Airports have been changing from Transport Canada Administration to being ...
AAS012-3 Airport Planning and Marketing. Note: This course is made up the ...
PROGRAM OVERVIEW Airports have been changing from Transport Canada Administration to being owned and operated by municipally and locally owned companies. This program will provide the individual with the knowledge to work in a complicated airport environment. The individual will have an understanding of all aspects of airport operations and will be able to contribute in each of the different functions. This program is designed for those who wish to get into the airport industry and consolidates information for those already working for an airport and who wish to advance in their chosen field. You can start this program anytime. All program material is included in the program fee. You have one year to complete the program. Students in this program are not eligible for OSAP funding. Fill out the Registration Form and mail or drop-off to Sault College at the address stated on the form to begin learning.
ADMISSIONS MINIMUM ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS Ontario Secondary School graduate or 19 years of age or over.
CAREER PATHS Graduates may seek employment as an Airport Manager, Airport Operations Officer, Airport Maintenance Manager, Manager of Safety and Security, Airport Marketing and Administration Officer. For more details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, see the Government of Canada website:
PROGRAM OF STUDY SEMESTER 1 AAS010-3 Airport Operations and Maintenance Note:
This course is made up the following modules: • • • • • •
Airport Maintenance Operations Airport Equipment Operations Winter Operations Airside Facilities Air Terminal Development and Operations Airport Aprons and Special Aviation Events
AAS012-3 Airport Planning and Marketing Note:
This course is made up the following modules: • • • • • •
History of Airports The Airport Community Airport/Airline Interface Airport Planning Airport Marketing Airport Accounting
AAS014-3 Airport Safety and Security Note:
This course is made up the following modules: • • • • • • • •
Airport Safety Airport Security Airport Emergency Planning Airport Rescue and Firefighting Navigational Aids and Radio Procedures Airport Noise Airport Environment Program Aviation Fuelling
PROGRAM OF STUDY NOTES Important Note: You can only register for the program, not for an individual course. You can start anytime. The price of the program is $480.
Course Descriptions Semester 1 Airport Operations and Maintenance (AAS010) (3 credits) This course is part of the Airport Administration and Services Certificate Program. Airport Planning and Marketing (AAS012) (3 credits) This course is part of the Airport Administration and Services Certificate Program. Airport Safety and Security (AAS014) (3 credits) This course is part of the Airport Administration and Services Certificate Program.