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defining a complex wavelet packet (CWP) transform. [4]. This is illustrated by fig. 1, on which the subbands are indexed by (p; q) for each tree T. The impulse re-.
SATELLITE IMAGE DECONVOLUTION USING COMPLEX WAVELET PACKETS André Jalobeanu, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Josiane Zerubia Ariana, projet commun CNRS/INRIA/UNSA INRIA, 2004 Route des Lucioles, BP 93 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE e-mail:

[email protected]

ABSTRACT The deconvolution of blurred and noisy satellite images is an ill-posed inverse problem. Donoho has proposed to deconvolve the image without regularization and to denoise the result in a wavelet basis by thresholding the transformed coefficients. We have developed a new filtering method, consisting of using a complex wavelet packet basis. Herein, the thresholding functions associated to the proposed method are automatically estimated. The estimation is performed within a Bayesian framework, by modeling the subbands using Generalized Gaussian distributions, and by applying the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimator on each coefficient. Compared to real wavelet-packet-based algorithms, the proposed method is shift invariant, provides good directionality properties and remains of complexity O(N).



The problem we deal with is the reconstruction of a satellite image from blurred and noisy data. The degradation model is represented by the equation :

Y = HX + N

where H X


basis, after a deconvolution without regularization. It is done by cancelling the coefficients below a given threshold. Such a method is efficient if the basis concentrates the signal X over few coefficients, which is true with wavelet bases. In the case of deconvolution, it is also necessary for the covariance matrix of the deconvolved noise to be nearly diagonal [2] in this basis. This is made possible by using wavelet packets. However, the real wavelet packet transform is not shift invariant, which produces artefacts. Also, it is not rotation invariant because of its separability. Kingsbury has introduced in [3] a complex wavelet transform, which is nearly shift invariant, provides very good directional properties and has been applied to image denoising. This basis is inadequate for our problem because the deconvolved noise prevents from recovering the signal in the highest frequency subbands. That is why we have defined a complex wavelet packet transform.

Kingsbury [3] has developed a quad-tree algorithm, by noting that an approximate shift invariance can be obtained with a real biorthogonal transform by doubling the sampling rate at each scale. This is achieved by computing 4 parallel wavelet trees, which are differently subsampled. The shift invariance is perfect at level 1, and approximately achieved beyond this level : the transform algorithm is designed to optimize the translation invariance. Therefore, it involves two pairs of biorthogonal filters, odd, ho and g o , and even, he and g e . At level j = 1, it is simply a non-decimated wavelet transform (using ho and g o ) whose coefficients are re-ordered


where Y is the observed data, X is the original image and ? denotes a convolution. N is the additive noise and is supposed to be Gaussian, white and stationary, of known variance  2 ' 1:8. H is the convolution operator. The Point Spread Function (PSF) h is known (see fig. 6 for h and Y ). Some authors as Donoho et al. [1], Kalifa and Mallat [2], denoise the image in a real wavelet packet 1


into 4 interleaved images by using their parity. This defines the 4 trees T =A, B , C and D . For j > 1, each tree is processed separately, as a real transform, with a combination of odd and even filters depending on each tree. The transform is achieved by a fast filter bank technique, of complexity O (N ). We have extended the original transform by applying the filters h and g on the detail subbands, thus defining a complex wavelet packet (CWP) transform [4]. This is illustrated by fig. 1, on which the subbands are indexed by (p; q ) for each tree T . The impulse responses, shown in fig. 3, and the corresponding partitioning of the frequency space given in fig. 2, demonstrate the ability to separate up to 26 directions. Compared to real separable transforms, which only define two directions (lines and columns), it nearly provides a rotational invariance and gives a selectivity which enables to better represent strongly oriented textures (thus to better separate them from the noise). o


dj+1,2p,2q T



dj+1,2p,2q+1 T



dj+1,2p+1,2q T



dj+1,2p+1,2q+1 T

Tree T











Figure 2: Rough partition of the frequency space induced by the CWPT

Figure 3: Impulse responses of the CWP transform at level 2 (real part) - left : z , right : z+ denote one of the CWP coefficients corresponding respectively to Y and X . Since the noise N is white and Gaussian, equation (1) multiplied by H 1 gives, in the CWP domain :


Figure 1: One tree of the quad-tree filter bank


The subbands are now indexed by k . Finally, the detail subbands dj;k of the parallel trees A, B , C and D j;k and z j;k , are combined to form complex subbands z+ by a linear transform (represented by a matrix M ) :

z+j;k = (dj;k dj;k ) + i (dj;k + dj;k A D B C) j;k j;k j;k j;k j;k z = (d A + d D ) + i ( d B d C )



j,p,q dT




n = N (0; k2 )


We assume that the noise variance is constant in each subband k . We compute k by considering the undecimated transform of the noise N , which is performed by a linear operator W k (convolution with the impulse response wk , obtained by a inverse CWPT of a Dirac). F denotes the Fourier transform.


k2 = 2

Thresholding the magnitudes jz j without modifying the phase enables to define a nearly shift invariant filtering method.



F [W k ]ij 2 F [h]ij


Generalized Gaussian distributions have been used to modelize real wavelet coefficients [5, 6]. We also propose to use them to modelize the CWP subbands. We have the prior probability of  :

3. OPTIMAL BAYESIAN THRESHOLDING Let us denote X the deconvolved image without regularization. For each subband k , the variables x and 

P () = Z ( 1; p ) e j= k jpk k k



where k is a prior parameter and pk is an exponent. However, we assume that the variables  are independent in a given subband (even if it is not the case between different subbands). On large size images, the parameter k can be efficiently computed by various methods, such as Maximum Likelihood for example. We choose to estimate it automatically from the histogram of a given subband. We estimate the unknown coefficients  within a Bayesian framework [6]. We have demonstrated in [4] that this approach provides slightly better results than the Minimax [1] risk calculus. To compute the MAP estimate of  , we use Bayes law to calculate the expression of the posterior probability :

^ = arg min P ( j x) = arg max P (x j )P () 

the prior law (5)), and they become linear if pk = 2. If pk < 1, which is more realistic for satellite images, the functions become discontinuous. Then, the thresholding functions  pk (x) are numerically computed by solving equation (10) w.r.t. j j. Figure 4 shows the behaviour of these functions for different values of pk . Experimental studies have shown that pk = 0:7 provides an efficient modeling for satellite images [4]. 4 3.5

2.5 2 1.5 1


0.5 0 0

where P (x j  ) is given by the law of the noise :

P (x j ) = 212 e jx j2=2k2 k h

^ = arg min jx j2=2k2 + j= k jpk 






The initial deconvolution is made in the Cosine Transform (DCT) space instead of the Fourier space to avoid artefacts near the borders of the images. The proposed algorithm is called COWPATH, for COmplex Wavelet Packet Automatic THresholding, and consists of the following steps (see fig. 5) :


 DCT of the observation Y  Divide by the Fourier transform of h  Inverse DCT of the result, which gives X  CWP transform (CWPT) of X  Conversion from quad-tree to complex transform using the matrix M defined by eq. (2)  Computation of k using eq. (4)  Estimation of k from histogram of CWPT[X ]  Thresholding noisy coefficients x for each subband k using eq. (10)  Conversion from complex transform to quad-tree using the matrix M 1  Inverse CWPT, which gives the estimate X^ .

  2 jxj = jj 1 + pk pkk jjpk 2 (10) k and arg(x) = arg( ) (11) This shows that  is obtained from x by keeping the

phase, and thresholding the magnitude. It reduces to simple soft thresholding if pk = 1 : Ts (u) = u T , if u > T , and 0 elsewhere. Thus, we have :





2 T^ = k



For complex wavelets, this leads to the following equations :



Figure 4: Magnitude thresholding functions  pk (jxj) corresponding to different values of pk

It is possible to demonstrate that it is equivalent to apply a thresholding operator  pk to the magnitude of each coefficient [4] :

^ = pk (x)


Magnitude |x|

Then we obtain the following expression of the MAP, using the prior law (5) :

^ = Ts^ (x)

"p=0.3" "p=0.7" "p=1.0" "p=1.3" "p=2.0"



The results on an area extracted from a satellite image (SPOT 5 simulation provided by the French Space Agency) are presented in fig. 7.

This classical filtering method naturally comes from the Bayesian approach. The resulting thresholding functions are smoother for pk > 1 (pk is the exponent of 3

The computational cost is given by the two DCTs, of complexity O(log N), and the two CWPTs, of complexity O(N) (the thresholding step is negligible). The cost of the two CWPTs is 264 op/pix. For comparison, the two real wavelet packet transforms used in [2], which are shift invariant since they are not decimated, need 640 op/pix.





Tk H -1

Figure 6: PSF h (1111) and observed image c CNES (SNR=17.7 dB) tracted from Nîmes

Threshold estimation


DCT -1










Thresholding magnitude

Figure 5: The COWPATH algorithm 5. CONCLUSION We have proposed a complex wavelet packet transform to efficiently denoise satellite images deconvolved without regularization. This transform exhibits better directional and shift invariance properties than real wavelet packet transforms, for a lower computational cost. The proposed deconvolution method is superior to other competing algorithms, since it is faster, more accurate and fully automatic.

Figure 7: Image of fig. 6 deconvolved with the proposed algorithm (SNR=23.4 dB) [3] N. Kingsbury. The dual-tree complex wavelet transform: a new efficient tool for image restoration and enhancement. In EUSIPCO, pages 319– 322, Rhodes, Greece, 1998.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Jérôme Kalifa (from CMAPX, École Polytechnique) for many interesting discussions, and Prof. Nick Kingsbury (from the Signal Processing Group, Dept. of Eng., Cambridge University).

[4] A. Jalobeanu, L. Blanc-Féraud, and J. Zerubia. Satellite image deconvolution using complex wavelet packets. INRIA Research Report, to appear in May 2000. [5] S. Mallat. A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, 11(7):674–693, Jul. 1989.

6. REFERENCES [1] D. Donoho and I. Johnstone. Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, 81:425– 455, 1994.

[6] E. Simoncelli. Bayesian inference in wavelet based methods, chapter Bayesian denoising of visual images in the wavelet domain. Springer, 1999.

[2] J. Kalifa and S. Mallat. Bayesian inference in wavelet based methods, chapter Minimax restoration and deconvolution. Springer, 1999. 4