prevent these injuries for all occupations.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog is potentially crippling, and may affect hundreds of thousands of workers. This video uses computer graphics to describe "computeritis" and methods for prevention.

Ergonomics R159 DVD

Repetitive Stress Injuries English

5 Minutes


Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) are a common health hazard in manufacturing. To help reduce the risks of RSIs, use work techniques and postures that minimize stress and strain on the body.


The Right Moves: Ergonomics in the Workplace English

18 Minutes

By reducing the likelihood of repetitive motion and other ergonomic disorders, employers can reduce lost time and improve productivity. Emphasizing a team approach to controlling specific hazards, the program explains the most common causes of ergonomic disorders and provides instructions for identifying problem areas.

Ergonomics W169 DVD

Workstation Ergonomics - Cumulative Trauma Disorders English




19 Minutes

Ergonomics I147 DVD

Industrial Ergonomics (Safety Source) English

16 Minutes

Produced by Safety Source: It is essential that industrial work areas and work processes are ergonomically correct. This program define ergonomics and outlines ways that hazards can be engineered out of the work process. Emphasis is placed on recognition, evaluation and controls of hazards. Potential ergonomic hazards associated with material handling are also discussed.



5 Minutes

Computer users are highly susceptible to Cumulative Trauma Disorders caused by repetitive motion at a keyboard. To help reduce injuries follow tips for workstation design and safe work practices.


Office Ergonomics

Every job makes a different set of demands on the body. Today the issue of how this impacts employees, and what can be done to reduce or eliminate adverse effects is receiving a lot of attention. While there is much debate about many aspects of ergonomics, everyone agrees on one thing... that is by using proper ergonomic techniques, employees can be safer and more productive as well as feel better at the end of the day. MARCOM's training products on "Office Ergonomics" address how to recognize ergonomic problems, the potential of adverse effects and practical solutions employees themselves can use to help deal with ergonomic problems in the office. Topics covered in the products include: * Physiology of the body. * Parts of the body most affected. * Eye strain. * Pragmatic preventative measures. * Correct use of office equipment. * Exercises and stress release. * and more.

Ergonomics T173


5 Minutes

Computeritis is a cumulative trauma disorder that stems from repeated striking of computer keys. This disability 55

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Ergonomics I148 DVD

Fire Safety

Industrial Ergonomics (Safety Source) Spanish

F101 VHS

16 Minutes

Produced by Safety Source: It is essential that industrial work areas and work processes are ergonomically correct. This program define ergonomics and outlines ways that hazards can be engineered out of the work process. Emphasis is placed on recognition, evaluation and controls of hazards. Potential ergonomic hazards associated with material handling are also discussed.

Fire Extinguisher Safety English

10 Minutes

We all have seen fire extinguishers around the shop, but the vast majority of Employees have never even picked one up. This video details the inspection, maintenance and use of common fire extinguishers, including actual firefighting techniques.

Fire Safety F109

Fire Safety CS20 9 VHS


Fire Protection English



15 Minutes

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Fire Extinguisher


Fear is natural during a fire - but it won't turn to panic if people follow the life-saving procedures covered in this video. Instruction includes use of emergency exits, fire containment, alarm systems, emergency drills, what to do if escape is cut off, and how to assist the handicapped.

5 Minutes

This program covers fire prevention basics including housekeeping, storage, maintenance and janitorial areas, chemicals and other flammable materials commonly found in business. It demonstrates the use of the "ABC" type of fire extinguisher.


Fire! High Rise Evacuation

F133 VHS

Fire Extinguisher Safety Spanish

10 Minutes

5 Minutes We all have seen fire extinguishers around the shop, but the vast majority of Employees have never even picked one up. This video details the inspection, maintenance and use of common fire extinguishers, including actual firefighting techniques.

This video demonstrates how to use fire extinguishers, and explains the classes of fire, "PASS" and important information for training, fire extinguisher basics, and improving fire prevention awareness.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Fire Safety F158 VHS

Fire Safety

Flammables and Explosives English

11 Minutes

Designed to train the laboratory employee, this video defines flammables and explosives, conditions that can create flammable/explosive hazards, the role of ventilation in preventing flammable/explosive hazards, emergency planning, use of compressed gases, storing and transporting flammables and explosives and more.


Fire Extinguishers



This very thorough video covers classes of fires, different types of extinguishers and proper use of fire extinguishers.

Fire Safety F283

Fire Safety F159 VHS


Fire Escape - Getting out Alive English

5 Minutes

Fire Safety


Fire Hazard Recognition English


20 Minutes

Fire Safety F284


Fire Protection and Prevention

What causes fires, the fire triangle, and classes of fire? Teaches guidelines on how to implement a risk analysis strategy. Fire protection and prevention methods.

The best way to survive a fire is to have a fire escape plan. This video shows you how to plan ahead, so you can get out of fire and smoke alive.


7 Minutes

Fire Extinguisher Training: Using the PASSEnglish Technique

15 Minutes

This program explains basic fire safety, the different class of fires and which extinguisher to use for each. The P.A.S.S. technique: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep- is demonstrated, as well as how to approach each kind of fire, and how to install and maintain the extinguishers.

8 Minutes

This video program shows in very detail major causes of fires, ways to prevent fires, proper housekeeping, flammable and combustible liquids, electrical fires, cutting, welding and grinding.

Fire Safety Fire Safety F263 VHS

Fire Safety in the Home English


Fire Extinguisher Training - Millennium



20 Minutes

A fire extinguisher is a simple and effective piece of emergency equipment. This program explains the various classes of fires, different types of fire extinguishers, the keyword PASS and other tips for emergency use of fire extinguishers. This is the long version.

10 Minutes

This video details fire hazards in the home and gives precautions to prevent a fire disaster.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Fire Safety

Fire Safety


Fire Extinguisher Training - Millennium


Fire Extinguishers





20 Minutes

A fire extinguisher is a simple and effective piece of emergency equipment. This program explains the various classes of fires, different types of fire extinguishers, the keyword PASS and other tips for emergency use of fire extinguishers. This is the long version.

6 Minutes

This video educates the viewer on the classifications of fire extinguishers and the type of fire for which they are suited. It covers proper use and federal requirements for storage and maintenance.

Fire Safety Fire Safety F289

Fire Safety and Emergency


Evacuation English


H130 VHS

6 Minutes

Hospitals Don't Burn Down English

24 Minutes

This video program is a dramatization of situations that arise during a hospital fire where patients must evacuate from a multiple story building.

Fire Protection English


Fire Safety

Fire Safety


Fire Extinguishers

This video educates the viewer on the classifications of fire extinguishers and the type of fire for which they are suited. It covers proper use and federal requirements for storage and maintenance.

10 Minutes

We all have seen fire extinguishers around the shop, but the vast majority of Employees have never even picked one up. This video details the inspection, maintenance and use of common fire extinguishers, including actual firefighting techniques. This program also discusses emergency evacuation procedures and protocol.



5 Minutes

This program combined with proper training present a greater understanding of Fire safety and Fire watch. This Program includes training points on Classes of Fire, Fire Prevention, Extinguishing a Fire, the P.A.S.S. system, Portable Fire Extinguishers including their inspections and maintenance, Extinguishing Agents and Methods of use, Hot Work, Hot Work permits, Fire watch Responsibilities and Requirements, Atmospheric testing with a multi-gas meter, responding to fire, Incipient Stage Fire, and Burn Degrees and First Aid.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Fire Safety I136 VHS

Fire Safety

Industrial Fire Protection English

K101 VHS

22 Minutes

Among all the safety problems an employee can encounter, fire can be the most frightening. Every year industrial fires cause millions of dollars in damage and result in hundreds of employee injuries, a number of which are fatal. Yet many employees do not realize how their own actions can contribute to the risk of fire. In this video "Industrial Fire Prevention" looks at what causes industrial fires, reviews steps that can be taken to help prevent fires and discusses what employees should do in case of a fire emergency. It describes the common causes of workplace fires, the concept of "flashpoint", the classes of fires, how to use Fire extinguishers, the proper way of handling flammable materials, evacuation, first aid and other employee responsibilities and more.


5 Minutes

Fire Safety K107 VHS

Know your ABC's - Fire Extinguishers Spanish

5 Minutes

Fight fire with the proper extinguisher. This video explains that different types of fires call for different types of extinguishers. Knowing the difference could prevent a financial or deadly disaster.

Fire Safety

Industrial Fire Prevention English


Fight fire with the proper extinguisher. This video explains that different types of fires call for different types of extinguishers. Knowing the difference could prevent a financial or deadly disaster.

Fire Safety I139

Know your ABC's - Fire Extinguishers


22 Minutes


Among all the safety problems an employee can encounter, fire can be the most frightening. Every year industrial fires cause millions of dollars in damage and result in hundreds of employee injuries, a number of which are fatal. Yet many Employees do not realize how their own actions can contribute to the risk of fire. In this video "Industrial Fire Prevention" looks at what causes industrial fires, reviews steps that can be taken to help prevent fires and discusses what Employees should do in case of a fire emergency. It describes the common causes of workplace fires, the concept of "flashpoint" the classes of fires, how to use Fire extinguishers, the proper way of handling flammable materials, evacuation, first aid and other employee responsibilities and more.

Office Fire Prevention English

5 Minutes

Make fire prevention a part of your work routine. By following a few simple principles, you can help reduce the risk of office fires.

Fire Safety S197 VHS

Static Electricity English

5 Minutes

Static electricity can be a real problem. This video offers solid tips on how to reduce the incidence of static electricity sparks and their resultant damage.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog techniques are vital during the incipient stage of a fire. A Firewatch is trained to perform these essential duties on the worksite. In the oil and gas industry, frequent hot work produces sparks and flames which create fire hazards. A Firewatch identifies unsafe work conditions and uses aggressive fire prevention techniques to reduce or eliminate potential dangers. Our DVD, Fire Safety and Firewatch, reviews the major hazards associated with performing hot work at the jobsite. Available with an optional Training Kit, this film serves as a helpful introduction or refresher to proper Fire Safety and Firewatch procedures. The DVD menu separates the below training points into chapters, allowing for easy navigation, making the individual chapters ideal for daily safety meetings or behaviorbased safety programs. Training Points

Fire Safety S199 VHS

Stay Low, Stay Alive English

5 Minutes

In most fires, smoke and toxic gasses are the real killers. Victims never see the flames. Smoke is portrayed as an angry, vengeful menace who demands respect.

Fire Safety U102 VHS

Up in Smoke English

5 Minutes

Flammable liquids are a part of most work environments and it is each worker's responsibility to take proper precautions for both usage and storage. This video serves to remind everybody to be responsible and demonstrates correct procedures.

Fire Safety G118 VHS


Up in Smoke Spanish

First Aid A130 VHS

Fire Safety & Fire Watch English

American Red Cross Emergency Test English

47 Minutes

How you react in an emergency situation after an accident, flood, hurricane, or during a fire may mean the difference between life and death. This video details fires, falls, choking, severe bleeding and jogging, hiking, and swimming accidents.

Fire Safety


29 Minutes

5 Minutes

Flammable liquids are a part of most work environments and it is each worker's responsibility to take proper precautions for both usage and storage. This video serves to remind everybody to be responsible and demonstrates correct procedures.



Every person in a building needs to know their role in a evacuation in case of an emergency. Personal true life stories are used. This video program offers valuable tips on how to "Get Out Alive".

Fire Safety U106

Getting Out Alive/Building Evacuation

25 Minutes

Fire safety involves taking proper precautions to reduce the likelihood of a fire, and also knowing how to react if a fire should occur. Knowing the class of fire, choosing the correct extinguisher, and using proper firefighting 60

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog such staffing and demonstrates the techniques while calling for regular refresher training.

First Aid A149

Amputation Injuries



First Aid

5 Minutes C201

Few injuries are more devastating, both for the victim and the bystander, than injuries involving amputations. Prompt and effective first aid can save the life or limb of amputation victims. This video covers how to care for the severed body part as well as the prevention, treatment and long term care of an amputation injury.



C205 5 Minutes


Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.


Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Procedure English

E117 VHS

CPR Spanish

16 Minutes

Electrical Burns English

5 Minutes

The biggest danger in treating victims of electrical burns is shock hazards to the rescuers. This video covers the basic precautions of initial treatment of electrical burns.

First Aid



First Aid

15 Minutes

Discusses the safest procedures for the transfer of chemicals and the importance of knowing where first aid and spill control equipment is kept.


CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

This video examines the procedure for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on adults. It covers the following points: Positioning yourself to perform CPR, location of correct hand position, how to perform compression, depth of compressions, rate of compressions and delivering and rate of breaths.

First Aid C187

5 Minutes

First Aid

Chemical Burns



Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.

First Aid C137

Chemical Burns

5 Minutes

Heart attack is a major killer in the workplace. The American Red Cross recommends that every workplace be partially staffed with Employees thoroughly trained in CPR techniques. This video introduces the need for 61

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog First Aid E125 VHS

First Aid

Emergency Assessment English

F270 VHS

5 Minutes

A dramatic presentation that illustrates the emergency procedures used to assess the extent and type of injury to an unconscious worker.

First Aid: Hands and Fingers English

9 Minutes

Nearly 1/4 of all work injuries are caused to the hands and fingers. Do you know what to do if a coworker is injured? This video offers simple first aid advice that will help an injured person who has suffered a burn, cut or amputation.

First Aid E158 VHS

Electrical Burns Spanish

First Aid 5 Minutes

The biggest danger in treating victims of electrical burns is shock hazards to the rescuers. This video covers the basic precautions of initial treatment of electrical burns.




52 Minutes

First Aid

30 Minutes H150 VHS

First Aid: CPR Review English

Head Injuries English

10 Minutes

Head injuries can be avoided by wearing a hard hat instead of trying to be a hard head. This video centers on first aid for head injuries.

First Aid



First Aid for Children

Explains to children first aid procedures for falls and cuts and why it is important to clean the infected area.


First Aid Training

Meets Red Cross, AMA and OSHA standards for training persons in Basic First Aid. Topics include bleeding, animal bites, slings, shocks, fainting, strokes, and all other topics necessary for first aid training.

First Aid F137


10 Minutes

This video reviews the proper steps to take while initiating CPR on a victim.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog First Aid H193 VHS

First Aid

Handling and Transportation Spanish

O118 VHS

10 Minutes

The proper handling and transportation of a victim is illustrated in this first aid video. The importance of proper moving and care of a victim are stressed throughout this video. Various ways to lift and transport a victim, depending upon the type of injury are covered. Also, the importance of testing a stretcher transport before lifting a victim.

Obstructed Airways English

7 Minutes

This two segment program dramatizes realistic examples of victims with obstructed airways. A lunchroom scene with a worker choking on food and a yard scene when a worker is found unconscious and not breathing are portrayed.

First Aid First Aid H270 DVD

Head Injuries English




Patient Assessment English

6 Minutes

First aid procedures for patient assessment are the first step in caring for a victim. This video demonstrates the proper procedures when caring for an injured person. Attention is focused on respiratory arrest and circulatory failure as well as primary and secondary survey of a victim.

Musculoskeletal Injuries English

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

First Aid




This video, produced by E-A-R Corporation, discusses hearing protection methods



First Aid

First Aid Less than a Minute

One Breath Away

One breath, that's all it takes to die from hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Working at job sites where the highly toxic gas is found, demands extra safety efforts on the part of all workers, as this video illustrates.

5 Minutes

Direct trauma to the head may cause many types of injuries; learn to treat minor injuries, and to recognize signs and symptoms of more serious injuries.



8 Minutes

This video discusses the two types of fractures and the fact that fractures restrict movement. The proper use of splints and handling of a victim is thoroughly demonstrated. 63

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog identifying shock through physical characteristics are thoroughly discussed.

First Aid S132 VHS

Stop the Burning Process English

First Aid

40 Minutes

This video extensively covers the first aid procedures for burns and the techniques for prevention. Produced at the Texaco Refinery in Los Angeles, CA.




Stop the Bleeding



5 Minutes

No step in first aid treatment is more critical than stopping the bleeding. This video explains why and gives demonstrations on various techniques recommended for stopping bleeding and warns against once common procedures such as tourniquets.

Shock English

8 Minutes

First Aid T137 VHS

Shock Spanish

The Heimlich Maneuver English

5 Minutes

The Red Cross approved training in this video may possibly prevent a death by suffocation due to choking. This video shows how to recognize the symptoms of choking and how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on the victim. This simple act can save a life.

First Aid


5 Minutes

First Aid

This video discusses the importance of treating all first aid victims for shock since it follows most injuries. Good illustrations covering the different bodily systems and identifying shock through physical characteristics are thoroughly discussed.



8 Minutes

First Aid



Safety Showers and Eye Washes

To help Employees be prepared to use safety showers and eye washes in case of accidents or emergencies, this education and training program is designed to present basic information on this type of equipment, how it works and when it should be used.


Self-Help Heimlich

Using the Heimlich maneuver, you can save a life of a choking victim even if the victim is you. This video describes how to self-administer this life-saving procedure.

First Aid S150


8 Minutes

This video discusses the importance of treating all first aid victims for shock since it follows most injuries. Good illustrations covering the different bodily systems and 64

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog depending upon the type of injury are also covered. Good illustrations associated with the do's and don'ts of wrapping a wound are covered in this video.

First Aid T183 VHS

The Heimlich Maneuver Spanish

5 Minutes

First Aid

The Red Cross approved training in this video may possibly prevent a death by suffocation due to choking. This video shows how to recognize the symptoms of choking and how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on the victim. This simple act can save a life.

F304 DVD


Thermal Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

This video is about the proper first aid procedures to follow in treating thermal burns prior to EMT's arriving on the scene.

First Aid W132 VHS


First Aid

11 Minutes

Wounds and Dressing Spanish


CPR - Circulation



6 Minutes

This dramatic video program demonstrates how to perform CPR to restore blood circulation to a victim whose heart has suddenly stopped

First Aid


106 Minutes

Wounds and Dressing

This first aid video discusses the six classifications of wounds and the proper treatment of these wounds. First aid procedures to follow for dressing wounds depending upon the type of injury are also covered. Good illustrations associated with the do's and don'ts of wrapping a wound are covered in this video.



Customized with the specific types of emergency scenarios that are likely to occur in a workplace environment, the First Aid/CPR/AED for the Workplace DVD supports the training lessons in the First Aid/CPR/AED for the Workplace course. Content includes recognizing and caring for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, infants and children; performing first aid for cuts, scrapes, bruises, burns, bleeding, sprains and strains, and much more. Plus, the DVD now includes the video segments necessary to teach the 2-hour Bloodborne Pathogens: Preventing Disease Transmission course. The First Aid/CPR/AED for the Workplace DVD is updated with the latest science for first aid, CPR and emergency cardiovascular care and meets OSHA Guidelines for First Aid Programs.

First Aid T187

First Aid/CPR/AED for the Workplace

11 Minutes

This first aid video discusses the six classifications of wounds and the proper treatment of these wounds. First aid procedures to follow for dressing wounds 65

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog with the proper safety procedures presented in this video.

First Aid B-188 DVD

Basic First Aid English

Fleet Maintenance

100 Minutes C160

Are you prepared to be a first responder? To provide emergency first aid until professional help arrives or until you can take the victim to the hospital? This program details everything you need to know to be an effective first responder. Learn how to help and comfort people suffering from slips and falls, car accidents, cuts and bruises, head trauma, cardiac arrest, blocked airways, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, allergic reactions, broken bones, neck and spinal injuries and much more. 0-25 minutes Scene Safety 25-35 minutes Heat Exhaustion 35-45 minutes Heart Attacks 45-49 minutes Hypothermia 49-54 minutes Burns 54-61 minutes Respiratory Emergencies 61-65 minutes Poisoning 65-71 minutes Eye Injuries 71-74 minutes Fractures/Bleeding 74-86 minutes Shock 86-91 minutes Spinal immobilization 91 97.5 minutes First Aid Products and supplies


Car Jacks English

5 Minutes

Changing a flat tire can be a nuisance and a real danger when safety is ignored. This video reviews safe car jack use.

Fleet Maintenance C164 VHS

Caution: Battery on Board English

10 Minutes

An essential video program to educate drivers about auto battery safety. Provides step-by-step instructions on the right way to start a dead battery and what to do if a battery explodes. Can be easily implemented as part of a safety program, mechanics class, or new driver's training.

First Aid C232 DVD

Complete CPR English

Fleet Maintenance 100 Minutes

C198 VHS

This program tells you everything you need to know to be an effective first responder to individuals suffering from Cardiac Arrest, Choking from blocked airways, severe Trauma, concussion, or whenever an individual is not breathing and/or their heart is not functioning.


Charging up on Battery Safety English


5 Minutes

Batteries can be more dangerous than often thought and should be treated with respect and in accordance with the proper safety procedures presented in this video.

Fleet Maintenance C136

Charging up on Battery Safety

5 Minutes

Batteries can be more dangerous than often thought and should be treated with respect and in accordance 66

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Fleet Maintenance N111 VHS

Forklift Safety

Natural Gas Vehicles - A Safe and Reliable Ride English

CS20 8 VHS

10 Minutes

Discusses the benefits of using natural gas to fuel vehicles. Some advantages include reduced operating expenses and lower pollution levels.


17 Minutes

Great training tool for anyone working with or handling acid batteries. Explains how a battery is constructed, personal safety, jump starting, and charging batteries.





16 Minutes

Forklift Safety

5 Minutes F121 VHS

Forklift - Basic Operating Rules English

Forklift Operator Safety English

12 Minutes

This video program stresses employee responsibility for safety and teaches the engineering principles, OSHA operating requirements, and equipment maintenance. Companies need qualified forklift drivers and this program will assist in assuring all requirements are met.

Forklift Safety


Forklift Operations

Forklift - Engineering Principle

The principles of forklift engineering are an important part of understanding how and why forklifts operate. Without this training, operators may not fully understand why certain safety procedures are mandated.



Although this is not a major problem in the solid waste management industry, anyone operating forklifts must be trained by the employer. This video meets OSHA training requirements. It explains the engineering principles, safe operating rules and operator maintenance.

Forklift Safety CS20

5 Minutes

Forklift Safety

Acid Battery Safety and Jump Starting English


This program discusses the maintenance procedures for both electric and gas powered forklifts. Battery maintenance is also reviewed.

Fleet Maintenance A111

Forklift - Equipment Maintenance

5 Minutes

This video reviews the OSHA operating rules to remind Employees of the basics with regard to operating a forklift. A video all forklift operators and supervisors should see!


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Forklift Safety F122 VHS

Forklift Safety

Forklift Operator Safety Spanish

F265 VHS

12 Minutes

This video program stresses employee responsibility for safety and teaches the engineering principles, OSHA operating requirements, and equipment maintenance. Companies need qualified forklift drivers and this program will assist in assuring all requirements are met.

Forklift Loading English

7 Minutes

Discusses important basics to remember when working with forklifts. Balancing loads and figuring the load capacity is reviewed.

Forklift Safety F272

Forklift Safety F126

Forklift Operations




F276 VHS


Forklift Safety

Forklift Operator Training and Safety English

16 Minutes

While forklifts carry out essential functions in the workplace, they also represent one of the most serious hazards. Nearly 1 in 10 workplace fatalities involves a forklift. There are a number of important steps which can be taken in order to reduce the likelihood of a forklift accident.

Forklift Safety English

5 Minutes

Forklift Safety




14 Minutes

Used for both forklift operators and Employees working near this equipment. Stresses the need for total cooperation and responsibility.


Forklift Safety

One of the industry's most useful tools is the forklift, but it is potentially one of the most dangerous. This video covers inspection procedures, for adjustment, transporting workers and rest position.

Forklift Safety for Pedestrians English

11 Minutes

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety



This video highlights inspection procedures, safe driving rules and refueling guidelines.

16 Minutes

Although this is not a major problem in the solid waste management industry, anyone operating forklifts must be trained by the employer. This video meets OSHA training requirements. It explains the engineering principles, safe operating rules and operator maintenance.


Forklift Safety

5 Minutes

One of the industry's most useful tools is the forklift and potentially one of the most dangerous. This video provides a checklist to ensure forklift safety. 68

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Forklift Safety F282 VHS

Forklift Safety

Forklift Operator Training and Safety Spanish

F292 DVD

16 Minutes

Forklifts are an essential workhorse for many companies and their safe operation should never be taken for granted. The principles of forklift stability are clearly shown by the use of computer animations. Topics covered in this video are engineering principles, safety checks, loading and unloading, stability, safe driving practices, attachments, parking and refueling and recharging.


Forklift Operator Training English

18 Minutes

Forklift Safety



10 Minutes

Forklift Safety

Forklift Operator Training Spanish

Forklift Safety-High Impact

This program examines some tragic lift truck incidents and shows how similar scenarios can be avoided by following safe operating practices. Topics include operator training and authorization, understanding and anticipating driving hazards, preventing injuries to pedestrians, lifting capacity, stability characteristics and working in and around trailers and rail cars are other issues covered.

A comprehensive program for all forklift operators. Teaches students engineering principles, operator safety rules and maintenance. Excellent training program that is an effective tool for training both new and experienced operators.


12 Minutes

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety



This video program stresses employee responsibility for safety and teaches the engineering principles, OSHA operating requirements, and equipment maintenance. Companies need qualified forklift drivers and this program will assist in assuring all requirements are met.



Forklift Operator Safety

F297 DVD

18 Minutes

A comprehensive program for all forklift operators. Teaches students engineering principles, operator safety rules and maintenance. Excellent training program that is an effective tool for training both new and experienced operators.

Forklift - Basic Operating Rules English

5 Minutes

This program reviews the OSHA operating rules to remind employees of the basics with regard to operating a forklift. This is a must for all forklift operators and supervisors.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog This program discusses the maintenance procedures for both electric and gas powered forklifts. Battery maintenance is also reviewed.

Forklift Safety F300 DVD

Forklift: Pre-Operation Inspection English

5 Minutes

Forklift Safety

Help prevent damage to equipment with this live-action program. Pre-operation inspection checklist, proper maintenance and basic features of the forklift are covered.


Forklift: Safe Driving English

F305 DVD

5 Minutes

Powered pallet trucks have many uses in industry, but they must be handled with extreme caution. Know your vehicle and its limitations, and follow the procedures for safe use.


Forklift Safety



25 Minutes

F306 Forklift Safety-Spanish Spanish

5 Minutes

One of industry's most useful tools is the forklift and potentially one of the most dangerous. Follow the checklist to ensure forklift safety.

Forklift Maintenance English

Forklift Driver Safety Training

Forklift Safety



14 Minutes

This is an excellent training program presented in both English and Spanish. Discusses use in both non hazardous and hazardous locations, pre-operational inspection and rules for operators. Critical lift determinations, tipping over, loading trailers and rail cars, maintenance and refueling including; propane tank removal and installation procedures, gasoline, and battery recharging.

Powered Pallet Trucks English

Operator English

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety



5 Minutes

Live-action video uses actual industrial scenes to demonstrate how accidents occur. This program motivates veteran drivers and new recruits to use safe driving techniques. Stresses the importance of driving as a professional and always using safe driving skills to prevent costly accidents, injuries, and damage to equipment.


Forklift Safety - The Experienced

If government statistics indicate in 26% percent of all forklift accidents, the operator was not properly trained and certified, than that must mean in the other 74% of the incidents the operator was trained and certified. Safe operation begins before the operator ever starts to drive the lift truck. It begins with the operator

Forklift Safety F301


5 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Forklift Safety F307 DVD

Forklift Safety

Forklift Operating Safety English

15 Minutes

This video program stresses employee responsibility for safety and teaches the engineering principles, OSHA operating requirements, and equipment maintenance. Companies need qualified forklift drivers and this program will assist in assuring all requirements are met.



10 Minutes

Forklift Operator Safety Training English

28 Minutes

16 Minutes Easy to use and ready to deliver, this all-in-one program makes it easy to train your forklift operators and meet OSHA's "formal instruction" training requirements. It covers safety topics that are critical to avoiding accidents and injuries, including general safety, preoperation, operation, load handling, fuel/battery maintenance, and specialized units. It will also help you satisfy OSHA's requirements for providing refresher or remedial training based on unsafe operation, an accident, incident, near miss, or deficiency found during periodic evaluations.

Forklift Safety




Dramatizes the safe operation of industrial forklift trucks. Illustrates a variety of accidents brought about by operator carelessness or negligence. Gives tips for all who work around material -handling machinery. Developed from actual accident case histories. Professional stuntmen lend realism to this old, but classic video.



Forklift Safety

Color of Danger Spanish

Material Handling

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers forklift operations, safe lifting, warehouse employees and other safety rules related to this type of work.

Forklift Safety C116


Color of Danger English

General Safety

16 Minutes A145

Dramatizes the safe operation of industrial forklift trucks. Illustrates a variety of accidents brought about by operator carelessness or negligence. Gives tips for all who work around material -handling machinery. Developed from actual accident case histories. Professional stuntmen lend realism to this old, but classic video.


ADA: Willing and Able English

5 Minutes

The Americans with Disabilities Act is tearing down barriers for Americans with differing abilities. This video shows how the ADA affects you, your company and the 43 million Americans with some type of disability.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety A150 VHS

General Safety

Along for the Ride: Safer Bicycling for Everyone English

B155 VHS

18 Minutes

Great video for adults on the benefits of commuter and leisure bicycling. Members of the U.S. Cycling Team stress the importance of safety gear and defensive cycling using proper hand signals.



15 Minutes

VHS The threat of Anthrax existed before the unforgettable terrorist attacks of 09-11-01, but now more than ever the threat is real. This video gives a detailed summary of what Anthrax is, how someone can become infected and how the infection affects the body. If you or someone at your company receives a suspicious letter or package, knowing what steps to take can minimize the risk.



19 Minutes

General Safety C137 VHS

Chemical Burns English

5 Minutes

Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.

Boating Safety English

Biological and Chemical Threat

In this video, chemicals that can harm you in a bioterrorism attack are discussed. Explains exactly what chemicals can be used for and what they can do.

General Safety B147

10 Minutes

General Safety

Anthrax Threat English


Bicycles are an important method of transportation in plants and factories. This video covers practical ways to identify the presence of bicycles in the workplace, gives a review of simple bicycle safety including obstructions and personal protective equipment.

General Safety A169

Bicycle Safety in Plants and Factories

5 Minutes

Every year, more than 1,000 Americans die in boating accidents. This video describes common boating hazards and discusses steps to take for avoiding accidents.

General Safety C196 VHS

Compressed Gas Cylinders English

5 Minutes

Knowing how to handle and read the labels on compressed gas cylinders protects your safety. It is imperative to know proper storage and transportation techniques and this video shows you how. 72

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety C201 VHS

General Safety

Chemical Burns Spanish

CS22 0 VHS

5 Minutes

Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.

Maintenance Person English

5 Minutes

Because new Employees have a much higher accident rate, proper safety training in this high attrition area is critical. This program discusses general hazards on the job, including hand and power tools, electricity, machine operations, lifting, fire, asbestos, personal protective equipment, and more.

General Safety C222 DVD

Close Calls and Near Misses English

General Safety

9 Minutes


This video promotes safety in the normal daily routine. Encourages personal responsibility towards safety in the workplace.




General Safety

5 Minutes D175 DVD

Setting the Example English

Don't Bet Your Life on Unsafe Acts English

9 Minutes

When workers begin their jobs each day, they aren't planning to gamble their lives away by committing unsafe acts. Somewhere along the way, however, some Employees make a choice or decision to risk their lives by bypassing a safety rule or procedure. Will their gamble pay off? Don't bet on it. This program examines some of the reasons Employees choose to place their lives in danger so we can learn to recognize and avoid these types of tragic decisions.

General Safety


5 Minutes

Heat Stress

This video presentation identifies many of the signs and symptoms of heat stress and offers several techniques for prevention of this potentially deadly issue.



Loading docks and warehouses are among the most dangerous areas in any workplace. In this humorous video, Hapless Hal learns a few important lessons about safety while working in these areas.

General Safety CS21

Danger: Hazardous Duty

5 Minutes

This program shows that being a good example is a much better training method than the old "do as I say, not as I do"


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety E123 VHS

General Safety

Expect the Unexpected English

E177 VHS

15 Minutes

Industrial accidents happen when you least expect them. If you and your organization are prepared for accidents - if you've planned, trained, and practiced you can save lives, minimize costs and resume normal operations quickly.


E137, Employee Responsibilities English

5 Minutes

safety in the workplace is no accident. Employees can help reduce accidents and injuries by fulfilling specific responsibilities for safety.

General Safety



Electromagnetic Field Awareness English

5 Minutes


General Safety

5 Minutes

Good Housekeeping English

10 Minutes

Illustrates how a strictly maintained and controlled housekeeping policy is an essential part of any safety plan and achieves a reduction in slips, trip, falls and other potential hazards.

Emergency Preparedness at Work English


General Safety



Good Safety is Good Business

safety is good business, both for employers and Employees. It holds down costs, keeps businesses more competitive and protects people and jobs.

This video informs the viewer what electromagnetic field awareness is and what objects emit it. Discusses with worker how they are exposed and ways of minimizing the exposure.


14 Minutes

General Safety G105



Emergencies occur every day, jeopardizing lives and property. If one of those emergencies happened in your workplace, would your Employees respond appropriately? While there is no guarantee for a perfect response to every emergency situation, workers will be better prepared if they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities during an emergency. This program provides viewers with an understanding of the different types of emergencies and how to be prepared to deal with them. Types of emergencies covered include severe weather, earthquakes, fire, chemical spills and medical emergencies.

General Safety E137

Emergency Preparedness

13 Minutes

This program explains how to prepare for emergencies such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and other emergencies at work. Designed to reduce property damage and prevent injuries during emergencies. 74

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety G112 VHS

General Safety

Gases at Home and Work English

5 Minutes

This video discusses the dangers of natural gas, carbon monoxide and radon. It offers tips for avoiding exposure.


Gory Story, The - Safety Awareness


Part IIEnglish

Good Safety is Good Business Spanish

General Safety

5 Minutes G123

safety is good business, both for employers and Employees. It holds down costs, keeps businesses more competitive and protects people and jobs.



Gory Story, The - Safety Awareness


Part I English

15 Minutes G124 DVD

5 Minutes

Gas Cylinders: Overview English

5 Minutes

When mishandled, compressed gas cylinders can pose serious hazards. Always take precautions when handling, using and storing.

General Safety

General Safety

Gas Cylinders: Overview English


General Safety

This shocking program of graphic pictures of actual industrial injuries with an emphasis on hand, wrist and eye injuries comes with a description of what unsafe act or behavior caused the injury. Viewers are urged to avoid the same factor by making the right choices about safety.


Gas Cylinders

Animation depicts the hazards that can result if gases contained in cylinders are handled improperly. The program motivates workers to properly store and handle the many types of gases contained in cylinders.

General Safety


15 Minutes

A follow up to safety Awareness I presents pictures and descriptions depicting the horrible consequences that occur when Employees fail to follow safety procedures. A variety of injuries and hazards are examined and viewers are confronted with the harsh reality of ignoring safety.

General Safety G116



5 Minutes

VHS Compressed gas cylinders are a double threat: hazardous chemical contents paired with the hazard of pressurized steel cylinders present unique dangers. Learn the procedures necessary to ensure safe handling and storage.

Heat Stress Prevention English

12 Minutes

Few jobs expose Employees to the potential threat of heat illness as much as the public works employee's job does. Breaking pavement, laying asphalt, or even reading meters in temperatures in excess of 90 75

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety H148 VHS

General Safety

Heat Can Kill English

H215 VHS

5 Minutes

Housekeeping for Safety English

9 Minutes

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are ever present in hot environments. This video describes the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion and explains how to treat heat stroke victims.

This video demonstrates the dangers of heat related illness. Identifies the signs and symptoms of heat stress in addition to techniques for prevention of this potentially deadly issue.

General Safety

General Safety

H149 VHS

Housekeeping: General Work Space English

H221 VHS

5 Minutes

Proper housekeeping is one of the first steps in maintaining efficient and safe working conditions. It's necessary to keep our workspace clean and organized!

Handling the Heat




5 Minutes

Heat exhaustion is a serious problem in many industries. This video offers recommendations for individual safeguards to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It demonstrates proper clothing for various hot environments and reminds the worker about the need for liquids and rest.

Heat Stress English

Heat Can Kill Spanish

5 Minutes

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are ever present in hot environments. This video describes the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion and explains how to treat heat stroke victims.

General Safety


9 Minutes

General Safety




How to recognize heat stress in a work environment is reviewed in this video. Techniques are suggested to aid the victim. Good video for welders, package handlers and factory workers.

General Safety H152

Heat Stress

9 Minutes

This video, designed for hot indoor work environments, discusses how to reduce the effects of heat stress and prevention techniques. 76

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog and preventive measures. Workers learn what to do if a co-worker is stricken by heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke.

General Safety H232

Handling the Heat



5 Minutes

General Safety

Heat exhaustion is a serious problem in many industries. This video offers recommendations for individual safeguards to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It demonstrates proper clothing for various hot environments and reminds the worker about the need for liquids and rest.

H271 DVD



5 Minutes


Be aware, stay alert, and keep looking up! The possibility for an accident is everywhere. One of the least common places to expect one is from overhead.


Handling Gas Cylinders Spanish

5 Minutes

Gas cylinders containing everything from acetylene to nitrogen and oxygen are common on many industrial sites. This video warns against taking these canisters for granted, discusses their hazardous potential and demonstrates proper handling and storage techniques.




12 Minutes

It won't Happen to Me English

17 Minutes

This program discusses the major factors that cause accidents and why people take safety risks. Actual interviews with the people who took safety for granted and lost are highlighted for emphasis.

General Safety Heat Stress


General Safety



I Didn't Know

This program is designed for nursing homes in California. Although this program demonstrates accident prevention measures such as slips and falls, safe lifting techniques, cuts and scrapes and proper sanitation measures, its primary theme is Workers' Compensation Insurance. Produced by Pacific Compensation Insurance Company, the Workers' Compensation laws and regulations are based on California standards.

General Safety H234

5 Minutes

General Safety

Heads up for Safety: Overhead Dangers Spanish


Motivates workers to protect their hearing, using dynamic graphics to show how the ear works. Effects of noise and types of ear protection are also covered.

General Safety H233

Heat Stress

5 Minutes

Prevent injuries and even death. Live-action video uses state-of-the-art graphics to explain how heat affects the body, health hazards and their symptoms, 77

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety I114 VHS

General Safety

It won't Happen to Me: Accidents English

J104 VHS

15 Minutes

Designed for hourly Employees as well as first line supervisors, this video promotes the reduction of unsafe acts committed on the job by depicting actual accounts from real people who took risks and lost. The program discusses the major factors that cause accidents and why people take risks. The strong correlation between acts and accidents is stressed.


It's up to You English

10 Minutes


General Safety




5 Minutes

General Safety


I Felt Comfortable

Knives and Boxcutters

Knives disable more people than any other hand tool. This video tells you how to sharpen your skills, safely when using knives and box cutters.

This video stresses the importance of hearing protection and how it is up to you to use hearing protection properly. A model of the ear is used to demonstrate how the ear works and how it can be damaged by improper use of hearing protection.


5 Minutes

General Safety

General Safety



This video brings home the fact that the ultimate responsibility for safety centers in each individual. Daily choices about safety matters affect every day of our lives. A must see for general safety consciousness.



Judge, Jury and Executioner

Ladder Safety English

5 Minutes

Ladders are necessary tools in most workplaces and are dangerous when taken for granted. This video explains the dangers of inappropriate ladder usage and demonstrates the safe use of various types of ladders and portable steps.

25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

General Safety L130

Lifesight: Growing Older with Good



15 Minutes

Geared to care givers and public health professionals to help them better respond to and care for the vision needs of older adults. Also explains how vision changes as people age. 78

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety L134 VHS

General Safety

Lead in the Workplace English

L151 VHS

15 Minutes

Employees rarely understand the dangers of lead exposure. This program will give them important facts regarding lead exposure and the potential ailments that can result from this occupational hazard.



11 Minutes

VHS Informs, non-lab personnel of the importance of being safe in a lab environment. Reviews chemical hazards, who to contact in case of emergency and possible exposure and clean-up procedures.



7 Minutes

VHS Using a parody on the TV show "Dragnet" this video explains the common causes of ladder accidents. Various types of ladders are reviewed.

Lead Awareness



18 Minutes

Ladder Safety Spanish

10 Minutes

This video explains the safe way to use stepladders, straight ladders, and platform ladders as well as common hazards associated with improper ladder use. Explains 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36" requirement for straight ladders above landings, and more. A great program for new or experienced workers.

General Safety L148


General Safety

Ladder Safety English

Lightning Safety 101

Lightning is one of nature's deadliest mysteries. You never know when or where it will strike. Being aware of what to do and not do when a lightning storm hits can save your life.

General Safety L147

5 Minutes

General Safety

Lab Safety for Non-lab Personnel English


Ladders are necessary tools in most workplaces and are dangerous when taken for granted. This video explains the dangers of inappropriate ladder usage and demonstrates the safe use of various types of ladders and portable steps.

General Safety L144

Ladder Safety

10 Minutes

Explains where lead is found and how you can keep from being exposed. This video uses a game show format to bring home the message.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety L166 DVD

General Safety

Ladder Safety English

M112 VHS

10 Minutes

This video deals with the safe use of stepladders straight ladders and platform ladders. Explains 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36" requirement for straight ladders above landings and more.

Safety Hazards in Manufacturing English

5 Minutes

This video program includes electrical and mechanical safety, substance abuse, machine guarding, housekeeping, etc.

General Safety M113

General Safety L167 DVD


Ladder Safety Spanish

General Hazards in Manufacturing English

10 Minutes

OSHA requires that all Employees be trained in the "GENERAL HAZARDS" to which they are exposed. This video program covers the basic requirements, electrical safety, mechanical safety, back injury prevention, fire protection, personal protective equipment and more.

10 Minutes

This video deals with the safe use of stepladders, straight ladders and platform ladders. Explains 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36" requirement for straight ladders above landings and more.

General Safety General Safety L168 DVD

Ladder Safety - A Practical Approach English


Material Handling



10 Minutes

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers safe lifting and other safety rules related to this type of work.

9 Minutes

Our safety while climbing or working on ladders depends on following safe work practices: choose the correct ladder in a safe and proper manner. This program discusses the basic precautions that will keep Employees safe when using ladders. Viewers will also see the consequences of failing to follow these safe work practices. Topics include properly placing and setting up ladders, standing and working on ladders safely and dangers of intentional misuse.

General Safety M146 VHS

Medical Monitoring: How it Works English

8 Minutes

This video discusses the importance of employment related medical exams due to the physical and chemical exposures you may encounter at work. Getting enough rest and good nutrition are necessary to maintain good health. 80

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog unsafe acts of Employees. The major emphasis of this program is reducing accidents and injuries by promoting awareness of unsafe acts.

General Safety P127 VHS

Pumping Air English

5 Minutes

General Safety

Air power can be very helpful when deployed, but it also deserves respect. Be aware of the safety factors involved with the hoses, compressor and pressure that are a part of working with air driven tools. Each tool that is driven by air has special safety considerations, be aware of them and wear the necessary personal protective equipment specified for each of them.

R154 VHS



10 Minutes

General Safety R155 VHS

Reducing Unsafe Acts English

10 Minutes

Statistics have shown that the vast majority of accidents in the workplace are caused, in whole or in part, by unsafe acts of Employees. The major emphasis of this program is reducing accidents and injuries by promoting awareness of unsafe acts.


General Safety


14 Minutes

Safety Showers and Eye Washes English

8 Minutes

To help Employees be prepared to use safety showers and eye washes in case of accidents or emergencies, this education and training program is designed to present basic information on this type of equipment, how it works and when it should be used.

Reducing Unsafe Acts Spanish


General Safety



Real Accidents/Real Stories

Three real-life testimonials of people injured on the job drive home the point that ignoring safety policies can have drastic consequences that last a lifetime. Additional graphic pictures of industrial injuries accompanied by descriptions of what caused them are guaranteed to make a lasting impression on anyone who views this tape.

General Safety


14 Minutes

Proper use of Compressed Air

An explanation of compressed air is given including examples of where it is primarily used. Storage and transporting techniques are also covered.



Three real-life testimonials of people injured on the job drive home the point that ignoring safety policies can have drastic consequences that last a lifetime. Additional graphic pictures of industrial injuries accompanied by descriptions of what caused them and are guaranteed to make a lasting impression on anyone who views this tape.

General Safety P155

Real Accidents/Real Stories

10 Minutes

Statistics have shown that the vast majority of accidents in the workplace are caused, in whole or in part, by 81

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety S164 VHS

General Safety

Safety and the Young Worker English

S239 VHS

11 Minutes

This video addresses workers between 18 and 24 years of age. Discusses why one out of ten Employees in that age group is injured on the job. Covers a wide range of jobs and duties, supervisors' responsibilities as well as instilling the proper attitude towards the job in the employee.




5 Minutes

General Safety S247 VHS

Swimming Pool Safety English

24 Minutes

Ongoing training, preparation and maintenance will help prevent accidents around the pool. What to do in case of emergency, good maintenance practices and lifeguard awareness are this informative videos' topics.

Safety on the Board Walk English

Surviving the Cold

Winter Storms isolate those in homes and can kill the unprepared. This video gives six true life stories about people caught in severe weather with no help available. Tips on how to "Survive the Cold".

General Safety



13 Minutes

This program features a classroom lecture by Randy Fellhoelter who was involved in a near death accident. After reaching to connect an instrument to an electrical line he believed was turned off, he came into direct contact with 7,200 volts of electricity. This is a detailed account, including VERY GRAPHIC photographs, of one on-the-job accident that could happen to anyone.


10 Minutes

General Safety

No Shortcut to Safety English


When you're having summer fun it's important to be aware what can harm you. This video discusses a variety of outdoor summer safety tips including heat stress, sun burns, insect bites and stings, poison ivy and snake bites.

General Safety S189

Summer Safety

5 Minutes

Working with mobile scaffolds or outriggers can expose you to all of the usual hazards of scaffolds, plus a few more! This video looks at the special hazards of mobile scaffolds and outriggers. It offers tips on how to cut down on danger at the job site, while you comply with OSHA regulations for scaffolds.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety S259 VHS

General Safety

Stairways and Ladders




7 Minutes

Using ladders and stairways properly can reduce the chance of accidents and injuries. This video covers the following areas on situations where ladders or stairways are needed, the proper way to set up and use ladders. The recognition of hazards related to ladders and stairways, ways to minimize hazards and inspection methods. Also covers fixed and portable ladders and the correct design for stairways.


T152 VHS

15 Minutes

T172 VHS

8 Minutes

Three Steps to Safety English

5 Minutes

Job Hazard Analysis asks that workers and employers Define, Analyze and Prevent potential safety hazards before they occur. This video explains how to use the concept in everyday situations as part of safety awareness.

Safety is Your Responsibility English

Violations English

General Safety

General Safety


25 Most Commonly Cited OSHA

Explains the most commonly cited violations, what the violations are and how to avoid citations for these types of violations. This program is excellent for managers, supervisors and Employees to guide them in better OSHA compliance.

This program offers some facts; tips and warnings that can help you survive serious weather emergencies. Topics include severe weather watches and warnings, hazards posed by thunderstorms, flooding and moving water, being prepared for tornadoes, emergency response plans and precautions to take once a storm has passed.


5 Minutes

General Safety

Severe Weather Alert: Are your Prepared English


Carbon monoxide poisoning is a potential killer that strikes without warning. This video covers the basic telltale signs to recognize carbon monoxide build-up within your body and basic treatment for exposure.

General Safety S260

The Invisible Killer: Carbon Monoxide

5 Minutes

Safety begins with the right attitude. The importance of keeping safety in mind while on the job and keeping personal matters at home are discussed.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog cutter safety, material handling, personal protective equipment and general accident prevention techniques in the warehouse.

General Safety T184

The Invisible Killer



5 Minutes

General Safety

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a potential killer that strikes without warning. This video covers the basic telltale signs to recognize carbon monoxide build-up within your body and basic treatment for exposure.

W128 VHS

25 Most Commonly Cited OSHA


Violations English

General Safety




9 Minutes

11 Minutes

General Safety

Warehouse/Distribution Center Safety English


Warehouse Safety



9 Minutes

This video explains what trucks should be used for specific jobs in the warehouse and safety tips for sizing up loads. Also covers personal protective equipment, common safety tips when working in a warehouse and welding in safe work areas.

General Safety


Workplace Safety

The Line of Fire

This program discusses workplace hazards and outlines the general principles that can help Employees prevent these hazards from causing serious injuries and deaths. Featured are several incidents that illustrate the consequences of allowing ourselves to get caught in "the line of fire".



This video discusses workplace safety and security. Being aware of suspicious or unsafe work habits of Employees may trigger a security issue. Enforcing security helps to ensure safety.

General Safety


16 Minutes

7 Minutes

Explains the most commonly cited violations, what the violations are and how to avoid citations for these types of violations. This program is excellent for managers, supervisors and Employees to guide them in better OSHA compliance.



Winter can be a lot of fun, but it can be dangerous or even deadly if people don't protect themselves from the cold. This program is designed to educate all age groups about the dangers of frostbite and hypothermia, including prevention, symptoms and first aid treatment.

General Safety T192

Winter Dangers

10 Minutes

This program is excellent for those Employees working in a warehouse environment. It explains safe lifting, box 84

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog safety while climbing or working on a ladder depends on following safe work practices: choose the correct ladder for the job; inspect the ladder before use; set up the ladder properly; and, use the ladder in a safe and proper manner. This new program discusses the basic precautions that will keep employees safe when using ladders. Viewers will also see the consequences of failing to follow these safe work practices.

General Safety W164 VHS

Work Safety Essentials Spanish

22 Minutes

This video contains information vital to the safety of your workforce. This video is Ideal for induction purposes and for use as a general safety refresher. Vital information is presented in an easy to understand manner with real life accident scenarios.

General Safety I146 VHS

General Safety W166 DVD

Warehouse/Distribution Center Safety English

10 Minutes


General Safety

8 Minutes

Industrial accidents happen when you least expect them. If you and your organization are prepared for accidents - if you've planned, trained, and practiced you can save lives, minimize costs and resume normal operations quickly.

General Safety A177

A Practical Approach To Ladder



Industrial Skin Disease English

23 Minutes

This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them.

Expect The Unexpected English

23 Minutes

General Safety




This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them.

This program is excellent for those Employees working in a warehouse environment. It explains safe lifting, box cutter safety, material handling, personal protective equipment and general accident prevention techniques in the warehouse.


Industrial Skin Disease

9 Minutes

While ladder manufacturers strive to produce the safest ladders possible, a well-made ladder is not enough. Our 85

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog General Safety I124

I Felt Comfortable



Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H161

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

Material Handling



Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H167 VHS


10 Minutes

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety


Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Spanish

10 Minutes

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H184


Hand and Wrist Injury Prevention

An excellent video which should be shown to all Employees including office workers. This graphic video describes types of hand injuries and gives tips for prevention of injuries to your hands. The anatomy of the hand is explained to emphasize the importance of the hand functions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is briefly discussed also.

This program is designed for all Employees who are involved in material handling. Covers forklift operations, safe lifting, warehouse employees and other safety rules related to this type of work.


15 Minutes

This video demonstrates the three rules for hand safety. First, be aware of the potential hazards. Second, follow safe work procedures. Finally, make appropriate use of protective equipment. These three points are the basis of this program as it examines hazards in the workplace.

General Safety M158



25 Minutes

The Essential Elements of Hand

Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety English

14 Minutes

Some Employees use sharp tools or machines with heavy or fast moving parts; handle corrosive materials; and employ awkward or repetitive movements that can cause painful ergonomic injuries. Fortunately, these injuries are preventable, if Employees learn to recognize and avoid potential hazards. This program looks at the situations which affect hand, wrist, and finger safety, and the techniques and equipment which guard against injury.

14 Minutes

Some Employees use sharp tools or machines with heavy or fast moving parts; handle corrosive materials; and employ awkward or repetitive movements that can cause painful ergonomic injuries. Fortunately, these injuries are preventable, if Employees learn to recognize and avoid potential hazards. This program looks at the situations which affect hand, wrist, and finger safety, and the techniques and equipment which guard against injury. 86

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog including chemicals, extreme temperatures, bloodborne pathogens, and more.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H187 VHS

Hand Safety English

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety

7 Minutes

H252 Familiarizes Employees with the different causes of injuries to the hands, fingers, arms and teaches appropriate ways of protection.


Hand Tool Safety



5 Minutes

H253 DVD

10 Minutes

14 Minutes

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety

Hand, wrist and finger injuries occur in all industries. This video gives interesting injury statistics and offers ways to reduce injuries, along with encouraging the use of machine guarding and following proper lockout/tagout procedures when working with machinery.

H260 DVD

Hand Protection, The Importance of English

Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety English

14 Minutes

Some Employees use sharp tools or machines with heavy or fast moving parts; handle corrosive materials; and employ awkward or repetitive movements that can cause painful ergonomic injuries. Fortunately, these injuries are preventable, if Employees learn to recognize and avoid potential hazards. This program looks at the situations which affect hand, wrist, and finger safety, and the techniques and equipment which guard against injury.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety



Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety English


Hand and Wrist Injuries

This program demonstrates general prevention techniques to help reduce hand and wrist injuries. Explains the anatomy of the hand and wrist and how injuries to these parts of the body can be avoided.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety


14 Minutes

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety

This video alerts viewers to the potential hazards of simple hand tools and illustrates how common sense is the best tool of all. Screwdriver, hammer, wrench and ratchet safety are demonstrated.



This program demonstrates general prevention techniques to help reduce hand and wrist injuries. Explains the anatomy of the hand and wrist and how injuries to these parts of the body can be avoided.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H190

Hand and Wrist Injuries

7 Minutes

Use this concise video to drive home the importance of hand protection and to review with your Employees how to protect their hands from various hazards 87

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog A must for anyone who works with machinery where hand injuries occur. Common causes of hand injuries proper use of hand tools, working with and around equipment and machinery and pinch points.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H261

Hand Safety



5 Minutes

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety

One out of every four on-the-job accidents involves hands, fingers, wrists or arms. Because our hands play such an important role in our lives, we should do all we can to protect them from these injuries. This video uses several work-related accident recreations to show the terrible consequences of neglecting hand safety rules. After viewing the program, your Employees will make a new commitment to understanding hazards, wearing appropriate hand protection and following safe work practices.


Industrial Hand and Wrist Injury


Prevention English

An excellent video which should be shown to all employees including office workers. This graphic video describes types of hand injuries and gives tips for prevention of injuries to your hands. The anatomy of the hand is explained to emphasize the importance of the hand functions.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H266 DVD

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety

Hand Safety: You Control It English


12 Minutes


A hand injury occurs in the workplace every 32-seconds. Though they usually do not grab the headlines and are not fatal in nature, over 16 million individuals seek emergency care each year for hand injuries. Hands are often in the forefront of the specific task being performed and thus exposed to more risks. This program educates your employees on the different types of hand injuries that can occur, how to recognize common hazards found in the workplace and preventive measures to take to protect their hands. Safety is a personal responsibility. A hand injury can occur in a moment, but affect you for a lifetime. This program will motivate your workers to use best practices to prevent hand injuries.

Hand Safety



Where are Your Hands? English

5 Minutes

Hand injuries account for a major portion of on-the-job accidents. This video outlines the do's and don'ts of hand safety. The key training points are: gloves, jewelry, clothing, safety devices and safety awareness.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety W159 VHS

Where are Your Hands? Spanish

5 Minutes

Hand injuries account for a major portion of on-the-job accidents. This video outlines the do's and don'ts of hand safety. The key training points are: gloves, jewelry, clothing, safety devices and safety awareness.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H269

10 Minutes

5 Minutes 88

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety Y112 DVD

Hazardous Materials

Your Hands at Work English

B167 VHS

5 Minutes

When you're on the job, your hands are your most valuable tools. Help protect your hands by using appropriate protective gloves when exposed to hazards.


C139 VHS

10 Minutes

Demonstrates general prevention techniques to help reduce hand and wrist injuries. Explains the anatomy of the hand and wrist and how injuries to these parts of the body can be avoided.


Skin Diseases English

24 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Anthrax Threat English

Causes and Prevention of Industrial

This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them.

Hazardous Materials A169

19 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hand and Wrist Injuries English


In this video, chemicals that can harm you in a bioterrorism attack are discussed. Explains exactly what chemicals can be used for and what they can do.

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety H278

Biological and Chemical Threat

C143 VHS

15 Minutes

The threat of Anthrax existed before the unforgettable terrorist attacks of 09-11-01, but now more than ever the threat is real. This video gives a detailed summary of what Anthrax is, how someone can become infected and how the infection affects the body. If you or someone at your company receives a suspicious letter or package, knowing what steps to take can minimize the risk.

Chemical Safety English

9 Minutes

Corrosives, toxic, flammables and reactive are discussed in this video and their safeguarding methods, and effects are reviewed to give the viewer an understanding of the importance of chemical safety and awareness.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials C147 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Controlling the Exposure to


Bloodborne EnglishPathogens 18 Minutes


Chlorine Does a World of Good English

12 Minutes

Designed to aid in eliminating or minimizing occupational exposure to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other bloodborne pathogens. Topics include personal protective equipment, hygiene, handling, removal and disposal of contaminated clothing and equipment. This video is excellent for a wide range audience.

Employee Version - Reviews the history of the use of chlorine in drinking water, pharmaceuticals, containers, etc. Discusses the importance of employee training, emergency response plans, and community awareness. Community Version-Nearly identical to the employee version, it is not necessary to show both segments to the same group.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials

C152 VHS

Chlorine System Safety English

C163 VHS

19 Minutes

After viewing this program, Employees at your facility should be able to gather process safety information about the process; understand and be able to evaluate a process flow diagram and a piping and instrumentation diagram; use this information in evaluating the overall safety process; be able to use a "What If/Checklist" to perform a process hazard analysis; and perform an investigation if a "close call" or an actual incident occurs.



5 Minutes

Hazardous Materials C187

Hazardous Materials Chemtrec Center


Knowing how to take care of incidental chemical and waste spills can improve plant safety and protect the environment. In this video, learn how important it is to keep such accidents from turning into a disaster.



Change of Habit

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Procedure English

15 Minutes

Discusses the safest procedures for the transfer of chemicals and the importance of knowing where first aid and spill control equipment is kept.

18 Minutes

Produced by the Chemical Manufacturers Association, this video provides an overview of emergency and nonemergency services available through toll-free telephone numbers including emergency information and technical assistance from chemical industry experts, and non-emergency health, safety and environmental information. 90

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog through adoption of a minimization program find their waste management costs significantly declining.

Hazardous Materials C192 VHS

Common Toxicology Terms of MSDS English

Hazardous Materials

11 Minutes D176

Among other things, this video reviews toxicology facts, hazards, routes of entry, and response measures. Health hazards and physiological effects are also covered.



Chemical Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.



Hazard Communications English


5 Minutes

Hazardous Materials


Waste Minimization English

Hazard Communications English

18 Minutes

Familiarizes Employees with OSHA's hazard communication standard. It also shows Employees how to properly label containers and what types of protective equipment should be used when working with hazardous chemicals. Reviews MSDS's also.

Employees have a right to know about potential hazards in their working environment and employers are legally bound to communicate these potential hazards to their Employees. This video meets OSHA training requirements for employee "right to know" programs. Included in the discussion are material safety data sheets


23 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials CS20


Hazardous materials are a part of many work situations. They can be found in many different types of facilities and on many job sites, from manufacturing and construction to retail and office environments. Some organizations have to deal with hazardous materials as part of their daily business, and have detailed plans and highly trained workers to handle a sudden spill. This program is designed to help Employees who seldom have to face the dangers of a hazardous spill deal with a cleanup situation. It discusses initial spill response, spill containment, identifying chemical, emergency response plan and more.

Hazardous Materials C201

Dealing with Hazardous Spills

5 Minutes

The name of the game in hazardous waste is "minimization"! Businesses reducing their waste stream 91

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials H107 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Hazard Communications English

H158 VHS

12 Minutes

Public Agencies and the construction industry have many unique chemicals and situations that require special attention and training for employers working with and around chemicals. Detailed are the requirements for complying with the Hazard Communication or "Right to Know" Standards.

Haz-com: An Overview English

5 Minutes

This video gives a quick reference guide to the Hazardous Communications requirements - an introduction to Haz-Com requirements, labeling and MSDS's.

Hazardous Materials H170

Hazardous Materials H111 VHS


Hazardous Flammable Materials English

H171 VHS

HAZWOPER: Organizational Contingency English Planning

9 Minutes

Designed for companies developing contingency planning for spills and emergency response. Reviews organizational structure, establishing a work plan. Lists important aspects of designing your own program and what to include in your contingency plan for response to emergencies.

Hazard Communication - Right to KnowSpanish

10 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials


an Emergency English

Material safety Data Sheets, shipping documents, contingency plans, regulatory agency and related references are discussed to inform the viewer about obtaining information in an emergency.

13 Minutes

This video program is a good program to supplement "Right to know" programs. The program stresses chemical safety, individual responsibility for reading and following company policies and procedures. Static electricity, fire safety, containers and proper grounding are also covered.


HAZWOPER: Obtaining Information in

13 Minutes

This video details general employee "Right-To-Know "requirements, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and methods for meeting the "Right-To-Know" standards required by OSHA. Good video for introducing new Employees to these standards.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog classifications of hazardous materials, storage of hazardous waste and safety of cylinders are discussed with proper guidelines to follow.

Hazardous Materials H173 VHS

HAZWOPER: Orientation English

11 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Introduction to HAZWOPER, what it's all about and how companies may comply with the Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response training requirements that apply to organizations handling and using hazardous materials.

H177 VHS


Hazardous Spills, Leaks and Drips Cleanup English

H188 VHS

H191 VHS

9 Minutes

Hazardous Materials


13 Minutes

Haz-com: An Overview Spanish

5 Minutes

This video gives a quick reference guide to the Hazardous Communications requirements - an introduction to Haz-Com requirements, labeling and MSDS's.

Toxicology is the study of toxic or poisonous substances. This program defines toxicity, acute and chronic effects and threshold limit values. Excellent video for anyone dealing with or near hazardous materials.


Chlorine Exposure English

Hazardous Materials

HAZWOPER: Toxicology English

Health Effects from Short Term

This video presents an overview of medical symptoms and treatment of chlorine exposure.

Hazardous Materials


11 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

14 Minutes

Excellent program for all persons using oil, solvents and other hazardous materials. This video program explains clean up procedures, emergency action, and hazardous waste and provides information to help control the effects of spills and cleanup operations.


Regulations English

Gives a brief overview of some of the statutes pertaining to . An understanding of these statutes is imperative to the safe operation of Employees working with hazardous materials.

Hazardous Materials H174

HAZWOPER: Safety Rules and

HAZWOPER: Identification and Recognition English of Hazardous 13Materials Minutes

Identification and recognition of hazardous materials are critical when you use, store, handle, transport and dispose of hazardous materials. Definitions and 93

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog This video thoroughly explains the Material safety Data Sheet and how to use it.

Hazardous Materials H208 VHS

Haz Comm - For Today's Workplace English

Hazardous Materials

18 Minutes H217

The handling, storage and disposal of chemicals is an important part of every workplace. This video reviews the importance of a written hazard communication plan, proper labeling requirements, MSDS's and potential routes of exposure.



10 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

HAZCOM: Acids and Caustics English


Discusses ways to reduce exposure of hazardous materials. Also covers risks involved in being exposed and the use of personal protective equipment.

Hazardous Materials H212

HAZCOM: Reducing Exposure


17 Minutes


Acids and caustics are dangerous materials that need to be handled very carefully. This video discusses what to do if there is an accident with chemicals, personal protective equipment when dealing with corrosives, concentration levels of acids and where to store and dispose of acids and caustics.

HAZCOM: Corrosives English

9 Minutes

Reviews what corrosive chemicals are, what kind of personal protective equipment to wear when around corrosive materials and precautions that need to be taken.

Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials H213 VHS


HAZWOPER: Awareness Level English


10 Minutes

Hazardous Materials


HAZCOM: Using MSDS's English

Responder English

9 Minutes

Gives a thorough overview of the role of the first responder. Some items discussed are: pre-planning, becoming familiar with hazardous chemicals in your facility, labeling requirements, MSDS's and your company's written hazard communication program.

Excellent video for the first responder in identifying a hazard and knowing how to respond. This video is designed for the awareness level employee who would contact the experts to assist. Recognizing who, when and where to call are the key factors in preventing needless loss.


HAZWOPER: Role of the First

12 Minutes 94

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials H222

HAZCOM: Review



Hazardous Materials H227 VHS

7 Minutes

A review of the basics of a good hazard communication program is given. Health effects and routes of entry are discussed as well as OSHA's "Right to Know"; program.

HAZCOM: Training



H229 VHS

Hazmat Spills: Are you Ready? English

7 Minutes

Who is responsible for handling a chemical spill? How can you recognize a chemical spill? These questions are answered as well as how to recognize and respond to an emergency situation.


Hazardous Materials


6 Minutes

Hazcom - What is It? Spanish

5 Minutes

Learn about chemical hazards, preventative measures and OSHA requirements. Key training points are awareness, &MSD's and labels.

Hazardous Waste Awareness English


Hazardous Materials



Handling Hazardous Materials

This video identifies the precautions you should take when handling hazardous materials. Proper training is important and knowing the emergency procedures involved when handling hazardous chemicals. Understanding labels and MSDS forms and using the correct personal protective equipment is also highlighted in this video.

Hazardous Materials


8 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

8 Minutes

Identification of physical and health hazards, chronic and acute health hazards and the use of personal protective equipment are discussed in this very informative video.



Due to the health risks, it is important to know with what specific chemicals you are working. The chemical label and material safety data sheet gives vital information for the materials you are handling. This video explains how to read the chemical label and MSDS sheet.

Hazardous Materials H223


6 Minutes

This video explains what hazardous waste is and proper storage techniques. Discusses the basic characteristics of hazardous waste and proper labeling requirements.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog and basic safety methods when using any type of hazardous material.

Hazardous Materials H236 VHS

Hazcom - What is It? English

Hazardous Materials

5 Minutes H245

Learn about chemical hazards, preventative measures and OSHA requirements. Key training points are awareness, MSDS's and labels.




8 Minutes

Hazardous Materials H246 VHS


18 Minutes

14 Minutes

Hazardous Materials H247 VHS

Hazard Communications Spanish

Hazard Communication: Behind the Scenes English

21 Minutes

The host of this entertaining video is the ghost of a worker who recently perished when he was overcome by a chemical he accidentally spilled. He has returned to the workplace on a mission to help other Employees work safely with hazardous substances. Filled with surprising special effects and attention-grabbing illustrations, this program covers key elements of Hazard Communication training for workers in general industry. Topics include: OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, physical and health hazards of chemicals, information contained on Chemical Labels, sections of the MSDS and Chemicals in our homes.

Hazardous Materials



Hazard Communications

Required by OSHA for training Employees who use chemicals/hazards materials in the workplace. Describes material safety data sheets (MSDS), labeling and basic safety methods when using any type of hazardous material.


Hazardous Spills Clean Up

This program is targeted to help Employees who seldom have to face the hazards of chemical spill cleanup. This program discusses Initial Response, Spill Containment, Identifying Chemicals, Emergency Response Plans and more.

Hazardous Materials


14 Minutes

Hazard Communication Training

This video uses several accident reenactments to illustrate common mistakes Employees make when working with chemicals. Your Employees will see horrific consequences of taking shortcuts and neglecting safety rules when working with hazardous substances.


Labeling English

Helps Employees understand characteristics of different labeling systems. By recognizing the differences and similarities of labeling systems, Employees are better prepared to work safely around hazardous materials.

Hazardous Materials H241

Understanding Hazardous Material

18 Minutes

Required by OSHA for training Employees who use chemicals/hazards materials in the workplace. Describes material safety data sheets (MSDS), labeling 96

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials


HAZWOPER: Emergency Response


Hazard Communications for Today's


Training For Employees 23 Minutes English


Workplace Spanish

Make sure your new or existing emergency response team is prepared to respond to hazardous-substance incidents with this training program which shows your Employees their role prior to, during and after an incident. Included in this program is an incident from the second the hazardous substance is released to the final incident debriefing and record-keeping.

13 Minutes

This video details general employee "Right-To-Know" requirements, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and methods for meeting the "Right-To-Know" standards required by OSHA. Good video for introducing new Employees to these standards.

Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials H251 VHS

Hazcom Labels, Understanding English


Hazard Communications: Right to



5 Minutes

This program details general employee "Right to know" requirements, material safety data sheets (MSDS) and methods for meeting standards required by OSHA including labeling, chemical hazard exposure.

7 Minutes

This video explains when labeling is required and not required and how to read labels. It urges Employees to ask their supervisors when they don't understand a label and to report missing labels.

Hazardous Materials H267

Hazardous Materials H256

Hazard Communications for Today's


Workplace English


Hazardous Materials: Spill Clean Up English

14 Minutes

Excellent program for anyone using oil solvents and other hazardous materials. Program explains clean up procedures, emergency action, hazardous waste and provides information to help control the effects of spills.

13 Minutes

This video details general employee "Right-To-Know" requirements, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and methods for meeting the "Right-To-Know" standards required by OSHA. Good video for introducing new Employees to these standards.

Hazardous Materials L134 VHS

Lead in the Workplace English

15 Minutes

Employees rarely understand the dangers of lead exposure. This program will give them important facts regarding lead exposure and the potential ailments that can result from this occupational hazard. 97

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials L144 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Lab Safety for Non-lab Personnel English

O120 VHS

11 Minutes

Informs, non-lab personnel of the importance of being safe in a lab environment. Reviews chemical hazards, who to contact in case of emergency and possible exposure and clean-up procedures.

Lead Awareness



10 Minutes


One Breath Away



Hazardous Materials

Materials Handling and Storage English


9 Minutes

VHS This video covers a variety of subjects pertaining to flammable and corrosive materials. Discusses proper storage, protective clothing, correct ways of marking containers, personal protective equipment, MSDS's spills and slips, trips, and falls.


NFPA Hazardous Materials Labeling English

Preventing Transmission of Infectious Diseases English

22 Minutes

This educational video provides health care workers, laboratory personnel, first responders, police, fire fighters, and other occupations at risk with practical recommendations for reducing the chances of contamination and/or transmission of blood-borne infectious diseases. Includes guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Hazardous Materials N109

5 Minutes

One breath, that's all it takes to die from hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Working at job sites where the highly toxic gas is found, demands extra safety efforts on the part of all workers, as this video illustrates.

Hazardous Materials


17 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Explains where lead is found and how you can keep from being exposed. This video uses a game show format to bring home the message.


Communication English

This video reviews OSHA's guidelines for compliance officers from which to determine the effectiveness of the written Hazard Communication Plan, training efforts, labeling and MSDS requirements.

Hazardous Materials L148

OSHA Criteria for Hazard

10 Minutes

The Diamond Labeling System that the NFPA has standardized for hazardous materials and chemicals is reviewed in this video. Excellent program to train Employees on label and sign identification. 98

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials P126 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Pesticide Primer English

R119 VHS

5 Minutes

MSDS and Chemicals in Restaurants English

10 Minutes

Pesticides are made to kill. Whether they kill a pest or a person depends on the dose. This video shows what you can do to reduce your exposure to pesticides and their possible effects.

Designed to meet the OSHA requirement to inform and train Employees in chemical/hazardous materials used in the restaurant industry workplace. Explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling and basic safety.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials

P140 VHS

Poisons: Identification, Toxicity and Safe Handling English

R120 VHS

55 Minutes

This program defines poisons and includes information on toxicological terms and how they relate to the emergency scene, physical form and characteristics of different poisons, containers in which these materials are shipped or stored, placarding and labeling requirements, and handling instructions in case of a release of fire.


Pesticide Applicator Safety English

10 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials



Designed to meet the OSHA requirement to inform and train Employees in chemical/hazardous materials used in the restaurant industry workplace. Explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling and basic safety.



MSDS and Chemicals in Restaurants

Safe Handling of Pesticides English

19 Minutes

Pesticides are used in many agricultural and silvicultural operations. Discusses selection, use, storage and personal protective equipment.

17 Minutes

This video stresses the importance of following proper safety procedures when dealing with points such as pesticides. Reviews toxicity effects, how to read and understand chemical labels, routes of exposure, and personal protective equipment.

Hazardous Materials S224 VHS

Safe Handling of Gases English

5 Minutes

Reviews basic guidelines for working with and handling gas cylinders including identification, classification, fire hazards, poisons, securing and transporting cylinders and emergency procedures.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials S225 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Small Spill Clean Up English

T154 VHS

10 Minutes

Responding to small spill clean-ups and how to prevent them from occurring is critical in most work places. This video reviews contingency plans, chemical identification, personal protective equipment and onsite training.


7 Minutes

If a hazardous chemical spill occurred at your company today, would each of your Employees know what to do? Here's a great way to help make sure they know how to respond safely. This brief, fast-paced video reviews spill hazards like explosions and ionizing radiation; explains the dos and don'ts of spill cleanup procedures; and discusses who is involved in spill cleanup and who to notify in the event of a spill.

Small Spills - Containment of


Hazardous EnglishMaterials


The Invisible Killer



5 Minutes

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a potential killer that strikes without warning. This video covers the basic telltale signs to recognize carbon monoxide build-up within your body and basic treatment for exposure.

Hazardous Materials W125 VHS

Hazardous Materials S269

10 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Spills - What to Do When They Occur English

Industry) English

This video is targeted to the trucking industry and is required by OSHA for training all Employees in chemical/hazardous materials used in the workplace. This video explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling, and basic safety when using these materials.

Hazardous Materials S258

Hazard Communication (Trucking

Waste Minimization: Assessment Procedures English

10 Minutes

This video introduces how California government inspectors can broaden their function to serve as a resource on waste minimization information. A step-bystep example of an inspection is shown which includes waste minimization.

5 Minutes

Live-action video demonstrates proper cleanup and decontamination procedures for hazardous chemicals in the work place. Workers learn preventive measures, including proper storage of hazardous materials in their facility. This video can be used as part of the Hazardous Waste Operation Emergency Response training program.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials W126 VHS

Hazardous Materials

Waste Minimization for the Metal


Finishing Industry English


17 Minutes

This Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Training Module outlines the processes involved in metal cleaning, metal finishing and printed circuit boards manufacturing and the potential for waste minimization within each of these activities. Reviews metal cleaning, stripping, surface treatment and plating as well as PCB manufacturing. Suggestions for waste minimization are given. Modules 2, 3 and booklets mentioned in this video are not available.


Waste Minimization English

7 Minutes

Hazard Communications English


5 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials


Haz Com Your Right To Know

This program discusses OSHA's Hazardous Communication Standard, employers are required to inform employees of the chemical hazards they face on the job and measures for protection. Accordingly, employees must follow instructions for using chemicals properly and safely.

Waste minimization can help your company save money. It can protect your health and your environment. This video identifies the problems waste creates, the kinds of waste that are considered hazardous and non-hazardous and examples of a good waste minimization program.


5 Minutes

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials



This program discusses OSHA's Hazardous Communication Standard, employers are required to inform employees of the chemical hazards they face on the job and measures for protection. Accordingly, employees must follow instructions for using chemicals properly and safely.



Haz Com Your Right to Know


Chemical Spills Part II Control


Procedures English

5 Minutes

This program shows the importance of proper personal protective equipment when cleaning up even minor chemical spills and the use of material to absorb the spill.

18 Minutes

In today's litigious society, we begin to take cautions, warnings and disclaimers from manufacturers' with a touch of skepticism or disregard. When it comes to hazardous chemicals in the work place, words, colors and symbols mean something. This program will teach employees to recognize and understand the different means of communication used to identify hazardous chemicals including the United Nations Globally Harmonized System. 101

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hazardous Materials H268

Hazardous Communications Right To



Health and Wellness A125 VHS

13 Minutes

This program is an introduction to the basic OSHA requirement for employee's "right to know" describing in detail how to find the chemical contents of products that they come in contact in the course of their work on material safety data sheets.

AIDS: Fears and Facts English

40 Minutes

The Center for Disease Control, a Federal government agency, predicts that over 10 million men, women and children will be carriers of the AIDS virus. This video explains how you can protect yourself and those you love through knowing the facts. On this tape you will find answers to the questions: What is AIDS, how is it contracted and how is AIDS prevented?

Hazardous Materials D180 DVD

Dealing With Hazardous Spills English

Health and Wellness

23 Minutes


Hazardous materials are a part of many work situations. They can be found in many different types of facilities and on many job sites... from manufacturing and construction to retail and office environments. Some organizations have to deal with hazardous materials as part of their daily business, and have detailed plans and highly trained workers to handle a sudden spill. But other facilities only have to handle these materials infrequently, and may not have given much thought to what must be done in case of a spill. MARCOM's training products on "Dealing With Hazardous Spills" are designed to help employees who seldom have to face the dangers of a hazardous spill deal with a cleanup situation. Topics covered in these products include: * The Hazard Communication Plan. * The Emergency Response Plan. * Five levels of OSHA's HAZMAT training. * Initial spill response. * Spill containment. * Instruments used to identify chemicals involved in a spill. * Additional hazards of a spill site. * and more.


All Washed Up English

5 Minutes

A secondary line of defense in the workplace is emergency showers and eye wash units. This video teaches workers how and when to use them.

Health and Wellness B115 VHS

Battling Fatigue English

5 Minutes

This video covers the possible results of not getting enough rest before coming to the job. It reviews the "witching" hours and steps to overcoming fatigue in the workplace.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Health and Wellness B130 VHS

Health and Wellness

Bacteria and Disease Control English

9 Minutes

A "must see" program for anyone in the custodial/janitorial industry. Explains basic sanitation and cleanliness, how bacteria can be harmful and what to do about it.


Combating Stress



Discusses the effects stress has on the body. Strategies such as changing your surroundings, your lifestyle, managing your time and relaxation techniques are covered.

Health and Wellness B139

Burns and Scalds



11 Minutes

Health and Wellness D160 VHS

6 Minutes

Diabetes - A Positive Approach English

30 Minutes

This video graphically illustrates the seriousness and depth of the various types of burns. The four (4) major types of burns are discussed as well as the different degrees of burns. The importance of properly wrapping and dressing a burn is also covered.

This video introduces you to people who have not let diabetes stand in their way. Among others, Gary Owens, Jean Smart and Dana Hill talk about diet, fitness, insulin adjustment, oral medication, pregnancy, Type 1 and 2 diabetes, blood glucose monitoring and more.

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

B177 DVD

Back Safety for Healthcare Providers English

E140 VHS

11 Minutes

Excellent program for all employees explains how the back works, body mechanics and how each employee can make the proper decision when lifting anything, even in awkward situations.


Causes and Prevention of Industrial Skin Diseases English


5 Minutes

Regular aerobic exercise can make a big difference in your quality of life. This video illustrates proper warmup, dynamic exercise and cool down procedures.

Health and Wellness C139

Exercise your Heart

24 Minutes

This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them. 103

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog the sources of indoor pollutants and lists a few steps for solving the problem.

Health and Wellness H157 VHS

How to Prevent Back Injuries Spanish

Health and Wellness

20 Minutes

Lack of exercise, poor posture, fad diets and even sleeping positions can all affect the health of your back. These habits play a large role in making back injuries the number one safety problem in the workplace. This video shows how to protect you, both at home and on the job.


Lifesight: Growing Older with Good



Geared to care givers and public health professionals to help them better respond to and care for the vision needs of older adults. Also explains how vision changes as people age.

Health and Wellness H179 VHS

Health and Wellness

Safety Orientation for Nursing English

15 Minutes


12 Minutes


This program is designed to provide basic safety orientation information to nurses. Program includes safe lifting techniques, needle stick prevention, basic infection control procedures, electrical safety and other important topics.

Moving a Patient in Bed English

10 Minutes

This video program covers lifting devices and is designed to show how to correctly and safely transfer and lift patients and avoid injury to the lifter.

Health and Wellness Health and Wellness H200 VHS


Hypertension English

VHS 5 Minutes



10 Minutes

Health and Wellness M120

Health and Wellness Indoor Air Pollution


This video covers the following transfers: Top and tail lift, shoulder lift, pivot transfer, standing transfer, stepping transfer and frame transfer.

Hypertension is high blood pressure and can cause a stroke. Under your doctor's care it can be reduced by controlling your diet and exercising as well as keeping your stress level low. This video shows you how.


Moving a Patient from Bed to Chair


Moving a Patient from Bed to Trolley English

10 Minutes

This video program highlights various methods for moving a patient from bed to trolley and provides a thorough training on proper procedures for lifting

5 Minutes

Usually thought of as an outdoor problem, air pollution is also a common hazard indoors. This video explains 104

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog patients from bed to trolley and back again. Points are made for safe and comfortable patient moving.

Health and Wellness P148

Health and Wellness M121 VHS


Personal Health and Fitness English

10 Minutes

Mechanical Lifting Devices - Safe Patient Handling English

A good exercise program is important for your good health. This video discusses the aspects of a successful exercise program.

15 Minutes

This program highlights the importance of the use of mechanical lifting devices in the appropriate situation.

Health and Wellness Health and Wellness M148 VHS


Making Healthy Choices: Safe and Healthy Life Styles English


14 Minutes

Health and Wellness



Health and Wellness

5 Minutes

Protecting Against AIDS in the Workplace English


Protecting Against AIDS in the


Workplace English

5 Minutes

The deadly HIV virus can be passed from an injured and bleeding worker. Ways to safely administer first aid to such victims and the importance of proper accident cleanup are suggested.

Health and Wellness


10 Minutes

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in men and yet with early detection, it can be avoided. Symptoms of the disease and early detection methods are shown.



Influenza and the threat of an outbreak can both have a direct impact on your company's bottom line. Rumors and misinformation can also have detrimental effects on your workforce and productivity. This program is a great way to raise awareness in your workplace and give your associates the tools they need to act and react in a calm, confident manner in the event of an outbreak or potential outbreak situations.

Your lifestyle affects your personality and your work habits! This video examines watching your diet and getting proper exercise.


Pandemic Flu: The Facts

5 Minutes

The deadly HIV virus can be passed from an injured and bleeding worker. This video suggests ways to safely administer first aid to such victims and the importance of proper accident cleanup. 105

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog only affects your relationship with co-workers and family members, it affects your health.

Health and Wellness P179

Protecting Against AIDS in the


Workplace Spanish

Health and Wellness

5 Minutes T110

The deadly HIV virus can be passed from an injured and bleeding worker. Ways to safely administer first aid to such victims and the importance of proper accident cleanup are suggested.




10 Minutes

Health and Wellness T134 VHS


10 Minutes

5 Minutes

Health and Wellness

Stress in the Workplace English


Take Home Toxics



6 Minutes

The risk of chemical exposure doesn't end at work. You could very well take contaminants home unknowingly by not washing properly, taking personal protective equipment home or bringing contaminated food home from work. This video will make you aware of exposure and how to protect yourself.

Health and Wellness



Surviving the Cold and Flu Season

What's the difference between having a cold and having the flu? How can you protect yourself from others who are sick? This video covers viruses and germs, defensive measures you can take against them and the benefits of getting a flu shot.


The Big Stretch

Just as in sports, a warm-up period is a good idea in the work place. This video demonstrates both the need and various techniques for limbering up and staying limber while on the job.

Health and Wellness


26 Minutes

Stress Relief

Do you really understand what stress is? Before you can avoid or relieve stress, you must understand what it is and how it affects you. This program discusses how to relieve stress through relaxation and exercise.



This program, developed by E-A-R Corporation, is designed to make the viewer more educated about sounds and their ability to hear. Definitions relative to the ear and hearing are covered in this well made, informative video.

Health and Wellness S181

The National Hearing Quiz

8 Minutes

Health and Wellness

The causes and effects of stress are discussed along with methods of remedy. The use of Employee Assistance Programs is encouraged or, if one is not available, the use of alternative programs. Stress not

C159 VHS 106

Colds and Flu English

5 Minutes

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog No one is immune to the common cold and flu. This video describes the differences between them, appropriate treatments and way to prevent their spread. Knowledge about colds can arm us on ways to stay well.

Heat Stress H148 VHS


Universal Precautions English

Heat Stress

Heat Stress English


H211 VHS

5 Minutes

Heat Stress English

9 Minutes

This video, designed for hot indoor work environments, discusses how to reduce the effects of heat stress and prevention techniques.

Heat Stress Prevention English


Heat Stress

Heat Stress


Handling the Heat

5 Minutes

This video presentation identifies many of the signs and symptoms of heat stress and offers several techniques for prevention of this potentially deadly issue.



Heat exhaustion is a serious problem in many industries. This video offers recommendations for individual safeguards to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It demonstrates proper clothing for various hot environments and reminds the worker about the need for liquids and rest.

Heat Stress


5 Minutes

8 Minutes

Designed for health care providers, but is an excellent program for engineering, custodial, security, administration, and other personnel who provide services in the health care environment. Good refresher for nursing, lab, and other providers who normally receive additional universal precaution training.



Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are ever present in hot environments. This video describes the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion and explains how to treat heat stroke victims.

Health and Wellness U112

Heat Can Kill

12 Minutes

Heat Stress

Few jobs expose Employees to the potential threat of heat illness as much as the public works employee's job does. Breaking pavement, laying asphalt, or even reading meters in temperatures in excess of 90

H221 VHS

Heat Stress English

9 Minutes

How to recognize heat stress in a work environment is reviewed in this video. Techniques are suggested to aid the victim. Good video for welders, package handlers and factory workers. 107

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Heat Stress H231 VHS

Heat Stress

Heat Can Kill Spanish

H271 DVD

5 Minutes

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are ever present in hot environments. This video describes the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion and explains how to treat heat stroke victims.

Handling the Heat




5 Minutes

Motivates workers to protect their hearing, using dynamic graphics to show how the ear works. Effects of noise and types of ear protection are also covered.

Heat Stress

Heat Stress H232

Heat Stress


Heat Stress



9 Minutes

5 Minutes More illnesses are surfacing from employees working in abnormally high temperatures, such as in a hot warehouse or warm assembly environment. This video discusses heat stroke, heat stress, fainting, and precautions to take.

Heat exhaustion is a serious problem in many industries. This video offers recommendations for individual safeguards to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It demonstrates proper clothing for various hot environments and reminds the worker about the need for liquids and rest.

Heat Stress H277

Heat Stress H254

Heat Stress




Heat Stress Spanish

9 Minutes

Prevent injuries and even death. Live-action video uses state-of-the-art graphics to explain how heat affects the body, health hazards and their symptoms, and preventive measures. Workers learn what to do if a coworker is stricken by heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke.

5 Minutes

Prevent injuries and even death. Live-action video uses state-of-the-art graphics to explain how heat affects the body, health hazards and their symptoms, and preventive measures. Workers learn what to do if a co-worker is stricken by heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog environments. * Engineering controls. heat-related illnesses. * and more.

Heat Stress H284

Heat Stress



High Voltage

13 Minutes B142

The body is a powerful machine, capable of performing massive amounts of work. And like any machine, when it's pushed hard, your body can produce a lot of heat. Whether you're outside under a hot sun, inside a busy factory, or bundled up against the cold, you need to be careful when your body heats up. MARCOM's training products on "Heat Stress" review how heat affects the body, the steps employees can take to prevent heat stress, and elementary first aid that can be given to a worker who has been affected by a heat-related illness. Topics covered in these products include: * Situations leading to heat-related illnesses. * Heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. * Other heat-related illnesses. * Preparing to work in hot environments. * Engineering controls. * Treating heat-related illnesses. * and more.



Building Blocks of an Overhead Distribution EnglishSystem

20 Minutes

This is an ideal training video for showing new personnel how Pole Line Hardware items are used on distribution systems. These video programs show a number of overhead configurations and how to use hardware.

High Voltage F162 VHS

Fusing Distribution Transformers English

10 Minutes

Illustrates how Chance SloFast Fuse Links eliminate unnecessary outages, protect the transformer from secondary faults, and protect the system from failed transformers.

Heat Stress H285

* Treating

Heat Stress Spanish

High Voltage

13 Minutes H194

The body is a powerful machine, capable of performing massive amounts of work. And like any machine, when it's pushed hard, your body can produce a lot of heat. Whether you're outside under a hot sun, inside a busy factory, or bundled up against the cold, you need to be careful when your body heats up. MARCOM's training products on "Heat Stress" review how heat affects the body, the steps employees can take to prevent heat stress, and elementary first aid that can be given to a worker who has been affected by a heat-related illness. Topics covered in these products include: * Situations leading to heat-related illnesses. * Heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. * Other heat-related illnesses. * Preparing to work in hot


Hot Line Tools Changing Insulators on Steel English Towers

15 Minutes

Training session conducted at Kansas Gas and Electric Company shows boom-and-cradle method.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

High Voltage H195 VHS

Hot Stick Maintenance of 69KV Suspension English

22 Minutes

High Voltage

This program shows changing insulators on A-type structures, insulators on two-arm suspension construction, and a cross arm on two-arm angle construction.


How to Install "Super Top-tie" Line Ties English

I Felt Comfortable



25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

High Voltage H197


10 Minutes

Shot on user premises, this video shows the installation procedures of the "Super Top-Tie" line ties. This video is produced by A.B. Chance Co.

High Voltage H198 VHS

High Voltage

How to Use Hot Sticks on 69KV Post Insulator Construction English


14 Minutes


This video includes changing horizontal clamp-top posttype insulators, and insulators on vertical clamp-top, post-type construction.

I Felt Comfortable




11 Minutes

Shows dead-end, V-string and suspension insulator changes on twin bundle lines, on steel pole H-frames. The dead-end line is also worked by the bare hand method.

High Voltage I124

Maintenance on Steel "H" Frames on

High Voltage 25 Minutes


This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were


Maintaining Dead-ends and Running Corners on 69KV English

17 Minutes

Reviews insulator changes on vertical-type dead ends and insulator changes on running corner.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog High Voltage M132 VHS

High Voltage

Make the Right Connection English

S206 VHS

6 Minutes

Correct techniques and procedures in making a good low resistance connection with hot line clamps.

Safe Tying with Chance Factoryformed Line Ties English

15 Minutes

This program shows how safe working practices and installation of Chance Line ties, which illustrates installations and removals of line ties by hand, rubber gloves and hot line tools.

High Voltage M133 VHS

Modern Anchor Testing English

High Voltage 16 Minutes


A discussion and illustrations of proper anchor testing equipment, procedures and evaluating performance of anchor tests.



Nylon Strap Hoist and Link Stick Electrical Tests English

High Voltage T170 VHS

Pole Replacement - Hot Stick Method English

Three-phase Boom Lift English

9 Minutes

This video, produced by A.B. Chance Company, demonstrates step-by-step procedures for using hotline device on material-handler truck with boommounted winch. This program shows in detail conventional-cross arm and armless-construction applications. Unit lifts 1-4 conductors, permits line work from truck buckets.

High Voltage


50 Minutes

10 Minutes

Conclusive series of 20 laboratory tests demonstrates the necessity for an insulated link stick whenever employing a nylon strap hoist for hot line applications. Test variables include: Three strap lengths, three voltages



This video is produced by A.B. Chance Company and is a classroom instruction by Lonnie Bell, hot line tools specialist and demonstrator, covers single-point, dualpoint and personal grounding practices in: PART I Principles and Development of Methods and PART II Equipment Selection, Research Testing

High Voltage N113

Temporary Grounding Seminar

39 Minutes

This program demonstrates the method of installing a new pole beside one that is to be replaced, and then placing conductors on the new pole using hot sticks. An auger truck with a boom is also used to assist in the pole removal and installation.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Home/Off the Job Safety A150 VHS

Home/Off the Job Safety

Along for the Ride: Safer Bicycling for Everyone English

F263 VHS

18 Minutes

Great video for adults on the benefits of commuter and leisure bicycling. Members of the U.S. Cycling Team stress the importance of safety gear and defensive cycling using proper hand signals.

Fire Safety in the Home English

10 Minutes

This video details fire hazards in the home and gives precautions to prevent a fire disaster.

Home/Off the Job Safety G112

Home/Off the Job Safety B147 VHS


Boating Safety English

Home/Off the Job Safety


First Aid for Children English

30 Minutes


Fundamentals of Gun Safety English


5 Minutes

Home/Off the Job Safety

Home/Off the Job Safety


Home Safety: Past, Present and

Each year, some 20,000 deaths occur in the home, mostly the result of falls, burns or accidental poisoning. This video reminds us to be aware of potential dangers during everyday activities.

Explains to children first aid procedures for falls and cuts and why it is important to clean the infected area.


5 Minutes

Home/Off the Job Safety H206



This video discusses the dangers of natural gas, carbon monoxide and radon. It offers tips for avoiding exposure.

5 Minutes

Every year, more than 1,000 Americans die in boating accidents. This video describes common boating hazards and discusses steps to take for avoiding accidents.


Gases at Home and Work


Learning to Say "No" to Strangers English

30 Minutes

10 Minutes This program is detailed upon the four basic safety rules for kids on what is the right and smart thing to do when meeting strangers.

The National Rifle Association's safety and Education Division offers this important educational tool as part of its continuing commitment to promote safe and responsible firearm ownership. For all ages, and for gun owner and non-gun owner alike, it tests the viewer about facts of basic types of firearms and ammunition and principles of safety. 112

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog burns, insect bites and stings, poison ivy and snake bites.

Home/Off the Job Safety O129

Off the Job safety



Home/Off the Job Safety

6 Minutes C159

Using what you learn about safety on the job can be carried over to safety off the job at home. Plan with your family for an emergency and what each person will do in the event of an emergency.


Off the Job safety



10 Minutes CS22 5 VHS

Recreational Safety English

F116 VHS

Food Service Sanitation English

15 Minutes

Excellent program for anyone in the retail, food service or food processing industries. Explains bacteria, contamination, rodent/insect control, personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. Explains microbe growth and proper procedures for controlling bacteria through sanitizing, refrigeration and cooking.

Summer Safety English

5 Minutes

Hospitality Industry

Home/Off the Job Safety



12 Minutes

This video reminds us that being prepared is the key to enjoyable recreation activities. Keep a first aid kit on hand, always carry water with you, use sunscreen, wear proper clothing for the activities you will be doing and be aware of safety regulations concerning your activities.


Cafeteria Sanitation

The health of everyone eating in restaurants/cafeterias depends upon strict adherence to basic sanitation principles. This video covers basic principles, bacterial growth, vector control, temperature controls, serving and storing foods, and hygiene requirements for personnel.

Home/Off the Job Safety


5 Minutes

Hospitality Industry

It has been estimated that 70% of deaths occur off the job and 55% of accidents occur off the job. This video provides some tips to use to avoid accidents while off the job.



No one is immune to the common cold and flu. This video describes the differences between them, appropriate treatments and way to prevent their spread. Knowledge about colds can arm us on ways to stay well.

Home/Off the Job Safety O130

Colds and Flu

10 Minutes

When you're having summer fun it's important to be aware what can harm you. This video discusses a variety of outdoor summer safety tips including heat stress, sun 113

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hospitality Industry F117 VHS

Hospitality Industry

Food Service Sanitation Spanish

H139 VHS

15 Minutes

Excellent program for anyone in the retail, food service or food processing industries. Explains bacteria, contamination, rodent/insect control, personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. Explains microbe growth and proper procedures for controlling bacteria through sanitizing, refrigeration and cooking.

Hazard Communications Spanish

10 Minutes

This program provides training for Employees in the safe use of chemicals and hazardous materials used in the HOTEL/MOTEL INDUSTRY. Also explains Material safety Data Sheets and labeling requirements.

Hospitality Industry

H137 VHS

Hospitality Industry


Employee Safety Orientation



Housekeeping English

10 Minutes

This video program will train hotel housekeeping Employees in specific safety hazards and accident prevention techniques. A review of safe cleaning techniques, chemical use, and back injury prevention is covered.

10 Minutes

This video is designed to train all HOTEL/MOTEL Employees in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program includes the basic requirements, electrical, mechanical, back injury prevention, and personal protective equipment.

Hospitality Industry

H138 VHS

Hospitality Industry


Employee Safety Orientation



Housekeeping Spanish

10 Minutes

This video program will train hotel housekeeping Employees in specific safety hazards and accident prevention techniques. A review of safe cleaning techniques, chemical use, and back injury prevention is covered.

10 Minutes

This video is designed to train all HOTEL/MOTEL Employees in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program includes the basic requirements, electrical, mechanical, back injury prevention, and personal protective equipment.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Hospitality Industry H142 VHS

Hospitality Industry

Kitchen Safety English

H258 DVD

10 Minutes

This video is designed for the kitchen employee that works with machinery and equipment. Included in this video is food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, chemicals, knives, food slicers, electrical safety and floors.


H262 DVD

10 Minutes

The variety of lifting tasks in the HOTEL INDUSTRY requires specific techniques. This program addresses lifting hazards and demonstrates how to lift safely.


K102 VHS


15 Minutes

Hospitality Industry

Hazard Communications English

Kitchen Safety

Hygiene, personal protective equipment, use of knives, slips, trips and falls, dealing with kitchen fires and general hazards are all addressed and the appropriate actions are suggested.

Hospitality Industry


10 Minutes

10 Minutes

The variety of lifting tasks in the HOTEL INDUSTRY requires specific techniques. This program addresses lifting hazards and demonstrates how to lift safely.



Hospitality Industry

Back Injury Prevention Spanish

Back Injury

This program addresses specific lifting hazards in a variety of situations found in the Hotel/Motel Industry.

Hospitality Industry H144

10 Minutes

Hospitality Industry

Back Injury Prevention English


This video is designed to train all HOTEL/MOTEL Employees in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program includes the basic requirements, electrical, mechanical, back injury prevention, and personal protective equipment.

Hospitality Industry H143

Employee Safety Orientation

R115 VHS

10 Minutes

This program provides training for Employees in the safe use of chemicals and hazardous materials used in the HOTEL/MOTEL INDUSTRY. Also explains Material safety Data Sheets and labeling requirements.

Restaurant Orientation for Employees English

10 Minutes

Required by OSHA, this training program is for all Employees in the food service industry, covering the "general hazards". Includes basic accident prevention and more.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog responsibilities include many hazards, which can be extremely serious.

Hospitality Industry R116 VHS

Restaurant Orientation for Employees Spanish

Hospitality Industry

10 Minutes R128

Required by OSHA, this training program is for all Employees in the food service industry, covering the "general hazards". Includes basic accident prevention, fire protection, electrical safety, mechanical safety, back injury prevention, personal protective equipment and more.




10 Minutes


Specifically for the kitchen employee, this program includes food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, knives, food slicers, electrical safety, chemicals, floors, and other necessary information.


Slips and Falls in Restaurants English

R132 VHS

Restaurant Support Personnel Safety English

10 Minutes

Slips and Falls in Restaurants Spanish

10 Minutes

Slips and falls are the most common accident in restaurants. Training Employees in prevention techniques is increasingly important to avoid both employee and customer injuries.

Hospitality Industry



Hospitality Industry

10 Minutes

Slips and falls are the most common accident in restaurants. Training Employees in prevention techniques is increasingly important to avoid both employee and customer injuries.


Robbery and Employee Theft

As a restaurant employee, there is always the possibility that your place of business could be the target of a robbery. What should you do before, during and after? This video details specific ways of dealing with robbery and it covers the possibility of Employees stealing from the company.

Hospitality Industry R126

12 Minutes

Hospitality Industry

Restaurant Accident Prevention in the Kitchen English


Designed specifically for restaurant personnel and meets OSHA training requirements. Their daily responsibilities include many hazards, which can be extremely serious.

Hospitality Industry R117

Restaurant Support Personnel Safety

12 Minutes

Designed specifically for restaurant personnel and meets OSHA training requirements. Their daily 116

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Their daily responsibilities include many hazards, which can be extremely serious.

Hospitality Industry R133 VHS

Human Behavior (Restaurant) Spanish


13 Minutes

Produced for the RESTAURANT Industry, this video not only explains unsafe acts and verbal written counseling, and it also provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.


Accidents are no Accident English

I Felt Comfortable



25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

Hospitality Industry R136


20 Minutes

An excellent training video for the food service industry, it covers the following topics; lifting, slips and falls, cuts and burns, and choking emergencies. Good video to train and re-train Employees in proper procedures.

Lockout/Tagout Hospitality Industry R153 DVD


Restaurant Orientation for Employees English


10 Minutes


Orientation English

14 Minutes


Hospitality Industry Hotel/Motel employee safety


Production machinery can be dangerous if not properly locked out during maintenance. Lockout procedures for electricity, steam, pneumatics, hydraulics and gravity are reviewed to emphasize the importance of ensuring zero energy.

Required by OSHA, this training program is for all Employees in the food service industry, covering the "general hazards". This video includes basic accident prevention, fire protection, electrical safety, mechanical safety, back injury prevention, personal protective equipment and more.


Locking out Accidents


Lockout/Tagout: Control of Hazardous


Energy Sources English

11 Minutes

This program emphasizes the importance of employee responsibility concerning this potentially deadly hazard. It reviews step-by-step procedures for electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic powered equipment. Meets all new OSHA training requirements.

11 Minutes

This program is designed specifically for restaurant personnel and meets OSHA training requirements. 117

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Lockout/Tagout



Lockout/Tagout: Control of Hazardous


Lockout/tagout Controlling Hazardous


Energy Sources English


Energy English

11 Minutes

This program emphasizes the importance of employee responsibility concerning this potentially deadly hazard. It reviews step-by-step procedures for electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic powered equipment. Meets all new OSHA training requirements.

Designed to address critical OSHA training requirements for Employees in general industry where the unexpected startup or release of stored energy could cause injury or death of an employee.


Lockout/Tagout L128

Lockout Procedure



22 Minutes

L132 VHS

Lockout/Tagout: A Lock on Safety English

21 Minutes

10 Minutes A dramatic electrocution provides the opening of an informative overview of OSHA's lockout/tagout standard

The aim of a successful lockout is to isolate all forms of energy, ensure no accidental release of potentially hazardous energy and to control entry to a restricted area.

Lockout/Tagout L145

Lockout/Tagout L129 VHS


Lockout/Tagout English

Lockout/tagout: A Life is on the Line English

7 Minutes

This video discusses zero mechanical state, pre-planning and proper training. It is important to neutralize all energy sources and assure that each employee working on the machines has his or her own tag.

5 Minutes

Explains procedures and reasons for using lock out/tagout. Who should be authorized to do it and undo it is discussed as well as when and why it is needed. An example given is equipment scheduled to be worked on needs to be "Locked Out" and/or "Tagged Out" so that it will "operate" while it is being maintained or serviced to protect those performing that work.

Lockout/Tagout L149 VHS

Lockout/Tagout English

9 Minutes

This video discusses proper lockout/tagout devices. Gives step-by-step lockout and tagout procedures and correct re-operation procedures.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog lockout/tagout procedures. This program is a great way to start your training.

Lockout/Tagout L153 VHS

Lockout-Tagout: You Hold the Key English


15 Minutes L158

Lockout/tagout can affect any employee. You're either an "authorized employee" or an "affected employee". Either way you should know the importance of lockout/tagout!



Lockout/Tagout English


14 Minutes

Lockout/tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. Everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper lockout/tagout procedures. This video is a great way to start your training.

Lockout/Tagout L155



5 Minutes L159

Make the point to your Employees that shortcuts and lockout procedures are a deadly combination. The video features three compelling accidents that will motivate your Employees to use proper lockout procedures in all instances where they are required.


Lockout/Tagout Spanish

14 Minutes

Lockout/tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. Everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper lockout/tagout procedures. This video is a great way to start your training.

Lockout/Tagout L156 DVD


Lockout/Tagout English

14 Minutes

Lockout/Tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. If you utilize powered equipment, everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper lockout/tagout procedures. This program is a great way to start your training.


Lockout/Tagout Spanish

Lockout/Tagout: Control of Hazardous


Energy Sources English

11 Minutes

This program emphasizes the importance of employee responsibility concerning this potentially deadly hazard. It reviews step-by-step procedures for electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic powered equipment. Meets all new OSHA training requirements.

Lockout/Tagout L157


14 Minutes

Lockout/Tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. If you utilize powered equipment, everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper 119

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Lockout/Tagout L161 VHS


Lockout/Tagout: Your Key to Safety English

20 Minutes

This program will give your authorized, affected, and other Employees the critical information they need to help prevent injuries and comply with OSHA's lockout/tagout training and retraining requirements. It combines engaging video and editing technology with expertise from industry professionals at all levels. With this ready-to-use program, you can help satisfy OSHA's lockout/tagout standard


Lockout/Tagout (Hazardous Energy


Sources) Spanish

5 Minutes

Procedures and reasons for using Lock Out/Tag Out are shown. Who should be authorized to do it and undo it is discussed as well as when and why it is needed. Equipment scheduled to be worked on needs to be "Locked Out" and/or "Tagged Out" so that it will not "operate" while it is being maintained or serviced to protect those performing that work.





Lockout/Tagout (What You Need to


KnowEnglish About)


Tag, You're It English

5 Minutes

7 Minutes Shutting down and locking out machinery prior to making repairs is an important safety procedure. This video hauntingly emphasizes the necessity of following lockout/tag out procedures.

With this brief-but-informative video, you can stress to your Employees the need for lockout/tagout while showing them how to safely apply devices, remove them, and maintain them during shift changes. Because this video is just seven minutes long, you can show it to your Employees without creating huge scheduling conflicts or costly downtime.

Lockout/Tagout T186 VHS

Lockout/Tagout L169

Lockout/Tagout (Hazardous Energy


Sources) English

Tag, You're It Spanish

5 Minutes

Shutting down and locking out machinery prior to making repairs is an important safety procedure. This video hauntingly emphasizes the necessity of following lock out/tag out procedures.

5 Minutes

Procedures and reasons for using Lock Out/Tag Out are shown. Who should be authorized to do it and undo it is discussed as well as when and why it is needed. Equipment scheduled to be worked on needs to be &"Locked Out"; and/or "Tagged Out" so that it will not "operate" while it is being maintained or serviced to protect those performing that work.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Machine guards protect the worker from dangerous moving machine parts. This video explains how machine guards work and offers safety tips to keep in mind.

Lockout/Tagout L172

Lockout/Tagout Control of Hazardous


Energy Sources English

7 Minutes

Machine Safeguarding

This program emphasizes the importance of employee responsibility concerning this potentially deadly hazard. It reviews step-by-step procedures for electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic powered equipment. Meets all new OSHA training requirements.

Machine Guarding



Machine Guarding



Machine Safeguarding

5 Minutes M153

This is a program for Employees as well as supervisors. Discusses fixed and adjustable enclosures and other devices such as interlocks, photo cells and more. Program emphasizes that machine guarding is not fool proof and requires employee responsibility when working with machinery and moving parts.


Machine Guarding



13 Minutes

This is a good program for Employees as well as supervisors. The program emphasizes that machine guarding is not fool proof and requires Employees to be responsible as well.


15 Minutes


Machine Guarding



13 Minutes

This is a good program for employees as well as supervisors. The program emphasizes that machine guarding is not fool proof and requires employees to be responsible as well.

Machine Safety Guards English

From English Hazards

Machine Safeguarding

Machine Safeguarding M127

Machine Guarding: Protecting You

This video discusses common types of machine hazards, how they can be controlled and what actions must be taken to stay safe around moving equipment and machinery. Featured is testimony from workers who have been injured after removing or bypassing guards, or taking other risks around moving machinery. Other topics include potential machine hazard areas, controlling machine hazards, fixed guarding, adjustable guarding, electrical interlocks, photoelectric devices, pressure-sensitive trips and restraint devices.

Machine Safeguarding M123

7 Minutes

This video gives a basic explanation of typical machine guards. Knowing why the machine guard is in place and how it works is critical to a successful machine guarding program.

Machine Safeguarding CS22


5 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog which they believe are safe. The risk of accidents from powered machinery is so great OSHA estimates that lack of machine guarding is the second most frequent safety violation in industry today. MARCOM's training products on "Machine Guard Safety" are designed to help employees understand the dangers of working with machinery... and how those risks can be minimized by proper installation and use of safety guards and devices. Topics covered in these products include: * Basic machine operations. * Fixed guards. * Adjustable and self-adjusting guards. * Interlock devices. * Drive train and perimeter guards. * "Drop probe" devices. * Restrain and pullback devices. * Adjustment, inspection and maintenance of safety guards. and more.

Machine Safeguarding M155 DVD

Machine Safety Guards English

5 Minutes

Machine guards protect the worker from dangerous moving machine parts. This video explains how they work and offers safety tips for worker to keep in mind while using a machine with a safety guard.

Machine Safeguarding M156 DVD

Machine Safety Guards Spanish

5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

Machine guards protect the worker from dangerous moving machine parts. This video explains how they work and offers safety tips for worker to keep in mind while using a machine with a safety guard.



17 Minutes

Although this video is an advertising tool for Schmersal, it provides excellent explanations for machinery hazards, guarding and industrial standards and gives an overview of safety system concepts, design principles and practices.

Management & Supervision A156 VHS

Machine Safeguarding M157 DVD

A Guide to Ergonomics for Supervisors English

21 Minutes

This program addresses both manufacturing and office supervisors. It explains the importance of maintaining good communication with Employees, staying alert for any signs of cumulative trauma disorders, and watching for job situations which might require ergonomic analysis.

Machine Guard Safety English

15 Minutes

Supervisors have a primary responsibility of managing people in a consistent manner. Setting goals, communicating, following up with feedback and enforcing rules are all responsibilities of supervision. This video highlights points of good supervision and shows that listening and responding are the keys to good supervision.

Schmersal: Man-machine Safeguarding English

Supervision English


Machine Safeguarding S240

Accepting the Responsibility of

19 Minutes

Machinery comes in many sizes and shapes, and it can present many different types of hazards. Each year thousands of employees across the country are injured by the machines they are most familiar with... and 122

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog This video discusses how to resolve conflicts between Employees in the workplace so the outcome is not worse than the beginning.

Management & Supervision A159 VHS

ADA: What Managers Should Know English

5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

As of July 26, 1994, any employer with 15 or more Employees must abide by the Americans with Disabilities Act in all employment practices. This video explains the meaning of the terms "reasonable accommodations" and "essential functions" provides resource information.


Accepting the Responsibility of


Supervision English

15 Minutes

Management & Supervision


Management & Supervision

Criminal Liabilities of Supervisors English


5 Minutes


A "tell it like it is" hard hitting video to drive the message home to supervisors that they can be held criminally liable for failing to enforce company safety rules and standards.

Conflict Resolution



Conquering Difficult Conversations/Layoffs & 30 Terminations English Minutes

Help supervisors conduct difficult conversations with confidence through the Addressing Personal Issues video. Without this type of training, situations can escalate and lead to repercussions such as legal action and litigation. This training gives supervisors examples and information regarding inappropriate dress, family issues affecting work, uncleanliness, and more. By demonstrating effective and ineffective ways of handling tough situations, the video helps teach supervisors to act in an objective, unbiased manner.

Management & Supervision C193

30 Minutes

Help supervisors conduct difficult conversations with confidence through Managing Conflict. Without this type of training, situations can escalate and lead to repercussions such as legal action and litigation. Conflict management is difficult because no two situations are alike. In this training program, learn more about the various types of conflict and how best each can be moderated. Areas of conflict discussed include those between coworkers, between a supervisor and subordinate, and between two supervisors. By demonstrating effective and ineffective examples of handling conflict, the video teaches supervisors to act in an objective, unbiased manner. In addition, the program features advice from industry professionals, including labor law attorneys, social psychologists, and professors of Human Resources.

Supervisors have a primary responsibility of managing people in a consistent manner. Setting goals, , following up with feedback and enforcing rules are all responsibilities of supervision. This video highlights points of good supervision and shows that listening and responding are the keys to good supervision.


Personal Issues English


Management & Supervision A175

Conquering Difficult Conversations

10 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision C215 VHS

Management & Supervision

Conquering Difficult Conversations


Managing Conflict English


30 Minutes

Help supervisors conduct difficult conversations with confidence through Conducting Layoffs and Terminations. Without this type of training, situations can escalate and lead to repercussions such as legal action and litigation. Letting an employee go - whether through layoff or termination - is never an easy task. Through this video, supervisors learn to handle this process effectively for the best interests of all involved. By demonstrating effective and ineffective examples of handling tough situations, the training program teaches supervisors to address layoffs and terminations in an objective, unbiased manner.


5 Minutes

Management & Supervision C223 DVD

Conflict Resolution in the Office English

15 Minutes

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Anytime two or more people come together, they will eventually disagree about something. While some conflict can be healthy, it is often an indication that there is something wrong. Conflict is frequently a "call to action"... a problem crying out for a solution. This program discusses the techniques and strategies that can be used to limit the damage and disruption conflict can cause in the workplace. They show Employees that when difficult situations are dealt with in a calm and unemotional way, compromise and collaboration are possible.

Conquering Difficult Conversations Performance English Coach


A "tell it like it is" hard hitting video to drive the message home to supervisors that they can be held criminally liable for failing to enforce company safety rules and standards.

Management & Supervision C216

Criminal Liabilities of Supervisors

30 Minutes

Help supervisors conduct difficult conversations with confidence through Providing Performance Coaching. Without this type of training, situations can escalate and lead to repercussions such as legal action and litigation. Giving feedback to Employees can be tricky. No one likes to discuss negative feedback, and because we don't normally focus on positive feedback, it can be uncomfortable as well. This program addresses giving Employees honest feedback using a performance coaching environment. Supervisors will learn to give direct, tactful and honest feedback to Employees, whether it is performance improvements or praise.

Management & Supervision C224

Conflict Resolution in Industrial


Facilities English

15 Minutes

This program is designed for the industrial facilities and discusses the techniques and strategies that can be used to limit the damage and disruption conflict can cause in the workplace. They show Employees that when difficult situations are dealt with in a calm and unemotional way, compromise and collaboration are possible. 124

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog administrative personnel, supervisors, and those in charge of maintaining safety and training records.

Management & Supervision CS20

Safety Committees



Management & Supervision

5 Minutes

D123 Effective safety committees may be difficult to achieve based upon the many committee failures experienced in all industries. Safety committees can be very effective if they are properly formed and implemented. This program explains how to make your safety committees effective.


Accident Reporting



D124 VHS

5 Minutes

D125 VHS

5 Minutes



OSHA Recordkeeping English

Discipline - Safety Enforcement 5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

Management & Supervision


5 Minutes

One of the most neglected tools of safety performance is the enforcement of safety rules. This program explains liabilities and legal responsibilities.

This program shows that being a good example is a much better training method than the old "do as I say, not as I do"



Management & Supervision

Setting the Example English

Discipline - Performance

This video explains the importance and need for evaluating employee performance and why it is so necessary in the work environment.

Management & Supervision


5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

This program demonstrates the need to investigate accidents and to complete reports properly. It explains the basic form and why the information is necessary.



This video covers basic discipline and counseling procedures for management and stresses the importance for proper documentation.

Management & Supervision CS21

Discipline - Counseling


5 Minutes

Discipline - Hot Stove Theory English

5 Minutes

This video explains that the hot stove theory is a time tested method of insuring that all Employees are treated equally and equitably, regardless of the rules.

This video is designed for personnel responsible for safety and insurance related reports. It explains accident investigation, proper completion of records and follow-up paperwork. Good program for 125

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision D168

D.O.T Supervisors 60/60 Training (2 Videos) English


This program is designed to help supervisors improve productivity, which directly interacts with safety efforts. It reviews the necessary skills the supervisor needs to assure maximum performance of Employees and safety efforts.

12 Minutes

What You Need to Know Supervisors 60/60 Training consists of two 60 minute videos: Alcohol Supplement, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of alcohol awareness training, and Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of drug awareness training. Alcohol Supplement includes an overview of the Alcohol Awareness Training rules, five action scenarios based on various types of testing to increase supervisor's awareness and a presentation on the effects of low-level alcohol use on job performance. Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation highlights important training elements required by the DOT for supervisors, provides information necessary for an effective substance abuse program and explains how not enforcing a substance abuse policy can jeopardize company, public and employee safety. This program also features eight scenarios explaining how, when and why to confront Employees and how to handle Employees who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Management & Supervision F173 VHS


Management & Supervision


Management & Supervision

15 Minutes

This video answers what employee job performance reviews are and their purpose. It gives suggestions on how preparation, review of job requirements, goals and expectations make evaluation easier for the supervisor as well as the employee.


H112 VHS

5 Minutes

How to Prevent Sexual Harassment English

10 Minutes

This video defines sexual harassment, examines the consequences when it is identified and helps employers train and sensitizes their Employees to the problem in order to prevent it.

Employee Productivity English


Management & Supervision

Management & Supervision E124

Getting Control of Time

This video gives basic tips and techniques on how to use time wisely and efficiently in order to be a more effective supervisor.

Evaluating Employee Job Performance English


5 Minutes

Firing an employee is one of the most difficult and unpleasant tasks a manager has to face. Terminated Employees may be hurt, angry, or frightened. In addition, terminated Employees may feel the firing was unjustified and file a lawsuit against the company or an individual. This video covers documentation, the company handbook, termination regulations, suspension, reference checks and employment practices.




12 Minutes 126

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision H118 VHS

Management & Supervision

How to Hire and Fire Smartly English

H165 VHS

8 Minutes

This program gives steps when hiring and firing Employees. Stresses following company policies, planning interviews, instilling confidence through understanding, listening, counseling, warnings and documentation.

How to Communicate Effectively English

5 Minutes

This program is an overview of the importance of developing and improving communication skills in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

Management & Supervision H166

Management & Supervision H162 VHS


Employees English


How to Control Absenteeism

Handling Personal Problems of 5 Minutes

This video discusses the supervisor's responsibilities when working with Employees whose personal problems effect performance.

5 Minutes

This program addresses employee absenteeism and explains how to apply control measures. It also gives suggestions on how to correct the problem.

Management & Supervision Management & Supervision H163 VHS

How to Control Tardiness English

Management & Supervision


How to Listen to Employees English

HIPAA Compliance



14 Minutes

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, forbids sharing, transmitting or divulging of information designated as Protected Health Information or PHI of individuals. It's designed to offer workers specific protections. Businesses are charged with the responsibility of complying with the provisions set forth in HIPAA and this program was designed to help you reach this goal. This program will help you understand what the HIPAA rulings mean, what your company must do and the steps that must be taken to bring your organization into compliance.

5 Minutes

This program explains how to control employee tardiness and gives suggestions to correct the problem.



5 Minutes

Being a good listener is a most difficult task to learn. It is much more than listening to words and this program explains how to achieve good listening skills.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Supervisors need to become more aware of their legal responsibilities. This video program explains the four basic elements used to legally judge the effectiveness of any safety program.

Management & Supervision I118

Improving Time Management for


Supervisors English

17 Minutes

Management & Supervision

The goal of any time management program is to improve the productivity of your Employees. This video offers suggestions for determining where your time goes, delegation of jobs, following time budget plans and correcting the cause of poor time management. It also offers tips for recovering from poor time management.

M116 VHS

Your Safety Committee English

10 Minutes

In many cases, safety committees become a burden rather than providing true benefit. This program shows how to make them effective without wasting valuable time or effort.

Management & Supervision I140 DVD

Management & Supervision

Investigating an Industrial Accident English


18 Minutes


This video demonstrates the need to investigate accidents and how to complete reports promptly and completely. It explains what basic information is necessary and why.

Job Safety Analysis Process: A


Practical Approach English

Management & Supervision M125 VHS

Legal responsibilities of Supervisors English

Management Theories English

15 Minutes

This program examines theories of human behavior studied by Hawthorne, Herbert, Maslow, and McGregor. Although each supervisor is unique, these basic theories apply to each and can be modified to suit individual needs. This video discusses behavior modification, attitude development and motivation.

Management & Supervision


10 Minutes

15 Minutes

This video discusses the JSA process. It teaches the viewer how to determine which jobs to select for JSA, to separate jobs into basic steps for JSA, to identify the hazards associated with each job step, and to use methods to control each hazard.



This program is designed for middle management and supervisors. It covers how supervisors are the key to any program and how to provide safety leadership. Complete step-by-step program for developing and implementing an effective safety program. These steps, when implemented, have reduced accidents and injuries by 50 to 75%.

Management & Supervision J105

Management Safety - The Basics

15 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision M142

Managers Involvement in Safety Programs English


Management & Supervision O138

Your organization's safety performance and OSHA regulatory compliance can rely heavily on the actions or inactions your managers take. This video gives a thorough explanation of setting up a comprehensive safety program, OSHA inspections, site assessments, record keeping, and worker's compensation.

Manager's Liability



5 Minutes

Today, a manager's responsibilities far exceed the scope of supervising Employees. Managers must be well versed in all of the laws and regulations of federal, state and local government. Some key training points are the Department of Labor standards, National Labor Relations Board, Discrimination, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Management & Supervision P116 VHS

Management & Supervision O134 VHS

Performance Evaluations English

5 Minutes

This program covers basic employee performance, praise, reprimands, documentation and how to improve productivity. Also, it shows how to improve efficiency and productivity through employee evaluations.

OSHA 300 Log the New Rule on Recordkeeping English

20 Minutes

Helps managers and supervisors meet the updated record keeping requirements of 29 CFR Part 1904. This program provides the information managers and supervisors need to comply with OSHA's revised regulation, and allows an organization to quickly identify and eliminate repetitive hazard situations. "OSHA Record keeping for Managers/Supervisors" covers the details of the regulation's requirements and shows actual workplace incidents that demonstrate what their responsibilities are in documenting and reporting recordable accidents. Other areas covered in the program are revisions in the regulation, why record keeping is important, which record keeping requirements apply to specific work environments, using the new record keeping forms and "Recordable Incident" scenarios.

Management & Supervision M143

and Supervisors English


15 Minutes

OSHA Recordkeeping for Managers

13 Minutes

Helps Employees identify workplace hazards; maintain records of illness, injuries and their causes. It explains, step by step, exactly what the new requirements are and how to fill out the proper forms. This is a very detailed video.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision P135 VHS

Management & Supervision

Protecting Workers: How OSHA


Conducts Inspection English


18 Minutes

This video takes a close-up look at OSHA's inspection process and answers the most frequently asked questions about OSHA inspections. A typical job site inspection is conducted with follow-up procedures and possible fine charges are suggested.

Responsibility of Supervisors English

5 Minutes

Basic responsibilities explained to reinforce supervisor's understanding of what is needed to improve leadership skills and achieve goals of the organization.

Management & Supervision S142

Management & Supervision R156

Sexual Harassment English


Management & Supervision S166 VHS

Responsibility of Supervisors English

Safety Responsibilities English

5 Minutes

Supervisors are the key to safety, but do not always understand their role in accident prevention. This program explains responsibilities, legal liabilities, and obligations for safety performance.

Management & Supervision


12 Minutes

Demonstrates the need to properly complete the accident investigation and why the information is important.

10 Minutes

Video Series helps you train your Employees on sensitive issues that may affect productivity, create a hostile work environment, or pose a legal threat to your organization. As part of the Winning Workforce series, Sexual Harassment defines sexual harassment, what constitutes it, and the laws surrounding it. Teaches Employees how to avoid sexual harassment and discusses the benefits of doing so.


Reporting English


Raising Your Employee's Awareness

Supervisor's Guide to Accident

5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

Basic responsibilities explained to reinforce supervisor's understanding of what is needed to improve leadership skills and achieve goals of the organization.

S185 VHS

Supervisors and Employee Communication English

15 Minutes

Communication is the foundation of leadership. This video points out the positive and negative communication skills for supervisors and ways to get Employees to respond. Listening, being responsive and talking things out make up good communication skills.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.

Management & Supervision S210

Sexual Harassment: Your Rights and Responsibilities English


5 Minutes

Management & Supervision

This is a topic and law that every employee needs to be made aware of and this video does it for you. It defines harassment, shows types of behavior that could be considered harassment and counsels Employees what to do when they encounter it.



13 Minutes

The name of the game is "practice what you preach". Leading by example will go farther than any lecture ever could. Recognizing the balance between safety and production, setting goals and motivating with praise are ways of obtaining a safe working environment.

Management & Supervision

Supervisors Guide to Plant Ergonomics English


19 Minutes

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tenosynovitis, Trigger Finger, Raynaud's Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Ulnar Entrapment are a few of the things discussed in this informative video.

Management & Supervision S252 VHS

Sexual Harassment - What Employees Need English to Know


Sexual Harassment - What Employees


Need English to Know

16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Types of Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.

Management & Supervision S242

16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.

Supervisors Role in Safety English

NeedSpanish to Know


Management & Supervision S226

Sexual Harassment - What Employees

16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict 131

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision S263

Sexual Harassment - What Employees


NeedSpanish to Know

Management & Supervision T189

Workplace English


16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Types of Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.

Management & Supervision V106

Management & Supervision


5 Minutes

This program explains that regardless of who actually trains the Employees, it remains the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that they are properly trained.



Training Responsibilities English


Training New Employees English

Violence in the Workplace English

5 Minutes

This program is designed for Management. Violence in the workplace is on the rise. Americans are murdered on the job every year. Most assaults are robbery related, but many are against employers or exemployers. Non-fatal assaults, from fist-fights to shootings, are even more common. This video will train you on applicant screenings, counseling, security programs and crisis management.

Management & Supervision


5 Minutes

5 Minutes

This program explains that regardless of who actually trains the Employees, it remains the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that they are properly trained.



Management & Supervision

Management & Supervision T147

Violence in the Workplace

This program is for employee training. Today, more than 1,000 Americans are murdered on the job. Increasingly, these murders are at the hands of coworkers who may be angry over being fired, stressed, on drugs, or mentally unstable. As violence begins to invade our work space, it's important to ask, &"How safe am I at work?"e;

Training Responsibilities English

50 Minutes

Workplace Violence is on the rise. How to prevent violence in the workplace before it starts is an employer's responsibility and is discussed in this video.



Ticking Bombs: Violence in the

5 Minutes

This program contains the information needed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they may be exposed in the workplace. 132

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Management & Supervision V108 VHS

Management & Supervision

Violence in the Workplace - Part I English


Goes over seven major steps to prevent violence in the workplace. Covers how to identify situations that could turn for a successful training program on violence in the workplace.


Violence in the Workplace - Part II English

9 Minutes

Management & Supervision

Reviews the 911 emergency phone service, security guards, the use of panic buttons, administrative regulations, protection of Employees and employee safe rooms.



17 Minutes

This program focuses on the trend in deaths occurring in the workplace. More people are being killed by violence at work than actual on-the-job injuries. This program explains this problem and how to protect Employees.

Management & Supervision W148 VHS


Violence in the Workplace English

What ISO Standards Mean to Managers English

9 Minutes

The ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country. This interesting video reviews the ISO

Management & Supervision V115

13 Minutes

This video encourages training, not only for the employee, but also for the supervisor so he or she can understand the basis of each employee's job. Initial employee safety orientation is stressed and training tips are given to offer a smooth running and well documented safety program.

Violence in the Workplace English

Who, What, When, Where and How to Train English Employees


Management & Supervision V114

15 Minutes

As a safety supervisor, you are responsible for everything your Employees do or fail to do. Trainers of other personnel may be assigned the job of required training, however, the supervisor remains responsible to see that all Employees receive the training and are able to understand this confusing information. This video reviews safety counseling, written policies, training, safety inspections and enforcement.

Management & Supervision V109



10 Minutes

What Supervisors Should do about

5 Minutes

Violence in the workplace is on the rise. Precautions include recognizing the potential for violence, and knowing what to do in the event of an attack. 133

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog are given to offer a smooth running and well documented safety program.

Management & Supervision W149 VHS

Workers Compensation Fraud English

Management & Supervision

10 Minutes

This video discusses typical charges for premiums, insurance ratings, uninsured costs, fraud and what it means to the employer.


Workplace Violence English

Your Way or Mine



10 Minutes

This video discusses the typical profile of a person who may commit a violent act in the workplace and offers training tips for Employees on how to deal with a violent incident. Establishing a policy regarding violence in the workplace is stressed.

Management & Supervision Y111 DVD

Workplace Violence: Recognizing &


Defusing Aggressive Behavior English 26 Minutes

Supervisors need to be aware of dangerous situations. Recognizing warning signs help. This program goes into detail about how to evaluate employee behavior and warning signs.


Who, What, When, Where and How to Train English Employees

10 Minutes

Accident Investigation English

13 Minutes

This video teaches step-by-step techniques on how to conduct a proper accident investigation of employee injuries on the construction site. Discusses the role of the safety supervisor and the safety committee. This older "slides on tape" production by the Associated General Contractors for the construction industry, in cooperation with OSHA, is informative although it should be viewed by a supervisor prior to being shown to a large audience.

Management & Supervision



Management & Supervision



Your Safety Committee in Action

In many cases, safety committees become a burden rather than providing true benefit. This program shows how to make them effective without wasting valuable time or effort.

Management & Supervision W163

17 Minutes

Used to provoke discussion, this video shows two essentially similar dramatizations of a grievance incidence: one from the employee's point of view, the other from the supervisor's perspective. Each has reason to believe that he is both reasonable and right in his approach to the incident, and his actions are influenced by this perception.

Management & Supervision W150


13 Minutes

This video encourages training, not only for the employee, but also for the supervisor so he or she can understand the basis of each employee's job. Initial employee safety orientation is stressed and training tips 134

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

Office Safety E162 VHS

Emergency Evacuation English

Office Safety

15 Minutes E179

Explains the essentials of evacuations, precautions to take and what to do in case of an emergency. Although designed for large buildings, it can be adapted to any size facility.




14 Minutes

Office Safety E182 DVD

Employee Safety Orientation Spanish

14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed.

Office Safety E178 DVD

Employee Safety Orientation English

Emergency Evacuation English

15 Minutes

No one can predict when an emergency will occur. That's why training and education are so important. This video explains the essentials of evacuations, precautions to take, and what to do in case of an emergency. Knowledge is power and without proper training a minor event can turn into a major catastrophe. Although designed for large hotels and multi-level buildings, it can be adapted to any size facility.

Office Safety


14 Minutes

Employee Safety Orientation

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed.



Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

Office Safety E164

Employee Safety Orientation

14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, 135

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Designed to raise awareness of safety hazards in an office environment. This program focuses on the most common hazards found in an office. This DVD discusses basic ergonomics, ladders, office equipment, slips and falls, safe lifting, fire prevention and more.

Office Safety E183 DVD

Emergency Evacuation Spanish

15 Minutes

No one can predict when an emergency will occur. That's why training and education are so important. This video explains the essentials of evacuations, precautions to take, and what to do in case of an emergency. Knowledge is power and without proper training a minor event can turn into a major catastrophe. Although designed for large hotels and multi-level buildings, it can be adapted to any size facility.

Office Safety O139 DVD

Emergency Evacuation from Multi-


story Buildings English

S184 VHS

5 Minutes

Office Safety Office Safety

C182 14 Minutes


Office Safety Basics English

10 Minutes

Choosing the Correct Respirator English

6 Minutes

Respirators are required when the health of the employee is at risk. The type of respirator needed depends on the substance the employee is exposed to, the concentration of the substance and the length of exposure. This video gives an overview of respirator use.

Office Safety


Environment English

Personal Protection

Hazards in the office such as fires, manual handling activities, slips, trips and falls and even the design and layout of the office itself are addressed in this video.


Safety Orientation in the Office

Basic office safety such as slips and falls, ladder/stairway safety, electrical, and good housekeeping are discussed in this informative video. Employee responsibility for safety in the office is stressed.

Protection of occupants in multi-story buildings is critical in the event of an emergency evacuation. Learn how to evacuate safely and efficiently before an emergency occurs.


5 Minutes

Office Safety




Make fire prevention a part of your work routine. By following a few simple principles, you can help reduce the risk of office fires.

Office Safety


Office Fire Prevention

10 Minutes


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog important, the program reinforces the reasons why wearing safety glasses is vital to protecting your eyes from flying projectiles.

Personal Protection CS20 3 VHS

Fit Test Respirators English

5 Minutes

Personal Protection

This excellent program explains how to achieve a proper fit and safe seal on respirators.

E118 VHS


Personal Protection English

Personal Protection E157 VHS

Personal Protection


Respirator Use English

5 Minutes


Personal Protection

5 Minutes

Eye Safety English

5 Minutes

Carefully designed to engage the worker, this dynamic program features scenes from a variety of job sites that show several situations where eye protection is needed and used correctly. Your workers will develop a respect for eye protection and understand the life-long consequences from not using adequate eye protection. In over 90% of all eye injuries, the injured person was not wearing eye protection and/or had the wrong type of protection for the task being performed. Training workers to properly select and use the right eye protection works best when it also motivates workers to consistently use the equipment.

Eye Protection: Looking Out English


Personal Protection



Eye Injuries

This video dramatically encourages industrial Employees to wear eye protection while on the job. The tape graphically depicts the types of injuries that can be expected when simple safety measures are ignored.

Respiratory protection is necessary for many tasks to protect us from a variety of dusts, fumes, mists and gases. This program demonstrates the different types of respirators and addresses the need and use of common respiratory protection.


5 Minutes

5 Minutes

This video explains the basics of personal protective equipment and is an excellent refresher program.



This video dramatically encourages industrial Employees to wear eye protection while on the job. The tape graphically depicts the types of injuries that can be expected when simple safety measures are ignored.

Personal Protection CS21

Eye Injuries

13 Minutes

Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of the different lenses available for use in safety glasses? This program is designed to answer that question and to inform Employees of the status of the various safety eye-wear testing programs. The program also includes a brief technical overview of the process used in hardening glass lenses and in applying scratch resistant coatings to polycarbonate lenses. Perhaps most 137

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Personal Protection E188 DVD

Personal Protection

Eye Safety: Service Industry Spanish

5 Minutes

This motivational program stresses the importance of eye protection by showing workers common eye injuries and how to prevent them.


Hearing Protection



This video looks at types of hearing protection for workers-earplugs and earmuffs - and addresses factors that must be taken into account when choosing the right type and correct fit for individual use.

Personal Protection F274 VHS

Personal Protection

Foot Protection English


8 Minutes

VHS safety shoes are intended to reduce the chance of harm to your feet. Selecting the correct safety shoe for the job is very important. This video will assist the viewer in understanding the various different kinds of shoes and how to choose the right one for the job.


Hearing Conservation English

H220 VHS

Head Protection English

7 Minutes

Watch out! You've only got one head, so protect it! This video reviews the different levels of head protection for various situations.

Heads up for Safety: Overhead Dangers English

25 Minutes

Personal Protection

Personal Protection



9 Minutes

Backhoe's, breakers, tamps and pneumatic equipment is just a few sources of noise that can impair the hearing of public works employee. This video details the hazards of noise, and how to reduce exposure. Discusses personal protective devices also.


Hearing Conservation

Hearing is a part of life that most people take for granted. However, without it we would have a hard time functioning in the world in which we live. This video will introduce new Employees to hearing protection policies or refresh the awareness of current Employees. This video is designed to help Employees see the dangers of excessive noise in the workplace as well as show how to avoid the potential health risks associated with it.

Personal Protection H121

9 Minutes

5 Minutes

Be aware, stay alert, and keep looking up! The possibility for an accident is everywhere. One of the least common places to expect one is from overhead. 138

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Personal Protection H230 VHS

Personal Protection

Hearing Protection: HCP and PPE English

I133 VHS

11 Minutes

Without protection, long term noise exposure to your ears could cause irreparable damage. This video discusses the OSHA regulations protecting Employees, the reasons for annual hearing tests and the various types of hearing protection available to Employees. Part 1 of this program is "introduction to Hearing Protection" I131. It is not necessary to view part 1 prior to viewing part 2.



Listen Up! Preventing Noise Induced


Hearing Loss English

16 Minutes

This program uses colorful animation, interviews and dramatizations to get Employees thinking about the effects of noise on hearing. The video provides information concerning the different types of personal hearing protection and their proper use. Different aspects of a typical hearing conservation program are described.

Introduction to Hearing Protection English

5 Minutes

Personal Protection

Personal Protection



5 Minutes

More illnesses are surfacing from employees working in abnormally high temperatures, such as in a hot warehouse or warm assembly environment. This video discusses heat stroke, heat stress, fainting, and precautions to take.


Keeping an Eye on Safety

In the blink of an eye, an accident can take away our eyesight. Graphic recreations of workplace incidents encourage use of proper eye protection.

Hearing Safety English

13 Minutes

Personal Protection

Personal Protection



Your hearing is one of the most important senses. This video discusses the importance of hearing and how you can protect your ears against hearing loss.



Impact of Noise

7 Minutes

This video explains in detail the results of noise on the ear. A computer generated picture of the ear is used to further demonstrate how loud noise over a period of time can cause permanent hearing loss. It also discusses the types of hearing protection available. Part 2 of this program is "Hearing Protection: HCP and PPE, H230".


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Personal Protection P128 VHS

Personal Protection

Personal protective equipment English

5 Minutes

Personal protective equipment is anything you wear on the job to protect yourself from hazards in the workplace. Examples are: hard hats, safety shoes, goggles, respirators, lifelines or protective clothing. This video helps you to be aware of these items and that they should be maintained and kept clean for your safety.


Protective Clothing



This video discusses a variety of personal protective equipment necessary for your personal safety. Inspection techniques are stressed as well as choosing the proper fit and accessories.

Personal Protection P154

Personal Protection P142 VHS


Personal Protective Equipment for the Head,English Eye, Face, Hand and 19 Minutes

PPE: Put it On English


12 Minutes

Personal Protection

Personal Protection


PPE: Electrical

This video covers different types of personal protective equipment used to minimize hazards on the job in relation to electrical safety. Some topics covered are head protection, flash suits, correct body wear, lockout/tagout, gloves, insulating mats, voltage testers and ladders.

This program discusses the personal protective equipment designed to prevent injuries to the head, face and eyes, hands and feet. Employees are given specific information and guidelines concerning proper selection, fit, inspection, and maintenance of each category of personal protective equipment.


12 Minutes


PPE - It's Your Call



22 Minutes

This program covers your eyes, hands, ears feet and head showing what type of equipment you should have and use for each job and describes what could happen if you don't.

10 Minutes

This video covers protective clothing according to your job duties. Hearing protection, hazardous materials handling, proper fit of helmets, goggles, respirators, gloves and more is discussed.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Personal Protection P164 VHS

Personal Protection

Personal Protective Equipment: PPE Spanish

P171 VHS

20 Minutes

The importance of PPE is graphically portrayed in this dynamic, highly interactive video. Through the use of case studies, examples are given on how to assess hazards and chose appropriate PPE. Correct use, maintenance and storage of many types of personal protective equipment are covered and the importance of wearing PPE in work situations and at home is also stressed.

PPE - It's Your Call




7 Minutes

The use of proper personal protective equipment can lead to fewer accidents, reduced chance of OSHA fines, safer Employees, and a better bottom line. With this video, you can train your Employees on the proper use, maintenance and storage of PPE, PPE design and construction and overview of foot, hand, head, eye, and respiratory protection.

Personal Protection

Personal Protection P166

PPE, The Importance of


Respirator Training



9 Minutes

12 Minutes

This program addresses the most important part of personal protection. PPE is the responsibility of the individual to wear when it's required. All the procedures and equipment in the world are useless if Employees do not understand this one simple fact.

Respiratory protection is necessary for many tasks in public works. Pesticide/herbicide applicators, sandblasting, painters and treatment plant personnel are just a few. This video addresses the need and use of common respiratory protection found in Public Agencies.

Personal Protection

Personal Protection


PPE - It's Your Call



R109 VHS

12 Minutes

This program addresses the most important part of personal protection. PPE is the responsibility of the individual to wear when it's required. All the procedures and equipment in the world are useless if Employees do not understand this one simple fact.

Respiratory Protection English

15 Minutes

This program looks at the function of respirators, the situations where they are used as well as the types and the factors governing their use. Fit testing is examined in detail. Common problems and necessary precautions are also covered.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog protective equipment the exposed employee should wear are reviewed and the reaction various chemicals may cause. Negative pressure respirators, disposable respirators, dual cartridge negative pressure respirators and types of cartridges are discussed.

Personal Protection R134 VHS

Respirators Spanish

12 Minutes

This program explains what happens to the body when workers breathe in chemical contaminants or are deprived of oxygen. It introduces the different uses of air-purifying and air-supplying respirators, and discusses proper selection and maintenance of the equipment.

Personal Protection R149 VHS


Respirators English

Personal Protection T105 VHS

Respirator Care and Use English

T181 VHS

The Complete Line of Footwear English

8 Minutes

This video stresses the importance of safety shoes in the workplace. Some primary reasons for wearing proper foot protection are for balance, support, ambulation and protection from injuries. It also details various types of shoes available and OSHA regulations.

Respiratory Protection English

12 Minutes

Personal Protection

Personal Protection



10 Minutes

Choosing the correct respiratory protection is critical for survival. What kind is best for your specific use and when to use ARP's is reviewed as well as care and maintenance.


The Convincer

The Convincer illustrates, in very graphic detail, what can happen to eyes, hands, arms and legs when proper safety precautions are not followed and proper safety gear is not used. Graphic photos are used.

Personal Protection


6 Minutes

12 Minutes

This program explains what happens to the body when workers breathe in chemical contaminants or are deprived of oxygen. It introduces the different uses of air-purifying and air-supplying respirators, and discusses proper selection and maintenance of the equipment.



Respirators are intended to protect you from hazardous substances in the air and must be maintained to work properly. This program reviews the types of respirator equipment available and their proper uses. Correct fit, decontamination and storage are also discussed.

Personal Protection R139

Respirator Care and Maintenance

7 Minutes

This informative video describes some of the contaminants in the world that can permanently damage the lungs and cause death. The correct types of 142

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Personal Protection R160


Respirators - Fit Testing



This updated program covers the requirements under NIOSH Standards for quantitative and qualitative fit testing procedures. Helps meet requirements for training employees in proper fit testing procedures and gives employees the knowledge and training necessary to fit test with confidence.

Personal Protection Hearing Loss Prevention - Employee


Training English

Personal Protection

14 Minutes

In this program, fighter pilot Major John Busch will demonstrate to employees the importance of wearing proper hearing protection in all situations where noise can be hazardous. Topics include the company Hearing Conservation/Loss Prevention program, types of hearing protection, symptoms of hearing loss and dangers of off-job noise.

Hearing Loss Prevention - Employee


Training Spanish Spanish


Story Spanish

Industrial Eye Injuries - The Gory

10 Minutes

Public Agency A161 VHS

Air Monitoring English

8 Minutes

A161 - Air sampling provides an estimate of exposure to better protect workers from air contamination. Proper air monitoring reduces needless health risks to workers. This video is a clever "takeoff" of the movie Ghostbusters.

Personal Protection


Industrial Eye Injuries - The Gory

14 Minutes

In this program, fighter pilot Major John Busch will demonstrate to employees the importance of wearing proper hearing protection in all situations where noise can be hazardous. Topics include the company Hearing Conservation/Loss Prevention program, types of hearing protection, symptoms of hearing loss and dangers of off-job noise.



Although nothing is magical about preventing eye injuries, employees must take the initiative to think of the hazard, then take the appropriate action to prevent the hazard from causing an injury. This program uses graphic photographs of eye injuries suffered in industrial settings to force viewers to think about the consequences of not wearing the required eye protection. Topics include: Causes of Eye Injuries, Types of Eye Diseases, Proper Use of Eye Protection, and Emergency Response to Eye Injuries.

Personal Protection H283

10 Minutes

Although nothing is magical about preventing eye injuries, employees must take the initiative to think of the hazard, then take the appropriate action to prevent the hazard from causing an injury. This program uses graphic photographs of eye injuries suffered in industrial settings to force viewers to think about the consequences of not wearing the required eye protection. Topics include: Causes of Eye Injuries, Types of Eye Diseases, Proper Use of Eye Protection, and Emergency Response to Eye Injuries.

15 Minutes




National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency A171 VHS

Public Agency

Aerial Work Platforms English

C139 VHS

8 Minutes

Boom lifts and scissor lifts help us reach work areas that were once almost impossible to access. Like all pieces of heavy equipment, these valuable machines must be operated safely to prevent injuries and damage to property.


C142 VHS

15 Minutes

Public Agency C147 VHS

Controlling the Exposure to Bloodborne EnglishPathogens 18 Minutes

Designed to aid in eliminating or minimizing occupational exposure to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other bloodborne pathogens. Topics include personal protective equipment, hygiene, handling, removal and disposal of contaminated clothing and equipment. This video is excellent for a wide range audience.

Back Care English


This program discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, precautions and inspection responsibilities as well as sling angles, overloading, nylon slings, chains, wire rope, hooks and general rigging safety.

Public Agency


Chains/Slings/Hoists Safety

13 Minutes

Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old" lift with your legs routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc., are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and other tasks related to strain and sprain injuries.


24 Minutes

Public Agency

Back Care English

Skin Diseases English

This program discusses various forms of skin problems such as dermatitis found in workers and the preventative measures that must be taken to avoid them.

Public Agency B102

Causes and Prevention of Industrial

13 Minutes

Tasks directly related Public works and construction Employees have special needs for back care. The "old lift with your legs" routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc. are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and many other to strain and sprain injuries. 144

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency C151 VHS

Covers hazards of working in small areas, monitoring procedures, protective equipment, the need for proper ventilation, and details types of respirators.

Confined Space Entry Spanish

19 Minutes

Public Agency

A very good training program for persons required to enter confined spaces. Specific procedures and steps to take to prevent accidents are covered as well as informing Employees of hazards found in confined spaces. Contains latest OSHA guideline information.

C209 DVD


Chlorine System Safety English

19 Minutes

After viewing this program, Employees at your facility should be able to gather process safety information about the process; understand and be able to evaluate a process flow diagram and a piping and instrumentation diagram; use this information in evaluating the overall safety process; be able to use a "What If/Checklist" to perform a process hazard analysis; and perform an investigation if a "close call" or an actual incident occurs.

Chains and Safety



C210 DVD

19 Minutes

Public Agency G114 VHS

Grounds Keeper Safety, Including Pesticides English

11 Minutes

Covers personal protective equipment, hazardous chemicals and tips on how to make the grounds keeping job safer.

Confined Space: Using Chemicals English


5 Minutes

Public Agency


Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer

Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.

The dangers of chains are often ignored until someone gets hurt. This video describes proper chain safety and maintenance, and cites helpful hints for avoiding accidents.


19 Minutes

Public Agency

Public Agency C162


Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.

Public Agency C152

Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer

9 Minutes 145

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency G115 VHS


Grounds Keeping: Lawn Mower Safety English

7 Minutes

Public Agency

Universal Precautions - Infection Control English

8 Minutes

Designed for health care providers, but is an excellent program for engineering, custodial, security, administration and other personnel who provide services in the health care environment. Good refresher for nursing, lab and other providers who normally receive additional universal precaution training.

High Risk Rescue



Public Agency Hazard Awareness in Crane Operating Areas



25 Minutes


I Felt Comfortable



25 Minutes

This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

5 Minutes

Approximately 60% of all confined space fatalities are rescuers. This video illustrates rescue requirements and methods in permit required confined spaces. Viewers are made aware of the hazards in a confined space, the proper equipment required to affect a rescue and that only trained rescuers should ever attempt a rescue. Attendant duties are also shown.


I Felt Comfortable

Public Agency

Public Agency H189


This is the true life story of Randy Fellhoelter's close encounter with death after intentionally violating safety work rules and procedures. Although Randy's accident was caused by his accidental contact with 7,200 volts of electricity, the video focuses on how individual behavior plays a major role in accidents and/or accident prevention. The specific details of the accident were omitted from the video to draw attention to the conditions that led up to the tragedy that changed Randy's life forever. WARNING:THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO.

Public Agency


14 Minutes

Overhead power lines, proximity of structures, outriggers and blocking are just part of this video's discussion. Good video for old and new crane operators.

This video offers good tips for using a lawn mower at home or at work. Did you know that approximately 75,000 people get injured while using lawn mowers every year? The use of proper personal protective equipment is stressed and the importance of following the manufacturers recommended guidelines for safe use and service.




National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency O122 VHS

Public Agency

Outdoor Safety - Critters and Plants English

O141 DVD

5 Minutes

The beauty and tranquility of the outdoor world may be dangerously deceptive to the unwary and uninformed. In this video, two surveyors encounter some unexpected hazards and learn valuable lessons in outdoor safety.

Once too Many Spanish

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.

Public Agency Public Agency O124 VHS

Once too Many English


Poisonous Plants



5 Minutes

This program helps Employees recognize and identify poisonous plants. Good video for public agency workers, landscapers and utility personnel.

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.

Public Agency P125

Public Agency O132 VHS


Once too Many Spanish

Public Agency


Once too Many English


5 Minutes

This video shows you how to "come back alive" from "Inner Space". It tells employers and workers categories and examples of confined spaces: how to be aware of certain atmospheric conditions within a confined space and what OSHA requires of employers with respect to confined spaces.

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.


Permit Required - Confined Space

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency S198 VHS

Public Agency

Safety on the Board Walk English

T159 VHS

5 Minutes

Working with mobile scaffolds or outriggers can expose you to all of the usual hazards of scaffolds, plus a few more! This video looks at the special hazards of mobile scaffolds and outriggers. It offers tips on how to cut down on danger at the job site, while you comply with OSHA regulations for scaffolds.

Tractor - Loader - Backhoe English

5 Minutes

Working with a tractor-loader-backhoe puts you in the center of countless hazards. This video shows how a 360 degree perspective can keep you safe. Viewers are asked to ensure visibility all around the work area, to the "One Call" system and to climb on and off equipment correctly. The use of stabilizers and weight distribution is discussed to ensure a safe work environment.

Public Agency S264

Safe Operation of Scissor and Boom


Lifts English

Public Agency

10 Minutes


Elevated work platforms such as scissor and boom lifts allow us to safely perform various tasks and maintenance operations at heights that otherwise may be unreachable. While there are many different styles of lifts designed for various applications and site conditions, they all have one thing in common: the potential for serious injury or death when operated in a careless manner. This video discusses the procedures lift operators must follow to prevent these types of incidents.



15 Minutes

Public Agency W155 VHS

Why Permits are Important English

9 Minutes

In a permit required confined space situation your signing on means that you can be held accountable if something goes wrong. It means your reputation as a worker is on the line. This video stresses the importance of being responsible for the safety of people in and around confined spaces.

The Day They Didn't Inspect the Rope/Wire EnglishSlings

SwingEnglish Stages

This video shows how to follow the rules to safely operate aerial lifts, cranes, and swing stages. Also shows the safest ways to enter and exit aerial equipment. The proper ground-to-equipment signals are demonstrated.

Public Agency T107

Working on Aerial Lifts, Cranes and

20 Minutes

Emphasizes that thorough and periodic inspection are the key to avoiding accidents. Telltale signs of rope wear such as broken strands and means of slowing wear by shifting points of contact are shown as are types of hitches, rope design and grading or configuration.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Public Agency D141 VHS

This is an in-depth look at safe lifting in the retail industry. Discusses the most common types of lifting hazards and demonstrates specific techniques to lift safely. Good video for Employees before an accident occurs and for Employees who need retraining after a back injury.

Dog Bite Prevention English

15 Minutes

This humorous program will keep your employees "in stitches" while they learn positive ways to avoid dog bites while on the job! Covered in this program are: How to identify a potentially dangerous situation, dog behavior and how to predict it, how your actions are interpreted by the animal, how to interpret the actions of the dog, and what to do and what not to do when confronted by an unfamiliar animal.

Retail Industry R123 VHS


Ladder Safety English

Schools B149 VHS

General Safety Hazards in Retail Facilities English

C183 VHS

Lifting Safely English

10 Minutes

18 Minutes

Custodial Staff Safety English

5 Minutes

This video discusses how to deal with the conditions leading to slips, trips and falls. Shows how to maintain the work environment to avoid tripping hazards, how to follow proper lifting procedures and following procedures when working with chemicals and biological hazards. Shows how to inspect ladders before using.

Retail Industry




10 Minutes

OSHA requires all Employees to be trained in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program discusses the basic requirements for electrical safety, mechanical safety, back injury prevention, fire protection, personal protective equipment and more.


Buzzy's Safe Rider Rules

With the help of his puppeteer friend Ralph, Buzzy teaches safe ridership, stressing the importance of good behavior on the bus. (Pre-school through grade 2)

Retail Industry


10 Minutes

8 Minutes

Ladders are a tool used daily, and too often without much forethought relating to an accident. In fact, ladders are the root cause of far too many injuries from falls. This video details the requirements for safe ladder use. Covers how to make shift ladders, electrical hazards and safety inspections as well.



Meets OSHA requirements to train Employees in chemicals/hazardous materials used in the retail industry workplace. This program explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling and basic safety when using hazardous materials.

Retail Industry L104

MSDS and Chemical Safety


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Schools E142 VHS


Evacuating the Special Needs Bus English

16 Minutes

Demonstrates how to evacuate ambulatory and nonambulatory riders from the bus.


First Aid for Children English

Loading and Unloading the Special


NeedsEnglish Bus

30 Minutes


Explains to children first aid procedures for falls and cuts and why it is important to clean the infected area.

O103 VHS

Schools F167 VHS

27 Minutes

Jim Ellis, noted school transportation expert, looks at the strengths and weaknesses of being a veteran bus driver including route hypnosis, lazy eyes, concentration and the importance of training. This program is filled with information and examples to remind veteran bus drivers of the importance of correcting bad habits before they cause a serious problem.


S151 VHS

19 Minutes

General Safety Hazards for School Teachers English

16 Minutes

Meets OSHA training requirements in the general hazards to which high school teachers are exposed. Particularly useful for training experienced and inexperienced teachers in industrial safety in a school environment. Electrical, mechanical, lifting, ladders, accident prevention/reporting, chemicals and more.

Key to Managing the Middle School Rider English

School Presentation English


Schools K105

Operation Lifesaver - Elementary

This video demonstrates the proper approach for teaching young children grades 1-6 about the necessity for safety around trains and railroads. Videotaped in an actual classroom setting and features Gene Price.

For you, the Veteran Driver English

15 Minutes

Demonstrates the use of wheelchair lifts and tie-downs, personal safety restraints and other equipment and procedures involved in loading and unloading special needs students. Stresses the importance of the bus driver and attendant working as a team, as well as the procedures involved when there is only a driver aboard.

Schools F137


45 Minutes

This is an informative program designed to help drivers understand the nature of middle school students.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Schools S152 VHS


MSDS and Chemical Safety for Teachers English

S158 VHS

10 Minutes

Topics include chemical hazards, basic techniques to avoid chemical exposure; material safety data sheets


Custodians English


18 Minutes S159 VHS

S160 VHS

16 Minutes

Reviews safety in a shop environment, equipment safety, welding, electrical, mechanical, personal protective equipment, hand/power tools and the fundamentals of industrial safety.


Cafeteria Food Service Employee Sanitation English

14 Minutes

Setting the Example English

8 Minutes

Teachers realize the importance of a good example and this program stresses how the examples set by supervisors and management contribute to the overall effectiveness of the safety program, particularly in a school environment.

Schools S156

Environment English


High School Student Safety in the Auto Shop English

How to Handle Chemicals in a School

Meets OSHA and EPA requirements explaining labeling, storing, using, handling and disposing of hazardous chemicals and materials.



9 Minutes

General Safety Hazards for

Meets OSHA training requirements for school custodians in the general hazards to which they are exposed. Hand/power tools, electrical, machine operations, lifting, fire prevention, asbestos, personal protective equipment and more. Excellent program for improving safety.



This video program covers the basic training in fire prevention and electrical safety for all persons involved with a school, i.e. teachers, administrative personnel, maintenance personnel and junior and senior high school students.

Schools S154

Fire Prevention in Schools

12 Minutes

This program addresses the need for strict adherence to basic sanitation principles. Covers basic principles, bacteria growth, vector control, temperature controls, servicing and storing foods, and hygiene requirements for personnel. 151

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Schools S175

Playground Safety



Schools S273 DVD

7 Minutes

This program teaches elementary students how to avoid accidents on the playground, reporting hazards, learning to obey supervision and generally how to prevent accidents on the playground. Excellent program to reinforce the lessons taught in the classroom on safety education.


17 Minutes

Slips and Falls C154

School Bus Inspection English


The Safest Way Out: Emergency school bus evacuation Shouldn't your kids know the safest way out? The three versions show how to use all types of exits currently outfitted on modern school bus

Schools S186

The Safest Way Out


10 Minutes

Controlling Slips and Falls English

10 Minutes

Save time and money by preventing careless slips and falls. Teaches drivers about common hazards and the right way to enter and exit the cab safely.

Designed as an awareness program to supplement mandated operator training programs, this video explains how to inspect buses at the beginning of each day to ensure safety.

Slips and Falls Schools T177 VHS


Transporting the Physically Handicapped English


16 Minutes


Wheelchair Management English

5 Minutes

Slips and Falls




This short program provides basic prevention techniques for avoiding slips and falls. Identifying and correcting hazards, floor maintenance and good housekeeping are some of the topics discussed.

Describes the challenges involved in transporting the physically disabled, stressing the importance of allowing them to become as independent as possible.


Slips and Falls


10 Minutes

Fall Prevention: Personal Fall Protection English

23 Minutes

This program is designed to inform the viewer of the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.128. It addresses the proper selection, use and inspection of fall restraint and

This video covers the problems caused by the many variables in wheelchairs from the differences in construction to the ways in which they must be secured on the bus. 152

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog fall arrest systems and examines the benefits provided by the use of full-body harnesses and body belts.

With this video, you can train your Employees on the importance of selecting appropriate systems and equipment for each situation requiring fall protection. This video briefly covers what operations the fall protection rule applies to, the activities where fall protection is needed, and the threshold height for fall protection.

Slips and Falls F170 VHS

Fall Protection English

21 Minutes

Slips and Falls

This program explains the OSHA standard for fall protection including proper procedures and use of equipment.

N112 VHS


Fall Protection: The Basics English

Slips and Falls P117 VHS

Fall Arrest Systems English

P165 DVD

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls English

12 Minutes

Designed to promote awareness of slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures and many other aspects of slip and fall prevention. Focus is on engineering, education and enforcement.

Fall Protection English

14 Minutes

Slips and Falls

Slips and Falls



9 Minutes

Occupational falls are a major cause of injury or death. Fall protection is required when you have a risk of falling six feet or more. This video examines various personal fall arrest systems and proper inspection procedures.


Preventing Slips and Falls

Provides basic prevention techniques to avoiding slips and falls. Identifying and correcting hazards, floor maintenance and good housekeeping are some of the items discussed in this informative video.

Slips and Falls


5 Minutes

10 Minutes

When working on or around fall conditions it's not the fall that hurts, but the landing. This video shows that fall protection must be used properly and inspection procedures must be followed for them to be effective.



It's not funny; the odds are one in five you will suffer an injurious fall. This video discusses the uses of safety belts, lifelines, lanyards and harnesses in the workplace to move the odds in your favor.

Slips and Falls F266

Nice Trip, See ya Next Fall

7 Minutes 153

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog This video alerts the viewer to slipping hazards posed by Mother Nature, and illustrates steps for protection.

Slips and Falls P168 DVD

Preventing Slips and Falls Spanish

Slips and Falls

12 Minutes S227

Designed to promote awareness of slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures and many other aspects of slip and fall prevention. Focus is on engineering, education and enforcement.



10 Minutes

Slips and Falls

Preventing Slips and Falls English


Falls cause many injuries as well as deaths in the workplace. Shows ways to prevent potential slips, trips and falls and includes a scaffolding safety checklist.

Slips and Falls P174

Slips, Trips and Falls


10 Minutes


Slips, Trips and Falls English

8 Minutes

Designed to promote awareness in preventing slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures, and many other aspects of slips and falls prevention. Focus is on engineering, education, and enforcement.

Slips, trips and falls account for 1,500 deaths and 300,000 injuries per year. This dramatization gives good examples for common sense ways of protecting yourself and others from slips and falls.

Slips and Falls

Slips and Falls

P175 DVD


Preventing Slips and Falls Spanish


10 Minutes

Slips and Falls Slippin' and Slidin'




5 Minutes

Injuries from slips and falls are the second highest workers compensation claim in the country today. Spilled oil, leaky containers, dropped tools, torn carpeting, and loose wires all contribute to a hazardous workplace. This video illustrates ways to prevent hazardous situations and encourages workers to do their part to keep work areas clean and free of debris.

Designed to promote awareness in preventing slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures, and many other aspects of slips and falls prevention. Focus is on engineering, education, and enforcement.


Slippin' and Trippin'

5 Minutes

Ice, snow, rain and mud can appear suddenly. If you're not prepared, you risk serious injury from a slip or a fall. 154

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Slips and Falls S256 VHS

Slips and Falls

Slips, Trips and Falls English

T140 VHS

17 Minutes

Most Employees don't give much thought to the prospect of slipping, tripping or falling on the job. Yet these types of accidents account for more workplace injuries every year, more than any other type of injury. Many of these injuries can be disabling . . . or even fatal. This video shows Employees the situations that can lead to slips, trips, and falls, and what they can do to avoid or prevent these accidents. It discusses why slips, trips, and falls occur, common causes of accidents, adverse health effects on injuries, techniques used to avoid slips, trips and falls, the importance of safety shoes, and how to "fall "safely.


5 Minutes

Slips and Falls T185 VHS

The First Step to Danger Spanish

5 Minutes

The National safety Council reports that most falls account for 13% of all accidental deaths, second only to motor vehicles. Statistics have shown the most fatal falls occur on the first step down from a high place. Procedures are shown for taking that first step down.

Small Falls are a Big Deal English


The National safety Council reports that most falls account for 13% of all accidental deaths, second only to motor vehicles. Statistics have shown the most fatal falls occur on the first step down from a high place. Procedures are shown for taking that first step down.

Slips and Falls S265

The First Step to Danger

10 Minutes

Slips and Falls

In this video, Martin Lesperance recalls stories of fall injuries he has attended as a firefighter and EMT to make the point that small falls can be a big deal. Some of the worst fall injuries don't always involve someone plummeting from a high place such as a 100-foot chemical tank; they result from simple incidents like a trip over an unsecured rug or a slip on a slippery substance. While these types of falls rarely make the evening news, they can result in broken bones, skull fractures and other disabling conditions. Martin also stresses that we can prevent most fall injuries by recognizing and controlling all fall hazards we encounter. This video also includes the importance of wearing proper footwear, recognizing and controlling slip and trip hazards, transitional areas and changing walking surface conditions, correcting fall hazards and moving from one level to another.

W151 VHS

Work Surface Safety English

6 Minutes

The importance of keeping work surfaces clean, dry and free of obstacles gets overlooked until an accident happens. This video covers floors, stairs, guard rails, platforms, aerial lifts and placing warning devices.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Slips and Falls F295 DVD

Slips and Falls

Fall Prevention-High Impact English

P118 VHS

5 Minutes

Fall injuries account for a great deal of personal suffering as well as substantial losses in productivity. Employees can prevent most of these accidents if they made a conscious effort to protect them selves in every situation where slips and fall hazards are present. This video uses several recreations to show your employees that unsafe acts can lead to painful and sometimes fatal falls.


12 Minutes




How To Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls English

Slippin and Trippin 5 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Slips and Falls



Injuries from slips and falls are the second highest workers compensation claim in the country today. Spilled oil, leaky containers, dropped tools, torn carpeting, and loose wires all contribute to a hazardous workplace. This video illustrates ways to be prevent hazardous situations and encourages workers to do their part to keep work areas clean and free of debris.

This program was designed to prevent and eliminate slips and falls in order to ensure proper safety in the transportation industry. Covering attentiveness to surroundings and promotes a safe working environment


14 Minutes

Slips and Falls

Slips Trips and Falls English


Provides basic prevention techniques to avoiding slips and falls. Identifying and correcting hazards, floor maintenance and good housekeeping are some of the items discussed in this informative video.

Slips and Falls S270

How To Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls


A Foot Closer to Safety Spanish

5 Minutes

15 Minutes This video covers the necessity of wearing proper foot protection. It highlights the basic types of safety shoes and the situations for each design.

Designed to promote awareness of slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures and many other aspects of slip and fall prevention. Focus is on engineering, education and enforcement.

Spanish Programs A164 VHS

A Shocking Experience Spanish

5 Minutes

Electrical hazards pose a danger at home as well as in the workplace. This video reviews proper safety precautions for working with electricity. 156

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog information relating to lifestyles, bloodborne pathogens transmission, prevention and precautions, this program is appropriate for first aid providers and for everyone in case of emergencies.

Spanish Programs A165 VHS

A Shock to the System Spanish

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs

The shock that often accompanies a serious injury can be as deadly as the injury itself. This video outlines the symptoms of shock and proper treatment.

B182 DVD


Basic Electrical Safety in the Workplace Spanish

Spanish Programs B185 DVD



Bloodborne Pathogens Spanish

5 Minutes

Blood-borne pathogens are micro-organisms that are carried in blood and other body fluids. They include Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, the virus that causes AIS. To limit exposure, make sure you understand the hazards and always use safe work practices.

Spanish Programs Basic Ergonomics

5 Minutes

9 Minutes

Electrical hazards affect all Employees. This presentation covers the basic electrical hazards including grounding prongs, electrical charges and prevention techniques of which Employees need to be aware. This is an excellent video for training new and experienced Employees.



Avoid back problems caused by improperly lifting, pulling pushing bending or twisting heavy or awkward objects.

Spanish Programs B132

Back to Basics

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs

This video is an introduction to the concept of matching the machine to the person. Ergonomics can make working conditions more enjoyable as well as more safe and productive.

C142 VHS

Bloodborne Pathogens - Millennium




15 Minutes

This program discusses slings, lifting angles, safety procedures, precautions and inspection responsibilities as well as sling angles, overloading, nylon slings, chains, wire rope, hooks and general rigging safety.

Spanish Programs B171

Chains/Slings/Hoists Safety

17 Minutes

Bloodborne pathogens and the diseases they cause can be a sensitive subject. Accurate and informative training is needed to calm the fears of Employees. This DVD does just that. Developed with new standards and 157

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog such staffing and demonstrates the techniques while calling for regular refresher training.

Spanish Programs C151

Confined Space Entry



Spanish Programs

19 Minutes C201

A very good training program for persons required to enter confined spaces. Specific procedures and steps to take to prevent accidents are covered as well as informing Employees of hazards found in confined spaces. Contains latest OSHA guideline information.


Chemical Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

Victims of chemical burns require immediate special attention. This video covers the basics of treatment of chemical burns including alkalis and acids, flushing the burned area and clothing removal.

Spanish Programs C198

Spanish Programs

Charging up on Battery Safety




5 Minutes


Batteries can be more dangerous than often thought and should be treated with respect and in accordance with the proper safety procedures presented in this video.

Chain Saw Safety



Spanish Programs C225 DVD

CPR Spanish

Confined Space: Air Monitoring Spanish

6 Minutes

Use this video to teach workers the types of atmospheric hazards found in confined spaces, procedures for measuring those hazards and the proper use of air-monitoring equipment.

Spanish Programs


19 Minutes

5 Minutes

The dangers of chains are often ignored until someone gets hurt. This video describes proper chain safety and maintenance, and cites helpful hints for avoiding accidents.



Provides an overview of the general hazards associated with confined spaces, basic atmospheric testing requirements and more. The emphasis for this program is the attendant. Generally, this person is the least trained, yet has the life and death responsibility for those entering the confined space. This program helps the attendant understand his/her responsibilities.

Spanish Programs C199

Confined Spaces - The Silent Killer

5 Minutes

Heart attack is a major killer in the workplace. The American Red Cross recommends that every workplace be partially staffed with Employees thoroughly trained in CPR techniques. This video introduces the need for 158

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs E108 VHS

Spanish Programs

Employee Safety Orientation Spanish

E158 VHS

14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

Electrical Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

The biggest danger in treating victims of electrical burns is shock hazards to the rescuers. This video covers the basic precautions of initial treatment of electrical burns.

Spanish Programs E165

Spanish Programs E128

Earthquake Safety




Spanish Programs


Eye Injuries Spanish

14 Minutes

Spanish Programs E179



Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed.

11 Minutes

An actual telephone call during the great Alaskan earthquake is used to dramatize the long duration, incredible force and extensive damage caused by a major earthquake. Provides information on what can be done to reduce employee exposure before, during and after an earthquake.


Employee Safety Orientation

Employee Safety Orientation Spanish

14 Minutes

Designed to train new Employees in the general hazards to which they are exposed in most industries. Clothing, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, reporting accidents and employee responsibility in preventing injuries are reviewed, and more.

5 Minutes

This video dramatically encourages industrial Employees to wear eye protection while on the job. The tape graphically depicts the types of injuries that can be expected when simple safety measures are ignored.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs E181

Earthquake Safety



Excellent program for anyone in the retail, food service or food processing industries. Explains bacteria, contamination, rodent/insect control, personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. Explains microbe growth and proper procedures for controlling bacteria through sanitizing, refrigeration and cooking.

10 Minutes

An actual telephone call during the great Alaskan earthquake is used to dramatize the long duration, incredible force and extensive damage caused by a major earthquake. Provides information on what can be done to reduce employee exposure before, during and after an earthquake.

Spanish Programs F122 VHS

Spanish Programs E183 DVD

15 Minutes

No one can predict when an emergency will occur. That's why training and education are so important. This video explains the essentials of evacuations, precautions to take, and what to do in case of an emergency. Knowledge is power and without proper training a minor event can turn into a major catastrophe. Although designed for large hotels and multi-level buildings, it can be adapted to any size facility.



Forklift Operations



16 Minutes

Although this is not a major problem in the solid waste management industry, anyone operating forklifts must be trained by the employer. This video meets OSHA training requirements. It explains the engineering principles, safe operating rules and operator maintenance.

Eye Safety: Service Industry Spanish

12 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Spanish Programs E188


This video program stresses employee responsibility for safety and teaches the engineering principles, OSHA operating requirements, and equipment maintenance. Companies need qualified forklift drivers and this program will assist in assuring all requirements are met.

Emergency Evacuation Spanish

Forklift Operator Safety

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs This motivational program stresses the importance of eye protection by showing workers common eye injuries and how to prevent them.

F133 VHS


Food Service Sanitation Spanish


10 Minutes

We all have seen fire extinguishers around the shop, but the vast majority of Employees have never even picked one up. This video details the inspection, maintenance and use of common fire extinguishers, including actual firefighting techniques.

Spanish Programs F117

Fire Extinguisher Safety

15 Minutes 160

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs F275 VHS

Spanish Programs

Fighting the Strain - Ergonomics Spanish

F283 VHS

5 Minutes

This video reviews the developing science of ergonomics and clearly demonstrates how some "common sense" solutions to the physical strain caused by repetitious workplace movements for extended periods can be utilized.

Fire Protection and Prevention Spanish

20 Minutes

What causes fires, the fire triangle, and classes of fire? Teaches guidelines on how to implement a risk analysis strategy. Fire protection and prevention methods.

Spanish Programs Spanish Programs F276 VHS

Forklift Safety Spanish


Fire Extinguisher Training - Millennium



A fire extinguisher is a simple and effective piece of emergency equipment. This program explains the various classes of fires, different types of fire extinguishers, the keyword PASS and other tips for emergency use of fire extinguishers. This is the long version.

5 Minutes

One of the industry's most useful tools is the forklift, but it is potentially one of the most dangerous. This video covers inspection procedures, for adjustment, transporting workers and rest position.

Spanish Programs F282 VHS

Spanish Programs

Forklift Operator Training and Safety Spanish

20 Minutes

F288 DVD

16 Minutes

Forklifts are an essential workhorse for many companies and their safe operation should never be taken for granted. The principles of forklift stability are clearly shown by the use of computer animations. Topics covered in this video are engineering principles, safety checks, loading and unloading, stability, safe driving practices, attachments, parking and refueling and recharging.

Forklift Operator Training Spanish

18 Minutes

A comprehensive program for all forklift operators. Teaches students engineering principles, operator safety rules and maintenance. Excellent training program that is an effective tool for training both new and experienced operators.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs F299

Fire Extinguishers



Spanish Programs H135 VHS

6 Minutes

This video educates the viewer on the classifications of fire extinguishers and the type of fire for which they are suited. It covers proper use and federal requirements for storage and maintenance.



5 Minutes

VHS safety is good business, both for employers and Employees. It holds down costs, keeps businesses more competitive and protects people and jobs.


Employee Safety Orientation Spanish

10 Minutes

This video is designed to train all HOTEL/MOTEL Employees in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program includes the basic requirements, electrical, mechanical, back injury prevention, and personal protective equipment.

Spanish Programs G117

13 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Good Safety is Good Business Spanish


This video details general employee "Right-To-Know "requirements, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and methods for meeting the "Right-To-Know" standards required by OSHA. Good video for introducing new Employees to these standards.

Spanish Programs G116

Hazard Communication - Right to

Good Driving is an Attitude Spanish

Spanish Programs

5 Minutes H139

The attitude of the driver is one of the most important aspects of safe driving. This video is designed to show why drivers should consider their mental state before getting behind the wheel.


Gas Cylinders: Welding, Cutting and


Brazing Spanish


10 Minutes

This program provides training for Employees in the safe use of chemicals and hazardous materials used in the HOTEL/MOTEL INDUSTRY. Also explains Material safety Data Sheets and labeling requirements.

Spanish Programs G126

Hazard Communications

5 Minutes

Gas cylinders are used in welding, cutting and brazing have the potential to do great harm if mishandled. To avoid trouble, know the hazards and take appropriate precautions.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog cause painful ergonomic injuries. Fortunately, these injuries are preventable, if Employees learn to recognize and avoid potential hazards. This program looks at the situations which affect hand, wrist, and finger safety, and the techniques and equipment which guard against injury.

Spanish Programs H141 VHS

Housekeeping Spanish

10 Minutes

This video program will train hotel housekeeping Employees in specific safety hazards and accident prevention techniques. A review of safe cleaning techniques, chemical use, and back injury prevention is covered.

Spanish Programs


Back Injury Prevention Spanish

Human Behavior



10 Minutes

The variety of lifting tasks in the HOTEL INDUSTRY requires specific techniques. This program addresses lifting hazards and demonstrates how to lift safely.

Spanish Programs H191 VHS

Spanish Programs H157 VHS

How to Prevent Back Injuries Spanish

20 Minutes


5 Minutes

Handling and Transportation Spanish

10 Minutes

The proper handling and transportation of a victim is illustrated in this first aid video. The importance of proper moving and care of a victim are stressed throughout this video. Various ways to lift and transport a victim, depending upon the type of injury are covered. Also, the importance of testing a stretcher transport before lifting a victim.

Spanish Programs Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Spanish


Spanish Programs



Haz-com: An Overview

This video gives a quick reference guide to the Hazardous Communications requirements - an introduction to Haz-Com requirements, labeling and MSDS's.

Lack of exercise, poor posture, fad diets and even sleeping positions can all affect the health of your back. These habits play a large role in making back injuries the number one safety problem in the workplace. This video shows how to protect you, both at home and on the job.


13 Minutes

The vast majority of injuries are caused by unsafe acts of Employees. This program explains unsafe acts, verbal and written counseling. Provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.

Spanish Programs H144


14 Minutes

Some Employees use sharp tools or machines with heavy or fast moving parts; handle corrosive materials; and employ awkward or repetitive movements that can 163

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog granted, discusses their hazardous potential and demonstrates proper handling and storage techniques.

Spanish Programs H231 VHS

Heat Can Kill Spanish

Spanish Programs

5 Minutes H235

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are ever present in hot environments. This video describes the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion and explains how to treat heat stroke victims.


Hazcom - What is It? Spanish

5 Minutes

Learn about chemical hazards, preventative measures and OSHA requirements. Key training points are awareness, &MSD's and labels.

Spanish Programs H232

Handling the Heat



Spanish Programs H243

5 Minutes


Heat exhaustion is a serious problem in many industries. This video offers recommendations for individual safeguards to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It demonstrates proper clothing for various hot environments and reminds the worker about the need for liquids and rest.


18 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Heads up for Safety: Overhead Dangers Spanish


Required by OSHA for training Employees who use chemicals/hazards materials in the workplace. Describes material safety data sheets (MSDS), labeling and basic safety methods when using any type of hazardous material.

Spanish Programs H233

Hazard Communications


5 Minutes


Be aware, stay alert, and keep looking up! The possibility for an accident is everywhere. One of the least common places to expect one is from overhead.

Hand and Wrist Injuries Spanish

14 Minutes

This program demonstrates general prevention techniques to help reduce hand and wrist injuries. Explains the anatomy of the hand and wrist and how injuries to these parts of the body can be avoided.

Spanish Programs H234 VHS

Spanish Programs

Handling Gas Cylinders Spanish


5 Minutes


Gas cylinders containing everything from acetylene to nitrogen and oxygen are common on many industrial sites. This video warns against taking these canisters for

Hand and Wrist Injuries Spanish

14 Minutes

This program demonstrates general prevention techniques to help reduce hand and wrist injuries. 164

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Explains the anatomy of the hand and wrist and how injuries to these parts of the body can be avoided.

Spanish Programs J109

Spanish Programs H258 DVD



5 Minutes

Nearly half of all industrial accidents involve substance abuse and its adverse effects. This video looks at alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace, how it is everyone's problem and how everyone can help solve it.

10 Minutes

Spanish Programs K107 VHS

Spanish Programs



Employee Safety Orientation

This video is designed to train all HOTEL/MOTEL Employees in the "general hazards" to which they are exposed. This program includes the basic requirements, electrical, mechanical, back injury prevention, and personal protective equipment.


Just a Little Nip


5 Minutes

Fight fire with the proper extinguisher. This video explains that different types of fires call for different types of extinguishers. Knowing the difference could prevent a financial or deadly disaster.

Back Injury Spanish

Know your ABC's - Fire Extinguishers

10 Minutes

This program addresses specific lifting hazards in a variety of situations found in the Hotel/Motel Industry.

Spanish Programs Spanish Programs H271 DVD

Heat Stress Spanish

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs


Judge, Jury and Executioner Spanish

Lifting Safely



12 Minutes

This video teaches Employees how to avoid back strain by explaining how the back functions and teaches proper lifting techniques. Demonstrates how to lift safely in a variety of different situations. Understanding how the back works, body and back mechanics, stretching, strains, etc.

Motivates workers to protect their hearing, using dynamic graphics to show how the ear works. Effects of noise and types of ear protection are also covered.



5 Minutes

This video brings home the fact that the ultimate responsibility for safety centers in each individual. Daily choices about safety matters affect every day of our lives. A must see for general safety consciousness. 165

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs L119

Lifting Safely



Spanish Programs L159 VHS

12 Minutes

Many worker compensation claims and costs are attributed to back injuries and unsafe lifting. Residential pick up workers, maintenance personnel and drivers are all potential victims of back injuries. This is a great tool to improve your program and to supplement your hands on training.

Lockout/Tagout Spanish

14 Minutes

Lockout/tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. Everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper lockout/tagout procedures. This video is a great way to start your training.

Spanish Programs L164

Spanish Programs L151 VHS


Ladder Safety Spanish


Lockout/Tagout Spanish

14 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Spanish Programs



Topics Includes Safe Lifting Techniques Exercise and Stretching, Proper Body Mechanics. And many other tips and techniques guaranteed to help reduce on the job back injuries. This video stresses the importance of individual responsibility in injury reduction and outlines procedures in plain terms that are easy to follow.

5 Minutes

Ladders are necessary tools in most workplaces and are dangerous when taken for granted. This video explains the dangers of inappropriate ladder usage and demonstrates the safe use of various types of ladders and portable steps.


Light Industrial Back Injury Prevention


Ladder Safety Spanish

10 Minutes

14 Minutes This video explains the safe way to use stepladders, straight ladders, and platform ladders as well as common hazards associated with improper ladder use. Explains 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36" requirement for straight ladders above landings, and more. A great program for new or experienced workers.

Lockout/Tagout procedures are vital to a safe work environment. If you utilize powered equipment, everyone in your facility needs to be aware of proper lockout/tagout procedures. This program is a great way to start your training.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs L167 DVD

Spanish Programs

Ladder Safety Spanish

10 Minutes

This video deals with the safe use of stepladders, straight ladders and platform ladders. Explains 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36" requirement for straight ladders above landings and more.

Lockout/Tagout (Hazardous Energy


Sources) Spanish

On any Given Day



Spanish Programs O132 VHS

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs O141

Spanish Programs

Once too Many Spanish

5 Minutes

When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. The rules for entering a confined space are outlined.

Machine Safety Guards Spanish


When entering a confined space, a few basic safety procedures will ensure a healthy exit. This video outlines the rules for entering a confined space.



Once too Many

5 Minutes

Procedures and reasons for using Lock Out/Tag Out are shown. Who should be authorized to do it and undo it is discussed as well as when and why it is needed. Equipment scheduled to be worked on needs to be "Locked Out" and/or "Tagged Out" so that it will not "operate" while it is being maintained or serviced to protect those performing that work.


5 Minutes

This video is full of facts and figures to illustrate that accidents can happen to anyone. In order to greatly reduce our risk of becoming an accident statistic, we must always practice safety procedures.

Spanish Programs L170


5 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Machine guards protect the worker from dangerous moving machine parts. This video explains how they work and offers safety tips for worker to keep in mind while using a machine with a safety guard.

P117 VHS

Preventing Slips and Falls Spanish

14 Minutes

Provides basic prevention techniques to avoiding slips and falls. Identifying and correcting hazards, floor maintenance and good housekeeping are some of the items discussed in this informative video.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs P164 VHS

Designed to promote awareness in preventing slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures, and many other aspects of slips and falls prevention. Focus is on engineering, education, and enforcement.

Personal Protective Equipment: PPE Spanish

20 Minutes

The importance of PPE is graphically portrayed in this dynamic, highly interactive video. Through the use of case studies, examples are given on how to assess hazards and chose appropriate PPE. Correct use, maintenance and storage of many types of personal protective equipment are covered and the importance of wearing PPE in work situations and at home is also stressed.

Spanish Programs

PPE - It's Your Call



R116 VHS

5 Minutes

Restaurant Orientation for Employees Spanish

10 Minutes

Required by OSHA, this training program is for all Employees in the food service industry, covering the "general hazards". Includes basic accident prevention, fire protection, electrical safety, mechanical safety, back injury prevention, personal protective equipment and more.

Preventing Slips and Falls Spanish

Workplace Spanish

Spanish Programs

Spanish Programs



12 Minutes

This program addresses the most important part of personal protection. PPE is the responsibility of the individual to wear when it's required. All the procedures and equipment in the world are useless if Employees do not understand this one simple fact.


Protecting Against AIDS in the

The deadly HIV virus can be passed from an injured and bleeding worker. Ways to safely administer first aid to such victims and the importance of proper accident cleanup are suggested.

Spanish Programs P167


12 Minutes

Spanish Programs Designed to promote awareness of slips and falls. Covers potential hazards, importance of proper maintenance and cleaning procedures and many other aspects of slip and fall prevention. Focus is on engineering, education and enforcement.

R120 VHS


Preventing Slips and Falls Spanish


10 Minutes

Designed to meet the OSHA requirement to inform and train Employees in chemical/hazardous materials used in the restaurant industry workplace. Explains Material safety Data Sheets, labeling and basic safety.

Spanish Programs P175

MSDS and Chemicals in Restaurants

10 Minutes 168

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog and it also provides general information to Employees and supervisors on how to control unsafe acts.

Spanish Programs R128 VHS

Restaurant Support Personnel Safety Spanish

Spanish Programs

12 Minutes R134

Designed specifically for restaurant personnel and meets OSHA training requirements. Their daily responsibilities include many hazards, which can be extremely serious.




10 Minutes

Spanish Programs R152 DVD

Slips and Falls in Restaurants Spanish

R155 VHS

Human Behavior (Restaurant) Spanish

10 Minutes

Real Accidents/Real Stories Spanish

14 Minutes

Three real-life testimonials of people injured on the job drive home the point that ignoring safety policies can have drastic consequences that last a lifetime. Additional graphic pictures of industrial injuries accompanied by descriptions of what caused them are guaranteed to make a lasting impression on anyone who views this tape.

Spanish Programs



Spanish Programs

10 Minutes

Slips and falls are the most common accident in restaurants. Training Employees in prevention techniques is increasingly important to avoid both employee and customer injuries.


Reducing Unsafe Acts

Statistics have shown that the vast majority of accidents in the workplace are caused, in whole or in part, by unsafe acts of Employees. The major emphasis of this program is reducing accidents and injuries by promoting awareness of unsafe acts.

Spanish Programs


12 Minutes

Robbery and Employee Theft

As a restaurant employee, there is always the possibility that your place of business could be the target of a robbery. What should you do before, during and after? This video details specific ways of dealing with robbery and it covers the possibility of Employees stealing from the company.



This program explains what happens to the body when workers breathe in chemical contaminants or are deprived of oxygen. It introduces the different uses of air-purifying and air-supplying respirators, and discusses proper selection and maintenance of the equipment.

Spanish Programs R129


13 Minutes

Produced for the RESTAURANT Industry, this video not only explains unsafe acts and verbal written counseling, 169

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog workplace. This video illustrates ways to prevent hazardous situations and encourages workers to do their part to keep work areas clean and free of debris.

Spanish Programs S205 VHS

Shock Spanish

8 Minutes

Spanish Programs

This video discusses the importance of treating all first aid victims for shock since it follows most injuries. Good illustrations covering the different bodily systems and identifying shock through physical characteristics are thoroughly discussed.

S236 VHS

Slag Injuries to the Eye Spanish

5 Minutes

Slag in the eye can be prevented with protective eyewear. If a slag injury should occur, this video shows how it must be treated to avoid further damage.

Spanish Programs S209 VHS

Spanish Programs

Safety is Your Responsibility Spanish

5 Minutes

Safety begins with the right attitude. Keeping safety in mind while on the job and keeping personal matters at home are discussed.


Scaffolding Safety



5 Minutes

Falls from scaffolding cause hundreds of deaths each year. This video illustrates proper safety procedures when working on scaffolds.

Spanish Programs S234

Stop the Bleeding



Spanish Programs S238

5 Minutes


No step in first aid treatment is more critical than stopping the bleeding. This video explains why and gives demonstrations on various techniques recommended for stopping bleeding and warns against once common procedures such as tourniquets.

Self Help for Back Pain Spanish

5 Minutes

A basic understanding of what causes most back injuries. The application of a little common sense and a lot of caution go a long way toward prevention. Simple back exercises to be done on a regular schedule are demonstrated.

Spanish Programs S235 VHS

Spanish Programs

Slippin' and Trippin' Spanish


5 Minutes


Injuries from slips and falls are the second highest workers compensation claim in the country today. Spilled oil, leaky containers, dropped tools, torn carpeting, and loose wires all contribute to a hazardous

Sexual Harassment - What Employees NeedSpanish to Know

16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work 170

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.

Spanish Programs

Sexual Harassment - What Employees


NeedSpanish to Know


T185 VHS

T186 VHS

5 Minutes

Tag, You're It Spanish

5 Minutes

Shutting down and locking out machinery prior to making repairs is an important safety procedure. This video hauntingly emphasizes the necessity of following lock out/tag out procedures.

Spanish Programs



Spanish Programs

5 Minutes

Back injuries are the most common type of injury in the workplace. Help reduce your chance of a back injury by using safe lifting techniques.


The First Step to Danger

The National safety Council reports that most falls account for 13% of all accidental deaths, second only to motor vehicles. Statistics have shown the most fatal falls occur on the first step down from a high place. Procedures are shown for taking that first step down.

Safe Lifting Techniques Spanish

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs

Spanish Programs



16 Minutes

This video educates Employees about the types of sexual harassment including "Hostile Work Environments". Scenarios are presented which depict subtle forms of discrimination and the negative effect they have on Employees and company morale. Viewers are trained to recognize Types of Sexual Harassment and steps are outlined for effectively dealing with harassment.


The Invisible Killer

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a potential killer that strikes without warning. This video covers the basic telltale signs to recognize carbon monoxide build-up within your body and basic treatment for exposure.

Spanish Programs S263


The Heimlich Maneuver Spanish

5 Minutes

Spanish Programs T187

The Red Cross approved training in this video may possibly prevent a death by suffocation due to choking. This video shows how to recognize the symptoms of choking and how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on the victim. This simple act can save a life.


Thermal Burns Spanish

5 Minutes

This video is about the proper first aid procedures to follow in treating thermal burns prior to EMT's arriving on the scene. 171

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs T188 VHS

Spanish Programs

The Right Tool Spanish

W133 VHS

5 Minutes

A tool that's the wrong size or is used in the wrong way won't get the job done and can lead to injury. This video illustrates how to select and use the right tool.



Spanish Programs

5 Minutes W136

Watch Your Back



Spanish Programs

Trenching Safety - Part II Spanish


5 Minutes

VHS Basic guidelines are discussed to ensure a safe trenching job.


Where are Your Hands? Spanish

5 Minutes

Hand injuries account for a major portion of on-the-job accidents. This video outlines the do's and don'ts of hand safety. The key training points are: gloves, jewelry, clothing, safety devices and safety awareness.

Spanish Programs U106

5 Minutes

Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can result in serious injury. The five steps to proper lifting are shown.

Spanish Programs


11 Minutes

Trenching Safety - Part I

The fatality rate for trenching work is estimated to be 112% greater than the rate for construction work in general. Basic guidelines to ensure a safe trenching job are shown.



This first aid video discusses the six classifications of wounds and the proper treatment of these wounds. First aid procedures to follow for dressing wounds depending upon the type of injury are also covered. Good illustrations associated with the do's and don'ts of wrapping a wound are covered in this video.

Spanish Programs T195

Wounds and Dressing

Up in Smoke Spanish

Spanish Programs

5 Minutes

Flammable liquids are a part of most work environments and it is each worker's responsibility to take proper precautions for both usage and storage. This video serves to remind everybody to be responsible and demonstrates correct procedures.


Who's the Boss?



5 Minutes

In a work environment where safety and profit depend on clear thinking, drug users cannot be tolerated. This safety game show looks at the adverse effects of drug use and shows the true picture - the winners and losers of the drug trade. 172

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Spanish Programs W161 VHS

Spanish Programs

Worker's Enemy Number One Spanish

H285 DVD

5 Minutes

Back injuries are a workers number one enemy. Onefourth of all injuries on the job involve the back - pulled muscles, slipped discs and pinched nerves. This video shows how to avoid these lifting problems through common sense approaches that can be adapted to almost any workplace.


Forklift Driver Safety Training English

25 Minutes

This is an excellent training program presented in both English and Spanish. Discusses use in both non hazardous and hazardous locations, pre-operational inspection and rules for operators. Critical lift determinations, tipping over, loading trailers and rail cars, maintenance and refueling including; propane tank removal and installation procedures, gasoline, and battery recharging.


Spanish Programs


Chemical Dependency, What is It? English

5 Minutes

This video explains drug and alcohol dependency and how supervisors should interact with persons suspected of chemical dependency.

Heat Stress Spanish

13 Minutes

Substance Abuse




The body is a powerful machine, capable of performing massive amounts of work. And like any machine, when it's pushed hard, your body can produce a lot of heat. Whether you're outside under a hot sun, inside a busy factory, or bundled up against the cold, you need to be careful when your body heats up. MARCOM's training products on "Heat Stress" review how heat affects the body, the steps employees can take to prevent heat stress, and elementary first aid that can be given to a worker who has been affected by a heat-related illness. Topics covered in these products include: * Situations leading to heat-related illnesses. * Heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. * Other heat-related illnesses. * Preparing to work in hot environments. * Engineering controls. * Treating heat-related illnesses. * and more.

Spanish Programs F305

Heat Stress

9 Minutes

Substance Abuse

Prevent injuries and even death. Live-action video uses state-of-the-art graphics to explain how heat affects the body, health hazards and their symptoms, and preventive measures. Workers learn what to do if a coworker is stricken by heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke.

C161 VHS

Cocaine: The Ticking Clock English

5 Minutes

Each year, drug abuse costs American businesses more than $100 billion. This video encourages workers to adopt a zero-tolerance cocaine policy in the workplace.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog driving while under the influence of alcohol. The video carries you through the instructional program, utilizing real life people who have completed the DWI course as they re-enact their roles in this important highway safety program.

Substance Abuse C219 DVD

Chemical Dependency, What is It? English

5 Minutes

This video explains drug and alcohol dependency and how supervisors should interact with persons suspected of chemical dependency.

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse CS22 4 VHS

D130 VHS

D132 VHS

15 Minutes

Drug and Alcohol Problems and What to do about Englishit in the Workplace 15 Minutes

This chemical dependency video explains the effects of drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and prescription drugs in relation to work efforts. Detection of chemical use on the job is reviewed and how supervisors can approach the abuser.

DWI Phoenix English


Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse


Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

10 Minutes

A variety of intimate family scenes that teach the parenting techniques necessary to keep your child away from drugs are shown. Also, America's leading experts in the field of drug and alcohol abuse offer constructive, sensible advice that you can easily put to use within your own family.


23 Minutes

Approximately 10% of the work force suffers from alcohol or drug problems. This video reviews the history of alcohol and drug problems in the workplace, why and when an employer should become involved in their employee's problem and what measures to take to rectify the situation.

Drug Free Kids - Parents Guide English


Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse



5 Minutes

This program is designed for those companies now using or considering the use of drug testing. It explains why testing/screening is necessary, general drug policies and how tests are conducted. Explains the length of time drugs stay in the human body and the types of drugs that can be detected.


Drugs and Youth

This video is designed for parents, educators and employers. It provides current information on drugs, alcohol, paraphernalia and symptoms of abuse.

Drug Testing English


27 Minutes

A video which shows how Phoenix, Arizona, developed a program to re-educate drivers who are arrested for 174

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Substance Abuse D136 VHS

Shows how a drug abuser, as an employee, affects your business and production level within the company. This program shows different drugs and their effects.

Drugs: Community Responses English

28 Minutes

Substance Abuse

Guest participants discuss citizen actions to stem the tide of drugs in the Nation's neighborhoods.

D168 VHS

Substance Abuse D137 VHS

28 Minutes

Guests debate the pros, cons, and implications of workplace drug testing, exploring one company's extensive drug testing program.

Substance Abuse D138 VHS

Drugs: Youth Gangs English

28 Minutes

Los Angeles, home to the Crips and the Bloods, is the backdrop for this look at reducing crime and drug dealing by big-city youth gangs.

Substance Abuse D144

DWI: Save a Life



Drug Use and Abuse English

8 Minutes


Drug and Alcohol Problems and What


to do about Englishit in the Workplace 15 Minutes

This chemical dependency video explains the effects of drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and prescription drugs in relation to work efforts. Detection of chemical use on the job is reviewed and how supervisors can approach the abuser.

Substance Abuse


12 Minutes

Substance Abuse

5 Minutes

Drunk driving hurts or kills a million people a year. This video shows how you can help win the battle for our highways.


Videos) English

What You Need to Know Supervisors 60/60 Training consists of two 60 minute videos: Alcohol Supplement, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of alcohol awareness training, and Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation, fulfilling the mandated 60 minutes of drug awareness training. Alcohol Supplement includes an overview of the Alcohol Awareness Training rules, five action scenarios based on various types of testing to increase supervisor's awareness and a presentation on the effects of low-level alcohol use on job performance. Substance Abuse and Constructive Confrontation highlights important training elements required by the DOT for supervisors, provides information necessary for an effective substance abuse program and explains how not enforcing a substance abuse policy can jeopardize company, public and employee safety. This program also features eight scenarios explaining how, when and why to confront Employees and how to handle Employees who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Drugs: Workplace Testing English

D.O.T Supervisors 60/60 Training (2


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog and giving false results. Explains the length of time drugs stay in the human body and the types of drugs that can be detected.

Substance Abuse H240 VHS

Hazards of Substance Abuse (2nd Edition) English

17 Minutes

Substance Abuse

Drugs, alcohol, even some prescription medicines can significantly reduce an employee's ability to concentrate on the job and react quickly when something goes wrong. In this program, a series of vignettes dramatize the consequences of substance abuse in the workplace.

S137 VHS


Just a Little Nip English

Substance Abuse S138 VHS

Just a Little Nip Spanish

S165 VHS

Solving Chemical Dependency English

5 Minutes

Explains the steps supervisors may take when work performance, which may be drug or alcohol related, falls below acceptable standards due to suspected chemical dependency.

What Drug Testing is all About English

28 Minutes

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse



5 Minutes

Nearly half of all industrial accidents involve substance abuse and its adverse effects. This video looks at alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace, how it is everyone's problem and how everyone can help solve it.


Substance Abuse - Part II

Part 2 of this series shows supervisors how to help Employees with substance abuse problems, including procedures for documentation, intervention and referral.

Substance Abuse


25 Minutes

5 Minutes

Nearly half of all industrial accidents involve substance abuse and its adverse effects. This video looks at alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace, how it is everyone's problem and how everyone can help solve it.



This video helps to educate workers and supervisors to assist fellow Employees to overcome substance abuse problems. The opening section uses a dramatic vignette and expert interviews to show how abusers endanger both themselves, and their coworkers. The emphasis of this section is on the co-workers role in intervention.

Substance Abuse J103

Substance Abuse - Part I

10 Minutes

It explains why testing/screening is necessary, general drug policies and how tests are conducted. Emphasizes lab efforts to protect employee rights and how tests are conducted to reduce the possibility of mixing specimens 176

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog often use chain saws for tree trimming, landscape maintenance and brush control, etc. Due to the hazards inherent in this valuable piece of equipment, proper safety training is a MUST!

Substance Abuse U109 VHS

Under the Influence: Alcohol in the Workplace English

8 Minutes

Tools and Machinery

This informative video covers typical issues that occur with individuals who have alcohol problems at work. They include mood swings, sloppy work habits and low productivity. Employee assistance programs are discussed also.

Who's the Boss?





CS22 9 VHS

5 Minutes



Hand and Power Tools English

5 Minutes

Tools and Machinery E139 VHS

Electric Pallet Jack Safety English

13 Minutes

This program explains proper safety procedures for operating and maintaining powered pallet jacks. Operator safety rules, daily maintenance procedures and general safe procedures used when operating this type of equipment are some of the topics covered. Can also be used to train operators who use manual pallet jacks.

Tools and Machinery Chain Saw Safety

5 Minutes

Excellent program for anyone using hand/power tools, including general industry, construction and service related industries. Reviews hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, impact tools, drills, saws, and electrically driven tools.

In a work environment where safety and profit depend on clear thinking, drug users cannot be tolerated. This safety game show looks at the adverse effects of drug use and shows the true picture - the winners and losers of the drug trade.



Tools and Machinery

Substance Abuse Who's the Boss?


5 Minutes

In a work environment where safety and profit depend on clear thinking, drug users cannot be tolerated. This safety game show looks at the adverse effects of drug use and shows the true picture - the winners and losers of the drug trade.


Chain Saw Safety

The dangers of chains are often ignored until someone gets hurt. This video describes proper chain safety and maintenance, and cites helpful hints for avoiding accidents.

Substance Abuse W131


9 Minutes

Chain saws are responsible for a great number of serious injuries and amputations each year. Employees 177

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Tools and Machinery G102 VHS

Tools and Machinery

Grinding Safety English

H255 DVD

5 Minutes

Developing good work habits and wearing protective gear are essential to grinding safety. This program demonstrates how to check for grinding wheel wear, how to adjust equipment to the correct settings and how to safely use hand and stationary grinders. Emphasis is placed on wearing safety glasses and the use of snug fitting clothing while working with grinders.


Hand and Power Tool Safety English

12 Minutes

Tools and Machinery

Tools and Machinery



For anyone using hand or power tools, including general industry, construction and service related industries. Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, drills, saws and electrically driven tools are discussed.



Hand and Power Tool Safety

Machine Shop Safety English

7 Minutes

Many important factors must be taken into consideration when working in the machine shop. This video covers hazard recognition, following safe work practices, personal safety including clothing and jewelry and personal protective equipment.

12 Minutes

For anyone using hand or power tools, including general industry, construction and service related industries. Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, drills, saws and electrically driven tools are discussed.

Tools and Machinery

H248 VHS

Tools and Machinery


Hand and Power Tool Safety



Machine Cutting, Grinding and Sanding English

7 Minutes

This video stresses the need for proper lighting and good housekeeping as well as keeping your concentration while using machinery. Using personal protective equipment, being aware of hazards and using safety guards is imperative!

13 Minutes

Hand and power tools are used every day in many types of business. They make our work easier and allow us to be more efficient. However, we often fail to see the hazards these tools present. This video shows how accidents can be significantly reduced by applying good general safety rules, and reviews what hazards are associated with the specific types of tools we use. The program shows you how to match the tool to the job, the importance of "state of mind", good safety practices, personal protective equipment and how to care for and maintenance of tools.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Tools and Machinery P121 VHS

Tools and Machinery

Powered Equipment in the Warehouse English

P156 VHS

12 Minutes

Proper techniques for handling equipment on loading docks are illustrated including checking trailer wheels, inspecting dock boards, working inside a rail car and operating forklifts. Safety rules for stacking and picking orders are reviewed as well as tips for the safe operation of hoists and conveyors.


Power Tools: General Safety English

5 Minutes

P160 VHS

9 Minutes

Power & Hand Tool Safety English

21 Minutes

Without the knowledge of how to utilize your equipment properly, you could be severely injured. How to safely work with hand and power tools is this video's focus.

Pneumatic and Hydraulic Tools English


Tools and Machinery

Tools and Machinery


Portable Hand Tools

Using a parody on "Tool Time", this video discusses proper methods of handling hand tools, personal protective equipment, shock tools, ergonomic considerations and good housekeeping.

This program discusses training guidelines when working with power tools. Read the owner's manual, make sure safety guards are in place, be alert for electrical safety, keep your work area clean, wear personal protective equipment and maintain tools.


10 Minutes

Tools and Machinery

Tools and Machinery



Using a game show format, this video explains how to inspect the power tool you are using, and correct personal protective equipment to choose.



Portable Power Tools

10 Minutes

This program discusses how to use hydraulic and pneumatic tools safely and ways to eliminate accidents from occurring. It also explains the tools strengths and weaknesses and hazards associated with each tool. Also covers how to maintain tools in proper operational condition.

Tools and Machinery P163 VHS

Powered Hand Tool Safety English

18 Minutes

With more than 10,000 scaffold-related injuries every year, the need for training is obvious. This video helps Employees understand the danger working with suspended scaffolds and how risks can be minimized.


National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Tools and Machinery P172

Power Tool Safety



Tools and Machinery S162 VHS

8 Minutes

We use portable power tools in a variety of tasks each day: repairing machinery, installing new equipment and performing routine maintenance. In fact, we rely on such tools as drills, saws, sanders and grinders so much that we have a tendency to become too comfortable with them. Our complacency often leads us to disregard safe work practices. When this happens, we leave ourselves open to burns, cuts, electrocution and other injuries. This video features two tragic accident reenactments to remind power tool users about key safety issues and to make them aware of the painful injuries that result from unsafe use. Topics include inspecting tools before use, selecting the proper tool for the job and being trained and authorized to use tools.


S183 VHS


15 Minutes

Tools and Machinery 5 Minutes

T144 VHS

Table/Radial Arm Saw Safety English

5 Minutes

This video discusses safety considerations for proper use of these saws. Reminders are given to exemplify the importance of safety when using table and radial arm saws. A discussion of the prevention of kickbacks and the reason why guards are used is included in this video.

Tools and Machinery


Safety and Use of Air Compressors

Explanation of how air compressors operate. Discusses personal protective equipment, safety precautions, lubrication of pneumatic tools, air filters, hoses, connections and maintenance procedures.

Powered pallet trucks have many uses in industry, but they must be handled with extreme caution. Know your vehicle and its limitations, and follow the procedures for safe use.


17 Minutes

Tools and Machinery

Powered Pallet Trucks English


This video gives instruction in the safe use and handling of chainsaws - valuable for anyone falling or bucking: amateurs, students and first-time users as workers. Describes maintenance, falling and bucking techniques and use of safety equipment.

Tools and Machinery P176

Safe Use of Chainsaws

Robot Reality English

Tools and Machinery

20 Minutes T164

In this ever advancing world of technology, robots are a vital part of many businesses. Fencing, light curtains, pressure sensitive mats, interlocked doors and emergency pull cords are all discussed. Also covered is the need for research, proper design, implementation documentation and training.


The Right Tool English

5 Minutes

A tool that's the wrong size or is used in the wrong way won't get the job done and can lead to injury. This video illustrates how to select and use the right tool. 180

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog tools safely. Highlights start with a plan, being organized, using chisels and saws, filing the right way, and keeping tools clean and sharp.

Tools and Machinery T188 VHS

The Right Tool Spanish

5 Minutes

Tools and Machinery

A tool that's the wrong size or is used in the wrong way won't get the job done and can lead to injury. This video illustrates how to select and use the right tool.

W146 VHS


Working with Machinery English


16 Minutes

This program explains the types of metalworking fluids, describes their potential health hazards, details appropriate work practices that can minimize potential health effects and outlines basic fluid management practices.

Tools and Machinery W108

Working Safely with Metalworking

17 Minutes

Discusses personal protection of the worker and safeguarding the machine. Dangers to ears, eyes, hands and lungs are identified and the precautions appropriated to each are described and demonstrated. Procedures to safeguard against injury on forklifts and any machine that shears, rotates, presses or grabs are shown.

Tools and Machinery W168 DVD

Woodworking Hand Tools English

5 Minutes

Working with wood can be very rewarding. Don't take away from that personal satisfaction by risking injury because you did not use the right tool safely.

Tools and Machinery W137 VHS

Welding Safety

What a Grind English


5 Minutes


Grinding wheels used throughout industry are real workhorses. In this video, key points include proper setup and grinder usage - with a special test for detecting a damaged wheel.


Woodworking Hand Tools English


13 Minutes

This program looks at the safety rules and various techniques of arc cutting and gouging used in metal arc cutting, arc air gouging and plasma arc cutting.

Tools and Machinery W139

Arc Cutting and Gouging

5 Minutes

Working with wood can be very rewarding. You should not take away from the personal satisfaction of your work by risking injury because you did not use the right 181

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Welding Safety A143 VHS

Welding Safety

A Matter of Degree - I




5 Minutes

A welding torch can be one of the most dangerous tools on any job site. This video outlines proper precautions to take when using a welding torch.


5 Minutes

Welding Safety

A Matter of Degree - II English


Flashburn to the eye can result when ultraviolet rays emitted by an arc welder are absorbed into the eye's cornea. The video introduces workers to the damaging effects of Flashburn and offers prevention methods.

Welding Safety A144


5 Minutes

Welding torch safety is an all-consuming process. This video outlines proper procedures for the safe assembly, operation and storage of welding torch heads.


Gas Cylinders: Welding, Cutting and


Brazing English

5 Minutes

Gas cylinders are used in welding, cutting and brazing have the potential to do great harm if mishandled. To avoid trouble, know the hazards and take appropriate precautions.

Welding Safety C174 VHS

Cutting and Welding Fire Safety English

Welding Safety

15 Minutes

This video explains the dangers of cutting and welding to your Employees. Cutting and welding operations are major causes of industrial fires.


Gas Cylinders: Welding, Cutting and


Brazing Spanish

5 Minutes

Gas cylinders are used in welding, cutting and brazing have the potential to do great harm if mishandled. To avoid trouble, know the hazards and take appropriate precautions.

Welding Safety CS21


Health Factors in Welding English

Welding Safety

5 Minutes H116

This is an excellent video to educate welders on the hazards and potential health and safety concerns in this occupation.


Health Factors in Welding Operations English

22 Minutes

Occupational exposures to the many by-products and fumes generated by the welding process are discussed. Due to the potential health risks to which welders are faced, training and awareness is important. 182

National Resource Safety Center 2011-Safety Video Catalog Welding Safety M122 VHS

Welding Safety

MIG Welding English

W118 VHS

19 Minutes

This program looks at a wide range of aspects relating to MIG welding, including equipment, terms and methods which relates specifically to the MIG welding process and instructions.


W147 VHS

5 Minutes

Slag in the eye can be prevented with protective eye wear. If a slag injury should occur, this video shows how it must be treated to avoid further damage.



5 Minutes

VHS Slag in the eye can be prevented with protective eyewear. If a slag injury should occur, this video shows how it must be treated to avoid further damage.


Welding Safety - Securing the Worker English

9 Minutes

Welding and Cutting English

8 Minutes

Informative video which emphasizes the hazards welders face every day. Discusses radiation, fumes, personal protective equipment and fire safety.

Welding Safety W103


Welding Safety

Slag Injuries to the Eye Spanish

Welding and Cutting Safety

This video covers proper personal protective equipment, ozone health effects, common toxic fumes, equipment maintenance, fire and electrical hazards and procedures for emergencies.

Welding Safety S236

18 Minutes

Welding Safety

Slag Injuries to the Eye English


Reviews welding hazards, evaluation of welding hazards and workplace control measures. Includes handling of equipment, maintenance and personal protective equipment.

Welding Safety S148

Welding Safety

30 Minutes

This tape includes an introduction to welding and basic safety precautions such as securing the 360-degree hazardous work zone, proper ventilation and proper clothing. Highlights include, oxyfuel gas welding, electric arc welding, preparation, and fire watch.