Sample Letter for Requesting Permission from a Publisher to Deposit Your Work
in the UMUC Digital Repository. Dear [Publisher's Representative]: I am writing ...
Sample Letter for Requesting Permission from a Publisher to Deposit Your Work in the UMUC Digital Repository Dear [Publisher's Representative]: I am writing to request permission to archive a final pre‐publication version of my manuscript for the article: [Article Citation] As author of this work, I transferred my rights to this work to [Publisher] for publication in [Publication]. I am requesting permission to make an electronic copy of the work in the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Digital Repository. Depositing an electronic copy of the final manuscript in my institution's digital repository will help ensure the preservation of the work, allow my institution to maintain records of the scholarly materials created by UMUC faculty, and allow for broader access to my work. The full citation to the original publication will be included with the work in the digital repository. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have questions or concerns about this request, please contact me by phone [phone number] or email [address]. Sincerely, [Signature] [Your name and title indicating your affiliation with UMUC]