SAMPLE APPLICATION ... Proposal Application Form: Group Application ....
generated by an electronic archive and/or quantitative measures – surveys)?
Teacher Learning and Leadership Program Proposal Application Form: Group Application To be completed by Group Leader and sent to director of education/supervisory officer of school authority by November 30, 2007
Section 1: Group Application Information Please attach a copy of the Group Leader’s certificate of qualification (can be downloaded and printed from the Ontario College of Teachers’ public register at Name of Group Leader: I.M. Teacher School Phone #345-678-9012 School Email Address:
[email protected] Alternate Email Address: Current Teaching Assignment: Grade 9 and 10 English Teacher (Resp. for homeroom) Current Contract Type: Full-Time Total Years Teaching Experience: 15 Name and Address of Current School: Wan Huge Secondary School, 123 Any Street, Anycity, L5A 2K4 Name of School Board: Ideal DSB Additional Group Members’ Information: Name Position (e.g. teacher, educational assistant, etc.) R.U. Ready Elementary School Teacher Ann Sirquestions Guidance Counsellor Cy Kee School Social Worker
Years of Experience in a School Setting 8 25 10
Section 2: Project Proposal 1. Name of Project: Welcome to Wan Huge SS 2. Briefly summarize your project topic: In order to help students who have been identified as potentially having challenges in adapting to the secondary school culture, this inter-school project would attempt to build supportive relationships for students and illicit parent involvement in order to assist such students as they transition into secondary school. 3. Describe the background and experience each member of the group brings to this project: I.M. Teacher- 10 years as a secondary teacher (last four years working largely with grade 9 and 10 students), worked on the board level committee charged with implementing Choices Into Action in 1999 - The Orientation and Exit Program. R.U. Ready - 5 years teaching Grade 8 at the present school, completing Part 2 of the
Guidance AQ, involved in the board's Student Success School Transition Team Ann Sirquestions- head of guidance for the last 10 years, Specialist Guidance AQ, works closely with community groups in integrating hard to serve students into the school community Cy Kee- enrolled in a Master's Degree in Psychology, has worked for the last 3 years in the school community with, among other duties, responsibility for creating links between school and community services and local Childrens' Help Centre.
Section 3: Learning 4. What are the professional learning goals of your proposed project? • develop better knowledge and understanding of the student and teacher experiences in the "other" panel (elementary and secondary) • acquire knowledge of available resources, information and research to support student transitions from elementary to secondary panel • develop expertise and strategies to support student transition and integration in a new school setting • discover new ways of helping students succeed 5. Please provide a rationale for pursuing these professional learning goals (i.e. what needs do the goals address?): "While most students will make a successful transition from one school to another, some will require additional assistance adjusting to new situations… Students who have been identified as exceptional… may require extra help in making an effective transition to a new school and regaining their focus on academic achievement." (CIA, 1999) This project will attempt to develop links between a secondary school and its feeder elementary school by providing incoming students with a "significant peer contact" and prior knowledge of their new secondary school and by providing their parents with not only the required information, but also with a dedicated contact person at the secondary school in order to encourage their continued involvement in their child's school and education. 6. Describe the specific activities you and your group will undertake during this proposed project in order to achieve your professional learning goals (including approximate timelines): Initially, the group will research any new findings and recently published information pertaining to the integration of students with particular challenges into the secondary panel. Ann Sirquestions and Cy Kee would lead the team in this area. Findings would be discussed with the team and integrated into the final program format. Other teachers in the board and University researchers would also be consulted. (April 2008 and ongoing) Specific students would be identified and parental permission would be secured prior to initial matching. Due to the short timelines, 3 matching activities (initial get-together, secondary school visit and community/school activity) would be planned for the student-pairs. Secondary school "significant peer contacts" and their parent(s)/guardian(s) would also receive a workshop preparing them for their new role and informing them of the support resources available. (May to June 2008) Regularly scheduled activities would be carried out throughout the first semester in order to 2
provide the contact-teams opportunities to meet and express challenges and fears. Among these activities, some would be structured to include parent participation from both of the team members. (September 2008 to June 2009) Both students and adults would be involved in providing feedback on strategies and resources in order to improve the program for the following year. New students would also, when possible, be prepared so that they may serve as the next year's "significant peer contacts". Preparation for the 2008-2009 cohort would be undertaken shortly after the March Break. (January 2009 to June 2009) 7. How would the outcomes of your proposed project contribute to increasing student learning and development? Successful student transition to the secondary school panel should result in improved academic results and social integration into the secondary school community. 8. How will you determine if you have met your professional learning goals for this project? • continued and enriched contacts with the "other panel" • efficient and effective transition program in place • improved student achievement for students identified as potentially have difficulty transitioning to the secondary school panel 9. How are you going to measure your learning and sharing outcomes (e.g., qualitative measures – peer reviews of journal articles, feedback on portfolio, questions and answers generated by an electronic archive and/or quantitative measures – surveys)? •Share records of practice from the project and its findings to other family of schools in the board , responding to questions asked, and mentoring others who choose to use our materials and strategies •Ask for and incorporate peer reviews by 3 colleagues before publishing the project and its findings on the Ministry of Education website •write and submit a journal article to an education-related journal 10. Identify the supports you will need in order to undertake the above activities and their estimated costs. You may wish to consult with your school principal, other teachers, school board finance staff and/or curriculum staff to estimate these supports (e.g. the amount of release time you will need, the board’s rate to cover occasional teacher costs, the cost of resources and technical training, etc). If more space is required, attach a separate sheet. Type of Support: Estimated Cost of Support: 27 x 2 release days for teachers to provide $10800 time for planning of participation in program activities 27 x 2 release allowance for other team $8100 members Resources $2000 Transportation (for students participating in $2000 planned activities) Food, refreshements and babysitting service $1100 (for parents participating in activities) Total $24000 3
Section 4: Sharing 11. Describe how the learning from your activity will be shared within or outside of your school/board/other jurisdiction (e.g., written resource, teacher/school kit, working with other teachers in their classrooms, working with teachers or school teams in another school/board, facilitating workshops, pod cast, web cast, video conferencing, wikis): • team will present concept and project results at a board-sponsored PA day for secondary schools • team can be consulted, at board's discretion, by other school teams • team will present at the 2009 OSCA Annual Conference 12. Briefly describe any training or experience you have had that would prepare you to work in an adult learning setting: All four team members have had prior experience working with adult groups at the board and/or community level. Cy Kee's work in Psychology has also included working with adults. 13. Identify additional training you would need to support the sharing of your learning with other colleagues (e.g. effective resources writing, presentation skills, facilitation skills, coaching/mentoring): • additional skills in facilitation, especially with parents of hard to serve students would be needed • coaching/mentoring skills if the team is called upon to support implementations of the project model in other schools/boards
Section 5: Declarations Applicants: Should this proposal be successful, we declare that we will comply with the 2007 – 08 TLLP Program Guideline and will carry out the project as described. We will ensure that the activities and materials produced do not infringe on any third party intellectual property or copyright.
__________________ Applicant Name (please print)
______________________ Signature
_____________________ Date (dd/mm/yy)
__________________ Applicant Name (please print)
______________________ Signature
_____________________ Date (dd/mm/yy)
_________________ Applicant Name (please print)
______________________ Signature
_____________________ Date (dd/mm/yy)
_________________ Applicant Name (please print)
______________________ Signature
_____________________ Date (dd/mm/yy)
*In the event there are more than four participants, attach a declaration for each additional applicant.
Principal*: I am aware of this proposal and that it will be submitted to the school board for consideration. _________________ Principal Name (please print) ______________________ Principal Signature
_____________________ Date (dd/mm/yy)
*If other schools are involved in this professional learning project proposal, attach an additional signed declaration from each school principal. For applicants who are daily occasional teachers, this declaration should be signed by the person they report to at the board.