Mar 1, 2013 ... Samara Brooke Ben Bodie LYDIA Xavier RyanB. Heath Summer Leah Katie Jack
BlakeC Breyton. Kyle Waataroimana Kupu Emily Kyle ...
Issue 2
1st March 2013
Samara Brooke Ben Bodie LYDIA Xavier RyanB Heath Summer Leah Katie Jack BlakeC Breyton Kyle Waataroimana Kupu Emily Kyle HAYDEN
Aaron Belana DanielV-K Tom Kayleigh Ashlee Brenna Tylor AlexN Ryan BlakeS Violet Kyan Mya Hazel Corey Leiana Oscar Cody EllaM Victoria Moananui Jessica Dana Hebe Kahn Ziggy Aidan AlexC EllaD Samson James SamM Christopher OliviaH Lauren Samuel Austin Dhana Rachael Jayda Mark Olive Olivia DanielM GeorgiaS Kayden Brennan Solly Hamish
Keely Chloe Cobain
Zane Phillip Ross TritonNathan Lloyd DanielS
DAMIAN Matthias
Sheldyn Grace Thorn Christian
Principal: Jennie Moore 0274944600 BOT Chairperson: Graeme Faulkner 09 4202527 1981 South Head Road, RD1, Helensville, Auckland 1074
[email protected] 09 4202884 02108178812
Kia ora Waioneke! 15 teaching days into 2013! Not a lot when you think of how much we need to set up and attend to at the beginning of the year. Thank you to those of you who have been supportive and understanding as our 2013 staff have settled in with their new classes, new systems and for some, new school. We have a happy staff and happy children. An extra special ‘well done’ to Miss Rowlands – you are doing a magnificent job xxx (you epitomise “Be There”) I listened to Mike Hoskins as I drove out this morning and he reminded me of how important it is to focus on all the things that are going well. Choosing your attitude to how you react or respond is what we are encouraging our kids to do. I have a saying on my wall that says: “Treat everyone with kindness and respect -‐ even those who are rude to you. Not because they are nice, but because you are”. This is what we expect of our kids and everyone at our school. Only you can control what and how you react. And, this is where the FISH philosophy kicks in… For those brave parents who came to our rainy BBQ, you will know what I am talking about. Briefly, FISH is a way to create a work or class culture that is happy, meaningful, positive and fun. The four parts are: “Choose Your Attitude” – your attitude is your reaction to what life hands you, and only you can choose that reaction. “Be There” – become engaged with all your heart in whatever you do -‐ and thrive! “Play” – is not a specific game or activity. It is a state of mind that brings new energy to the tasks at hand and sparks creative solutions “Make Their Day” – if you find your energy lapsing (or not), find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support, or a good ear – and make their day. This is what we doing with our kids and each other, and to be honest, we have a lovely feeling in the school. Some of this will also be due to the classbuilding and teambuilding teachers are doing within their rooms. They all tie in together. Social skills and being to manage friendships and interactions are so important in every sector of life. Being able to communicate and get along with others (whom you may or may not like) is what top corporations are looking for. Getting along with your friends is easy (well for most of us) but being able to manage interactions, or get along with others who are aggravating, immature, different or shy are skills our kids need. I would say 99% of the problems I have to deal with are due to a lack of social skills and fundamental respect for others. Unless we can create opportunities for students to find commonalities and build connections and from there develop respect and empathy, then it won’t just happen. This clip is what making connections and getting to know each other is all about – I would love one of these at school -‐ “take a seat & make a friend” ( PS ‘You might need a tissue’‐N2LxQ&safe=active STUDENT DATA It’s the 1st of March, which is the day all schools have to send their charter and strategic plan into the Ministry of Education (MOE). There will be a copy in the office once the MOE have given me the ‘ok’ but I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work we have all (staff, students and parents) put in to raise student achievement at Waioneke. Here is a very brief look at how far we have come: % of students At/Above Beg 2011 End 2012 Reading 40% 81.8% Writing 36% 74% Numeracy* 45% 67.6% * The MOE have now decided to let the word Maths back into the teaching world – yay! But then, it was all about Numeracy.
Average-‐wise, the improvement has been outstanding. There are still quite a few cohorts (groups) of students we are concerned about, but you have to admit – we have done an awesome job!!! Well done Waioneke!
SPORTS UNIFORMS We are in the process of buying NEW SPORTS UNIFORMS!!! How exciting! Golf Day proceeds will go to these, hence our drive to make it the most lucrative one ever! Uniforms are on display in the staffroom now. Here is a T-‐shirt. It’s bottle green, and white and made out of sporty fabric. This is going to be our ‘travel top’, which means that whenever we leave the school or have visitors, students will be wearing this top. They will be approximately $28 each with the logo. We would like each child to have one of these by the end of Term 2. A form will be coming out next week with more details and how to pre-‐order them. We would prefer you to save up and come in and buy at that stage, rather pay it off. The logistics for Maria, on top of Novopay, would just be too much-‐ and we love her too much to put her through that. GOLF DAY 5TH APRIL Emails went out yesterday for you to forward on to all the people you know. Parent meeting at 11am next week – before the swimming sports so come along and see how you can help get us the money we need for all the ‘extras’ that make school that much more special and exciting for our kids. See you then! SURF LIFE SAVING – MURIWAI Forms coming home in this newsletter for this trip. They were going to come out on Wednesday – not the best day to talk about taking our kids to Muriwai, sadly. Anyway, the kids never get out that far and the littlies are lucky if they get past their knees, so it will absolutely fine for us to head to the beach not next week, but the week after – yippeeeeee! It’s Friday! I’m looking forward to the rugby tonight as the Blues and Crusaders are playing and to be honest, for the very first time since moving to Auckland in 1983, I’m feeling torn as to which team to support – what a dilemma. I’ll just listen to my heart at the time. Have a lovely weekend everyone, play safe and be happy Jennie Proud Principal xxx
UPCOMING SCHOOL EVENTS Term 1 Thursday 7th Feb – Friday 19th April 2013 4 March 6 March 8 March 8 March 13 March 14 March 19 March 20 March 22 March 3 April 5 April
Monday Wednesday Friday Friday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday
19 April 19 April 6 May
Friday Friday Monday
Turbo Touch – Room 4 and 5 WAIONEKE SCHOOL SWIMMING SPORTS School Assembly 1.30pm Kaipara Swimming – Kaipara Y1/4 Surf Lifesaving Y5/8 Surf Lifesaving Y7/8 Immunisations Norwest Swimming (Aquatic Park) School Assembly 1.30pm Vision and Hearing Testing for students not yet tested. WAIONEKE SCHOOL GOLF DAY FUNDRAISER -Have you entered a team?School Assembly 1.30pm LAST DAY OF TERM 1 FIRST DAY OF TERM 2
ONLINE PAYMENTS We do not have eftpos at Waioneke School however we do have the option to pay online. ASB Waioneke School Board of Trustees 12-‐3011-‐0159280-‐00 Please provide the following information so that we can keep track of what you are paying for. Particulars = Name of child Reference= what you are paying for (i.e camp) NETBALL 2013 The netball season will be here before you know it and the courses from Netball North are already piling up in my inbox. Before we get started for the season we need to find a school delegate for this year. The school delegate is the one point of contact for the school that Kaipara Junior Netball deal with, it is than up to that delegate to filter the information to the coaches and managers of our Waioneke teams. If we can’t provide a delegate than Waioneke School are not allowed to enter any teams into the competition. If this sounds like something you would like to do please contact Maria in the office. Upcoming Workshops at Kaipara Netball March 9th All day Theory Class 9am -‐ 4pm March 13th Umpires Practical (follow up) 6.30pm – 8pm th March 20 Rules Discussion 6.30pm – 8pm th March 27 Future Ferns (coaches/Managers) 6.30pm – 8pm April 22nd School Holidays Programme 9am – 1pm Junior Umpires Course th Jun 8 Junior Badge Assessment August 10th Junior Badge Assessment CONTACT MIKE:
ENCLOSED FORMS WITH THIS NEWSLETTER STUDENT STATIONERY INVOICES -‐ All stationery has now been given to all students that ordered. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns or to set up payment options. BEACH ED PERMISSION SLIP – Forms due back 5th March. ICAS EXAM FORMS – Form due back 2nd April. These exams are for Year 4 and up. (Please make payment out to Waioneke School). IMPETIGO (School Sores) We have had a couple of cases of Impetigo in the Junior School. If you think that your child may have Impetigo please seek the appropriate treatment. If you are unsure or have any questions please contact he school office. HEADLICE These annoying little critters are back on the heads of some of our children. Thank you to the parents that have advised us and also treated their child/ childrens hair. Due to the shortage in water that most people have at the moment, you can iron pillowcases/sheets etc instead of washing in hot water. An information brochure is enclosed with this newsletter.
dfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfg COMMUNITY NEWS HELENSVILLE JUNIOR RUGBY 2013 Junior Rugby is a great way for kids to stay active in a fun and safe environment. There is a Registration & Open Day at the club on Sunday 33rd March. Bring your towel and a change of clothes and join the fun from 10am – 2pm. Eftpos will be available. For further information please contact Roxanne Mulvaney on 420 4458. MUSIC LESSONS Fun and education UKULELE lessons are now available during school hours for students from Year 2 – Year 8 . Be part of the WAIONEKE SCHOOL UKULELE GROUP and learn more about music at the same time! There are also a few spaces available for guitar lessons. Music lessons start from as little as $16 per week. Phone Shelly on 021 846190 or email
[email protected] for more information. BOW TECH Bowen Therapy. Extremely gentle, non-‐invasive & effective treatment for aches, pains and injuries. Suitable for everyone from newborn babies to the elderly. If you can’t make it to me, I will treat you at your house. Phone Merril Tristram 420 2573 Registered Bowen Therapist
COMMUNITY NEWS SEWING REPAIRS / DRESS MAKING Alterations – Zips -‐ Hems etc…. on fabric or leather. Professional job at a reasonable price. Phone Julie 021 0238 6487 HOUSE ON THE MOVE One of our school families have a house being relocated to Shelly Beach Road in the early hours of Friday March 8th. The house should be off the road by 6am, however you never know what could happen so if you are travelling in this area around that time you may be delayed. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Helen 420 2131 / 022 028 8706 NANNY AVAILABLE My name is Serena and I’m 18 years old. I’m currently studying for a degree in Early Childhood Education. I am a fully qualified Nanny who is passionate about children, friendly and outgoing. I am available for babysitting during evenings and on weekends. Rates are negotiable. Phone 420 2570 / 021 257 4273 or email
[email protected]