Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application Zahoor Ahmad P.G Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
[email protected]
Adil Rashid P.G Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
[email protected]
T. R. Jan P.G Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
[email protected]
Abstract In this paper, we shall introduce a new class of complementary compound lifetime distributions which is obtained by compounding Lindley distribution with power series distribution. This new family of continuous lifetime distributions so obtained will be called Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series (CCLPS) distribution. The proposed class of distribution contains several lifetime distributions as its special cases that are very flexible to accommodate different types of data sets since the probability density function and hazard rate can take up different forms such as increasing, decreasing and upside down bathtub shapes which have been shown through graphs for some selected values of parameters and the potentiality proposed class has been tested statistically by using it to model some real life data set.
Keywords: statistics.
Lindley distribution, Powerseries distribution, Compounding and order
Mathematics Subject Classification: 60E05, 62F10 1. Introduction Regarding the compounding of probability, the work has been done in this particular area since 1920. It is well known that Green wood and Yule (1920) established a relationship between Poisson distribution and a negative binomial distribution through by compounding mechanism by treating the parameter in Poisson distribution as gamma variate. The probability parameter in binomial distribution is constant; Skellam (1948) derived a probability distribution from the binomial distribution by treating p , the constant probability of successes as a beta variable between the sets of trails and this distribution which is commonly called beta binomial distribution proved to be efficient over binomial distribution when it comes to fit accidental data. Gurland (1957) showed that some compound distribution may also be called generalized distribution because there exists some interrelations between a certain class compound and generalized distributions. Sankaran (1970) proposed Poison Lindley distribution by allowing the parameter of Poisson distribution to vary according to Lindley distribution and this compound distribution was used for the analysis of count data sets but Sankaran didn’t obtained MLE of unknown parameter p due to computational difficulty. Kemp and Kemp (1966) obtained a compound of Poisson distribution with that of normal Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155
Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
distribution by allowing the parameter of Poisson distribution as a normal variate, this particular distribution was called by them as Hermite distribution. Hermite distribution sometimes lacks any physical interpretation because the parameter in Poisson distribution is positive and the compounding distribution is supposed to vary according to that. However, if the normal compounding distribution has positive mean much larger than its variance then the probability of a negative value is almost negligible. Dubey (1970) obtained compound of gamma distribution by treating one of the parameter of gamma distribution as another gamma variate and reduced this compound distribution to the beta and F distribution by some suitable transformations. The problem of compounding of distribution was further addressed by Gerstenkorn (1993, 1996) who proposed several compound distributions, he obtained a compound of generalized gamma distribution with exponential distribution by treating one of the parameter of generalized gamma distribution as an exponential variate, he also obtained a compound of polya with beta distribution and the factorial moments of this particular compound distribution were also obtained with the help of sterling number of the 3rd kind. Gertenkorn (2004) constructed another compound distribution by treating the probability parameter as a generalized beta variate in the extended version of negative binomial distribution. A new generalized negative binomial distribution was proposed by Gupta and Ong (2004), this distribution arises from Poisson distribution if the parameter follows generalized gamma distribution; the resulting distribution so obtained was applied to various data sets and can be used as better alternative to negative binomial distribution. Sometimes observable phenomenon under consideration does not start by taking a ‘zero’ value in that case zero truncated distribution provides better fit with this in mind, Ghitany Mutairi and Nadhrajah (2007) obtained a compound of zero truncated Poisson distribution with Lindley distribution, the estimation of parameters were also given by means of moments and MLE method. Zamani and Ismail (2010) constructed a new compound distribution by compounding negative binomial with one parameter Lindley distribution that provides good fit for count data where the probability at zero has a large value. Kumaraswamy distribution is a two parameter continuous probability distribution that has been obtained by Kumaraswamy (1980), this distribution is similar to the beta distribution but unlike beta distribution it has a closed form of cumulative distribution function which makes it very simple to deal with, Li, Haungand Zhao (2011) ascribed Kumaraswamy distribution to the probability parameter of binomial distribution and obtained and a new compound distribution called Kumaraswamy-binomial distribution which was used to model over dispersed binomial data. Adil and Jan (2013) obtained a compound of zero truncated GNBD with that of GBD, the new compound distribution so obtained has some desirable properties as it embodies several truncated compound distributions as special cases. Adil and Jan (2014a) treated the probability parameter of Geeta distribution as generalized beta variate the resulting distribution proved to be a general class for some discrete compound distributions. Based on same compounding mechanism Adil and Jan (2014b) treated the probability parameter in Consul distribution as random variable and ascribed a generalized beta distribution to it the resulting distribution was named as a compound of Consul with generalized beta distribution which embodies several compound distributions. Adil and Jan (2015a, 2016a) proposed two new competitive count data models, one is obtained by compounding Consul distribution with Kumaraswamy distribution that find its application in traffic analysis and other is obtained by compounding negative binomial distribution with Kumaraswamy distribution that finds 140
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
its application in biological sciences. The potentiality of these two proposed models was tested by chi-square goodness of fit test by modeling the real world data sets from traffic, genetics and ecology. The modeling of lifetime data has received prime attention of researchers from the last one decade. Many continuous probability models such as exponential, gamma, Weibull have been frequently used in statistical literature to analyze the lifetime data, but these probability models cannot be used efficiently to model the lifetime data that is bathtub shaped and have unimodal failure rates. To overcome this problem, researchers have focused their attention on compounding mechanism which helps in constructing suitable, flexible and alternative models to fit the lifetime data of different types. Consider a system with N components, where N, the number of components is being a discrete random variable with domain N=1,2,…, The lifetime of ith component is a continuous random variable say Xi that may follow any one of the lifetime distributions such as exponential, gamma, Weibull, Lindley etc. The suitable discrete distributions for N may be geometric, zero truncated Poisson or power series distribution in general. The lifetime of such a system in series and parallel combination is defined and denoted by a non- negative random variable Y min X i iN1 or Y maxX i iN1 respectively With this in mind Adamidis and Loukas (1998) constructed a two parameter lifetime distribution by compounding exponential distribution with geometric distribution called Exponential Geometric (EG) distribution. Kus (2007) obtained a compound of exponential distribution with that of Poisson and it was named as Exponential Poisson (EP) distribution. Tahmasbi and Rezaei (2008) obtained Exponential Logarithmic (EL) distribution by using the same compounding mechanism. Power series distribution contains several classical discrete distributions as its special cases, therefore Chahkandi and Ganjali (2009) introduced a compound class of Exponential Power Series (EPS) distribution which contains several compound distributions as its special cases. It is known that Weibull distribution contains exponential distribution as a special case,in view of this Morais and Baretto Souza (2011) replaced the exponential distribution with Weibull distribution in the compounding mechanism of EPS distribution and obtained a compound class of Weibull Power Series (WPS) distribution which contains EPS distribution as a special case. Recently one parameter Lindley distribution has been used frequently to model the lifetime data because it has been observed in several research papers that this distribution performs excellently wellwhen it comes to fit the lifetime data. Adil and Jan (2016b) constructed a new family of lifetime distribution by compounding Lindley distribution with that of power series distribution that generalized LG distribution due to Zakerzadeh and Mahmoudi (2012). Furthermore, authors also discussed some special cases of the LPS family of compound distribution which are very flexible in terms of density and hazard rate functions. Applications and various mathematical properties such as moments, order statistics and parameter estimation through MLE of the proposed family of compound distribution were also discussed in detail. Adil and Jan (2016c) proposed a generalized version Lindley power series family of compound lifetime distributions which proved to be versatile because it not only generalizes most of the lifetime distributions but also have some attractive desirable properties in terms of hazard rate and density functions. Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155
Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
Here, in this particular paper we assume that there is no information about which factor was responsible for the component failure but only the maximum lifetime value among all risks is observed instead of the minimum lifetime value among all risks as in Adil and Jan (2016b) and Morais & Barreto-Souza (2011). The new distribution is a counterpart of the Lindley power series distribution and therefor ewe call it complementary compound Lindley power series (CCLPS) distribution. The present paper is organized as follows: In section (2) we present the construction of the proposed family of lifetime distribution. Density, survival, hazard rate functions and some of the properties of the proposed family are given in section (3). Moment generating function of CCLPS class of distributions is given in section (4). Order statistics, their moments and parameter estimation are discussed in detail respectively in section (5) and (6). Special cases that include complementary Lindley Poisson, complementary Lindley logarithmic, complementary Lindley geometric and complementary Lindley binomial distributions are discussed section (7). Finally, real application and conclusion about new findings are respectively given in section (8) and (9). 2. Construction of the Class Let X 1 ,..., X N be an independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables following Lindley distribution with density function given by g x;
2 1 x e x , x 0, 0 1
Here, the index N is itself a discrete random variable following zero truncated power series distribution with probability function given by a n n P ( N n) , n 1,2,... C where an depends only on n , C
and 0 is such that C is finite.
n 1
Below given Table 1 shows useful quantities of some zero truncated power series distributions such as Poisson, logarithmic, geometric and binomial (with m being the number of replicas) distributions. Table 1: Useful quantities of Some Power Series Distribution C
C '
C ''
1 1 2
n 1
e 1 log1
m n
1m 1
m 1
Poisson Logarithmc
1 3 21
mm 1
C 1
log 1
1 e
11/ m 1
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
Let X n max X i i 1 . The conditional cumulative distribution function of X n | N n is given by n GX n | N n x G ( x ) N
x x GX n | N n x 1 1 e 1
P X n
a n x x x, N n n e , x 0, n 1. 1 1 C 1 n
The compound complementary Lindley power series family of distributions is defined by the marginal cumulative distribution function of X n :
x x an n F x 1 1 e 1 n 1 C x x C 1 1 e 1 F x , x0 C n
From here, a random variable X following complementary compound Lindley-power series distribution with parameters and will be denoted by X ~ CCLPS (, ). This new class of distributions contains several distributions as its special cases. The complementary Lindley geometric (LG) distribution (Zakerzedah and Mehmoudi, 2012) and the complementary Lindley Poisson (LP) distribution are obtained by taking
C 1 with 0,1 and C e 1 with 0, respectively in (2). 1
Similarly we obtain complementary Lindley logarithmic (LL) distribution and
complementary Lindley binomial (LB) distribution by taking C log 1 . ,
0,1 and C 1
1 , 0, in (2) respectively. These cases will be
discussed in detail in section (7) 3. Density, Survival and Hazard Rate Function The probability density function of a family of Lindley power series (LPS) distribution can be obtained by differentiating (2) both sides with respect to x . dF x f x dx x x C 1 1 e 1 2 x f ( x) e (1 x) (3) 1 C ( ) S x 1 F ( x)
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Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
S x
x x C 1 1 e 1 1 C
and the hazard function is f ( x) h( x ) S ( x)
h( x )
2 x x e x (1 x)C 1 1 e 1 1
,x 0 x x C C 1 1 e 1 we will now study some properties of Compound complementary class of LPS distribution in the form of following important propositions. Proposition 1: The Lindley distribution is the limiting case of the CCLPS distribution when 0 . Proof: From the cumulative distribution function of CCLPS distribution we have x x C 1 1 e 1 lim F x lim , x0 0 0 C In view of the fact
C ( ) an n n 1
x x an 1 1 e 1 n 1
lim F x lim
a n 1
using the L’ Hospital’s rule, it follows n x x x x n 1 a1 1 1 e a n n 1 1 e 1 1 n2 lim F x 0 a1 an n n 1 n2
x x 1 1 e . Hence we get that 1 which is the distribution function of Lindley distribution. Proposition2: The densities of CCLPS class of distribution can be expressed as an infinite linear combination of densities of 1st order statistics of Lindley distribution
f ( x) P( N n) g n ( x, n) n 1
where gn ( x, n) max( X1 , X 2 ,..., X n ) is the 1st order statistics of Lindley distribution 144
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
Proof: Using the fact that
C ( ) nan n1 n 1
The pdf of CCLPS distribution takes the form after using the above argument. Therefore it follows a n 2 x x f ( x) (1 x) e x n n 1 1 e 1 C 1 n 1
n 1
f ( x) P( N n) g n ( x, n)
n 1
2 x x (1 x) e x 1 1 where g n ( x, n) n e 1 1
n 1
is the nth order statistics of
Lindley distribution. Therefore the densities of CCLPS distribution can be expressed as an infinite linear combination of the nth order statistics of Lindley distribution. Hence it is obvious that properties of LPS distribution can be obtained from the nth order statistics gn ( x, n) m ax( X1 , X 2 ,..., X n ) of Lindley distribution. 4. Moment Generating Function The moment generating function of CCLPS distribution can be obtained from (4)
M X (t ) P( N n) M X ( n ) (t ) n 1
where M X ( n ) (t ) is the moment generating function of 2nd order statistics of Lindley distribution M X (n)
2 tx x x (t ) e n (1 x) e x 1 1 e 1 0 1
n 2 n1 n 1 (1) 1 j 0 j
n 2 n1 n 1 (1) 1 j 0 j
x x 0 (1 x) 1 1 e
x 0 (1 x) 1 1
n 1 j 0
n j 1
n 1 n j 1 j (1) 1 j k
k 0
n j k 1
n 1 j
e (t ) x dx
n 1 j
n 2 n1 n j 1 n 1 n j 1 j (1) 1 j 0 k 0 j k 1 2 n 1
n 1
e x ( n j 1) e (t ) x dx n j k 1
n j k 1
(1 x) e (( n j ) t ) x dx
(n j k ) (n j k 1) n j k n j k 1 ( n j ) t (n j ) t
and it follows that M X (t )
2 nan n 1 n 1 C ( )
n 1
n j 1
j 0
k 0
n 1 n j 1 j (1) 1 j k
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n j k 1
(n j k 1) ( n j k ) n j k n j k 1 ( n j ) t ( n j ) t
Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
using the argument (4), the
k th moment
n 1
of CCLPS distribution about origin is
E ( X k ) P( N n) x k g n ( x) dx
E ( X k ) P( N n)E X ( n ) k n 1
Now consider E X (n)
2 x gn ( x) dx x n 1 (1 x) e x 1 1 x1 e x 0 0 r
n 2 n1 n 1 (1) 1 j 0 j
n 2 n1 n 1 (1) 1 j 0 j
n 2 n1 1 j 0
n 2 n 1 1 j 0
n j 1
k 0
n j 1
k 0
n 1
x x 0 x (1 x) 1 1 e
n 1 j
e x dx
x 0 (1 x)x 1 1
n 1 j
e x ( n j 1) x dx
n 1 n j 1 j (1) 1 j k
n 1 n j 1 j (1) j k 1
n j k 1
n j k 1
n j k r 1
(1 x) e ( n j ) x dx
(n j k r ) (n j k r 1) n j k r n j k r 1 ( n j ) t (n j )
Hence we get E( X r )
2 nan n 1 n 1 C ( )
n 1
n j 1
j 0
k 0
n 1 n j 1 j (1) 1 j k
n j k 1
(n j k r ) (n j k r 1) n j k r n j k r 1 ( n j ) t (n j )
5. Order Statistics and Their Moments Order statistics are most often used in statistics theory and practice. Order statistics are considered as one of the most fundamental tools in non-parametric and inferential statistics because they play an important role in quality control testing and reliability where a practitioner needs to predict the failure of future items based on the times of a few early failures. Let X1, X 2 ,..., X n be a random sample from CCLPS distribution and X 1:n , X 2:n ,...,X 1:n denote the corresponding order statistics. The pdf of ith order statistics say X i:n is given by fi:n x
n! i 1 ni F ( x) 1 F ( x) f ( x) n i ! i 1 !
x x C 1 1 e 1 n! f x C n i ! i 1!
i 1
x x C 1 1 e 1 1 C
n i
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
Expression (6) can be equivalently written as
f i:n x
n i n i n! k i 1 (1) k f ( x)F ( x) n i !i 1! k 0 k
f i:n x
i 1 i 1 n! k n i (1) k f ( x)1 F ( x) n i !i 1! k 0 k
In view of the fact f ( x)F ( x)
k i 1
1 d k i F ( x) k i dx
The associated CDF of f i:n (x) denoted by Fi::n ( x) becomes
n i k (1) n i k n! Fi:n x n i ! i 1! k 0 (k i)
x x C 1 1 e 1 C
k i
Alternatively expression (7) can be written as
Fi:n x 1
n i n! n i ! i 1! k 0
Expression for r th moment of
x x i 1 k (1) C 1 1 1 e k 1 (k n i 1) C
k n i 1
i th
order statistics X 1:n,.... X n:n with CDF (7) can be obtained by using a well-known result due to Barakat and Abdelkadir (2004) as follows
r (1) n
r i:n
k n i 1
k n i 1
k 1 n r 1 x S ( x) k dx n i k 0
where S (x) is the survival function of LPS distribution. Therefore we have k
x x C 1 1 e n 1 k 1 n k n i 1 r 1 E X ir:n r (1) x 1 dx C k n i 1 n i k 0 where r 1,2,3...and i 1,2,..., n
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Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
6. Parameter Estimation Let X 1 ,...,X N be a random sample with observed values x1 ,...x n from CCLPS ( , ) distribution and let ( , ) T be the unknown parameter vector in the rest of the paper. The log-likelihood function is given by n
i 1
i 1
ln ln ( x, ) 2n log n log log (1 xi ) xi n log C ( ) n log ( 1) xi xi log C 1 1 e 1 i 1 n
The corresponding score functions are: xi xi C 1 1 e n n ln 2n xi xi n 1 xi 1 1 e i 1 1 i 1 xi xi 1 C 1 1 e 1 xi xi C 1 1 e 1 ln n nC ( ) n xi xi 1 1 e C ( ) xi xi 1 i 1 C 1 1 e 1
The maximum likelihood estimate of say
is obtained by solving the non-linear
l l system of equations U n () n , n 0 . The solution of this non-linear system of equation can be found numerically by using soft wares such as R. T
7. Some Special Sub Models In this section we will study in detail some special sub-models of CCLPS distributions further more we also present expression for cdf, pdf, hazard rate and survival function. The graphical nature for different values of parameters is also studied to show the flexibility of these sub models. 7.1
Compound Complementary Lindley Poisson Distribution (CCLPD)
Poisson distribution is a special case of power series distribution for C ( ) e 1 and C ( ) e . Therefore cdf and pdf of a compound of Lindley Poisson (CCLP) distribution is obtained by using the same arguments in (2). F x
x x 11 e 1
e 1
, x 0.
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155
Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
The associated pdf, hazard and survival functions are respectively given by x x C 1 1 e 1 2 x f ( x) e (1 x) 1 C ( )
11 e 2 f ( x) 1 x e x e 1 1
S x 1
x x 11 e 1
e 1
and h x
(e 1) 1
1 x e 2
x x 11 e x 1
( 1) e e for x, 0, 0 respectively. The expression for the
th k moment of a random
x x 11 e 1
0.10 0.08
λ=0.5 θ=3 θ=5 θ=7
λ=0.8 θ=.3 θ=5 θ=7
variable following CCLP distribution becomes by taking an n!1 and C ( ) e 1 in (5)
Fig .1: These graphs show the flexibilty of density of CCLPD for some selected values of parameters
Compound Complementary Lindley Logarithmic Distribution (CCLD)
Logarithmic distribution is a special case of PSD when C ( ) log (1 ) and C( ) (1 )1 . Therefore a compound of compound complementary Lindley Logarithmic (CCLL) distribution is followed from (2) when we put C ( ) log (1 ) in it. x x log 1 1 1 e 1 F x , x0 log 1 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155
Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
and the associated p.d.f, hazard rate and survival function are 2 e x (1 x) 1 f ( x) x x e 1 1 1 l og(1 ) 1 x x log 1 1 1 e 1 S ( x) 1 log 1 2 (1 x) e x x x x x ( 1) 1 1 e 1 log(1 ) log 1 1 1 e 1 1
h( x )
0.30 0.25
λ=1.2, θ=.08 θ=.5 θ=0.9
0.20 0.15
λ=1.2,2.2,0.2 θ=.08 θ=.5 θ=0.009
for x, 0 and 0 1 respectively.
Fig. 2: These graphs show the flexibilty of density of CCLLD for some selected values of parameters The expression for the k th moment of a random variable following CCLL distribution becomes by taking an n1 and C ( ) log(1 ) in (5) 7.3
Compound Complementary Lindley Geometric Distribution (CCLGD)
Geometric distribution is a particular case of PSD when C ( ) (1 )1 and C( ) (1 )2 . Therefore a compound of compound complementary Lindley Geometric (CCLG) distribution is followed from (2) after using C ( ) (1 )1 in it. x x e (1 ) 1 1 1 F x ,x0 x x 1 1 1 e 1
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155
Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
The associated pdf of LG distribution is
2 x x f ( x) (1 )(1 x) e x 1 1 1 e 1 1
x x e (1 ) 1 1 1 S x 1 x x 1 1 1 e 1
x x 1 1 e x x 1 1 1 e 1 1
x x (1 )(1 x) e 1 1 1 e 1 h( x ) x x ( 1) 1 e 1 for x, ,0 1 respectively. The expression for the k th moment of a random variable following Lindley geometric (LG) distribution becomes by taking an 1 and C ( ) (1 ) 1 in (5). x
λ=2 θ=.08 θ=.5 θ=7
0.8 Density
λ=1.2 θ=2 θ=.5 θ=7
Fig. 3: These graphs show the flexibilty of density of CCLGD for some selected values of parameters
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Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
Compound Complementary Lindley Binomial Distribution (CCLBD)
Binomial distribution is a particular case of PSD for C ( ) ( 1) m 1 and a compound of compound complementary Lindley Binomial (CCLB) distribution is followed from (2) by using C ( ) ( 1) m 1 m
x x 1 1 e 1 1 1 F x , x0 m 1 1 where m is the positive integer. The associated pdf, hazard rate and survival functions are
2m x x f ( x) (1 x) e x 1 1 e 1 1 1
m 1
( 1)
x x 1 1 e 1 1 1 S ( x) 1 m 1 1
h( x )
2m x x (1 x) e x 1 1 e 1 1 1
m 1
x x ( 1) 1 1 e 1 1
respectively for x, 0 and 0 . The expression for the
k th moment
of a random
m n
variable following CCLB distribution becomes by taking an and C ( ) ( 1)m 1 in (5). It may be noted here that sub models CCLP, CCLL and CCLB are new lifetime distributions that have been obtained on specific parameter setting in CCLPS family. 8. Application In this section we shall explore the potentiality of the new family of compound distributions by fitting it to the real data set of vinyl chloride obtained from clean upgradient monitoring wells. Vinyl chloride is a volatile organic compound which is highly toxic, flammable and carcinogenic hence this compound is of immense interest in environmental investigations. Vinyl chloride that is released by industries or formed by breakdown of other chlorinated chemicals can enter the air and drinking water supplies due to which low levels of this compound are found in many background monitoring wells. This data set was recently analyzed by Adil and Jan (2016b) and Bhaumik, Kapur and Gibbons (2009) in fitting gamma distribution in small samples to compute upper control limit for the mean vinyl chloride concentration but here we fit the same data set by the proposed family and show that this type of data set can be easily accommodated by the CCLPS family and hence can be treated as has been drawn from the CCLPS distribution. 152
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
Vinyl chloride data from clean upgradient ground-water monitoring wells in (μg/L) 5.1 0.9 0.1
1.2 0.4 0.1
1.3 2.0 1.8
0.6 0.5 0.9
0.5 5.3 2.0
2.4 3.2 4.0
0.5 2.7 6.8
1.1 2.9 1.2
8.0 2.5 0.4
0.8 2.3 0.2
0.4 1.0
0.6 0.2
Our aim is to fit this data by the proposed family of compound distributions. The MLE of unknown parameters and Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) of the fitted distribution is given in table (3) Table 3: Analysis of model fitting MODEL CCLG
ˆ 9.705721e-01 ,ˆ 4.983673e-09
ˆ 8.203112e-01, ˆ 1.469566e-06
ˆ 8.096320e-01,ˆ 1.649876e-06
Histogram of x
0.2 0.0
Fig 4: Fitting of CCLP, CCLG, CCLL to the vinyl chloride data
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Zahoor Ahmad, Adil Rashid, T. R. Jan
9. Conclusion We constructed a new class of compound complementary lifetime distribution by compounding Lindley distribution with that of power series distribution. Furthermore, we also discussed some special cases of this class of distributions that are very flexible in terms of density and hazard rate functions. Mathematical properties such as moments, order statistics and parameter estimation through MLE of the proposed class has also been discussed. Finally the potentiality of the CCLPS class has been illustrated by fitting it to model some real life data set. It is quite clear and evident from the above analysis that according to theAIC and BIC all the sub models of CCLPS family of compound distributions perform excellently well but among them Lindley Poisson is the best competitor since it has lowest AIC and BIC which is also corroborated by the graphical analysis in the fig (4). Therefore, practitioners are advised to use one of our model in order to get effective results when it comes to fit lifetime data. The future course of work will be on Generalized version of complementary compound Lindley powers series distribution. References 1. 2.
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Complementary Compound Lindley Power Series Distribution with Application
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
18. 19. 20. 21.
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Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.1 2018 pp139-155