Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values Samah N. Sindi Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Gannat R. Al-Dayian Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Saman Hanif Shahbaz Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Abstract The main objective of this paper is to suggest and study a new exponentiated general class (EGC) of distributions. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimators of the parameter of the EGC of distributions based on lower record values are obtained. Furthermore, Bayesian prediction of future records is considered. Based on lower record values, the exponentiated Weibull distribution, its special cases of distributions and exponentiated Gompertz distribution are applied to the EGC of distributions.
Keywords: Lower record values, Maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian estimation, empirical Bayesian estimation, Bayesian prediction. 1. Introduction Bayesian prediction of record values has a special interest, as the best approach found until now, in many fields such as clinical trials, insurance, industry, architecture, physics, marketing, geography, and other fields. Recently, few studies are concerned with Bayesian prediction and both Bayesian and classical inferences for record values. Among others are Hsieh (2001), Ali-Mousa (2001,2003), Ali-Mousa et al. (2002), AL-Hussaini and Ahmed (2003a,b), Jaheen (2003), Madi and Raqab (2004), Ahmadi et al. (2005), Ahmadi and Doostparast (2006), Abdel-Aty et al. (2007), Al-Aboud and Soliman (2008), Ahmadi and MirMostafaee (2009). A general form of the Burr X distribution is known as the exponentiated Weibull distribution. Sartawi and Abu-Salih (1991) and Jaheen (1995, 1996) considered the problem of Bayesian estimation in the one-parameter Burr X case. Ahmad et al. (1997) considered inference for the stress-strength reliability ๐
= ๐(๐ < ๐) where X and Y are independent Burr X random variables. While, Surles and Padget (1998) considered inference for ๐
= ๐(๐ < ๐) for the scaled Burr X distribution. Surles and Padgett (1998) considered inference for a scaled version of the Burr X distribution. Ali-Mousa (2001) obtained the maximum likelihood, minimum variance unbiased and Bayes estimators of the one parameter of the Burr X distribution. In addition, he presented the Bayesian and Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Samah N. Sindi, Gannat R. Al-Dayian, Saman Hanif Shahbaz
non-Bayesian confidence intervals for the parameter in closed forms. Furthermore, he obtained a Bayesian prediction interval for the ๐ ๐กโ future record in a closed form. For more details about exponentiated Weibull see (Nadarajah and Kotz (2006)). Raqab and Ahsanullah (2001) derived exact expressions for the single and product moments of order statistics from the generalized exponential distribution. They used these moments to obtain estimators of the location and scale parameters of the model. Raqab (2002) derived exact expressions for means, variances and covariances of record values from the generalized exponential distribution. Jaheen (2004) derived Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimators for the unknown parameter of the generalized exponential distribution based on record values. He obtained the estimates based on the squared error and the LINEX loss function. Furthermore, he obtained the prediction bounds for future lower record values by using both Bayesian and empirical Bayesian techniques. He, also, gave a numerical example to illustrate the results. Ahmadi et al. (2009) studied the prediction of future k-record based on observed record which come from a general class of continuous distributions. They obtained the Bayes predictors of the sth future k-record under balanced type loss function. Nadar et al. (2012) reviewed and derived some results on record values for some well known distributions and based on m records from Kumaraswamy's distribution. They also obtained the estimators of the parameters and for the future sth record value, when the m past record values have been observed. They used the maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Then, they illustrated the findings with actual and computer generated data. Describing the layout of the paper; Section 2 is devoted to the construction of the new EGC of distributions. ML, Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimators of a new introduced parameter are obtained. In addition, Bayesian prediction of future records, based on lower record values, is found. Section 3 deals with the application of all the mathematical work done in Section 2. The exponentiated Weibull distribution (Burr X) is considered in details. Furthermore, same special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution and other distributions are also been applied. 2. Exponentiated General Class In this section the idea of the new EGC of distributions is displayed. ML, Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimators based on lower record values are obtained. In addition, Bayesian predictions of future records are discussed. AL-Hussaini and Ahmad (2003a) have introduced a general class denoted by (GC) of distributions. It includes the Weibull, compound Weibull, Pareto, beta, Gompertz and compound Gompertz among other distributions. The GC of distributions presents the populations with distribution function of the form > 0, x, F ( x) ๏ฝ 1 ๏ญ exp[๏ญ๏ฌ ( x)]
where, ๏ฌ ๏จ x ๏ฉ ๏ฝ ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ is a non-negative function of x , such that ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ ๏ฎ 0 as x ๏ฎ 0 ๏ซ and ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ ๏ฎ ๏ฅ as x ๏ฎ ๏ฅ and ฮณ is a known parameter or (vector of parameters).
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values
The idea of the construction of the new EGC of distributions is to raise the cdf of the GC, presented in relation (1), to the power ฮธ, where ฮธ is assumed to be a positive parameter. That is, the cdf of the EGC of distributions is expressed in the form ๏ฑ (2) F ( x) ๏ฝ ๏ป1 ๏ญ exp๏๏ญ ๏ฌ ๏จx ๏ฉ๏๏ฝ , x, ๏ฑ ๏พ 0 . Thus, the density function is given by ๏ฑ ๏ญ1 x,๏ฑ ๏พ 0, (3) f ๏จx๏ฉ ๏ฝ ๏ฑ๏ฌ ๏ข๏จx๏ฉexp๏๏ญ ๏ฌ ๏จx๏ฉ๏๏ป1 ๏ญ exp๏๏ญ ๏ฌ ๏จx๏ฉ๏๏ฝ , where, ๏ฌ ๏จ x ๏ฉ ๏ฝ ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ is a non-negative continuous function of x and ฮณ. We assume that ฮณ is a known parameter or (vector of parameters). That is, the unique unknown parameter of the EGC of distribution is ฮธ. Where, ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ ๏ฎ 0 as x ๏ฎ 0 ๏ซ and ๏ฌ ๏จ x, ๏ง ๏ฉ ๏ฎ ๏ฅ as x ๏ฎ ๏ฅ. 2.1
Estimation of the Parameter
This subsection concerns with the ML and Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimation of the parameter ฮธ of the EGC of distributions, based on lower record values. Furthermore, Bayesian prediction of future records is explained. Suppose that ๐ lower record values, X L(1) ๏ฝ x1 , X L( 2) ๏ฝ x2 ,๏, X L( m) ๏ฝ xm , are observed from the distribution with cdf and pdf given, respectively by (2) and (3). ML, Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimators are obtained as follows. 2.1.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation The likelihood function is given by (see Arnold et al. (1998)) ๐ฟ(๐|๐ฅ)=๐(๐ฅ๐ ) โ๐โ1 ๐=0 ๐(๐ฅ๐ ), ๐(๐ฅ)
where, ๐ฅ = (๐ฅ1 , ๐ฅ2 , โฆ , ๐ฅ๐ ) and ๐(๐ฅ) = ๐น(๐ฅ) , It follows that, ๐ฟ(๐|๐ฅ) = ๐ ๐ ๐๐ฅ๐(โ๐๐(๐ฅ๐ )) ๐ข(๐ฅ) , where, ๐
๐ข(๐ฅ) = โ ๐=1
(4) โ1
๐โฒ (๐ฅ๐ )๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) (1 โ ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) ) ,
and ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) = โ๐๐(1 โ ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐) ).
Assuming that the parameter ๐ is unknown, the ML estimator (MLE) of ๐ is given by ๐ฬ๐๐ฟ = ๐โ๐(๐ฅ๐ ), (6) where, ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) is expressed in (5). To study the properties of this estimator, the distribution of ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) is needed. The pdf of ๐๐ is given by 1 ๐๐๐ (๐ฅ) = ๐ค(๐) ๐(๐ฅ)[โ๐๐๐น(๐ฅ)]๐โ1 . That is, ๐๐
๐๐๐ (๐ฅ) = ๐ค(๐) ๐โฒ (๐ฅ)๐ โ๐(๐ฅ) (1 โ ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ) )
, ๐ฅ > 0,
where, ๐(๐ฅ) is given by (5). Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Samah N. Sindi, Gannat R. Al-Dayian, Saman Hanif Shahbaz
The pdf of ๐ = ๐โ๐(๐ฅ ) can be obtained by using simple transformation on (7) and is ๐ given as, ๐๐ (๐ง) =
(๐๐)๐ ๐ค(๐)
1 ๐+1
๐ โ๐๐โ๐ง (๐ง)
, >0 ,
which is the inverted gamma distribution with parameters (๐, ๐๐). The expected value of ๐ฬ๐๐ฟ is ๐ ๐ธ(๐ฬ๐๐ฟ ) = ๐ธ(๐) = ๐โ1 ๐.
Therefore, the MLE of ๐ is a biased estimator and the unbiased estimator is (๐ โ 1)โ๐(๐ฅ๐ ). The variance of ๐ฬ๐๐ฟ can be shown to be ๐2 ๐๐๐(๐ฬ๐๐ฟ ) = ๐๐๐(๐) = (๐โ1)2 (๐โ2) ๐ 2 (10) 2.1.2 Bayesian Estimation Under the assumption that the parameter ๐ is unknown, we can use the conjugate gamma prior with pdf ๐ฝ๐ฟ
๐(๐) = ๐ค(๐ฟ) ๐ ๐ฟโ1 ๐ โ๐ฝ๐ ,
๐ > 0, (๐ฝ, ๐ฟ > 0).
The posterior density function of ๐ given the data, denoted by ๐(๐|๐ฅ) is ๐(๐|๐ฅ) =
[๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ๐ )]๐+๐ฟ ๐ค(๐+๐ฟ)
๐ ๐+๐ฟโ1 ๐ โ๐[๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ๐)] .
Under the squared error loss function, the Bayesian estimator of ๐ (denoted by ๐ฬ๐ต๐ ) is the mean of the posterior density and given by ๏ฅ ๏ฑห ๏ฝ ๏ฑ q๏จ๏ฑ x ๏ฉ d๏ฑ . BS
Therefore, ๐ฬ๐ต๐ =
๐+๐ฟ [๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ๐ )]
Under the LINEX loss function, the Bayes estimator of ๐ (denoted by ๐ฬ๐ต๐ฟ ) is given by 1 ๐ฬ๐ต๐ฟ = โ ๐ ๐๐ (๐ธ(๐ โ๐๐ )). Hence, ๐+๐ฟ ๐ ๐ฬ๐ต๐ฟ = ๐ ๐๐ (1 + ๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ )), ๐ โ 0. ๐
2.1.3 Empirical Bayesian Estimation When the prior parameters ๐ฝ and ๐ฟ are unknown, we may use the empirical Bayesian approach to get their estimators. Here, we assume that the prior density (11) is belonging to a parametric family with unknown parameters. Such parameters are to be estimated using past samples. Applying the estimators of ๐ given, previously, by (13) and (14). We obtain the empirical Bayesian estimators of the parameter ๐ based on the squared error
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Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values
and the LINEX loss functions, respectively. For more details on the empirical Bayesian approach, see Maritz and Lwin (1989). When the current (informative) sample is observed, suppose that ๐ past similar samples ๐๐,๐ฟ(1) , ๐๐,๐ฟ(2) , โฆ , ๐๐,๐ฟ(๐) , ๐ = 1,2, โฆ , ๐ are available with past realization ๐1 , ๐2 , โฆ , ๐๐ of the random variable ๐. Each sample is assumed to be lower record sample of size ๐ obtained from the distribution with pdf given by (3). The likelihood function of the ๐ ๐กโ sample is given by (4) with ๐ฅ๐ being replaced by๐ฅ๐,๐ . For a sample j, j = 1, 2,., n the MLE of the parameter ๐๐ can be rewritten by using (6). ๐ฬ๐ = ๐๐ = ๐โ๐(๐ฅ๐,๐ ). (15) The conditional pdf of ๐๐ , j = 1,2,โฆ, n, for a given ๐๐ is obtained from (8) in the form ๐(๐ง๐ |๐๐ ) =
(๐๐๐ )
[๐ง ] ๐
๐๐ฅ๐ โ (๐๐๐ โ๐ง๐ ) ,
๐ง๐ > 0.
Which is the inverted gamma distribution with parameters (m, m๐๐ ). The marginal pdf of ๐ง๐ , ๐ = 1,2, โฆ , ๐, is the compound distribution โ
๐๐๐ (๐ง๐ ) = โซ ๐(๐ง๐ |๐๐ ) ๐(๐๐ ) ๐๐๐ , 0
f ๏จz j ๏ฑ j ๏ฉ and g ๏จ๏ฑ j ๏ฉ are given by (16) and (11), respectively, after indexing ฮธ in (11) by j. That is,
๐ฝ ๐ฟ ๐๐
๐๐๐ (๐ง๐ ) = ๐ต(๐,๐ฟ) ร
(๐+๐ฝ๐ง๐ )
, ๐ง๐ > 0.
The method of moments estimators of the parameters ๐ฝ and ๐ฟ are given respectively by ๐๐ 1 ๐ 2 ๐ฝฬ = and ๐ฟฬ = 1 2 . (18) 2 (๐ 2 โ๐ 1 )(๐โ1)
๐ 2 โ๐ 1
Then, the empirical Bayesian estimators of the parameter ๐ under the squared error and the LINEX loss functions are given, respectively, by ฬ ๐+๐ฟ ๐ฬ๐ธ๐ต๐ = ๐ฝฬ+๐(๐ฅ ), (19) ๐
and ฬ
๐+๐ฟ ๐ ๐ฬ๐ธ๐ต๐ฟ = ๐ ๐๐ (1 + ๐ฝฬ+๐(๐ฅ )), ๐ โ 0, ๐ where, ๐ฟฬ and ๐ฝฬ are the estimators of ๐ฝ and ๐ฟ given by (18).
2.2 Bayesian Prediction of Future Records Suppose that we have m lower records ๐๐ฟ(1) = ๐ฅ1 , ๐๐ฟ(2) = ๐ฅ2 , โฆ , ๐๐ฟ(๐) = ๐ฅ๐ from the distribution with cdf and pdf given, respectively, by (2) and (3). Based on such a record sample, Bayesian prediction is needed for the ๐ ๐กโ lower record, 1 < m < s. The conditional pdf of Y given the parameter ๐ is given by ๐(๐ฆ|๐) =
[๐ป(๐ฆ)โ๐ป(๐ฅ๐ )]๐ โ๐โ1 ๐ค(๐ โ๐)
ร ๐น(๐ฅ
, 0 < y < ๐ฅ๐ < โ,
where H(.) = - ln F(.). Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Samah N. Sindi, Gannat R. Al-Dayian, Saman Hanif Shahbaz
For the pdf of the EGC of distribution, f ๏จ y ๏ฑ ๏ฉ in (21) takes the form ๐(๐ฆ|๐) =
๐๐ โ๐ ๐โฒ (๐ฆ) ๐ค(๐ โ๐)
1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐ )
๐ โ๐โ1
[๐๐ ( 1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฆ) )]
1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฆ)
[1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐)]
๐ โ๐(๐ฆ) 1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฆ)
0 < y < ๐ฅ๐ < โ. The Bayes predictive density function of ๐ = ๐๐ฟ(๐ ) given the past m lower records is ๐ โ (๐ฆ|๐ฅ) = โซ๐ ๐(๐ฆ|๐) ๐(๐|๐ฅ) ๐๐, (23) Where f ๏จ y ๏ฑ ๏ฉ and q๏จ๏ฑ x ๏ฉ are given by (22) and (12), respectively. Therefore, the result of the integral in (23) is 1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฅ๐ )
๐โฒ (๐ฆ)
๐ โ (๐ฆ|๐ฅ) = ๐ต(๐ โ๐,๐+๐ฟ) [๐๐ ( 1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฆ) )]
๐ โ๐โ1
๐ โ๐(๐ฆ) [๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ๐ )]๐+๐ฟ 1โ๐ โ๐(๐ฆ) [๐ฝ+๐(๐ฆ)]๐ +๐ฟ
, 0 < ๐ฆ < ๐ฅ๐ < โ (24)
Hence, the Bayesian prediction bounds ๐ = ๐๐ฟ(๐ ) , are obtained by evaluating ๐(๐ โฅ ๐ก|๐ฅ), for some positive t. It follows, from (24) that ๐ฅ ๐(๐ โฅ ๐ก|๐ฅ) = โซ๐ก ๐ ๐ โ (๐ฆ|๐ฅ) ๐๐ฆ. That is, 1
๐(๐ โฅ ๐ก|๐ฅ) = 1 โ ๐ต(๐+๐ฟ,๐ โ๐) ๐ผ๐ต๐ (๐ + ๐ฟ, ๐ โ ๐).
And ๐=
๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ๐ ) ๐ฝ+๐(๐ก)
< 1.
For the special case, when s=m+1, which is practically of special interest. The Bayesian prediction for a future lower record value ๐๐+1 can be obtained by using (25) as ๐ฝ+๐(๐ฅ ) ๐+๐ฟ
๐(๐๐+1 โฅ ๐ก1 |๐ฅ) = 1 โ [ ๐ฝ+๐(๐ก๐) ] 1
A 100 ฯ% Bayesian prediction interval for ๐ = ๐๐+1 is ๐[๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐) < ๐ < ๐๐ฟ(๐)] = ๐, where ๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐) and ๐๐ฟ(๐) are the lower and upper limits satisfying the following equations ๐(๐ > ๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐)|๐ฅ) = (1 + ๐)โ2, (27) and ๐(๐ > ๐๐ฟ(๐)|๐ฅ) = (1 โ ๐)โ2 . (28) It follows from (26), (27) and (5) that 1โ๐ โ1โ๐+๐ฟ
๐ (๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐)) = โ๐๐ {1 โ ๐๐ฅ๐ [๐ฝ โ (๐ฝ + ๐(๐ฅ๐ )) (
Similarly, from (26), (28) and (5), it can be shown that 1+๐ โ1โ๐+๐ฟ
๐ (๐๐ฟ(๐)) = โ๐๐ {1 โ ๐๐ฅ๐ [๐ฝ โ (๐ฝ + ๐(๐ฅ๐ )) (
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values
3. Applications In this section, we apply the exponentiated Weibull distribution to the classical Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimation of the parameter ๐ of the EGC of distributions based on lower record values. In addition, Bayesian prediction of the future records is applied. However, the application of some special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution and the exponentiated Gompertz distribution are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. 3.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation The cdf and the pdf of a random variable having the exponentiated Weibull distribution are given, respectively, by ๐น(๐ฅ) = [1 โ exp(โ(๐๐ฅ)๐ผ )]๐ , ๐ฅ > 0 , ๐ > 0 , ๐ผ > 0 ๐๐๐ ๐ > 0 (31) and ๐ผ ๐(๐ฅ) = ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ ๐ฅ ๐ผโ1 ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ) [1 โ exp(โ(๐๐ฅ)๐ผ )]๐โ1 , ๐ฅ > 0, ๐ผ > 0, ๐ > 0 ๐๐๐ ๐ > 0 (32) Where, ๐ ๐๐๐ ๐ผ are shape parameters and ยต is a scale parameter. Suppose that the lower record values, ๐๐ฟ(1) = ๐ฅ1 , ๐๐ฟ(2) = ๐ฅ2 , โฆ , ๐๐ฟ(๐) = ๐ฅ๐ , are from the exponentiated Weibull distribution with cdf and pdf given respectively by (31), (32). Recall equation (2), one can see that ๏ฌ ( x) ๏ฝ ( ๏ญx)๏ก , ๏ง ๏ฝ ( ๏ญ , ๏ก ) , and ๏ฌ ๏ข( x) ๏ฝ ๏ก๏ญ ๏ก x ๏ก ๏ญ1 . The likelihood function is ๐ผ
๐ฟ(๐|๐ฅ) =
โ(๐๐ฅ๐ ) ) ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ ) (๐๐ผ๐ ๐ผ )๐ ๐ ๐๐๐(1โ๐ โ๐ ๐ผ ๐=1 1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ )
๐ฅ๐ ๐ผโ1 .
Assuming that the parameter ๐ is unknown, the MLE of ๐ is given by (6), which can be rewritten as ๐ ๐ฬ๐๐ฟ = โ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐)๐ผ ) . (34) To study the properties of this estimate the distribution of ๐(๐ฅ๐ ) is needed. Applying equation (7) the pdf of ๐๐ is then given by ๐๐ฅ๐ (๐ฅ) =
๐๐ ๐ผ๐ ๐ผ ฮ(๐)
๐ฅ ๐ผโ1 ๐ โ(๐ฅ๐) (1 โ ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ) )
(โ๐๐(1 โ ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ) ))
, x > 0. (35)
๐ = ๐โ๐(๐ฅ ) is given by (8).Which is the inverted gamma ๐ distribution with parameters (๐, ๐๐). That is, the expected value and the variance of ๏ฑหML are given respectively, by (9) and (10). Hence, the pdf of
3.2 Bayesian Estimation Under the assumption that the parameter ๐ is unknown, we can use the conjugate gamma prior with pdf which is given by (11). The posterior density function of ๐ given the data, denoted by ๐(๐|๐ฅ), can be obtained by using (11) and (33) as ๐ผ
๐(๐|๐ฅ) =
[๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ ) )] ๐ค(๐+๐ฟ)
๐ ๐+๐ฟโ1 ๐ โ๐[๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
โ(๐๐ฅ๐ )๐ผ )]
Samah N. Sindi, Gannat R. Al-Dayian, Saman Hanif Shahbaz
Under a squared error loss function, the Bayesian estimator of ๐, ๐ฬ๐ต๐ is given by ๐+๐ฟ ๐ฬ๐ต๐ = [๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐)๐ผ )]. (37) Under the LINEX loss function, the Bayesian estimator of ๐, ๐ฬ๐ต๐ฟ is given by ๐+๐ฟ ๐ ๐ฬ๐ต๐ฟ = ๐๐ (1 + ), ๐ โ 0. โ(๐๐ฅ )๐ผ ๐
3.3 Empirical Bayesian Estimation When the prior parameters ๐ฝ and ๐ฟ are unknown, we may use the empirical Bayesian approach to get their estimates. Since the prior density (11) belongs to a parametric family with unknown parameters, such parameters are to be estimated using past samples. Applying these estimates in (37) and (38), we obtain the empirical Bayes estimate of the parameter ๐ based on the squared error and the LINEX loss functions, respectively. When the current (informative) sample is observed, suppose that ๐ past similar samples ๐๐,๐ฟ(1) , ๐๐,๐ฟ(2) , โฆ , ๐๐,๐ฟ(๐) , ๐ = 1,2, โฆ , ๐ are available with past realization ๐1 , ๐2 , โฆ , ๐๐ of the random variable ๐. Each sample is assumed to be lower record sample of size ๐ obtained from the distribution with pdf given by (32). The likelihood function of the ๐ ๐กโ sample is given by (33) with ๐ฅ๐ being replaced by ๐ฅ๐,๐ . For a sample j, j = 1, 2,โฆ, n , the MLE of the parameter ๐๐ can be written by using (15) as ๐ ๐ฬ๐ = ๐๐ = (39) ๐ผ . โ๐๐(1โ๐
โ(๐๐ฅ๐,๐ )
The conditional pdf of ๐๐ , j = 1,2,โฆ, n , for a given ๐๐ is given by (16).Which is the inverted gamma distribution with parameters (m , m๐๐ ). The marginal pdf of ๐ง๐ , ๐ = 1,2, โฆ , ๐, is given by (17). Then, the empirical Bayesian estimates of the parameter ๐ under the squared error and the LINEX loss function are given by (19) and (20), respectively, as ฬ ๐+๐ฟ ๐ฬ๐ธ๐ต๐ = ๐ฝฬโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐)๐ผ ), (40) and ฬ
๐+๐ฟ ๐ ๐ฬ๐ธ๐ต๐ฟ = ๐ ๐๐ (1 + ๐ฝฬโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐)๐ผ )),
๐ โ 0,
where, ๐ฝฬ and ๐ฟฬ are the moment estimates of ๐ฝ and ๐ฟ given by (18). 3.4 Bayesian Prediction of Future Records Suppose that we have m lower records ๐๐ฟ(1) = ๐ฅ1 , ๐๐ฟ(2) = ๐ฅ2 , โฆ , ๐๐ฟ(๐) = ๐ฅ๐ from the distribution with cdf and pdf are given respectively by (31) and (32). based on such a record sample, Bayesian prediction is needed for the ๐ ๐กโ lower record, 1 < m < s. The conditional pdf of Y given the parameter ๐ is given by (22), it can be written as ๐(๐ฆ|๐) =
๐ ๐ โ๐๐ผ๐ ๐ผ ๐ฆ ๐ผโ1 ๐ โ(๐๐ฆ) ฮ(๐ โ๐)
[๐๐ (
1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐) 1โ๐
๐ โ๐โ1
1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฆ)
โ(๐๐ฅ๐ )๐ผ
, 0 < y < ๐ฅ๐ < โ
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values
The Bayes predictive density function of ๐ = ๐๐ฟ(๐ ) given the past m lower records is given by (24), it can be written in the form ๐ผ๐ ๐ผ ๐ฆ ๐ผโ1
1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ )
๐ โ๐โ1
๐ โ (๐ฆ|๐ฅ) = ฮ(๐ โ๐,๐+๐ฟ) [๐๐ ( 1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฆ)๐ผ )]
[๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ ) )]
๐ โ(๐๐ฆ)
1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฆ)
๐ +๐ฟ
[๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฆ) )]
0 < y < ๐ฅ๐ < โ.
, (43)
Bayesian prediction bounds ๐ = ๐๐ฟ(๐ ) , are obtained by evaluating ๐(๐ โฅ ๐ก|๐ฅ), for some positive t. Which is given by (25). For the special case, when s=m+1, which is practically of special interest. The Bayesian prediction for a future lower record value ๐๐+1 can be obtained by using (26) as ๐+๐ฟ
๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ ) )
๐(๐๐+1 โฅ ๐ก1 |๐ฅ) = 1 โ [ ๐ฝโ๐๐(1โ๐ โ(๐๐ก1 )๐ผ ) ]
A 100 ฯ% Bayesian prediction interval for ๐ = ๐๐+1 is such that ๐[๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐) < ๐ < ๐๐ฟ(๐)] = ๐, where ๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐) and ๐๐ฟ(๐) are the lower and upper limits satisfying (27) and (28), it follows by using (29) that 1
๐ฟ๐ฟ(๐) = ๐ {๐๐ {1 โ ๐๐ฅ๐ [๐ฝ โ (๐ฝ โ ๐๐(1 โ ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐
1 โ1 โ๐ผ โ1โ 1โ๐ ๐+๐ฟ )) ( 2 ) ]} }
Similarly, from (30), one can find that 1
๐๐ฟ(๐) = ๐ {๐๐ {1 โ ๐๐ฅ๐ [๐ฝ โ (๐ฝ โ ๐๐(1 โ ๐ โ(๐๐ฅ๐ )) (
1+๐ 2
โ1โ ๐+๐ฟ
]} }
1โ ๐ผ
3.5 Special cases of the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution and the Exponentiated Gompertz Distribution This subsection concerns with some special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution and the exponentiated Gompertz distribution. The ML, Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimation, based on lower record values, of the parameter of each of the considered special cases and the exponentiated Gompertz distribution are obtained. In addition, Bayesian prediction of future records are found. โข
Some special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution can be seen as follows: 1. When the parameters ฮฑ and ยต equal the value 1, the exponentiated Weibull distribution reduces to the generalized exponential distribution with density function
f ( x) ๏ฝ ๏ฑ e ๏ญ x 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ x
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
๏ฑ ๏ญ1
; x ๏พ 0, ๏ฑ ๏พ 0.
Samah N. Sindi, Gannat R. Al-Dayian, Saman Hanif Shahbaz
1 and the parameter ฮฑ is 2, the exponentiated 2๏ณ Weibull distribution reduces to the exponentiated Reyleigh with density function given by
2. When the parameter ยต equals
๏ญ1๏ฆ x ๏ถ ๏ฉ ๏ญ1๏ฆ x ๏ถ ๏น ๏ง ๏ท ๏ง ๏ท ๏ฑ f ( x) ๏ฝ 2 x e 2 ๏จ ๏ณ ๏ธ ๏ช1 ๏ญ e 2 ๏จ ๏ณ ๏ธ ๏บ ๏ณ ๏ช ๏บ 2
๏ฑ ๏ญ1
; x ๏พ 0, ๏ฑ ๏พ 0.
๏ซ ๏ป 1 3. When the parameter ยต is equal and the parameter ฮฑ is 2, the exponentiated ๏ณ Weibull distribution reduces to the Burr X distribution with density function given by ๏ฑ ๏ญ1
๏ฆx๏ถ ๏ฉ ๏ญ๏ง ๏ท ๏น 2๏ฑ ๏ช f ( x) ๏ฝ 2 x e 1 ๏ญ e ๏จ ๏ณ ๏ธ ๏บ ; x ๏พ 0, ๏ฑ ๏พ 0. ๏ณ ๏ช ๏บ ๏ซ ๏ป ห ห ห Table 1 represents the cdf, ๏ฌ (x), ๏ฑ ML , ๏ฑ BS , ๏ฑ BL , and the Bayesian prediction, lower and upper limits of future records of the above special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution. ๏ฆx๏ถ ๏ญ๏ง ๏ท ๏จ๏ณ ๏ธ
One can write the cdf of the exponentiated Gompertz distribution as follows ๐๐ฅ ๐น(๐ฅ) = (1 โ ๐ โ๐(๐ โ1) )๐ ; x ๏พ 0, a, c, ๏ฑ ๏พ 0.
Since, the exponentiated Gompertz distribution is a member of the EGC of distributions, we write ๏ฌ ( x) ๏ฝ c๏จe a x ๏ญ 1๏ฉ . The ML estimator of the parameter ๏ฑ is
๏ฑหML ๏ฝ
๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญc ๏จe
However, the Bayesian estimators of the parameter ๏ฑ under the squared error loss function and the LINEX loss function are given , respectively, by
๏ฑหBS ๏ฝ
m ๏ซ๏ค
, ax ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญc ๏จe ๏ญ1๏ฉ
m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ฑหBL ๏ฝ a
๏ฆ a ln ๏ง๏ง1 ๏ซ ๏ญc ๏จea x ๏ญ1๏ฉ ๏จ ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e
๏ถ ๏ท. ๏ท ๏ธ
Finally, Bayesian prediction lower and upper limits of future records of the exponentiated Gompertz distribution are given by ๏ญ1 ๏ฌ ๏ฉ ๏น๏ผ m๏ซ๏ค ๏ฏ ax 1 ๏ญ r ๏ฏ ๏ฆ ๏ถ ๏ญc ๏จe ๏ญ1๏ฉ ๏ช LL( X ) ๏ฝ ๏ญ ln ๏ญ1 ๏ญ exp ๏ข ๏ญ ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ด๏ง ๏ท ๏บ ๏ฝ, ๏ช ๏จ 2 ๏ธ ๏บ๏ฏ ๏ฏ ๏ซ ๏ป๏พ ๏ฎ
Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIII No.3 2017 pp575-587
Inference for Exponentiated General Class of Distributions Based on Record Values
and ๏ญ1 ๏ฌ ๏ฉ ๏น๏ผ m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ฏ a x 1 ๏ซ r ๏ฏ ๏ฆ ๏ถ ๏จ ๏ฉ ๏ญ c e ๏ญ 1 UL( X ) ๏ฝ ๏ญ ln ๏ญ1 ๏ญ exp ๏ช๏ข ๏ญ ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ด๏ง ๏ท ๏บ ๏ฝ. ๏ช 2 ๏จ ๏ธ ๏บ๏ฏ ๏ฏ ๏ซ ๏ป๏พ ๏ฎ
The results can be used to estimate parameters of other exponentiated distaributions that can be written as (2). Table 1: Estimators and Bayesian prediction of the parameter ๏ฑ of the special cases of the exponentiated Weibull distribution Generalized exponential
F ( x) ๏ฝ 1 ๏ญ e
Exponentiated Reyleigh
๏ญx ๏ฑ
๏ฌ (x)
m ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ xm
m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ xm
m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ฆ a ln ๏ง๏ง1 ๏ซ a ๏ข ๏ญ ln 1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ xm ๏จ
F ( x) ๏ฝ (1 ๏ญ e 1 2
๏ฆx๏ถ ๏ง ๏ท ๏จ๏ณ ๏ธ m
๏จ ๏ฉ
2 ๏ญ 12 ๏ณx
Burr X
F ( x) ๏ฝ (1 ๏ญ e
๏ฆx๏ถ ๏ง ๏ท ๏จ๏ณ ๏ธ m x 2 ๏ญ๏จ m ๏ฉ ๏ถ ๏ฆ ๏ญ ln ๏ง1 ๏ญ e ๏ณ ๏ท ๏จ ๏ธ m ๏ซ๏ค x 2 ๏ญ๏จ m ๏ฉ ๏ข ๏ญ ln ๏ฆ๏ง1 ๏ญ e ๏ณ ๏ถ๏ท ๏จ ๏ธ m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ด a
๏ฆ ๏ถ ๏ง ๏ท a ๏ง ๏ท ln 1 ๏ซ x 2 ๏ง ๏ญ 12 ๏จ ๏ณm ๏ฉ ๏ถ ๏ท ๏ฆ ๏ท๏ท ๏ง ๏ข ๏ญ ln ๏ง1 ๏ญ e ๏จ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏จ
Lower limit Upper limit
ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ xm ))
๏ด ๏จ1๏ญ2๏ด ๏ฉ
m ๏ซ๏ค
ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e ๏ญ xm ))
๏ด ๏จ1๏ซ2๏ด ๏ฉ
m ๏ซ๏ค
๏ณ {ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ๏จ1๏ญ2๏ด ๏ฉ
๏ด ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e
๏ญ 12
xm 2
๏ญ 12
m ๏ซ๏ค
๏จ ๏ฉ ))]}๏ญ1}
๏ณ {ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ๏จ1๏ซ2๏ด ๏ฉ ๏ด ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e
๏ฆ ๏ถ ๏ง ๏ท a ๏ท ln ๏ง1 ๏ซ x 2 ๏ง ๏ญ๏จ ๏ณm ๏ฉ ๏ถ ๏ท ๏ฆ ๏ท๏ท ๏ง ๏ข ๏ญ ln ๏ง1 ๏ญ e ๏จ ๏ธ๏ธ ๏จ ๏ณ {ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ๏จ1๏ญ2๏ด ๏ฉ ๏ค ๏ญ1
๏ด ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e
๏จ ๏ฉ ))]}๏ญ1} xm
๏ณ {ln{1 ๏ญ exp[๏ข ๏ญ ๏จ1๏ซ2๏ด ๏ฉ
m ๏ซ๏ค
๏จ ๏ฉ ))]}๏ญ1} xm 2
x ๏ญ1๏จ m ๏ฉ ๏ถ ๏ฆ ๏ญ ln ๏ง1 ๏ญ e 2 ๏ณ ๏ท ๏จ ๏ธ m ๏ซ๏ค x 2 ๏ญ1๏จ m ๏ฉ ๏ข ๏ญ ln ๏ฆ๏ง1 ๏ญ e 2 ๏ณ ๏ถ๏ท ๏จ ๏ธ m ๏ซ๏ค ๏ด a
๏จ๏ณx ๏ฉ2
๏ด ( ๏ข ๏ญ ln(1 ๏ญ e
m ๏ซ๏ค
๏จ ๏ฉ ))]}๏ญ1} xm 2
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