Saturday Classroom #1 Classroom #2 Classroom #3 ... - Stuller

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Stanley Zale & Carl Lehnhardt. 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM. Gemvision Matrix 6. Doug Kerns. Lunch Break. Diamond Grading 101. Carl Lehnhardt, Angela Soumeillan,.

Educational Seminar Schedule

Classroom #1 9:00 AM To 10:30 AM Diamond Grading 101

Classroom #2

Classroom #3

9:00 AM to 9:55 AM

9:00 AM to 9:55 AM

Customized Marketing On Demand Kerry Hand

Stuller Preform Sizing System Julia Case

Carl Lehnhardt, Angela Soumeillan, Mindi Courville, Dayna Gary

10:00 AM to 10:55 AM

10:00 AM to 10:55 AM

How to Make Money on Repairs

Selling Colored Gemstones and Pearls

David Gellar

Adam Graham

11:00 AM To 11:55 AM

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM

11:00 AM to 11:55 AM

Diamond Market Update

Gemvision Matrix 6

Dazor - Lighting

Stanley Zale & Carl Lehnhardt

Doug Kerns

Scott Grayson

9:00am - 12:00pm

Lunch Break

12:00pm - 1:00pm

1:00 PM To 2:30 PM Diamond Grading 101 Carl Lehnhardt, Angela Soumeillan, Mindi Courville, Dayna Gary

1:00 PM to 1:55 PM Changing the selling and shopping experience in your store Bob Cox, Shawn Montgomery, Lori Carter

1:00 PM to 1:55 PM Digital Photography Ezequiel Nacach

2:00 PM to 2:55 PM

2:00 PM to 2:55 PM

How to Make Money on Repairs

Make Money with Direct Marketing

David Gellar

Carl Marino

1:00pm - 4:00pm 3:00 PM To 3:55 PM

3:00 PM to 3:55 PM

3:00 PM to 3:55 PM

Lean Manufacturing

Gemvision Digital Goldsmith

Selling Colored Gemstones and Pearls

Shane Guidry and Troy Douet

Doug Kerns

Adam Graham

4:00 PM to 4:55 PM

4:00 PM to 4:55 PM

4:00 PM to 4:55 PM

Technological Advances in Stringing and Findings

Basic Gemstone Identification

E-commerce Websites Made Easy

Wyatt White, Fernando Dasilva

Gary Venable

Howard Cohen

Classroom #1 9:00 AM To 10:30 AM Diamond Grading 101

Sunday Classroom #2

Classroom #3

9:00 AM To 9:55 AM Changing the selling and shopping experience in your store Bob Cox, Shawn Montgomery, Lori Carter 10:00 AM To 10:55 AM

Carl Lehnhardt, Angela Soumeillan, Mindi Courville, Dayna Gary

How to Make Money on Repairs David Gellar

9:00am - 12:00pm

12:00pm - 1:00pm

11:00 AM To 11:55 AM

11:00 AM To 11:55 AM

Gemvison Matrix 6

Dazor - SpecFinder

Doug Kerns

Scott Grayson

Lunch Break