M360 Applied Data Mining. •. M461 Applied Multivariate Statistics and one of the
following two electives: •. M370 Applied Analytics using SAS. •. M470 Statistical ...
SAS Data Mining Certificate Program
SAS Joint Data Mining Certificate
By satisfactorily completing four SAS-based statistics courses, SAS and Bryant jointly award a certificate in data mining. These courses satisfy requirements in our Applied Mathematics and Statistics major and in our Applied Statistics concentration and can be taken by students in other majors as well. • • •
M355 SAS Programming and Applied Statistics M360 Applied Data Mining M461 Applied Multivariate Statistics
and one of the following two electives: • •
M370 Applied Analytics using SAS M470 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
SAS Institute Inc., headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, has been a major producer of software since it was founded in 1976 by Anthony Barr, James Goodnight, John Sall, and Jane Helwig. SAS was originally an acronym for Statistical Analysis System but, for many years, has been used as a tradename to refer to the company as a whole and its line of software products, which have long since broadened beyond the statistical analysis sphere. SAS Institute is one of the largest privately-held corporations in North Carolina and in the software business.
1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917 Applied Mathematics and Statistics Contact: Dr. Alan Olinsky Coordinator
[email protected] 401-232-6266
“Employees hired for their expertise with numbers or trained to recognize their importance are armed with the best evidence and the best quantitative tools. As a result, they make the best decisions…” Thomas Davenport, Harvard Business Review, 84. 1 (Jan 2006): 98-107
Related Applied Statistics Concentration and Minor
SAS Data Mining Certificate Program
Applied Statistics Concentration Requirements
See back page of this brochure for specific requirements for certification.
For our Applied
Applied Statistics Minor Requirements •
MATH350 Statistics II or AM332 Actuarial
MATH350 Statistics II or AM332 Actuarial Statistics III
Statistics III
MATH461 Applied Multivariate Statistics
MATH360 Applied Data Mining
Choose two courses from the following
MATH461 Applied Multivariate Statistics
electives: ECO315 Econometrics; MATH354
MATH470 Statistical Design and Analysis
Software Applications in Mathematics;
of Experiments
MATH355 SAS Programming and Applied
Choose two courses from the following
Statistics; MATH360 Applied Data Mining;
electives: ECO315 Econometrics;
MATH370 Applied Analytics Using SAS;
MATH355 SAS Programming; MATH370
MATH456 Statistical and Mathematical
Recent Monster.com job searches:
Applied Analytics Using SAS; AM333
1,000+ Data Mining jobs matched your search
Decision Making; MATH470 Statistical Design
Advanced Probability; MATH456 Statistics
and Analysis of Experiments; AM230 Actuarial
and Decision Making; MATH485 Special
1,000+ SAS jobs matched your search
Statistics I; AM231 Actuarial Statistics II;
Topics in Mathematics; MATH497 Directed
MATH497 Directed Studies in Mathematics;
Many of our graduates are using SAS and/or data
Study in Mathematics
MATH485 Special Topics in Mathematics
Statistics minors, only one additional course beyond the minor is necessary to complete the SAS certification requirements. Currently, Bryant is only one of 18 universities worldwide authorized to grant a joint certificate in data mining with SAS.
mining in their current positions.
Students who concentrate in Applied Statistics may also earn SAS certification in data mining.
Mu Sigma Rho Bryant also has a chapter of the National Statistics Honorary Society.
Four courses are required for the certification: MATH355, SAS Programming and Applied Statistics; MATH360, Applied Data Mining; MATH461, Applied Multivariate Statistics and one of the following: MATH370, Applied Analytics using SAS or MATH470, Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments.