Sat. Oct. 31 4:00 pm 5:30 pm (St. Mary) - St. Mary Parish, Milton, WI

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Nov 1, 2015 - [email protected]. 868-3338. After Hours Emergencies, please call: 868-2338 ... Blood Pressure s
837 Parkview Drive Milton, Wisconsin Parish Web Site Parish E-mail Address

Fr. Dave Timmerman, Pastor After Hours Emergencies, please call: Vicki Kersten, Office Manager Sabrina Elsen, Faith Formation Coordinator Angie McNally, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Paul Schultz, Administrative Assistant Faith Formation Faith Formation Attendance Line Fax Number

Sat. Oct. 31

Sun. Nov. 1 All Saint’s Day Mon. Nov. 2 All Soul’s Day Tues. Nov. 3 Wed. Nov. 4 Thurs. Nov. 5 Fri. Nov. 6 Sat. Nov. 7 Sun. Nov. 8

All Saints Day November 1, 2015 [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

868-3338 868-2338 868-3337 868-3334 868-3335 868-3336 868-3336 868-3345

4:00 p.m. (St. Mary) Joe & Marian Williams, Mary Novinger, Bob Ries 5:30 p.m. (St. Joseph) Vaughn Pratt, Parishioners of St. Joseph & St. Mary 9:00 a.m. (St. Mary) Bill Anderson and Mildred & Louis Lee 10:30 a.m. (St. Joseph) Helen & Bob Kurth 8:30 a.m. (St. Mary) Deceased Members of St. Mary & St. Joseph 8:30 a.m. (St. Mary) Leonard Riesterer, Leo & Ann Manogue, Brian Hergert, Heather Hergert 8:30 a.m. (St. Mary) Jack & Jessie Fagan Holy Hour Following Mass 8:00 a.m. (St. Joseph) Merrill & Jane Moore’s Wedding Anniversary 8:00 a.m. (St. Joseph) Edward Langer 4:00 p.m. (St. Mary) Neale Zimmerlee 5:30 p.m. (St. Joseph) Ray Connolly 9:00 a.m. (St. Mary) Parishioners of St. Mary & St. Joseph 10:30 a.m. (St. Joseph) Jeff & Mark Ogle

Liturgical Ministers: Please be sure to arrive approximately 10 minutes before mass begins. At 5 minutes before mass time, the check-in person begins to look for substitutes. Ministry

4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

Reader One Reader Two

Karen Cain Frank Bua

Pat Starr Steve Vicenzi


Rick Elbert

Lou Pins


Bob Berger

Sabrina Elsen


Clarence Lornson


Ian Lilla Thomas Lilla

Kileigh Gorski Ella Gorski Laura Owens

Extraordinary Ministers

Ron Yoss Julie Armstrong Dodie Weberpal*

Lori Schrank Sue Scherwitz* Donna Curley


Joel Turner David Hillman Allan Schmit Paula Schmit

Tom Lieder Michael Goedert Mike Roberts Sandra Sokn Tom Krausse

*Denotes Check-in person

Tues. Nov. 3: K-6 FF classes at 4:00 p.m. Tues. Nov. 3: 1st Communion meeting at Sun. Nov. 1: “Seeds” Ministry at 9:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. in the center. Sun. Nov. 1: St. Mary choir will sing at Tues. Nov. 3: Buildings & Grounds 9:00 a.m. mass. Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Sun. Nov. 1: Coffee & Donuts Sunday after Ark. mass. Wed. Nov. 4: Staff Meeting at 10:00 a.m. Sun Nov. 1: YM Leader Inservice at 10:00 Wed. Nov. 4: K-6 FF classes at 4:00 p.m. a.m. in the lower level. Wed. Nov. 4: Children’s choir will meet Sun. Nov. 1: Footprints of God: Peter from 5:15-5:45 p.m. DVD series at 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. in the Wed. Nov. 4: 1st Communion meeting at Ark. 5:20 p.m. in the center. Mon. Nov. 2: Belles of St. Mary will meet Thurs. Nov. 5: Music selection committee at 10:00 a.m. in the center. will meet at 8:30 a.m. in the Ark.

Thurs. Nov. 5: YM Leader Inservice at 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. in the center. Sat. Nov. 7: RCIA will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Ark. Sat. Nov. 7: St. Mary choir will sing at 4:00 p.m. mass. Sat./Sun. Nov. 7/8: Camillus Ministry Blood Pressure screening in the center after all masses. Sat./Sun. Nov. 7/8: Ark Library will be open after all masses. Sun. Nov. 8: “Seeds” Ministry at 9:00 a.m. Sun. Nov. 8: Footprints of God: Peter DVD series at 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. in the Ark. Sun. Nov. 8: Family Ministry will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the center. Sun. Nov. 8: High School class at 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. in the lower level. Sun. Nov. 8: Middle School class at 6:00 p.m. in the center. Sun. Nov. 8: Festival Hash Meeting at Culver’s in Newville at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, November 2—All Souls Day Wisdom 3:1-9 Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 Romans 5:5-11 John 6:37-40 Tuesday, November 3 Romans 12:5-16ab Psalm 131:1bcde, 2, 3 Luke 14:15-24 Wednesday, November 4 Romans 13:8-10 Psalm 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9 Luke 14:25-33

Collection from last Sunday (October 25, 2015) Envelopes 6,483.00 ACH Auto-Debit 255.00 Offertory 375.61 Education 0.00 Loaves & Fishes 0.00 Catholic Herald 0.00 Special Collections 95.00 Collection from last year (October 26, 2014) Envelopes 6,005.00 ACH Auto-Debit 185.00

Thursday, November 5 Romans 14:7-12 Psalm 27:1bcde, 4, 13-15 Luke 15:1-10 Friday, November 6 Romans 15:14-21 Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 Luke 16:1-8 Sunday, November 8 1 Kings 17:10-16 Psalm 146:7, 8-9a, 9b-10 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44

This week the Traveling Chalice will be in the home of

Jerry & Roseanne Urbik Please pray for Vocations

ARK LIBRARY: The Ark Library is open next weekend following all Masses. Join us to browse through the many books and videos that our Ark Library has to offer. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: Camillus Ministry blood pressure screening is held next weekend in the parish center after all Masses. ST. MARY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOLIDARITY CROSSES: The Knights of Columbus at St. Mary, Milton are selling Solidarity Crosses in support of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. The cross is a symbol of suffering, unity and hope. Each 5” olivewood cross is made by Christians in the Holy Land. Proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund. Please contact Brian

Cowan at 754-2618 information and to order.



HOLY HOUR at ST. MARY, MILTON: Please join us in praying for All the Faithful Departed Souls at St. Mary, Milton on Wednesday, November 4 at 9:00 a.m., immediately following Mass. At this Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament we will pray for all the faithful departed souls, helping them attain perfect union with our loving and most merciful God. There are many people who die from natural and man-made disasters, such as tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, epidemics, on highways and in the air, battle grounds, refugee camps and overdose of drugs. Our prayers of intercession and our acts of love and especially the Holy sacrifice of the mass assist our loved ones and all who have died, in their purification.

Stewardship: A Way of Life All Saint’s Day “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3 “Poor in spirit” is confusing for many of us. It simply means to place your trust in God, putting His will first and being strong in faith. As we celebrate the lives of the saints on All Saints Day, remember, we, too are called to be saints. Dialing down our own pride and ego and turning up the humility will help us on our path to sainthood.

Please keep these parishioners and family members in your prayers: Ruth Berger Bob Dibble Jim Jenkins Jeff Kneiert Austin Martin Julie Miller Scot Nelson Val Pakes Gayle Reed Kathy Roberts Brett Urban Ed Windle

WORD OF LIFE: “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created

them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27 NATIONAL VOCATION AWRENESS SUNDAY: Today begins National Vocation Awareness Week. Through our prayers for an increase in vocations, may the Lord grant us priests, deacons, and consecrated brothers and sisters to help spread the Gospel throughout our diocese, the United States, and the world. We encourage parents to speak lovingling to their children about the joys and rewards of serving christ in His Church. If anyone has questions on vopcational discernment, please contact Rev. Gregory Ihm, Director of Vocations, at 608-821-3095 or [email protected]

ST. ELIZABETH HOME IS HIRING! CNAs, LPNs and RN wanted. Work close to home. Good pay and benefits plus flexible hours. Call 608-752-6709 today. GIFTS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR NEEDED: The GIFTS Men’s Shelter Board of Directors had identified the need to hire a part-time Development Director. This is an exciting time in their ministry as they follow the direction where God is leading. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume to Stephanie Burton, Executive Director via email at [email protected]. AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH— Information about Catholic funerals: This informational session is for those who wish to learn more about Catholic funerals and related rituals, and who may even wish to consider a plan for their own funeral. Each participant will receive a copy of Now and at the Hour of Our Death. Thursday, November 12 at Nativity of Mary Parish, Janesville, Church Hall from 1:00-2:30 p.m. This informational session is free of charge. A donation of $3 to offset the cost of the participant booklets will be appreciated if you are able. To ensure enough materials, please register by November 8 by calling Nativity at 608-752-7861.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE CLOSING PRAYER VIGIL & POTLUCK: Please come and join others who prayed for an end to abortion during this fall’s 40 Days for Life in Madison for the closing prayer vigil and/or closing potluck. The closing prayer vigil will be led by Fr. Richard Heilman at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 1 on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood, 4706 Orin Rd, Madison. The closing potluck will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary School cafeteria, 4913 Schofield Street in Monona. Share in fellowship and community with others while we mark an end to the 2015 fall 40 Days for Life campaign. Vigil for Life will supply the entree and dessert. Last names starting with the letters AM, please bring a salad to pass; last names starting with the letters N-Z, please bring a side dish to pass.

Lily’s Column with Fr. Dave: The Church is composed of a saving people moving out on a mission into the world, NOT a saved people who are retreating into the security of the four walls of the church building. William B. Cate

St. Mary Youth Ministry presents...

Advent Adventure: Serving others while Waiting for Jesus…

YOUTH MINISTRY ACTIONS/EVENTS: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Volunteers Helpers from about 3:30-5:30 p.m. for elementary faith formation. November 1 YM Leader in-service 10AM November 5 YM Leader in-service 10 AM

Could your parents use a few hours of FREE free-time getting ready for the holidays or hunting, baking, prayer and reflection or sleep? Or are your parents looking for something fun that will remind you of what Advent is all about? Children are invited to come over as we remember our loved ones in heaven and serve the hungry, imprisoned, naked, homeless, thirsty and sick through the Works of Mercy!!

Saturday, November 21

9:00AM to 1:00PM 3 years-4th grade (Big brothers/sisters can help)

November 8 Junior Mass 9AM YM Classes 10AM/ 6PM November 13 MOME Set-Up


November 14 Confirmation Retreat 9AM MOME Tear-Down 5PM November 21 Advent Adventure 9AM November 22 Thanksgiving Baskets 10:15AM

“FLY ME TO THE MOON”: On Saturday, November 14 join us as we transform our parish center into an ’Evening with Ol’ Blue Eyes’ Dinner and Dance. Cocktails begin at 5:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. and dancing at 7:00 p.m. Listen to our very own DJ “Soulman” (Fr. Dave) mix Sinatra and his friends in an evening that promises to be incredible! Cost is $25 per person. Tickets on sale now after mass in the gathering space or at the parish office.

SINATRA TRIVIA CONTINUES: FROM LAST WEEK: What was Frank Sinatra’s signature drink? ANSWER: 4 ice cubes, two fingers of Jack Daniels whiskey and a splash of water.

Euchre Tournament

Hosted by Knights of Columbus 9230 *November 14th St. William’s Parish Hall 1822 Ravine, Janesville Entry Fee $10.00 Cash Prizes and 50/50 Raffle Registration starts at 5:15 p.m. Cards start promptly at 6:00 p.m. Beverages and sandwiches available for purchase *75% net proceeds from this will go to the Lara E. Meidl Smith Family For more info contact Bill Slatter 608-774-6023

Special THANK YOU to parishioners Gail & John Nordlof for the donation of altar wine. Northleaf Winery, LLC 232 South Janesville Street Milton Wisconsin 53563 608-580-0575 fax 608-580-0576 [email protected]

being purified, while still others are in glory, contemplating ‘in full light, God himself triune and one, exactly as he is’.” (#954)

In both Solemnity of All Saints on November 1st and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) on November 2nd we recognize the Church in its three states as the unified body of Christ. The Church Militant are believers on earth who struggle against sin, battle against injustice in the world, and engage in spiritual warfare against the devil’s advances. The Church Suffering refers to the dead in Purgatory who are being cleaned of their imperfections since, as Scripture teaches, nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven (Revelation 21:27). The Church Triumphant describes all in Heaven — the holy Trinity, the angels and saints, and those “faithful departed” who have reached the fullness of salvation in Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it this way: “When the Lord comes in glory, and all his angels with him, death will be no more and all things will be subject to him. But at the present time some of his disciples are pilgrims on earth. Others have died and are

We pray for the souls in Purgatory, seek help from saints and angels, and ask others to pray to God on our behalf. This unity and cooperation of the members of the Church on earth, in Purgatory, and in Heaven is what we call the Communion of Saints. We have four new saints which we can include in our prayers of intercession. At the Vatican in Saint Peter's Square on October 18th Pope Francis canonized an Italian parish priest, a Spanish nun who did works of charity, and the parents of the 19th century French saint Therese of Lisieux. "The radiant witness of these new saints inspires us to persevere in joyful service to our brothers and sisters, trusting in the help of God and the maternal protection of Mary,” the Pope said at the conclusion of his canonization homily. “From heaven may they now watch over us and sustain us by their powerful intercession.”

St. Vincenzo Grossi, pray for us! St. María de la Purísima Salvat Romero, pray for us! Sts. Zélie and Louis Martin, pray for us!

— Paul Schultz

Our parish offers a wonderful way for families to pray and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life through the Traveling Chalice Program. The following article explains it and is reprinted with permission from the Madison Catholic Herald. Please contact the parish office if you would like to participate. _____________________

Chalice of salvation: Diocese promotes vocation program by Msgr. James Bartylla

How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will raise the chalice of salvation and call on the Lord’s name (Psalm 116:12-13).

Perhaps the most sublime symbols of the vocation of priesthood are the paten and chalice that hold the Body and Blood of Christ. It is for this reason that the most precious gifts at a priestly ordination are the chalice and paten. These sacred vessels are blessed, often by the bishop and sometimes by the pope, forever to be used for sacred use at the altar by a priest. Intimate connection Indeed, an old tradition has the parents of the newly-ordained priest putting their wedding band in the stem of the chalice as a sign of the fruitfulness of their marriage that has brought a son forward as a priest of Jesus Christ. It is in this intimate connection of the priesthood and Eucharist that the Office of Vocations, together with the Madison and

Janesville Serra Clubs and the Southwest Vocations Club, promotes the Traveling Chalice Program for Vocations in parishes throughout the diocese in order to build vocation awareness of priesthood and other church vocations. How it works The chalice and paten are put into a beautiful wooden case with a glass front. Each weekend, at one of the Masses, the chalice and paten case is presented after Communion by the priest to a different family in the parish to take home for the next week. The family takes the case home, displays it in a prominent location, and prays together for vocations each day, such as at the evening meal. The family prays for increased vocations and for the seminarians of the Diocese of Madison. This continues each week with another family from the parish. Visible impact The parishes that have implemented the Traveling Chalice Program praise the program for its visible impact. It is a tangible way of increasing the awareness of vocations to the priesthood. Images create attitudes and attitudes lead to actions. Children begin to ask questions and more people will be talking about vocations and the priesthood in particular. It receives wide acceptance from the parishioners who are eager to join the weekly program. Families begin to pray together and realize the value of family prayer. It brings a greater sense of community to a parish as families share a common project. The fruitfulness of the Traveling Chalice Program is very poignant when the chalice and paten are eventually given to a man ordained from the parish. The parish then purchases another chalice, paten, and case to continue the program. The newly-ordained priest will always remember his home parish and is strengthened in his connection as a priest-son of the parish. May the Lord bless us with workers for His vineyard.

ST. STEPHEN CHURCH, Clinton: St. Stephen Church, 716 Shu-Lar Ln, Clinton, invites you to their 9th Annual Pork Chop Dinner on Sunday, November 1. The day begins with Polka Mass at 10:00 a.m. with Jack Farina and the St. Stephen’s Polka Choir. The Pork Chop Dinner and Bake Sale will be held in the Family Center from 11:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Adults: $12, Kiddos 6-12: $6, Under 5 yrs: FREE! MILTON SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST CHURCH: Hosting their annual Turkey Supper on Tuesday, November 3. Served family style, includes turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, corn, cranberry salad, rolls, tempting pie/ bars and coffee or milk. Adults: $12; Kids 5-12: $5; Under 5: FREE! Bake sale and ticket sales begin at 2:00 p.m. in their church parlor (720 E. Madison Ave). Seating are at 4:30 and 5:15 p.m. Carry-out meals available. 9th ANNUAL POLISH HERITAGE CLUB CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Saturday, November 7 from 9:00 a.m. —3:00 p.m. at KC Hall, 5256 Verona Rd, Fitchburg, WI. Featuring traditional Polish items for purchase: breads, poppy seed rolls, paczki, kolaczki, chrusciki, amber jewelry, Polish pottery, toys, books, hand-painted

wooden and real egg, oplatek and other imported items. There will be demonstrations of Polish crafts: pisanki (egg decorating), wycinanki (paper cutting), and wianki (head wreaths), as well as displays of Polish Wisconsin history, genealogy and live Polish music. A Polish lunch of golabki, pierogi, kielbasa, sauerkraut, rye bread and Polish beer will be available for purchase. Free admission, free parking, wheelchair accessible and credit cards are accepted. Call 608-239 -0398 with questions. GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH FESTIVAL: Good Shepherd Parish Fall Festival (at our St. James Site—1204 St. James Ct., Madison) will be Sunday, November 8 from 9:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Chicken dinner, kids games, bakery, trash-ntreasure sale, raffle, pfeffernuesse cookies and more! Trash-n-treasure sale will have a preview sale on Saturday, November 7 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. $5 admission.

BABES PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is looking for volunteers 55 & older to assist with the BABES Program (Beginning Alcohol and Addiction Basic Education Studies). This is a puppet show educating 1st through 3rd grade students in Rock County about substance abuse, peer pressure, coping skills; while promoting good decision making skills and positive self-image. This 5-week program meets once a week for 45 minutes in the fall and spring. Please Call Laura or Mikki at 608-362-9593 or email Mikki at [email protected] MERCY HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER NEEDED: Are you available from 7:00-10:00 a.m. on Monday or Tuesday? If so, volunteers are needed to assist patients by pushing wheelchairs. Call Jill Ayres at 7566713. MERCY HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Mercy Hospice is seeking volunteers to visit with patients, including veteran volunteers, music volunteers and a variety of other needs. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call 608-754-2201. We would love to have you share your talents with our team!

AMERICA READS: Seeks volunteers to help students who struggle with reading. Please call Laura Anastasi at 608-362-9593 to volunteer. CEDAR CREST: Seeks volunteers to spend time with residents during oneon-one visits. Activities vary. For more information, call 608-373-6327. HEDBERG PUBLIC LIBRARY: Several volunteers opportunities are available, including data entry, mailing and shelf reading. For more information, call 608-758-6588. RESPITE CENTER: A new respite center in Janesville is looking for 12 to 15 volunteers to help children with physical and mental disabilities. Duties include changing diapers, feeding, playing and general housekeeping. Those interested should call 608-2010697 or 608-289-3618. SALVATION ARMY MEAL HELP NEEDED: Their current cook is having hip surgery on November 25 and will not return until after Christmas. Help is needed to make lunches. Please call Julie Cunningham at 608-757-8300 if you are interested.

ST. THOMAS MORE SOCIETY: The news has been full of Catholics and others asserting their rights to Freedom of Religion. All are invited to reflect how “faithful citizens” can navigate occasionally turbulent political waters and leave us better informed in the process. You need not be a member or lawyer to attend this informative event, but please RSVP. A free-will offering for the continental breakfast is requested. WHEN: Friday, November 6. 7:30 a.. Prayers, 7:45-8:45 a.m. presentation WHERE: St. Patrick church, 404 E. Main St, Madison RSVP: Deb O’Brien at [email protected] by Wednesday, November 4

the high school is raising funds for Christmas gifts for teens. Each year our community generously raises money for holiday meals and gifts for needy families. Unfortunately, our teens are often overlooked. At MHS, Interact Club has taken on the task of raising funds to make sure that Milton teens have a gift they can be excited about. We need the help of local community businesses and families to make this effort successful. Would you be willing to make a donation to help give a Milton teenager a better Christmas this year? We will spend approximately $25 on each teen. Please call Jeanne Hergert or Jennifer Ramsden with any questions or to donate at 608-868-9300.

ADULT CATHOLIC SPIRIT CLUB: We will meet on Wednesday, November 11 at St. John Vianney Marian Hall. A potluck dinner will be served—please bring your own table service and a dish to share. Because of member interest, our program will be on “Genealogy”, presented by Nikki Bolka, Reference Librarian for Hedberg Pulbic Library. Blood pressure screenings are offered from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Plan to join us for a short “get-away” from your daily routine to enjoy good food and a good program. For more information, call Ginny at 608-752-4442.

THE PRODIGAL SON & DAUGHTER: This retreat at Schoenstatt Heights on November 7-8 will be directed by Fr. Gerold Langsch, Schoenstatt Father & EWTN presenter of Catholic Formation: In His Image. Start now to prepare for the Year of Mercy! Retreat hours will be Saturday, November 7 from 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Retreat includes: Holy Mass, confession, presentations, discussion, etc. 5901 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison. Cost is $50 per person and includes lunch and dinner. Call Sr. M. Deanne Niehaus at 608-222-7208 or email [email protected]

MILTON HIGH SCHOOL INTERACT CLUB: Once again, the Interact Club at

Buildings & Grounds Commission

The Buildings and Grounds Commission deals with the on-going upkeep of the church and all parish properties, including the church, rectory and cemetery. It inspects the properties annually, and recommends major and minor projects for upkeep.


Meetings are held on the first Tuesday evening of each month beginning at 7:30 p.m. Maintenance/Custodial Personnel:  Fran Swenson: 3 season outside maintenance  Sabrina Elsen and Vicki Kersten: setup and clean up of Parish center and Church Hall.  Catherine Sweeney: cleaning of church and kitchen.  Debbie Iatonna: cleaning of gathering space, restrooms, parish office and rectory.  Betsy Swensen: cemetery caretaker

Current Members: Ed Butler, Rick Elbert, Rudy Gaddini, Norb Jarzynski, Ron Kaiser, Tom Krausse, John Turkowski, Tom Whitney, Ron Yoss.

837 Parkview Dr. Milton, WI 53563 608-868-3338