Environ Biol Fish (2008) 83:99–105 DOI 10.1007/s10641-007-9228-3
Gyrodactylus salaris (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) infections on resident Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in southern Norway Grethe Robertsen Æ Kjetil Olstad Æ Laetitia Plaisance Æ Lutz Bachmann Æ Tor A. Bakke
Received: 15 October 2006 / Accepted: 16 January 2007 / Published online: 14 February 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract This study surveys the distribution of Gyrodactylus salaris on resident Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in lakes connected to three south-Norwegian watercourses: Numedalsvassdraget, Skiensvassdraget and Hallingdalsvassdraget. Gyrodactylus salaris infected charr was only recorded in Numedalsvassdraget. The parasites had the same mitochondrial haplotype as those previously reported on charr in Lake Pa˚lsbufjorden, which is part of Numedalsvassdraget. Since the G. salaris-charr association is persistent in Pa˚lsbufjorden and has a wide distribution above the stretches of the watercourse inhabited by anadromous salmonids, this is considered a stable, although perhaps relatively young, host-parasite system. More detailed analyses of these interactions revealed seasonal variations in the parasite population dynamics between late summer and late autumn, with heavier infections occurring in males and older fish in October. This is explained G. Robertsen (&) K. Olstad L. Plaisance L. Bachmann T. A. Bakke Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172, Oslo NO-0318, Norway e-mail:
[email protected] Present Address: L. Plaisance Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 8750 Biological Grade, Hubbs Hall, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
by the combined action of seasonal differences in temperature and physiology and ecology of host cohorts. It is assumed that the occurrence of G. salaris on charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden resulted from a host switch to charr from rainbow trout, Onchorynchus mykiss. Host switches may cause significant expansions of the geographical range of pathogenic variants of G. salaris. Therefore, observations of frequently occurring G. salaris on charr have implications for the diagnosis, management and control of salmonid gyrodactylosis. Keywords
Distribution Epidemiology
Introduction Monogeneans of the fish ectoparasitic genus Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 encompasses species with both narrow and broad host specificity (Bakke et al. 2002). Of the >400 valid Gyrodactylus species known, nine have been recovered from species of the genus Salvelinus (see Harris et al. 2004). Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, is the only species of the genus Salvelinus with a circumpolar distribution and a natural distribution in Norway. Freshwater resident Arctic charr populations are occurring all over Norway, whereas anadromous populations are restricted to northern Norway (Klemetsen et al. 2003). Gyrodactylus salaris, that has Atlantic salmon,
Salmo salar L., as type host, has so far been found on resident charr in Lake Pa˚lsbufjorden in southern Norway and on anadromous charr in two north Norwegian localities (Mo 1988; Knudsen et al. 2006; Robertsen et al. 2007). The G. salaris infected resident charr do not co-occur with Atlantic salmon whereas the anadromous charr is sympatric with infected Atlantic salmon. Gyrodactylus salaris is a severe pathogen of Norwegian Atlantic salmon (see Johnsen et al. 1999), and experimentally it can infect and reproduce (although not to a pathogenic level) on other salmonids including anadromous and resident Arctic charr (Bakke et al. 1996, 2002; Olstad et al. 2007). While the G. salaris strain infecting anadromous Arctic charr in the north Norwegian localities is pathogenic to Atlantic salmon, the strain on resident Arctic charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden is non-pathogenic to Atlantic salmon in experiments (Olstad et al. 2007). Fish parasite infections may be affected by several macro- and microenvironmental factors. Seasonality of several Gyrodactylus species including G. salaris on salmon is well documented (e.g. Chubb 1977; Johnsen and Jensen 1992; Appleby and Mo 1997; Aydogdu 2006), and has been reported for G. salaris infecting anadromous charr in northern Norway (Kanck et al. 2006). Host size and age are also well known to influence the infection of freshwater monogeneans (Chubb 1977). Furthermore, the sex of the host may be important for the population dynamics of G. salaris. Male fish have been reported infected with ectoparasites to a higher extent than females, in particular sexually mature males during spawning time (Pickering and Christie 1980; Appleby 1996; Skarstein et al. 2001). The aim of this study is to survey the distribution of G. salaris infections on resident Arctic charr in three south-Norwegian watercourses, in addition to analyze the Arctic charr-G. salaris association in Lake Pa˚lsbufjorden.
Materials and methods Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, were sampled in five lakes of the Numedalsvassdraget watercourse (Skurdalsfjorden, Pa˚lsbufjorden, Tunhovdfjorden,
Environ Biol Fish (2008) 83:99–105
Norefjorden and Kravikfjorden; Skurdalsfjorden and Tunhovdfjorden were also sampled in 2003), two lakes of the Hallingdalsvassdraget watercourse (Ustevann and Rødungen) and in one lake in the Skiensvassdraget watercourse (Tinnsjøen; was also sampled in 2003) during the autumn of 2005 (see Table 1, Fig. 1). All charr were sampled by use of gill nets. The fish were killed by a blow to the head and the fins or the entire fish were immediately fixed in 96% ethanol. The individual fish from Pa˚lsbufjorden were kept separate to analyze the host–parasite dynamics in this locality, while the other localities were sampeled only to track the geographical distribution of G. salaris on Arctic charr. In the laboratory, fish and fins were screened for ectoparasites using a stereo-microscope. The gyrodactylids recovered were removed from the fish and transferred into Eppendorf tubes containing 96% ethanol and stored at –20C. The molecular identification of G. salaris relied on the sequencing of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal gene cluster and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) gene (see Cunningham et al. 2001; Mateˇjusova´ et al. 2001; Hansen et al. 2003; Zie˛tara and Lumme 2003). 1–3 parasites per population were individually used for molecular analyses. BLASTN (Altschul 1991) searches were conducted in order to find matching entries in GenBank. The opisthaptors from at least 10 specimens from each locality were digested according to a slightly modified version of Harris et al. (1999), and the opisthaptoral hard parts were digitalized in a Leica DC 500 camera mounted on a Leica DM 6000B stereo microscope for morphological analyses. The counting of G. salaris on charr from Lake Pa˚lsbufjorden was performed using a stereo-microscope. Of a total of 158 charr sampled in this lake, 60 were screened on both body and fins and 98 only on the fins. As few parasites were detected on the bodies, all further analyses are restricted to parasites infecting the fins. In order to study the population dynamic of G. salaris infections, charr caught in
Environ Biol Fish (2008) 83:99–105 Table 1 The Arctic charr populations sampled and screened for G. salaris infections in south Norwegian lakes and watercourses
Watercourses Lakes Numedalsla˚gen Skurdalsfjorden † † Pa˚lsbufjorden † Tunhovdfjorden † † Norefjorden Kravikfjorden Hallingdalsvassdraget Ustevann † † Rødungen Skiensvassdraget Tinnsjøen †
Sampling date (dd.mm.yy)
Number of Arctic charr
G. salaris infection
10–19.10.03 23–26.08.05 03–04.10.05 22–26.08.05 11–14.10.05 04–05.08.03 10–11.09.03 23–24.08.05 26–27.10.05 25–26.10.05
92 26 70 57 101 30 12 6 150 35
– – + + + – + – + +
16–17.08.05 05–07.09.05 03–06.10.05 29–31.08.05
2 26 30 2
– – – –
02–03.11.03 18–19.10.05
10 111
– –
(1991), and sex and gonad condition was determined by dissection of the body. The standard parameters, prevalence (proportion of the population infected), abundance (mean number of parasites of both infected and uninfected fish), and mean intensity (mean number of parasites of infected hosts) were determined for the G. salaris infections on Arctic charr (after Bush et al. 1997). Chi-square, Kruskal–Wallis, and Mann–Whitney U tests were employed to test for statistically significant differences in prevalence, abundance and mean intensity between groups. All tests were performed with the program PAST version 1.29 (Hammer et al. 2001). Fig. 1 The localities (lakes) in southern Norway surveyed for G. salaris infections on Arctic charr and their respective watercourses. A1: Tinnsjøen (Skiensvassdraget watercourse); B1: Skurdalsfjorden, B2: Pa˚lsbufjorden, B3: Tunhovdfjorden, B4: Norefjorden, B5: Kravikfjorden (Numedalsvassdraget watercourse); C1: Ustevann, C2: Rødungen (Hallingdalsvassdraget watercourse) (see Table 1)
Pa˚lsbufjorden in August and October 2005 was analyzed in more detail. The age of the charr was determined by means of the otholiths according to Kristoffersen and Klemetsen
Results Arctic charr was found infected with G. salaris only in the lakes Skurdalsfjorden, Pa˚lsbufjorden, Tunhovdfjorden, Norefjorden and Kravikfjorden, all belonging to the Numedalsvassdraget water course. The lakes are located above the stretches of the river Numedalsla˚gen inhabited by Atlantic salmon (see Table 1; Fig. 1). Gyrodactylus salaris was identified in all lakes based on ITS sequences (GenBank Accession number
Environ Biol Fish (2008) 83:99–105
DQ898302), and the COI was identical to the mitochondrial haplotype (GenBank Accession number DQ923578) earlier detected in G. salaris on charr from Pa˚lsbufjorden (see Robertsen et al. 2007). In addition, the opisthaptoral hard parts were morphologically indistinguishable from those of G. salaris previously described from charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden (Robertsen et al. 2007). The prevalence of G. salaris on charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden was significantly higher in October 2005 (34.7%, n = 101) than in August 2005 (1.8%, n = 57) (Chi-square test, P 0.05). Abundance differed significantly between the four age groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.01). Pair-wise tests revealed that the differences were between the
age group 2–3 years and the age groups 5 and 6– 7 years, respectively (Mann–Whitney U tests, P < 0.05; Table 2). No significant differences were found between the age groups with regard to mean intensities (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = 0.15) (Table 2). The prevalence of infection of G. salaris on male charr (n = 43) was significantly higher than on female charr (n = 31) (Chi-square test, P = 0.017; Table 2), as was the abundance of infection (Mann–Whitney U test, P = 0.01; Table 2). However, the mean intensity of parasites on males and females (7.6 versus 3.8; Table 2) did not differ significantly (Mann–Whitney U test, P = 0.052).
Discussion The extended survey for G. salaris infections on resident Arctic charr in three watercourses in southern Norway revealed that only Numedalsvassdraget was infected with G. salaris. The widespread G. salaris infections throughout Numedalsvassdraget watercourse upstream of the stretches populated with salmon, indicate that charr is a more common host for G. salaris in Norway than previously expected (Mo 1988; Knudsen et al. 2006; Robertsen et al. 2007). This is in line with the findings of Olstad et al. (2007), who concluded from laboratory experiments with G. salaris from charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden that Arctic charr and rainbow trout were moderately susceptible, whereas Atlantic salmon from rivers Numedalsla˚gen and Drammenselva were innately resistant to only slightly susceptible.
Table 2 Details on the G. salaris infection on Arctic charr in Lake Pa˚lsbufjorden (Buskerud County, south Norway) in August and October 2005, and the relation of infection to sex and age of the host in October Month
Number of fish Number of infected fish Number of G. salaris Prevalence Abundance Mean intensity Standard deviation
Sex (October)
Age groups (years) (October)
57 1 22 1.8 0.4 22 2.9
101 35 225 34.7 2.2 6.4 7.3
43 23 175 53.5 4.1 7.6 8.9
31 8 30 25.8 0.97 3.8 3.4
41 6 61 14.63 1.49 10.17 7.3
30 11 29 36.7 0.97 2.6 1.6
16 9 94 56.3 5.9 10.44 13
14 9 41 64.29 2.93 4.55 5.1
Environ Biol Fish (2008) 83:99–105
The present study revealed seasonal variation of the G. salaris infection on Arctic charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden as both prevalence and abundance were significantly higher in October (water temperature: 8C) than in August (water temperature: 16C). This is congruent with earlier observations of G. salaris experiencing a second peak in abundance on Atlantic salmon in late autumn (Mo 1992; Jansen and Bakke 1993; Appleby and Mo 1997). Similar data were obtained by Kanck et al. (2006), who found highest prevalence and mean intensity of G. salaris on anadromous Arctic charr in northern Norway in autumn. Several factors are likely to affect the seasonal population dynamics of monogenean ectoparasitic infections and may explain the higher prevalence and abundance of G. salaris on Arctic charr in autumn. The major abiotic factor affecting reproduction and population growth of Gyrodactylus is water temperature, as it affects the transmission (Soleng et al. 1999) as well as birth and mortality rates directly and probably through the host immune system (Scott and Noakes 1984; Jansen and Bakke 1991; Andersen and Buchmann 1998). However, the finding that the G. salaris strain in Pa˚lsbufjorden performs better on Arctic charr than on Atlantic salmon (Olstad et al. 2007) may indicate that this particular G. salaris strain is better adapted to cold water temperatures (as is Arctic charr compared to Atlantic salmon). However, the higher water temperature in August may result in a higher host resistance than in October (see Jansen and Bakke 1993). The relatively high prevalence of infection in October may also relate to the spawning activity of the charr. Several studies have shown that reproductive investment negatively affects the immune response (Deerenberg 1997; Nordling 1998). Accordingly, reduced immune defense during spawning may result in higher parasite abundance of G. salaris. In addition, during spawning the charr are more aggregated than during the rest of the year and physical contact between hosts is more likely. Hence, parasite transmission rates may be higher (Soleng et al. 1999). Gyrodactylus salaris in Pa˚lsbufjorden was more abundant on older than on younger charr. This pattern can also be explained by increased physical contact; older fish often have
the most aggressive and dominant behavior on the spawning grounds (Fabricius and Gustafson 1954) and thus face increased risk of getting infected by contact transmission (Bakke et al. 1992; Petersson and Ja¨rvi 1997). Male charr were significantly higher infected with G. salaris than females on the spawning ground in Pa˚lsbufjorden. Male Arctic charr are known to arrive earlier and stay longer at the spawning grounds than females (Figenschou et al. 2004) and, thus, encounter a higher probability of contact transmission. Successive polyandry and the more aggressive behaviour may further increase the probability of parasite transmission through contact. In addition sexually mature males, in general, face a higher degree of immuno-suppression than sexually mature females (Skarstein et al. 2001; Ottova´ et al. 2005). Increased male reproductive effort may decrease the individuals’ energy allocation to defense against disease or parasites (Williams 1966; Sheldon and Verhulst 1996). A positive correlation between increased testosterone levels and susceptibility to Gyrodactylus has been shown in salmonids (Buchmann 1997), and this could also potentially contribute to the observed pattern. In summary, Arctic charr is apparently a more common host for G. salaris than previously expected. Pa˚lsbufjorden and several other lakes of the Numedalsvassdraget watercourse are infected with viable and persistent G. salaris populations. We conclude that this G. salaris–Arctic charr association is a stable but perhaps relatively young parasite-host association. The variation in prevalence and abundance between late summer and late autumn and in the different host cohorts, are interpreted as a result of a combined action of fluctuations in temperature and seasonal differences in host physiology and ecology. Robertsen et al. (2007) assumed that the occurrence of G. salaris on charr in Pa˚lsbufjorden resulted from a host switch to charr from rainbow trout. Species and strains closely related to G. salaris are known to frequently undergo host switching with subsequent reproduction. Since host switches may cause significant expansions of the geographical range of pathogenic variants of G. salaris, the frequent observations of G. salaris on charr have implica-
tions for the diagnosis, management and control of salmonid gyrodactylosis. Acknowledgements We thank Cathrine Vollelv, Henning Pavels, Guro K. Sandvik, Terje Laskemoen and Bjørn R. ˚ ge Brabrand and Henning Hansen for help in the field, and A Pavels (Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Laboratory, NHM) for background information and help to determine sex and age of the fish. The project was supported by the Directorate for Natural Resources (DN contract nr. 05040026) and the Norwegian Research Council’s Wild Salmon Programme (Project nr. 145861/ 720).
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