SAU RESTRUCTURING-Contacts.pdf - Google Drive

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Aug 15, 2017 - TASK ~ Special Education CONTACT. Individual Education Plans (IEP's) > Set up of meetings, and. access
SAU RESTRUCTURING – Contacts TASK ~ Budgets / Other


Budgets > Personnel changes, questions on account coding Other > You don’t see a contact for a particular category

Pauline Plourde Pauline Plourde

TASK ~ Federal Funds


Grant Application > Need assistance? State Reporting > Changes needed to the online grant activities Status on Available Funds left in your grant Reimbursements > Send completed forms with original receipts and building administrator signature. (Also applies to general fund reimbursements.)

Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw

TASK ~ Human Resource


Applications > all types (teacher, paraprofessional, custodian, bus driver, substitutes, etc). Once interviews are completed, all notes need to be forwarded to the SAU office. Contract questions > Applies to your main position, extra curriculum, athletics, summer work, etc. Course Reimbursement for College Classes Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) > Need time away due to your own illness or that of a family member Insurances – Health/Dental, New Hampshire Retirement (NHRS) > change your address, change in beneficiaries, marital status, birth of a child Job Openings > posting on our website, School Spring, local paper New Hire Package > Fingerprinting, insurance paper work, IRS forms Wellness Challenges > Wellness programs/challenges

Karen Couture

Workers Compensation > file a claim due to injury, request additional forms, Process questions/clarification

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Karen Couture Karen Couture Karen Couture Karen Couture

Karen Couture Karen Couture Karen Couture & Pauline Plourde Karen Couture

Dated 8/15/2017

TASK ~ Miscellaneous


Board Packet Information > send in pdf/word/google (with edit rights) if possible for inclusion on the Google drive Elected Positions > openings for the board, posting on website and/or local paper Revenues > Gate Receipts (athletics, plays), Lost books, Student activities (Welding, Culinary, etc.) Scholarships > Applies to Errol and GRS Cooperative (Meghan Santy, Dollars for Scholars, etc.) School District Annual Reports > Information to be included in the annual report Student Activities > Fundraiser Applications, Bank Reconciliation, Monthly Reporting Tuition Billing

Lisa Sankiw

TASK ~ Payroll


Payroll > Need help in understanding your pay stub, questions on your salary/hourly figure on your pay stub, deductions. Sick/Vacation/Professional Days > Questions regarding balances, etc Time Sheets > Due at the end of the two-week cycle, questions regarding filing out your timesheet

Lorna Aldrich

TASK ~ Professional Development


Activities - Individual > enter into My Learning Plan for prior approval and final approval Activities – Group > request to enter in group activities such as staff meetings, In-service days, etc. My Learning Plan > forgot password, trouble with login in and general questions using the program. Professional Development Plan > questions on process, etc. Recertification > Once your plan is in the final year of a 3-year cycle, need to make sure all hours are entered for Superintendent approval and steps to recertify on the State website Reimbursements > Send completed forms with original receipts and building administrator signature.

Karen Couture

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Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw

Lorna Aldrich Lorna Aldrich

Karen Couture Karen Couture Karen Couture Karen Couture

Karen Couture

Dated 8/15/2017

TASK ~ Purchasing/Payables


Invoice Payments > questioning whether a bill has been paid Online Purchasing > Amazon, Teacher pay Teacher, others Purchase Orders > Status on purchase orders Vendors > Need a new vendor added? Address changes Walmart Purchases > Credit card not working properly, etc Requisitions > Need Funds moved (transferred), approval status

Lorna Aldrich Lorna Aldrich Lorna Aldrich Lorna Aldrich Lorna Aldrich Pauline Plourde

TASK ~ Special Education


Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) > Set up of meetings, and access to the plans Medicaid Billing > bi-weekly filled out forms should be sent in at the same time as timesheets (payroll) WEBSITES > Assistance in NHSEIS, SEAS, updating/accessing student information

Lisa Picard

TASK ~ State Reporting (i4see)/ Lunch Program


Direct Certification > check status on a student Free & Reduced Lunch Applications Monthly Claims Reporting> # of students partaking in the lunch program SASID > New student needing a SASID number Student/State Reporting > BOY, Class & Course, EOY, NECAP labels, SAT, etc.

Pauline Plourde Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw

TASK ~ Technology


Account Set Up > applies to new hires Equipment > trouble with your computer, projectors, etc. Help Desk website @ Google Accounts Infinite Visions > forgot password, set up new account Log In > Computer, NHDOE website, SAU website

Amanda Ramsay Amanda Ramsay

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Lisa Picard Lisa Picard

Lisa Sankiw Lisa Sankiw

Amanda Ramsay Pauline Plourde Amanda Ramsay

Dated 8/15/2017

When calling the SAU office, the main phone line is 466-3632. If you are calling outside of the GRS Cooperative Schools, you must dial the main phone line and once prompted dial the extension of who you are attempting to reach. When making calls from the Edward Fenn and/or the Gorham Middle & High Schools, simply dial the extension of the person you are trying to reach.




Paul Bousquet


[email protected]


Pauline Plourde

Business Administrator

[email protected]


Kim Bartoli-Brown

SPED Director

[email protected]


Amanda Ramsay

Technology Director

[email protected]


Lorna Aldrich

Business Assistant

[email protected]


Karen Couture

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]


Lisa Picard

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]


Lisa Sankiw

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]


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Dated 8/15/2017