Possible places to purchase these items: Lone Star Percussion (mail order w/ credit card) (214)340-0835 - Dallas. Woodwi
SALINE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Student Percussion Equipment Purchase Expectations Fifth Grade: Snare Sticks Vic Firth SD #1 Generals Soft Bell Mallets Musser #M213 or Balter #04 medium rubber Hard Bell Mallets Musser #M5 or Balter #10 hard plastic Instrument Kit Percussion kit with bells, drum pad, and stand Sixth Grade: Same as above plus: Chromatic pitch pipe for timpani Timpani Mallets Vic Firth #T1 Generals Stick Bag Seventh and Eighth Grade: Same as above plus: Marimba, Vibe, Sus.Cymbal Musser #M7 or Balter #13 medium yarn Note: If you have already purchased a different brand of an equivalent item, you do not need to get another one. Mallets can have rattan, birch, or fiberglass handles. Possible places to purchase these items: Lone Star Percussion (mail order w/ credit card) (214)340-0835 - Dallas Woodwind and Brasswind (mail order w/ credit card) 800-348-5003 Marshall Music (800) 221-1755 - Lansing Music Go Round (734)662-1080