Sat. Aug. 15 4:00 pm 5:30 pm (St. Mary) Mary Jane Schaefer, John ...

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Aug 16, 2015 - ACH Education. 20.00 ..... and online, and your information will be printed on the placemats and displaye
837 Parkview Drive Milton, Wisconsin Parish Web Site Parish E-mail Address

Fr. Dave Timmerman, Pastor After Hours Emergencies, please call: Vicki Kersten, Parish Administrator Sabrina Elsen, Faith Formation Coordinator Angie McNally, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Paul Schultz, Administrative Assistant Faith Formation Faith Formation Attendance Line Fax Number

Sat. Aug. 15 Sun. Aug. 16 Mon. Aug. 17 Tues. Aug. 18 Wed. Aug. 19 Thurs. Aug. 20 Fri. Aug. 21 Sat. Aug. 22 Sun. Aug. 23

4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16 , 2015 [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

868-3338 868-2338 868-3337 868-3334 868-3335 868-3336 868-3336 868-3345

(St. Mary) Mary Jane Schaefer, John Condon (St. Joseph) Harry Langer (St. Mary) For All Our Parishioners (St. Joseph) Marianne McGuire No Mass (St. Mary) Dennis Sitter (St. Mary) Eileen Wright, Tricket Wendler (St. Joseph) Ward Mehring, Stella Plywacz (St. Joseph) Jerome & Faith Stockheimer’s 50th Wedding Anniversary (St. Mary) Bill Anderson and Mildred & Louis Lee (St. Joseph) Merrill Moore (St. Mary) Joe & Marion Williams, Sr. Cathy Windle (St. Joseph) For All Our Parishioners

Liturgical Ministers: Please be sure to arrive approximately 10 minutes before mass begins. At 5 minutes before mass time, the check-in person begins to look for substitutes. Ministry

4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

Reader One Reader Two

Pat Mosher Helen Dickinson*

Mari Anne Warren Don Roberts


Frank Daniels

Mary Kapheim


Lisa Meyers

Lisa Meyers


Clarence Lornson

Sharon Swanson


Zoe Cross Emma Mueller

Acasia Cadd Kyle Wecker

Extraordinary Ministers

Robert Dugenske Jessica Locher Joe Sesek

Marian Cousin* Lou Pins Nancy Heiman


Ron Yoss Donald Reif Ed Butler Brian Cross Joe Haas Dennis Witek Kelly Reed

Larry Kapheim Roger Schrader Barry Brandt Casey Brandt

*Denotes Check-in person

Sat./Sun. Aug. 15/16: Blessing of Singles August 1, 2015: Mia Faye Alt daughter of during Mass. Amy and Kevin. Mon. Aug 16: St. Margaret’s Circle will meet with Pat Kauffman at 1:00 p.m. Tues. Aug. 18: Pastoral Council will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the Ark. Wed. Aug. 19: Staff Meeting at 10:00 a.m. Fri. Aug. 21: St. Monica’s Circle will meet with Donna Platts at Abeeb’s Restaurant at 8:30 a.m.

Collection from Sunday (August 2, 2015) Envelopes 7,554.00 ACH Auto-Debit 2,330.00 Offertory 443.19 Education 0.00 ACH Education 20.00 Loaves & Fishes 0.00 Catholic Herald 0.00 Special Collections 0.00 Collection from last year (August 3, 2014) Envelopes 7,198.00 ACH Auto-Debit 2,115.00

Monday, August 17 Judges 2:11-19 Psalm 106:34-35, 36-37, 39-40, 43ab-44 Matthew 19:16-22 Tuesday, August 18 Judges 6:11-24a Psalm 85:9, 11-12, 13-14 Matthew 19:23-30 Wednesday, August 19 Judges 9:6-15 Psalm 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 Matthew 20:1-16

Collection from last Sunday (August 9, 2015) Envelopes 6,159.00 ACH Auto-Debit 255.00 Offertory 411.25 Education 5.00 Loaves & Fishes 0.00 Catholic Herald 0.00 Special Collections 0.00 Collection from last year (August 10, 2014) Envelopes 5,293.55 ACH Auto-Debit 175.00

Thursday, August 20 Judges 11:29-39a Psalm 40:5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 Matthew 22:1-14 Friday, August 21 Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Psalm 146:5-6ab, 6-7, 8-9a, 9b-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Sunday, August 23 Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Psalm 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21 Ephesians 5:21-32 John 6:60-69

This week the Traveling Chalice will be in the home of

Florence Williams Please pray for Vocations

LOURDES MINISTERS NEEDED: Are you available on Friday’s or Saturday’s to distribute communion to our parishioners at Mercy Hospital? If so, please call Clarence Lornson today! His cell number is 608-289-7085. COME AND PRAY FOR THE SACREDNESS OF ALL HUMAN LIFE: It has been a past practice in our parish to have a Holy Hour on Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. Currently, we celebrate a Holy Hour immediately after the 8:30 a.m. mass on the first Wednesday of the month. So, our plan is to combine the two services and have one Holy Hour on the first Wednesday of every month following morning mass. In September we will focus our prayer on the sacredness of all human life including the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for Respect and Protection of all Human Life. Please come and join us on September 2 for 8:30 a.m. Mass, followed by Holy Hour.

THE BLESSING OF FAMILIES Blessing for Singles: May the Blessing of God come upon you who are single, as you continue to grow in the experience of faith and love. Loving God, may these singles be deeply touched by the Word of the Scriptures, and guided by the Ten Commandments in their daily lives. May your Holy Spirit lead all their actions. We pray to the Lord.

Stewardship: A Way of Life Twentieth Sunday in ordinary Time “Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise…” Ephesians 5:15 A wise person recognizes that all we have comes from God. A wise person thanks God every day for all His many blessings. A wise person realizes that God has blessed us for a reason and He wants us to be partners with Him in His work here on earth.

Please keep these parishioners and family members in your prayers: Helen Goerke Jim Jenkins Jeff Kneiert Austin Martin Scot Nelson Val Pakes Gayle Reed Kathy Roberts Brett Urban Ed Windle

WORD OF LIFE: “Dr. Stevens, if you had believed in physicianassisted suicide, I wouldn’t be here. You didn’t give up on me, and you didn’t abandon me, and that’s why I’m still here. ...These are the king of doctors we need; they give you hope when your hope is gone.” Jeannette Hall in “Jeannette’s Story: 15 Years Later” Sought assisted suicide, but was inspired by her doctor to consider treatment

this is the chalice of my blood.” Although the Holy Eucharist still appears to be bread and wine according to our senses, its substance has completely changed. This is what we call the Real Presence. Jesus is really, wholly, entirely present.

“HOW CAN THIS MAN GIVE US HIS FLESH TO EAT?” (JOHN 6:52) We are in the midst of readings from the gospel of John called the Bread of Life Discourse. Jesus has reminded listeners that God provided manna — bread from heaven — to their ancestors in the desert for nourishment. The people ask for this everlasting food. “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. ‘” (John 6:35)

This is the same Bread of Life that is present at every Mass, where the bread and wine offered is transformed into the body and blood, the soul and divinity of Jesus Christ during the consecration by the priest, through the words of institution: “This is my body…

This is why our knee hits the floor as we genuflect before entering a pew in sight of the Real Presence reserved in the tabernacle. This is why we bow in reverence before receiving the Body of Christ in Holy Communion. This is why we don’t even partake in Holy Communion if we are conscious of grave sin until we are restored to a state of grace through the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. This is why we may choose to remain in communion with the Real Presence in prayer even after Mass is over since Christ’s body remains inside us until the consecrated host has been dissolved and digested. Jesus is here. There is a new pamphlet in the rack at the entrance of the church called Frequently Asked Questions About the Mass that talks more about this. As we’ll hear in the gospel reading next week, some people couldn’t accept this teaching and stopped being disciples of Jesus. Let’s not overthink this and just take Jesus at his word. — Paul Schultz

Since its inception by Saint John Paul II in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has strengthened the sacred bonds of families across the globe. Held every three years it is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The eighth edition will be held in Philadelphia from September 22-27 with an anticipated visit from Pope Francis. The theme is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. A document of religious instruction on family life has been prepared under this title. Each week for the next ten weeks, our parish will explore each chapter from this catechism, with reflections developed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for the New Evangelization. You can order a copy of this beautifully illustrated catechism (or look through one in our parish library) and learn about the World Meeting of Families at There is also a pamphlet in the rack on the wall near the church entrance with more information that you can take home to read.

Chapter 4: Two Become One Our first three chapters reviewed basic Christian faith. We saw how confidence in Jesus opens the door to faith, enabling us to know God and what God has done in history. God creates male and female in his image, and makes a covenant with Israel and the Church. God is faithful to his promises, even when we sin. Because

God loved us in this way, we spend our lives trying to return our love to God and share it with our neighbor. In this fourth chapter and in the chapters to come, we will study the implications of these doctrines for marriage and the family. When husband and wife promise to love each other as God loves us all, they make a commitment to love not only romantically, but also with mercy and forgiveness. Our culture sometimes teaches us to think of marriage as a negotiable contract between two individuals who happen to feel sexual chemistry. This view of love is a recipe for instability, since it is still premised on individualism and the waxing and waning of romantic feelings. The Church’s alternative account of love enables us to transcend the culture of individualism and become who we were created to be. Founded on Christ, sustained in the sacraments, Catholic marriage builds humility and self-sacrifice into the dynamic between male and female. As this month’s chapter explains in more detail, sacramental marriage creates intimate communion even in times of suffering and hardship. “Love is our mission,” as our catechism’s title declares, because Christ’s love frees us from false, shrunken accounts of love and makes us fully alive. - Dr. Christopher C. Roberts, editor, Love is Our Mission Preparatory Catechism

CATHOLIC CHARITIES PRESENTS 5TH ANNUAL HEALTHY AGING CONFERENCE: On September 9 at the Sheraton Inn, 706 John Nolen Drive, Madison, Catholic Charities will present their 5th Annual Healthy Aging Conference. The conference features two keynote speakers and 8 workshops devoted to helping seniors, their adult children, and caregivers become familiar with the scope of alternatives that lead to positive and healthy aging. Registration is open online at Cost for seniors and students is $35; for professionals $65. Deadline is Wednesday, September 2. HEAT U.P. WISCONSIN NOMINEES SOUGHT: For the 6th year in a row, Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Lennox Dealers are participating in the Heat U.P. Wisconsin program as a way of giving back to their communities. We all know that many families are in a position where they need a helping hand. In our economy, many people have lost jobs, some are veterans, are disabled or ill, or are elders on a limited income. Although someone may own a home, they cannot always afford to replace an old, inefficient furnace which only adds to their burden by running up the energy bills. Dealers will install up to 100 Lennox furnaces completely free to the chosen recipients—but they need your help! If

you know someone who could benefit from this program, please nominate them by August 28 at $1.6 million in furnaces have been installed so far!

Special THANK YOU to parishioners Gail & John Nordlof for the donation of altar wine. Northleaf Winery, LLC 232 South Janesville Street Milton Wisconsin 53563 608-580-0575 fax 608-580-0576 [email protected]

ST. MARY WOMEN’S MINISTRY MEETING CANCELLED: Due to the GIFTS Shelter held this week, the Women’s Ministry monthly meeting on August 17 will be cancelled. DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE MADISON DIOCESAN CHOIR? The Madison Diocesan Choir currently is seeking new members for all sections of the choir. The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings (7:00-9:00 p.m.) in the chapel of the Bishop O’Connor Center on Madison’s west side. You don’t have to be a pro! We’re looking for people with pleasant voices who are willing to work towards our goal of singing God’s praise with full hears, minds and voices. We sing about once a month. These engagements vary from several annual Diocesan Masses (Chrism Mass, Ordination, etc.) and parish visits for Saturday evening Masses. We also present the popular Lessons and Carols in December and our annual spring concert in May. Members of the choir come from many

parishes in the diocese, including Madison, Middleton, Ashton, Cambridge, Cross Plaines, Jefferson, Monroe, Oregon, Sauk City, Spring Green, Stoughton, Sun Prairie and Waterloo. More information is available at: If you would like to join, contact Patrick Gorman at 608-821-3081 or [email protected]. ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX (Feast Day-August 20): On August 20 the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a Doctor of the Church thanks to his writings and sermons which greatly influenced Europe during the 12th century, and his numerous efforts which helped to avoid a schism in the Church in 1130.

SAINT MARY HARVEST FESTIVAL 2015 Saturday, October 17 5K Fun Run Sunday, October 18 Dinner and Drawings

Harvest Festival Sponsorship: Letters have been sent to past sponsors and local businesses. If you do not receive a letter and would like to help sponsor our annual festival, whether you own a business, your employer would like to sponsor or you would like to sponsor as an individual or family, please contact Vicki (868-3337 or [email protected]) at the Parish Office. $100 Donation: Your business or family name will be posted at church; you will be listed as a festival sponsor in weekly bulletin announcements and online, and your information will be printed on the placemats and displayed in a table top holder used at the Festival dinner. $150 Donation: Your business or family name will receive all of the above plus your business or family name will be on the Fun Run t-shirt. Mini Raffles: Theme Baskets are sure to be popular again this year. Any and all items are most welcome. Some of last year’s popular items were: A stay at Chula Vista Resort, Coach purse, small drop leaf table, bird lover’s basket, wagon with bear, camping basket and ceramic duck. Children’s raffle favorites were again the big teddy bear and the giant puppy, as well as movie basket, doll wardrobe and boy’s Legos. Sign-up in the gathering space this weekend. Country Store: As summer moves on, remember to can some of your produce (fruits, vegetables, jams, pickles, etc). Crafters, please keep working on your favorite item to donate! Children’s Games: We are looking for someone willing to make balloon animals at this year’s Festival. Donated time would be so great, but we can consider paying a reasonable fee. If you are that person or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Vicki at 868-3337. Harvest Festival Tickets: For the next two weekends (August 22/23 and 29/30) your Festival Packet will be available for pick-up in the Gathering Space. Lots of information included, along with your raffle tickets. PLEASE take a minute to get yours!!

2015 HARVEST FESTIVAL SPONSORS Andy Weberpal Century 21 Affiliated Beatrice Steely Culver’s of Newville The Diamond Center Dr. Brad Meyers & Gretchen Geist Dr. Julia Foster-Armstrong, DDS Edward Jones Investments: Peter Thomas & Debra Cross, CFP® First Community Bank Hammer Chiropractic, LLC The Heartwarming House, LLC In Loving Memory of Charlie Schneider Jim & Sigga Fagan Lanair Products, LLC Madelyn Co, Inc. Mike Sessler, Realtor Northleaf Winery, LLC Piggly Wiggly, Milton

Prairie Craftsmen, Inc. R&W Heating & Cooling, Inc. Ron & Jean Theis Schneider Funeral Home & Crematory Steponkus Tax Service Sugar Creek Mutual Ins Kasey Reed ViTech International, Inc.

(Your Name Here)

Faith Formation Registration Time!! Go online to: www.saintmarymil Faith_Formation.html. New this can pay your fees online via PayPal. With PayPal, tuition and bus must be submitted separately. Seeds (Preschool): Sundays during 9:00 a.m. Mass Elementary Classes (K-6): Tuesday or Wednesday 4:00—5:15 p.m. Middle School (7 & 8): 2nd Sunday from 6:00—7:30 p.m. High School (9-11): 2nd Sunday from 10:00—11:30 a.m. or 6:00—7:30 p.m. Family Formation: 2nd Sunday from 10:00—11:30 a.m. Come and share the Faith with the future of our Church as a station or group leader!! Contact Sabrina for more information at 868-3334 or [email protected]

FAITH FORMATION NEWS… “The family which experiences the joy of faith communicates it naturally. That family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world; it is the leaven of society.” ~ Pope Francis, October 27, 2013 About Family Formation: Do you sometimes feel that your children know more about being a Catholic Christian than you do? Families gather on the second Sunday of each month, from September thru April, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass until 11:30 a.m., for eight sessions. This year’s curriculum is based on the World Meeting of Families book, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Some of the topics include: Created for Joy; the Mission of Love; Creating the Future; Light in a Dark World; A Home for the Wounded Heart Families will work together to accomplish monthly family challenges and goals!

5:45 P.M. CLASS CANCELLED. Please contact Sabrina if you are in need of additional options.

GIFTS SHELTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: St. Mary, Milton has partnered with CrossPointe Church to host the GIFTS Men’s Shelter . St. Mary is responsible for dinner, check-in, overnight and breakfast from Sunday, August 16 to Wednesday morning, August 19. Volunteers can sign-up in the gathering space, or from our parish website: Outreach.html (This volunteer opportunity is brought to you by our Interfaith Community Outreach Ministry.) ST. MARY ANNUAL VOLUNTEER SIGN -UP CONTINUES: Volunteering for the many ministries at St. Mary Parish continues. Sign-up forms are available at all entrances, or online at: Volunteers.html MERCY HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Mercy Hospice is seeking volunteers to visit with patients, including veteran volunteers, music volunteers and a variety of other needs. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call 608-754-2201. We would love to have you share your talents with our team! WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S: The Alzheimer’s Association needs

volunteers for this annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s of Rock County. Volunteers help with registration, handing out t-shirts, mission activities and more. The walk runs from 7:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, September 12 at Palmer Park in Janesville. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: We are looking for a parish liaison to be responsible for recruiting parishioners from our parish to fill certain hours during this year’s 40 Days for Life Campaign (September 23-November 1). A parish normally fills a 2-hour time block per week during this campaign. If you are interested, please contact Veronica at 608-849-6540 or email [email protected] CLERICAL VOLUNTEER NEEDED: The Janesville Police Department seeks volunteers for a variety of duties, including clerical work, filing, answering phones, data entry, scanning files, case research, department tours, fingerprinting and more.

ST. JOAN OF THE CROSS (Feast Day-August 17) Saint Jeanne Delanoue (1666-1736), a holy woman who gave up her business in service to the poor and needy, following an encounter with a beggar. Joan remained open to the message of God, seeing in the poor woman she encountered the personage of Christ, giving all she had in service, and founding the order of the Congregation of Saint Anne of Providence to continue her charitable mission. FALL FEST: Sunday, September 13 from 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. St. Joseph, Fort Atkinson will hold their Fall Fest. Great food (Fort-Famous chicken and sweet corn), bingo, raffles, car-truckand bike show, children’s games, bag

toss tournament, human foozball tournament, euchre tournament and watch the Bear/Packer game on the gym’s BIG SCREEN. DASH FOR DISABILITIES: St. Coletta, (N4637 Country Rd, Y, Jefferson) will hold a Dash for Disabilities 5K Run—1M Walk on Saturday, September 12. Checkin from 8:00-9:30 a.m. 5K Run starts at 10:00 a.m., 1M Walk starts at 10:15 a.m. Fee is only $10, kids 12 and under FREE! Paid registration includes t-shirt, goodie bag, one raffle prize ticket and post race snacks. Register now at

Liturgy Commission The Liturgy Commission is responsible for all liturgical celebrations in the parish. It functions with several committees:  Music Selection Committee choses the music to be sung at each weekend mass.  The Environment Committee plans and carries out the decoration of the church for each liturgical season.  The Reading/Reflection Committee reads and reflects on the readings for each liturgical season, and surfaces a focus for each season. These reflections are used by the Music Selection Committee in the selection of the songs, and by the Environment Committee in planning the environment for each season. This commission also addresses any issues raised by parish members concerning liturgical practices.

Meetings Liturgy Commission meetings are held

on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Ark Meeting Room. The chair, recorder and prayer positions are rotated each month. Current Members: Julia Armstrong, Bob Berger, Pat Starr

WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PRAYER God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters In the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love Through Christ our Lord. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

837 Parkview Dr. Milton, WI 53563 608-868-3338