The Sandy Point Yacht Club is an organization of people with a common interest
in recreational boating who join together to participate in and enjoy the.
SANDY POINT YACHT CLUB (SPYC) MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION/REGISTRATION The Sandy Point Yacht Club is an organization of people with a common interest in recreational boating who join together to participate in and enjoy the fellowship associated with boating and to represent and protect the interest of boaters within the community. The Club is organized to provide the opportunities and facilities for the membership to achieve the following objectives: • To provide a setting for those involved in boating to gather together to share common interests. • To stimulate a greater interest in boating among the citizens served by the club. • To promote boating safety. • To encourage proficiency in all aspects of seamanship. • To provide a medium for the exchange of boating information. • To monitor and discuss legislative issues impacting boaters. • Encourage the prevention of pollution of the waterways. • Make recommendations to appropriate parties local, state, and federal agencies. • To encourage fellowship among all members regardless interest in boating. Regular monthly meetings are typically held at 6:30 p.m. the first Friday of each month with a potluck dinner at the Marina Clubhouse, 4323 Salt Spring Dr. Dues are $25 per year (January 1 – December 31) and cover the members of one household/address. Paid members receive a monthly newsletter and a schedule of club activities. Annual schedule of events typically include multiple educational programs, social activities, opening day ceremonies, boat (and land trips for those without a boat) cruises, etc. If you are interested in SPYC membership please complete the form below and bring it to a Yacht Club meeting. Registration can be mailed to: Kristi Hug 4211 Saltspring Dr Ferndale, WA. 98248 or Jeff McKay, 4693 Sucia Dr. Ferndale, WA. 98248
SANDY POINT YACHT CLUB MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION. Check appropriate lines: Dues: $25.00 ____ New member: ________ Renew membership: ________ Burgee: $20.00 ____ Enclosed is check #: _________ Cash: _________ Total $:____________ NAME (S):________________________________________________DATE:___________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address if different from above: ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ___________________ Cell # __________________ Email address:____________________ Boat Name: _____________________________ MMSI #: _______________ Boat Description: ______________________________________________________________ Do you own an RV? Yes: _________ No: ______________ Please note: the information above will appear in the SPYC membership list distributed to members only. By registering for membership you agree not to use the SPYC membership list for solicitation purposes of any kind.