Oct 13, 2012 ... Mr Arthur Casey. Prof Bruce Christianson. Mr Jonathan Cooper. Rev Kenneth
Crawford. Mr Peter Durant. Mr Colin Fleming. Ms Kerstin Froberg.
THE BURGON SOCIETY Founded to promote the study of Academical Dress
A registered Charity number 1137522 Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Saturday 8th October 2011 at 11.30 a.m. at Charterhouse, Charterhouse Sq, London EC1 Present:
Subscribing Fellows Dr John Birch Dr Giles Brightwell Prof Bruce Christianson Rev Kenneth Crawford Mr Colin Fleming Prof William Gibson Dr Nicholas Groves Dr John Horton Rev Dr Stephen James Dr Alex Kerr Mr Charles Tsua
Dr John Brennan Mr Arthur Casey Mr Jonathan Cooper Mr Peter Durant Ms Kerstin Froberg Dr Nicholas Gledhill Dr Thorsten Hauler Dr Nicholas Jackson Mr Ian Johnson Dr Les Robarts
21 Subscribing Fellows were present. Chairman Registrar/Secretary Treasurer
Mr Colin Fleming Dr Thorsten Hauler Mr Ian Johnson
The Chairman declared the meeting to be quorate. 1
Apologies for Absence were received from: Richard Baker, Alan Birt, Michael Brewer, Richard Chartres, Noel Cox, Graham Deans, Kathryn Douglas, Clifford Dunkley, Heinz Fuchs, Mark Gretason, Nicholas Hoffmann, Oliver Keenan, Graeme Knowles, Philip Lowe, John Martin (Marston Robing), Yves Mausen, Gordon Nevill, Andrew North, Gustavo Ornelas Almaraz, Michael Powell, Alan Ross, Elizabeth Scott, Stephen Wolgast, Terry Worroll, Graham Zellick
The Minutes of the meeting held on Saturday 9th October 2010, were approved by the meeting. The motion was proposed by William Gibson, seconded by John Birch, and signed by the Chairman as approved.
The Reports of the Officers of the Society were presented and received by the meeting.
The Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2010 were received and approved and form part of these Minutes. Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Stephen James, and seconded by Alex Kerr, and approved unanimously.
The reports of other Trustees on specific aspects of the Society’s activities were received: Copies of these reports were lodged with the Secretary.
Appointment of Auditor Gareth Miller of 94 Knighton Fields Road East, Leicester LE2 6DQ, was proposed as Auditor to the Society. The motion was proposed by Kenneth Crawford and seconded by William Gibson. The motion was approved unanimously.
Election of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of The Society, together with other Trustees. Nominations for the posts of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary of the Society, together with other Trustees were received as follows: Nominee
Seconded by
Officers Colin Fleming (Chairman) Thorsten Hauler (Secretary) Ian Johnson (Treasurer)
Stephen James Alan Ross Stephen James
James Thomson Nicholas Gledhill Yves Mausen
Trustees: Bruce Christianson Noel Cox Kenneth Crawford Peter Durant William Gibson Nicholas Groves John Horton Nicolas Jackson Alex Kerr Stephen Wolgast
Nicholas Groves Bruce Christianson Giles Brightwell Alex Kerr Ian Johnson Giles Brightwell Nicholas Groves Nicholas Groves Jonathan Cooper Donald Drakeman
Nicholas Jackson Philip Goff William Gibson John Horton Thorsten Hauler Richard Baker Thorsten Hauler Elizabeth Scott Philip Lowe Thorsten Hauler
As the number of nominees was below the maximum number of Trustees permitted these nominations were accepted without a vote by the meeting. 8
Subscription Rates It was noted that the subscription rates payable from 1st October 2011 to 30th September 2012 will remain at current levels.
The Date of the next Annual General Meeting The date for the next AGM was agreed as 13th October 2012. The venue and time to be confirmed and advised to members.
Signed……………………………………… (Chairman)
Signed……………………………………… (Secretary)